Article COVENT GARDEN LODGE, No. 1614. ← Page 2 of 2 Article COVENT GARDEN LODGE, No. 1614. Page 2 of 2 Article UNITED BROTHERS LODGE, No. 1069. Page 1 of 1 Article LANDPORT LODGE, No. 1776. Page 1 of 1
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Covent Garden Lodge, No. 1614.
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —At the LeadenhallstTeet chadl er
Hercules Tavern , - , on Tuesday , Bros , ^ W . M ., Rich S . W ., Ruse J . W ., Wall S . D ., Wilkinson J . D ., Weil I . G . ; also Bros . Roberts , Moss Preceptor , Dyson , Sainte , Schweitzer , Muggleton . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Dyson candidate . Bro . Sainte answered the questions leading to tho second , and was duly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Lodge closed in the
second degree . The following brethren wero unanimously eleoted to the offices : —Maid well Treasurer , Moss Preceptor , and Walker Secretary , this being the first night of the Prosperity Lodge of Instruction's new year . Bro . Rich was elected as W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . Wilkinson , of No . 65 , was elected a member . There being no farther business , Lodge was closed .
Faith Lodge of Instruction , No . 141 . —The weekly meet . ing was held on Tuesday last , at the Queen Anne ' s Restaurant , St . James ' s Park Station . The business was ably conducted by Bro . Swain W . M ., assisted by Bros . Masefield S . W ., Forscutt J . W ., Mount S . D ., Lovegrove J . D ., Mason I . G ., Cottebrune P . G . P . Preceptor . Lodge waa opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were
read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Collens candidate . The Worshiptul Master then vacated his chair in favour of Bro . Collens , who went through the investiture of Officers . Bro . Swain resumed his position as W . M ., and Bros . Orpe 1328 , Balchin 1604 , Power 1604 , Hardy 201 were unanimously elected members of the Lodge . All Masonio business being ended , Lodge was closed in perfeot harmony . The total number of
members present was twenty-five . After the Lodge was closed , the Subscribers of the Masonic Charities' Association met , and passed the rules of the Association . Bros . Cottebrune was elected President , Collens Vice President , Bassington Treasnrer , Croft Seoretary ; while Bros . Hunt , Dairy , Green , Mason , and Levegrove were successful in gaining the ballot to act as the Committee . It was determined the first payments should be made on Tuesday , 27 th November .
Tranquillity Lodge , 185 . —The usual meeting was held at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham Street , E . G ., on Monday , the 19 th inst . Bro . Stailey , the W . M . presided , assisted by Brother T . W . C . Bush I . P . M . A number of brethren attended , although it was what is termed an " off night . " Two gentlemen were initiated . A case of severe distress having been made known , by Bro . John
Ross P . M ., the W . M . exercised hia prerogative by ordering £ 3 3 s to be paid to tbe applioant . Very ample refreshment having been partaken of , the usual toasts were given , and were received most cordially , especially the one referring to the W . M ., whioh was submitted by the I . P . M . Bro . T . ' W . C . Bush . The W . M . has reason to be proud of his popularity in the Lodge , this was made sufficiently
clear by enthusiastic cheering when his name was mentioned . These " off nights " are very much appreciated , as is evidenced by the sparkling flow of conversation and the bright faces round the table . The etiquette and observances which prevail on banquet nights are wisely omitted , and a certain amount of genial laxity permitted by the authorities . A collection among the brethren produced £ 10 10 s in as many minutes , to add to the £ 3 3 s ordered by the W . M .
