Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
years past secret agents have been sent from Russia to the Ameer is substantially correct . As no satisfactory answer ¦ was expected from the Ameer , the Indian Government prepared a Proclamation declaring that the Ameer had left them no resource but to assert the power of England
Orders to advance have been issued , and the British troops have crossed the frontier . The enemy , who were in possession of Port Kapion , retired on the approach of the English , and it was found on reaching Kapatyanga Fort that it had been evacuated . Both were at once taken possession of
by our troops . Count SchouvalofF , after several days ' stay at Pesth and interviews with the Emperor of Austria and Count Andrassy , left for Paris , whence he is expected to return immediately to London . It is generally believed that he has not succeeded in obtaining support to the
proposition for another Congress to revise the stipulations of the Berlin Treaty . Prince Dondoukoff , the Russian Governor of Bulgaria , has been summoned to Livadia , where the Czar is staying . An agitation is going on in Bulgaria for the election of Prince Dondoukoff as the future head
of that State . The insurgents in Macedonia are still active , and reports are received daily at Constantinople of Mussulman villages burnt and their inhabitants driven away . The object of these attacks is assumed to be to expel the Mahomedan population , and to occupy the
province with Bulgarian immigrants . The communications between the British and United States Governments upon the Fisheries question are believed to be closed in a satisfactory manner . The amount of compensation
awarded by the Commissioners will be paid this week . From Canada we learn that great preparations are being made to accord a fitting reception to the Marquis of Lome and the Princess Louise on their arrival there .
Installation Meeting Of The Lodge Of Israel, No. 1502.
fTIHB regular monthly meeting of this influential and prosperous - * - Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , on Monday the 18 th inst . Present : —Bro . Alex . Jones W . M . in the ohair ; Bros . S . Schonstadt S . W . ; Rev . H . D . Marks J . W ., H . A . Tobias as S . D ., S . J . Henochsberg J . D ., Maurice Hart P . M . Secretary , J . Defrece Treasurer , Ralph Robinson P . M . P . G . R . D . C , A . J . Henochsberg P . M .,
Alpass P . G . Secretary , Bowes P . M . 118 P . P . G . S . D . West Lancashire , P . P . G . J . W . Westmoreland and Cumberland , P . Maomnldrow P . M . 1299 P . P . G . S . D ., G . Broadbridge P . M . 241 P . P . G . D . C ., D . Lavenstein W . M . Lodge of Israel , Birmingham , 1474 , J . Windsor VV . M . 241 , F . Barnett W . M . 249 , Evans W . M . 1350 , Rev . T . W . Richardson P . M . 1380 , Dr . Bailey S . W . 786 , H . Gabriel 2 U , Mackenzie S . W . 1609 , & c .
4 c . The W . M . opened the Lodge in tho usual form . The minutes being read and confirmed , tho ballot was taken on behalf of Messrs . Phillips , Mamelock and Roboll ; it proved favourable in each case . This being the evening for the installation of the VV . M . elect , the Lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bros . S . Schonstadt was introduced 10 receive the benefit of installation ; the necessary questions
being put to him and answered , he was duly obligated . The Lodge waa then opened in the Masters' Degree , when all those present below the rank of Installed Officer , were requested to withdraw . The VV . M ., who acted as Installing Master , then opened the board of Installed Masters , and inducted the new W . M . into the chair , after which the brethren were readmitted and saluted their W . M . The following
brethren were invested as Officers of the Lodge : —Bros . Alex . Jones I . P . M ., M . Hart P . M . D . C , Rev . Prag Prov . G . C . Chaplain , Rev . H . D . Marks S . W ., H . A . Tobias J . W ., Isaac Defrece Treasurer re-elected , S . J . Henochsberg Secretary , Maurice Aronsberg S . D ., M . P . Tueski J . D ., Veale Organist , Joseph Saber I . G . by proxy , H . W . Wright S . S ., D . Gflbrielsen J . S ., W . Ball Tyler re-elected . After which the W . M .
