Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THEIMPERIALHOTEL, H 0 LB 0 KN VIADUCT , LONDON , Adjoining the TKBMINUS of the LONDOU CHATHAM and DOVBB RAILWAY , but distinct from the Viaduct Hotel . THE BEST FURNISHED AND MOST COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN LONDON . HOT & COLD WATER LAID ON IN ALL BED ROOMS . Tin- ni > i > oiiiti 3 iviitM throughout HO ni-i'smgred an to ensure domestic comfort . EVERY ACCOMMODATION FOR MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS , public ^ Dinners # " ^ Tcbbhig ^ Breakfasts . THE CRUSADERS LODGE , NO . 1677 , AND PERSEVERANCE LODGE , NO . 1713 , HOLD MEIR MBMTNGS AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT . GOOD COOKING , FINE WINES . MODERATE CHARGES . The Edison . Electrics Light . TARIFF on APPLICATION to Bro . A . BEGBIE .
HOLLY BUSH TAVERN , HAMPSTEAD , ( Close to the Fire Station ) . ACCOMMODATION for MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS and HANQUETS ; BALLS and ASSEMBLIES j PAROCHIAL DINNERS ; RIFLB , CRICKET , and FOOTBALL GATHERINGS , & c . Rail and Bus within easy distance . The members of tho St . John ' s Lodgo , No . 167 , have held their meetings at this establishment for many years . HTull pci / rticnlctrs and Tariff on application to C . M . FROUD , Proprietor .
IjkrplPtmrjwcJitstite&nxfar§0gi3* PREPARATORY 8 CH 0 OL ¥ ECIALBUILDING FUND . SPECIAL PRIVILEGES . In connection with such Special Fund , attainable until 31 st December 1883 . n y present Life Governor of the General Fund , or any Donor who ay qualify as such np to the date named above , will receive—TWO VOTES , —instead of One Vote , for LIFE , FOR EVERY FIVE GUINEAS contributed to the " SPECIAL FUND . " Lodges , Chapters , & c ., similarly qualified may secure Two Votes instead of One Vote—for every Ten Guineas contributed to the " SPECIAL FUND . " * * Ladies , and "Lewises "—being minors—similarly qualified , and all Vice-Presidents , will receive FOUR Votes for every Five Guineas so contributed . Contributors of less than Five Guineas , to the " S PECIAL F UND , " will be entitled to Votes as under ordinary conditions .
Noio Beady , Orown 8 vo , 96 pp , PriceOneShilling, Free by Post on receipt of 24 Halfpenny Stamps , OCCASIONALPAPERS ON THEHISTORYOFFREEMASONRY. Written expressly for delivery in Lodges of Instruction . LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , BELYIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONYILLE , N .
Brother C . G . SPARROW , ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR , 17 FINSBURY PAVEMENT , E . C . Accounts audited periodically at a moderate annual charge Terms on application .
BRO . R . HIRST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient Band for Annual Banquets , Dinners , Excursions and Quadrille Parties , For terms apply to " B . Hirst , The Three Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "
Twelfth Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS . A Treatise on the only successful Method of Curing these Diseases . By ROBERT G . WATTS , M . D ., ' E . R . S . L ., F . C . S ., & c , 5 Bulstrode-street , Cavendish-sq ., London . London : C . MITCHELL AWD Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-stroet ; and Siinpkin and Co ., Stationers' Hall-court
TESTIMONIAL TO BRO . W . J . HUGHAN , P . G . D . PRESIDENT ^ THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL OF ZETLAND , Provincial Grand Master of North and East Yorkshire . COMMITTEE : flight Hon . tho Earl FBBBBBS P . G . M . Leicestershire and Rutland . J . DERBS ALLCROIT Grand Treasurer . J . P . BSLL Past Grand Deacon , D . P . G . M . North and East Yorkshire . T . W . TEW Grand Senior Deacon , D . P . G . M . West Yorkshire . Hon . Vf . T . OMJB-POWLETI P . P . G . W . North and East Yorkshire . Sir J . MEEK P . P . G . W . North and East Yorkshire . MAONCS OitRiif P . G . A . D . C . W . KEIXY , F . S . A ., P . P . G . M . Leicestershire and Rutland . D . MURRAY LYOIT Grand Secretary Scotland . GEORQB KENNING P . P . G . D . Middlesex . THOMAS PENN P . G . D . Rev . T . ROBINSON Past Grand Chaplain . G . TOMER jun . P . G . S . B ., D . P . G . M . Leicestershire . Dr . H . HOPKINS P . M . 