Lodge Of Union , No . 414 . —The monthly meeting of this old-established Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Reading , on Tuesday last . Bros . Ferguson W . M ., Wheeler junior S . W ., Withers J . W ., Mount I . P . M . Treasurer , Parry Secretarv , Witherington S . D ., Blackwell J . D ., Martin M . C , Tirbutt Organist , Butler I . G ., Webb andHawkes Stewards , Hemmings Tyler ; P . M . Bradley . Bros . Tench
Ld . L . Simonds , A . Simonds , Welhngs , Sherwood , Stubington , Wellman , Armstrong , Millar . Visitors—Bros . Luckee P . D . P . G . M . Herefordshire , Ac , Coleman , " Cartoon , " Penns ., U . S . A ., 32 ° , & c , Dowsett I . P . M . 401 . The Lodge was opened and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in the second degree . Bros . Ld . L . and Arthur Simonds , and Wellings ,
candidates for raising , gave satisfactory proof of their proficiency and were entrusted . Lodge was opened in the third degree ; Bros . Simonds' and Wellings were re-admitted and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M . performed the ceremouy admirably . The traditional history was recited by Brother Mount , with his usual correctness j the working tools and closing parts of the ceremony were rendered by the W . M ., whom we congratulate on this his
first attempt to perform what has been rightly termed the climax of Craft Masonry . Lodge was resumed to the first degree , when several ballots were taken for joiners and initiates , resulting in tbe approval of the candidates . The sum of two guineas was voted to the widow of a brother who died rather suddenly , but was not a member of either of the Reading Lodges . Proposals for joiners and initiates were seconded , and , after the customary ceremonies , Lodge was closed and adjourned .
New Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1695 . —At the weekly meeting , held at Hornscy Wood Tavern , on Tuesday , the 13 th instant . Bros . Hall W . M ., _ H . Morris S . W ., Bolt J . W ., Davies Preceptor , Berry Secretary , Smethnrst S . D ., Haynes J . D ., Moon I . G ., and Bros . Fenner , Follett , Scott , Fitch , Oldis , Flack , and Lewin . The work comprised the rehearsal of the ceremonies of initiation and passing , Bro . Oldis candidate . The first and second sections
of the first lecture wero ably worked by Bro . H . Morris . Bro . Morris having been unanimously elected W . M . for next meeting , and all bnsiness being ended , tho Lodge was closed in perfect harmony . On Tuesday evening last , Bros . H . Morris W . M ., Gush as Preceptor , Bolt S . W ., Smethnrst J . W ., Berry Sec , Scott S . D ., Moon J . D ., Haynes I . G ., and Bros . Fenner , Hall , Follett , Fetch , Oldis , Knight , Lewin , Flack , Snelling , Gregory and Hoarc . All formalities observed , the first section of the third lectnre was worked by Bro . Fenner .
Covent Garden Lodge, No. 1614.
The ceremony of raising was then rehearsed , Bro . Snelling candidate . The second and third sections of the lecture wero worked by Bro . Fenner . Bro . Bolt was elected to fill the chair at the next meeting . A vote of thanks to Bro . Morris for his ablo conduct in the chair was thou proposed and carried .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1625—On Mon . day , 12 th inst ., at tho Royal flotol , Mile End Road , Bros . Hubbert W . M ., Brown S . W ., West J . W ., B . Stowart Secretary , Eastlaud S . D ., C . Kendall J . D ., Allen I . G . ; also Bro . Hill . After preliminaries , the coromonies of initiation and passing woro rehearsed , Bro . Eastland candidate . Bro . Hill 1625 was electod a member , and Bro . Brown appointed W . M . for next meeting .
United Brothers Lodge, No. 1069.
ON Monday last there was a large gathering of the members of the Masonio body at the Grosvenor Hotel , Southsea , on the occasion of the installation of Brother C . J . E . Munby as the Wor-Bhipful Master of this Lodge . The ceremony was impressively conducted by Bro . Frost P . G . Sonior Warden , aud at its conclusion the newly-invested Worshipful Master appointed and invested his Officers
•s follows : —Brothers W . E . Atkins I . P . M ., H . Cook S . W ., W . T . Dupree J . W ., Reverend P . H . Good Chaplain , Richard James Rastrick Treasurer , G . Whitehall Secretary , German S . D ., Lawrence J . D ., Lobb M . C , House I . G ., Moses aud Smith Stewards , Exell and Smith Tylers . A very chaste P . M . ' s jewol ( supplied by Messrs .
Moses , of The Hard ) , and subscribed for by the members of the Lodge , was presented to the retiring W . M . by Bro . W . E . Atkins , in recognition of his services to the Lodge daring the past year . The brethren afterwards sat down to a banquet supplied in recherche style by Bro . T . W . Soaddan , the proprietor of the hotel .