initiated Messrs . Phillips , Mamelock and Robell into the mystic Order in a manner that reflected great credit on him . The brethren were then called from labour to refreshments and partook of an excellent and recherche banquet . Grace having been said by the Chaplain , Bro . Prag . the W . M . proposed the toasts . The first on the list is one which ia at all times received by Masons with enthusiasm j I need not
further commend it to your notice , I ask you to drink to the health of H . M , the Qneen . This toast was received with eclat , and God save the Qneen was & b y given by Bro . Salomon Ja'Mhs . The second toast tho W . M . felt sure would be equally wpll received ; the ability oF nur sovereign head of the Ciaft H . R . H . the Prince of \ vales M . VV . G M . ol ' EnglHnd , as a Mason , is well known . The G . M . has often prnve i , bv
the interest he Hikes in Masonry , that he has it at heart , he is eouseqnently entitled to i ur Inlest regard and esteem . He would there - fore iisk them to respond to 'he toast , with wh ch he would stssoeiati the Princess of Wales and ibo rest of the Royal Family . This toast wns heartily responded to by tho brethren , and God Blest the Prince of Wales ably ^ iven by Brother Venle the Org ^ ti'si . The next feast wnini-ed ihe Earl of Carnarvon Prov . G . M ., Lur
Skelmersdale D . G . M . ll . W . P . G . M . of Lancashire , and Prov . Gr . u rl Officers , all of whun were esteemed m i mport on to the impm-tan duties they discharged . In Lord Skelmers' a ' e , as Prov . G . M ., as man , anil as Mason , we have no superior , if any equal ; tlumust be the opinim of all who Imve witnessed the excellent , way h disclui'f es the business of Grand Lod ^ e ; more partinilarly at tin Grand Lodge meeting recently beld ao tUu ; Pliiitjar ? aouio Had , ( bt >
Installation Meeting Of The Lodge Of Israel, No. 1502.
largest and most successful ever held in this Province . Ihe screat interest he takes in Masonry fully entitles him to the esteem in which he is held by the Craft in general . We have the honour of having present here this evening various P . G . Officers , amongst others the P . G . Secretary Bro . A ' . pass , who has fulfilled that important office in this Province for a number of years , and ho
( the W . M ) well knew he had discharged his duty with zeal and issiduity , and is therefore held in the highest respect , not only by those with whom he comes in close connection , bnt by all the Masonio brethren in the Province . The next P . G . Officer it afforded him particular pleasure to mention on this occasion was one from our midst , who had lately had the distinguished honour of being
appointed P . G . R ., an honour which ha had justly earned . By this appointment , the members of the Lodge of Israel feel highly favoured . The brother referred to is P . M . Robinson . He need not here eulogise the exoellent qualities he possesses , they are well known to all . He—as the first Master of this Lodge ( to whom the members owe a debt of gratitude , and to whose exertions the
success of the Lodgo is mainly dne)—set such an admirable example by his well ruling , that it conld not fail to havo tho desired effect . His conduct has been emulated by all those brethren who have succeeded him . He hoped that Bro . Robinson might be spared many years to afford Masonry in general and the Lodge of Isreal in particular that support and assistance whioh at all times he is so willing to
give . Without further remarks , he would ask them to drink to the Officers of Grand Lodge , supreme and subordinate , coupling with the toast the names of Bro . Alpass and Bro . Robinson . Bro . Alpass P . G . S . in responding to this toast complimented the W . M . and members on the successful and prosperous condition of their Lodge , also on its admirable adminstration and working since its formation
four years ago . He doubted not that under the leadership of the present W . M . it would not lose its lustre . Bro . Robinson P . M . P . G . R . also acknowledged tho toast at considerable length ; he felt himself highly flattered by the eulogium passed upon him j he also intimated that he had been appointed President of the Hamer Benevolent Fund , and trusted that the brethren , who were never
