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Grand Lodge, Massachusetts.
THE Annual Communication of this G . Lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , Boston , on the 8 th December last , M . W . Bro . Percival Lowell Everett , Grand Master , presiding . There was present a strong force ' of Present and Past Grand Officers , together with representatives from nearly all the Lodges within the jurisdiction of this Grand
Lodo-e . Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form , the records of the Special Communication of 6 th August , and the Quarterly Communication of 8 th September were taken as read . The records of the Special Communications of 28 fch September , at Brookline , for the purpose of
dedicating the new Masonic apartments of the Beth-Horon Lodge , and at Chicopee , for the purpose of dedicating the new quarters of the Lodge , and installing its officers were read and approved . Amendments to bye-laws were presented for approval , and referred to the Committee on
bye-laws . The proceedings relative to the organisation of the Grand Lodge of Dakota wero submitted by the Grand Secretary , and referred to a Committee consisting of R . W . Bios . S . D . Nickerson and T . P . Cheever , ancl W . Bro . A . B . Wentworth . R . W . Bro . Hon . T . A . Doyle P . G . M .,
Rhode Island , then presented , in the name and on behalf of Bro . G . H . Smith , residing in London , a most artistic portrait of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , in full regalia as the M . W . G . M . England . R . W . Bro . John T . Heard P . G . M ., in an eloquent speech , moved that
the thanks of Grand Lodge be accorded to Bro . Smith for the gift so felicitously offered on his behalf by Right Hon . T . A . Doyle , and the motion was carried unanimously . From the report of the Audit Committee , which was next read , it appeared the receipts for the year
amounted to 95 , 908 , 75 dols ., and the expenditure to 94 , 217 , 41 dols ., leaving a balance in hand of 1691 , 34 dols . The indebtedness of Grand Lodgo is at present 299 , 991 , 73 dols ., while the receipts during the past year , in respect of the sinking fund , amounted to 186 , 839 , 75 dols . The Grand
Master then i-ead his annual address , referring , of course , at considerable length to the most prominent events of the year . Amongst other matters he mentioned the number of
initiates in 1875 was 1440 , and that dispensations had been granted for five new Lodges . Grand Lodge then proceeded to the election of Grand Officers , the result being that M . W . P . Lowell Everett was re-elected G . M ., R . W .
A . H . Howland of New Bedford , and R . W . D . Upton of South Adams were elected Senior and Junior Grand Wardens , while R . W . J . McClellan and R . W . C . H . Titus , both of Boston , were re-elected Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary respectively . The Committee , to
whom were referred certain amendments to Article IV ., Part III . —referring to trials , etc . —of the Grand Constitutions , then submitted their report . The Committee on new Grand Lodges recommended that the Grand Lodges of Prince Edward Island , Manitoba , ancl Dakota be
recognised , and the recommendation was adopted . The Charity Committee next delivered their report for the year , from which it appeared that the receipts , including balance brought forward , amounted to 1 , 938 dols . 64 cents ., while the disbursements reached 1 , 878 dols . 64 cents ., leaving a
balance in hand of 60 dols . . On the motion of R . W . Sereno D . Nickerson , it was agreed to subscribe the sum of one thousand dollars towards the completion of the Washington Monument , on certain conditions . After this Grand Lodge was closed in ample form , till the 28 th of the same
month , for the instillation of Grand Officers and the celebration of the Feast of St . John the Evangelist . Accordingly , on that day Grand Lodge was opeuetf in due form foi the purpose stated , the ceremony of installing the new G . M . being performed by R . W . S . D . Nickerson , the junioi
P . G . M . The ceremony over , the G . M . installed the Grand Wardens , Tresis , and Sec , and appointed his other officers , who were installed by the Deputy G . M . Sundry reports having then been submitted , Grand Lodge was closed iu amph form . A grand banquet in the banquet hall of the Tempi .
followed . On the removal of the cloth , the first sentimeu ; to which honour was done was that of " the Holy Saints-John , " the next "the Memory of George Washing ^ .-: ; , ' aud the third " the Memory of the late Senior 1 \ G . M .,
Dr . Winslow Lewis . " The usual toasts followed , one o ; tho speakers—R . W . John T . Heard—expressing great regret at the smallncss of the attendance . From thi statistical tables appended to the report of the foregoing proceedings , it appears there are twenty districts . mclii >
Grand Lodge, Massachusetts.
ding those of Chili and China , with 218 Lodges , six of which are under dispensation , while the number of affiliated members is 26 , 798 , being an increase of 1389 over the previous year .
