Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 2 of 3 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 2 of 3 →
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Installation Meetings, &C.
had voted him , in recognition of his valuable services as first Worshipfnl Master of the Lodge . After other business , Lodge was closed , and the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet at the King ' s Arms Hotel . The cloth removed , the usnal Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . In giving the Queen and the Craft the Worshipful Master made feeling allusion to the late
attempt upon the life of Her Majesty , and the great loyalty of her Masonic subjects , as also to the sympathy expressed by the brethren at Grand Lodge on the previous evening , when the Most Worshipful Grand Master occup ied tho chair . The Prov . Grand Secretary , Bro . Charles Greenwood , responded for the Officers of Grand Lodsre , and Bro . Bnrry Past Prov . G . Organist for those of Prov . Grand Lodge ,
each speaking in eulogistic terms of the working of the Wallington Lodge . The Worshipfnl Master , Bro . John G . Horsey , received great credit for his zeal and ability from Bro . C . Sawyer I . P . M , and in reply , and proposing the toast of the I . P . M ., said , that ho and Bro . Sawyer bad worked together for several years , and had before stood
in the same relative positions in another Lodge that they now did in this . Bro . Greenwood Prov . Grand Secretary urged the brethren to assist in the great objects of our Masonic Institutions . Bro . R . R . Davie , with the concurrence of the W , M ., stated his intention of representing the Wallington Lodge for tho Girls' School , and be hoped for the support of the brethren . After the Tyler's toast the proceedings closed .
Constitutional Lodge , No . 55 . —The regular meeting of this excellent working Lodge was held on the 16 th instant , at the Inns of Court Hotel , Holborn . Bros . T . B . Linscott W . M ., Johnston jun . S . W ., Robertson P . M . as J . W ., Atkius P . M . Treasnrer , Webb J . D ., Balfour I . G ., Brown M . C . Past Masters Bros . Catherwood , Dwarber , Gilruth , Pownceby , Robertson , Cooper , A . Melhnish , T .
Whaley ( fatber of the Lodge ) , Marston , J . H . Dodson . Visitors—Bros . J . Holloway S . W . 1472 , H . Phillips late 55 , Goddard P . M . late 55 , J . Whaley 172 , J . Cox W . M . 157 , J . Minter 1538 , Mnmford 1538 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Lodge was opened , and tho minutes were confirmed . Bro . Harry Price was passed to the second degree in a
very perfect manner . Bro . Gilruth proposed , and Bro . Marston seconded , that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes to the W . M . for presenting the Lodge with three gavels , which were made of the timber of H . M . S . Resolute , which formed part of the expedition sent in search of Sir John Franklin . The vessel was discovered
by Capt . Bnddington , U . S . whaler " George Henry , " in 1855 , sent to England at the expense of the U . S . Government , and presented to Her Majesty tbe Queen , at Southampton , 16 th December 1856 . The proposition was carried unanimously . Bro . Dwarber proposed that a sum of ten guineas be placed on the list of the W . M ., who will act as Steward for the Girls' School at the next Anniversary Festival .
