Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Continued from page 259 . " Son of man , take np a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus , and say unto him , Thus eaith the Lord God , Thou sealest np the sum , fall of wisdom , and perfect in baauty . Thon hast been in Eden , the garden of God , * * * thon ,
the anointed cherub that coverefch , " ( Ezek . xxviii . 12-14 . ) Here again at a temple is the retrospection even on the rite of prophecy . The " Tiler " is he that covereth , and the Warder of Eden ia a Warder in the Temple . This is
bnt an example ; others conld sustain the assertion that Religion and Intellect express truth , such also as is transcendent ; Symbolism and Prophecy link every utterance of the past to every answer of the future .
Thn * - much is our essay . Masonry is no more Christian than Christianity ia Masonic . Every philosophy expressed t .-nfcli — vei * •• nvd cont * i !* i' - < l some divine afflatus ; not audi philo up ..-v ua wa : > M . i—not such belief as was
impious ; but in proportion as eaoh dogma or each doctrine * waa implanted in intellect by God , or revealed to the kindling affection of sincere belief . How muoh nf tbo Stoa in Sfc . Paul—how mnch of the divine commandment
in Socrates ! What the truth taught in Mason / , is not now our office to investigate . It may be like the truth revealed in religion . This is our problem : that the truth of Masomy is separate—segenerata ; otherwise derived than that of
religion . They may tend to one common fooos . It is not now a question as to whether they do or nofc . Nor is tho third degree of Masonry its close . It represents but a moment repeated in every rite , becanse , where there is a symbolism conveying truth , it must intimate the future :. n
the overthrow of the present . The germ dies to ripen , and tbe fruit is gathered by the scythe of harvest . The third degree is a conclusion ; and , as Paebta says , " Every conclusion which is true doe i not so much terminate a past as inaugurate a future . Voice of Masonry .
LODGE OP FREEDOM , No . 77 . THE quarterly meeting of this ancient and popular Lodge took place at the New Falcon Hotel , Gravesend , on 19 th inst ., when a large muster of fche brethren assembled . The Worshipfnl Master ( Bro . Joseph Solomon ) presided , and was supported by Bros . Rev . Augustus Jackson S . W ., R . J . Beamish P . M . acting J . W ., T . R . S . Champion P . M . Treasurer , J . C . Biggs P . M . Secretary , Thomas Nettleingham S . D ., W . H . Hedger P . M . J . D ., William Gunn Dir . of
Cers ., R . C . Fowle I . G ., Hy . Shaw and G . Masters Stewards , G . Martin Tyler ; P . M . ' s Thos . Deane , Wm . Russell , W . Hills , W . Sheen , Ronaldson , A . K . Prescott , George Naylor , Jas . Stevens P . M . P . Z ., Bros . T . J . Wingrove , Rev . Walker , J . McCaffery , Pearson , W . H . Loft , G . Berry , L . J . Bone , J . Simpson , J . Barr , W . Parker , R . Gates , Friar , Orlton Cooper , & c . The minutes of the previous meeting
having been confirmed , the Treasurer presented his report , which was considered satisfactory . There being no further business before the Lodge , Bro . Solomon announced that Bro . James Stevens had kindly consented to deliver his lecture on " The Ritnal and Ceremonial of Symbolio Freemasonry . " This extremely interesting address , whioh occupied over two hours ,, was attentively listened to
by the brethren , and at its termination a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Stevens for affording the Lodge such a Masonio treat . The Lodge having been duly closed , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , the dinner being capitally served by Bro . J . Simpson . Owing to the late hour , the utmost brevity was observed with regard to the toasts , Bro . T . Deane responding for the Provincial Grand
Officers after the nsnal Loyal and Masonio compliments had been paid . Bro . Hitchins , in eulogistic terms , gave the health of the Worshipful Master , whioh was suitably acknowledged by Bro . Solomon , who subsequently proposed the toast of the Guest of the Evening , Bro . James Stevens . He stated that everybody present had appreciated the excellent lecture to which they had listened , and
while they had learned a great deal , it was soma pleasure to percoivo that they did not differ greatly from the points that bad been brought nnder their notice . Bro . Stevens responded in a humorous speech , and tbinkefl the brethren thoroughly and heartily for their kind reception . In leaving them he felt that he had added to the l st of
bis Masonio acquaintance who wonld be glad to see him again . Ho concluded by giving a powerful recitation of " A Mason ' s VOWP . " Bros . Naylor P . Prov . D . C . and Rev . Walker returned thanks for tbe Visitors , Bros . Jackson and Beamish for the Officers , and the Tyler ' s toast brought thia enjoyable evening to a pleasant termi'iatiou .