41 , 13 , P . P . G . S . W . Warwickshire . T . J . RALHNG Prov . Grand Secretary Essex . E . L . HAWKINS Prov . Grand Senior Warden Oxon . M . C . PECK Prov . Grand Secretary North and East Yorkshire . J . H . NKILSON P . M . 6201 . C ., P . G . S . W . and Representative G . L . Egypt . J . W . WOOBAW , P . P . G . S . W . Prov . G . M . M . M . North and East Yorkshire . J . LE CBONIER D . P . G . M . Jersey . Rev . C . J . MARTYN P . G . O ., D . P . G . M . Suffolk . G . L . MCKAY P . P . G . S . W . and Prov . G . Sec . Cumberland and Westmoreland . ROBERT CASE Prov . Grand Secretary Dorset . GEORGE TAYLOR Prov . Grand Secretary Worcestershire . J . SMITH EASTES D . P . G . M . Kent . G . P . BROCKBANK P . P . G . D . East Lancashire , Grand Steward Scotland . F . BINCKBS Past Grand Steward , Secretary R . M . I . B . T . Y . SIRACHAN D . P . G . M . M . M . Northumberland and Durham . Rev . W . C . Linns P . P . G . Chaplain West Yorkshire . R . HUDSON Prov . Grand Secretary Durham . J . BROOK SMITH D . P . G . M . Gloucester . W . G . ROOBBS D . P . G . M . Devon . C . FENDEMW 339 P . P . G . W . Staffordshire . R . S . BEOWN P . M ., & c , Edinburgh . First list of Subscriptions . £ s a Right Hon . the Earl Ferrers P . G . M . Leicestershire and Rutland ... 110 J . D . AUcroft Grand Treasurer 110 J . P . Bell P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . N . and E . Yorkshire 110 T . W . Tew G . S . D ., D . P . G . M . West Yorkshire 110 Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett P . P . G . W . N . and E . Yorkshire 110 Sir James Meek P . P . G . W . N . and E . Yorks 110 Magnus Ohreu P . G . A . D . C 110 W . Kelly , F . S . A ., P . P . G . M . Leicestershire and Rutland 110 D . Murray Lyon G . Sec . Scotland 110 Thomas Fenn P . G . D 1 1 . 0 Rev . T . Robinson Past Grand Chaplain 110 George Toller jun . D . P . G . M . Leicestershire 110 Dr . H . Hopkins P . M . 41 110 T . J . Railing Prov . G . Sec . Esses 110 E . L . Hawkins P . G . S . W . Oxon 110 M . C . Peck Prov . G . Secretary N . and E . Yorkshire 110 J . H . Neilson P . M ., Dublin 110 J . W . Woodall P . P . G . S . W . Prov . G . M . M . M . N . and E . Yorkshire ... 110 J . Le Cromer D . P . G . M ! . Jersey 110 Rev . C . J . Martyn P . G . C ., D . P . G . M . Suffolk 110 G . L . McKay P . P . G . S . W . and P . G . Sec . Cumb . and Westmoreland 110 Robert Case Prov . Grand Secretary Dorset 110 George Taylor Prov . G . Sec . Worcestershire 110 George Kenning P . P . G . D . Middlesex 110 J . Smith Eastes Deputy Prov . Grand Master Kent 110 G . P . Brockbank P . P . G . D . E . Lancashire 110 Frederick Binckes Past Grand Steward , Sec . R . M . I . B . 110 T . Y . Strachan D . P . G . M . M . M . Northumberland and Durham ... 110 Rev . W . 0 . Lnkis P . P . G . Chaplain W . Yorks 110 J . S . Cumberland P . M . 1611 110 J . Todd P . M . 236 I 1 0 G . Simpson P . M . 1611 110 J . T . Seller P . M . 1611 110 W . H . Belk P . M . 1848 110 H . J . Morton P . M . 1218 110 J . Blenkin W . M . 1611 110 M . Rooke P . M . 236 110 T . B . Whytehead P . M . 1611 110 York Lodge , 236 110 Eboracum Lodge , 1611 110 Subscriptions maybe forwarded to GEORGE KENNING , Treasurer pro tem , Little Britain , London , E . C .
INSTALLATION OF H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES As the M . W . G . M . of England , AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL , 28 th APRIL 1875 . COPIES of this BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING by Brother HARTY P . J [ ., consisting of Artist ' s Proofs , Proofs beforo Letters , and Lettered Proofs , India Prints , and Plain Prints may be had at Cost Price by applying to Bro . W . E . N ORRIS , 29 Southampton Buildings , W . C , London .