To-day , at the Alexandra Palace , will be given another of the series of Afternoon Popular Concerts , the artistes including Madame Edith Wynne , Mr . Courtney , and Signor Monari-Rocca , and the selections being from the works of Beethoven , Weber , Auber , and others . To-day ,
also , and on Monday and Tuesday of next week , will be held a grand Cat , Rabbit , ancl Guinea Pig Show , which , so far as the last named animal is concerned , will certainly be a novelty . The show of Hyacinths , Tulips , and Spring Flowers , by Messrs . Cntbush , which has been on view
during the week will be closed to-day . On Tuesday next will be performed the Heir-al-Laiu , the most important members of a very powerful cast being Mr . Compton , who will enact the role of Dr . Pangloss , and Mr . Lionel Brough , who will play Zekiel .
The Royal Italian Opera , Covent Garden , will commence its season on Tuesday next , Rossini ' s Quglielmo Tell being tho opera selected for the opening night . Among the artistes who will take part in this opera will be Mdlle . Bianchi , Mdlle . Ghiotti , and Mdlle . Cottino ; M . Manrel ,
and Signori Tagliafico , Rossi , and Marmi . On Thursday will be given Verdi's Opera , Tin Ballo in Maschera , when Madame Pezzotta , Mdlle . Schalchi , and Signor Graziani will appear . On Saturday there will be a performance of
Mozart ' s Opera of Don Giovanni , when Mdlle . Zare Thalberg ancl Mdlle . D'Angeri will make their first appearance this season . Signor Vianesi will wield the luton of conductor during the season .
Efforts aro being made by a number of City gentlemen to obtain the release of a Mr . Fred . Wm . Palmer , a broker of Mincing Lane , who was recently sentenced to a month's imprisonment for assaulting a person who was about to enter a railway carriage which was said to be already full .
Far this purpose a number of merchants and brokers waited on the Lord Mayor yesterday afternoon , and prayed him to use his influence in bringing the matter under the notice of the Home Secretary . It was stated that the assault was of a most trivial character , and it was alleged
hat the Railway authorities were animated by a feeling of spite towards Mr . Palmer , who had , two months since , formally complained of persons being thrust into railway carriages which had their full complement of passengers , ancl had threatened to bring the subject before the Board
of Trade . The Lord Mayor promised to communicate the views of the deputation to the Home Secretary , and , if necessary , to introduce them to him . The over-crowding of railway carriages is a nuisance . Perhaps if a similar pluu could be adopted with railway
companies as with omnibus conductors , and a system of fines imposed for putting more passengers into a compartment than it is marked to carry , there would be ampler carriage room provided . As it is now , a passenger who
objects to the intrusion of surplus passengers into his compartment , is not only annoyed by the over-crowding , but in far too many instances , where the customers are no me what rough , stands a chance of being offensively bullied daring the journey .
On Thursday afternoon , St . James ' s Hall was tho scene of a grand Spelling Bee , the attraction being prizes to the ; unount of £ 25 . Sir Thomas Chambers Q . C . M . P . was the chairman , the Rev . A . J . D . D'Orsey the interrogator , and three other gentlemen acted as referees . The competitors
aumbered 250 , and some dissatisfaction is said to have oeen evinced at the manner in which the Bee was coniucted . The first twenty words were written down from flotation , and very sensibly diminished the number of the competitors . Then oral spelling was resorted to , and then
igain the written test . Before the contest was over , an idjournmenfc to a smaller room became necessary . At . eugth , a Mr . Cannoway , a gentleman of colour , and a -Indent of the Inner Temple , was declared the winner of che first prize of £ 10 , ancl the other prizes were awarded nfter a teen struggle .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge, Massachusetts.
