Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 3 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 3 →
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Installation Meetings, &C.
— .- — . ' ft ' ,. . , . ROYAL UNION LODGE , No . 382 . THE installation meeting of this , the oldest Lodge in the Province of Middlesex , took place on Monday , the 20 th inst ., at the Chequers Hotel , Uxbridgo . The brethren were summoned for 2 . 30 , but many took advantage of the glorious weather we have lately been favoured with to enjoy a stroll in the neighbourhood of the Lodge's headquarters , consequently the early trains were in request by Craftsmen who were minded to make a day of it . Those
who did so avail themselves may be congratulated , as budding Spring never bad a fairer opportunity of displaying her charms than in the glorious sunshine of Monday last . Lodge was opened shortly after the time named in the summons , when tbe W . M . Bro . C . Euss Prov . G . S . was supported by bis Officers and the following Past Masters : — G . Fehrenbach ( Treasurer ) , W . Coombes ( Secretary ) , W . Webb ,
E . C . Woodward , B . H . Swallow , and John Weedon . The Visitors were—Bros . 3 . Da Silva W . M . 205 , W . Ilfray 417 , J . N . Stephens 1922 , Fred Hill 1563 , R . CuIIingford 1624 , Geo . Green 1558 , Fred . Green 1687 , W . W . Morgan Sec 211 , S . Brooks P . M . 1608 , Stephen S . Phillips P . M . 173 , J . E . Shand P . M . 1563 , C . A . Cottehrnne P . G . P ., G . Festa S . W . 1900 , E . B . Cox 1563 , Chas . Dairy P . M . 141 ,
S . Miller 861 , C . Andrews P . M . 77 , H . E . Tucker S . W . 1612 , J . W . Davis 467 Now York , T . F . Knight-Smith P . M . 1441 , A . Lambert , & o . After the minutes of last meeting had been read and confirmed , the ballot was brought into request . The candidate , Mr . Edward Lewis , was proposed for initiation by Bro . Kendall , seconded by Bro . J . Lonsdale the W . M . elect . The result was unanimous in favour of
Mr . Lewis , who was then introduced and initiated by Bro . Russ . The W . M . elect was next presented , and Bro . Russ concluded the duties of a highly successful year by installing his successor , proving by the way he carried out this task that his zeal had not abated in his determination to master the ritual . The following is the list of Officers who were appointed : —G . Rowles S . W ., H . W . Nicholson
J . W ., G . Fehrenbaoh P . M . Treasurer , W . Coombes P . M . Secretary , E . T . Brown S . D ., W . 0 . Hall J . D ., W . Garard I . G ., Kendall W . S ., Cook P . M . M . C ., G . Duffin Tyler , J . J . Wilson Organist . The usual addresses were then delivered by the Installing Master , who was heartily congratulated at the close of the ceremony . Tbe first duty of Bro . Lonsdale was to present his predecessor with the P . M . 's jewel
voted by the brethren . Tbe W-M . congratulated Bro . Russ on the success that bad resulted from his efforts , and urged the fact that twelve initiates having joined the Lodge during tbe Mastership of Bro . Russ testified to the estimation in which tbe Royal Union Lodge was held . In replying the I . P . M . expressed his appreciation of the kindness shown him by the brethren . He then detailed some very
satisfactory facta in regard to the financial condition of tho Lodge , which was in a flourishing state . It was most gratifying , and ho sincerely trusted that the prestige of the Lodge would be sustained . The snm of £ 10 10 s was then voted from Lodge Fands—for one of tho Masonic Institutions—the Royal Benevolent ; and after tbe con . sideration of several business matters , tbe Visitors tendered their
good wishes , and Lodge was closed . After a short interval , banquet was served . Ample justice was done to the fare provided , and on tbe removal of the cloth the W . M . proceeded with the toasts . The loyal ones were enthusiastically received . In speaking to the toast of tbe Prov . Grand Master , the W . M . announced he had received a letter from Sir Francis Bnrdett regretting his inability to be present . Bro .
