Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Quarterly Communication Of United Grand Lodge.
The Widow of a Brother of the Kennington Lodge , No . 1381 , Kennington 200 0 0 A Brother of the Elkington Lodge , No . 1016 , Birmingham 100 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of the Lodge of Independence , No . 721 , Chester - - - - - - . 50 0 0
The Widow of a Brother of the Burdett Lodge , No . 1293 , Hampton Court 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of the Grenadiers Lodge , No . 66 , London - . 100 0 0 A Brother of the Upper Norwood Lodge , No . 1586 ,
Upper Norwood 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of the Chigwell Lodge , No . 453 , Chiugford , Essex - 75 0 0
A Brother of the Wellington Lodge , No . 784 , Deal . 50 0 0 A Brother of the Palladiau Lodge , No . 120 , Hereford - 50 0 0 A Brother of the Lodge of True Friendship , No . 160 , Roohford 50 0 0
A Brother of the Shakspere Lodge , No . 1009 , Manchester 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of the Ionic Lodge , No . 227 , London 50 00 A Brother ofjthe Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 959 , Ipswioh 50 0
6 . REPORT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Grand Lodge having at the Quarterly Communication of the 7 th December last directed the Board to consider and report on a motion submitted by Brother Charles John Perceval , P . M . of Lodge
No . 1607 , to the following effect , viz ., — " That in all cases when a question is brought before Grand Lodge , for whioh a division is demanded , the telling of the same shall be conducted in a similar method to that pursued in the House of Commons , viz ., —Two tellers from each side of the question be appointed to record the votes as the members pass ont , and make their report accordingly . "
The Board have carefully considered the subject , aud beg to report thereon—1 st . Thafc the proposal of Brother Perceval to conduct the counting of votes in a manner similar to that in use in the House
of Commons would be impracticable , inasmuch as printed lists of members would be required , audit would be likewise necessary that the tellers should be able to name the Brethren passing them .
2 nd . That some other course might be adopted which would meet the complaint afc present made of confusion , and possible inaccuracy , in obtaining the nnmbers voting ; but the Board consider that in order to carry the matter out in a thorough and
satisfactory manner , a rule should be laid down that all Brefchren remaining in Grand Lodge , after a division is ordered , should be required to vote on one side or the other , after due opportunity of withdrawing has been given to those Brethren who desire not to tako part in tha division .
3 rd . That temporary turnstiles be erected just outside the portals of Grand Lodge , to be in charge of the Grand Director of Ceremonies and his assistants , through one of whioh all the Brethren ( except the presiding officer ) remaining for the division should be required to pass on divisions being called for .
And the Board believe that sufficient accommodation for the moment would be found for the Brethren in the corridor aud in the " Sussex " room iu the Freemasons' Tavern ( directly opposite the door of Grand Lodge ) , which they have ascertained can be reserved for the Quarterly Communications afc an annual charge of five guineas .
( Signed ) JOHN B . MONCKTON , President . FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . 17 th January 1882 . To the Report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge Accounts at the last Meeting of the Finance Committeeheld on
, Friday , the 17 th day of January last , shewing a Balance in the Bank of England of £ 3 , 812 8 s 5 d , and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for Petty Cash £ 75 , and for Servants' Wages £ 100 . 7 . Report of Brother R . P . Harding , Auditor of Grand Lodge Accounts , of Receipts and Disbursements during the year 1881 .
8 . NOTICES OF MOTION . ( I ) By Brother JOSHUA NUNN P . G . S . B . President of the Lodge of Benevolence : In the Book of Constitutions , page 96 , Article 3 , after the word " Month " in third line , to add the words " at 4 o ' cloclc . "
( 2 ) By Brother GEOROE P . BRITTEN P . M . No . 183 : — Book of Constitutions , "Fund of Benevolence , " Article 12 , page 103 : — To erase the word " Three" and insert tho word " Seven . "
To add . " Grand Secretary shall prepare a list of all petitions for relief , stating the name and address of each petitioner , with tho number or numbers of auy Lodge
or Lodges of whioh he may have been a member , and the number of the recommending Lodge ; and such list shall be printed and forwarded on the Saturday preceding each meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence to all members of the Lodge of Benevolence , aa defined by Article 3 , page 96 . "
( 3 ) By Brother FREDERIC DAVISON W . M . No . 10 : — " That the Lodge of Benevolence meet twice a month at 8 p . m . "
List of Lodges for which Warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : — No . 1954 . —The Molesworth Lodge , Wad-bridge , Cornwall . 1955 . —The Freetown Lodge , Freetown , Sierra Leone , Africa .