LODGE OP VIRTUE , No . 152 ( MANCHESTER ) . A MEETING was held in the Freemasons' Hall on Friday , the 16 th inst ., when there' wore present Bros . Gillibr ^ nd W . M ., Wi - liams P . M . D . C . acting S . W ., Cantrill J . W ., Rev . J . Wats ™ P . M .
P . P . G . C . Chaplain , Pritjhrrd P . M . Treasurer , Crompton Secretary , Daniel I . P . M . siting I . G ., Norton Steward ; Bros . Conway P . M ., Ingram , Kelly , Saunders , Kennedy , Kay , and Peane ; Visitor—Bro . Cook 420 , Spilsby . The Lc lge waa opened in due form and the minutis of the previous meeting read and confirmed . There being no bus *' nesd tbe Lodge wai closed ii peace and ha atony .
ZETLAND LODGE , No . 852 ( SALFORD ) . A MEETING took place afc the Masonio HaU , Peel Creaoent , oa Wednesday , tho 14 th inst . Present—Bros . Booth VV . M ., WooUey I . P . M ., Bhckwell S . W ., Beardmoro J . W ., Watson Treasurer , Holme Secretary , Willis S . D ., Robinson J . D ., Sidebottom I . G ., Hookeu Chaplain , Past Masters Wheeler and Pike ; Bros . Denton , Barrington , Baxter , Turner , Egan , Slack , Watts , Jnd , Johnson , Thos . Bradbury , Ison , Dentitb , Stevens , and J . Bradbury .
Visitors—Bros . Smith 1773 , Briggs 1877 , and Lisenden . The brethren met ac 6 o ' clock , and tbe Lodge was shortly afterwards opened with solemn prayer . The minutes of the previou s meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Mr . Brownlow T . Bnrnett , and being declared favourable , he waa afterwards initiated into Freemasonry by Bro . Past Master Wheeler , who also presented the work .
ing tools and delivered the E . A . charge in a very impressive manner . In tbe second degree , Bro . Turner answered the necessary questions Bj \ r \ withdrew . He was subsequently raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . by Bro . J . A . WooUey I . P . M ., the traditional history being delivered by Bro . Pike P . M . In tha first degree , a hearty vote of condolence waa ordered to be sent to the widow of the late Bro . Lea
P . M ., who was spoken of in high terms of praise by several of tha brethren . The I . P . M . Bro . WooUey stated he had great hopes , through the kindness of Bro . Howarth , M . P ., of seeing Bro . Lee ' a widow obtain her late husband ' s occupation . There being no further business , the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony afc 9 o'clock . At the social board tbe health of the Initiate waa
proposed in eulogistic terms by Bro . Wheeler P . M ., who stated he had travelled 100 miles that day for tbe purpose of being initiated , nnd might possibly have to travel a longer distance to be passed and raised . Bro . Wheeler said he bad greafc pleasure in proposing Bro . Burnett to become a member of the Lodge , and still greater pleasure in initiating him into Freemasonry . He felt snre he would
make a good and honoured member of the Zetland Lodge , and asked the brethren to rise and drink to the toast . Bro . Wheeler ' s invitation was promptly responded fco , after which Bro . Burnett replied in a few well chosen sentences . The health of the newly raised Bro . Turner -was also proposed , drank and responded fco , as was thafc of fche Visitors , the W . M ., & o . A pleasant , though necessarily short evening was spent .
