Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
B . D ., Keymer J . D ., Abbott . P . M . P . P . G . D . C . Dir . of Cera ., Gooofel . low I . G ., Dawson Tyler . The address to the W . M . was delivered by Bro . Preston I . P . M ., to the Wardens by Bro . Maclean P . M ., and to the brethren by Bro . Abbot P . M . A handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to tha I . P . M . ( Bro . Preston ) for hia appreciated services during tbe past year . A candidate was proposed for initiation at
the next meeting , and Bro . Moore P . M . 1959 P . P . G . S . B . Cheshire as a joining member , and there being no further business the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony . The brethren subsequently celebrated fche Festival of St . John with a recherche banquet , prepared and served in Mr . Parish ' s best style . The nsual toast list was gone throngh , including the health of the W . M ., the I . P . M ., Visitors , Officers , & c .
ELEANOR CROSS LODGE , No . 1764 . THE annual Festival and installation ceremony in connection with the Eleanor Cross Ledge , Norths and Hunts , took place on Tuesday , the 20 th inst ., at the Masonio Hall , Princess Street , Northampton , when there waa a large attendance of members , including many Visitors from the Sister Lodges in tbe town and district , aud also from a distance . The Lodge was opened at half-pasfc five o ' clock . After the transaction of the nsual Lodge business , Bro . G . Batcher
P . Prov . G . S . W . P . M . installed , according to ancient custom , Brother Alfred Jones P . Prov . G . Rogistrar S . W , as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , and subsequently the Worshipful Master duly appointed and invested his Officers for the year , as follow : —Brothers T . P . Dorman P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works I . P . M ., J . Currall P . Prov . Grand Standard Bearer S . W ., H . Mansfield P . Prov . G . Purs . J . W .,
Rev . W . S . Pratt Chaplain , Rev . A . W . Gross Assistant Chaplain , H . Hodgea P . Prov . G . Steward Treasurer , J . A . Jowett P . Prov . G . Steward Secretary , Besby Thompson Assistant Secretary , J . Gold P . Prov . Grand Steward J . D ., 0 . Cooke Prov . Grand Steward J . D ., T . H . Vials P . Prov . G . O . Dir . of Cers ., W . F . Tipler Assistant D . C , W . D . Gibbins Organist , W . H . Tarry Standard Bearer , T . Ashdowue
I . G ., W . H . Hodg « s and R . H . Boycott Stewards , G . Robinson Tyler . The Worshipful Master , on behalf of the Officers and members of the Eleanor Cross , nexfc presented tho retiring Worshipful Master ( Brother T . P . Dorman ) with a handsomo P . M . ' s jewel , as a mark of their recognition of the manner in whioh he had carried out the duties of bis office during the paat year , and Brother T . P . Dorman suitably acknowledged tho presentation . Lorlge having bean dnl y
closed , the members sat down to a banquet , whioh was set ont in the large roim of the hall , whioh is lighted by electricity . The catering wns entrusted to Bro . W . P . Tiplor , of the Rftf-tanraut , Guildhall-road , and evrry satisfaction wan given iu thut re » pecr . Tho iitnvly-eleotei Worshipful Master Brother A . Jones osunpiud the ohair , and the company numbered about 80 . The repast over , the W . M . proposed tho Queen and Craft , and the M . W . the Grand Mister H . R . H . the Prince of Wales : the M . W . the Pro Grand Muster the Earl of
Lathom , the R . W . the Deputy Grand Master the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , and the Officers of Grand Lo Jge Present and Past , was also submitted by the President , who in the course of his remarks , spjke highly of Bro . the Rev . Canon Sanders P . G . C . England P . M ., and Bro . Butler Wilkins , who , he said , fully deserved the confidence reposed in them for the eminent services thoy had rendered to
Masonry in the Province . Brother Bntlor Wilkins , in the absence of Bro . the Rev . Canon Sanders , replied to the toast . He spoke of the spirit evinced and fche interest shown iu the Eleanor Cross Lodge and the Province generally , and congratulated Bro . A . Jones on his accession to office . He also expressed the hope that Brother Jones would find the duties pleasant to himself , and that the Lodge mi « ht
