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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Wiltshire.
of the Committee , as to the new Book of Constitutions , called the attention of the Provincial Grand Lodge to the fact that the subject would come before the next Grand Lodge , to be hold on Wednesday , the 5 fch December , and he reminded tho brethren that at the same Grand Lodge the question of rebuilding the Masonio Temple , recently damaged by firo , would also be considered . Some disoussion took place , and the feeling seemed to be strongly against any part of tho property
of Grand Lodge boing let on lease for such a long term—fifty yearsas had been recommended by the Special Grand Lodge Committee on the subject . No formal resolntion was taken , but tho Provincial Grand Master Lord Mothnen expressed the hope that every Wilshire member of Grand Lodgo who could possibly attend on the ocoasion would do so in order to be able to record his vote on the questions indicated after having heard the arguments that might be brought forward .
Lord Methuen then declared all offices vacant , and proposed the reelection as Treasurer of Bro . F . H . Goldney . This was seconded by Lord H . F . Thynne , and carried by acclamation . The Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year were then appointed and invested , the list being headed by the Lord Mayor of London ( who is a member of the Chippenham Lodge , but was unfortunately unable to be present on this occasion ) as S . W .
The following is the list : Bro . R . N . Fowler ( Lord Mayor ) 626 .,.. Senior Warden H . Blackmore 586 Junior Warden Rev . C . H . Awdry 626 Chaplain F . H . Goldney ( re-elected ) 626 ... Treasurer Thos . Ponting ( re-appointed ) 1478 ... Registrar Henry C . Tombs ( re-appointed ) 355 Secretary B . H . Watts 335 , 626 Senior Deacon Viscount Dangan 626 Junior Deacon Jas . Sparks 1295 Supt . of Works John Chandler ( re-appointed ) 355 ... Dir . of Ceremonies Dr . T . Ringer 1533 A . Dir . of Ceremonies H . C . Bishop 632 Sword Bearer E . S . Mackrell 1478 Organist H . Merrick 1271 Pursuivant W . Jenkins 355 A . Pursuivant John Savoy ( re-elected ) 355 ... Tyler
This ended the business of the meeting , and the Provincial Grand Lodge was duly closed , Lord Methuen expressing his regret that , owing to a slight misunderstanding , a previous engagement clashed with the day fixed for the Provincial Grand Lodge ; this , he was sorry to say , compelled him at once to leave for his home and rendered him unable to stay to the banquet . The brethren subsequently dined together at the Angel Hotel , under the presidency of the D . P . G . M . Sir Gabriel Goldney , Bart .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of North And East Yorkshire.
ON Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., this body met in the Masonio Hall , York , by invitation of the York Mark Lodge ( T . I . ) The entertaining Lodge was opened at 1 * 45 by the W . M ., Bro . C . G . Padel , and at two o ' olook the Prov . Grand Master , Bro . J . W . Woodall , entered with his Prov . Grand Officers , was saluted , and assumed the chair . Prov . Grand Lodge was then opened , the following officers being in their places : —Bros . Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett Deputy Prov . G . M .,
Sir Jas . Meek P . P . G . W . as S . W ., H . A . Williamson P . P . G . W . as J . W ., T . Thompson Prov . G . M . O ., M . G . Collingwood Prov . G . S . O ., S . Chadwiok Prov . G . J . O ., Rev . W . C . Lukis Prov . G . Chaplain , J . M . Meek Prov . G . Reg ., T . B . Whytehead Prov . G . Sec , J . Marshall Prov . G . D ., S . Middleton Prov . G . D . of C , A . P . Wilson as Prov . G . I . G ., and J . Verity Prov . G . Tyler . Letters of apology for absence
were read from Bros . J . S . Cumberland Prov . G . S . W ., and other brethren , as also from a number of visitors who were unable to accept invitations to be present . The Prov . G . Treasurer ' s balancesheet was read and adopted , the roll of Lodges called , and Brother J . Todd P . M . was re-elected Prov . G . Treasurer . The appointment of Prov . G . Officers was then made as follows : —
Bro . W . T . Orde-Powlett ... ... Dep . G . M . W . H . Cowper ... ... ... Senior Warden T . Thompson ... ... ... Junior Warden C . G . Padel ... ... ... Master Overseer V . Fowler ... ... ... S . Overseer E . Bryan ... ... ... J . Overseer
Rev . W . C . Chilman ... ... Chaplain M . M . Reynard ... ... Reg . of Marks T . B . Whytehead ... ... Secretary W . Millington ... ... ... Senior Deacon J . Hogg ... .. * > .. Junior Deacon