RICHMOND LODGE , No . 1011 ( MANCHESTER ) . A MEETING was held on Thursday , the 15 th inst ., afc the Old Boar ' s Head , when there were present Bros . Williams W . M ., Watson I . P . M ., Bamford S . W ., Dawson J . W ., Kinder Treasnrer , Millar P . M . Sec , Staadring S . D ., Turner P . M . Dir . of Cers . ; P . M . ' a Mottorshead , Hind , and Caldwell P . P . G . S . B ., Lambert , Thompson , Bishop , Holyoak , Higgenbotham , Bailey , Walmsley , Schofield , A . Hall ,
Coombes , Anderson , Pettinger , Biggins , R . Hall , Hftir , MoGuckin , and Taylor ; Visitors—Bros . Royle 1170 , Vaughan S . W . 1030 , Atkinson 1130 , and Browne 1134 . Tim brethren met at 4 * 30 when tbe Lodge was opened in dne form , and the minutes of the previous meeting rend and confirmed . There were four candidates to be passed to the
socoiid degree , viz .: Bros . Bailey , Walmsley , Schofield , and Anderson . After the usual catechism the four brethren were made Fellow Crafts , Bro . Bailey by tbo W . M ., Bro . Walmsley by Bro . Mottershead P . M ., Bro . Schofield " by Bro . Hind P . M ., and Anderson by Bro . Turner P . M ., and thero being no further business the Lodge was closed in peace a id harmony at 9 o ' clock .
EGERTON LODGE , No . 1030 ( HEATON NORRIS ) THE installation of Bro . Vanghan took place and the St . John's Festival celebrated at the George Hotel on Monday , the 19 th inst . Present Bros . McKinn W . M ., Preston I . P . M ., W . A . Vanghan S . W ., Knott J . W ., G . L . Vanghan P . M . Treas ., W . H . Vaughan P . M . P . P . G . Reg . Sac , Smith S . D ., Wilson J . D ., Abbott P . M . P . P . G . D . C . Dir . of Cirs ., Keymer I . G . ; P . M . 's Bros . Rostrou P . P . G . J . D .,
Lingard P . P . G . J . W ., Pemberton P . P . G . D . C , Dr . Maclean , Ferns aud Cole Organist , Crash , Cookson , Goodfellow , Allen , Haddon , and Fisher ; Visitors—Chadwick P . G . Secretary , Howard P . M . 62 P . P . G . S . W . Cheshire , Maogregor P . M . 654 P . P . G . D . Derbyshire , Bale P . M . 321 , Vnltohoff W . M . 317 , Beaaton P . M . 1459 . Kain W . M . 104 ,
Hargreaves W . M . 322 , Wylde W . M . 323 , Sidebottom 316 , Orrall 645 , Broadbant 1952 , and Sharpies 2359 . The brethren met at 3 o'clock , and the Lodge was soon afterwards opened with solemn prayer , and the minntes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . The iostal'ition of Bro . W . A . Vaughan was next proceeded with , Bro .
Abbott P . M . P . P . G . D . C . being selected to perform the duties of Installing Masrar , and having taken his position , the W . M .-elect was forthwith present * d to him by the Provincial Grand Secretary . The usual preliminaries having been gone through , the W . M .-elect Bro . W . A . Vanghan was inducted into the ohair with all due rite and
ceremony . On the re-ad mission of all M . M . ' s the fact of Bro . Vanghan ' s installation was proclaimed to them , and the W . M . was saluted in the usual manner . The following brethren were invested Officers for the year by Bro . Maclean P . M ., viz .: Bros . Knott S . W ., Smith J . W ., Rev . Addison Crofton Chaplain , Lingard P . M . P . P . G . J . W Treasurer , W . H . Vaughan P . M . P . P . G . Registrar Secretary , Wilaou
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Continued from page 259 . " Son of man , take np a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus , and say unto him , Thus eaith the Lord God , Thou sealest np the sum , fall of wisdom , and perfect in baauty . Thon hast been in Eden , the garden of God , * * * thon ,
the anointed cherub that coverefch , " ( Ezek . xxviii . 12-14 . ) Here again at a temple is the retrospection even on the rite of prophecy . The " Tiler " is he that covereth , and the Warder of Eden ia a Warder in the Temple . This is
bnt an example ; others conld sustain the assertion that Religion and Intellect express truth , such also as is transcendent ; Symbolism and Prophecy link every utterance of the past to every answer of the future .