1956 . —The Reunion Lodge , Blenheim , New Zealand . 1957 . —The Grove Lodge , Hazel Grove , Cheshire . 1958 . —The Hundred of Bosraere Lodge , Havant , Hants . 1959 . —The Phcenix Lodgo , Akaroa , New Zealand . I 960 . —The Stewart Lodge , Rawul Pindee , East Indies . 1961 . —The Punjab Northern Lodge , Jhelum , East Indies
The " Freemason's Calendar and Pocket Book " for 1882 is now ready , and can he had from onr publisher , price 2 s , bound in roan .
Consecration Of A Masonic Lodge At Fenton, Staffordshire.
A NEW Lodge of Freemasons was consecrated at the Public Hall , Fenton , on Wednesday , a Provincial Grand Lodge of emergency being convened for that purpose . Many of the members of the Portland Lodge ( No . 637 ) , held afc Stoke , and Etruscan Lodge ( 546 ) , held at Longton , reside afc Fenton , and have for many years con templated the formation of a Lodge of their own , nofc only as a matter of convenience to themselves , but with the belief that by
so doing they would bring within the Craft many who have not been initiated , and thus promote the cause in which they . are interested . Both the Elruscan and the Portland brethren supported the application for the charter , which was granted by M . W . G . M . of England , the Prince of Wales . The promoters of the new Lodge adopted for its name " Minerva , " a Roman goddess , whom Varro , an ancient
Latin scholar and critic , regarded as the impersonation of divine thought , having nnder her care all that constitutes the development of humon destiny . The consecration of a new Lodge is an event which excites considerable interest amongst the fraternity , nofc only on account of the fact that even in these days of the rapid growth of Masonry the opening of a new Lodge is of comparatively rare
occurrence , but also owing to the imposing nature of the ceremony itself . Hence there was a large gathering of Freemasons afc Fenton on Wednesday . The R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Major G . S . Tndor attended to perform the ceremony . The Lodge was opened at one o ' clock by the P . G . M ., the Wardens' chair being occupied by Bros . Gothard and Bickley . The P . G . M . stated thafc he had been com .
rnanded to perform the ceremony of consecrating the Minerva Lodge , and Bro . Cartwright , as P . G . S ., stated the steps which had been taken for the formation of the Lodge . He said the M . W . G . M . of England had been pleased to grant a charter which was dated the 25 th of October 1881 , authorizing the opening of a Lodge in the Public Hall , Fenton , in the Province of Staffordshire , and the mem .
bers were desirous that ifc should be properly constituted and the Officers installed and invested . Iu the warrant Bros . F . Wedgewood Grove P . M . 637 P . G . J . D . was designated the W . M ., W . T . M'Neal P . M . 546 the S . W ., and Thomas Ashworth P . M . 418 the J . W . The Lodge was named the Minerva , and numbered 1 , 942 on the register of the Grand Lodge of England , and the ordinary meetings were fixed
to be held the last Tnesday in each month . Ifc was signed on behalf of the M . W . G . M . by the Earl of Lathom D . G . M ., and also by Lieut-Col . Shadwell H . Gierke Grand Secretary . The brethren of the Minerva signified their approval of the Officers named in the warrant . Bro . the Rev . J . Wesfcbnry , in the absence of Bro . the Ven . Archdeacon lies , acted as Chaplain , and delivered an oration . He said
ithad been customary amongst Masons from time immemorial thafc on special occasions particular reference should be made to the duties , privileges , and responsibilities belonging to those who were worthy members of their Order ; and on that occasion , without making any formal address , it would be well for him first to bring back their minds , so far as he could , to the early teaching of Freemasonry as a
system . There were three things which it seemed to him they should consider with respect to each of their Lodges and each individual member . The first was to mind propriety in the appointments of tho Lodge , and he thought the members of tho Mi-ietva might be congratulated upon the appointments they had prepared , in each of which some deep moral truth was symbolized . They ought to learn
from that propriety thafc what they had to do , if done at all , was worth doing well , and that if it was not worth doing well ifc was nofc worth doing at all . As Masons they shonld be thorough menthorough in their devotion to their Lodges , desiring to see that all their ceremonies were so performed and thafc everything in
conducting the business of the Lodges was so gone through as to impress by the outward sign what was the inward and spiritual power . Another thing which came to his mind was that in their Lodges there was a certain—they might might say a perfect—equality . They gave hononr to whom hononr was due , and thafc was only right . To the Officer , of the Lodge they promised obedience , and by the fidelity of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Quarterly Communication Of United Grand Lodge.
