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S2LY3SR,8LECTR0PLATH&€UTLBRY, - —MW » Mr >» 4 M ^ " HENRYYOUENS, PEACTICALSILVERSMITH,&0. From the CIVIL SERVICE SUPPLY ASSOCIATION , 371 BRIXTON ROAD ( ADJOINING LONDON & COUNTY BANK ) , Supplies the above in the Newest Designs and Best Quality , at Stores' Prices for Net Cash . 22 Carat Gold Wedding Binga , Hall Marked 6 6 per dwt . 0 and 18 Carat Gold Keepers from 12 6 each Silver Tea Spoons 64 ' per doz . „ Fruit Knives , for Pocket , 24 each Electro Plated Table Forks and Spoons „ 20 / per doz . ,. „ Dessert „ , 14 6 „ „ „ Tea Spoons 7 / „ Table Cutlery , Scissors , Pocket Knives , Bazors , & c . all the best Sheffield Manufacture . N . B .-TO ENSURE DESPATCH , ALL ORDERS SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A REMITTANCE .
SODA WATER MACHINERY AND APPURTENANCES TO THE TRADE . _ J . 'Yuit Juices , Ei-seni . es , Uxti-ucis , ijyiu | is , Lime Juii-o L ' uriliul , Ice Dream I iYeezers , ice Elites , Ci inn Extract for producing i ' oiuu , and every ^* x *^ H ^ " ^ leiiuisitu coiinecicd with Uio Tmdo . *^& i < i \ ii'e aud Sparkling Lemonade , dinger Ale , Limeade , C'luuiijiugiio Cup , <^ *^ Aerated Apple Juice , Soda Water , Seltzer , Potass , Vichy , & c , & c . ^ *^ #*>/^^\/ims.!l> ^(C^i^^^w^^Si^Mmh2 > z^m^^f^^^M^^mW m 4 ^ a = ~ = ^ ^ ^ == * ii ! . tMPM , f \) fc ^ rSk fiaetocwr . tr . Si 7 lh = * = ^ ^ to = ^ L , HH\^^/^^/pU ^ j ALSO GOLD MEDAL . ( f ) r ^ A CATALOQUES POST FREE . Messrs . PQWS , CLARK , & Co ., 46 & 47 , Frith Streel ; , London ,
--- _ ,-. J- FORTESCUE , Wm ^ j ' l ? -UA . T MANUFACTURER . ^ mam *^ HBlJf , 29 HKT STM 114 & 115 SHi ) E LANE , SBfe JrMfflPiffiftl 8 EXM 0 UT ?" STKEET , CLERKENWELL , E . C . JfelllPllllJ j ^ WmWnilM \ 2 * SEVEN SISTEUS' ROAD , N . ^ € ' 3 ^ 811111 ^ ^ Billi 1 V r * i & And 143 Mare street ' triangle , Hackney ^ mSSM ^^^ B ~**^ MSm ^ Gents' Silk Hats froo . 6 / 6 each . Socond best 6 / 6 7 / 6 8 / 6 ^ jfllsP * ' ^ ^^ tggtP Superfino quality , 10 / 612 / 6 & 16 / . Thevorj bostmado 21 / , ^^ - " ^ Felt Hats , hard anil soft , in all the nowest shapes , from 3 / 6 to 10 / 6 .
PIANOFORTES , £ 19 10 s . AMERICAN ORGANS , £ 9 5 s . HARMONIUMS , £ 5 15 s . Perfect in Tone and Touch . Eleaant Walnut Cases . Every Instrument warranted to stand any extreme climate , SHIPP ERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIED . Before deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Price List ami Testimonials to G . LIMSTHAD , Managor . COBDEN PIANOFORTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Eversholt Street , Camden Town , London .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKROVEB¥aROYEa LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , PBS BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . Pit PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , J . FROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER QUARTER . ¦ '[ in The A < lvmi < ji £ <> H of » Trial , with ( lie Convenience of tlic »¦» ~ l [ j ? Three Kcivvs' Sy » tem nt Csith Prlee , by Pitying itbout » Qiiuricii ¦ { U of the vnliie « 1 < MVM , the Balance » y Husy I " : vymoiitH , ti'om , ,, 'fc I 5 » per quarter . GEOVEE&GEOVERGateAVILL &SMART ), TABERNACLE SQUARE , FINSBURY , E . C . _ f :. vi \ vi : i . isiii ; i > i & so . - ___ j «
. R . BEDSTEAD , 9 s t . Martin ' s Street , Leicester Square , PAPER HANCEB , PAINTER AND DECORATOR . Estimates sent free on application , JCHAHGBSMODBHATE .