Landport Lodge, No. 1776.
LANDPORT LODGE , No . 1776 .
T 3 R 0 . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., P . G . M . Hampshire and Isle of Wight , -L * attended , with the Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , at tho Freemason ' s Hall , Landport , on Thursday , 15 th inst ,, to conduct the ceremony of installing the W . M . of the Lodge for the ensuing year ( Bro . J . G . Niven ) . There was an unusually largo attendance . After the ceremony the W . M . appointed the following as his Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . T . H . Williams I . P . M ., W . Miles S . W .,
Foster J . W ., A . H . Ancox Treasurer , T . A . Bramsdon and Barnden Sees .. T . H . Casey S . D ., W . Marshallsay J . D ., Buoknell M . C , C . F . Brown I . G ., Gilbert Organist , G . Buckler and G . Brookland Stewards . Tbe Lodge having been closed , the brethren , numbering upwards of 100 , ^ repaired to tho dining hall , where the newly-installed W . M . presided at the banquet , which was served in a manner reflecting the
highest credit on the cuisine of the Club . A special vote of thanks was passed to Bro . T . H . Williams , the retiring W . M ., whose servioes during the two years he has filled the chair , were highly eulogised . Bro . Williams was also presented with a very handsome set of silver fish knives and forks , subscribed for by members of the Lodge , in recognition of the great zeal he has exhibited in the interest of the
Craft . Among the brethren present were tbe following Provincial Officers : —Bros . W . Hickman D . P . G . M ., M . E . Frost P . G . S . W ., H . Martin Green P . G . J . W ., R . J . Rastrick P . G . Treas ., J . E . Le Feuvre P . G . Sec , J . S . Hickley P . G . S . D ., W . B . Edgeler P . G . Supt . Wks ., J . S . Pearce P . G . D . C , H . Croncher P . G . A . D . C , J . Woodhouse P . G . S . B ., and Rosoman P . G . S . There were also present Bros .
Murrell , Court , Goldsmith , Loveland , Cousins , Cudlipp , Cawte , Ellis , Askew , Travess , Beale , Townsend , Knolt , Brown , Main , Atkins , Kent , Threadingham , Outridge , Page , Brnnwin , Mnmby , Knight , Pike , Loader , Grant , Hall , Chamberlain , Cosser , Ash , Cunn i ngham , Dean , Backler , Westerman , Brookland , Sanders , Emanuel , Drake , Poad , Murch , Guyatt , Maybour , Corke , Hann , Earwicker , & c .
9 Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 1693 . —On Monday last , at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , N . Present—Bros . Clark W . M ., Jordan S . W ., Galer J . W ., Collingridge Secretary , Dixie S . D ., Rhodes J . D ., Treadwell I . G ,, Cusworth P . M . Preceptor . Lodge opened in due form , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed ,
Bro . Brock candidate . Lodge was called off and on . Bros . Turner and Younghusband answered the questions leading to the second degree . Two new members were elected—Bros . E . Kearney I . G . No . 1541 , Hurdle W . M . 1348 ; and Brother Jordan was appointed W . M . for Monday , 3 rd December . Brother P . Forge P . M . 1950 will rehearse the installation ceremony on Monday next , the 26 th instant .
Bro . J . Stevens P . M . P . Z . will deliver his Lecture , explanatory of the Rituals and Ceremonies of the Eirst Degree , before the members of tho Highgate Lodge of Instruction , No . 1366 , at the Boston Hotel , Junction Road , on Thursday evening , 29 th inst ., at 7 " 30 p . m .
The following banquets have been held at the Eree . masons' Tavern during the week ending 23 rd November : — Monday—British Lodge , Whittiugton Lodge ; Tuesday—Cadogan Lodge , Salisbury Lodgo , Wanderers' Chapter ; Wednesday—Grand
Stewards' Lodge , Buckingham and Chandos Lodge , Oak Lodge , Social and F-. ilit : \ ial Education League , Permanent Committee of Royal _^ . k Lodgo ; Thursday—Grenadiers' Lodge , Monut Moriah Lodge , St . George's Chapter ; Friday—Jerusalem Lodge , Emulation Ledge , Dnke of Cornwall Chapter .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Covent Garden Lodge, No. 1614.