The Widow of a Brother of the Kennington Lodge , No . 1381 , Kennington 200 0 0 A Brother of the Elkington Lodge , No . 1016 , Birmingham 100 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of the Lodge of Independence , No . 721 , Chester - - - - - - . 50 0 0
The Widow of a Brother of the Burdett Lodge , No . 1293 , Hampton Court 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of the Grenadiers Lodge , No . 66 , London - . 100 0 0 A Brother of the Upper Norwood Lodge , No . 1586 ,
Upper Norwood 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of the Chigwell Lodge , No . 453 , Chiugford , Essex - 75 0 0
A Brother of the Wellington Lodge , No . 784 , Deal . 50 0 0 A Brother of the Palladiau Lodge , No . 120 , Hereford - 50 0 0 A Brother of the Lodge of True Friendship , No . 160 , Roohford 50 0 0
A Brother of the Shakspere Lodge , No . 1009 , Manchester 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of the Ionic Lodge , No . 227 , London 50 00 A Brother ofjthe Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 959 , Ipswioh 50 0
6 . REPORT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Grand Lodge having at the Quarterly Communication of the 7 th December last directed the Board to consider and report on a motion submitted by Brother Charles John Perceval , P . M . of Lodge
No . 1607 , to the following effect , viz ., — " That in all cases when a question is brought before Grand Lodge , for whioh a division is demanded , the telling of the same shall be conducted in a similar method to that pursued in the House of Commons , viz ., —Two tellers from each side of the question be appointed to record the votes as the members pass ont , and make their report accordingly . "
The Board have carefully considered the subject , aud beg to report thereon—1 st . Thafc the proposal of Brother Perceval to conduct the counting of votes in a manner similar to that in use in the House
of Commons would be impracticable , inasmuch as printed lists of members would be required , audit would be likewise necessary that the tellers should be able to name the Brethren passing them .
2 nd . That some other course might be adopted which would meet the complaint afc present made of confusion , and possible inaccuracy , in obtaining the nnmbers voting ; but the Board consider that in order to carry the matter out in a thorough and
satisfactory manner , a rule should be laid down that all Brefchren remaining in Grand Lodge , after a division is ordered , should be required to vote on one side or the other , after due opportunity of withdrawing has been given to those Brethren who desire not to tako part in tha division .
3 rd . That temporary turnstiles be erected just outside the portals of Grand Lodge , to be in charge of the Grand Director of Ceremonies and his assistants , through one of whioh all the Brethren ( except the presiding officer ) remaining for the division should be required to pass on divisions being called for .
And the Board believe that sufficient accommodation for the moment would be found for the Brethren in the corridor aud in the " Sussex " room iu the Freemasons' Tavern ( directly opposite the door of Grand Lodge ) , which they have ascertained can be reserved for the Quarterly Communications afc an annual charge of five guineas .
( Signed ) JOHN B . MONCKTON , President . FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . 17 th January 1882 . To the Report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge Accounts at the last Meeting of the Finance Committeeheld on
, Friday , the 17 th day of January last , shewing a Balance in the Bank of England of £ 3 , 812 8 s 5 d , and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for Petty Cash £ 75 , and for Servants' Wages £ 100 . 7 . Report of Brother R . P . Harding , Auditor of Grand Lodge Accounts , of Receipts and Disbursements during the year 1881 .
8 . NOTICES OF MOTION . ( I ) By Brother JOSHUA NUNN P . G . S . B . President of the Lodge of Benevolence : In the Book of Constitutions , page 96 , Article 3 , after the word " Month " in third line , to add the words " at 4 o ' cloclc . "
( 2 ) By Brother GEOROE P . BRITTEN P . M . No . 183 : — Book of Constitutions , "Fund of Benevolence , " Article 12 , page 103 : — To erase the word " Three" and insert tho word " Seven . "
To add . " Grand Secretary shall prepare a list of all petitions for relief , stating the name and address of each petitioner , with tho number or numbers of auy Lodge
or Lodges of whioh he may have been a member , and the number of the recommending Lodge ; and such list shall be printed and forwarded on the Saturday preceding each meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence to all members of the Lodge of Benevolence , aa defined by Article 3 , page 96 . "
( 3 ) By Brother FREDERIC DAVISON W . M . No . 10 : — " That the Lodge of Benevolence meet twice a month at 8 p . m . "
List of Lodges for which Warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : — No . 1954 . —The Molesworth Lodge , Wad-bridge , Cornwall . 1955 . —The Freetown Lodge , Freetown , Sierra Leone , Africa .