Russ proposed tbe health of the W . M . Bro . Lonsdale bad loyally served in the various offices he had held , and the members looked forward to the propect of enjoying a pleasant term during his Mastership . In reply , the W . M . said he had for years looked forward to reaching the exalted position he now held . He had worked upwards , and he entered upon his duties under most favourable auspices . The next
toast was the health of the I . P . M . Bro . Russ . Bro . Russ had loyally devoted himself to advance the interests of the Lodge during th 9 last twelve months ; his duties had been of an arduous character , but be had ably fulfilled them ; moreover , he had vacated the cbair leaving a substantial balance in band . He ( the W . M . ) trusted his year of office might be equally successful . He had great pleasure in
oBering the toast for tbe acceptance of tbe brethren , and he was « TO" ?^ *^ ! ^ ^ drink it with hearty enthusiasm . After a duet , While Time rolls gaily on , " admirably sung by Bros . Cantle and Snight . Stnith , Bro . Russ acknowledged the compliment paid him . * or the Visitors , Bros . Da Silva , Morgan , Brooks , and Tucker responded . The initiate received a cordial greeting from the brethren , and gracefully acknowledged the honour done him . In consequence of the lateness of the hour , the other toasts were hurried
ver , but the proceedings altogether were eminently satisfactory . / ¦ P'tal musical programme had been provided ; owing , however , ° the heavy work of tho day , it had to be curtailed somewhat , brothers T . _ F . Knight-Smith and J . Ion Cantle were the artists "paged , while Bro . W , G . Reynolds gave , in vigorous style , a recitation by W . Carleton— "The Tay Bridge . " We would suggest , tvever , that tbia composition should be materially curtailed . We in ' f ° tmnC 8 a' it would thus be more acceptable to an audience than for R P reseni s * ate . Before closing this report we must say a word , nro . Kendall , who was most amusing in the humorous recitation a ° gave of "Pat and his Guinea . "
ERME LODGE , No . 1091
J HE annual meeting of this Lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , atf e ] ybridge , on Wednesday , 8 th instant . There was a large firm « at tne Boarcl of Installed Masters , amonsst whom were S ? -v „ a nC | "Bate ' - Co ' > J - B - G ° ™ r > F- J- P ™ tt , T . Searle , J . If . Came , ; ¦ S ° ' ' ' BoxM > James Guiley , T . C . Lewarne , H . w ° n » J . R . H . Harris , James Fox , Walter Glover , A . C . Bradley .
Installation Meetings, &C.
The ceremony of installation was admirably performed b y Brother Richard Lavers , the retiring Master , who thus culminated a good year ' s work well and faithfully done . The Officers who were appointed for the ensuing year were Bros . Thomas Duke Ford W . M ., R . Lavers I . P . M ., G . H . Grills S . W ., R . King jun . J . W ., H . Colo Treasurer , J . Cobbledick Secretary , R . King sen . S . D ., W . Velvin J . D ., J . Horton I . G ., F . Henwood M . C ., E . Lavers A . M . C ., W . Ryder
Organist , T . Lavers S . S ., H . Lavers J . S ., A . Coyte Tyler . The Treasurer ' s account was very satisfactory . There had been contributions to the Devon Masonic Educational Fund , to the Huyshe Memorial Fund , and to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . All arrears had been paid , and a balance of over £ 25 remained . Brother Mackay , in the name of the Lodge , presented a massive gold P . M . ' s jewel , engraved as follows : —
"Presented to W . Brother R . Lavers , by Lodge Ernie , No . 1091 , for the very able manner in which he conducted the Lodge daring his year of office as W . M . 8 th March 1882 . " Other business consequent at the yearly meeting having been satisfactorily finished , tbe brethren adjourned to Bro . Sandover's , Erme
Hotel , for the banquet . This was admirably served , and the hostess and host were subsequently thanked for their care and attention . Brother Ford , tho Worshipful Master , presided ovor the brethren ( about fifty ) , and proposed the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts . Bro . Burden presided at tbe piano , and contributed mnch to the pleasure of those who were present .
METHAM LODGE , No . 1205 .
THE annual meeting of this Lodge , was held on Monday at their Masonic Rooms , Caroline-place , Stonehonse , when Bro . W . H . Hunt was unanimously installed as W . M . The ceremony was ably performed by Bros . T . E , Peek the retiring Master , William Powell P . M . and S ., Thomas Gibbons P . M ., and Hugh Cameron , assisted by a Board of Installed Masters , amongst whom were Bros . D . Cross , J . B .
