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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GBEAT QUEEN STBEET , LONDON " . W . c . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establishment for MASONIC _ 3 _ A . J _ TQ , TJ- _ - -- S , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonic Body is directed to the many advantages oflere _ . CUISINE Off THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES PERFECT IN CONDITIO- * AND QUAMTV . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3-. RESTAURANT , AVINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . O . ENGLISH , FRENCH d GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Cold I _ uno-ieons on the Ground -Tloor ; This Room will accommodate 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL ; Tlio drill Boom will scat ISO IICI - HOUS . REID'S TREBLE STOUT . WORTHINCTON'S ALES , 333 _ I-I _ lisr TIVOLI BEER . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS BEADY . CHAMPAGNES OF THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED TORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF THE BEST QUALITY . Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm ' s , and the Crystal Palace .
1 . 1 IIlim A FROM THE JOINT from TWELVE to THREE o ' clock . ||| MMkU \ CHOPS and STEAKS from the GRILL till FIVE o ' clock . I # 1111 _ la IIV T . MAIDW _ , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-st ., City , E . C .
WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO DINE ? mRY tho " CANNON TAVERN , " 89 Cannon Street , corner of JL AValbrook , immediately opposite the CAHNON STREET HAILWAY S _ n __ T . Bros . SMITH & KING , Proprietors .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . BRO . ISAAC , who has for some time past provided for tho requirements of this Lodge , begs to announce th'it he has obtained permission for tho removal of his license to the Belvedere-road , and that ho is about to erect commodious promises there . These will comprise ___ . S-P-A . CIOTJS _ v __ -i . so 2 < ric _ = _ : _ A _ x . ii . WITH ANTE BOOMS , LARGE BANQUETTING HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to be addressed G-. ISAAC , " AVHIIE HABT , " CO _ ___ SIBEET , LAMBETH , LOJJDOH , S . E .
Fourth Revised Edition , 12 mo , 5 s . THE BOOK OF THE LODGE , By Rev . GEO . OLIVER , D . D . Most useful to new-made Masons and to Officers . IKI-NDED AS A GUIDE TO ALL THE CEREMONIES , WITH RITUALS OF INSTALLATIONS , FUNERALS , WORKINGS , Ac ., & c .
Also , price 10 s , THB FOUR OLD LODGES . By Bro . ROBEJIT FKEKE GOULD , Barrister-at-Law . London : SPKJTC - & Co ., 23 A Great Queen Street , AV . C .
Free by Post for 12 Stamps . AFTER THE TURTLE . —Thirty-one Years' Ministerial Policy , as set forth at LORD JUAYOR ' S DAY BA _ QUETS , from 1818 to 1878 Collected by RICHARD SEYD , F . S . S . London : XV . XV . IIOBOAK , 67 Barbican , E . C .
Published monthly , Demy Svo , Price 6 d . rpHE CHESS PLAYER'S CHRONICLE . A List of Rare and Interesting Works on Chess , Cards , & c . can be had o * i application to W . "XV . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C . Any Modern Works ( American or Continental ) procured at short notice .
A CLERGYMAN and his wife Avish to take the charge of One or Two Young Children to bring up and educate with their own , between toe ages of 3 and 8—Indian children preferred . Locality very healthy satisfactory references given and required . ' ' Address :-Eev . J . W . COLLINS , Clare Vicarage , Suffolk .
cerm ¦ ¦ . ___¦¦ _¦_ _ - _ P *__ gihi ___ - ' ____ - ¦¦ _ - _~ r _ i is- « - _ --- _ r- _ r _ ,- _ r _—_ .- * i __ n - " _ n _ ir j t "_ * _ * _ _ _ " _ - _ " - - _ - _ _ ' * - ^« - | * - ^^^^^^^^ ! *>_• w-v - 'w-v- ^ 'aV p ™ wi » jwroftl 67 BARBICAN , B . C .
Mark Masonry In North Africa.
