Article RANDOM NOTES AND REFLECTIONS. Page 1 of 1 Article RANDOM NOTES AND REFLECTIONS. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROSICRUCIAN SOCIETY. Page 1 of 1
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Random Notes And Reflections.
W"E are not surprised at the pleasure that was felt by Brother tho Duke of Albany at the reception ho received at the hands of the brethren of West Yorkshire on the occasion of his recent visit to Huddersfield . It was a right loyal welcome , carried out with becoming
spirit . Formal recognition of the reception was given at the time , bnt we now learn that intimation has been conveyed to Brother Sir Henry Edwards , R . W . Provincial
Grand Master of West Yorkshire , that his Royal Highness will gladly sign the books of the five Lodges in Huddersfield as a memento and a record of his visit . Bro . the
Duke of Albany takes this opportunity to renew the expression of pleasure he felt at the reception he met with , the details of which were arranged and carried out by the
five Lodges in question . The signature of our noble brother in the Lodge books will be highly prized by the brethren of the Huddersfield Lodges , and will be taken as a great compliment by the whole of the Craft in the
province . IO : — Judging from the expression of opinion on all hands , the resolution arrived at in August last relative to the status of joining Past Masters will not be confirmed at
the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , to be held on 5 th December . It is not so easy to predict the precise course that will be taken , nor is it necessary to prophecy . The suggestion of an influential section of the brethren to
let matters rest where certain of the new rules leave them , has rather lost than gained favour , and the disposition seems to tend in the direction of doing something to meet the wishes of those who still think they have a grievance , and
who were powerful enough to carry Grand Lodge with them in August . The views we have expressed from time to time are now being warmly espoused , and we can see no better way of preserving the dignity of Grand Lodge and
of satisfying all reasonable demands , than by leaving the decision as to the status of a joining Past Master in the hands of the members of the Lodge he joins . It will only be recognising a custom that already prevails to some
extent , and will permit private Lodges to exercise that discretion which naturally belongs to them , and which it is no part of the duty of Grand Lodge to define . It is purely a local question , and should be determined locally .
It is one thing to give a Lodge choice of action , and another to force the members into a precise method , or to have recourse to the painful and objectionable practice of blackballing . There is no necessity for Grand Lodge to
act m a matter that m no way affects them or the principles of the Craft , and if they simply make legal what custom now sanctions , they will get rid of a troublesome matter in a very dignified manner , and do all that can fairly be asked of them .
There is a lull in the discussion anent the rebuilding of the Temple , which is not to be wondered at , seeing that there is yet a good deal to be learned about what is possible . More information is needed before a basis of
action can be arrived at , and as time does not seem to be of the first consideration , it is as well that the production of plans should be postponed until it is known what Grand Lodge and the Craft at large desire . The plan of the
Special Building Committee has met with little favour , not altogether because of its general demerits as a plan , but because of its costliness in certain directions . We have
already expressed our views on this matter , and shall not now further allude to them than to say that , whatever is done we hope the library and museum question will not be forgotten .
It is pleasant to notice that with one exception Bro . Sadler ' s appeal has been successful in obtaining likenesses , of one sort or the other , of the noble brethren whose portraits were destroyed by the late fire . The missing one is
that of the Duke of Athole , which we trust will be secured . We are glad to find that an interest has been awakened in the matter , and hope that the outcome will be the formation of a gallery of Masonic portraits which shall either find
space in the new Temple , or in the library that is to be . We have a home for work and social enjoyment , we ought to have a place where tho mind can be stored and the taste cultivated . Looking at the features of a noted Mason may suggest inquiry as to the history of the Craft , and the more
Random Notes And Reflections.
that is known of the early workers and of the past struggles and successes of the Order the better for all . — : o : — Though late , we may be permitted to add our testimony to the worth of the late Bro . Edward M . Hubbuck P . G . S
He was only 64 when he died , on the 12 th inst ., but his whole life has been one record of kindness . His hospi . tality at his beautiful home at Catford , Kent , is well known to many who enjoyed it , while his benevolent disposition
led him to perform continuous acts of charity . As a Mason of twenty-five years standing , he will be remembered as a correct and . painstaking worker upon the plan so ably sustained b y the Stability Lodge of Improvement , whose
proceedings he at one time conducted , m the absence of Bro . Muggeridge , and as a liberal contributor to various Masonic Charities . Bro . Hubbuck was rather of a retiring disposition , and never sought distinction in the Craft ; but
he was greatly revered in his mother Lodge , the Felicit y , No . 58 . We remember meeting him at St . George ' s Lodge of Instruction , No . 140 , on a festive occasion , and was much impressed with his genial courtesy and kindliness .
He was a great favourite with the St . George ' s Lodge , of which he was a member , and also with the Blackheath Lodge , No 1320 , which he helped to found . He will be missed by many . His remains lie in Lee Cemetery .
Mark Masonry.
Porchester Lodge , No . 27 . —A numerously attended meet , ing of the members of this Lodge was held on Friday evening , at the Temperance Hall , Newbury , under the presidency of the Wor . Master , Brother F . H . Lyon , M . D ., P . G . S . O . The principal item on the agenda was the choice of a Worshipful Master of the Lodge for the ensuing year , and a ballot having been taken , the W . M .
announoed that the Senior Warden Bro . George J . Cosburn , P . P . G . Standard Bearer , had been unanimously eleoted to preside over the Lodge during the coming year . The W . M . elect having thanked the Officers and brethren for the honour conferred upon him , the members unanimously re-elected Brother Head to the office of Treasurer , and Brother Dodd was reappointed Tyler . The instal . lation Lodge will be held towards the close of January .
Brixton Lodge , No . 234 . —Bro . G . J . Dankly was installed W . M . of this prosperous Lodge of Mark Master Masons on Saturday , 10 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel . Bro . G . Clarke performed the ceremony in a splendid and most impressive mannner ; there was a large gathering . After the ceremony the brethren sat down to a good
banquet , and'with some excellent singing , by Bro . Halliday and the W . M ., the evening passed off in a most delightful way , the W . M . receiving sincere good wishes from all the brethren . We have no doubt a prosperous and happy year will be the outcome of Brother Dunkly's Mastership .
Rosicrucian Society.
A MEETING of the Lancashire College was convened for Saturday , 10 th instant , at the Masonic Hall , Wigan , when the following * Fratres formed the M . C .: —Right Wor . G . P . Brockbank 9 ° Chief Adept , V . W . Robert Harwood Suffragan , J . D . Murray Celebrant , H . T . Byrom 1 st Ancient , A . H . Crossley 2 nd Ancient , W . W . Wylde Secretary ; W . J . Thomson , Thos . Morris , E . Bielby , T . C . Thornbnrn , J . M . Kerr and W . Wall . The minutes of the
preceding meeting having been confirmed , the degree of Zelator was conferred on Bros . T . H . Glendinning , 1055 , and Wm . Newsome , 86 and 1384 . Letters of apology were read from Fratres Wood , Huet , Young , Campbell and Middleton . The following were appointed as Officers of the College for the ensuing year : —Fratres Jas . Horrocks Celebrant , J . Hoffgard Deputy Celebrant , A . Middleton 4 th Ancient , H . T . Byrom 3 rd Ancient , A . H . Crossley 2 nd Ancient , W . M .
Wylde 1 st Ancient , H . B . Seddon Secretary , Thos . Morris Treasurer , Reginald Young Precentor , James Dunbar Organist , J . Barrett Conductor of N ., T . T . Richardson Herald , W . Nicholl Guardian of T ., W . J . Thomson Torch Bearer , W . D . Dean Medallist . A cordial vote of thanks was tendered to Frater J . D . Murray , for the efficient man . ner in which he had conducted the business of the College as Celebrant during the past year ; and , after a suitably reply , the M . C . wa 8 dissolved , and the Fratres adjourned to banquet .
A New Masonic Hall was opened at Woolston on Monday , 19 th inst ., in connection with tbe Clausentum Lodge No . 1461 , the tenth anniversary of which was at the same time celebrated . The ceremony of dedication of the building was performed by Brother W . W . B . Beach , Esq .
M . P ., Prov . G . Master ., who was assisted by the D . P . G . M . and several P . G . Officers , in presence of upwards of one hundred of the brethren of the province . The W . M . of the Lodge , Bro . Methven , presided at the banquet which followed the ceremony .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Random Notes And Reflections.
W"E are not surprised at the pleasure that was felt by Brother tho Duke of Albany at the reception ho received at the hands of the brethren of West Yorkshire on the occasion of his recent visit to Huddersfield . It was a right loyal welcome , carried out with becoming
spirit . Formal recognition of the reception was given at the time , bnt we now learn that intimation has been conveyed to Brother Sir Henry Edwards , R . W . Provincial
Grand Master of West Yorkshire , that his Royal Highness will gladly sign the books of the five Lodges in Huddersfield as a memento and a record of his visit . Bro . the
Duke of Albany takes this opportunity to renew the expression of pleasure he felt at the reception he met with , the details of which were arranged and carried out by the
five Lodges in question . The signature of our noble brother in the Lodge books will be highly prized by the brethren of the Huddersfield Lodges , and will be taken as a great compliment by the whole of the Craft in the
province . IO : — Judging from the expression of opinion on all hands , the resolution arrived at in August last relative to the status of joining Past Masters will not be confirmed at
the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , to be held on 5 th December . It is not so easy to predict the precise course that will be taken , nor is it necessary to prophecy . The suggestion of an influential section of the brethren to
let matters rest where certain of the new rules leave them , has rather lost than gained favour , and the disposition seems to tend in the direction of doing something to meet the wishes of those who still think they have a grievance , and
who were powerful enough to carry Grand Lodge with them in August . The views we have expressed from time to time are now being warmly espoused , and we can see no better way of preserving the dignity of Grand Lodge and
of satisfying all reasonable demands , than by leaving the decision as to the status of a joining Past Master in the hands of the members of the Lodge he joins . It will only be recognising a custom that already prevails to some
extent , and will permit private Lodges to exercise that discretion which naturally belongs to them , and which it is no part of the duty of Grand Lodge to define . It is purely a local question , and should be determined locally .
It is one thing to give a Lodge choice of action , and another to force the members into a precise method , or to have recourse to the painful and objectionable practice of blackballing . There is no necessity for Grand Lodge to
act m a matter that m no way affects them or the principles of the Craft , and if they simply make legal what custom now sanctions , they will get rid of a troublesome matter in a very dignified manner , and do all that can fairly be asked of them .
There is a lull in the discussion anent the rebuilding of the Temple , which is not to be wondered at , seeing that there is yet a good deal to be learned about what is possible . More information is needed before a basis of
action can be arrived at , and as time does not seem to be of the first consideration , it is as well that the production of plans should be postponed until it is known what Grand Lodge and the Craft at large desire . The plan of the
Special Building Committee has met with little favour , not altogether because of its general demerits as a plan , but because of its costliness in certain directions . We have
already expressed our views on this matter , and shall not now further allude to them than to say that , whatever is done we hope the library and museum question will not be forgotten .
It is pleasant to notice that with one exception Bro . Sadler ' s appeal has been successful in obtaining likenesses , of one sort or the other , of the noble brethren whose portraits were destroyed by the late fire . The missing one is
that of the Duke of Athole , which we trust will be secured . We are glad to find that an interest has been awakened in the matter , and hope that the outcome will be the formation of a gallery of Masonic portraits which shall either find
space in the new Temple , or in the library that is to be . We have a home for work and social enjoyment , we ought to have a place where tho mind can be stored and the taste cultivated . Looking at the features of a noted Mason may suggest inquiry as to the history of the Craft , and the more
Random Notes And Reflections.
that is known of the early workers and of the past struggles and successes of the Order the better for all . — : o : — Though late , we may be permitted to add our testimony to the worth of the late Bro . Edward M . Hubbuck P . G . S
He was only 64 when he died , on the 12 th inst ., but his whole life has been one record of kindness . His hospi . tality at his beautiful home at Catford , Kent , is well known to many who enjoyed it , while his benevolent disposition
led him to perform continuous acts of charity . As a Mason of twenty-five years standing , he will be remembered as a correct and . painstaking worker upon the plan so ably sustained b y the Stability Lodge of Improvement , whose
proceedings he at one time conducted , m the absence of Bro . Muggeridge , and as a liberal contributor to various Masonic Charities . Bro . Hubbuck was rather of a retiring disposition , and never sought distinction in the Craft ; but
he was greatly revered in his mother Lodge , the Felicit y , No . 58 . We remember meeting him at St . George ' s Lodge of Instruction , No . 140 , on a festive occasion , and was much impressed with his genial courtesy and kindliness .
He was a great favourite with the St . George ' s Lodge , of which he was a member , and also with the Blackheath Lodge , No 1320 , which he helped to found . He will be missed by many . His remains lie in Lee Cemetery .
Mark Masonry.
Porchester Lodge , No . 27 . —A numerously attended meet , ing of the members of this Lodge was held on Friday evening , at the Temperance Hall , Newbury , under the presidency of the Wor . Master , Brother F . H . Lyon , M . D ., P . G . S . O . The principal item on the agenda was the choice of a Worshipful Master of the Lodge for the ensuing year , and a ballot having been taken , the W . M .
announoed that the Senior Warden Bro . George J . Cosburn , P . P . G . Standard Bearer , had been unanimously eleoted to preside over the Lodge during the coming year . The W . M . elect having thanked the Officers and brethren for the honour conferred upon him , the members unanimously re-elected Brother Head to the office of Treasurer , and Brother Dodd was reappointed Tyler . The instal . lation Lodge will be held towards the close of January .
Brixton Lodge , No . 234 . —Bro . G . J . Dankly was installed W . M . of this prosperous Lodge of Mark Master Masons on Saturday , 10 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel . Bro . G . Clarke performed the ceremony in a splendid and most impressive mannner ; there was a large gathering . After the ceremony the brethren sat down to a good
banquet , and'with some excellent singing , by Bro . Halliday and the W . M ., the evening passed off in a most delightful way , the W . M . receiving sincere good wishes from all the brethren . We have no doubt a prosperous and happy year will be the outcome of Brother Dunkly's Mastership .
Rosicrucian Society.
A MEETING of the Lancashire College was convened for Saturday , 10 th instant , at the Masonic Hall , Wigan , when the following * Fratres formed the M . C .: —Right Wor . G . P . Brockbank 9 ° Chief Adept , V . W . Robert Harwood Suffragan , J . D . Murray Celebrant , H . T . Byrom 1 st Ancient , A . H . Crossley 2 nd Ancient , W . W . Wylde Secretary ; W . J . Thomson , Thos . Morris , E . Bielby , T . C . Thornbnrn , J . M . Kerr and W . Wall . The minutes of the
preceding meeting having been confirmed , the degree of Zelator was conferred on Bros . T . H . Glendinning , 1055 , and Wm . Newsome , 86 and 1384 . Letters of apology were read from Fratres Wood , Huet , Young , Campbell and Middleton . The following were appointed as Officers of the College for the ensuing year : —Fratres Jas . Horrocks Celebrant , J . Hoffgard Deputy Celebrant , A . Middleton 4 th Ancient , H . T . Byrom 3 rd Ancient , A . H . Crossley 2 nd Ancient , W . M .
Wylde 1 st Ancient , H . B . Seddon Secretary , Thos . Morris Treasurer , Reginald Young Precentor , James Dunbar Organist , J . Barrett Conductor of N ., T . T . Richardson Herald , W . Nicholl Guardian of T ., W . J . Thomson Torch Bearer , W . D . Dean Medallist . A cordial vote of thanks was tendered to Frater J . D . Murray , for the efficient man . ner in which he had conducted the business of the College as Celebrant during the past year ; and , after a suitably reply , the M . C . wa 8 dissolved , and the Fratres adjourned to banquet .
A New Masonic Hall was opened at Woolston on Monday , 19 th inst ., in connection with tbe Clausentum Lodge No . 1461 , the tenth anniversary of which was at the same time celebrated . The ceremony of dedication of the building was performed by Brother W . W . B . Beach , Esq .
M . P ., Prov . G . Master ., who was assisted by the D . P . G . M . and several P . G . Officers , in presence of upwards of one hundred of the brethren of the province . The W . M . of the Lodge , Bro . Methven , presided at the banquet which followed the ceremony .