Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic toasts were roposed ; tlrse were interspersed with n chni-e selection of glees , songs , recita ions , Ac , and a very pleasant ovening was brought to a close with the Tyler ' s toast .
Wentworth Lodee , No . 737 . —A meeting was held on Mo > -d < iv , nt th ° Hind Hotel . Wellingborough . Present—Bros . John Hv . Hale W . M ., N . S . Hewens S . W ., John Perrin J . W .. L . C Knight Sec . E . Hemsted S . D ., W . Renshaw J . D ., P . Dainty D . C , J . Willis Steward . C . Matthews I . G ., W . Matthews Tyler ; P . M . 's Bros . B . B . Am , Rev . Bro . HM 1 Chaplain . Visitor—Bro . T . Brown , of Tin
Tolerance . Tho minu s es nf last meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot wns successful for Bros . Jos . Aekrovd , of Witham Lodge , No . ? 97 . and . T Bailie , of Pemfret Lodge , No . 3 ^ 0 . as joining members ; nnd for Mr . William Brown Oldham , as a candidate for our mvsteriei . Mr . W . B . Oldham was present , and was initiated hv tho W . M . Bro . John H . Ha'e . The Lodgo was then closed . The brethren afterwards supped together , and spent a jovial evening .
New Concord Lodere of Instruction , No . 813 . —Hold at Bro . Fysb ' s , Jolly Farmer ' s , Southgate-road , on Wednesday the 20 th inst . Present : — Bros . S . George W . M ., Cogan S . W ., Trewinnard J . W ., Cusworth Precentor . Spnrgin S . D ., Elliston J . D ., Main I . G . ; also Bros . Fenner , Stock , Whale . Powell , tiro . After the nsnal preliminaries had been observed the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . Whale
as candidate . Bro . Fenner gave proof of his proficiency and was entrusted . Lodge being advanoed , ths ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Fenner candidate ; both ceremonies were ably rehearsed by the W . M . Bro Stock worked tho first section of the second lecture , assisted by the brethren . On the proposition of Bro . Fenner ,
seconded by Bro . Stock , a sum of five guineas wai voted ont nf the Lodgo funds to bo placed on the list of Bro . TrewinnaTd , W . M . of the Kingsland Lodgo No . 1693 , who will act as a Steward on behalf of the Benevolent Institution . Bro . Trewinnard returned thanks . Bro . Cogan was elected W . M . fin- the ensuing week , after which Lodge was elosed , and the meeting adjourned until Wednesday at 8 .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday , ' 19 th inst ., a great nnmbor of brethren , admirers of our beautiful leotures , assembled at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-rnad , Dalston , to hear the rendering of the Fifteen Sections . An invitation ; had been given to the Percy Lodgo of Instruction to send the requisite number of brethren—which invitation was cordially accepted , \
and the following selected as representatives : —Bros . Tolmie W . M ., Pearcy S . W ., Killick J . W . The first lecture was worked by tho f <> llowing brethren : —Bros . Gibhs . Brand , Millington , Hallam sen ., Stock , Killick , and Byng . Second lecture—Bro 3 . Brasted , C . Lorkin , Hallam jnn ., Hallam sen ., and Fenner . Third lecture—J . Lorkin , Pearcy , and Trewinnard . It need hardly be said the working was
good , the names of those who assisted being sufficient guarantee . Bro . P . M . Wallington Preceptor , in moving a vote of thanks to tho Percy brethren for thoir attendance , made a few pertinent remarks as to the desirability of these friendly visits to Lodges ; social good feeling amongst the brethren was thereby cultivated . Theso remarks
were afterwards endorsed by Bro . Tolmie and the worthy Secretary Bro . Dallas . After a hint had been given by Bro . Pearcy that a return visit would shortly be expected—a hint he may rest assured will be promptly taken—Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned until Tuesday next , at eight o'clock , when Bro . Gilham will preside .
Whittington Lodge of Instruction , No . 862 . —On Wednesday , 20 tb November , at Bro . Hyde ' s , Red Lion , Poppin ' s Court , Fleet-street . Present—Bros . R . P . Tate W M ., J . S . Brown S . W ., Welsford J . W ., Vzznrd S . D ., Drnry J . D ., Knill , Abell I . G ., Long P . M . Preceptor , and others . Lodge was opened to the
second degree . Bro . Tompsett having offered himself as a candidate for the third , was examired ami entrusted . Lodge was opened up , and the ceremony of raising completed by the W . M . iu his nsual impressive manner . The sections were tlwn worked by the W . M ., who afterwards closed the Lodge down . Bro . J . S . Brown was oleoted W . M . for the ensning weok , and the Lodge was closed .