THE Kingston Lodge , No . 222 , at Tunis , has arrived at a high state of prosperity during the twelve months whioh have elapsed sinco its consecration . An emergent meeting was held on the 1 st instant . Present—Bros . A . M . Broadley ( D . D . G . M . Craft ) W . M . M ., G . Pentecost S . W ., Dr . A . Perini J . W ., Professor Souiller Sec , Dr . N . Cassanello M . O ., P . M . Paleologo S . O ., J . H . Stevens
( British Consul General ) as J . O ., M . de Gallais S . D ., J . Barsotti as J . D ., Commander Bridger , R . N ., Org ., Enriquez I . G ., J . Eymon Tyler , and several members . A ballot was taken for three candidates , viz ., Bros . J . E . Jessel and Madonia of 1717 E . G ., and Henry-Wilson of the Minerva Lodge , No . 250 , at Hnll , and proved unanimous in each case . These brethren being in attendance , were duly
advanced , together with Bro . Ibrahim Ben Zaireb of 1717 , who had been accepted at a previous meeting , each part of the ceremony being repeated in the English , French , Italian , and Arabic Ianguages , as it happened that the four candidates were of different nationality , and understood no common language . A petition to the M . W . M . M . M ., Avhich had been adopted and signed unanimously by
tho members of the Keystone Lodge at Malta , No . 107 , asking for the erection of a P . G . Mark Lodgo for Tunis and Malta , was read , and a resolution in favour of its prayer passed by the assembled Mark Masters , who severally affixed their signatures to tho document , whioh the Secretary was directed to transmit to tho G . Secretary . The W . M . M . explained at length the Mark Education Scheme , and
invited the brethren to contribute to its support . The Lodge was then closed and adjourned till tho 10 th instant , when tho regnlar meeting Avas held . The Lodge Avas then opened by the W . M . M ., Bro . Broadley . Present—Bros . G . Pentecost S . W ., Dr . Perini J . W ., E . J . Jessel as Sec , Dr . Cassanello M . O ., L . Cm-lotto as S . O ., E . Gardelte as J . O ., M . Le Gallais S . D ., A . Bokobsa as J . D .,
Commander Bridger , K . N ., Org ., J . Eymon Tyler , and several members . Visitor—W . Bro . Henry Ecroyd , of the Britannia Lodge , No . 53 , at Sheffield . Tho minutes of the last meetings wero read and confirmed . A ballot taken for the candidature of Bros . Delsol and J . Lumbroso , of 1717 , proved favourable . Tho W . M . M . then called on tho brethren to elect a W . M . for tho ensuing year , explaining his
inability to continue to occupy the post , but promising to persevere in his exertions for the prosperity of the Lodge . He then explained t io qualifications for tho chair according to the Mark Constitutions , and read the M . W . G . M . M . ' s dispensation in favour of the S . W ., Bro . Pentecost , which had been applied for and accorded . The W . M . M . highly praised the Masonic zeal and assiduity of the S . W ., and his
remarks elicited a similar oulopium from tho J . W ., who said that ho himself entirely declined candidature for the chair . A ballot was then taken , which resulted nnanimously in favour of Bro . Pentecost . The S . W . returned thanks for the honour done him by the brethren . W . Bro . Broadley alluded to the pleasure he felt at the preaenco amongst them of so distinguished a Mason as W . Bro . Henry Ecroyd ,
and begged him to convey the hearty good wishes of the Kingston Lodge to the Britannia Lodge at Sheffield . W . Bro . Ecroyd responded in suitable terms , and expressed to the assembled brethren tho satisfaction ho experienced at the progress of No . 222 under the rule of their deservedly popular W . M . M . He hoped soon to seo on the site of Ancient Carthago one of the largest Mark Lodges in the muster roll of Grand Lodge . Bro . Ecroyd added he
Avas glad to hear that the brethren had petitioned for a P . G . Mark Lodge for Malta and Tunis , and said he highly approved the recommendation they had made for their first P . G . M . He felt sure the P . G . L . would be as great a success as the other English Masonio bodies in Tunis had been . Tho charitable collection being made , the Lodge was closed in due form , and the installation of Bro . Pentecost fixed for the 31 st May .
Lodge of St . John and St . Paul , No . 349 E . G . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Sth May , at the Masonic Hall , Valletta . Present—Tho W . M . Bro . Coffey ; also E . W . D . G . M . Bro . Kingston , Bro . C . W . Spencer Stanhope 10 , 357 , 428 , & c , Grand Chaplain , and a large number of brethren and visitors . In the absence of the S . and J . Wardens , Bros , . tones and Littledale
these chairs were filled by Bro . Capt . F . XV . Bocchcy , R . M . L . I ., P . D . G . J . W . as S . W ., and by Bro . Capt .-F . C . Blake , R . A ., as J . W . The Lodge having been opened in the first degree , and tho minutes confirmed , Capt . Arthur Thomas Chapman , 35 th Eeginent , Capt . Augustus Finch Noyes , Army Fay Department , and Staff Surgeon Matthew Trcvan , IT . M . S . Condor , were initiated into the mysteries
of Freemasonry . Bro . Surgeon Nicholas Leader , A . M . D ., and Bro . Lientcant G . H . McLaughlin , It . A ., were then called to tho pedestal , and having passed a creditable examination in the first degree , were entrusted and retired to bo prepared for tho second . The Lodge was advanced to the Fellow Craft degree , Bros . Leader and
McLaughlin were readmitted and passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Tho Lodgo having been reduced to tho first degree , and some routine business transacted , was closed in due and ancient form . The brethren then adjourned to the refreshment room , where the usual loyal and other customary Masonic toasts were given and duly honoured .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GBEAT QUEEN STBEET , LONDON " . W . c . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establishment for MASONIC _ 3 _ A . J _ TQ , TJ- _ - -- S , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonic Body is directed to the many advantages oflere _ . CUISINE Off THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES PERFECT IN CONDITIO- * AND QUAMTV . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3-. RESTAURANT , AVINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . O . ENGLISH , FRENCH d GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Cold I _ uno-ieons on the Ground -Tloor ; This Room will accommodate 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL ; Tlio drill Boom will scat ISO IICI - HOUS . REID'S TREBLE STOUT . WORTHINCTON'S ALES , 333 _ I-I _ lisr TIVOLI BEER . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS BEADY . CHAMPAGNES OF THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED TORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF THE BEST QUALITY . Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm ' s , and the Crystal Palace .