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —At the LeadenhallstTeet chadl er
Hercules Tavern , - , on Tuesday , Bros , ^ W . M ., Rich S . W ., Ruse J . W ., Wall S . D ., Wilkinson J . D ., Weil I . G . ; also Bros . Roberts , Moss Preceptor , Dyson , Sainte , Schweitzer , Muggleton . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Dyson candidate . Bro . Sainte answered the questions leading to tho second , and was duly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Lodge closed in the
second degree . The following brethren wero unanimously eleoted to the offices : —Maid well Treasurer , Moss Preceptor , and Walker Secretary , this being the first night of the Prosperity Lodge of Instruction's new year . Bro . Rich was elected as W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . Wilkinson , of No . 65 , was elected a member . There being no farther business , Lodge was closed .
Faith Lodge of Instruction , No . 141 . —The weekly meet . ing was held on Tuesday last , at the Queen Anne ' s Restaurant , St . James ' s Park Station . The business was ably conducted by Bro . Swain W . M ., assisted by Bros . Masefield S . W ., Forscutt J . W ., Mount S . D ., Lovegrove J . D ., Mason I . G ., Cottebrune P . G . P . Preceptor . Lodge waa opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were
read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Collens candidate . The Worshiptul Master then vacated his chair in favour of Bro . Collens , who went through the investiture of Officers . Bro . Swain resumed his position as W . M ., and Bros . Orpe 1328 , Balchin 1604 , Power 1604 , Hardy 201 were unanimously elected members of the Lodge . All Masonio business being ended , Lodge was closed in perfeot harmony . The total number of
members present was twenty-five . After the Lodge was closed , the Subscribers of the Masonic Charities' Association met , and passed the rules of the Association . Bros . Cottebrune was elected President , Collens Vice President , Bassington Treasnrer , Croft Seoretary ; while Bros . Hunt , Dairy , Green , Mason , and Levegrove were successful in gaining the ballot to act as the Committee . It was determined the first payments should be made on Tuesday , 27 th November .
Tranquillity Lodge , 185 . —The usual meeting was held at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham Street , E . G ., on Monday , the 19 th inst . Bro . Stailey , the W . M . presided , assisted by Brother T . W . C . Bush I . P . M . A number of brethren attended , although it was what is termed an " off night . " Two gentlemen were initiated . A case of severe distress having been made known , by Bro . John
Ross P . M ., the W . M . exercised hia prerogative by ordering £ 3 3 s to be paid to tbe applioant . Very ample refreshment having been partaken of , the usual toasts were given , and were received most cordially , especially the one referring to the W . M ., whioh was submitted by the I . P . M . Bro . T . ' W . C . Bush . The W . M . has reason to be proud of his popularity in the Lodge , this was made sufficiently
clear by enthusiastic cheering when his name was mentioned . These " off nights " are very much appreciated , as is evidenced by the sparkling flow of conversation and the bright faces round the table . The etiquette and observances which prevail on banquet nights are wisely omitted , and a certain amount of genial laxity permitted by the authorities . A collection among the brethren produced £ 10 10 s in as many minutes , to add to the £ 3 3 s ordered by the W . M .