_____ , NEXT OF KIN — IS 31 EDITION . I AD E S C R I P T I V E INDEX (» f 25 , lliK ) names ) to I Advertisements for Next of Kin . Chancery Heirs , Legatees , & c . from 1700 , 2 s tld , by Postal Order . Addross W . OULLMER , 17 Southampton Buildings , Chancory Lane , London ,
A CCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY x \ Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbnry , E . C . General accidents . j Porsonal injuries . Railway acci : lonts . | Death by accident . O . HARDING . Manager .
i 1 ESTABLISHED 1811 . BI R K B E C K B A N K . — SouMiamptou Building * , Oliancevy Luic . i Current Account- ; opened according to the u < u-il ! pr ictiro of other Kiukorx , aud [ citerost allowed on I the minimum monthly balance- ! when not drawn ; below £ - •"> . No commission chnrged for keeping ; Accounts . 1 Tho Itri'ik also recoives mmey ou Deposit at three per cent , [ ntcoft , repayable on d imand . Tho Bank iiudorialsm for its (!< ist ) mer .- > , free of charge , the eusfco ly of Deeds , Writings , and other Securities and Vnluabtes , tlie olleHt-ii of Bills of Exchange , Dividends , and Coupons ; ail tho purchnsT and sale of Stocks aid S'lares . Letters of Credit andCircultr Noto > is-mil . A Pamphlet , with full particular : * , on application . FRANCIS RAVEM 30 ROPT , Manager . 3 lst March 18 S 0 .
TtieBirkbeok Buildins ; Sooiety ' s Annual Heceipts exceed Four Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH , with imrna-( Unto Possession aud in Riut t ) pay . Apply at the OIBCO Of tho BlUKUKCK Buii . owo SOCtBTST . HOW TO PURCHASE A PLOT OP LAND FOR BTVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH , with immediate possession , oitlvw for Building or Gardening purposes . Apply at the Office of tho BCHKUBCK PKBERODD L \ . xo Socrnrv . A Pamphlet , with full p irticulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROPT , Managor . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
T HE WAREHOUSEMEN AND CLERKS ' PERMANENT BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY , Offices—2 Church Passago , GrDsham Street , E . C . Established for the purpose oE making advances on Freehold and Leasehold Property , or on any other Good Securities . No Premium , Bonus , Pees , or extra payments of any kind . All classes are eligible to become borrowers . Write for Prospectus . ARTHUR RUMBELOW , Manager .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London , MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , H'irn uii . r name in rnioert lelli-r * . CAN be obtained direct from tho Maker , at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . ' ^ - ^| S 3 iP = 5 ^ Kil / " ' *'^ ^ rjg ^^ gEErST ^ SgSg ^ g I la A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 64 HIOH STREET , STRATFORD . LONDON .
ALL WHO SUPPER VllOM GOTTT AND RHEUMATISM Should immediately have reconrso to TRADE'S CELEBRATED GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . Known throughout tho world as tho safest and most effectual remedy for tho instant relief and vapid cure of Gout , Rheumatism , Rheumatic Gout , Lumbago , and all Pains in the Head , Face , and Limbs . OF ALL CHEMISTS , Is lid and 2 s 9 d , GEORGE EADE . SOIE PBOPBIETOB , 72 GOSWELL EOAD , LONDON " .
BLAIR'S GOUT PILLS . The Great Remedy FOB GOUT AND BHEUMATISM . rpHE excruciating pain is quickly relieved , JL and cured in a few days by this celebrated Medcine . These Pills require no restraint of diet during their use , and are certain to prevent tho disease attacking any vital part . Sold by all Chemists at Is lid and 2 s 9 d per box .