behiud others in charity , would give their hearty support to this Fund . Tho next toast was that of the newly installed W . M ., very ably proposed by tho I . P . M . Bro . Jones , the Installing Master , who congratulated the members of the Lodge on the selection they had made in placing such an excellent and worthy brother at their head . He had known Bro . Schonstadt for many years , and proposed
him as candidate for Masonry in his mother Lodge , the Pembroke 1299 , some five years ago ; ever since they had followed eaoh other step by step ; therefore he was more than pleased at having had the honour and pleasure of installing him . He felt sure that the Lodge would be managed by Bro . Schonstadt as well as by any of the preceding Masters , more particularly as he had
been for three years the chairman of a most influential body . Bro . Schonstadt on rising was received with acclamation . In returning thanks for the hearty and cordial manner in which his health had been proposed and responded to , he begged to express his deep sense of gratitude to the members of the Lodge of Israel for having elected and placed him by their unanimous vote , in the high and
exalted position of W . M . for the ensuing year , an honor whioh he much appreciated , and of which be felt proud . He was fully sensible of the difficulties under which he bad to labonr in the discharge of his important duties , but he would endeavour , as far as his humble and earnest exertions would permit , to do his best to gain the approbation of the members , uphold the dignity of the Lodge , and further its
iuterestsand prosperity . When the time came that he had to vacate the chair , he would haod the warrant orer to his saccessor in the same pure and unsullied condition he had reoeived it . In the discharge of the important duties devolving ou him , he required the support of the members of the Lodge , and trusted they would afford him that kindness which they had so readily shown his predecessors . In tho
Officers appointed he placed every confidence ; they would faithfully discharge their respective duties , and render the necessary assistance that he required of them in the well ruling and governing of the Lodge . He hoped and trusted that , under the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe , his year of office would be a pleasant and prosperous one . The W . M . next proposed the health of the I . P . M .,
Installing Master Bro . Alex . Jones , who he complimented on the energy with which he had bruught to a satisfactory close his year of office ; also upon his crowning effort of so successfully installing him in his stead ; it gave him great pleasure to place upon his breast a handsome P . M . 's jewel , which the Lodge had voted bitn in recognition of his merits , and as a memento of the respeot in which he is held by
the members . He wished him many years of health to wear it , and to continue his valuable services to the Lodge of which he was now a P . M . and honoured member . Bro . A . Jones in responding thanked the brethren for the great kindness and forbear . iB . ee shown him during his year of office , also for the haudsome jewel with which they had presented him . He would look upon it as an incentive to further efforts .
In giving the health i . f the . Visitors the VV . M . remarked th ; s toast was one that required litile Jotn . nent ; it recommends itself at all times . In the Lodge of Israel it is received ou all occasions with pleasure and eoriinlity . H- eotld assuro the visiting brethren , one and all , that the members were huppy to see thorn , aud were ever ready to welcome tliem . He hoped and trusted the Lodge might never he
vvithout Visitors . Arjund were many distinguished brethien , tmong . st others the W . M . of thoir namesake the Lodge of Israel , Bi' -minuhnm j this worthy friend and brother came iroui a distance . o "in him tumour , for win h tie felt deepiy th . uiklul . He assured th fii gueai I lint the . brethren were delimited to see him . Wo have v 4 . ihe VV . M . of thu Merchants , aud the VV . M . of the M . iri . iors
r'nri : es ; both these brethren bear the highest reputation , as Masons , ., 'M for their ability as Mooters ; to the VV . M . of the Merchants jiwlge , Bro . Windsor , he felt deepiy indebted tor his kiuduess and . inrtesy , also fir his having at all times givon him ( the speaker ) -Mluable . assistance ' u his Maxjiiic care r . ''* . hoped that the other vjaiUug brethren , would forgive hjw if ho did nut !