St . Barnabas Lodge , No . 948 . —A meeting was held on 5 th November , at the Masonie . rooms , Linsdale , Leighton Bnzzard . Present—Bros . Daniel Forbes W . M ., Holland S . W ., P . M . McCnbbin as J . W ., P . M . Poynter Secretary , Fonntaine Treasurer , Willis S . D ., MoDowall J . D ., Yates I . G ., Gibbs Tyler ; Past Masters McCabbin , Fountaine , King , Poynter , Forbes ; Bros . Bnshell , Bradshaw ,
Nelson , Eames , Smith , Knight ; Visitors—Bros . Sills and Gotto P . M . Business—Lodge opened . Minutes read and confirmed . A letter was read respecting a testimonial to the widow of the late Bro . "Wentworth Little ; also a letter soliciting a Steward for the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution . Messrs Smith and Knight were balloted for , and the result was unanimons in their favour . These
Wandsworth Lodge No . 1044 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Spread Eagle Hotel , Wandsworth , ou Wednesday , the 20 th inst ., Bro . J . G . Carter P . M . in the absence of the W . M . Bro . W . A . Morgan being in the chair . There were also present : —Bros . Boddy S . W ., A . B . Walker J . W ., H . Francis S . D ., F . Wardroper J . D .,
gentlemen were then admitted , initiated , and invested . The tools were presented , and their uses , operative and speculative , explained . Lodge opened np , aud Bros . Poynter Prov . Grand Reg . Berks and Bucks explained the third tracing board to Bros . Bushell and Eames . Lodge closed down . It was proposed by Bro . Nelson , and seconded by Bro . Eames , that Bro . Sills become a joining member of this Lodge . After which Lodgo was closed .
f . J . Holland I . G ., H . R . Jones P . M ., P . V . Danham , J . Tucker , F . Reed , H . Wilson , J . Frost , H . F . Goodchild , W . Marshall , Field , \ . D . Newens , W . A . Blackmore Indnstry 1485 , and M . Chamberlain Corinth 1122 , Naepore , Bombay . Bro . Tucker was raiser ] to the ¦ mblime degree of M . M ., and Bros . Marshall and Field were nassed . Bro . J . Frost the Secretary , was presented with a jewel and a purse of five guineas , for his past services .
Hartington Lodge , No . 1085 , Derby . — The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Derbyshire Masonio Hall . Present—Bros . G . PipeH W . M ., J . 0 . Manton Sec . as S . W ., W . B . Hextall J . W ., M . H . Bobart P . M . Past Prov . Senior Grand Warden Treas . as Sec , S . Steele S . D ., G . Arnold as J . D ., W . L . Dodd as Organist , W . Butterfield I . G ., J . Worsnop
P . M ., Ac ; Bros . Hart , Wallis , Coultbnrst , Pnpplevfell , Walters , Lane , Carr , Belfield ; and visitor Bro . Hndson . The ballot was taken in favour nf Bros . Richardson of the Philanthropy Lodge , Stookton-on . Tees , Cadman of the Callender Lodge , Rnsholme Manchester , Wagstaff of tho Unanimity Lodge , Penrith , and Chas . Osborne , a London resident but frequent visitor to Derby . Bros . Belfield and Carr were respectively advanced to tho second and third degrees , the
ablo work of tho W . M . being excellently supported by bis Officers . A supplementary grant from the Lodge funds was voted to tho nearly exhausted fnnd 3 of the Town Almoners . Sundry communications were read , and other bnsiness disposed of . After which the brethren adjourned to the banquet-room ; there , in the " fourth degree , " to promote the genuine good fellowship which exists among them , and to welcome a contingent of visiting brethren to tho mys . teries of the " advanced step . "
I Lord Warden Lodge , No . 1096 . —A meeting was held on I Friday , 15 th November , at the Lodgo-room , St . Georges Hall , Deal . I Present : — Bros . John Laggett S . W ., H . R . L . Butting J . W . T . J . Usher Sec , F . Haslip S . D . pro tern , W . Carter field J . D ., F . England Steward , S . Willey I . G ., S . Holgato Tyler ; Past Masters Bros . A . H . Des Barres , Thos . J . Usher P . P . G . R . Visitors—Bros . John Arnold and
Jas . Corps , of No . 784 , Wellington , J . Miles , C . J . Hnrst , H . Webb , G . Rivers . In the absence of the VV . M . the Lodgo was opened by the Immediate Past Master Bro . A . H . Des Barres . Tho minutes of the last regular meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Messrs . H . Abrara and H . V . Shaw , being candidates , and having at a previous meeting bean duly balloted For and approved , were then duly
and regularly initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The charge was given by Bro . J . W ., and the Lodge closed . The whole of the work was satisfactorily performed . Tho meeting was adjourned until the first Friday in December . Tho brethren afterwards spent an hour socially ; the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts being duly honoured .