1 0 AAA " PICrURES . - GREAT I U , V U V BARGAINS . 1 (\ AAA PICTURES . — ALL 1 \ J , \ J \ J \ J QUITE NEW . 7 A AAA PICTURES . — THE lU , UUU No . i GUINEA PARCEL of ENGRAVINGS ; Pair by Turner , Pair by Landseer , Pair by Frith , pair by Wilkie , pair by Hunt ; suiHcient to furnish two large rooms . G . K . having purchased a very large stock at a great sacrifice ivill give the public the benefit . GKO . REKS , 41 , 12 ,-13 , Russell-st ., Covent Garden ; ( Opposite Drury Lano Theatre . )
New Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth , 5 s . WAIFS AND STRAYS , CHIKIUY PBOM inn CHESS BOARD , by Captain Hugh R , Kennedy , Vice-President of the British Chess Association . LOSDOV : W . W . JIoBGAif , 23 GBBAT QOKBX StBBSI
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
S2LY3SR,8LECTR0PLATH&€UTLBRY, - —MW » Mr >» 4 M ^ " HENRYYOUENS, PEACTICALSILVERSMITH,&0. From the CIVIL SERVICE SUPPLY ASSOCIATION , 371 BRIXTON ROAD ( ADJOINING LONDON & COUNTY BANK ) , Supplies the above in the Newest Designs and Best Quality , at Stores' Prices for Net Cash . 22 Carat Gold Wedding Binga , Hall Marked 6 6 per dwt . 0 and 18 Carat Gold Keepers from 12 6 each Silver Tea Spoons 64 ' per doz . „ Fruit Knives , for Pocket , 24 each Electro Plated Table Forks and Spoons „ 20 / per doz . ,. „ Dessert „ , 14 6 „ „ „ Tea Spoons 7 / „ Table Cutlery , Scissors , Pocket Knives , Bazors , & c . all the best Sheffield Manufacture . N . B .-TO ENSURE DESPATCH , ALL ORDERS SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A REMITTANCE .
SODA WATER MACHINERY AND APPURTENANCES TO THE TRADE . _ J . 'Yuit Juices , Ei-seni . es , Uxti-ucis , ijyiu | is , Lime Juii-o L ' uriliul , Ice Dream I iYeezers , ice Elites , Ci inn Extract for producing i ' oiuu , and every ^* x *^ H ^ " ^ leiiuisitu coiinecicd with Uio Tmdo . *^& i < i \ ii'e aud Sparkling Lemonade , dinger Ale , Limeade , C'luuiijiugiio Cup , <^ *^ Aerated Apple Juice , Soda Water , Seltzer , Potass , Vichy , & c , & c . ^ *^ #*>/^^\/ims.!l> ^(C^i^^^w^^Si^Mmh2 > z^m^^f^^^M^^mW m 4 ^ a = ~ = ^ ^ ^ == * ii ! . tMPM , f \) fc ^ rSk fiaetocwr . tr . Si 7 lh = * = ^ ^ to = ^ L , HH\^^/^^/pU ^ j ALSO GOLD MEDAL . ( f ) r ^ A CATALOQUES POST FREE . Messrs . PQWS , CLARK , & Co ., 46 & 47 , Frith Streel ; , London ,
--- _ ,-. J- FORTESCUE , Wm ^ j ' l ? -UA . T MANUFACTURER . ^ mam *^ HBlJf , 29 HKT STM 114 & 115 SHi ) E LANE , SBfe JrMfflPiffiftl 8 EXM 0 UT ?" STKEET , CLERKENWELL , E . C . JfelllPllllJ j ^ WmWnilM \ 2 * SEVEN SISTEUS' ROAD , N . ^ € ' 3 ^ 811111 ^ ^ Billi 1 V r * i & And 143 Mare street ' triangle , Hackney ^ mSSM ^^^ B ~**^ MSm ^ Gents' Silk Hats froo . 6 / 6 each . Socond best 6 / 6 7 / 6 8 / 6 ^ jfllsP * ' ^ ^^ tggtP Superfino quality , 10 / 612 / 6 & 16 / . Thevorj bostmado 21 / , ^^ - " ^ Felt Hats , hard anil soft , in all the nowest shapes , from 3 / 6 to 10 / 6 .
PIANOFORTES , £ 19 10 s . AMERICAN ORGANS , £ 9 5 s . HARMONIUMS , £ 5 15 s . Perfect in Tone and Touch . Eleaant Walnut Cases . Every Instrument warranted to stand any extreme climate , SHIPP ERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIED . Before deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Price List ami Testimonials to G . LIMSTHAD , Managor . COBDEN PIANOFORTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Eversholt Street , Camden Town , London .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKROVEB¥aROYEa LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , PBS BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . Pit PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , J . FROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER QUARTER . ¦ '[ in The A < lvmi < ji £ <> H of » Trial , with ( lie Convenience of tlic »¦» ~ l [ j ? Three Kcivvs' Sy » tem nt Csith Prlee , by Pitying itbout » Qiiuricii ¦ { U of the vnliie « 1 < MVM , the Balance » y Husy I " : vymoiitH , ti'om , ,, 'fc I 5 » per quarter . GEOVEE&GEOVERGateAVILL &SMART ), TABERNACLE SQUARE , FINSBURY , E . C . _ f :. vi \ vi : i . isiii ; i > i & so . - ___ j «
. R . BEDSTEAD , 9 s t . Martin ' s Street , Leicester Square , PAPER HANCEB , PAINTER AND DECORATOR . Estimates sent free on application , JCHAHGBSMODBHATE .