EDUCATION . — HAMBURG . Bro . JOHN A . NEECK , 9 Bundesstrasse , HAMBURG , Is prepared to receive into his Famil y TWO OR THREE ENGLISH YOUTHS AS BOARDERS , During the time they attend School in this City . CAREFUL SUPERVISION , KIND TREATMENT , BEST BODILY & MENTAL CARE High . References in England and Hamburg . IPlROSIPIEiOTTJ -S : F ZES IEJ IE
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THEIMPERIALHOTEL, H 0 LB 0 KN VIADUCT , LONDON , Adjoining the TKBMINUS of the LONDOU CHATHAM and DOVBB RAILWAY , but distinct from the Viaduct Hotel . THE BEST FURNISHED AND MOST COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN LONDON . HOT & COLD WATER LAID ON IN ALL BED ROOMS . Tin- ni > i > oiiiti 3 iviitM throughout HO ni-i'smgred an to ensure domestic comfort . EVERY ACCOMMODATION FOR MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS , public ^ Dinners # " ^ Tcbbhig ^ Breakfasts . THE CRUSADERS LODGE , NO . 1677 , AND PERSEVERANCE LODGE , NO . 1713 , HOLD MEIR MBMTNGS AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT . GOOD COOKING , FINE WINES . MODERATE CHARGES . The Edison . Electrics Light . TARIFF on APPLICATION to Bro . A . BEGBIE .
HOLLY BUSH TAVERN , HAMPSTEAD , ( Close to the Fire Station ) . ACCOMMODATION for MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS and HANQUETS ; BALLS and ASSEMBLIES j PAROCHIAL DINNERS ; RIFLB , CRICKET , and FOOTBALL GATHERINGS , & c . Rail and Bus within easy distance . The members of tho St . John ' s Lodgo , No . 167 , have held their meetings at this establishment for many years . HTull pci / rticnlctrs and Tariff on application to C . M . FROUD , Proprietor .
IjkrplPtmrjwcJitstite&nxfar§0gi3* PREPARATORY 8 CH 0 OL ¥ ECIALBUILDING FUND . SPECIAL PRIVILEGES . In connection with such Special Fund , attainable until 31 st December 1883 . n y present Life Governor of the General Fund , or any Donor who ay qualify as such np to the date named above , will receive—TWO VOTES , —instead of One Vote , for LIFE , FOR EVERY FIVE GUINEAS contributed to the " SPECIAL FUND . " Lodges , Chapters , & c ., similarly qualified may secure Two Votes instead of One Vote—for every Ten Guineas contributed to the " SPECIAL FUND . " * * Ladies , and "Lewises "—being minors—similarly qualified , and all Vice-Presidents , will receive FOUR Votes for every Five Guineas so contributed . Contributors of less than Five Guineas , to the " S PECIAL F UND , " will be entitled to Votes as under ordinary conditions .
Noio Beady , Orown 8 vo , 96 pp , PriceOneShilling, Free by Post on receipt of 24 Halfpenny Stamps , OCCASIONALPAPERS ON THEHISTORYOFFREEMASONRY. Written expressly for delivery in Lodges of Instruction . LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , BELYIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONYILLE , N .
Brother C . G . SPARROW , ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR , 17 FINSBURY PAVEMENT , E . C . Accounts audited periodically at a moderate annual charge Terms on application .
BRO . R . HIRST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient Band for Annual Banquets , Dinners , Excursions and Quadrille Parties , For terms apply to " B . Hirst , The Three Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "
Twelfth Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS . A Treatise on the only successful Method of Curing these Diseases . By ROBERT G . WATTS , M . D ., ' E . R . S . L ., F . C . S ., & c , 5 Bulstrode-street , Cavendish-sq ., London . London : C . MITCHELL AWD Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-stroet ; and Siinpkin and Co ., Stationers' Hall-court
TESTIMONIAL TO BRO . W . J . HUGHAN , P . G . D . PRESIDENT ^ THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL OF ZETLAND , Provincial Grand Master of North and East Yorkshire . COMMITTEE : flight Hon . tho Earl FBBBBBS P . G . M . Leicestershire and Rutland . J . DERBS ALLCROIT Grand Treasurer . J . P . BSLL Past Grand Deacon , D . P . G . M . North and East Yorkshire . T . W . TEW Grand Senior Deacon , D . P . G . M . West Yorkshire . Hon . Vf . T . OMJB-POWLETI P . P . G . W . North and East Yorkshire . Sir J . MEEK P . P . G . W . North and East Yorkshire . MAONCS OitRiif P . G . A . D . C . W . KEIXY , F . S . A ., P . P . G . M . Leicestershire and Rutland . D . MURRAY LYOIT Grand Secretary Scotland . GEORQB KENNING P . P . G . D . Middlesex . THOMAS PENN P . G . D . Rev . T . ROBINSON Past Grand Chaplain . G . TOMER jun . P . G . S . B ., D . P . G . M . Leicestershire . Dr . H . HOPKINS P . M . 