1956 . —The Reunion Lodge , Blenheim , New Zealand . 1957 . —The Grove Lodge , Hazel Grove , Cheshire . 1958 . —The Hundred of Bosraere Lodge , Havant , Hants . 1959 . —The Phcenix Lodgo , Akaroa , New Zealand . I 960 . —The Stewart Lodge , Rawul Pindee , East Indies . 1961 . —The Punjab Northern Lodge , Jhelum , East Indies
The " Freemason's Calendar and Pocket Book " for 1882 is now ready , and can he had from onr publisher , price 2 s , bound in roan .
Consecration Of A Masonic Lodge At Fenton, Staffordshire.
A NEW Lodge of Freemasons was consecrated at the Public Hall , Fenton , on Wednesday , a Provincial Grand Lodge of emergency being convened for that purpose . Many of the members of the Portland Lodge ( No . 637 ) , held afc Stoke , and Etruscan Lodge ( 546 ) , held at Longton , reside afc Fenton , and have for many years con templated the formation of a Lodge of their own , nofc only as a matter of convenience to themselves , but with the belief that by
so doing they would bring within the Craft many who have not been initiated , and thus promote the cause in which they . are interested . Both the Elruscan and the Portland brethren supported the application for the charter , which was granted by M . W . G . M . of England , the Prince of Wales . The promoters of the new Lodge adopted for its name " Minerva , " a Roman goddess , whom Varro , an ancient
Latin scholar and critic , regarded as the impersonation of divine thought , having nnder her care all that constitutes the development of humon destiny . The consecration of a new Lodge is an event which excites considerable interest amongst the fraternity , nofc only on account of the fact that even in these days of the rapid growth of Masonry the opening of a new Lodge is of comparatively rare
occurrence , but also owing to the imposing nature of the ceremony itself . Hence there was a large gathering of Freemasons afc Fenton on Wednesday . The R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Major G . S . Tndor attended to perform the ceremony . The Lodge was opened at one o ' clock by the P . G . M ., the Wardens' chair being occupied by Bros . Gothard and Bickley . The P . G . M . stated thafc he had been com .
rnanded to perform the ceremony of consecrating the Minerva Lodge , and Bro . Cartwright , as P . G . S ., stated the steps which had been taken for the formation of the Lodge . He said the M . W . G . M . of England had been pleased to grant a charter which was dated the 25 th of October 1881 , authorizing the opening of a Lodge in the Public Hall , Fenton , in the Province of Staffordshire , and the mem .
bers were desirous that ifc should be properly constituted and the Officers installed and invested . Iu the warrant Bros . F . Wedgewood Grove P . M . 637 P . G . J . D . was designated the W . M ., W . T . M'Neal P . M . 546 the S . W ., and Thomas Ashworth P . M . 418 the J . W . The Lodge was named the Minerva , and numbered 1 , 942 on the register of the Grand Lodge of England , and the ordinary meetings were fixed
to be held the last Tnesday in each month . Ifc was signed on behalf of the M . W . G . M . by the Earl of Lathom D . G . M ., and also by Lieut-Col . Shadwell H . Gierke Grand Secretary . The brethren of the Minerva signified their approval of the Officers named in the warrant . Bro . the Rev . J . Wesfcbnry , in the absence of Bro . the Ven . Archdeacon lies , acted as Chaplain , and delivered an oration . He said
ithad been customary amongst Masons from time immemorial thafc on special occasions particular reference should be made to the duties , privileges , and responsibilities belonging to those who were worthy members of their Order ; and on that occasion , without making any formal address , it would be well for him first to bring back their minds , so far as he could , to the early teaching of Freemasonry as a
system . There were three things which it seemed to him they should consider with respect to each of their Lodges and each individual member . The first was to mind propriety in the appointments of tho Lodge , and he thought the members of tho Mi-ietva might be congratulated upon the appointments they had prepared , in each of which some deep moral truth was symbolized . They ought to learn
from that propriety thafc what they had to do , if done at all , was worth doing well , and that if it was not worth doing well ifc was nofc worth doing at all . As Masons they shonld be thorough menthorough in their devotion to their Lodges , desiring to see that all their ceremonies were so performed and thafc everything in
conducting the business of the Lodges was so gone through as to impress by the outward sign what was the inward and spiritual power . Another thing which came to his mind was that in their Lodges there was a certain—they might might say a perfect—equality . They gave hononr to whom hononr was due , and thafc was only right . To the Officer , of the Lodge they promised obedience , and by the fidelity of