Thn * - much is our essay . Masonry is no more Christian than Christianity ia Masonic . Every philosophy expressed t .-nfcli — vei * •• nvd cont * i !* i' - < l some divine afflatus ; not audi philo up ..-v ua wa : > M . i—not such belief as was
impious ; but in proportion as eaoh dogma or each doctrine * waa implanted in intellect by God , or revealed to the kindling affection of sincere belief . How muoh nf tbo Stoa in Sfc . Paul—how mnch of the divine commandment
in Socrates ! What the truth taught in Mason / , is not now our office to investigate . It may be like the truth revealed in religion . This is our problem : that the truth of Masomy is separate—segenerata ; otherwise derived than that of
religion . They may tend to one common fooos . It is not now a question as to whether they do or nofc . Nor is tho third degree of Masonry its close . It represents but a moment repeated in every rite , becanse , where there is a symbolism conveying truth , it must intimate the future :. n
the overthrow of the present . The germ dies to ripen , and tbe fruit is gathered by the scythe of harvest . The third degree is a conclusion ; and , as Paebta says , " Every conclusion which is true doe i not so much terminate a past as inaugurate a future . Voice of Masonry .
LODGE OP FREEDOM , No . 77 . THE quarterly meeting of this ancient and popular Lodge took place at the New Falcon Hotel , Gravesend , on 19 th inst ., when a large muster of fche brethren assembled . The Worshipfnl Master ( Bro . Joseph Solomon ) presided , and was supported by Bros . Rev . Augustus Jackson S . W ., R . J . Beamish P . M . acting J . W ., T . R . S . Champion P . M . Treasurer , J . C . Biggs P . M . Secretary , Thomas Nettleingham S . D ., W . H . Hedger P . M . J . D ., William Gunn Dir . of
Cers ., R . C . Fowle I . G ., Hy . Shaw and G . Masters Stewards , G . Martin Tyler ; P . M . ' s Thos . Deane , Wm . Russell , W . Hills , W . Sheen , Ronaldson , A . K . Prescott , George Naylor , Jas . Stevens P . M . P . Z ., Bros . T . J . Wingrove , Rev . Walker , J . McCaffery , Pearson , W . H . Loft , G . Berry , L . J . Bone , J . Simpson , J . Barr , W . Parker , R . Gates , Friar , Orlton Cooper , & c . The minutes of the previous meeting
having been confirmed , the Treasurer presented his report , which was considered satisfactory . There being no further business before the Lodge , Bro . Solomon announced that Bro . James Stevens had kindly consented to deliver his lecture on " The Ritnal and Ceremonial of Symbolio Freemasonry . " This extremely interesting address , whioh occupied over two hours ,, was attentively listened to
by the brethren , and at its termination a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Stevens for affording the Lodge such a Masonio treat . The Lodge having been duly closed , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , the dinner being capitally served by Bro . J . Simpson . Owing to the late hour , the utmost brevity was observed with regard to the toasts , Bro . T . Deane responding for the Provincial Grand
Officers after the nsnal Loyal and Masonio compliments had been paid . Bro . Hitchins , in eulogistic terms , gave the health of the Worshipful Master , whioh was suitably acknowledged by Bro . Solomon , who subsequently proposed the toast of the Guest of the Evening , Bro . James Stevens . He stated that everybody present had appreciated the excellent lecture to which they had listened , and
while they had learned a great deal , it was soma pleasure to percoivo that they did not differ greatly from the points that bad been brought nnder their notice . Bro . Stevens responded in a humorous speech , and tbinkefl the brethren thoroughly and heartily for their kind reception . In leaving them he felt that he had added to the l st of
bis Masonio acquaintance who wonld be glad to see him again . Ho concluded by giving a powerful recitation of " A Mason ' s VOWP . " Bros . Naylor P . Prov . D . C . and Rev . Walker returned thanks for tbe Visitors , Bros . Jackson and Beamish for the Officers , and the Tyler ' s toast brought thia enjoyable evening to a pleasant termi'iatiou .
