Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATION OF H. R. H, THE PRINCE OF WALES . ^ W M ) HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PEINCE OF WALES , K . G ., g VW ^ Sw- ' Mosfc Worshipful Grand Master , & c , & c , having heen graciously ( H | f / S ^^^^^ M / SS ^ . pleased to accept tho special Dedication , $ > xh \ -s —— , Sr ^ il ' 5 TW 5 K » » j ~ H T—» ~ T" ~ TT"I -1 VT ' I" \ "T * "l—N Iff / 1 % WW & y / lf JDXJD el it ^ mL HISTORICAL STEEL ENGRAVING M^ rt ^^^^^^^ WILL SH 0 KTLY BE PUBLISHED , f /§ Mi 0 k \ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ROYAL INSTALLATION ON THE 28 TH OF APRIL LAST , /^ w \ ^ MM ^^ S , IIf THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL , ^^^^^__ , ^^^^ If B ? BR 0 , EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . W . No . 1201 . ^ *^ BBBBP ^^ Application for Circulars and for all particulars to bo made to the ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET , LONDON , W .
THE THEATRES , & o . EOYAL ITALIAN" OPEEA . —On Tuesday , GTJGLIELMO TELL . On Thursday , UN UALLO IN MASCHERA . On { Saturday , DON GIOVANNI . At 8 . 0 each evening-. HASTMAEKET . —ROMEO AND JULIET , OR AS YOU LIKE IT , & e . LYCEUM . —At 7 . 0 , THB RENDEZVOUS . At 7 . 15 , OTHELLO . ADELPHI . —At 7 . 0 , VANDYKE BROWN . At 7 . 15 . PEEP O' DAY , and MY OWN GHOST . PEINCESS'S .-At 7 . 0 , THE WHITE HAT . At 8 . 0 , RIP VAN WINKLE , ami HEAD Of A CLAN . STEAND .-At 7 . 0 , TWO TO ONE . At 7 .-15 , A LESSON IN LOVE . At 0 . 10 , CRAOKLD HEADS , and THE RIVAL OTHELLOS . VAUDEVILLE . —At 7 . 30 , A WHIRLIGIG , OUR BOYS , and A FEARFUL FUG . GAIETY .-At 7 . 15 , OPERETTA . At 8 . 0 , UNCLE DICK'S DARLING . At 10 . 0 , A SPELLING BEE . OLYMPIC .-At 7 . 0 , FASCINATING FELLOWS . At 7 .-1 J , THE GASCON . At 10 . 30 , 'TWAS I . GLOBE . - At 7 . 30 , THE TAILOR MAKES THE MAN . At 8 . 15 , JO . ( Adapted from Bleuk House . ) PEINCE OP WALES'S .-At 3 . 0 , MASKS AND FACES . COURT . — At 8 . 0 , A SCRAP OF PAPER , and A QUIET RUBBER . ST . JAMES'S .-At , 7 . 30 , REAL AND IDEAL . At 8 . 30 , ALL FOR HER . EOYALTY .-t'OM . OPEBA OOMIQUE .-GENEVIEV'E DE BRABANT and TR 1 .-VLBY JURY CBITEBION .-At 7 . 30 , LOYALTY , aud at 0 . 0 , P 1 FF-PAFF . ALHAMBBA .-At 7 . 13 , A QUIET FAMILY . At S . 0 , DOS JUAN , & c . ALEXANDRIA PALACE . — This dav , CONCERT , & c . Saturday , Mommy , and Tuesday , CAT , RABBIT , AND GULN'KA PIG SHOW . 611 Monday and Wednesday , HAGUE'S MlNSTliKLri . On Tuesday , THE if ,- i , J J ; - Uu 'J- 'hnvsuay , THE "LOVE CHASE . Open Daily , bJvAHNCr RINK , Jcc , CEYSTAL PALACE .-This day , CONCERT . On Tuesday , MBRUY WlVEs , OF WINDSuK . Open daily . AQUARIUM , SKATING RINK , A : c . EOYAL AQUAEIUM SUMM * . B AND WINTER GARDEN . Open daily . Cv / . M'BBl , ic . POLYTECillflO .-UABlUEL GRUB , AND THK GRIM GOHLIN , HOMDAL bUJJi . 1-, 1 ' Of ClilUOUo EX 1 hlilMi-. N'l ' o . PROGKl-. SS OF I ItVlAhii IN i . NDlA . THE .-ElilAL MEU . URV . Many Unci enterminino ts . Upcn twice daily , at 1 : 2 . 1 and 7 . 0 . Admission Is . EGYPTIAN ( liAfiSJi ) HALL .-MASKELYNE AND COOKE , daily at 3 . 0 and 8 . 0 . ' ' HEN GLEE'S CIBQUE .-This Evening at 7 . 30 . ( Last time . ) ST - ^? , ^^ . ?^ : F , I J , , : LANGHAM : PLACE . - MB . and MES GERMAN REED . Thursday and Saturday at 3 . 0 ; other days at 8 . 0 .
