Article FREEMASONRY IN PERU. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article " ERRATIC SHILLINGS." Page 1 of 1 Article " ERRATIC SHILLINGS." Page 1 of 1 Article ADDRESS OF CONGRATULATION TO THE D.P.G.M. OF SUFFOLK. Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry In Peru.
¦ was chartered in Lima , a Lodge bearing the same name , and formerly ( in 1823 ) organised in the city , having appparently ceased . In November , the National Grand Orient was acknowledged by , and exchanged representatives with , the Grand Lodge of New York . In March 1856
tho Grand Lodge of Hamburgh followed the example of New York , and exchanged representatives with the Peruvian Grand Orient , while , in the same year , the Supreme Council 33 ° for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States , accredited a representative to the Supreme Council of Peru .
On 5 th May 1856 , a Code of Statutes for the Order in Peru was adopted and promulgated , but they wore found to be very defective , and , as they placed the government of the Society entirely in the hands of the Supreme Council , great dissatisfaction , which , afterwards broke out into open
rebellion , resulted among the members of the Symbolic Lodges . On 17 th August 1856 , Bro . Quiros was elected Grand Master of the Orient , and the same year was succeeded by Bro . Ferreira . At this time there were in all fourteen Lodges under this Government—namely , seven
Lodges , of which three were at Lima , one at Callao , one at Guayaquil in Ecuador , one at Huaraz , and one at Conception in Chili , together with five of the 8 th , 10 th , 25 th , 30 th , and 32 nd degrees in Lima , and one each of the 8 th in Callao and Guayaquil . In May 1857 , a Supreme Grand
Chapter of Rites was assembled , and issued four new regulations ; these , however , gave great dissatisfaction , and three Lodges , two at Lima and one Callao Lodge , met and formally expressed their independence . By the
Constituof 1864 , the passing and enforcement of all laws rests solely with the Grand Orient . This is the [ limit to which the sketch furnished to us is carried . Wo shall continue the history as "we receive the further account .
We do not hold oursel-ues responsible for the opinions of our Cor . respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . All Letters must bear the name and address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIE AND BROTHER , —Referring to tho report in your contemporary of tho last Committee Meeting of the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institntion , at which meeting Bro . John Constable , P . M . 185 , is reported to have asked Bro . James Terry , the Secretary of the Institution , the number of annuitants on its funds , and whether the
Province of Devon was not the largest in that respect ? Bro . Constable suggesting that tho Province and its Grand Master bo solicited to aid the Institution at the coming Festival in February next . For tho information of Bro . Constable , knowing the deep interest he takes in our Charities , and for all whom it may concern , I beg to say this suggestion has been fully anticipated . Since August last the Provincial Grand Lodge of Devon has voted the sum of £ 100 to the
K . M . B . Institution , the Provincial Grand Maark Lodge of Devon £ 10 . Various private Lodges and Chapters in the Province have , since August last , voted sums to the samo Institution , to be placed on the lists of Bros . Charles Godtschalk and J . E . Curteis , Stewards for their Province for this year . Tho amounts so voted from these private Lodges and Chapters in the aggregate doubtless reach £ 200 , and will be augmented before the date of the Festival in February next .
Out of the monies voted by the Province since August last , the sum of £ 110 was actually in the hands of Bro . James Terry , the Secretary , at the moment Bro . Constable asked the question . Allow me also to remark , that if Bro . Constable will refer to the published list of tho E . M . B . Institution he will find our beloved Prov
G . Master , the Eev . J . Huyshe , is a larger supporter to that particular Institntion than any other Prov . G . Master in England , he being in possession , by self and family alone , of over 150 votes , and that he is handsomely represented on the lists of our other Masonic Charities , and that his name is another word for benevolence .
Believe me , yours fraternally , CHARLES GODTSCHALK , P . M . 70 and 1255 , P . G . D ., Steward for Devon for E . M . B . 1 . 1876-7
" Erratic Shillings."