LODGE OP VIRTUE , No . 152 ( MANCHESTER ) . A MEETING was held in the Freemasons' Hall on Friday , the 16 th inst ., when there' wore present Bros . Gillibr ^ nd W . M ., Wi - liams P . M . D . C . acting S . W ., Cantrill J . W ., Rev . J . Wats ™ P . M .
P . P . G . C . Chaplain , Pritjhrrd P . M . Treasurer , Crompton Secretary , Daniel I . P . M . siting I . G ., Norton Steward ; Bros . Conway P . M ., Ingram , Kelly , Saunders , Kennedy , Kay , and Peane ; Visitor—Bro . Cook 420 , Spilsby . The Lc lge waa opened in due form and the minutis of the previous meeting read and confirmed . There being no bus *' nesd tbe Lodge wai closed ii peace and ha atony .
ZETLAND LODGE , No . 852 ( SALFORD ) . A MEETING took place afc the Masonio HaU , Peel Creaoent , oa Wednesday , tho 14 th inst . Present—Bros . Booth VV . M ., WooUey I . P . M ., Bhckwell S . W ., Beardmoro J . W ., Watson Treasurer , Holme Secretary , Willis S . D ., Robinson J . D ., Sidebottom I . G ., Hookeu Chaplain , Past Masters Wheeler and Pike ; Bros . Denton , Barrington , Baxter , Turner , Egan , Slack , Watts , Jnd , Johnson , Thos . Bradbury , Ison , Dentitb , Stevens , and J . Bradbury .
Visitors—Bros . Smith 1773 , Briggs 1877 , and Lisenden . The brethren met ac 6 o ' clock , and tbe Lodge was shortly afterwards opened with solemn prayer . The minutes of the previou s meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Mr . Brownlow T . Bnrnett , and being declared favourable , he waa afterwards initiated into Freemasonry by Bro . Past Master Wheeler , who also presented the work .
ing tools and delivered the E . A . charge in a very impressive manner . In tbe second degree , Bro . Turner answered the necessary questions Bj \ r \ withdrew . He was subsequently raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . by Bro . J . A . WooUey I . P . M ., the traditional history being delivered by Bro . Pike P . M . In tha first degree , a hearty vote of condolence waa ordered to be sent to the widow of the late Bro . Lea
P . M ., who was spoken of in high terms of praise by several of tha brethren . The I . P . M . Bro . WooUey stated he had great hopes , through the kindness of Bro . Howarth , M . P ., of seeing Bro . Lee ' a widow obtain her late husband ' s occupation . There being no further business , the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony afc 9 o'clock . At the social board tbe health of the Initiate waa
proposed in eulogistic terms by Bro . Wheeler P . M ., who stated he had travelled 100 miles that day for tbe purpose of being initiated , nnd might possibly have to travel a longer distance to be passed and raised . Bro . Wheeler said he bad greafc pleasure in proposing Bro . Burnett to become a member of the Lodge , and still greater pleasure in initiating him into Freemasonry . He felt snre he would
make a good and honoured member of the Zetland Lodge , and asked the brethren to rise and drink to the toast . Bro . Wheeler ' s invitation was promptly responded fco , after which Bro . Burnett replied in a few well chosen sentences . The health of the newly raised Bro . Turner -was also proposed , drank and responded fco , as was thafc of fche Visitors , the W . M ., & o . A pleasant , though necessarily short evening was spent .
