Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE J . WESTFIELD . L . C . P .. F . S . A ., PRINCIPAL . THE object of this Establishment is to ensure a comprehensive liberal education , commensurate with tho present improved state of society . PRBPABATION VOB THE ClVIL SERVICE , CAMBRIDGE MlDDLB CLASS , COLLEGE OF PsiCBfTOBS , SOCIETY OP ARTS , THB SCIENCE AND ABT EXAMINATIONS , & C . Special attention to backward and timid pupils . Diet the best , and unlimited . References to the leading banking and commercial firms in London and the Provinces , and to numerous brethren whose sons are now , or havo been , educated at the College . Prospectus forwarded on application to the Principal .
LONDONMASONICCLUB, 101 QUEEN V 1 CTOBIA STREET , E . G . ON and after the lsfc February 1877 , an Entrance Fee of 5 guineas will he imposed on Now Members , the Annual Subscription remaining as heretofore , 6 guineas Town Members , 3 guineas Country Members . Lodges requiring accommodation should make immediate application to the Secretary . For all particulars and forms of application , apply to the Secretary , at the Offices . 37 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , LONDON , E . C .
Now ready , Price 3 s 6 d , Croimi 8 vo , cloth , gilt . MASONICPORTRAITS. REPRINTED IBOM "THB FREEMASON ' S CHBONICLB . " The Volume contains the following : — 1 . On LITBBABT BBOTHBB . 17 . THB CHRISTIAN MINISTER . 2 . A DISTINGBISHRD MASON . 18 . THB MYSTIC . 3 . THB MAW OP ENSBQY . 19 . A MODEL MASOJT . 4 . FATHER TIMB . 20 . A CHIP PBOM JOPPA . ~ 6 . A COBNBB SioifH . 21 . A PILLAB or MASONRY . 6 . THB CRAJTSMAN . 22 . BAYARD . 7 . THE GOWNSUAN . 23 . A RIGHT H AND MAN . 8 . AN EASTKBN STAB . 21 . Oou CITIZEN PBOTHKB . 9 . THB KNIGHT ERRANT . 25 . AN ABIE PaKChPTOB . 10 . THB OCTOGENARIAN . 26 . AN ANCIKNT BRITON . 11 . A ZBALOCS OFFICER . 27 . TUB ARTIST . IS . THB SOLDIER . 28 . THR FATHER OP THB LODGE . 13 . FROM UNDER THB CBOWN . 29 . A SHINING LIGHT . U . OPB HBBCDLES . 30 . AN ART STUDENT . 15 . A MERCHANT PBINCB . 31 . THE MARINER . 16 . TBI CACBCDMAN . 32 . A SOLDIBB OP FOBTBXB . 83 . "OLD MCG . " OPINIONS OP THE PBESS . " A eeries of articles , biographical , descriptive , and eulogistic , of some of the principal Masonic worthies of tho day . They are well written , and though personal , by no means offensive , or intrusive into ' private life , and in Masonic society will be welcomed as an interesting series of word paintings of members of the Craft . —St a ndard . " We do not remember to have read any similar scries of sketches which surpass this in merit . " —Lund and Water . "Admirablv written , being free from what aro too often observed in composition—inelegant language and prolixity . "—Sunday Times . '" 3 . G . ' writes with a considerable amount of freedom , never hesitating to 'hit off' a weakness when he finds it publicly displayed by a 'distinguished brother ; ' at tho same time he never loses sight of a good trait when it is displayed , either in connexion with the Craft or in the service of the public out of doors . The sketches are lively reading . "—City Press . " This is a neat book . Tho Portraits consist of a series of 'word pictures ' of eminent English Masons . It styles Bro . W . J . Hughan ' Knight Errant , ' and sketches thirty-two others under equally unique titles . Wo commend tho book as worthy of a place in every Masonic library . "—Voice of Masonry . " Evinces much literary ability , and is a valuable addition to the few works we have in Masonic biography . "—Philadelphia Keystone . " Tho book ought to be in every well arranged Masonic Library . " —Nea York Courier . " The portraits consist of a series of what we call' pen and ink sketches' of brethren prominent in all the noble undertakings of English Masonry . . . . Prominent among his brethren wo find Bro . Fred . Binckes , ( ' Our Hercules , ' ) whose herculean efforts in behalf of those blessed institutions , the charities of English Masons , have a world-wide reputation , which -will live long after tho zealous Craftsman has been , ' laid away to rest . ' " —New York Square . " The style of the author is pleasing , and the quality of his productions highly oompb ' mentay to his ability as a writer . "—Masonic Advocate . " There is a piquancy iu the ready off-hand dash that lends ranch zest to tho subject , and bars it from studied rhetorical expression . "—Jlehrew Leader . " We value the work , and heartily thank Bro . Morgan for our copy . " — Masonic Jewel . " There can bo no doubt that the writer has produced a scries of Portraits which will be a source of amusement and pleasure to Masons throughout the world . "—Surrey Comet . " Will bo found very interesting and pleasant rending , especially to the Masonic world . " —Barnet Press . " Calculated to raise the Order—if that be