Anglesea Lodge , No . 1113 . —The annual Installation took place on Tuesday , the 12 th in 3 t ., at the Bull Hotel , Llangefni , and the following brethren were present—Bros . John Peters P . M . 597 P . P . G . S . W ., W . L . Banks P . M . P . P . G . S . W . and P . G . M . C . ; T . H ,
Warrington W . M ., Thos . Pritchard S . W .. George Jones Hughes J . W ., Dr . Wm . Evans P . M ., Evan Williams I . P . M ., Hy . Lloyd I . P . M . 1488 , James Treweek W . M . 1488 , John Elli 3 P . M . 597 , Owen Rowlands 1488 , Joseph Crewdson 1113 , C . S . Dyer 1488 , Th . Evans I . G . 1488 , Wm . H . Jones 1113 . B . Roose P . M . 1488 , Wm . Jones J . W . 1488 , Wm . Pritchard 591 , Sharp 597 , Wood 597 , W . P . Elliott S . W . 597 ,
Jas . Smith S . W . 1488 , D . Wynne Williams W . M . 384 , W . Price 755 , Cross 914 Phoenix Lodge , Jamaica , Thos . Owen 332 Union Lodge , Glasgow , Bodgcben , Sparrow , Williams , Fred Jones 1113 , Owen I Roberts Tyler . The Lodge was opened at 1 . 30 by the W . M . ; as no bnsiness excepting that of Installation was to be transacted , the Lod ^ e was opened to the second degree , and tho chair taken by Bro .
John Peters , who acted a 3 Installing Master , and Bro . Thomas Pritchard tbo W . M . Elect was introduced by Bro . Evans P . M . and obligated . The usual ceremony of installation wa 3 impressivel y performed by Bro . Peters , assisted by Bros . Dr . Evans , Hy . Lloyd , and all the above-named Masters . The following were the Officers appointed : —Bros . Thomas Pritchard W . M ., George J . Hughes S . W .,
Wm . Tregevin Hnghes J . W ., Dr . William Evans P . M . Treas ., Dr . E . Williams P . M . Sec , Fred . Jones S . D ., W . H . Jones J . D ., 0 . E . Owen I . G ., R . H . Williams P . M . Chaplain , James Treweek Org ., Crewdson Steward , Owen Roberts Tyler . At 4 . 30 an excellent banquet wa 3 served by Bro . Crewdson . The usual loyal and other toasts on these occasions having beeu gone through , the brethren dispersed at an early hour .
Gilbert Greenall Lodge , No . 1250 . —The regular monthly meetiug was held at the Masonic Rooms , Warrington , on Tuesday , the 12 th inst . Present—Bros . D . W . Finney W . M ., J . Armstrong I . P . M ., T . Auckland S . W ., T . Sutton J . W ., Spencer Wallberd Sec , J . H . Galloway Treasurer , G . Mackey as S . D ., G . 0 . Brian as J . D ., J . Galloway as I . G ., T . Domvillo Tyler . P . M . ' s W . Wood , P . Edelsten , W .
Richards , and Bros . Wm . Reid , Wm . Taylor , Jas . Farrington , T . Speakman , R . Heaton , Wm . Bolton , & c Visitors—A Harries 318 , Scotland , & c . The Lodge was opened at 7 p . m ., the minntes of last meeting wero read , found correct , and ratified . This Lodge , under the able Mastorsship of Bro . Finney , i 3 very happy and prosperous , and the brethren aro working up a musical service ,
for which there is plenty of talent in the Lodge . There wa 3 work anticipated , but through unforeseen circumstances , it was postponed . It is to be regretted that the Senior and Junior Deacons , as well as the I . G ., were absent . It looks unfavourable to have three Officers of a Lodgo away ; each night they miss they lose much beneficial instruction . The brethren of Warrington are very desirous of building for their Lodges a Temple , and there can be no doubt
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic toasts were roposed ; tlrse were interspersed with n chni-e selection of glees , songs , recita ions , Ac , and a very pleasant ovening was brought to a close with the Tyler ' s toast .