increase and and prosper during the time he presided over it . Brother Beeby Thompson proposed tbe R . W . the P . G . M . tbe Earl of Euston ; the D . P . G . M . Bro . Butler Wilkins P . G . Standard Bearer Eng ., and the ' Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , Present and Past , and made a few most appropriate remarks , in the course of whioh he spoke in high terms of praise of the manner in which tho Provincial Grand
Waiter carried out the important aud responsible dutiea of his high office . Bro . Bntler Wilkins replied to the toast , and expressed his regret that Lord Euston was nnablo to be with them that evening as he felt sure his Lordship would have been pleased to see so large a gathering of Masons , aid also to hear of the increasing prosperity of Masonry iu the town . Bro . H . Hodges submitted the toast of the
W . M . of the Eleanor Cross Ledge Bro . Alfred Jones P . Prov . G . Re- ' . He remarked that all present doubtless felt proud to see Bro . Jones in the position in which he had been installed that evening . He was well worthy to occupy the chair , as he had taken a very great interest in promoting the welfare and the success of the Eleanor Cross Lod »<* and he was glad that he had now reached the hi ghest possible position
in the Lodge . He was pleased to see so many Masons present , several of whom were from a distance , to congratulate him on htu accession to oflice , ns ifc showed the confidence aud respect thev hud for their Worshipful Master . All who hnU watched his career n < , \ Mason mnst admit that whatever office hn had been called npon fi fill ho had carried out the dutiea appHrtainmg thereto not only with
credit to hims . ilf , bnt nlao to the Lod ge . Brother Hoilges said he personall y oonaratulatod Bro . Jo-iea on hi * appointment as Worshi pful Master of this Lodg .-, which wns ouo of the principal Lodges in the I rovince , and wished him a happy and prospsron- * year of offiV Ihe VVorshipfnl Maxtor , on rising to reply to thn t .-msf , met with a most hearty reception . Ho thanked tb « - members for tho ¦ rianB"r in which they ha . - received tho tonst , and remarked thnt he was anxiotw
to do hia boat in th ** . office to which ho h ; id beeu appointed , so as to continue to merit the confidence ropoaed iu aim . Ho admitted ho was proud and happy to occupy tho position in -which ho had been place . ! and he wns glad to see so many brethren present with whom ho had laboured in Masonry for so many yeare , and also others from a aistance . He was coaBcious of the great responsibility cast upon omwho occupiedI the position of Worshipful Master of such a Lodge as the Eleanor Cross ; and , as far aa ho waa concerned , no efloifcs shonld
be wauling on hia pari to render the Lodge as Buocesaful during hia year of office ai it had been in tbe past , and alftins serviceable t-i Masonry . He had been a Mason for 12 yours , and fully appreciated the grand and ennobling princip les of tha Brotherhood , aud he shonl I do his best to further promota them for the general gcjd of the body . He should emulate those who had gone before him in endeavouring
to maintain the honour and dignity of the office to which he had th » fc evening been appointed . The Eleanor Cross Lodge waa worthy of comparison with other Lodges in tbe Province , aa it had a ijood roll of members and a substantial balance io hand ; and he hoped hit - year of office might bo a happy and a successful oue . The Installing Officer was given by Bro . Butler Wilkius , who spoke highly of the
manner Bro . G . Butober had carried out the important dntu > a entrusted to him that evening . Bro . G . Butcher , in the course of hia reply , spoke of the pleasure it gave him to instal Bro . T . P . Norman last year , and Bro . A . Jones thia year , and , with ret-pnob to the latter brother , he said he felt certain be would fnlly maintain tha hononr and orelit of the Eleanor Cross Lodge , and he - » a . one from whom
they might expect great things during his year of office . Bro . T . P . Norman submitted tha tci 3 fc of the Mas-inn * Charities . H * t-pokoof the value of the Charities , whioh were formed in ihe latter part , of the last century , and aaid they had done gcjd work in the past , and he hoped they would do even a greater work iu the future ; ho hoped thafc Lodge and the brethren generally would do what they could to