RICHMOND LODGE , No . 1011 ( MANCHESTER ) . A MEETING was held on Thursday , the 15 th inst ., afc the Old Boar ' s Head , when there were present Bros . Williams W . M ., Watson I . P . M ., Bamford S . W ., Dawson J . W ., Kinder Treasnrer , Millar P . M . Sec , Staadring S . D ., Turner P . M . Dir . of Cers . ; P . M . ' a Mottorshead , Hind , and Caldwell P . P . G . S . B ., Lambert , Thompson , Bishop , Holyoak , Higgenbotham , Bailey , Walmsley , Schofield , A . Hall ,
Coombes , Anderson , Pettinger , Biggins , R . Hall , Hftir , MoGuckin , and Taylor ; Visitors—Bros . Royle 1170 , Vaughan S . W . 1030 , Atkinson 1130 , and Browne 1134 . Tim brethren met at 4 * 30 when tbe Lodge was opened in dne form , and the minutes of the previous meeting rend and confirmed . There were four candidates to be passed to the
socoiid degree , viz .: Bros . Bailey , Walmsley , Schofield , and Anderson . After the usual catechism the four brethren were made Fellow Crafts , Bro . Bailey by tbo W . M ., Bro . Walmsley by Bro . Mottershead P . M ., Bro . Schofield " by Bro . Hind P . M ., and Anderson by Bro . Turner P . M ., and thero being no further business the Lodge was closed in peace a id harmony at 9 o ' clock .
EGERTON LODGE , No . 1030 ( HEATON NORRIS ) THE installation of Bro . Vanghan took place and the St . John's Festival celebrated at the George Hotel on Monday , the 19 th inst . Present Bros . McKinn W . M ., Preston I . P . M ., W . A . Vanghan S . W ., Knott J . W ., G . L . Vanghan P . M . Treas ., W . H . Vaughan P . M . P . P . G . Reg . Sac , Smith S . D ., Wilson J . D ., Abbott P . M . P . P . G . D . C . Dir . of Cirs ., Keymer I . G . ; P . M . 's Bros . Rostrou P . P . G . J . D .,
Lingard P . P . G . J . W ., Pemberton P . P . G . D . C , Dr . Maclean , Ferns aud Cole Organist , Crash , Cookson , Goodfellow , Allen , Haddon , and Fisher ; Visitors—Chadwick P . G . Secretary , Howard P . M . 62 P . P . G . S . W . Cheshire , Maogregor P . M . 654 P . P . G . D . Derbyshire , Bale P . M . 321 , Vnltohoff W . M . 317 , Beaaton P . M . 1459 . Kain W . M . 104 ,
Hargreaves W . M . 322 , Wylde W . M . 323 , Sidebottom 316 , Orrall 645 , Broadbant 1952 , and Sharpies 2359 . The brethren met at 3 o'clock , and the Lodge was soon afterwards opened with solemn prayer , and the minntes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . The iostal'ition of Bro . W . A . Vaughan was next proceeded with , Bro .
Abbott P . M . P . P . G . D . C . being selected to perform the duties of Installing Masrar , and having taken his position , the W . M .-elect was forthwith present * d to him by the Provincial Grand Secretary . The usual preliminaries having been gone through , the W . M .-elect Bro . W . A . Vanghan was inducted into the ohair with all due rite and
ceremony . On the re-ad mission of all M . M . ' s the fact of Bro . Vanghan ' s installation was proclaimed to them , and the W . M . was saluted in the usual manner . The following brethren were invested Officers for the year by Bro . Maclean P . M ., viz .: Bros . Knott S . W ., Smith J . W ., Rev . Addison Crofton Chaplain , Lingard P . M . P . P . G . J . W Treasurer , W . H . Vaughan P . M . P . P . G . Registrar Secretary , Wilaou