1 . 1 IIlim A FROM THE JOINT from TWELVE to THREE o ' clock . ||| MMkU \ CHOPS and STEAKS from the GRILL till FIVE o ' clock . I # 1111 _ la IIV T . MAIDW _ , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-st ., City , E . C .
WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO DINE ? mRY tho " CANNON TAVERN , " 89 Cannon Street , corner of JL AValbrook , immediately opposite the CAHNON STREET HAILWAY S _ n __ T . Bros . SMITH & KING , Proprietors .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . BRO . ISAAC , who has for some time past provided for tho requirements of this Lodge , begs to announce th'it he has obtained permission for tho removal of his license to the Belvedere-road , and that ho is about to erect commodious promises there . These will comprise ___ . S-P-A . CIOTJS _ v __ -i . so 2 < ric _ = _ : _ A _ x . ii . WITH ANTE BOOMS , LARGE BANQUETTING HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to be addressed G-. ISAAC , " AVHIIE HABT , " CO _ ___ SIBEET , LAMBETH , LOJJDOH , S . E .
Fourth Revised Edition , 12 mo , 5 s . THE BOOK OF THE LODGE , By Rev . GEO . OLIVER , D . D . Most useful to new-made Masons and to Officers . IKI-NDED AS A GUIDE TO ALL THE CEREMONIES , WITH RITUALS OF INSTALLATIONS , FUNERALS , WORKINGS , Ac ., & c .
Also , price 10 s , THB FOUR OLD LODGES . By Bro . ROBEJIT FKEKE GOULD , Barrister-at-Law . London : SPKJTC - & Co ., 23 A Great Queen Street , AV . C .
Free by Post for 12 Stamps . AFTER THE TURTLE . —Thirty-one Years' Ministerial Policy , as set forth at LORD JUAYOR ' S DAY BA _ QUETS , from 1818 to 1878 Collected by RICHARD SEYD , F . S . S . London : XV . XV . IIOBOAK , 67 Barbican , E . C .
Published monthly , Demy Svo , Price 6 d . rpHE CHESS PLAYER'S CHRONICLE . A List of Rare and Interesting Works on Chess , Cards , & c . can be had o * i application to W . "XV . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C . Any Modern Works ( American or Continental ) procured at short notice .
A CLERGYMAN and his wife Avish to take the charge of One or Two Young Children to bring up and educate with their own , between toe ages of 3 and 8—Indian children preferred . Locality very healthy satisfactory references given and required . ' ' Address :-Eev . J . W . COLLINS , Clare Vicarage , Suffolk .
cerm ¦ ¦ . ___¦¦ _¦_ _ - _ P *__ gihi ___ - ' ____ - ¦¦ _ - _~ r _ i is- « - _ --- _ r- _ r _ ,- _ r _—_ .- * i __ n - " _ n _ ir j t "_ * _ * _ _ _ " _ - _ " - - _ - _ _ ' * - ^« - | * - ^^^^^^^^ ! *>_• w-v - 'w-v- ^ 'aV p ™ wi » jwroftl 67 BARBICAN , B . C .
Mark Masonry In North Africa.