possible—in tho estimation of its members , if not of the outer world . "—Trowbridge and North Wilts Advertiser . "Written in a spirited , racy style , and conveying , in as clear a mnnm r ns possible , a ' counterfeit presentment' of some of the rulers of the Craft . "Essex Standard . " Good sensibly written articles . The writer prefaces each of his sketches -with some pithy common sense remarks . "—Cashel Gazette . " Cleverly and agreeably sketched , and the work altogether forms a valuable addition to Masonic literature . " —Hyde News . "Very amusing , and beyond doubt , faithful portraits of the worthies who unconsciously sat for them . "—Deal , Wahner and Sandwich Mercury . "The members of the Craft will take it as an acceptable addition to their biographical literature . " —Monmouthshire Chronicle . " They are written in a fair and genial tone , thoroughly Masonic . " —Leigh Chronicle . " Should have a very largo sale . "—Kingslridge Gazette , "These sketches are drawn with sparkling ability . "—Banffshire Reporter . "We must sincerely congratnlnte the author on the success of his endeavour to aim at faithful portraiture , while there is an entire absence of what might give offence to the most sensitive mind . " —Folkestone Express . "A very acceptable contribution to tho history of the Order . The volume has our warmest commendation . "—Kelso Courier . " Drawn with no little humour , and embellished with many a deft stroke of good natured satire . —Figaro . London : W . W . MOBGAN . By Order of all Booksellers , or will be sent , free by post , direct from the Office , 67 Barbicap .
MRS . JOHN WRIGHT CARR wishes to return her sincere Thanks to the numerous Friends and Brethren of her late lamented Husband for their letters of Condolence , which have been most consoling to her , bearing , as they do , strong testimony to the high esteem in which her Husband was held in his public character , and how much he was appreciated by the large circle In which he moved . Mrs . CARR regrets that she cannot thank each kind writer , but the large number renders this impossible . Newlantl Hall , Roxwell , Essex , jgth Dec . 1876 .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION JOB AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . THE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL OF THIS INSTITUTION will take place on Monday , the 12 th February 1877 , at Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , London , upon which occasion H . B . H . Prince Leopold , E . G ., & c , & c . B . W . Prov . G . M . for Oxfordshire , has graciously signified his intention of presiding . Brethren desirous of accepting tho office of Steward upon this auspicious occasion will greatly oblige by forwarding their names , as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly give every information required . JAMES TEEEY , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , Secretary . *„* H . R . H . Prince Leopold has been pleased to alter tho day of tho Festival from Wednesday the llth February ( being Ash Wednesday ) to Monday the 12 th . 4 Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C ,
67 BARBICAN , E . G .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE Qneen is still at Windsor , where she takes her daily drive with her daughter the Princess Beatrice . On Monday and Tuesday , her Majesty ' s Royal Bounty was distributed at the Almonry Office in Middle Scotland-yard by the Hon . and Very Rev . the Dean of Windsor , Lord High-Almoner , assisted by tho Rev . E . R . Wilberforce ,
Sub-Almoner , and Mr . John Hanby , Secretary . The recipients exceeded a thousand in number , one-third of them being over threescore years and ten , while some had reached the patriarchal age of ninety-five . Whether these latter indulged in any outbursts of joy on the occasion , and returned home , singing the old familiar
song" I'm ninety-five , Ira ninety-five , And to keep single I contrive—" or not , our informant has not said . No doubt they rejoiced exceedingly over their gifts , which varied in amount from
five to thirteen shillings . A number of blind and otherwise sadly-afflicted persons were included among the deserving body selected as worthy objects for the bestowal of the Queen ' s alms .
This , of course , being the week preceding Christmas , people are thinking far more about the provision of good cheer than even of the most serious political questions . However , several Members of Parliament and others have been addressing different assemblies on the Eastern
Question . Among them we note the Earl of Carnarvon , who , naturally , defended the conduct of the Government of which he is so distinguished a member . Another prominent personage , Mr . Russell Gurney , the Recorder of London , has been also expressing his views on this important topic .