assist the Charities , as they were of greafc value fco the body and most worthy of all the snpport which cauld he given them . Bro . G . Ellard , who had been Appointed with Bro . Bnokle , of Peterborough , to superintend the different votes in the Province , replied to the toast . He enumerated the number of votes the Province had in respect of the different Charities , and said the work of tbe
Province was deeply appreciated by those who had the management of the different Charities . They had done well in fche past , and he hoped they would be able to do even more in the future . Bro . H . Manfield proposed the Pasfc Masters of the Ledge , and spake in terms of praise of the manner in whioh Bro . T . P . Dorman , who had now become a Past Master , had carried out the duties of Worshipful
Master daring the past year . Some of his subsequent remarks were of a somewhat humorous character . Brother T . P . Dorman acknowledged the toast , and took occasion to reply in equally humorous terms t 3 the remarks of Bro . Manfield . The Visiting Brethren was given by Bro . H . Brown P . P . G . J . W . P . M ., to which Bro . J . C . Jones of the Fidelity Lodge , Bro . J . Barber of the
Sfc . Thomas' Lodge , Bro . T . Dixon of the Beaudesert Lodgo , Bro . W . Clarke of the Oak Lodgo , London , Bro . Dr . Knight of the Beneventa Lorlge , and Bro . W . Blunt of the Stoneloigh Lodge , replied . The fister Lodges was proposed by Bro . B . Croft , and acknowledged by ro . E . B . Fletcher Worshipfnl Master of the Pomfret Lodge . The
concluding toasts were the Wardens and Officer * - of the Eleanor Cross Lodge , replied to by Bro . J . Currall , an . J the Tyler ' s toast , pro . posed by Brother G . Robinson . Some excellent t-ongs were sung by Bros . W . H . Tarrv . J . J . Hart , R . Croft , G . Butober , C . E . Thorpe , W . D . Gibbins , E . B * . Fletcher , and other--. —Northampton Daily Chronicle .
Mr . J . M . Barrio ' s new novel , entitled "The Little Minister , " will be published in a few days .
py * HFATHMMISfft * # ! EI MflQT I IRC Fill $ s ^ coa 3 imTwtM H E IV , U 0 1 UC ) truL / HC 3 fc EXTENDING li : ILJJ » f " / £ Ea 4 " -ADDER O JLJ « H F 0 K M^a"™l3*liSH0PS' MV^P"RHBH0USES> 0¥\I0sHGARDENS, WNRrWwJ ^^ -jjfjf ,. *!* , > k . J ^ l & c # PRICES FREE FROM HEATHMAN&Co., 2 ENDELL STREET , LONDON , W . C .
^ m ^ B ^ fTIHIS valuable medicine , discovered and ^ HH __ H- _ ' A- invented by Mr . BrcnisD Fumuir in 1844 , HBHi . introduced into India and Egypt in 1850 , and subrajnMUfl-niT sequently all over the world , maintains its supre-JBWIm % W * S * ° as a special and specific Remedy for the mBffmmJUk Treatment and Cure of Coughs , Colds , ConsurapjBEttntiilSL S 2 * . ? S ' Bro ? chitis , Asthma , Ague , Sore " "" UW- * Throat , Influenza , Neuralgia , Diarrhoea , Dysentery , Asiatic Cholera , Colic , Gout , and all Fevers . VDTT 7 M A WC « , i 82 » a v . « * " > Us - and 20 s P « rbottle . r A-iJllttAII O Sold by Patent Medicine Dealers in all parts of the world . _____ ( YRTGTN / VT K . B . —Lord ChancoUor Sriborne . Lord Justice V 1 UUU 1 AU Ja S ° ' * Z " " Justice Melltah decided in favour / irvT « -. « , > ,- „„ of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and CHLOKODYNE aga ™ . , Brown and Davenport , compelling them to v / uuuivui / i iiu . pay M C 08 t 8 ^ mit _ Timtf o £ Mth * nly J 873 ^
Crown Svo , ls Paper Covers ; ls 6 d Cloth Lettered . iQOSSIP ABOUT FREEMASONRY ; its History and Traditions . VA A Paper read by Bro . S . VALLBITOSB , P . M . and Z . No . 9 , to tho Brethren of the Albion Lodge of Instruction , 2 nd November 1889 . Free by post of W , W . HosfUir , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
B . D ., Keymer J . D ., Abbott . P . M . P . P . G . D . C . Dir . of Cera ., Gooofel . low I . G ., Dawson Tyler . The address to the W . M . was delivered by Bro . Preston I . P . M ., to the Wardens by Bro . Maclean P . M ., and to the brethren by Bro . Abbot P . M . A handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to tha I . P . M . ( Bro . Preston ) for hia appreciated services during tbe past year . A candidate was proposed for initiation at
the next meeting , and Bro . Moore P . M . 1959 P . P . G . S . B . Cheshire as a joining member , and there being no further business the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony . The brethren subsequently celebrated fche Festival of St . John with a recherche banquet , prepared and served in Mr . Parish ' s best style . The nsual toast list was gone throngh , including the health of the W . M ., the I . P . M ., Visitors , Officers , & c .