THE Kingston Lodge , No . 222 , at Tunis , has arrived at a high state of prosperity during the twelve months whioh have elapsed sinco its consecration . An emergent meeting was held on the 1 st instant . Present—Bros . A . M . Broadley ( D . D . G . M . Craft ) W . M . M ., G . Pentecost S . W ., Dr . A . Perini J . W ., Professor Souiller Sec , Dr . N . Cassanello M . O ., P . M . Paleologo S . O ., J . H . Stevens
( British Consul General ) as J . O ., M . de Gallais S . D ., J . Barsotti as J . D ., Commander Bridger , R . N ., Org ., Enriquez I . G ., J . Eymon Tyler , and several members . A ballot was taken for three candidates , viz ., Bros . J . E . Jessel and Madonia of 1717 E . G ., and Henry-Wilson of the Minerva Lodge , No . 250 , at Hnll , and proved unanimous in each case . These brethren being in attendance , were duly
advanced , together with Bro . Ibrahim Ben Zaireb of 1717 , who had been accepted at a previous meeting , each part of the ceremony being repeated in the English , French , Italian , and Arabic Ianguages , as it happened that the four candidates were of different nationality , and understood no common language . A petition to the M . W . M . M . M ., Avhich had been adopted and signed unanimously by
tho members of the Keystone Lodge at Malta , No . 107 , asking for the erection of a P . G . Mark Lodgo for Tunis and Malta , was read , and a resolution in favour of its prayer passed by the assembled Mark Masters , who severally affixed their signatures to tho document , whioh the Secretary was directed to transmit to tho G . Secretary . The W . M . M . explained at length the Mark Education Scheme , and
invited the brethren to contribute to its support . The Lodge was then closed and adjourned till tho 10 th instant , when tho regnlar meeting Avas held . The Lodge Avas then opened by the W . M . M ., Bro . Broadley . Present—Bros . G . Pentecost S . W ., Dr . Perini J . W ., E . J . Jessel as Sec , Dr . Cassanello M . O ., L . Cm-lotto as S . O ., E . Gardelte as J . O ., M . Le Gallais S . D ., A . Bokobsa as J . D .,
Commander Bridger , K . N ., Org ., J . Eymon Tyler , and several members . Visitor—W . Bro . Henry Ecroyd , of the Britannia Lodge , No . 53 , at Sheffield . Tho minutes of the last meetings wero read and confirmed . A ballot taken for the candidature of Bros . Delsol and J . Lumbroso , of 1717 , proved favourable . Tho W . M . M . then called on tho brethren to elect a W . M . for tho ensuing year , explaining his
inability to continue to occupy the post , but promising to persevere in his exertions for the prosperity of the Lodge . He then explained t io qualifications for tho chair according to the Mark Constitutions , and read the M . W . G . M . M . ' s dispensation in favour of the S . W ., Bro . Pentecost , which had been applied for and accorded . The W . M . M . highly praised the Masonic zeal and assiduity of the S . W ., and his
remarks elicited a similar oulopium from tho J . W ., who said that ho himself entirely declined candidature for the chair . A ballot was then taken , which resulted nnanimously in favour of Bro . Pentecost . The S . W . returned thanks for the honour done him by the brethren . W . Bro . Broadley alluded to the pleasure he felt at the preaenco amongst them of so distinguished a Mason as W . Bro . Henry Ecroyd ,
and begged him to convey the hearty good wishes of the Kingston Lodge to the Britannia Lodge at Sheffield . W . Bro . Ecroyd responded in suitable terms , and expressed to the assembled brethren tho satisfaction ho experienced at the progress of No . 222 under the rule of their deservedly popular W . M . M . He hoped soon to seo on the site of Ancient Carthago one of the largest Mark Lodges in the muster roll of Grand Lodge . Bro . Ecroyd added he
Avas glad to hear that the brethren had petitioned for a P . G . Mark Lodge for Malta and Tunis , and said he highly approved the recommendation they had made for their first P . G . M . He felt sure the P . G . L . would be as great a success as the other English Masonio bodies in Tunis had been . Tho charitable collection being made , the Lodge was closed in due form , and the installation of Bro . Pentecost fixed for the 31 st May .
Lodge of St . John and St . Paul , No . 349 E . G . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Sth May , at the Masonic Hall , Valletta . Present—Tho W . M . Bro . Coffey ; also E . W . D . G . M . Bro . Kingston , Bro . C . W . Spencer Stanhope 10 , 357 , 428 , & c , Grand Chaplain , and a large number of brethren and visitors . In the absence of the S . and J . Wardens , Bros , . tones and Littledale
these chairs were filled by Bro . Capt . F . XV . Bocchcy , R . M . L . I ., P . D . G . J . W . as S . W ., and by Bro . Capt .-F . C . Blake , R . A ., as J . W . The Lodge having been opened in the first degree , and tho minutes confirmed , Capt . Arthur Thomas Chapman , 35 th Eeginent , Capt . Augustus Finch Noyes , Army Fay Department , and Staff Surgeon Matthew Trcvan , IT . M . S . Condor , were initiated into the mysteries
of Freemasonry . Bro . Surgeon Nicholas Leader , A . M . D ., and Bro . Lientcant G . H . McLaughlin , It . A ., were then called to tho pedestal , and having passed a creditable examination in the first degree , were entrusted and retired to bo prepared for tho second . The Lodge was advanced to the Fellow Craft degree , Bros . Leader and
McLaughlin were readmitted and passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Tho Lodgo having been reduced to tho first degree , and some routine business transacted , was closed in due and ancient form . The brethren then adjourned to the refreshment room , where the usual loyal and other customary Masonic toasts were given and duly honoured .