The annual dinner of the Southampton Conservative Association , at which Mr . Gurney was present , afforded the Right Honourable gentleman the needful opportunity . He , too , as a Conservative , spoke at some length and very
earnestly in support of the Ministry , defending their policy , and calling upon all Englishmen to lay aside party feeling and back them up at a time so critical . But the interest of the hour centres , as we have said , in
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE J . WESTFIELD . L . C . P .. F . S . A ., PRINCIPAL . THE object of this Establishment is to ensure a comprehensive liberal education , commensurate with tho present improved state of society . PRBPABATION VOB THE ClVIL SERVICE , CAMBRIDGE MlDDLB CLASS , COLLEGE OF PsiCBfTOBS , SOCIETY OP ARTS , THB SCIENCE AND ABT EXAMINATIONS , & C . Special attention to backward and timid pupils . Diet the best , and unlimited . References to the leading banking and commercial firms in London and the Provinces , and to numerous brethren whose sons are now , or havo been , educated at the College . Prospectus forwarded on application to the Principal .
LONDONMASONICCLUB, 101 QUEEN V 1 CTOBIA STREET , E . G . ON and after the lsfc February 1877 , an Entrance Fee of 5 guineas will he imposed on Now Members , the Annual Subscription remaining as heretofore , 6 guineas Town Members , 3 guineas Country Members . Lodges requiring accommodation should make immediate application to the Secretary . For all particulars and forms of application , apply to the Secretary , at the Offices . 37 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , LONDON , E . C .
Now ready , Price 3 s 6 d , Croimi 8 vo , cloth , gilt . MASONICPORTRAITS. REPRINTED IBOM "THB FREEMASON ' S CHBONICLB . " The Volume contains the following : — 1 . On LITBBABT BBOTHBB . 17 . THB CHRISTIAN MINISTER . 2 . A DISTINGBISHRD MASON . 18 . THB MYSTIC . 3 . THB MAW OP ENSBQY . 19 . A MODEL MASOJT . 4 . FATHER TIMB . 20 . A CHIP PBOM JOPPA . ~ 6 . A COBNBB SioifH . 21 . A PILLAB or MASONRY . 6 . THB CRAJTSMAN . 22 . BAYARD . 7 . THE GOWNSUAN . 23 . A RIGHT H AND MAN . 8 . AN EASTKBN STAB . 21 . Oou CITIZEN PBOTHKB . 9 . THB KNIGHT ERRANT . 25 . AN ABIE PaKChPTOB . 10 . THB OCTOGENARIAN . 26 . AN ANCIKNT BRITON . 11 . A ZBALOCS OFFICER . 27 . TUB ARTIST . IS . THB SOLDIER . 28 . THR FATHER OP THB LODGE . 13 . FROM UNDER THB CBOWN . 29 . A SHINING LIGHT . U . OPB HBBCDLES . 30 . AN ART STUDENT . 15 . A MERCHANT PBINCB . 31 . THE MARINER . 16 . TBI CACBCDMAN . 32 . A SOLDIBB OP FOBTBXB . 83 . "OLD MCG . " OPINIONS OP THE PBESS . " A eeries of articles , biographical , descriptive , and eulogistic , of some of the principal Masonic worthies of tho day . They are well written , and though personal , by no means offensive , or intrusive into ' private life , and in Masonic society will be welcomed as an interesting series of word paintings of members of the Craft . —St a ndard . " We do not remember to have read any similar scries of sketches which surpass this in merit . " —Lund and Water . "Admirablv written , being free from what aro too often observed in composition—inelegant language and prolixity . "—Sunday Times . '" 3 . G . ' writes with a considerable amount of freedom , never hesitating to 'hit off' a weakness when he finds it publicly displayed by a 'distinguished brother ; ' at tho same time he never loses sight of a good trait when it is displayed , either in connexion with the Craft or in the service of the public out of doors . The sketches are lively reading . "—City Press . " This is a neat book . Tho Portraits consist of a series of 'word pictures ' of eminent English Masons . It styles Bro . W . J . Hughan ' Knight Errant , ' and sketches thirty-two others under equally unique titles . Wo commend tho book as worthy of a place in every Masonic library . "—Voice of Masonry . " Evinces much literary ability , and is a valuable addition to the few works we have in Masonic biography . "—Philadelphia Keystone . " Tho book ought to be in every well arranged Masonic Library . " —Nea York Courier . " The portraits consist of a series of what we call' pen and ink sketches' of brethren prominent in all the noble undertakings of English Masonry . . . . Prominent among his brethren wo find Bro . Fred . Binckes , ( ' Our Hercules , ' ) whose herculean efforts in behalf of those blessed institutions , the charities of English Masons , have a world-wide reputation , which -will live long after tho zealous Craftsman has been , ' laid away to rest . ' " —New York Square . " The style of the author is pleasing , and the quality of his productions highly oompb ' mentay to his ability as a writer . "—Masonic Advocate . " There is a piquancy iu the ready off-hand dash that lends ranch zest to tho subject , and bars it from studied rhetorical expression . "—Jlehrew Leader . " We value the work , and heartily thank Bro . Morgan for our copy . " — Masonic Jewel . " There can bo no doubt that the writer has produced a scries of Portraits which will be a source of amusement and pleasure to Masons throughout the world . "—Surrey Comet . " Will bo found very interesting and pleasant rending , especially to the Masonic world . " —Barnet Press . " Calculated to raise the Order—if that be