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I quite agree with your correspondents , Alpha and E . C , that uniformity of subscription to our three Charities is desirable , and I trust those whom it mav concern
" Erratic Shillings."
principally , that is , tho Committee of the Benevolent Institntion , will lose no time in making the needful alteration . I can say , honestly , that if a collector called upon me for a subscription to it matters not what Institution , it would make no diffei'euee to me whether I subscribed a guinea or a pound ; that is , I should not feel the difference between a guinea and a pound , while by taking tho aggregate
of say five hundred subscriptions , tho Institntion would derive a very substantial benefit from the difference between them . Or , to reduce the matter to actual figures , five hundred guinea instead of pound contributions mean an additional receipt of £ 25 . In the case of our Benevolent Institutions , as tho subscriptions amount to several thousands of pounds , the addition would be
several hundreds . Truly a cliifereuco worth advocating ! It will be urged , perhaps , by some , that as a vote at ono election is given to every ono who subscribes five shillings to the Benevolent Institution , while no such privilege is accorded to tho supporters , to a like amount , of tho other Charities , somo difficulty may perhaps arise , from the fourth part of a gninoa , unlike tho guinea itself ,
being an awkward sum . I do not myself see this . If ifc is deemed politic to retain the five shilling vote , let it be retained , by all means , but let the same privilege be extended to five shilling contributors to the Boys' and Girls' Institutions . Or , let ifc be abolished . This , I think , would be the justev plan to follow . Why should A have a vote for the Benevolent Fund , for the small sum of five shillings , while B , who figures in a Stewards' list for one of the other Charities for a
like amount , has none ? If the object of assigning a vote for this amount is to secure as much support as possible from the less wealthy , then ifc should be extended to all the three Charities , or , if it turn out to be comparatively worthless as an inducement in the cause to which it ia now applied , the regulation should be struck out . I think that uniformity ia desirable , especially as the substitution of guineas in lieu of pounds will be so profitable a change to tho Charity for which Bro . Terry labours so diligently . Yours fraternally , AN OLD FIH .
Address Of Congratulation To The D.P.G.M. Of Suffolk.
AT a recent meeting of tho Stour Valley Lodge , No . 1 , 224 , ifc was proposed by the Worshipful Master , Bro . H . Welham , seconded by Bro . W . L . Lewis , that an address of congratulation be presented to the Eev . 0 . J . Martyn on his appointment as Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Suffolk . The W . M . and P . M . 's were appointed as the deputation , and the address was afterwards drawn up by them , and most beautifully illuminated on vellum , by Miss Berry , of Ballingdon . The corners are illuminated with the Masonic emblems ;
headed with tho jewel of tho D . P . G . M . in gold ; the Master ' s emblem , Sec . and P . M . 's emblem afc the sides ; at the bottom the Past Grand Chaplain of England's emblem . The deputation , consisting of the W . M ., Bro . H . Welham , Bros . G . Grimwood I . P . M ., J . F . Hills P . M . and P . P . G . J . W ., aud F . Wheeler P . M ., presented the address , on Wednesday morning , at the Eectory , Long Melford , and were entertained afc luncheon . Tho following is tho address : —
"To the Very Worshipful the Eeverend Charles J . Martyn , P . G . C . of England , D . P . G . M . of Suffolk , & c , & o . " We , the undersigned Worshipful Mastei * , Past Masters , and Officers of the Stotir Valley Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons , of ourselves and brethren , in conformity with a unanimous resolution of a Lodge of Emergency held November 21 st , 187 G , beg to offer to
you oar mosi sincere and hearty congratulations upon your succession to the honourable office of Deputy Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Suffolk . " We are deeply sensible of the great privilege so long enjoyed by our Lodge in having amongst our members so distinguished and
zealous a Mason . We feel that the worthy selection made by the Eight Worshipful Provincial Grand Master will not only add to the stability and good working of Masonry in this province , and meet with the unanimous approval of all its members , bat will also reflect
honour and credit upon our Lodge . " That it may please the Great Architect of the Universe to spare yon many years to enjoy the privileges of the exalted position so justly bestowed upon you , will ever bo tho prayer of your faithful and sincere Brethren in Masonry .
" The Members of the Stour Valley Lodge , No . 1224 . " Signed by the following officers : —H . Welham W . M ., G . Grimwood I . P . M ., F . Wheeler P . M ., J . F . Hills P . M ., 0 . Emmerson S . W ., W . H . Smith J . W ., A . O . Stead S . D ., N . Aprile J . D ., E . R . Boulter I . G ., C . J . Cardmall D . C .
Friends in Council Chapter of the Holy Eoyal Arch , held a Meeting of Emergency , at 33 Golden-square , on Saturday , the lGtli inst . The Right Hon . the Baron Henneker , S . W . of Lodgo 1629 , Robert Fyers , J . D . of the Bayard , and Dr . Thomas Beswick Purchas , P . M . of Lodge
420 , were exalted . The Eight Hon . the Earl of Donough more , Sir George Henry Scott Douglas , the Chevalier C E . Habicht , the Eev . Arthur Bruce Frazer , the Eev
Frederick Kill Harford , and Samuel Graham Bake Esq . were elected joining members . Dr . Eobert Hamilton , Grand Superintendent of Jamaica , presided over the ceremony , with his well-known customary ability .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry In Peru.