J . Dunn ... ... ... Inspeotor of Works J . B . Nioholls ... ... ... Sword Bearer J . S . Cumberland ... ... Dir . of Cers . J . T . Seller ... ... ... Inner Guard A . F . B . Turner ... ... Organist J . Verity Tyler
Bros . Sir . Jas . Meek , Rev . W . C . Lukis , A . P . Wilson , and J . Marshall were elected on the Board of General Purposes . Bros . G . Balmford and 0 . G . Faciei were re-elected Auditors . The question of inviting the Grand Mark Lodge to York was mooted , and it was resolved that the Grand Master be invited to hold a moveable Grand
Lodge in York next Jane . The Prov . Grand Master then addresssed the brethren , congratulating them upon the condition of the province He said he had hoped before that date to see the two strong Lodges at Hull join the province , and so form one of the best provinces in England . He hoped that this would soon be the case , and in the meantime that all the Lodges would work together harmoniously .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of North And East Yorkshire.
Bros . J . Sutohffe R . W . P . G . M . Lincolnshire , and T . Y . Straohan D . P . G . M . Northumberland , who was present , also addressed the brethren , aftdr which Bro . F . Binckes , Grand Sec , congratulated the province upon its condition and the manner in whioh it was worked . He alluded to the faot of the Prince of Wales having lately been made a Mark Mason and accepting the rank of Past Grand Master . He described the progress of the Order and its present
strength , and urged the brethren to maintain the dignity of the degree . The Prov . G . M . having signified his wish to hold the next annual meeting at Middlesborough , Prov . G . Lodge was closed , and after the retirement of its officers , tbe York Lodge was closed . A banquet was afterwards held at the Queen ' s Hotel , at which the Prov . Grand Master presided .
ST . ANDREW'S ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER , No . 83 . THE usual monthly meeting of the above-named Chapter waB held in the Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on Friday , 16 th instant , under the direction of Commander G . Dickson M . E . Z . Dr . Walter Scott Carmichall H ., James Mercer S . N ., Colin Campbell MoFarlane S . E ., Allen Roliston J . Visitors—Dr . Corrie Jackson , P . S . Polish National Chapter , 534 , England , and Capt . J . Ward , Royal Navy .
There being no candidate for exaltation , the business of the evening merely consisted in the usual routine of confirming the previous minntes . A very interesting disoussion took place as to the differences existing between the English and Scottish ritual , the English
ritual being given by Comp . Jaokson . After the usual hearty good wishes had been given , the Companions retired to refreshment , and a very pleasant time was spent , several of the Companions adding to the harmony of the evening .
Testimonial To Miss Berrie Stephens.
THIS young lady , whose musical ability has frequently been referred to in these columns , was , a few evenings since , mad e the recipient of a handsome testimonial in the shape of a chamber organ . The Rev . J . W . Home in making the presentation said , the company had assembled there that evening to congratulate Misa Berrie Stephens on her talent and many good qualities , and to mark their respect and esteem in a substantial manner . He did not
intend to make a speech , they had not gathered there to listen to speeches , but rather to spend a pleasant evening . They wished to mark their friendly appreciation of the pluck and perseverance of Miss Stephens , and he hoped that as she struok the chords of the organ , she would ever remember the chords of friendship that had prompted the gift . He had great pleasnre in handing over to Miss
Berrio Stephens the organ and the accompanying testimonial , and , in addition , a purse of sovereigns with which to purchase music . He then called upon Mr . Turpin to open the organ . After a " Fantasia" on a theme by Weber , arranged by Mr . Turpin himself , had been most beautifully rendered , Mr . Laing in a most able and praiseworthy speech , returned thanks on behalf of his niece , Miss Stephens
who was visibly affected . A letter was read from Mis 3 Mary Davies , expressing regret that an engagement at Brighton prevented her being present to congratulate her pupil and friend , bat as she herself had been nnable to be with them , she had sent her photograph , elegantly framed in crimson plush . The instrument is in a handsome case of black and gold , with bright metal pipes .