This also was carried unanimously . The Lodge was then closed until the third Thursday in April , and the brethren , fifty-seven in number , sat down to a very sumptuous banquet and dessert , provided by Bro . W . Gosden . Grace having been said , the W . M ., in proposing tbe toast of the Queen and tho Craft , in elegant terms referred to tbe late attack on Her Majesty . Every one bad seeD , that by
tbe meeting in Grand Lodge , specially convened for the express purpose of showing that among all Her Majesty ' s subjects , however loyal they may be , none are more so than the Masonio body . The National Anthem was sung by Bro . Trantar , and wa 3 heartily joined in by tbe brethren . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the M . W . G . M . His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . Those who
were present at Grand Lodge on Wednesday evening saw how enthusiastically he was received ; his two Royal brothers mast likewise have been gratified at their reception . Those who were present at the last Quarterly Communication knew how enthusiasticall y the M . W . G . M . was re-elected . All hoped he might be spared among us for many years as ruler of the Craft . The toast of the Pro Grand
Master the Earl of Carnarvon , the Deputy Grand Master the Earl of Lathom , and the rest of the Grand Officers was next given . Tbe W . M . referred to the speech made by the Pro Grand Master the previous evening ; his telling words evinced to all that be was most enthusiastic in the fulfilment of bis duties . The same remarks mi ght equally be applied to the R . W . the Earl of Lathom Deputy Grand
Master . He would call on the brethren to honour the toast , and incorporate with it the rest of the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of England . Bro . Cooper Immediate Past Master then rose ; with great pleasure he had to take tbe gavel ; it was a pleasure to him to have to propose the health of the W . M ., who he wrs proud to say was esteemed by them all . He ( Bro . Cooper ) regretted he was not
present in Lodge when the gavels made from tbe ship Resolute were presented . Their W . M . was about to serve a Stewardship for one of the Masonic Institutions . He earnestly pleaded for the support of the members , who doubtless would prove to the Craft at large that what they had done in the past they were ready to repeat in the future . He would call on one and all to honour the tcast of the W . M . The
Worshipfnl Master in reply said he had beard such a display of kind words from Brother Cooper , and tho brethren had so cordially responded to his remarks , that he felt he had doue his duty so far , otherwise perhaps he would not have been elected . Their worthy Past Master had alluded to his having presented them with gavels ; he thanked the brethren for accepting tbem . He had great pleasnre
in returning his sincere thanks for their reception of the toast . Tho Treasurer and the Visiters was next given , and Bros . John Cox and H . M . Levy responded ; Bro . Goddard ( late 55 ) eloquently spoke of tbe kind hospitality of the W . M . Tbe W . M . announced with great pleasure that from around the festive board he bad bad handed to him £ 73 18 s . He hoped to set a still larger sum to support that noble
Institution the Girls' School . Tbe toast of tho Past Masters followed . Tho W . M . described thorn as tbe pillars of tbe Lodge ; thoy were not only capable , but willing to impart any knowled ge required of tbem . He would call on Bro . Dwarbsr—whose knowled ge in Freemaabnry was well known and appreciated—to respond . Brother Dwarber , in reply , said he felt pleased to respond . Each of the Past
Installation Meetings, &C.
Masters was ready to do all in their power for the good of the Craft in general and their Lodge in particular ; in their names he thanked the brethren , and assured them their services were always at com . mand . In proposing the toast of the Treasurer and Secretary , the W . M . remarked that in their Treasurer they had a brother second to none : he showed that at their Inst audit they had a balance of
£ 100 in hand . Unquestionably they had here the right man in the isrht place . Bro . Snow , the Secretary , be regretted was not present , his duties , however , were very arduous , and he had worked zealousl y in their fulfilment . The Lodge was especially indebted to him . The toast of the Officers followed ; they had conscientiously dis . charged their duties . This toast having been replied to , the Tyler gave the parting one , and the brethren separated .
St . James ' s Union Lodge , No . 180 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 15 th inst ., at the Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen-streot , and was exceptionally well attended . The Lodge was opened bv Bro . G . A . B . Fletcher W . M ., the Officers present being Bros . J . Wood S . W ., W . H . Baker J . W ., W . Maxted S . D ., Chester J . D ., T . A . Denne I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . Robinson , Stoner
Farwig , Pasons Sec , Wade , and Miles Treasnrer . The minutes were road and confirmed , when Biw . Westrop , Shout , and White having passed the degree of Fellow Craft , were raised to the degree of Master Mason in a very efficient and perfect manner . The Lodge was then closed according to ancient enstom , and the members adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , which gave great satisfaction . The W . M ., who
ably presided , proposed the Loyal tonsts in a very feeling and patriotio manner , which were received with great enthusiasm . The W . M . then proposed the R . W . the Pro G . M . the Earl of Carnarvon , the D . G . M . the Earl of Lathom , and the rest of the Grand Officers , in a concise yet descriptive speech . The gavel having been placed in the hands of the I . P . M ., Bro . C . J . Wade in very complimentary and
eulogistic terms proposed tbe health of the W . M ., congratulating him upon his excellent working in tho Lodge , and his graceful tact and congenial manner in presiding at the banquet . Bro . Walter Joyce having favoured the brethren with a recitation , which afforded much pleasnre , tbe W . M ., in replying to the toast of his health , assured his Officers , Past Masters , and the brethren , of his continued
interest and zeal in every thing conducive to the welfare of Freemasonry generally , and the St . James's Union Lodge in particular ; be hoped bis year of office would continue to be marked by the same cordial good fellowship , and the happy mutual interest which had characterised it so far . Bros . Herbert Dioketta P . M . and Past
Grand Steward , R . Baker I . P . M . 188 , and W . Joyce , responded to the toast of the Visitors . Bro . P . M . Stoner responded on behalf of the Past Masters , Bro . Wood and the other Officers responded to the toast of the Officers , and the Tyler ' s toast concluded a most successful and pleasant evening . Amongst the Visitors were Bros . H . Dicketts P . M ., R . Baker P . M . 188 , and W . Joyce .