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
years past secret agents have been sent from Russia to the Ameer is substantially correct . As no satisfactory answer ¦ was expected from the Ameer , the Indian Government prepared a Proclamation declaring that the Ameer had left them no resource but to assert the power of England
Orders to advance have been issued , and the British troops have crossed the frontier . The enemy , who were in possession of Port Kapion , retired on the approach of the English , and it was found on reaching Kapatyanga Fort that it had been evacuated . Both were at once taken possession of
by our troops . Count SchouvalofF , after several days ' stay at Pesth and interviews with the Emperor of Austria and Count Andrassy , left for Paris , whence he is expected to return immediately to London . It is generally believed that he has not succeeded in obtaining support to the
proposition for another Congress to revise the stipulations of the Berlin Treaty . Prince Dondoukoff , the Russian Governor of Bulgaria , has been summoned to Livadia , where the Czar is staying . An agitation is going on in Bulgaria for the election of Prince Dondoukoff as the future head
of that State . The insurgents in Macedonia are still active , and reports are received daily at Constantinople of Mussulman villages burnt and their inhabitants driven away . The object of these attacks is assumed to be to expel the Mahomedan population , and to occupy the
province with Bulgarian immigrants . The communications between the British and United States Governments upon the Fisheries question are believed to be closed in a satisfactory manner . The amount of compensation
awarded by the Commissioners will be paid this week . From Canada we learn that great preparations are being made to accord a fitting reception to the Marquis of Lome and the Princess Louise on their arrival there .
Installation Meeting Of The Lodge Of Israel, No. 1502.
fTIHB regular monthly meeting of this influential and prosperous - * - Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , on Monday the 18 th inst . Present : —Bro . Alex . Jones W . M . in the ohair ; Bros . S . Schonstadt S . W . ; Rev . H . D . Marks J . W ., H . A . Tobias as S . D ., S . J . Henochsberg J . D ., Maurice Hart P . M . Secretary , J . Defrece Treasurer , Ralph Robinson P . M . P . G . R . D . C , A . J . Henochsberg P . M .,
Alpass P . G . Secretary , Bowes P . M . 118 P . P . G . S . D . West Lancashire , P . P . G . J . W . Westmoreland and Cumberland , P . Maomnldrow P . M . 1299 P . P . G . S . D ., G . Broadbridge P . M . 241 P . P . G . D . C ., D . Lavenstein W . M . Lodge of Israel , Birmingham , 1474 , J . Windsor VV . M . 241 , F . Barnett W . M . 249 , Evans W . M . 1350 , Rev . T . W . Richardson P . M . 1380 , Dr . Bailey S . W . 786 , H . Gabriel 2 U , Mackenzie S . W . 1609 , & c .
4 c . The W . M . opened the Lodge in tho usual form . The minutes being read and confirmed , tho ballot was taken on behalf of Messrs . Phillips , Mamelock and Roboll ; it proved favourable in each case . This being the evening for the installation of the VV . M . elect , the Lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bros . S . Schonstadt was introduced 10 receive the benefit of installation ; the necessary questions
being put to him and answered , he was duly obligated . The Lodge waa then opened in the Masters' Degree , when all those present below the rank of Installed Officer , were requested to withdraw . The VV . M ., who acted as Installing Master , then opened the board of Installed Masters , and inducted the new W . M . into the chair , after which the brethren were readmitted and saluted their W . M . The following
brethren were invested as Officers of the Lodge : —Bros . Alex . Jones I . P . M ., M . Hart P . M . D . C , Rev . Prag Prov . G . C . Chaplain , Rev . H . D . Marks S . W ., H . A . Tobias J . W ., Isaac Defrece Treasurer re-elected , S . J . Henochsberg Secretary , Maurice Aronsberg S . D ., M . P . Tueski J . D ., Veale Organist , Joseph Saber I . G . by proxy , H . W . Wright S . S ., D . Gflbrielsen J . S ., W . Ball Tyler re-elected . After which the W . M .