mHE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can bo ordered of any X Bookseller in Town or Country , but should any difficulty bo experienced , it will be forwarded direct from . ho Office , on receipt 01 Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevt :-:. mistakes . Post Office Orders to bo made payable to W . IV . MORGAN at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " ' The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FiiEKiuso . Vs CIIKONICLK are—TV . LIVU Muatha , Post Free £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto 0 7 0 ' Three Months ditto .., ... 0 3 6 * To tho United States and Franco , 4 s 3 d per quarter , and to ' Gi-rmany , -Is yd per quarter . ' SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . } Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' CREOMCLE an exceptionally - ' good medium for Advertisements of every class i ^ or P ? S ' ... £ 8 0 0 Lack Pago £ 10 0 0 General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements' ^ per hue . Special Terms for a Series of insertions on j application . I Births , Marriages aud Deaths , 6 d per line , ¦
THE LONDON MASONIC CLUB . THE CLUE PEEMI 3 ES , SITUATE 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , ARE NOW BEING FITTED UP , AND WILL SHORTLY BE OPENED TO THE MEMBERS . THE ANNUAL SUBSCEIPTION , now payable , is available to 1 st May 1877 , and is fixed at— £ 3 3 s for Town Members , i . e ., Members residing within twenty miles of the Club , and £ 1 lis 6 d for Country Members , without entrance fee . Members incur no liability beyond their subscription . None but Freemasons are eligible for Membership . AN ELECTION OP MEMBEES will bo held on 30 th March next , after which date it is anticipated that it will be necessary to impose an Entrance Fee , and raise the Annual Subscriptions—upwards of 600 . Brethren . having already joined . APPLICATIONS for Forms for Membership to be made personally , or by letter to the Secretary , at tho Offices of the Losnoif MASONIC Gtva COHFANV LIMITED , 37 Queen Victoria Street , E . C . JOHN A . LATHBTJRY , Secretary .
A . nVEOISr TJ-3 ^ E 35 rT . A L WORE . NOW IN PEEPAEATION . HISTORY OP EVERY LODGE UNDER THE GRAND LODGE OF FRKE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . Jf'ill l > e Edited ly a distinguished Grand Officer . In a work of this magnitude , the kind co-operation of all Brethren who are in possession of facts not generally known , will be invaluable , and thankfully acknowledged . SPENCER AND CO ., 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
H^^^^ P^^ a Brww vjwwtwi fSj fry «'¦ ww wwwftl 67 BABBICAN , E . G .
Our Weekly Budget.