ELEANOR CROSS LODGE , No . 1764 . THE annual Festival and installation ceremony in connection with the Eleanor Cross Ledge , Norths and Hunts , took place on Tuesday , the 20 th inst ., at the Masonio Hall , Princess Street , Northampton , when there waa a large attendance of members , including many Visitors from the Sister Lodges in tbe town and district , aud also from a distance . The Lodge was opened at half-pasfc five o ' clock . After the transaction of the nsual Lodge business , Bro . G . Batcher
P . Prov . G . S . W . P . M . installed , according to ancient custom , Brother Alfred Jones P . Prov . G . Rogistrar S . W , as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , and subsequently the Worshipful Master duly appointed and invested his Officers for the year , as follow : —Brothers T . P . Dorman P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works I . P . M ., J . Currall P . Prov . Grand Standard Bearer S . W ., H . Mansfield P . Prov . G . Purs . J . W .,
Rev . W . S . Pratt Chaplain , Rev . A . W . Gross Assistant Chaplain , H . Hodgea P . Prov . G . Steward Treasurer , J . A . Jowett P . Prov . G . Steward Secretary , Besby Thompson Assistant Secretary , J . Gold P . Prov . Grand Steward J . D ., 0 . Cooke Prov . Grand Steward J . D ., T . H . Vials P . Prov . G . O . Dir . of Cers ., W . F . Tipler Assistant D . C , W . D . Gibbins Organist , W . H . Tarry Standard Bearer , T . Ashdowue
I . G ., W . H . Hodg « s and R . H . Boycott Stewards , G . Robinson Tyler . The Worshipful Master , on behalf of the Officers and members of the Eleanor Cross , nexfc presented tho retiring Worshipful Master ( Brother T . P . Dorman ) with a handsomo P . M . ' s jewel , as a mark of their recognition of the manner in whioh he had carried out the duties of bis office during the paat year , and Brother T . P . Dorman suitably acknowledged tho presentation . Lorlge having bean dnl y
closed , the members sat down to a banquet , whioh was set ont in the large roim of the hall , whioh is lighted by electricity . The catering wns entrusted to Bro . W . P . Tiplor , of the Rftf-tanraut , Guildhall-road , and evrry satisfaction wan given iu thut re » pecr . Tho iitnvly-eleotei Worshipful Master Brother A . Jones osunpiud the ohair , and the company numbered about 80 . The repast over , the W . M . proposed tho Queen and Craft , and the M . W . the Grand Mister H . R . H . the Prince of Wales : the M . W . the Pro Grand Muster the Earl of
Lathom , the R . W . the Deputy Grand Master the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , and the Officers of Grand Lo Jge Present and Past , was also submitted by the President , who in the course of his remarks , spjke highly of Bro . the Rev . Canon Sanders P . G . C . England P . M ., and Bro . Butler Wilkins , who , he said , fully deserved the confidence reposed in them for the eminent services thoy had rendered to
Masonry in the Province . Brother Bntlor Wilkins , in the absence of Bro . the Rev . Canon Sanders , replied to the toast . He spoke of the spirit evinced and fche interest shown iu the Eleanor Cross Lodge and the Province generally , and congratulated Bro . A . Jones on his accession to office . He also expressed the hope that Brother Jones would find the duties pleasant to himself , and that the Lodge mi « ht
increase and and prosper during the time he presided over it . Brother Beeby Thompson proposed tbe R . W . the P . G . M . tbe Earl of Euston ; the D . P . G . M . Bro . Butler Wilkins P . G . Standard Bearer Eng ., and the ' Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , Present and Past , and made a few most appropriate remarks , in the course of whioh he spoke in high terms of praise of the manner in which tho Provincial Grand