mounted by a beautifully engraved plate , constructed by Mr . Eustace Ingram , of Eden Grove , Holloway , from designs by Mr , H . Turpin . We would add our congratulations to those of her many friends and admirers , and hope that the musical career of Miss Stephens , already so successful , may become brighter with each year of her life .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire and Rutland will be held next Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , under the Presidency of Earl Ferrers , Provincial Gand Master . The Commercial Lodge , No . 1391 , will be tbe entertaining Lodge . Tbe New Provincial Grand
Officers will be appointed at this meeting . The balance sheet to be presented to tbe Provincial Grand Lodge is encouraging , showing a balance of £ 92 4 s 3 d in the Treasurer ' s hands . The Charity Fund of the Province is
also in a prosperous state , for , after gifts of £ 31 10 s to the Royal Masonic Institution for Buys , a subscription to the Masonic Charity Association , £ 8 8 s to two poor women , and the expenses of the Fund for the year , there is a balance of £ 23 15 s 4 d in hand . —Evening Neivs .
HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS . —When inclement tveathor checks to a considerable extent the natural exhalations of tlio skin an alterative is required to expel them entirely from the body through some other channel . Holloway ' s Pills can be confidently recommended as the easiest , surest , and safest mean * of attaining this desirable end without weakening the most delicate or
incommoding the most feeble . When from frequent chills or impnro air the blood becomes foul and the secretions vitiated , tbe . 'ic Pills present a ready and efficient moans of cleansing tho former and correcting the latter . By this salutary proceeding disease is arrested at its outset , its pains and inconveniences averted , and the nervous structures saved from the depressing effects entailed upon them by an illness .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Wiltshire.
of the Committee , as to the new Book of Constitutions , called the attention of the Provincial Grand Lodge to the fact that the subject would come before the next Grand Lodge , to be hold on Wednesday , the 5 fch December , and he reminded tho brethren that at the same Grand Lodge the question of rebuilding the Masonio Temple , recently damaged by firo , would also be considered . Some disoussion took place , and the feeling seemed to be strongly against any part of tho property
of Grand Lodge boing let on lease for such a long term—fifty yearsas had been recommended by the Special Grand Lodge Committee on the subject . No formal resolntion was taken , but tho Provincial Grand Master Lord Mothnen expressed the hope that every Wilshire member of Grand Lodgo who could possibly attend on the ocoasion would do so in order to be able to record his vote on the questions indicated after having heard the arguments that might be brought forward .
Lord Methuen then declared all offices vacant , and proposed the reelection as Treasurer of Bro . F . H . Goldney . This was seconded by Lord H . F . Thynne , and carried by acclamation . The Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year were then appointed and invested , the list being headed by the Lord Mayor of London ( who is a member of the Chippenham Lodge , but was unfortunately unable to be present on this occasion ) as S . W .
The following is the list : Bro . R . N . Fowler ( Lord Mayor ) 626 .,.. Senior Warden H . Blackmore 586 Junior Warden Rev . C . H . Awdry 626 Chaplain F . H . Goldney ( re-elected ) 626 ... Treasurer Thos . Ponting ( re-appointed ) 1478 ... Registrar Henry C . Tombs ( re-appointed ) 355 Secretary B . H . Watts 335 , 626 Senior Deacon Viscount Dangan 626 Junior Deacon Jas . Sparks 1295 Supt . of Works John Chandler ( re-appointed ) 355 ... Dir . of Ceremonies Dr . T . Ringer 1533 A . Dir . of Ceremonies H . C . Bishop 632 Sword Bearer E . S . Mackrell 1478 Organist H . Merrick 1271 Pursuivant W . Jenkins 355 A . Pursuivant John Savoy ( re-elected ) 355 ... Tyler
This ended the business of the meeting , and the Provincial Grand Lodge was duly closed , Lord Methuen expressing his regret that , owing to a slight misunderstanding , a previous engagement clashed with the day fixed for the Provincial Grand Lodge ; this , he was sorry to say , compelled him at once to leave for his home and rendered him unable to stay to the banquet . The brethren subsequently dined together at the Angel Hotel , under the presidency of the D . P . G . M . Sir Gabriel Goldney , Bart .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of North And East Yorkshire.