¦ was chartered in Lima , a Lodge bearing the same name , and formerly ( in 1823 ) organised in the city , having appparently ceased . In November , the National Grand Orient was acknowledged by , and exchanged representatives with , the Grand Lodge of New York . In March 1856
tho Grand Lodge of Hamburgh followed the example of New York , and exchanged representatives with the Peruvian Grand Orient , while , in the same year , the Supreme Council 33 ° for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States , accredited a representative to the Supreme Council of Peru .
On 5 th May 1856 , a Code of Statutes for the Order in Peru was adopted and promulgated , but they wore found to be very defective , and , as they placed the government of the Society entirely in the hands of the Supreme Council , great dissatisfaction , which , afterwards broke out into open
rebellion , resulted among the members of the Symbolic Lodges . On 17 th August 1856 , Bro . Quiros was elected Grand Master of the Orient , and the same year was succeeded by Bro . Ferreira . At this time there were in all fourteen Lodges under this Government—namely , seven
Lodges , of which three were at Lima , one at Callao , one at Guayaquil in Ecuador , one at Huaraz , and one at Conception in Chili , together with five of the 8 th , 10 th , 25 th , 30 th , and 32 nd degrees in Lima , and one each of the 8 th in Callao and Guayaquil . In May 1857 , a Supreme Grand
Chapter of Rites was assembled , and issued four new regulations ; these , however , gave great dissatisfaction , and three Lodges , two at Lima and one Callao Lodge , met and formally expressed their independence . By the
Constituof 1864 , the passing and enforcement of all laws rests solely with the Grand Orient . This is the [ limit to which the sketch furnished to us is carried . Wo shall continue the history as "we receive the further account .
We do not hold oursel-ues responsible for the opinions of our Cor . respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . All Letters must bear the name and address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIE AND BROTHER , —Referring to tho report in your contemporary of tho last Committee Meeting of the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institntion , at which meeting Bro . John Constable , P . M . 185 , is reported to have asked Bro . James Terry , the Secretary of the Institution , the number of annuitants on its funds , and whether the
Province of Devon was not the largest in that respect ? Bro . Constable suggesting that tho Province and its Grand Master bo solicited to aid the Institution at the coming Festival in February next . For tho information of Bro . Constable , knowing the deep interest he takes in our Charities , and for all whom it may concern , I beg to say this suggestion has been fully anticipated . Since August last the Provincial Grand Lodge of Devon has voted the sum of £ 100 to the
K . M . B . Institution , the Provincial Grand Maark Lodge of Devon £ 10 . Various private Lodges and Chapters in the Province have , since August last , voted sums to the samo Institution , to be placed on the lists of Bros . Charles Godtschalk and J . E . Curteis , Stewards for their Province for this year . Tho amounts so voted from these private Lodges and Chapters in the aggregate doubtless reach £ 200 , and will be augmented before the date of the Festival in February next .
Out of the monies voted by the Province since August last , the sum of £ 110 was actually in the hands of Bro . James Terry , the Secretary , at the moment Bro . Constable asked the question . Allow me also to remark , that if Bro . Constable will refer to the published list of tho E . M . B . Institution he will find our beloved Prov
G . Master , the Eev . J . Huyshe , is a larger supporter to that particular Institntion than any other Prov . G . Master in England , he being in possession , by self and family alone , of over 150 votes , and that he is handsomely represented on the lists of our other Masonic Charities , and that his name is another word for benevolence .
Believe me , yours fraternally , CHARLES GODTSCHALK , P . M . 70 and 1255 , P . G . D ., Steward for Devon for E . M . B . 1 . 1876-7
" Erratic Shillings."
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I quite agree with your correspondents , Alpha and E . C , that uniformity of subscription to our three Charities is desirable , and I trust those whom it mav concern
" Erratic Shillings."