Tranquillity Lodge , No . 185 . —A regular meeting of this Lodge was held , under the presidency of Bro . T . W . C . Bush W . M ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , E . C , on Monday , the 20 th insfc . Being what is termed an oS-night , the attendance was not considerable . The Officers , consisting of Bros . W . D . Bayley I . P . M ., Staley S . W ., S . Barnett J . W ., John Constable P . M . Treas ., P . Levy
Hon . Sec , Boas S . D ., Peartree J . D ., Lyon I . G ., and Potter Tyler , were in their places promptly at the specified time . The P . M . ' s were represented by Bros . Bloomfield , J . D . Barnett , John Ross , and E . Gottheil . The following were Visitors : —Bros . A . McDowall W . M . 948 , A . Mowling J . D . 948 , 0 . Latreille W . M . 1260 , J . Lea Royal Oak , and G . P . Hawkes 101 Temple . The business of the evening
included tbe passing of Bros . Lehman and Schlesinger , and the initiation of Mr . Solomon Leeuw . By the courtesy of the W . M ., Bro . G . Nicholson 1379 was raised to the degree of Master Mason . The following notices of motion were agreed to without discussion : — By the W . M ., That the sum of £ 25 be voted from the Lodge funds , as a donation in aid of the Mansion House Fund for the relief of the
Russian Jews ; by Bro . Treasurer , That the sum of ten guineas bo voted from the Lodpe funds , and that the same be placed on the list of the W . M . as Steward at the ensuing Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . The Lodge having been dosed , and refreshment enjoyed , the W . M . gave , Loyalty to the throne and devotion to the Craft , and said he could not allow the opportunity to
pass without saying that the toa 3 t on the present occasion demanded their heartiest sympathies and expressions of feelings of horror and disgust at tbe foul and dastardly crime which had been attempted on the universally beloved Sovereign . As Lord Carnarvon truly said in Grand Lodge , there are no citizens more loyal than Freemasons , and it is therefore in all sincerity that we , as Masons ,
express our heartfelt gratitude that all evil consequences have been providentially and happily averted . The toast was most enthusiastically received , and followed by the National Anthem , exceeding ly well rendered by Bro . Past Master John Ross , Bro . Pa 3 t Master J . D . Baruett presiding at the pianoforte . The W . M . next gave tho health of the initiate . To the toast of the Visitors , Bros . McDowall
and 0 . Latreille responded in almost the same terms , and especially dwelt on the excellency of the working of the W . M ., and the attention and discipline of his Officers . In proposing the health of the WM ., Bro . Past Master W . D . Bayley said the duty devolved upon him to act as I . P . M . in the absence of Bro . Croaker , who could not possibly attend , owing to the serious illness of one of his children . Ho was sure they would extend to Bro . Croaker their heartiest
sympathies . Their present W . M . was in all truth the right man m the right place . The Lodge was not likely to suffer under his » " ' ministration , and there waa no doubt the brethren would sapP 0 ™ him to the fnllest oxteut in his efforts to maintain the dignity and prosperity of tbe Lodge . Ho tendered the W . M . his best wishes for health , and hoped his year of office would terminate with credit to himself and to the advantage of the Lodge . Bro . Bush , in respond'