initiated Messrs . Phillips , Mamelock and Robell into the mystic Order in a manner that reflected great credit on him . The brethren were then called from labour to refreshments and partook of an excellent and recherche banquet . Grace having been said by the Chaplain , Bro . Prag . the W . M . proposed the toasts . The first on the list is one which ia at all times received by Masons with enthusiasm j I need not
further commend it to your notice , I ask you to drink to the health of H . M , the Qneen . This toast was received with eclat , and God save the Qneen was & b y given by Bro . Salomon Ja'Mhs . The second toast tho W . M . felt sure would be equally wpll received ; the ability oF nur sovereign head of the Ciaft H . R . H . the Prince of \ vales M . VV . G M . ol ' EnglHnd , as a Mason , is well known . The G . M . has often prnve i , bv
the interest he Hikes in Masonry , that he has it at heart , he is eouseqnently entitled to i ur Inlest regard and esteem . He would there - fore iisk them to respond to 'he toast , with wh ch he would stssoeiati the Princess of Wales and ibo rest of the Royal Family . This toast wns heartily responded to by tho brethren , and God Blest the Prince of Wales ably ^ iven by Brother Venle the Org ^ ti'si . The next feast wnini-ed ihe Earl of Carnarvon Prov . G . M ., Lur
Skelmersdale D . G . M . ll . W . P . G . M . of Lancashire , and Prov . Gr . u rl Officers , all of whun were esteemed m i mport on to the impm-tan duties they discharged . In Lord Skelmers' a ' e , as Prov . G . M ., as man , anil as Mason , we have no superior , if any equal ; tlumust be the opinim of all who Imve witnessed the excellent , way h disclui'f es the business of Grand Lod ^ e ; more partinilarly at tin Grand Lodge meeting recently beld ao tUu ; Pliiitjar ? aouio Had , ( bt >
Installation Meeting Of The Lodge Of Israel, No. 1502.
largest and most successful ever held in this Province . Ihe screat interest he takes in Masonry fully entitles him to the esteem in which he is held by the Craft in general . We have the honour of having present here this evening various P . G . Officers , amongst others the P . G . Secretary Bro . A ' . pass , who has fulfilled that important office in this Province for a number of years , and ho
( the W . M ) well knew he had discharged his duty with zeal and issiduity , and is therefore held in the highest respect , not only by those with whom he comes in close connection , bnt by all the Masonio brethren in the Province . The next P . G . Officer it afforded him particular pleasure to mention on this occasion was one from our midst , who had lately had the distinguished honour of being
appointed P . G . R ., an honour which ha had justly earned . By this appointment , the members of the Lodge of Israel feel highly favoured . The brother referred to is P . M . Robinson . He need not here eulogise the exoellent qualities he possesses , they are well known to all . He—as the first Master of this Lodge ( to whom the members owe a debt of gratitude , and to whose exertions the
success of the Lodgo is mainly dne)—set such an admirable example by his well ruling , that it conld not fail to havo tho desired effect . His conduct has been emulated by all those brethren who have succeeded him . He hoped that Bro . Robinson might be spared many years to afford Masonry in general and the Lodge of Isreal in particular that support and assistance whioh at all times he is so willing to
give . Without further remarks , he would ask them to drink to the Officers of Grand Lodge , supreme and subordinate , coupling with the toast the names of Bro . Alpass and Bro . Robinson . Bro . Alpass P . G . S . in responding to this toast complimented the W . M . and members on the successful and prosperous condition of their Lodge , also on its admirable adminstration and working since its formation
four years ago . He doubted not that under the leadership of the present W . M . it would not lose its lustre . Bro . Robinson P . M . P . G . R . also acknowledged tho toast at considerable length ; he felt himself highly flattered by the eulogium passed upon him j he also intimated that he had been appointed President of the Hamer Benevolent Fund , and trusted that the brethren , who were never