THREE-QUARTERS of an hour sufficed for the trans * action of business in the House of Lords on Friday . The Council o * India ( Professional Appointments ) Bill received a second reading after a short debate , in which the Marquis of Salisbury , the Duke of Argyll , and Lords
Lawrence and Sandhurst took part . A Bill to amend tbe laws relating to the Peerage in Ireland was introduced by Lord Incbiquin , and read a iirst time . The sitting on Monday -was mostly of a conversational character . Lord
Stanley of Alderley asked the Foreign Secretary if tho same protection would be afforded to fugitive coolies as to fno-itive slaves . The Earl of Derby did not think it would be advisable to lay down any precise instructions . Lord
de Mauley made a motion expressing regret that the Government , in its recent transactions with lie Khedive , had brought no influence to bear on him in relation to the Slave Trade . The Earl of Derby pointed out that , during
the last four months , negociations had been going on with the Khedive , which , it was hoped , would result in a more effective suppression of slavery . The Marquis of Lansdowne wished to have the namea of the Oxford University
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATION OF H. R. H, THE PRINCE OF WALES . ^ W M ) HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PEINCE OF WALES , K . G ., g VW ^ Sw- ' Mosfc Worshipful Grand Master , & c , & c , having heen graciously ( H | f / S ^^^^^ M / SS ^ . pleased to accept tho special Dedication , $ > xh \ -s —— , Sr ^ il ' 5 TW 5 K » » j ~ H T—» ~ T" ~ TT"I -1 VT ' I" \ "T * "l—N Iff / 1 % WW & y / lf JDXJD el it ^ mL HISTORICAL STEEL ENGRAVING M^ rt ^^^^^^^ WILL SH 0 KTLY BE PUBLISHED , f /§ Mi 0 k \ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ROYAL INSTALLATION ON THE 28 TH OF APRIL LAST , /^ w \ ^ MM ^^ S , IIf THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL , ^^^^^__ , ^^^^ If B ? BR 0 , EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . W . No . 1201 . ^ *^ BBBBP ^^ Application for Circulars and for all particulars to bo made to the ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET , LONDON , W .
THE THEATRES , & o . EOYAL ITALIAN" OPEEA . —On Tuesday , GTJGLIELMO TELL . On Thursday , UN UALLO IN MASCHERA . On { Saturday , DON GIOVANNI . At 8 . 0 each evening-. HASTMAEKET . —ROMEO AND JULIET , OR AS YOU LIKE IT , & e . LYCEUM . —At 7 . 0 , THB RENDEZVOUS . At 7 . 15 , OTHELLO . ADELPHI . —At 7 . 0 , VANDYKE BROWN . At 7 . 15 . PEEP O' DAY , and MY OWN GHOST . PEINCESS'S .-At 7 . 0 , THE WHITE HAT . At 8 . 0 , RIP VAN WINKLE , ami HEAD Of A CLAN . STEAND .-At 7 . 0 , TWO TO ONE . At 7 .-15 , A LESSON IN LOVE . At 0 . 10 , CRAOKLD HEADS , and THE RIVAL OTHELLOS . VAUDEVILLE . —At 7 . 30 , A WHIRLIGIG , OUR BOYS , and A FEARFUL FUG . GAIETY .-At 7 . 15 , OPERETTA . At 8 . 0 , UNCLE DICK'S DARLING . At 10 . 0 , A SPELLING BEE . OLYMPIC .-At 7 . 0 , FASCINATING FELLOWS . At 7 .-1 J , THE GASCON . At 10 . 30 , 'TWAS I . GLOBE . - At 7 . 30 , THE TAILOR MAKES THE MAN . At 8 . 15 , JO . ( Adapted from Bleuk House . ) PEINCE OP WALES'S .-At 3 . 0 , MASKS AND FACES . COURT . — At 8 . 0 , A SCRAP OF PAPER , and A QUIET RUBBER . ST . JAMES'S .-At , 7 . 30 , REAL AND IDEAL . At 8 . 30 , ALL FOR HER . EOYALTY .-t'OM . OPEBA OOMIQUE .-GENEVIEV'E DE BRABANT and TR 1 .-VLBY JURY CBITEBION .-At 7 . 30 , LOYALTY , aud at 0 . 0 , P 1 FF-PAFF . ALHAMBBA .-At 7 . 13 , A QUIET FAMILY . At S . 0 , DOS JUAN , & c . ALEXANDRIA PALACE . — This dav , CONCERT , & c . Saturday , Mommy , and Tuesday , CAT , RABBIT , AND GULN'KA PIG SHOW . 611 Monday and Wednesday , HAGUE'S MlNSTliKLri . On Tuesday , THE if ,- i , J J ; - Uu 'J- 'hnvsuay , THE "LOVE CHASE . Open Daily , bJvAHNCr RINK , Jcc , CEYSTAL PALACE .-This day , CONCERT . On Tuesday , MBRUY WlVEs , OF WINDSuK . Open daily . AQUARIUM , SKATING RINK , A : c . EOYAL AQUAEIUM SUMM * . B AND WINTER GARDEN . Open daily . Cv / . M'BBl , ic . POLYTECillflO .-UABlUEL GRUB , AND THK GRIM GOHLIN , HOMDAL bUJJi . 1-, 1 ' Of ClilUOUo EX 1 hlilMi-. N'l ' o . PROGKl-. SS OF I ItVlAhii IN i . NDlA . THE .-ElilAL MEU . URV . Many Unci enterminino ts . Upcn twice daily , at 1 : 2 . 1 and 7 . 0 . Admission Is . EGYPTIAN ( liAfiSJi ) HALL .-MASKELYNE AND COOKE , daily at 3 . 0 and 8 . 0 . ' ' HEN GLEE'S CIBQUE .-This Evening at 7 . 30 . ( Last time . ) ST - ^? , ^^ . ?^ : F , I J , , : LANGHAM : PLACE . - MB . and MES GERMAN REED . Thursday and Saturday at 3 . 0 ; other days at 8 . 0 .