ON Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., this body met in the Masonio Hall , York , by invitation of the York Mark Lodge ( T . I . ) The entertaining Lodge was opened at 1 * 45 by the W . M ., Bro . C . G . Padel , and at two o ' olook the Prov . Grand Master , Bro . J . W . Woodall , entered with his Prov . Grand Officers , was saluted , and assumed the chair . Prov . Grand Lodge was then opened , the following officers being in their places : —Bros . Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett Deputy Prov . G . M .,
Sir Jas . Meek P . P . G . W . as S . W ., H . A . Williamson P . P . G . W . as J . W ., T . Thompson Prov . G . M . O ., M . G . Collingwood Prov . G . S . O ., S . Chadwiok Prov . G . J . O ., Rev . W . C . Lukis Prov . G . Chaplain , J . M . Meek Prov . G . Reg ., T . B . Whytehead Prov . G . Sec , J . Marshall Prov . G . D ., S . Middleton Prov . G . D . of C , A . P . Wilson as Prov . G . I . G ., and J . Verity Prov . G . Tyler . Letters of apology for absence
were read from Bros . J . S . Cumberland Prov . G . S . W ., and other brethren , as also from a number of visitors who were unable to accept invitations to be present . The Prov . G . Treasurer ' s balancesheet was read and adopted , the roll of Lodges called , and Brother J . Todd P . M . was re-elected Prov . G . Treasurer . The appointment of Prov . G . Officers was then made as follows : —
Bro . W . T . Orde-Powlett ... ... Dep . G . M . W . H . Cowper ... ... ... Senior Warden T . Thompson ... ... ... Junior Warden C . G . Padel ... ... ... Master Overseer V . Fowler ... ... ... S . Overseer E . Bryan ... ... ... J . Overseer
Rev . W . C . Chilman ... ... Chaplain M . M . Reynard ... ... Reg . of Marks T . B . Whytehead ... ... Secretary W . Millington ... ... ... Senior Deacon J . Hogg ... .. * > .. Junior Deacon
J . Dunn ... ... ... Inspeotor of Works J . B . Nioholls ... ... ... Sword Bearer J . S . Cumberland ... ... Dir . of Cers . J . T . Seller ... ... ... Inner Guard A . F . B . Turner ... ... Organist J . Verity Tyler
Bros . Sir . Jas . Meek , Rev . W . C . Lukis , A . P . Wilson , and J . Marshall were elected on the Board of General Purposes . Bros . G . Balmford and 0 . G . Faciei were re-elected Auditors . The question of inviting the Grand Mark Lodge to York was mooted , and it was resolved that the Grand Master be invited to hold a moveable Grand
Lodge in York next Jane . The Prov . Grand Master then addresssed the brethren , congratulating them upon the condition of the province He said he had hoped before that date to see the two strong Lodges at Hull join the province , and so form one of the best provinces in England . He hoped that this would soon be the case , and in the meantime that all the Lodges would work together harmoniously .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of North And East Yorkshire.
Bros . J . Sutohffe R . W . P . G . M . Lincolnshire , and T . Y . Straohan D . P . G . M . Northumberland , who was present , also addressed the brethren , aftdr which Bro . F . Binckes , Grand Sec , congratulated the province upon its condition and the manner in whioh it was worked . He alluded to the faot of the Prince of Wales having lately been made a Mark Mason and accepting the rank of Past Grand Master . He described the progress of the Order and its present
strength , and urged the brethren to maintain the dignity of the degree . The Prov . G . M . having signified his wish to hold the next annual meeting at Middlesborough , Prov . G . Lodge was closed , and after the retirement of its officers , tbe York Lodge was closed . A banquet was afterwards held at the Queen ' s Hotel , at which the Prov . Grand Master presided .