Waiter carried out the important aud responsible dutiea of his high office . Bro . Bntler Wilkins replied to the toast , and expressed his regret that Lord Euston was nnablo to be with them that evening as he felt sure his Lordship would have been pleased to see so large a gathering of Masons , aid also to hear of the increasing prosperity of Masonry iu the town . Bro . H . Hodges submitted the toast of the
W . M . of the Eleanor Cross Ledge Bro . Alfred Jones P . Prov . G . Re- ' . He remarked that all present doubtless felt proud to see Bro . Jones in the position in which he had been installed that evening . He was well worthy to occupy the chair , as he had taken a very great interest in promoting the welfare and the success of the Eleanor Cross Lod »<* and he was glad that he had now reached the hi ghest possible position
in the Lodge . He was pleased to see so many Masons present , several of whom were from a distance , to congratulate him on htu accession to oflice , ns ifc showed the confidence aud respect thev hud for their Worshipful Master . All who hnU watched his career n < , \ Mason mnst admit that whatever office hn had been called npon fi fill ho had carried out the dutiea appHrtainmg thereto not only with
credit to hims . ilf , bnt nlao to the Lod ge . Brother Hoilges said he personall y oonaratulatod Bro . Jo-iea on hi * appointment as Worshi pful Master of this Lodg .-, which wns ouo of the principal Lodges in the I rovince , and wished him a happy and prospsron- * year of offiV Ihe VVorshipfnl Maxtor , on rising to reply to thn t .-msf , met with a most hearty reception . Ho thanked tb « - members for tho ¦ rianB"r in which they ha . - received tho tonst , and remarked thnt he was anxiotw
to do hia boat in th ** . office to which ho h ; id beeu appointed , so as to continue to merit the confidence ropoaed iu aim . Ho admitted ho was proud and happy to occupy tho position in -which ho had been place . ! and he wns glad to see so many brethren present with whom ho had laboured in Masonry for so many yeare , and also others from a aistance . He was coaBcious of the great responsibility cast upon omwho occupiedI the position of Worshipful Master of such a Lodge as the Eleanor Cross ; and , as far aa ho waa concerned , no efloifcs shonld
be wauling on hia pari to render the Lodge as Buocesaful during hia year of office ai it had been in tbe past , and alftins serviceable t-i Masonry . He had been a Mason for 12 yours , and fully appreciated the grand and ennobling princip les of tha Brotherhood , aud he shonl I do his best to further promota them for the general gcjd of the body . He should emulate those who had gone before him in endeavouring
to maintain the honour and dignity of the office to which he had th » fc evening been appointed . The Eleanor Cross Lodge waa worthy of comparison with other Lodges in tbe Province , aa it had a ijood roll of members and a substantial balance io hand ; and he hoped hit - year of office might bo a happy and a successful oue . The Installing Officer was given by Bro . Butler Wilkius , who spoke highly of the
manner Bro . G . Butober had carried out the important dntu > a entrusted to him that evening . Bro . G . Butcher , in the course of hia reply , spoke of the pleasure it gave him to instal Bro . T . P . Norman last year , and Bro . A . Jones thia year , and , with ret-pnob to the latter brother , he said he felt certain be would fnlly maintain tha hononr and orelit of the Eleanor Cross Lodge , and he - » a . one from whom
they might expect great things during his year of office . Bro . T . P . Norman submitted tha tci 3 fc of the Mas-inn * Charities . H * t-pokoof the value of the Charities , whioh were formed in ihe latter part , of the last century , and aaid they had done gcjd work in the past , and he hoped they would do even a greater work iu the future ; ho hoped thafc Lodge and the brethren generally would do what they could to