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
had voted him , in recognition of his valuable services as first Worshipfnl Master of the Lodge . After other business , Lodge was closed , and the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet at the King ' s Arms Hotel . The cloth removed , the usnal Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . In giving the Queen and the Craft the Worshipful Master made feeling allusion to the late
attempt upon the life of Her Majesty , and the great loyalty of her Masonic subjects , as also to the sympathy expressed by the brethren at Grand Lodge on the previous evening , when the Most Worshipful Grand Master occup ied tho chair . The Prov . Grand Secretary , Bro . Charles Greenwood , responded for the Officers of Grand Lodsre , and Bro . Bnrry Past Prov . G . Organist for those of Prov . Grand Lodge ,
each speaking in eulogistic terms of the working of the Wallington Lodge . The Worshipfnl Master , Bro . John G . Horsey , received great credit for his zeal and ability from Bro . C . Sawyer I . P . M , and in reply , and proposing the toast of the I . P . M ., said , that ho and Bro . Sawyer bad worked together for several years , and had before stood
in the same relative positions in another Lodge that they now did in this . Bro . Greenwood Prov . Grand Secretary urged the brethren to assist in the great objects of our Masonic Institutions . Bro . R . R . Davie , with the concurrence of the W , M ., stated his intention of representing the Wallington Lodge for tho Girls' School , and be hoped for the support of the brethren . After the Tyler's toast the proceedings closed .
Constitutional Lodge , No . 55 . —The regular meeting of this excellent working Lodge was held on the 16 th instant , at the Inns of Court Hotel , Holborn . Bros . T . B . Linscott W . M ., Johnston jun . S . W ., Robertson P . M . as J . W ., Atkius P . M . Treasnrer , Webb J . D ., Balfour I . G ., Brown M . C . Past Masters Bros . Catherwood , Dwarber , Gilruth , Pownceby , Robertson , Cooper , A . Melhnish , T .
Whaley ( fatber of the Lodge ) , Marston , J . H . Dodson . Visitors—Bros . J . Holloway S . W . 1472 , H . Phillips late 55 , Goddard P . M . late 55 , J . Whaley 172 , J . Cox W . M . 157 , J . Minter 1538 , Mnmford 1538 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Lodge was opened , and tho minutes were confirmed . Bro . Harry Price was passed to the second degree in a
very perfect manner . Bro . Gilruth proposed , and Bro . Marston seconded , that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes to the W . M . for presenting the Lodge with three gavels , which were made of the timber of H . M . S . Resolute , which formed part of the expedition sent in search of Sir John Franklin . The vessel was discovered
by Capt . Bnddington , U . S . whaler " George Henry , " in 1855 , sent to England at the expense of the U . S . Government , and presented to Her Majesty tbe Queen , at Southampton , 16 th December 1856 . The proposition was carried unanimously . Bro . Dwarber proposed that a sum of ten guineas be placed on the list of the W . M ., who will act as Steward for the Girls' School at the next Anniversary Festival .