behiud others in charity , would give their hearty support to this Fund . Tho next toast was that of the newly installed W . M ., very ably proposed by tho I . P . M . Bro . Jones , the Installing Master , who congratulated the members of the Lodge on the selection they had made in placing such an excellent and worthy brother at their head . He had known Bro . Schonstadt for many years , and proposed
him as candidate for Masonry in his mother Lodge , the Pembroke 1299 , some five years ago ; ever since they had followed eaoh other step by step ; therefore he was more than pleased at having had the honour and pleasure of installing him . He felt sure that the Lodge would be managed by Bro . Schonstadt as well as by any of the preceding Masters , more particularly as he had
been for three years the chairman of a most influential body . Bro . Schonstadt on rising was received with acclamation . In returning thanks for the hearty and cordial manner in which his health had been proposed and responded to , he begged to express his deep sense of gratitude to the members of the Lodge of Israel for having elected and placed him by their unanimous vote , in the high and
exalted position of W . M . for the ensuing year , an honor whioh he much appreciated , and of which be felt proud . He was fully sensible of the difficulties under which he bad to labonr in the discharge of his important duties , but he would endeavour , as far as his humble and earnest exertions would permit , to do his best to gain the approbation of the members , uphold the dignity of the Lodge , and further its
iuterestsand prosperity . When the time came that he had to vacate the chair , he would haod the warrant orer to his saccessor in the same pure and unsullied condition he had reoeived it . In the discharge of the important duties devolving ou him , he required the support of the members of the Lodge , and trusted they would afford him that kindness which they had so readily shown his predecessors . In tho
Officers appointed he placed every confidence ; they would faithfully discharge their respective duties , and render the necessary assistance that he required of them in the well ruling and governing of the Lodge . He hoped and trusted that , under the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe , his year of office would be a pleasant and prosperous one . The W . M . next proposed the health of the I . P . M .,
Installing Master Bro . Alex . Jones , who he complimented on the energy with which he had bruught to a satisfactory close his year of office ; also upon his crowning effort of so successfully installing him in his stead ; it gave him great pleasure to place upon his breast a handsome P . M . 's jewel , which the Lodge had voted bitn in recognition of his merits , and as a memento of the respeot in which he is held by
the members . He wished him many years of health to wear it , and to continue his valuable services to the Lodge of which he was now a P . M . and honoured member . Bro . A . Jones in responding thanked the brethren for the great kindness and forbear . iB . ee shown him during his year of office , also for the haudsome jewel with which they had presented him . He would look upon it as an incentive to further efforts .
In giving the health i . f the . Visitors the VV . M . remarked th ; s toast was one that required litile Jotn . nent ; it recommends itself at all times . In the Lodge of Israel it is received ou all occasions with pleasure and eoriinlity . H- eotld assuro the visiting brethren , one and all , that the members were huppy to see thorn , aud were ever ready to welcome tliem . He hoped and trusted the Lodge might never he
vvithout Visitors . Arjund were many distinguished brethien , tmong . st others the W . M . of thoir namesake the Lodge of Israel , Bi' -minuhnm j this worthy friend and brother came iroui a distance . o "in him tumour , for win h tie felt deepiy th . uiklul . He assured th fii gueai I lint the . brethren were delimited to see him . Wo have v 4 . ihe VV . M . of thu Merchants , aud the VV . M . of the M . iri . iors
r'nri : es ; both these brethren bear the highest reputation , as Masons , ., 'M for their ability as Mooters ; to the VV . M . of the Merchants jiwlge , Bro . Windsor , he felt deepiy indebted tor his kiuduess and . inrtesy , also fir his having at all times givon him ( the speaker ) -Mluable . assistance ' u his Maxjiiic care r . ''* . hoped that the other vjaiUug brethren , would forgive hjw if ho did nut !