principally , that is , tho Committee of the Benevolent Institntion , will lose no time in making the needful alteration . I can say , honestly , that if a collector called upon me for a subscription to it matters not what Institution , it would make no diffei'euee to me whether I subscribed a guinea or a pound ; that is , I should not feel the difference between a guinea and a pound , while by taking tho aggregate
of say five hundred subscriptions , tho Institntion would derive a very substantial benefit from the difference between them . Or , to reduce the matter to actual figures , five hundred guinea instead of pound contributions mean an additional receipt of £ 25 . In the case of our Benevolent Institutions , as tho subscriptions amount to several thousands of pounds , the addition would be
several hundreds . Truly a cliifereuco worth advocating ! It will be urged , perhaps , by some , that as a vote at ono election is given to every ono who subscribes five shillings to the Benevolent Institution , while no such privilege is accorded to tho supporters , to a like amount , of tho other Charities , somo difficulty may perhaps arise , from the fourth part of a gninoa , unlike tho guinea itself ,
being an awkward sum . I do not myself see this . If ifc is deemed politic to retain the five shilling vote , let it be retained , by all means , but let the same privilege be extended to five shilling contributors to the Boys' and Girls' Institutions . Or , let ifc be abolished . This , I think , would be the justev plan to follow . Why should A have a vote for the Benevolent Fund , for the small sum of five shillings , while B , who figures in a Stewards' list for one of the other Charities for a
like amount , has none ? If the object of assigning a vote for this amount is to secure as much support as possible from the less wealthy , then ifc should be extended to all the three Charities , or , if it turn out to be comparatively worthless as an inducement in the cause to which it ia now applied , the regulation should be struck out . I think that uniformity ia desirable , especially as the substitution of guineas in lieu of pounds will be so profitable a change to tho Charity for which Bro . Terry labours so diligently . Yours fraternally , AN OLD FIH .
Address Of Congratulation To The D.P.G.M. Of Suffolk.
AT a recent meeting of tho Stour Valley Lodge , No . 1 , 224 , ifc was proposed by the Worshipful Master , Bro . H . Welham , seconded by Bro . W . L . Lewis , that an address of congratulation be presented to the Eev . 0 . J . Martyn on his appointment as Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Suffolk . The W . M . and P . M . 's were appointed as the deputation , and the address was afterwards drawn up by them , and most beautifully illuminated on vellum , by Miss Berry , of Ballingdon . The corners are illuminated with the Masonic emblems ;
headed with tho jewel of tho D . P . G . M . in gold ; the Master ' s emblem , Sec . and P . M . 's emblem afc the sides ; at the bottom the Past Grand Chaplain of England's emblem . The deputation , consisting of the W . M ., Bro . H . Welham , Bros . G . Grimwood I . P . M ., J . F . Hills P . M . and P . P . G . J . W ., aud F . Wheeler P . M ., presented the address , on Wednesday morning , at the Eectory , Long Melford , and were entertained afc luncheon . Tho following is tho address : —
"To the Very Worshipful the Eeverend Charles J . Martyn , P . G . C . of England , D . P . G . M . of Suffolk , & c , & o . " We , the undersigned Worshipful Mastei * , Past Masters , and Officers of the Stotir Valley Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons , of ourselves and brethren , in conformity with a unanimous resolution of a Lodge of Emergency held November 21 st , 187 G , beg to offer to
you oar mosi sincere and hearty congratulations upon your succession to the honourable office of Deputy Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Suffolk . " We are deeply sensible of the great privilege so long enjoyed by our Lodge in having amongst our members so distinguished and
zealous a Mason . We feel that the worthy selection made by the Eight Worshipful Provincial Grand Master will not only add to the stability and good working of Masonry in this province , and meet with the unanimous approval of all its members , bat will also reflect
honour and credit upon our Lodge . " That it may please the Great Architect of the Universe to spare yon many years to enjoy the privileges of the exalted position so justly bestowed upon you , will ever bo tho prayer of your faithful and sincere Brethren in Masonry .
" The Members of the Stour Valley Lodge , No . 1224 . " Signed by the following officers : —H . Welham W . M ., G . Grimwood I . P . M ., F . Wheeler P . M ., J . F . Hills P . M ., 0 . Emmerson S . W ., W . H . Smith J . W ., A . O . Stead S . D ., N . Aprile J . D ., E . R . Boulter I . G ., C . J . Cardmall D . C .
Friends in Council Chapter of the Holy Eoyal Arch , held a Meeting of Emergency , at 33 Golden-square , on Saturday , the lGtli inst . The Right Hon . the Baron Henneker , S . W . of Lodgo 1629 , Robert Fyers , J . D . of the Bayard , and Dr . Thomas Beswick Purchas , P . M . of Lodge
420 , were exalted . The Eight Hon . the Earl of Donough more , Sir George Henry Scott Douglas , the Chevalier C E . Habicht , the Eev . Arthur Bruce Frazer , the Eev
Frederick Kill Harford , and Samuel Graham Bake Esq . were elected joining members . Dr . Eobert Hamilton , Grand Superintendent of Jamaica , presided over the ceremony , with his well-known customary ability .