This also was carried unanimously . The Lodge was then closed until the third Thursday in April , and the brethren , fifty-seven in number , sat down to a very sumptuous banquet and dessert , provided by Bro . W . Gosden . Grace having been said , the W . M ., in proposing tbe toast of the Queen and tho Craft , in elegant terms referred to tbe late attack on Her Majesty . Every one bad seeD , that by
tbe meeting in Grand Lodge , specially convened for the express purpose of showing that among all Her Majesty ' s subjects , however loyal they may be , none are more so than the Masonio body . The National Anthem was sung by Bro . Trantar , and wa 3 heartily joined in by tbe brethren . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the M . W . G . M . His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . Those who
were present at Grand Lodge on Wednesday evening saw how enthusiastically he was received ; his two Royal brothers mast likewise have been gratified at their reception . Those who were present at the last Quarterly Communication knew how enthusiasticall y the M . W . G . M . was re-elected . All hoped he might be spared among us for many years as ruler of the Craft . The toast of the Pro Grand
Master the Earl of Carnarvon , the Deputy Grand Master the Earl of Lathom , and the rest of the Grand Officers was next given . Tbe W . M . referred to the speech made by the Pro Grand Master the previous evening ; his telling words evinced to all that be was most enthusiastic in the fulfilment of bis duties . The same remarks mi ght equally be applied to the R . W . the Earl of Lathom Deputy Grand
Master . He would call on the brethren to honour the toast , and incorporate with it the rest of the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of England . Bro . Cooper Immediate Past Master then rose ; with great pleasure he had to take tbe gavel ; it was a pleasure to him to have to propose the health of the W . M ., who he wrs proud to say was esteemed by them all . He ( Bro . Cooper ) regretted he was not
present in Lodge when the gavels made from tbe ship Resolute were presented . Their W . M . was about to serve a Stewardship for one of the Masonic Institutions . He earnestly pleaded for the support of the members , who doubtless would prove to the Craft at large that what they had done in the past they were ready to repeat in the future . He would call on one and all to honour the tcast of the W . M . The
Worshipfnl Master in reply said he had beard such a display of kind words from Brother Cooper , and tho brethren had so cordially responded to his remarks , that he felt he had doue his duty so far , otherwise perhaps he would not have been elected . Their worthy Past Master had alluded to his having presented them with gavels ; he thanked the brethren for accepting tbem . He had great pleasnre
in returning his sincere thanks for their reception of the toast . Tho Treasurer and the Visiters was next given , and Bros . John Cox and H . M . Levy responded ; Bro . Goddard ( late 55 ) eloquently spoke of tbe kind hospitality of the W . M . Tbe W . M . announced with great pleasure that from around the festive board he bad bad handed to him £ 73 18 s . He hoped to set a still larger sum to support that noble
Institution the Girls' School . Tbe toast of tho Past Masters followed . Tho W . M . described thorn as tbe pillars of tbe Lodge ; thoy were not only capable , but willing to impart any knowled ge required of tbem . He would call on Bro . Dwarbsr—whose knowled ge in Freemaabnry was well known and appreciated—to respond . Brother Dwarber , in reply , said he felt pleased to respond . Each of the Past
Installation Meetings, &C.
Masters was ready to do all in their power for the good of the Craft in general and their Lodge in particular ; in their names he thanked the brethren , and assured them their services were always at com . mand . In proposing the toast of the Treasurer and Secretary , the W . M . remarked that in their Treasurer they had a brother second to none : he showed that at their Inst audit they had a balance of
£ 100 in hand . Unquestionably they had here the right man in the isrht place . Bro . Snow , the Secretary , be regretted was not present , his duties , however , were very arduous , and he had worked zealousl y in their fulfilment . The Lodge was especially indebted to him . The toast of the Officers followed ; they had conscientiously dis . charged their duties . This toast having been replied to , the Tyler gave the parting one , and the brethren separated .
St . James ' s Union Lodge , No . 180 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 15 th inst ., at the Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen-streot , and was exceptionally well attended . The Lodge was opened bv Bro . G . A . B . Fletcher W . M ., the Officers present being Bros . J . Wood S . W ., W . H . Baker J . W ., W . Maxted S . D ., Chester J . D ., T . A . Denne I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . Robinson , Stoner
Farwig , Pasons Sec , Wade , and Miles Treasnrer . The minutes were road and confirmed , when Biw . Westrop , Shout , and White having passed the degree of Fellow Craft , were raised to the degree of Master Mason in a very efficient and perfect manner . The Lodge was then closed according to ancient enstom , and the members adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , which gave great satisfaction . The W . M ., who
ably presided , proposed the Loyal tonsts in a very feeling and patriotio manner , which were received with great enthusiasm . The W . M . then proposed the R . W . the Pro G . M . the Earl of Carnarvon , the D . G . M . the Earl of Lathom , and the rest of the Grand Officers , in a concise yet descriptive speech . The gavel having been placed in the hands of the I . P . M ., Bro . C . J . Wade in very complimentary and
eulogistic terms proposed tbe health of the W . M ., congratulating him upon his excellent working in tho Lodge , and his graceful tact and congenial manner in presiding at the banquet . Bro . Walter Joyce having favoured the brethren with a recitation , which afforded much pleasnre , tbe W . M ., in replying to the toast of his health , assured his Officers , Past Masters , and the brethren , of his continued
interest and zeal in every thing conducive to the welfare of Freemasonry generally , and the St . James's Union Lodge in particular ; be hoped bis year of office would continue to be marked by the same cordial good fellowship , and the happy mutual interest which had characterised it so far . Bros . Herbert Dioketta P . M . and Past
Grand Steward , R . Baker I . P . M . 188 , and W . Joyce , responded to the toast of the Visitors . Bro . P . M . Stoner responded on behalf of the Past Masters , Bro . Wood and the other Officers responded to the toast of the Officers , and the Tyler ' s toast concluded a most successful and pleasant evening . Amongst the Visitors were Bros . H . Dicketts P . M ., R . Baker P . M . 188 , and W . Joyce .