Lodge Of Union , No . 414 . —The monthly meeting of this old-established Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Reading , on Tuesday last . Bros . Ferguson W . M ., Wheeler junior S . W ., Withers J . W ., Mount I . P . M . Treasurer , Parry Secretarv , Witherington S . D ., Blackwell J . D ., Martin M . C , Tirbutt Organist , Butler I . G ., Webb andHawkes Stewards , Hemmings Tyler ; P . M . Bradley . Bros . Tench
Ld . L . Simonds , A . Simonds , Welhngs , Sherwood , Stubington , Wellman , Armstrong , Millar . Visitors—Bros . Luckee P . D . P . G . M . Herefordshire , Ac , Coleman , " Cartoon , " Penns ., U . S . A ., 32 ° , & c , Dowsett I . P . M . 401 . The Lodge was opened and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in the second degree . Bros . Ld . L . and Arthur Simonds , and Wellings ,
candidates for raising , gave satisfactory proof of their proficiency and were entrusted . Lodge was opened in the third degree ; Bros . Simonds' and Wellings were re-admitted and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M . performed the ceremouy admirably . The traditional history was recited by Brother Mount , with his usual correctness j the working tools and closing parts of the ceremony were rendered by the W . M ., whom we congratulate on this his
first attempt to perform what has been rightly termed the climax of Craft Masonry . Lodge was resumed to the first degree , when several ballots were taken for joiners and initiates , resulting in tbe approval of the candidates . The sum of two guineas was voted to the widow of a brother who died rather suddenly , but was not a member of either of the Reading Lodges . Proposals for joiners and initiates were seconded , and , after the customary ceremonies , Lodge was closed and adjourned .
New Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1695 . —At the weekly meeting , held at Hornscy Wood Tavern , on Tuesday , the 13 th instant . Bros . Hall W . M ., _ H . Morris S . W ., Bolt J . W ., Davies Preceptor , Berry Secretary , Smethnrst S . D ., Haynes J . D ., Moon I . G ., and Bros . Fenner , Follett , Scott , Fitch , Oldis , Flack , and Lewin . The work comprised the rehearsal of the ceremonies of initiation and passing , Bro . Oldis candidate . The first and second sections
of the first lecture wero ably worked by Bro . H . Morris . Bro . Morris having been unanimously elected W . M . for next meeting , and all bnsiness being ended , tho Lodge was closed in perfect harmony . On Tuesday evening last , Bros . H . Morris W . M ., Gush as Preceptor , Bolt S . W ., Smethnrst J . W ., Berry Sec , Scott S . D ., Moon J . D ., Haynes I . G ., and Bros . Fenner , Hall , Follett , Fetch , Oldis , Knight , Lewin , Flack , Snelling , Gregory and Hoarc . All formalities observed , the first section of the third lectnre was worked by Bro . Fenner .
Covent Garden Lodge, No. 1614.
The ceremony of raising was then rehearsed , Bro . Snelling candidate . The second and third sections of the lecture wero worked by Bro . Fenner . Bro . Bolt was elected to fill the chair at the next meeting . A vote of thanks to Bro . Morris for his ablo conduct in the chair was thou proposed and carried .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1625—On Mon . day , 12 th inst ., at tho Royal flotol , Mile End Road , Bros . Hubbert W . M ., Brown S . W ., West J . W ., B . Stowart Secretary , Eastlaud S . D ., C . Kendall J . D ., Allen I . G . ; also Bro . Hill . After preliminaries , the coromonies of initiation and passing woro rehearsed , Bro . Eastland candidate . Bro . Hill 1625 was electod a member , and Bro . Brown appointed W . M . for next meeting .
United Brothers Lodge, No. 1069.
ON Monday last there was a large gathering of the members of the Masonio body at the Grosvenor Hotel , Southsea , on the occasion of the installation of Brother C . J . E . Munby as the Wor-Bhipful Master of this Lodge . The ceremony was impressively conducted by Bro . Frost P . G . Sonior Warden , aud at its conclusion the newly-invested Worshipful Master appointed and invested his Officers
•s follows : —Brothers W . E . Atkins I . P . M ., H . Cook S . W ., W . T . Dupree J . W ., Reverend P . H . Good Chaplain , Richard James Rastrick Treasurer , G . Whitehall Secretary , German S . D ., Lawrence J . D ., Lobb M . C , House I . G ., Moses aud Smith Stewards , Exell and Smith Tylers . A very chaste P . M . ' s jewol ( supplied by Messrs .
Moses , of The Hard ) , and subscribed for by the members of the Lodge , was presented to the retiring W . M . by Bro . W . E . Atkins , in recognition of his services to the Lodge daring the past year . The brethren afterwards sat down to a banquet supplied in recherche style by Bro . T . W . Soaddan , the proprietor of the hotel .
Landport Lodge, No. 1776.
LANDPORT LODGE , No . 1776 .