THE Annual Communication of this G . Lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , Boston , on the 8 th December last , M . W . Bro . Percival Lowell Everett , Grand Master , presiding . There was present a strong force ' of Present and Past Grand Officers , together with representatives from nearly all the Lodges within the jurisdiction of this Grand
Lodo-e . Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form , the records of the Special Communication of 6 th August , and the Quarterly Communication of 8 th September were taken as read . The records of the Special Communications of 28 fch September , at Brookline , for the purpose of
dedicating the new Masonic apartments of the Beth-Horon Lodge , and at Chicopee , for the purpose of dedicating the new quarters of the Lodge , and installing its officers were read and approved . Amendments to bye-laws were presented for approval , and referred to the Committee on
bye-laws . The proceedings relative to the organisation of the Grand Lodge of Dakota wero submitted by the Grand Secretary , and referred to a Committee consisting of R . W . Bios . S . D . Nickerson and T . P . Cheever , ancl W . Bro . A . B . Wentworth . R . W . Bro . Hon . T . A . Doyle P . G . M .,
Rhode Island , then presented , in the name and on behalf of Bro . G . H . Smith , residing in London , a most artistic portrait of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , in full regalia as the M . W . G . M . England . R . W . Bro . John T . Heard P . G . M ., in an eloquent speech , moved that
the thanks of Grand Lodge be accorded to Bro . Smith for the gift so felicitously offered on his behalf by Right Hon . T . A . Doyle , and the motion was carried unanimously . From the report of the Audit Committee , which was next read , it appeared the receipts for the year
amounted to 95 , 908 , 75 dols ., and the expenditure to 94 , 217 , 41 dols ., leaving a balance in hand of 1691 , 34 dols . The indebtedness of Grand Lodgo is at present 299 , 991 , 73 dols ., while the receipts during the past year , in respect of the sinking fund , amounted to 186 , 839 , 75 dols . The Grand
Master then i-ead his annual address , referring , of course , at considerable length to the most prominent events of the year . Amongst other matters he mentioned the number of
initiates in 1875 was 1440 , and that dispensations had been granted for five new Lodges . Grand Lodge then proceeded to the election of Grand Officers , the result being that M . W . P . Lowell Everett was re-elected G . M ., R . W .
A . H . Howland of New Bedford , and R . W . D . Upton of South Adams were elected Senior and Junior Grand Wardens , while R . W . J . McClellan and R . W . C . H . Titus , both of Boston , were re-elected Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary respectively . The Committee , to
whom were referred certain amendments to Article IV ., Part III . —referring to trials , etc . —of the Grand Constitutions , then submitted their report . The Committee on new Grand Lodges recommended that the Grand Lodges of Prince Edward Island , Manitoba , ancl Dakota be
recognised , and the recommendation was adopted . The Charity Committee next delivered their report for the year , from which it appeared that the receipts , including balance brought forward , amounted to 1 , 938 dols . 64 cents ., while the disbursements reached 1 , 878 dols . 64 cents ., leaving a
balance in hand of 60 dols . . On the motion of R . W . Sereno D . Nickerson , it was agreed to subscribe the sum of one thousand dollars towards the completion of the Washington Monument , on certain conditions . After this Grand Lodge was closed in ample form , till the 28 th of the same
month , for the instillation of Grand Officers and the celebration of the Feast of St . John the Evangelist . Accordingly , on that day Grand Lodge was opeuetf in due form foi the purpose stated , the ceremony of installing the new G . M . being performed by R . W . S . D . Nickerson , the junioi
P . G . M . The ceremony over , the G . M . installed the Grand Wardens , Tresis , and Sec , and appointed his other officers , who were installed by the Deputy G . M . Sundry reports having then been submitted , Grand Lodge was closed iu amph form . A grand banquet in the banquet hall of the Tempi .
followed . On the removal of the cloth , the first sentimeu ; to which honour was done was that of " the Holy Saints-John , " the next "the Memory of George Washing ^ .-: ; , ' aud the third " the Memory of the late Senior 1 \ G . M .,
Dr . Winslow Lewis . " The usual toasts followed , one o ; tho speakers—R . W . John T . Heard—expressing great regret at the smallncss of the attendance . From thi statistical tables appended to the report of the foregoing proceedings , it appears there are twenty districts . mclii >
Grand Lodge, Massachusetts.
ding those of Chili and China , with 218 Lodges , six of which are under dispensation , while the number of affiliated members is 26 , 798 , being an increase of 1389 over the previous year .