possible—in tho estimation of its members , if not of the outer world . "—Trowbridge and North Wilts Advertiser . "Written in a spirited , racy style , and conveying , in as clear a mnnm r ns possible , a ' counterfeit presentment' of some of the rulers of the Craft . "Essex Standard . " Good sensibly written articles . The writer prefaces each of his sketches -with some pithy common sense remarks . "—Cashel Gazette . " Cleverly and agreeably sketched , and the work altogether forms a valuable addition to Masonic literature . " —Hyde News . "Very amusing , and beyond doubt , faithful portraits of the worthies who unconsciously sat for them . "—Deal , Wahner and Sandwich Mercury . "The members of the Craft will take it as an acceptable addition to their biographical literature . " —Monmouthshire Chronicle . " They are written in a fair and genial tone , thoroughly Masonic . " —Leigh Chronicle . " Should have a very largo sale . "—Kingslridge Gazette , "These sketches are drawn with sparkling ability . "—Banffshire Reporter . "We must sincerely congratnlnte the author on the success of his endeavour to aim at faithful portraiture , while there is an entire absence of what might give offence to the most sensitive mind . " —Folkestone Express . "A very acceptable contribution to tho history of the Order . The volume has our warmest commendation . "—Kelso Courier . " Drawn with no little humour , and embellished with many a deft stroke of good natured satire . —Figaro . London : W . W . MOBGAN . By Order of all Booksellers , or will be sent , free by post , direct from the Office , 67 Barbicap .
MRS . JOHN WRIGHT CARR wishes to return her sincere Thanks to the numerous Friends and Brethren of her late lamented Husband for their letters of Condolence , which have been most consoling to her , bearing , as they do , strong testimony to the high esteem in which her Husband was held in his public character , and how much he was appreciated by the large circle In which he moved . Mrs . CARR regrets that she cannot thank each kind writer , but the large number renders this impossible . Newlantl Hall , Roxwell , Essex , jgth Dec . 1876 .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION JOB AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . THE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL OF THIS INSTITUTION will take place on Monday , the 12 th February 1877 , at Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , London , upon which occasion H . B . H . Prince Leopold , E . G ., & c , & c . B . W . Prov . G . M . for Oxfordshire , has graciously signified his intention of presiding . Brethren desirous of accepting tho office of Steward upon this auspicious occasion will greatly oblige by forwarding their names , as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly give every information required . JAMES TEEEY , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , Secretary . *„* H . R . H . Prince Leopold has been pleased to alter tho day of tho Festival from Wednesday the llth February ( being Ash Wednesday ) to Monday the 12 th . 4 Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C ,
67 BARBICAN , E . G .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE Qneen is still at Windsor , where she takes her daily drive with her daughter the Princess Beatrice . On Monday and Tuesday , her Majesty ' s Royal Bounty was distributed at the Almonry Office in Middle Scotland-yard by the Hon . and Very Rev . the Dean of Windsor , Lord High-Almoner , assisted by tho Rev . E . R . Wilberforce ,
Sub-Almoner , and Mr . John Hanby , Secretary . The recipients exceeded a thousand in number , one-third of them being over threescore years and ten , while some had reached the patriarchal age of ninety-five . Whether these latter indulged in any outbursts of joy on the occasion , and returned home , singing the old familiar
song" I'm ninety-five , Ira ninety-five , And to keep single I contrive—" or not , our informant has not said . No doubt they rejoiced exceedingly over their gifts , which varied in amount from
five to thirteen shillings . A number of blind and otherwise sadly-afflicted persons were included among the deserving body selected as worthy objects for the bestowal of the Queen ' s alms .
This , of course , being the week preceding Christmas , people are thinking far more about the provision of good cheer than even of the most serious political questions . However , several Members of Parliament and others have been addressing different assemblies on the Eastern
Question . Among them we note the Earl of Carnarvon , who , naturally , defended the conduct of the Government of which he is so distinguished a member . Another prominent personage , Mr . Russell Gurney , the Recorder of London , has been also expressing his views on this important topic .
The annual dinner of the Southampton Conservative Association , at which Mr . Gurney was present , afforded the Right Honourable gentleman the needful opportunity . He , too , as a Conservative , spoke at some length and very
earnestly in support of the Ministry , defending their policy , and calling upon all Englishmen to lay aside party feeling and back them up at a time so critical . But the interest of the hour centres , as we have said , in