T 3 R 0 . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., P . G . M . Hampshire and Isle of Wight , -L * attended , with the Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , at tho Freemason ' s Hall , Landport , on Thursday , 15 th inst ,, to conduct the ceremony of installing the W . M . of the Lodge for the ensuing year ( Bro . J . G . Niven ) . There was an unusually largo attendance . After the ceremony the W . M . appointed the following as his Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . T . H . Williams I . P . M ., W . Miles S . W .,
Foster J . W ., A . H . Ancox Treasurer , T . A . Bramsdon and Barnden Sees .. T . H . Casey S . D ., W . Marshallsay J . D ., Buoknell M . C , C . F . Brown I . G ., Gilbert Organist , G . Buckler and G . Brookland Stewards . Tbe Lodge having been closed , the brethren , numbering upwards of 100 , ^ repaired to tho dining hall , where the newly-installed W . M . presided at the banquet , which was served in a manner reflecting the
highest credit on the cuisine of the Club . A special vote of thanks was passed to Bro . T . H . Williams , the retiring W . M ., whose servioes during the two years he has filled the chair , were highly eulogised . Bro . Williams was also presented with a very handsome set of silver fish knives and forks , subscribed for by members of the Lodge , in recognition of the great zeal he has exhibited in the interest of the
Craft . Among the brethren present were tbe following Provincial Officers : —Bros . W . Hickman D . P . G . M ., M . E . Frost P . G . S . W ., H . Martin Green P . G . J . W ., R . J . Rastrick P . G . Treas ., J . E . Le Feuvre P . G . Sec , J . S . Hickley P . G . S . D ., W . B . Edgeler P . G . Supt . Wks ., J . S . Pearce P . G . D . C , H . Croncher P . G . A . D . C , J . Woodhouse P . G . S . B ., and Rosoman P . G . S . There were also present Bros .
Murrell , Court , Goldsmith , Loveland , Cousins , Cudlipp , Cawte , Ellis , Askew , Travess , Beale , Townsend , Knolt , Brown , Main , Atkins , Kent , Threadingham , Outridge , Page , Brnnwin , Mnmby , Knight , Pike , Loader , Grant , Hall , Chamberlain , Cosser , Ash , Cunn i ngham , Dean , Backler , Westerman , Brookland , Sanders , Emanuel , Drake , Poad , Murch , Guyatt , Maybour , Corke , Hann , Earwicker , & c .
9 Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 1693 . —On Monday last , at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , N . Present—Bros . Clark W . M ., Jordan S . W ., Galer J . W ., Collingridge Secretary , Dixie S . D ., Rhodes J . D ., Treadwell I . G ,, Cusworth P . M . Preceptor . Lodge opened in due form , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed ,
Bro . Brock candidate . Lodge was called off and on . Bros . Turner and Younghusband answered the questions leading to the second degree . Two new members were elected—Bros . E . Kearney I . G . No . 1541 , Hurdle W . M . 1348 ; and Brother Jordan was appointed W . M . for Monday , 3 rd December . Brother P . Forge P . M . 1950 will rehearse the installation ceremony on Monday next , the 26 th instant .
Bro . J . Stevens P . M . P . Z . will deliver his Lecture , explanatory of the Rituals and Ceremonies of the Eirst Degree , before the members of tho Highgate Lodge of Instruction , No . 1366 , at the Boston Hotel , Junction Road , on Thursday evening , 29 th inst ., at 7 " 30 p . m .
The following banquets have been held at the Eree . masons' Tavern during the week ending 23 rd November : — Monday—British Lodge , Whittiugton Lodge ; Tuesday—Cadogan Lodge , Salisbury Lodgo , Wanderers' Chapter ; Wednesday—Grand
Stewards' Lodge , Buckingham and Chandos Lodge , Oak Lodge , Social and F-. ilit : \ ial Education League , Permanent Committee of Royal _^ . k Lodgo ; Thursday—Grenadiers' Lodge , Monut Moriah Lodge , St . George's Chapter ; Friday—Jerusalem Lodge , Emulation Ledge , Dnke of Cornwall Chapter .