To-day , at the Alexandra Palace , will be given another of the series of Afternoon Popular Concerts , the artistes including Madame Edith Wynne , Mr . Courtney , and Signor Monari-Rocca , and the selections being from the works of Beethoven , Weber , Auber , and others . To-day ,
also , and on Monday and Tuesday of next week , will be held a grand Cat , Rabbit , ancl Guinea Pig Show , which , so far as the last named animal is concerned , will certainly be a novelty . The show of Hyacinths , Tulips , and Spring Flowers , by Messrs . Cntbush , which has been on view
during the week will be closed to-day . On Tuesday next will be performed the Heir-al-Laiu , the most important members of a very powerful cast being Mr . Compton , who will enact the role of Dr . Pangloss , and Mr . Lionel Brough , who will play Zekiel .
The Royal Italian Opera , Covent Garden , will commence its season on Tuesday next , Rossini ' s Quglielmo Tell being tho opera selected for the opening night . Among the artistes who will take part in this opera will be Mdlle . Bianchi , Mdlle . Ghiotti , and Mdlle . Cottino ; M . Manrel ,
and Signori Tagliafico , Rossi , and Marmi . On Thursday will be given Verdi's Opera , Tin Ballo in Maschera , when Madame Pezzotta , Mdlle . Schalchi , and Signor Graziani will appear . On Saturday there will be a performance of
Mozart ' s Opera of Don Giovanni , when Mdlle . Zare Thalberg ancl Mdlle . D'Angeri will make their first appearance this season . Signor Vianesi will wield the luton of conductor during the season .
Efforts aro being made by a number of City gentlemen to obtain the release of a Mr . Fred . Wm . Palmer , a broker of Mincing Lane , who was recently sentenced to a month's imprisonment for assaulting a person who was about to enter a railway carriage which was said to be already full .
Far this purpose a number of merchants and brokers waited on the Lord Mayor yesterday afternoon , and prayed him to use his influence in bringing the matter under the notice of the Home Secretary . It was stated that the assault was of a most trivial character , and it was alleged
hat the Railway authorities were animated by a feeling of spite towards Mr . Palmer , who had , two months since , formally complained of persons being thrust into railway carriages which had their full complement of passengers , ancl had threatened to bring the subject before the Board
of Trade . The Lord Mayor promised to communicate the views of the deputation to the Home Secretary , and , if necessary , to introduce them to him . The over-crowding of railway carriages is a nuisance . Perhaps if a similar pluu could be adopted with railway
companies as with omnibus conductors , and a system of fines imposed for putting more passengers into a compartment than it is marked to carry , there would be ampler carriage room provided . As it is now , a passenger who
objects to the intrusion of surplus passengers into his compartment , is not only annoyed by the over-crowding , but in far too many instances , where the customers are no me what rough , stands a chance of being offensively bullied daring the journey .
On Thursday afternoon , St . James ' s Hall was tho scene of a grand Spelling Bee , the attraction being prizes to the ; unount of £ 25 . Sir Thomas Chambers Q . C . M . P . was the chairman , the Rev . A . J . D . D'Orsey the interrogator , and three other gentlemen acted as referees . The competitors
aumbered 250 , and some dissatisfaction is said to have oeen evinced at the manner in which the Bee was coniucted . The first twenty words were written down from flotation , and very sensibly diminished the number of the competitors . Then oral spelling was resorted to , and then
igain the written test . Before the contest was over , an idjournmenfc to a smaller room became necessary . At . eugth , a Mr . Cannoway , a gentleman of colour , and a -Indent of the Inner Temple , was declared the winner of che first prize of £ 10 , ancl the other prizes were awarded nfter a teen struggle .