Gover , J . M . Hifley , E . Aitken Davies , E . J . Knight , A . E . Lean , W . D . Thomas , William Ailsford , J . W . C . Cornish , J . R . H . Harris , W . Glover , W . Coath , Thomas D . Ford , P . G . L . Pearce , Samuel J Hearle , C . A . Nicholson . On completion of the ceremony the following Officers were appointed and invpsted : —T . E . Peek I . P . M ., R . Dickson S . W ., R . J . Smith J . W ., Daniel Cross P . M . Treasurer ,
William Powell P . M . Secretary , P . J . Dnnn S . D ., L . Martin J . D ., G . Wilson I . G ., J . Hayward M . C ., H . E . Setters S . S ., H . Squires J . S ., Thomas Gidley T . Bros Warne and Poole were appointed the Audit Committee , to meet in a fortnight and report at next meeting . The Lodge then adjourned to the Royal Hotel , at Devonporfc , where tho banquet was held , and , as is usual , the provision was bountiful and
the attendance exoeptionably good . The Worshipfnl Master Brother W . H . Hunt presided , and proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , especially dwelling upon the recent dastardly attempt on the life of the Queen . The Grand Lodge of England had already expressed the feeling of Freemasons , and he was sure the loyal Masons of the Metbam Lodge , so many of whom had already proved
their fealty in all parts of the world , would express their abhorrence of the attempted crime , and heartily wish long life , health , and happineia to her Majesty . The Grand and Provincial Grand Lodges were well represented in reply by Bro . J . E . Cnrteis , and Bro . Gover made a forcible appeal on behalf of the Devon Masonic Educational Fund . The W . M ., responding for himself , thanked tbe Lodge for its
unanimous vote , and , relying on the assistance of his Past Masters , he hoped to leave the Lodge as harmonious as he found it . The banquet , at which over eighty were present , was made very agreeable by tbe good arrangements and the indefatigable exertions of the Treasurer and Secretary , Bros . Cross and Powell . The musical
arrangements were conducted by Bro . Gibbons , who also accompanied with much ability ; he was assisted by Bros . Dunn , CoIIings , and Peek . Bro . McCartney gave a reading of " The Dream of Eugene Aram . " The health of Mrs . and Brother Parker was duly honourod , and they were thanked for their good catering . Met ham Lodge marks this meeting with a white stone .
THE installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Public Hall , Carshalton , on Thursday , the 16 th inst . Present—Bros . Charles Greenwood P . G . S . B . Provincial Grand Secretary Surrey , C . Sawyer W . M ., John G . Horsey S . W . Worshipful Master elect , W . Pile J . W ., W . Russell Crowe Treasurer , Leon A . Mesrouze Secretary , E . Dickman S . D ., J . W . Baldwin J . D ., W . P . Catterson I . G ., W . Har . wood W . S ., G . C . Bnrry P . P . G . O ., Captain R . Crowe , R . n * . Davis , J .
Edwards , G . W . Filmer , C . D . Maspero , W . W . Weal , S . C . Wilcox , and A Bishop . Visitors—Bros . Major Williams P . M . 162 , Archibald CnrrieS . W . 1773 , R . Tilling W . M . 765 , F . G . Frost S . W . 1347 , E . Harlock 1601 , and R . D . Lnngton 1673 . Lodge was opened at two p . m . for tho pnrpoae of disposing of certain business , and also of raising Bro . Weal and passing Bros . Wilcox and Bishop , after
which Lodge was called off for a short time . Upon resuming labour , at 5 p . m ., Bro . S . P . Catterson P . M . presented the W . M . elect Bro . John G . Horsey S . W . P . M . 1619 , J . W . 186 , to receive the benefit of installation , which ceremony waa ably performed by the retiring W . M . Bro , Charles Sawyer . Tho newly-installed W . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers as follow : —Bros . G Sawyer I . P . M ., W . Pile S . W ., E . Dickman J . W ., W . R . Crowe P . M .