_____ , NEXT OF KIN — IS 31 EDITION . I AD E S C R I P T I V E INDEX (» f 25 , lliK ) names ) to I Advertisements for Next of Kin . Chancery Heirs , Legatees , & c . from 1700 , 2 s tld , by Postal Order . Addross W . OULLMER , 17 Southampton Buildings , Chancory Lane , London ,
A CCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY x \ Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbnry , E . C . General accidents . j Porsonal injuries . Railway acci : lonts . | Death by accident . O . HARDING . Manager .
i 1 ESTABLISHED 1811 . BI R K B E C K B A N K . — SouMiamptou Building * , Oliancevy Luic . i Current Account- ; opened according to the u < u-il ! pr ictiro of other Kiukorx , aud [ citerost allowed on I the minimum monthly balance- ! when not drawn ; below £ - •"> . No commission chnrged for keeping ; Accounts . 1 Tho Itri'ik also recoives mmey ou Deposit at three per cent , [ ntcoft , repayable on d imand . Tho Bank iiudorialsm for its (!< ist ) mer .- > , free of charge , the eusfco ly of Deeds , Writings , and other Securities and Vnluabtes , tlie olleHt-ii of Bills of Exchange , Dividends , and Coupons ; ail tho purchnsT and sale of Stocks aid S'lares . Letters of Credit andCircultr Noto > is-mil . A Pamphlet , with full particular : * , on application . FRANCIS RAVEM 30 ROPT , Manager . 3 lst March 18 S 0 .
TtieBirkbeok Buildins ; Sooiety ' s Annual Heceipts exceed Four Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH , with imrna-( Unto Possession aud in Riut t ) pay . Apply at the OIBCO Of tho BlUKUKCK Buii . owo SOCtBTST . HOW TO PURCHASE A PLOT OP LAND FOR BTVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH , with immediate possession , oitlvw for Building or Gardening purposes . Apply at the Office of tho BCHKUBCK PKBERODD L \ . xo Socrnrv . A Pamphlet , with full p irticulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROPT , Managor . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
T HE WAREHOUSEMEN AND CLERKS ' PERMANENT BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY , Offices—2 Church Passago , GrDsham Street , E . C . Established for the purpose oE making advances on Freehold and Leasehold Property , or on any other Good Securities . No Premium , Bonus , Pees , or extra payments of any kind . All classes are eligible to become borrowers . Write for Prospectus . ARTHUR RUMBELOW , Manager .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London , MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , H'irn uii . r name in rnioert lelli-r * . CAN be obtained direct from tho Maker , at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . ' ^ - ^| S 3 iP = 5 ^ Kil / " ' *'^ ^ rjg ^^ gEErST ^ SgSg ^ g I la A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 64 HIOH STREET , STRATFORD . LONDON .
ALL WHO SUPPER VllOM GOTTT AND RHEUMATISM Should immediately have reconrso to TRADE'S CELEBRATED GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . Known throughout tho world as tho safest and most effectual remedy for tho instant relief and vapid cure of Gout , Rheumatism , Rheumatic Gout , Lumbago , and all Pains in the Head , Face , and Limbs . OF ALL CHEMISTS , Is lid and 2 s 9 d , GEORGE EADE . SOIE PBOPBIETOB , 72 GOSWELL EOAD , LONDON " .
BLAIR'S GOUT PILLS . The Great Remedy FOB GOUT AND BHEUMATISM . rpHE excruciating pain is quickly relieved , JL and cured in a few days by this celebrated Medcine . These Pills require no restraint of diet during their use , and are certain to prevent tho disease attacking any vital part . Sold by all Chemists at Is lid and 2 s 9 d per box .
1 0 AAA " PICrURES . - GREAT I U , V U V BARGAINS . 1 (\ AAA PICTURES . — ALL 1 \ J , \ J \ J \ J QUITE NEW . 7 A AAA PICTURES . — THE lU , UUU No . i GUINEA PARCEL of ENGRAVINGS ; Pair by Turner , Pair by Landseer , Pair by Frith , pair by Wilkie , pair by Hunt ; suiHcient to furnish two large rooms . G . K . having purchased a very large stock at a great sacrifice ivill give the public the benefit . GKO . REKS , 41 , 12 ,-13 , Russell-st ., Covent Garden ; ( Opposite Drury Lano Theatre . )
New Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth , 5 s . WAIFS AND STRAYS , CHIKIUY PBOM inn CHESS BOARD , by Captain Hugh R , Kennedy , Vice-President of the British Chess Association . LOSDOV : W . W . JIoBGAif , 23 GBBAT QOKBX StBBSI