mHE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can bo ordered of any X Bookseller in Town or Country , but should any difficulty bo experienced , it will be forwarded direct from . ho Office , on receipt 01 Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevt :-:. mistakes . Post Office Orders to bo made payable to W . IV . MORGAN at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " ' The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FiiEKiuso . Vs CIIKONICLK are—TV . LIVU Muatha , Post Free £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto 0 7 0 ' Three Months ditto .., ... 0 3 6 * To tho United States and Franco , 4 s 3 d per quarter , and to ' Gi-rmany , -Is yd per quarter . ' SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . } Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' CREOMCLE an exceptionally - ' good medium for Advertisements of every class i ^ or P ? S ' ... £ 8 0 0 Lack Pago £ 10 0 0 General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements' ^ per hue . Special Terms for a Series of insertions on j application . I Births , Marriages aud Deaths , 6 d per line , ¦
THE LONDON MASONIC CLUB . THE CLUE PEEMI 3 ES , SITUATE 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , ARE NOW BEING FITTED UP , AND WILL SHORTLY BE OPENED TO THE MEMBERS . THE ANNUAL SUBSCEIPTION , now payable , is available to 1 st May 1877 , and is fixed at— £ 3 3 s for Town Members , i . e ., Members residing within twenty miles of the Club , and £ 1 lis 6 d for Country Members , without entrance fee . Members incur no liability beyond their subscription . None but Freemasons are eligible for Membership . AN ELECTION OP MEMBEES will bo held on 30 th March next , after which date it is anticipated that it will be necessary to impose an Entrance Fee , and raise the Annual Subscriptions—upwards of 600 . Brethren . having already joined . APPLICATIONS for Forms for Membership to be made personally , or by letter to the Secretary , at tho Offices of the Losnoif MASONIC Gtva COHFANV LIMITED , 37 Queen Victoria Street , E . C . JOHN A . LATHBTJRY , Secretary .
A . nVEOISr TJ-3 ^ E 35 rT . A L WORE . NOW IN PEEPAEATION . HISTORY OP EVERY LODGE UNDER THE GRAND LODGE OF FRKE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . Jf'ill l > e Edited ly a distinguished Grand Officer . In a work of this magnitude , the kind co-operation of all Brethren who are in possession of facts not generally known , will be invaluable , and thankfully acknowledged . SPENCER AND CO ., 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
H^^^^ P^^ a Brww vjwwtwi fSj fry «'¦ ww wwwftl 67 BABBICAN , E . G .
Our Weekly Budget.
THREE-QUARTERS of an hour sufficed for the trans * action of business in the House of Lords on Friday . The Council o * India ( Professional Appointments ) Bill received a second reading after a short debate , in which the Marquis of Salisbury , the Duke of Argyll , and Lords
Lawrence and Sandhurst took part . A Bill to amend tbe laws relating to the Peerage in Ireland was introduced by Lord Incbiquin , and read a iirst time . The sitting on Monday -was mostly of a conversational character . Lord
Stanley of Alderley asked the Foreign Secretary if tho same protection would be afforded to fugitive coolies as to fno-itive slaves . The Earl of Derby did not think it would be advisable to lay down any precise instructions . Lord
de Mauley made a motion expressing regret that the Government , in its recent transactions with lie Khedive , had brought no influence to bear on him in relation to the Slave Trade . The Earl of Derby pointed out that , during
the last four months , negociations had been going on with the Khedive , which , it was hoped , would result in a more effective suppression of slavery . The Marquis of Lansdowne wished to have the namea of the Oxford University