Treasurer , Leone A . Mesrouze Secretary , J . W . Baldwin S . D ., W . P . Catterson J . D ., R . R . Davis P . M . M . C ., G . C . Bnrry P . P . G . O . Org ., W . Harwood I . G ., Capt . R . Crowe Steward . Bro . Rowley was re-elected and invested a 3 Tyler . The W . M . then rose and said ho had now a very pleasing duty to undertake—one , too , that he had performed to tho same worthy brother about four years ago—that was to present Bro . Charles Sawyer I . P . M . with the handsome jewel the brethren
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
— .- — . ' ft ' ,. . , . ROYAL UNION LODGE , No . 382 . THE installation meeting of this , the oldest Lodge in the Province of Middlesex , took place on Monday , the 20 th inst ., at the Chequers Hotel , Uxbridgo . The brethren were summoned for 2 . 30 , but many took advantage of the glorious weather we have lately been favoured with to enjoy a stroll in the neighbourhood of the Lodge's headquarters , consequently the early trains were in request by Craftsmen who were minded to make a day of it . Those
who did so avail themselves may be congratulated , as budding Spring never bad a fairer opportunity of displaying her charms than in the glorious sunshine of Monday last . Lodge was opened shortly after the time named in the summons , when tbe W . M . Bro . C . Euss Prov . G . S . was supported by bis Officers and the following Past Masters : — G . Fehrenbach ( Treasurer ) , W . Coombes ( Secretary ) , W . Webb ,
E . C . Woodward , B . H . Swallow , and John Weedon . The Visitors were—Bros . 3 . Da Silva W . M . 205 , W . Ilfray 417 , J . N . Stephens 1922 , Fred Hill 1563 , R . CuIIingford 1624 , Geo . Green 1558 , Fred . Green 1687 , W . W . Morgan Sec 211 , S . Brooks P . M . 1608 , Stephen S . Phillips P . M . 173 , J . E . Shand P . M . 1563 , C . A . Cottehrnne P . G . P ., G . Festa S . W . 1900 , E . B . Cox 1563 , Chas . Dairy P . M . 141 ,
S . Miller 861 , C . Andrews P . M . 77 , H . E . Tucker S . W . 1612 , J . W . Davis 467 Now York , T . F . Knight-Smith P . M . 1441 , A . Lambert , & o . After the minutes of last meeting had been read and confirmed , the ballot was brought into request . The candidate , Mr . Edward Lewis , was proposed for initiation by Bro . Kendall , seconded by Bro . J . Lonsdale the W . M . elect . The result was unanimous in favour of
Mr . Lewis , who was then introduced and initiated by Bro . Russ . The W . M . elect was next presented , and Bro . Russ concluded the duties of a highly successful year by installing his successor , proving by the way he carried out this task that his zeal had not abated in his determination to master the ritual . The following is the list of Officers who were appointed : —G . Rowles S . W ., H . W . Nicholson
J . W ., G . Fehrenbaoh P . M . Treasurer , W . Coombes P . M . Secretary , E . T . Brown S . D ., W . 0 . Hall J . D ., W . Garard I . G ., Kendall W . S ., Cook P . M . M . C ., G . Duffin Tyler , J . J . Wilson Organist . The usual addresses were then delivered by the Installing Master , who was heartily congratulated at the close of the ceremony . Tbe first duty of Bro . Lonsdale was to present his predecessor with the P . M . 's jewel
voted by the brethren . Tbe W-M . congratulated Bro . Russ on the success that bad resulted from his efforts , and urged the fact that twelve initiates having joined the Lodge during tbe Mastership of Bro . Russ testified to the estimation in which tbe Royal Union Lodge was held . In replying the I . P . M . expressed his appreciation of the kindness shown him by the brethren . He then detailed some very
satisfactory facta in regard to the financial condition of tho Lodge , which was in a flourishing state . It was most gratifying , and ho sincerely trusted that the prestige of the Lodge would be sustained . The snm of £ 10 10 s was then voted from Lodge Fands—for one of tho Masonic Institutions—the Royal Benevolent ; and after tbe con . sideration of several business matters , tbe Visitors tendered their
good wishes , and Lodge was closed . After a short interval , banquet was served . Ample justice was done to the fare provided , and on tbe removal of the cloth the W . M . proceeded with the toasts . The loyal ones were enthusiastically received . In speaking to the toast of tbe Prov . Grand Master , the W . M . announced he had received a letter from Sir Francis Bnrdett regretting his inability to be present . Bro .