ST . ANDREW'S ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER , No . 83 . THE usual monthly meeting of the above-named Chapter waB held in the Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on Friday , 16 th instant , under the direction of Commander G . Dickson M . E . Z . Dr . Walter Scott Carmichall H ., James Mercer S . N ., Colin Campbell MoFarlane S . E ., Allen Roliston J . Visitors—Dr . Corrie Jackson , P . S . Polish National Chapter , 534 , England , and Capt . J . Ward , Royal Navy .
There being no candidate for exaltation , the business of the evening merely consisted in the usual routine of confirming the previous minntes . A very interesting disoussion took place as to the differences existing between the English and Scottish ritual , the English
ritual being given by Comp . Jaokson . After the usual hearty good wishes had been given , the Companions retired to refreshment , and a very pleasant time was spent , several of the Companions adding to the harmony of the evening .
Testimonial To Miss Berrie Stephens.
THIS young lady , whose musical ability has frequently been referred to in these columns , was , a few evenings since , mad e the recipient of a handsome testimonial in the shape of a chamber organ . The Rev . J . W . Home in making the presentation said , the company had assembled there that evening to congratulate Misa Berrie Stephens on her talent and many good qualities , and to mark their respect and esteem in a substantial manner . He did not
intend to make a speech , they had not gathered there to listen to speeches , but rather to spend a pleasant evening . They wished to mark their friendly appreciation of the pluck and perseverance of Miss Stephens , and he hoped that as she struok the chords of the organ , she would ever remember the chords of friendship that had prompted the gift . He had great pleasnre in handing over to Miss
Berrio Stephens the organ and the accompanying testimonial , and , in addition , a purse of sovereigns with which to purchase music . He then called upon Mr . Turpin to open the organ . After a " Fantasia" on a theme by Weber , arranged by Mr . Turpin himself , had been most beautifully rendered , Mr . Laing in a most able and praiseworthy speech , returned thanks on behalf of his niece , Miss Stephens
who was visibly affected . A letter was read from Mis 3 Mary Davies , expressing regret that an engagement at Brighton prevented her being present to congratulate her pupil and friend , bat as she herself had been nnable to be with them , she had sent her photograph , elegantly framed in crimson plush . The instrument is in a handsome case of black and gold , with bright metal pipes .
mounted by a beautifully engraved plate , constructed by Mr . Eustace Ingram , of Eden Grove , Holloway , from designs by Mr , H . Turpin . We would add our congratulations to those of her many friends and admirers , and hope that the musical career of Miss Stephens , already so successful , may become brighter with each year of her life .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire and Rutland will be held next Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , under the Presidency of Earl Ferrers , Provincial Gand Master . The Commercial Lodge , No . 1391 , will be tbe entertaining Lodge . Tbe New Provincial Grand
Officers will be appointed at this meeting . The balance sheet to be presented to tbe Provincial Grand Lodge is encouraging , showing a balance of £ 92 4 s 3 d in the Treasurer ' s hands . The Charity Fund of the Province is
also in a prosperous state , for , after gifts of £ 31 10 s to the Royal Masonic Institution for Buys , a subscription to the Masonic Charity Association , £ 8 8 s to two poor women , and the expenses of the Fund for the year , there is a balance of £ 23 15 s 4 d in hand . —Evening Neivs .
HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS . —When inclement tveathor checks to a considerable extent the natural exhalations of tlio skin an alterative is required to expel them entirely from the body through some other channel . Holloway ' s Pills can be confidently recommended as the easiest , surest , and safest mean * of attaining this desirable end without weakening the most delicate or
incommoding the most feeble . When from frequent chills or impnro air the blood becomes foul and the secretions vitiated , tbe . 'ic Pills present a ready and efficient moans of cleansing tho former and correcting the latter . By this salutary proceeding disease is arrested at its outset , its pains and inconveniences averted , and the nervous structures saved from the depressing effects entailed upon them by an illness .