assist the Charities , as they were of greafc value fco the body and most worthy of all the snpport which cauld he given them . Bro . G . Ellard , who had been Appointed with Bro . Bnokle , of Peterborough , to superintend the different votes in the Province , replied to the toast . He enumerated the number of votes the Province had in respect of the different Charities , and said the work of tbe
Province was deeply appreciated by those who had the management of the different Charities . They had done well in fche past , and he hoped they would be able to do even more in the future . Bro . H . Manfield proposed the Pasfc Masters of the Ledge , and spake in terms of praise of the manner in whioh Bro . T . P . Dorman , who had now become a Past Master , had carried out the duties of Worshipful
Master daring the past year . Some of his subsequent remarks were of a somewhat humorous character . Brother T . P . Dorman acknowledged the toast , and took occasion to reply in equally humorous terms t 3 the remarks of Bro . Manfield . The Visiting Brethren was given by Bro . H . Brown P . P . G . J . W . P . M ., to which Bro . J . C . Jones of the Fidelity Lodge , Bro . J . Barber of the
Sfc . Thomas' Lodge , Bro . T . Dixon of the Beaudesert Lodgo , Bro . W . Clarke of the Oak Lodgo , London , Bro . Dr . Knight of the Beneventa Lorlge , and Bro . W . Blunt of the Stoneloigh Lodge , replied . The fister Lodges was proposed by Bro . B . Croft , and acknowledged by ro . E . B . Fletcher Worshipfnl Master of the Pomfret Lodge . The
concluding toasts were the Wardens and Officer * - of the Eleanor Cross Lodge , replied to by Bro . J . Currall , an . J the Tyler ' s toast , pro . posed by Brother G . Robinson . Some excellent t-ongs were sung by Bros . W . H . Tarrv . J . J . Hart , R . Croft , G . Butober , C . E . Thorpe , W . D . Gibbins , E . B * . Fletcher , and other--. —Northampton Daily Chronicle .
Mr . J . M . Barrio ' s new novel , entitled "The Little Minister , " will be published in a few days .
py * HFATHMMISfft * # ! EI MflQT I IRC Fill $ s ^ coa 3 imTwtM H E IV , U 0 1 UC ) truL / HC 3 fc EXTENDING li : ILJJ » f " / £ Ea 4 " -ADDER O JLJ « H F 0 K M^a"™l3*liSH0PS' MV^P"RHBH0USES> 0¥\I0sHGARDENS, WNRrWwJ ^^ -jjfjf ,. *!* , > k . J ^ l & c # PRICES FREE FROM HEATHMAN&Co., 2 ENDELL STREET , LONDON , W . C .
^ m ^ B ^ fTIHIS valuable medicine , discovered and ^ HH __ H- _ ' A- invented by Mr . BrcnisD Fumuir in 1844 , HBHi . introduced into India and Egypt in 1850 , and subrajnMUfl-niT sequently all over the world , maintains its supre-JBWIm % W * S * ° as a special and specific Remedy for the mBffmmJUk Treatment and Cure of Coughs , Colds , ConsurapjBEttntiilSL S 2 * . ? S ' Bro ? chitis , Asthma , Ague , Sore " "" UW- * Throat , Influenza , Neuralgia , Diarrhoea , Dysentery , Asiatic Cholera , Colic , Gout , and all Fevers . VDTT 7 M A WC « , i 82 » a v . « * " > Us - and 20 s P « rbottle . r A-iJllttAII O Sold by Patent Medicine Dealers in all parts of the world . _____ ( YRTGTN / VT K . B . —Lord ChancoUor Sriborne . Lord Justice V 1 UUU 1 AU Ja S ° ' * Z " " Justice Melltah decided in favour / irvT « -. « , > ,- „„ of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and CHLOKODYNE aga ™ . , Brown and Davenport , compelling them to v / uuuivui / i iiu . pay M C 08 t 8 ^ mit _ Timtf o £ Mth * nly J 873 ^
Crown Svo , ls Paper Covers ; ls 6 d Cloth Lettered . iQOSSIP ABOUT FREEMASONRY ; its History and Traditions . VA A Paper read by Bro . S . VALLBITOSB , P . M . and Z . No . 9 , to tho Brethren of the Albion Lodge of Instruction , 2 nd November 1889 . Free by post of W , W . HosfUir , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville ,