Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article ST. MARY LODGE, No. 1312. Page 1 of 1 Article ST. CECILIA LODGE, No. 1336. Page 1 of 1 Article ROTHESAY LODGE, No. 1687. Page 1 of 1 Article EBORACUM LODGE, YORK, No. 1611. Page 1 of 1 Article COVENT GARDEN LODGE, No. 1614. Page 1 of 2 →
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Installation Meetings, &C.
— : o : — ST . JOHN'S LODGE , No . 221 , BOLTON .
THE monthly meeting was held on Wednesday , the 21 st instant , at the Commercial Hotel , Town Hall Square , Bolton . Bros . John Isherwood W . M ., J . Boothroyd I . P . M ., E . Melrose S . W ., P . Bradburn J . W ., G . P . Brockbauk Treasurer , C . Crompton S . D ., James Walker J . D ., W . Siddon ns I . G ., H . J . Briscoe Organist , R . Cnerden Steward , T . Eigson Tyler ; and Bros . Forrest , Swanbrick , Makin , J . P . Fletcher ,
Bradley , and T . Morris P . M . Visitors—Bros . W . Cooper P . M . 146 , Skelton J . W . 146 . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . Fletcher and Bradley , having passed a satisfactory examination as Fellow Crafts , were severally entrusted , and thereupon retired . Lodge opened in the third degree , when the candidates were re-admitted , and raised to tho sublime degree of Master Mason
by the W . M . ( Bro . Isherwood ) and Bro . Boothroyd I . P . M . ; the working tools of the degree were explained to them . Lodgo closed to the second , when Brother Swaibrick ( who had been previously entrusted with a test of merit ) was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Lodgo closed to the first , when Mr . W . Crompton , of Bolton , decorator , who had been proposed' at the last regular meeting
as a candidate , was ballotted for , elected , and initiated into Masonry by tho W . M ., the working tools of tho dogreo being presented by the Junior Warden , aud tho customary charge delivered by Bro . Brockbank , Senior Past Master . A letter was read from the Provincial Grand Secretary , desiring the duly qualified brethren to attend the
Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , when tho proceedings of the last meeting will be submitted for confirmation . Agontleman was proposed for initiation , and a portion of tho rules and charges read by the Senior Warden . Lodge was then closed in peace and harmony , at nine o'clock .
St. Mary Lodge, No. 1312.
ST . MARY LODGE , No . 1312 .
THE annual festival of this Lodge was held at the White Hart Hotel , Booking , on Tuesday , 13 th November , when Bro . R . Guy Kellett S . W . was duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being ably performed by Bro . Vero W . Taylor P . M . P . P . G . S . W . The following were invosted as Officers for the ensuing yoar :-Bros . J . J . Cavill P . G . J . D . I . P . M ., F . Lake P . M . S . W ., J .
Clayden J . W ., W . N . Tufnell P . M . P . P . G . S . W . Treas ., Thomas Malyn P . M . Sec , J . Fuller S . D ., E . Copus J . D ., J . Coates I . G ., Metson Tyler . In reference to the appointment of Secretary , the W . M . announced with great regret that Bro . Portway P . M ., who had served them so long and so faithfully , had been compelled , owing to continued ill-health , to resign . The W . M . further
stated that he considered the services Bro . Portway had rendered had been so distinguished that they deserved some substantial recognition at their hands . He therefore proposed that a Committee be at once formed with a view of collecting subscriptions to present to Bro . Portway some suitable testimonial of their esteem and regard . This having been seconded and carried unanimously , it was decided
that the Committee for carrying out the proposal should consist of the W . M ., Wardens , Treasnrer , and Secretary . At the conclusion of thr ceremony of installation , a cordial vote of . thanks was passed to Bro . Vero Taylor for his kindness in attending , and so ably carrying out the duty . The brethren afterwards dined together at the White Hart Hotel , an elegant banquet being served by the host , Bro . Coates .
During dinner , an interchange of congratulatory telegrams took place between the new Worshipful Master and the Worshipful Master of the Walden Lodge , who had that day been installed to hi 3 office at Saffron Walden . Tbe usual toasts wero drunk , and several brethren contributed to the harmony of the
evening by some excellent songs . Among the brethren present , in addition to those already mentioned , were—Bros . Joshua Nunn P . M . P . G . S . B ., President of the Lodge of Benevolence , Thomas J . Railing P . M . and Sec . 51 P . G . Sec , E . H . Inman P . M . 1312 , J . Panton 1312 , A . B . Collis 1312 , W . Newton 1312 , & c .
St. Cecilia Lodge, No. 1336.
ST . CECILIA LODGE , No . 1336 .
AT the last regular meeting , after routine business , Bro . J . Eboral presented the W . M ., Bro . W . H . Gibson , with a very elegant ohristening cup for his infant daughter , who had been born during his year of office . Our worthy brother Gibson has lately been suffering from severe illness ; but , thanks to the G . A . O . T . U ., was able to be present . Bro . J . n . Scott , Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Sussex , said , in years to come Bro . Gibson would look on the gift as a
pleasing remembranco that ho was once Master of the St . Cecilia Lodge , and that during his Masonic reign little "Edith Clara" was born . All present wished him renewed health and strength , aud long life and happiness with his amiable wife , family , and infant daughter . The cup bore an appropriate inscri ption . The names of the subscribers were written on vellum .
Rothesay Lodge, No. 1687.
ROTHESAY LODGE , No . 1687 .
THE first regular meeting since the installation was held on the 7 fch instant , at tbe Inns of Court Hotel , under the presidency of tho W . M . Bro . B . E . Dnret ; Bros . Green S . W ., E . Valerian ! J . W ., L . Beck P . P . G . O . Middlesex Treasnrer , W . C . Parsons P . M . Secretary , Green jun . S . D ., Adam 3 I . G . ; Bros . Leigh , Culpepper . After preliminaries , Bro . Bt'roni was raised to the third degree . The W . M ., who
is a foreigner , impressively rendered tho ceremony . A ballot was taken for tho admission of Mr . Ernesi Maddick , and was unanimously in his favour . This gentleman will be initiated at tho next regular meeting . A candidate was also proposed . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated .
Eboracum Lodge, York, No. 1611.
THE installation of Master of thi 3 Lodge took place on Monday , the 12 th instant , at the Queen's Hotel , in the presence of a large assemblage of brethren and visitors . Tho W . M . elect was Bro . Blenkin . The Lodge waa opened by Bro . MilUngton , the outgoing W . M ., who was supported by Bros . Whytehead , Cumberland , Meek , Rooke , Middleton , Lee , Morton , Pickersgill , McGachen , Kirby , Rymer , Cumberland , Straohan , Lukis , Mar .
Bhall , Binckes , Balmford , Seller , Simpson , and others . Bro . J . S . Cumberland then assumed the gavel and proceeded to open the Lodge iu the second degree , Bro . T . B . Whytehead acting as S . W ., and Bro . C . Balmford as J . W . In due course a Board of In . stalled Masters was opened , and Bro . Blenkin waa placed in the chair with the oustomary oeremonies . Having lowered the Lodge and re
ceived the usual salutations , the W . M . proceeded to invest hia Officers as follow : —Bros . M . Millington I . P . M ., Sir F . G . Milner , Bart ., S . W ., A . T . B . Turner J . W ., Rev . J . Metcalfe , M . A ., Chaplain , G . Balmford P . M . Treasurer , James Kay Secretary , W . Brown S . D ., G . Chapman J . D ., W . G . Penty M . C , W . S . Child Org ., S . J . Dalton I . G ., P . Pearson Tyler , W . Lackenby and W . Stephenson Stewards .
The W . M . also appointed Bros . T . B . Whytehead , and J . S . Cumber , land P . M . to the respective posts of Lecture Master and Preceptor . After the close of the Lodge , the brethren met at a banquet in the Queen's Hotel , when the newly installed W . M . presided . There was a short toast list , and the evening waa enlivened by songs and glees performed admirably by the Lodge glee party , assisted by
Bros . J . S . Cumberland , J . E . Wilkinson , W . S . Child , J . Watson , and J . Wilson . The toast list wa 8 , as usual , a work of art , and contained many new features . The speeches were alao very much to the point , and that of Bro . F . Binckea was , as might be expected , very elo . quent . The massive and ancient flagon used as the Loving Cap occupied a conspicuous place on the tables , and was emptied to the prosperity of the Lodge .
Covent Garden Lodge, No. 1614.
THE regular meeting was held on the 13 th instant at the Criterion . Picoadilly , under the presidency of Bro . E . Jacobs , who acted in the absence of the Worshipful Master , Bro . Gnlliford , Bros . G . Coleman S . W ., J . Jacobs J . W ., E . Jacobs P . M . Treasurer , Bourne P . M . Seoretary , Kedgeley S . D . Dixon J . D ., B . Solomon I . G ., Figgis W . S ., Bassett A . W . S ., P . M . S . Jacobs . Visitors—J . Robins P . M . 25 , W . B . Gulliford 1017 , Belsham 733 , Harvey Jackson
No . 8 , Cork , Thompson 169 , Valentine 185 , C . Greenwood P . G . S . B ., Ruf P . M . 12 , E . Steers 179 , H . Salmon 1558 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Lodge was opened , and the minntes of laat meeting were confirmed . Bro . J . Napper waB raised , and Bros . W . Cousina and S . Hewitt were passed . Ballots were taken for the admission of Messrs . Frank Gnlliford ( a Lewis ) , son of the Worshipful Master ,
G . H . Reynolds , G . A . Holditch , C . J . Shannon , David Mordecai , and C . E . Joy . Each was unanimous in favour . The firat five named were duly initiated into the Order by the W . M ., who conducted the duties in a manner that reflected great credit on him . Bro . 0 . B . Rolpb , No . 1421 , was unanimously elected a joining member . A telegram was received from the Worshipful Master , thanking Bro . E .
Jacobs for taking upon himself the duties of the chair , and tendering hearty good wishes to the brethren . The Lodge was shortly afterwards closed , and the brethren sat down to a sumptnous banquetand dessert , provided by Messrs . Spiers and Pond ( Limited ) , and superintended by Bro . Madell . Forty-nine guests were present . Grace having been said , the acting W . M ., in eloquent terms , proposed the
usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . In speaking of the Right Worshipfnl the Earl of Lathom Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Bro . Jacobs said he was pleased to say they were honoured by the presence of Bro . C . Greenwood P . G . S . B . England , Prov . Grand Secretary Surrey . The brethren were gratified at seeing him in Grand Lodge . Bro . Greenwood , in reply , said all knew that His
Royal Highness the Most Worshipful Grand Master and each Officer of Grand Lodge were ready and willing to render service when it waa required of them . He waa very pleased to see how ably and impress sively the acting W . M . had performed the ceremonies . Bro . S . Jacob Senior P . M . said he regretted tho W . M . waa absent ; he , however , had to propose the health of the one who had so ably acted as his representative . Bro . Jacobs was one whom they one and all
respected . He had great pleasnre in proposing the toast . This having been suitably acknowledged , the health of the Initiates was given , and Bro . Mordecai responded . For the Visitors , who were next complimented , Bro . H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , Robins P . M . 25 , and Ruf P . M . 12 , severally responded . For the P . M . ' s Bros . S . Jacobs and Bourne replied , while for the Wardens and Officers Bro . Coleman S . W . was called on . The Tyler shortly afterwards gave the parting toast .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 766 . — On the 16 th inst ., at the St . Andrew , George-street , Manchestersquare , W . Present—Bros . G . Coop Preceptor , W . M . Wood S . W ., G . Tribble J . W ., F . Smith S . D ., R . E . Cursons J . D ., Perry I . G ., Artaud Acting Secretary ; also Bros . Robinson , Simpson , Wilson , Cox , Wilson , Dairy P . M ., T . Sedgwick P . M ., and several other
brethren . After preliminaries tho W . M . worked the sections of the second lectnre , assisted by Bros . Tribble P . M ., Cox , Coop , Wood , and Dairy P . M . The Lodge was opened in tho third , and the sections of that lecture wero worked by the W . M ., assisted by Bros . Cursons , Smith , and Sedgwick . Lodge was resumed to the first , and Bro .
Perry was elected a member . A special vote of thanks , proposed by Bro . Cursons and seconded by Bro . Tribble , was ordered to be recorded ou tho minntes to the W . M . for tho manner in which ho had worked the sections . This was responded to . The W . M . intimated to the brethren that the support of the members would be thankfully received for hia Stewardship for the Aged Masons .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
— : o : — ST . JOHN'S LODGE , No . 221 , BOLTON .
THE monthly meeting was held on Wednesday , the 21 st instant , at the Commercial Hotel , Town Hall Square , Bolton . Bros . John Isherwood W . M ., J . Boothroyd I . P . M ., E . Melrose S . W ., P . Bradburn J . W ., G . P . Brockbauk Treasurer , C . Crompton S . D ., James Walker J . D ., W . Siddon ns I . G ., H . J . Briscoe Organist , R . Cnerden Steward , T . Eigson Tyler ; and Bros . Forrest , Swanbrick , Makin , J . P . Fletcher ,
Bradley , and T . Morris P . M . Visitors—Bros . W . Cooper P . M . 146 , Skelton J . W . 146 . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . Fletcher and Bradley , having passed a satisfactory examination as Fellow Crafts , were severally entrusted , and thereupon retired . Lodge opened in the third degree , when the candidates were re-admitted , and raised to tho sublime degree of Master Mason
by the W . M . ( Bro . Isherwood ) and Bro . Boothroyd I . P . M . ; the working tools of the degree were explained to them . Lodgo closed to the second , when Brother Swaibrick ( who had been previously entrusted with a test of merit ) was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Lodgo closed to the first , when Mr . W . Crompton , of Bolton , decorator , who had been proposed' at the last regular meeting
as a candidate , was ballotted for , elected , and initiated into Masonry by tho W . M ., the working tools of tho dogreo being presented by the Junior Warden , aud tho customary charge delivered by Bro . Brockbank , Senior Past Master . A letter was read from the Provincial Grand Secretary , desiring the duly qualified brethren to attend the
Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , when tho proceedings of the last meeting will be submitted for confirmation . Agontleman was proposed for initiation , and a portion of tho rules and charges read by the Senior Warden . Lodge was then closed in peace and harmony , at nine o'clock .
St. Mary Lodge, No. 1312.
ST . MARY LODGE , No . 1312 .
THE annual festival of this Lodge was held at the White Hart Hotel , Booking , on Tuesday , 13 th November , when Bro . R . Guy Kellett S . W . was duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being ably performed by Bro . Vero W . Taylor P . M . P . P . G . S . W . The following were invosted as Officers for the ensuing yoar :-Bros . J . J . Cavill P . G . J . D . I . P . M ., F . Lake P . M . S . W ., J .
Clayden J . W ., W . N . Tufnell P . M . P . P . G . S . W . Treas ., Thomas Malyn P . M . Sec , J . Fuller S . D ., E . Copus J . D ., J . Coates I . G ., Metson Tyler . In reference to the appointment of Secretary , the W . M . announced with great regret that Bro . Portway P . M ., who had served them so long and so faithfully , had been compelled , owing to continued ill-health , to resign . The W . M . further
stated that he considered the services Bro . Portway had rendered had been so distinguished that they deserved some substantial recognition at their hands . He therefore proposed that a Committee be at once formed with a view of collecting subscriptions to present to Bro . Portway some suitable testimonial of their esteem and regard . This having been seconded and carried unanimously , it was decided
that the Committee for carrying out the proposal should consist of the W . M ., Wardens , Treasnrer , and Secretary . At the conclusion of thr ceremony of installation , a cordial vote of . thanks was passed to Bro . Vero Taylor for his kindness in attending , and so ably carrying out the duty . The brethren afterwards dined together at the White Hart Hotel , an elegant banquet being served by the host , Bro . Coates .
During dinner , an interchange of congratulatory telegrams took place between the new Worshipful Master and the Worshipful Master of the Walden Lodge , who had that day been installed to hi 3 office at Saffron Walden . Tbe usual toasts wero drunk , and several brethren contributed to the harmony of the
evening by some excellent songs . Among the brethren present , in addition to those already mentioned , were—Bros . Joshua Nunn P . M . P . G . S . B ., President of the Lodge of Benevolence , Thomas J . Railing P . M . and Sec . 51 P . G . Sec , E . H . Inman P . M . 1312 , J . Panton 1312 , A . B . Collis 1312 , W . Newton 1312 , & c .
St. Cecilia Lodge, No. 1336.
ST . CECILIA LODGE , No . 1336 .
AT the last regular meeting , after routine business , Bro . J . Eboral presented the W . M ., Bro . W . H . Gibson , with a very elegant ohristening cup for his infant daughter , who had been born during his year of office . Our worthy brother Gibson has lately been suffering from severe illness ; but , thanks to the G . A . O . T . U ., was able to be present . Bro . J . n . Scott , Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Sussex , said , in years to come Bro . Gibson would look on the gift as a
pleasing remembranco that ho was once Master of the St . Cecilia Lodge , and that during his Masonic reign little "Edith Clara" was born . All present wished him renewed health and strength , aud long life and happiness with his amiable wife , family , and infant daughter . The cup bore an appropriate inscri ption . The names of the subscribers were written on vellum .
Rothesay Lodge, No. 1687.
ROTHESAY LODGE , No . 1687 .
THE first regular meeting since the installation was held on the 7 fch instant , at tbe Inns of Court Hotel , under the presidency of tho W . M . Bro . B . E . Dnret ; Bros . Green S . W ., E . Valerian ! J . W ., L . Beck P . P . G . O . Middlesex Treasnrer , W . C . Parsons P . M . Secretary , Green jun . S . D ., Adam 3 I . G . ; Bros . Leigh , Culpepper . After preliminaries , Bro . Bt'roni was raised to the third degree . The W . M ., who
is a foreigner , impressively rendered tho ceremony . A ballot was taken for tho admission of Mr . Ernesi Maddick , and was unanimously in his favour . This gentleman will be initiated at tho next regular meeting . A candidate was also proposed . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated .
Eboracum Lodge, York, No. 1611.
THE installation of Master of thi 3 Lodge took place on Monday , the 12 th instant , at the Queen's Hotel , in the presence of a large assemblage of brethren and visitors . Tho W . M . elect was Bro . Blenkin . The Lodge waa opened by Bro . MilUngton , the outgoing W . M ., who was supported by Bros . Whytehead , Cumberland , Meek , Rooke , Middleton , Lee , Morton , Pickersgill , McGachen , Kirby , Rymer , Cumberland , Straohan , Lukis , Mar .
Bhall , Binckes , Balmford , Seller , Simpson , and others . Bro . J . S . Cumberland then assumed the gavel and proceeded to open the Lodge iu the second degree , Bro . T . B . Whytehead acting as S . W ., and Bro . C . Balmford as J . W . In due course a Board of In . stalled Masters was opened , and Bro . Blenkin waa placed in the chair with the oustomary oeremonies . Having lowered the Lodge and re
ceived the usual salutations , the W . M . proceeded to invest hia Officers as follow : —Bros . M . Millington I . P . M ., Sir F . G . Milner , Bart ., S . W ., A . T . B . Turner J . W ., Rev . J . Metcalfe , M . A ., Chaplain , G . Balmford P . M . Treasurer , James Kay Secretary , W . Brown S . D ., G . Chapman J . D ., W . G . Penty M . C , W . S . Child Org ., S . J . Dalton I . G ., P . Pearson Tyler , W . Lackenby and W . Stephenson Stewards .
The W . M . also appointed Bros . T . B . Whytehead , and J . S . Cumber , land P . M . to the respective posts of Lecture Master and Preceptor . After the close of the Lodge , the brethren met at a banquet in the Queen's Hotel , when the newly installed W . M . presided . There was a short toast list , and the evening waa enlivened by songs and glees performed admirably by the Lodge glee party , assisted by
Bros . J . S . Cumberland , J . E . Wilkinson , W . S . Child , J . Watson , and J . Wilson . The toast list wa 8 , as usual , a work of art , and contained many new features . The speeches were alao very much to the point , and that of Bro . F . Binckea was , as might be expected , very elo . quent . The massive and ancient flagon used as the Loving Cap occupied a conspicuous place on the tables , and was emptied to the prosperity of the Lodge .
Covent Garden Lodge, No. 1614.
THE regular meeting was held on the 13 th instant at the Criterion . Picoadilly , under the presidency of Bro . E . Jacobs , who acted in the absence of the Worshipful Master , Bro . Gnlliford , Bros . G . Coleman S . W ., J . Jacobs J . W ., E . Jacobs P . M . Treasurer , Bourne P . M . Seoretary , Kedgeley S . D . Dixon J . D ., B . Solomon I . G ., Figgis W . S ., Bassett A . W . S ., P . M . S . Jacobs . Visitors—J . Robins P . M . 25 , W . B . Gulliford 1017 , Belsham 733 , Harvey Jackson
No . 8 , Cork , Thompson 169 , Valentine 185 , C . Greenwood P . G . S . B ., Ruf P . M . 12 , E . Steers 179 , H . Salmon 1558 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Lodge was opened , and the minntes of laat meeting were confirmed . Bro . J . Napper waB raised , and Bros . W . Cousina and S . Hewitt were passed . Ballots were taken for the admission of Messrs . Frank Gnlliford ( a Lewis ) , son of the Worshipful Master ,
G . H . Reynolds , G . A . Holditch , C . J . Shannon , David Mordecai , and C . E . Joy . Each was unanimous in favour . The firat five named were duly initiated into the Order by the W . M ., who conducted the duties in a manner that reflected great credit on him . Bro . 0 . B . Rolpb , No . 1421 , was unanimously elected a joining member . A telegram was received from the Worshipful Master , thanking Bro . E .
Jacobs for taking upon himself the duties of the chair , and tendering hearty good wishes to the brethren . The Lodge was shortly afterwards closed , and the brethren sat down to a sumptnous banquetand dessert , provided by Messrs . Spiers and Pond ( Limited ) , and superintended by Bro . Madell . Forty-nine guests were present . Grace having been said , the acting W . M ., in eloquent terms , proposed the
usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . In speaking of the Right Worshipfnl the Earl of Lathom Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Bro . Jacobs said he was pleased to say they were honoured by the presence of Bro . C . Greenwood P . G . S . B . England , Prov . Grand Secretary Surrey . The brethren were gratified at seeing him in Grand Lodge . Bro . Greenwood , in reply , said all knew that His
Royal Highness the Most Worshipful Grand Master and each Officer of Grand Lodge were ready and willing to render service when it waa required of them . He waa very pleased to see how ably and impress sively the acting W . M . had performed the ceremonies . Bro . S . Jacob Senior P . M . said he regretted tho W . M . waa absent ; he , however , had to propose the health of the one who had so ably acted as his representative . Bro . Jacobs was one whom they one and all
respected . He had great pleasnre in proposing the toast . This having been suitably acknowledged , the health of the Initiates was given , and Bro . Mordecai responded . For the Visitors , who were next complimented , Bro . H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , Robins P . M . 25 , and Ruf P . M . 12 , severally responded . For the P . M . ' s Bros . S . Jacobs and Bourne replied , while for the Wardens and Officers Bro . Coleman S . W . was called on . The Tyler shortly afterwards gave the parting toast .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 766 . — On the 16 th inst ., at the St . Andrew , George-street , Manchestersquare , W . Present—Bros . G . Coop Preceptor , W . M . Wood S . W ., G . Tribble J . W ., F . Smith S . D ., R . E . Cursons J . D ., Perry I . G ., Artaud Acting Secretary ; also Bros . Robinson , Simpson , Wilson , Cox , Wilson , Dairy P . M ., T . Sedgwick P . M ., and several other
brethren . After preliminaries tho W . M . worked the sections of the second lectnre , assisted by Bros . Tribble P . M ., Cox , Coop , Wood , and Dairy P . M . The Lodge was opened in tho third , and the sections of that lecture wero worked by the W . M ., assisted by Bros . Cursons , Smith , and Sedgwick . Lodge was resumed to the first , and Bro .
Perry was elected a member . A special vote of thanks , proposed by Bro . Cursons and seconded by Bro . Tribble , was ordered to be recorded ou tho minntes to the W . M . for tho manner in which ho had worked the sections . This was responded to . The W . M . intimated to the brethren that the support of the members would be thankfully received for hia Stewardship for the Aged Masons .