Wentworth Lodee , No . 737 . —A meeting was held on Mo > -d < iv , nt th ° Hind Hotel . Wellingborough . Present—Bros . John Hv . Hale W . M ., N . S . Hewens S . W ., John Perrin J . W .. L . C Knight Sec . E . Hemsted S . D ., W . Renshaw J . D ., P . Dainty D . C , J . Willis Steward . C . Matthews I . G ., W . Matthews Tyler ; P . M . 's Bros . B . B . Am , Rev . Bro . HM 1 Chaplain . Visitor—Bro . T . Brown , of Tin
Tolerance . Tho minu s es nf last meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot wns successful for Bros . Jos . Aekrovd , of Witham Lodge , No . ? 97 . and . T Bailie , of Pemfret Lodge , No . 3 ^ 0 . as joining members ; nnd for Mr . William Brown Oldham , as a candidate for our mvsteriei . Mr . W . B . Oldham was present , and was initiated hv tho W . M . Bro . John H . Ha'e . The Lodgo was then closed . The brethren afterwards supped together , and spent a jovial evening .
New Concord Lodere of Instruction , No . 813 . —Hold at Bro . Fysb ' s , Jolly Farmer ' s , Southgate-road , on Wednesday the 20 th inst . Present : — Bros . S . George W . M ., Cogan S . W ., Trewinnard J . W ., Cusworth Precentor . Spnrgin S . D ., Elliston J . D ., Main I . G . ; also Bros . Fenner , Stock , Whale . Powell , tiro . After the nsnal preliminaries had been observed the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . Whale
as candidate . Bro . Fenner gave proof of his proficiency and was entrusted . Lodge being advanoed , ths ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Fenner candidate ; both ceremonies were ably rehearsed by the W . M . Bro Stock worked tho first section of the second lecture , assisted by the brethren . On the proposition of Bro . Fenner ,
seconded by Bro . Stock , a sum of five guineas wai voted ont nf the Lodgo funds to bo placed on the list of Bro . TrewinnaTd , W . M . of the Kingsland Lodgo No . 1693 , who will act as a Steward on behalf of the Benevolent Institution . Bro . Trewinnard returned thanks . Bro . Cogan was elected W . M . fin- the ensuing week , after which Lodge was elosed , and the meeting adjourned until Wednesday at 8 .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday , ' 19 th inst ., a great nnmbor of brethren , admirers of our beautiful leotures , assembled at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-rnad , Dalston , to hear the rendering of the Fifteen Sections . An invitation ; had been given to the Percy Lodgo of Instruction to send the requisite number of brethren—which invitation was cordially accepted , \
and the following selected as representatives : —Bros . Tolmie W . M ., Pearcy S . W ., Killick J . W . The first lecture was worked by tho f <> llowing brethren : —Bros . Gibhs . Brand , Millington , Hallam sen ., Stock , Killick , and Byng . Second lecture—Bro 3 . Brasted , C . Lorkin , Hallam jnn ., Hallam sen ., and Fenner . Third lecture—J . Lorkin , Pearcy , and Trewinnard . It need hardly be said the working was
good , the names of those who assisted being sufficient guarantee . Bro . P . M . Wallington Preceptor , in moving a vote of thanks to tho Percy brethren for thoir attendance , made a few pertinent remarks as to the desirability of these friendly visits to Lodges ; social good feeling amongst the brethren was thereby cultivated . Theso remarks
were afterwards endorsed by Bro . Tolmie and the worthy Secretary Bro . Dallas . After a hint had been given by Bro . Pearcy that a return visit would shortly be expected—a hint he may rest assured will be promptly taken—Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned until Tuesday next , at eight o'clock , when Bro . Gilham will preside .
Whittington Lodge of Instruction , No . 862 . —On Wednesday , 20 tb November , at Bro . Hyde ' s , Red Lion , Poppin ' s Court , Fleet-street . Present—Bros . R . P . Tate W M ., J . S . Brown S . W ., Welsford J . W ., Vzznrd S . D ., Drnry J . D ., Knill , Abell I . G ., Long P . M . Preceptor , and others . Lodge was opened to the
second degree . Bro . Tompsett having offered himself as a candidate for the third , was examired ami entrusted . Lodge was opened up , and the ceremony of raising completed by the W . M . iu his nsual impressive manner . The sections were tlwn worked by the W . M ., who afterwards closed the Lodge down . Bro . J . S . Brown was oleoted W . M . for the ensning weok , and the Lodge was closed .
St . Barnabas Lodge , No . 948 . —A meeting was held on 5 th November , at the Masonie . rooms , Linsdale , Leighton Bnzzard . Present—Bros . Daniel Forbes W . M ., Holland S . W ., P . M . McCnbbin as J . W ., P . M . Poynter Secretary , Fonntaine Treasurer , Willis S . D ., MoDowall J . D ., Yates I . G ., Gibbs Tyler ; Past Masters McCabbin , Fountaine , King , Poynter , Forbes ; Bros . Bnshell , Bradshaw ,
Nelson , Eames , Smith , Knight ; Visitors—Bros . Sills and Gotto P . M . Business—Lodge opened . Minutes read and confirmed . A letter was read respecting a testimonial to the widow of the late Bro . "Wentworth Little ; also a letter soliciting a Steward for the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution . Messrs Smith and Knight were balloted for , and the result was unanimons in their favour . These
Wandsworth Lodge No . 1044 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Spread Eagle Hotel , Wandsworth , ou Wednesday , the 20 th inst ., Bro . J . G . Carter P . M . in the absence of the W . M . Bro . W . A . Morgan being in the chair . There were also present : —Bros . Boddy S . W ., A . B . Walker J . W ., H . Francis S . D ., F . Wardroper J . D .,
gentlemen were then admitted , initiated , and invested . The tools were presented , and their uses , operative and speculative , explained . Lodge opened np , aud Bros . Poynter Prov . Grand Reg . Berks and Bucks explained the third tracing board to Bros . Bushell and Eames . Lodge closed down . It was proposed by Bro . Nelson , and seconded by Bro . Eames , that Bro . Sills become a joining member of this Lodge . After which Lodgo was closed .
f . J . Holland I . G ., H . R . Jones P . M ., P . V . Danham , J . Tucker , F . Reed , H . Wilson , J . Frost , H . F . Goodchild , W . Marshall , Field , \ . D . Newens , W . A . Blackmore Indnstry 1485 , and M . Chamberlain Corinth 1122 , Naepore , Bombay . Bro . Tucker was raiser ] to the ¦ mblime degree of M . M ., and Bros . Marshall and Field were nassed . Bro . J . Frost the Secretary , was presented with a jewel and a purse of five guineas , for his past services .
Hartington Lodge , No . 1085 , Derby . — The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Derbyshire Masonio Hall . Present—Bros . G . PipeH W . M ., J . 0 . Manton Sec . as S . W ., W . B . Hextall J . W ., M . H . Bobart P . M . Past Prov . Senior Grand Warden Treas . as Sec , S . Steele S . D ., G . Arnold as J . D ., W . L . Dodd as Organist , W . Butterfield I . G ., J . Worsnop
P . M ., Ac ; Bros . Hart , Wallis , Coultbnrst , Pnpplevfell , Walters , Lane , Carr , Belfield ; and visitor Bro . Hndson . The ballot was taken in favour nf Bros . Richardson of the Philanthropy Lodge , Stookton-on . Tees , Cadman of the Callender Lodge , Rnsholme Manchester , Wagstaff of tho Unanimity Lodge , Penrith , and Chas . Osborne , a London resident but frequent visitor to Derby . Bros . Belfield and Carr were respectively advanced to tho second and third degrees , the
ablo work of tho W . M . being excellently supported by bis Officers . A supplementary grant from the Lodge funds was voted to tho nearly exhausted fnnd 3 of the Town Almoners . Sundry communications were read , and other bnsiness disposed of . After which the brethren adjourned to the banquet-room ; there , in the " fourth degree , " to promote the genuine good fellowship which exists among them , and to welcome a contingent of visiting brethren to tho mys . teries of the " advanced step . "
I Lord Warden Lodge , No . 1096 . —A meeting was held on I Friday , 15 th November , at the Lodgo-room , St . Georges Hall , Deal . I Present : — Bros . John Laggett S . W ., H . R . L . Butting J . W . T . J . Usher Sec , F . Haslip S . D . pro tern , W . Carter field J . D ., F . England Steward , S . Willey I . G ., S . Holgato Tyler ; Past Masters Bros . A . H . Des Barres , Thos . J . Usher P . P . G . R . Visitors—Bros . John Arnold and
Jas . Corps , of No . 784 , Wellington , J . Miles , C . J . Hnrst , H . Webb , G . Rivers . In the absence of the VV . M . the Lodgo was opened by the Immediate Past Master Bro . A . H . Des Barres . Tho minutes of the last regular meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Messrs . H . Abrara and H . V . Shaw , being candidates , and having at a previous meeting bean duly balloted For and approved , were then duly
and regularly initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The charge was given by Bro . J . W ., and the Lodge closed . The whole of the work was satisfactorily performed . Tho meeting was adjourned until the first Friday in December . Tho brethren afterwards spent an hour socially ; the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts being duly honoured .
Anglesea Lodge , No . 1113 . —The annual Installation took place on Tuesday , the 12 th in 3 t ., at the Bull Hotel , Llangefni , and the following brethren were present—Bros . John Peters P . M . 597 P . P . G . S . W ., W . L . Banks P . M . P . P . G . S . W . and P . G . M . C . ; T . H ,
Warrington W . M ., Thos . Pritchard S . W .. George Jones Hughes J . W ., Dr . Wm . Evans P . M ., Evan Williams I . P . M ., Hy . Lloyd I . P . M . 1488 , James Treweek W . M . 1488 , John Elli 3 P . M . 597 , Owen Rowlands 1488 , Joseph Crewdson 1113 , C . S . Dyer 1488 , Th . Evans I . G . 1488 , Wm . H . Jones 1113 . B . Roose P . M . 1488 , Wm . Jones J . W . 1488 , Wm . Pritchard 591 , Sharp 597 , Wood 597 , W . P . Elliott S . W . 597 ,
Jas . Smith S . W . 1488 , D . Wynne Williams W . M . 384 , W . Price 755 , Cross 914 Phoenix Lodge , Jamaica , Thos . Owen 332 Union Lodge , Glasgow , Bodgcben , Sparrow , Williams , Fred Jones 1113 , Owen I Roberts Tyler . The Lodge was opened at 1 . 30 by the W . M . ; as no bnsiness excepting that of Installation was to be transacted , the Lod ^ e was opened to the second degree , and tho chair taken by Bro .
John Peters , who acted a 3 Installing Master , and Bro . Thomas Pritchard tbo W . M . Elect was introduced by Bro . Evans P . M . and obligated . The usual ceremony of installation wa 3 impressivel y performed by Bro . Peters , assisted by Bros . Dr . Evans , Hy . Lloyd , and all the above-named Masters . The following were the Officers appointed : —Bros . Thomas Pritchard W . M ., George J . Hughes S . W .,
Wm . Tregevin Hnghes J . W ., Dr . William Evans P . M . Treas ., Dr . E . Williams P . M . Sec , Fred . Jones S . D ., W . H . Jones J . D ., 0 . E . Owen I . G ., R . H . Williams P . M . Chaplain , James Treweek Org ., Crewdson Steward , Owen Roberts Tyler . At 4 . 30 an excellent banquet wa 3 served by Bro . Crewdson . The usual loyal and other toasts on these occasions having beeu gone through , the brethren dispersed at an early hour .
Gilbert Greenall Lodge , No . 1250 . —The regular monthly meetiug was held at the Masonic Rooms , Warrington , on Tuesday , the 12 th inst . Present—Bros . D . W . Finney W . M ., J . Armstrong I . P . M ., T . Auckland S . W ., T . Sutton J . W ., Spencer Wallberd Sec , J . H . Galloway Treasurer , G . Mackey as S . D ., G . 0 . Brian as J . D ., J . Galloway as I . G ., T . Domvillo Tyler . P . M . ' s W . Wood , P . Edelsten , W .
Richards , and Bros . Wm . Reid , Wm . Taylor , Jas . Farrington , T . Speakman , R . Heaton , Wm . Bolton , & c Visitors—A Harries 318 , Scotland , & c . The Lodge was opened at 7 p . m ., the minntes of last meeting wero read , found correct , and ratified . This Lodge , under the able Mastorsship of Bro . Finney , i 3 very happy and prosperous , and the brethren aro working up a musical service ,
for which there is plenty of talent in the Lodge . There wa 3 work anticipated , but through unforeseen circumstances , it was postponed . It is to be regretted that the Senior and Junior Deacons , as well as the I . G ., were absent . It looks unfavourable to have three Officers of a Lodgo away ; each night they miss they lose much beneficial instruction . The brethren of Warrington are very desirous of building for their Lodges a Temple , and there can be no doubt