Tranquillity Lodge , No . 185 . —A regular meeting of this Lodge was held , under the presidency of Bro . T . W . C . Bush W . M ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , E . C , on Monday , the 20 th insfc . Being what is termed an oS-night , the attendance was not considerable . The Officers , consisting of Bros . W . D . Bayley I . P . M ., Staley S . W ., S . Barnett J . W ., John Constable P . M . Treas ., P . Levy
Hon . Sec , Boas S . D ., Peartree J . D ., Lyon I . G ., and Potter Tyler , were in their places promptly at the specified time . The P . M . ' s were represented by Bros . Bloomfield , J . D . Barnett , John Ross , and E . Gottheil . The following were Visitors : —Bros . A . McDowall W . M . 948 , A . Mowling J . D . 948 , 0 . Latreille W . M . 1260 , J . Lea Royal Oak , and G . P . Hawkes 101 Temple . The business of the evening
included tbe passing of Bros . Lehman and Schlesinger , and the initiation of Mr . Solomon Leeuw . By the courtesy of the W . M ., Bro . G . Nicholson 1379 was raised to the degree of Master Mason . The following notices of motion were agreed to without discussion : — By the W . M ., That the sum of £ 25 be voted from the Lodge funds , as a donation in aid of the Mansion House Fund for the relief of the
Russian Jews ; by Bro . Treasurer , That the sum of ten guineas bo voted from the Lodpe funds , and that the same be placed on the list of the W . M . as Steward at the ensuing Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . The Lodge having been dosed , and refreshment enjoyed , the W . M . gave , Loyalty to the throne and devotion to the Craft , and said he could not allow the opportunity to
pass without saying that the toa 3 t on the present occasion demanded their heartiest sympathies and expressions of feelings of horror and disgust at tbe foul and dastardly crime which had been attempted on the universally beloved Sovereign . As Lord Carnarvon truly said in Grand Lodge , there are no citizens more loyal than Freemasons , and it is therefore in all sincerity that we , as Masons ,
express our heartfelt gratitude that all evil consequences have been providentially and happily averted . The toast was most enthusiastically received , and followed by the National Anthem , exceeding ly well rendered by Bro . Past Master John Ross , Bro . Pa 3 t Master J . D . Baruett presiding at the pianoforte . The W . M . next gave tho health of the initiate . To the toast of the Visitors , Bros . McDowall
and 0 . Latreille responded in almost the same terms , and especially dwelt on the excellency of the working of the W . M ., and the attention and discipline of his Officers . In proposing the health of the WM ., Bro . Past Master W . D . Bayley said the duty devolved upon him to act as I . P . M . in the absence of Bro . Croaker , who could not possibly attend , owing to the serious illness of one of his children . Ho was sure they would extend to Bro . Croaker their heartiest
sympathies . Their present W . M . was in all truth the right man m the right place . The Lodge was not likely to suffer under his » " ' ministration , and there waa no doubt the brethren would sapP 0 ™ him to the fnllest oxteut in his efforts to maintain the dignity and prosperity of tbe Lodge . Ho tendered the W . M . his best wishes for health , and hoped his year of office would terminate with credit to himself and to the advantage of the Lodge . Bro . Bush , in respond'