Russ proposed tbe health of the W . M . Bro . Lonsdale bad loyally served in the various offices he had held , and the members looked forward to the propect of enjoying a pleasant term during his Mastership . In reply , the W . M . said he had for years looked forward to reaching the exalted position he now held . He had worked upwards , and he entered upon his duties under most favourable auspices . The next
toast was the health of the I . P . M . Bro . Russ . Bro . Russ had loyally devoted himself to advance the interests of the Lodge during th 9 last twelve months ; his duties had been of an arduous character , but be had ably fulfilled them ; moreover , he had vacated the cbair leaving a substantial balance in band . He ( the W . M . ) trusted his year of office might be equally successful . He had great pleasure in
oBering the toast for tbe acceptance of tbe brethren , and he was « TO" ?^ *^ ! ^ ^ drink it with hearty enthusiasm . After a duet , While Time rolls gaily on , " admirably sung by Bros . Cantle and Snight . Stnith , Bro . Russ acknowledged the compliment paid him . * or the Visitors , Bros . Da Silva , Morgan , Brooks , and Tucker responded . The initiate received a cordial greeting from the brethren , and gracefully acknowledged the honour done him . In consequence of the lateness of the hour , the other toasts were hurried
ver , but the proceedings altogether were eminently satisfactory . / ¦ P'tal musical programme had been provided ; owing , however , ° the heavy work of tho day , it had to be curtailed somewhat , brothers T . _ F . Knight-Smith and J . Ion Cantle were the artists "paged , while Bro . W , G . Reynolds gave , in vigorous style , a recitation by W . Carleton— "The Tay Bridge . " We would suggest , tvever , that tbia composition should be materially curtailed . We in ' f ° tmnC 8 a' it would thus be more acceptable to an audience than for R P reseni s * ate . Before closing this report we must say a word , nro . Kendall , who was most amusing in the humorous recitation a ° gave of "Pat and his Guinea . "
ERME LODGE , No . 1091
J HE annual meeting of this Lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , atf e ] ybridge , on Wednesday , 8 th instant . There was a large firm « at tne Boarcl of Installed Masters , amonsst whom were S ? -v „ a nC | "Bate ' - Co ' > J - B - G ° ™ r > F- J- P ™ tt , T . Searle , J . If . Came , ; ¦ S ° ' ' ' BoxM > James Guiley , T . C . Lewarne , H . w ° n » J . R . H . Harris , James Fox , Walter Glover , A . C . Bradley .
Installation Meetings, &C.
The ceremony of installation was admirably performed b y Brother Richard Lavers , the retiring Master , who thus culminated a good year ' s work well and faithfully done . The Officers who were appointed for the ensuing year were Bros . Thomas Duke Ford W . M ., R . Lavers I . P . M ., G . H . Grills S . W ., R . King jun . J . W ., H . Colo Treasurer , J . Cobbledick Secretary , R . King sen . S . D ., W . Velvin J . D ., J . Horton I . G ., F . Henwood M . C ., E . Lavers A . M . C ., W . Ryder
Organist , T . Lavers S . S ., H . Lavers J . S ., A . Coyte Tyler . The Treasurer ' s account was very satisfactory . There had been contributions to the Devon Masonic Educational Fund , to the Huyshe Memorial Fund , and to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . All arrears had been paid , and a balance of over £ 25 remained . Brother Mackay , in the name of the Lodge , presented a massive gold P . M . ' s jewel , engraved as follows : —
"Presented to W . Brother R . Lavers , by Lodge Ernie , No . 1091 , for the very able manner in which he conducted the Lodge daring his year of office as W . M . 8 th March 1882 . " Other business consequent at the yearly meeting having been satisfactorily finished , tbe brethren adjourned to Bro . Sandover's , Erme
Hotel , for the banquet . This was admirably served , and the hostess and host were subsequently thanked for their care and attention . Brother Ford , tho Worshipful Master , presided ovor the brethren ( about fifty ) , and proposed the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts . Bro . Burden presided at tbe piano , and contributed mnch to the pleasure of those who were present .
METHAM LODGE , No . 1205 .
THE annual meeting of this Lodge , was held on Monday at their Masonic Rooms , Caroline-place , Stonehonse , when Bro . W . H . Hunt was unanimously installed as W . M . The ceremony was ably performed by Bros . T . E , Peek the retiring Master , William Powell P . M . and S ., Thomas Gibbons P . M ., and Hugh Cameron , assisted by a Board of Installed Masters , amongst whom were Bros . D . Cross , J . B .
Gover , J . M . Hifley , E . Aitken Davies , E . J . Knight , A . E . Lean , W . D . Thomas , William Ailsford , J . W . C . Cornish , J . R . H . Harris , W . Glover , W . Coath , Thomas D . Ford , P . G . L . Pearce , Samuel J Hearle , C . A . Nicholson . On completion of the ceremony the following Officers were appointed and invpsted : —T . E . Peek I . P . M ., R . Dickson S . W ., R . J . Smith J . W ., Daniel Cross P . M . Treasurer ,
William Powell P . M . Secretary , P . J . Dnnn S . D ., L . Martin J . D ., G . Wilson I . G ., J . Hayward M . C ., H . E . Setters S . S ., H . Squires J . S ., Thomas Gidley T . Bros Warne and Poole were appointed the Audit Committee , to meet in a fortnight and report at next meeting . The Lodge then adjourned to the Royal Hotel , at Devonporfc , where tho banquet was held , and , as is usual , the provision was bountiful and
the attendance exoeptionably good . The Worshipfnl Master Brother W . H . Hunt presided , and proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , especially dwelling upon the recent dastardly attempt on the life of the Queen . The Grand Lodge of England had already expressed the feeling of Freemasons , and he was sure the loyal Masons of the Metbam Lodge , so many of whom had already proved
their fealty in all parts of the world , would express their abhorrence of the attempted crime , and heartily wish long life , health , and happineia to her Majesty . The Grand and Provincial Grand Lodges were well represented in reply by Bro . J . E . Cnrteis , and Bro . Gover made a forcible appeal on behalf of the Devon Masonic Educational Fund . The W . M ., responding for himself , thanked tbe Lodge for its
unanimous vote , and , relying on the assistance of his Past Masters , he hoped to leave the Lodge as harmonious as he found it . The banquet , at which over eighty were present , was made very agreeable by tbe good arrangements and the indefatigable exertions of the Treasurer and Secretary , Bros . Cross and Powell . The musical
arrangements were conducted by Bro . Gibbons , who also accompanied with much ability ; he was assisted by Bros . Dunn , CoIIings , and Peek . Bro . McCartney gave a reading of " The Dream of Eugene Aram . " The health of Mrs . and Brother Parker was duly honourod , and they were thanked for their good catering . Met ham Lodge marks this meeting with a white stone .
THE installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Public Hall , Carshalton , on Thursday , the 16 th inst . Present—Bros . Charles Greenwood P . G . S . B . Provincial Grand Secretary Surrey , C . Sawyer W . M ., John G . Horsey S . W . Worshipful Master elect , W . Pile J . W ., W . Russell Crowe Treasurer , Leon A . Mesrouze Secretary , E . Dickman S . D ., J . W . Baldwin J . D ., W . P . Catterson I . G ., W . Har . wood W . S ., G . C . Bnrry P . P . G . O ., Captain R . Crowe , R . n * . Davis , J .
Edwards , G . W . Filmer , C . D . Maspero , W . W . Weal , S . C . Wilcox , and A Bishop . Visitors—Bros . Major Williams P . M . 162 , Archibald CnrrieS . W . 1773 , R . Tilling W . M . 765 , F . G . Frost S . W . 1347 , E . Harlock 1601 , and R . D . Lnngton 1673 . Lodge was opened at two p . m . for tho pnrpoae of disposing of certain business , and also of raising Bro . Weal and passing Bros . Wilcox and Bishop , after
which Lodge was called off for a short time . Upon resuming labour , at 5 p . m ., Bro . S . P . Catterson P . M . presented the W . M . elect Bro . John G . Horsey S . W . P . M . 1619 , J . W . 186 , to receive the benefit of installation , which ceremony waa ably performed by the retiring W . M . Bro , Charles Sawyer . Tho newly-installed W . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers as follow : —Bros . G Sawyer I . P . M ., W . Pile S . W ., E . Dickman J . W ., W . R . Crowe P . M .
Treasurer , Leone A . Mesrouze Secretary , J . W . Baldwin S . D ., W . P . Catterson J . D ., R . R . Davis P . M . M . C ., G . C . Bnrry P . P . G . O . Org ., W . Harwood I . G ., Capt . R . Crowe Steward . Bro . Rowley was re-elected and invested a 3 Tyler . The W . M . then rose and said ho had now a very pleasing duty to undertake—one , too , that he had performed to tho same worthy brother about four years ago—that was to present Bro . Charles Sawyer I . P . M . with the handsome jewel the brethren