41 , 13 , P . P . G . S . W . Warwickshire . T . J . RALHNG Prov . Grand Secretary Essex . E . L . HAWKINS Prov . Grand Senior Warden Oxon . M . C . PECK Prov . Grand Secretary North and East Yorkshire . J . H . NKILSON P . M . 6201 . C ., P . G . S . W . and Representative G . L . Egypt . J . W . WOOBAW , P . P . G . S . W . Prov . G . M . M . M . North and East Yorkshire . J . LE CBONIER D . P . G . M . Jersey . Rev . C . J . MARTYN P . G . O ., D . P . G . M . Suffolk . G . L . MCKAY P . P . G . S . W . and Prov . G . Sec . Cumberland and Westmoreland . ROBERT CASE Prov . Grand Secretary Dorset . GEORGE TAYLOR Prov . Grand Secretary Worcestershire . J . SMITH EASTES D . P . G . M . Kent . G . P . BROCKBANK P . P . G . D . East Lancashire , Grand Steward Scotland . F . BINCKBS Past Grand Steward , Secretary R . M . I . B . T . Y . SIRACHAN D . P . G . M . M . M . Northumberland and Durham . Rev . W . C . Linns P . P . G . Chaplain West Yorkshire . R . HUDSON Prov . Grand Secretary Durham . J . BROOK SMITH D . P . G . M . Gloucester . W . G . ROOBBS D . P . G . M . Devon . C . FENDEMW 339 P . P . G . W . Staffordshire . R . S . BEOWN P . M ., & c , Edinburgh . First list of Subscriptions . £ s a Right Hon . the Earl Ferrers P . G . M . Leicestershire and Rutland ... 110 J . D . AUcroft Grand Treasurer 110 J . P . Bell P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . N . and E . Yorkshire 110 T . W . Tew G . S . D ., D . P . G . M . West Yorkshire 110 Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett P . P . G . W . N . and E . Yorkshire 110 Sir James Meek P . P . G . W . N . and E . Yorks 110 Magnus Ohreu P . G . A . D . C 110 W . Kelly , F . S . A ., P . P . G . M . Leicestershire and Rutland 110 D . Murray Lyon G . Sec . Scotland 110 Thomas Fenn P . G . D 1 1 . 0 Rev . T . Robinson Past Grand Chaplain 110 George Toller jun . D . P . G . M . Leicestershire 110 Dr . H . Hopkins P . M . 41 110 T . J . Railing Prov . G . Sec . Esses 110 E . L . Hawkins P . G . S . W . Oxon 110 M . C . Peck Prov . G . Secretary N . and E . Yorkshire 110 J . H . Neilson P . M ., Dublin 110 J . W . Woodall P . P . G . S . W . Prov . G . M . M . M . N . and E . Yorkshire ... 110 J . Le Cromer D . P . G . M ! . Jersey 110 Rev . C . J . Martyn P . G . C ., D . P . G . M . Suffolk 110 G . L . McKay P . P . G . S . W . and P . G . Sec . Cumb . and Westmoreland 110 Robert Case Prov . Grand Secretary Dorset 110 George Taylor Prov . G . Sec . Worcestershire 110 George Kenning P . P . G . D . Middlesex 110 J . Smith Eastes Deputy Prov . Grand Master Kent 110 G . P . Brockbank P . P . G . D . E . Lancashire 110 Frederick Binckes Past Grand Steward , Sec . R . M . I . B . 110 T . Y . Strachan D . P . G . M . M . M . Northumberland and Durham ... 110 Rev . W . 0 . Lnkis P . P . G . Chaplain W . Yorks 110 J . S . Cumberland P . M . 1611 110 J . Todd P . M . 236 I 1 0 G . Simpson P . M . 1611 110 J . T . Seller P . M . 1611 110 W . H . Belk P . M . 1848 110 H . J . Morton P . M . 1218 110 J . Blenkin W . M . 1611 110 M . Rooke P . M . 236 110 T . B . Whytehead P . M . 1611 110 York Lodge , 236 110 Eboracum Lodge , 1611 110 Subscriptions maybe forwarded to GEORGE KENNING , Treasurer pro tem , Little Britain , London , E . C .
INSTALLATION OF H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES As the M . W . G . M . of England , AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL , 28 th APRIL 1875 . COPIES of this BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING by Brother HARTY P . J [ ., consisting of Artist ' s Proofs , Proofs beforo Letters , and Lettered Proofs , India Prints , and Plain Prints may be had at Cost Price by applying to Bro . W . E . N ORRIS , 29 Southampton Buildings , W . C , London .
EDUCATION . — HAMBURG . Bro . JOHN A . NEECK , 9 Bundesstrasse , HAMBURG , Is prepared to receive into his Famil y TWO OR THREE ENGLISH YOUTHS AS BOARDERS , During the time they attend School in this City . CAREFUL SUPERVISION , KIND TREATMENT , BEST BODILY & MENTAL CARE High . References in England and Hamburg . IPlROSIPIEiOTTJ -S : F ZES IEJ IE