Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 3 of 3 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 3 of 3 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Installation Meetings, &C.
ing , thought Bro . Bayley had spoken of him in terms he did not deserve . ( No , no . ) no would certainly endeavour to do his best to uphold the prestige of the Lodge . Ever since his initiation , by Bro . Past Master Ross , ho had experienced nothing but kindness , and trusted that his conduct during his year of office would be such as to merit the continued sympathy and approbation of the brethren .
He concluded by mentioning the fact that he would represent the Lodge at the next Boys' Festival , and hoped his list would bo worthy of this warranted and worshipfnl Lodge . The health of tho Treasurer and Secretary was cordially received . After some remarks by the Treasnrer , Bro . Phil Levy Secretary said . He was glad to have tbe opportunity of stating how gratifying it was to the Jewish brethrou that the vote of £ 25 to the Mansion House Fund for the
relief of the Russian Jews was so unanimously passed ; that fact would brighten the page of any future history of the Lodge , whoever the historian might be . He trusted Bro . Constable might be spared to write that history . On behalf of the Officers , Bro . Staley S . W . responded in suitable terms , and the Tyler ' s toast terminated a most
enjoyable evening . Bros . Bayley , Constable , Ross , Tipper , and J . D . Barnett exerted themselves to contribute to the pleasures of the evening by their vocal efforts , whilst the latter ) brother played the accompaniments on the pianoforte . Bro . Geo . Mitchell , of 490 New York , U . S ., was reoeired as a joining member .
Panmure Lodge , No . 720 . —The March regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Balham Hotel , Balham , on Monday , 20 th inst . Bro . William Gunner W . M . opened the Lod ge at the appointed hour , and there were present during the evening Bros . G . Lilley as S . W ., J . Laird as J . W ., James Stevens P . M ., C . P . McKay P . M ., D . Truster P . M ., T . Poore ¥ M . and Secretary , C . Everist S . D ., A . J .
Barton J . D ., G . Allen FiM . as I . G ., C . A . Blogg Organist , S . Ash M . C ., C . Thomas Tyler , W . H . Collier , G . R . Smith , G . Mulley , J . Hall , A . Leonard , & o . and Visitor Bro , J . Archer , The Great City , No . 1426 . The business comprised the raising of Bro . Smith b y Bro . Poore P . M . and the initiation of Mr . Herbert Marsh by Bro . McKay P . M ., to whom the W . M . courteously resigned the chair of K . S ., to enable him
to introduce a personal friend into Freemasonry . Tbe Secretary read a letter which had been received from Col . Shadwell Clerke Grand Secretary , stating that Bro . Sheadd had informed him officially that the respective offioes of Treasurer and Secretary were filled by the same Brother j and requesting the Lodge to alter that arrangement , the same not being in accordance with the Constitutions
of tbe Order . The W . M . explained that whilst , of course , the require , mcnts of Grand Secretary should be observed , it was only right it should be understood that the best interests of tbe Lodge had been promoted in this particular instance by the connection of the two offices in the person of Bro . Poore ; and that the arrangements whioh had been made , at the request of the Lodge , by Brother Sbeadd
P . M ., who was at that time W . M ., but had since resigued , and who now called the attention of the Grand Secretary to the fact , had , although inconsistent with the regulations , worked greatly to the financial prosperity and general good position of the Lodge . Bro . Poore at once tendered his resignation as Treasurer , and the same was accepted with expressions of great regret . Bro . Trnsler P . M . was nnanimously elected to fill the vacant office . Several members
expressed themselves very warmly m respect of the originator of the interference with hitherto existing arrangements ; but all agreed that the laws of the Grand Lodge must be specifically observed . Letters of apology from absent members were read , and a petition of a distressed Brother was granted . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to an early supper and a couple of hours social intercourse in harmony and good fellowship .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . — At the Jacob's Well , George-street , Manchester-square , W ., on the 10 th inst . Present—Bro . G . Coop Preceptor , G . W . West P . M . 1287 W . M ., A . Braun P . M . P . Z . 766 S . W ., G . J . K . Tribbel P . M . 1287 J . W ., W . Dunham Treasnrer , H . Moore Secretary , Weatherilt S . D ., Miller P . M . 766 J . D ., W . Heath I . G . ; also Bros . Kidman P . M . 766 ,
Cleghorn W . M . 1287 , Hart , Bellerby , Chambers , Hemmings , Wilmore , Rowley , Lister , Saunders , J . Owen , G . H . Smith , T . A . Smith , Sedgwick , & c . Lodge was opened and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The Preceptor , assisted by the brethren , worked the first section of tbe lecture . Lodge was then opened in the second and third degrees , and the installation ceremony was rehearsed in a most able manner by the W . M ., Bro . Miller P . M . 766
presenting Bro . Coop as his qualified successor . Tbe addresses were given by the W . M . in a very impressive manner , and a section of the brethren saluting tbe newly-elected W . M . in tbe three degrees in the customary form . Tho W . M . then proceeded to appoint his Officers , sayiDg a few sympathetic and appropriate words to each . The Secretary then read a copy of the Bye-Laws as had been proposed
and these were discussed . Bro . Bellerby proposed , that one night a-montb be set apart as an Officer ' s night , and tbe members of tbe mother Lodge be invited to attend on those occasions , to assist the members of the Lodge of Instruction . A vote of thanks was passed to the W . M . for the able manner in which he had filled the chair of K . S . for the first time under the roof of the Jacob's Well .
On Friday , 17 th inst ., present Bros . A . Braun P . M . 766 W . M ., "• J . K . Tribbel S . W ., A . Jones J . W ., C . Bellerby S . D ., M . J . Rowley " ¦) W . Heath I . G ., G . Coop Preceptor , H . Moore Secretary ; also Bros . Miller P . M . 766 , Kidman P . M . 766 , Greenslade 766 , Fromholz , Saunders , T . H . Smith , Chambers , R . H . Smith , Ross , & c . After Preliminaries
, the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . ' - 'nambera being the candidate . Bro . Greenslade , a candidate for F ^ " ^' the William Preston mother Lodge , was interrogated by » e , 'Worshi pfnl Master , and answered the usual questions in a satiss ' e ° a rnanner - The Preceptor , assiated by the brethren , worked the cond section of the lecture . The proposed Bye-Laws were further "" cussed and amended ; a proposition that they be adopted and
Installation Meetings, &C.
printed was moved by Bro . Coop , seconded by Bro . Miller , and agreed to . Several new mombers were proposed and elected , dues were collected , and tho Lodgo closed in due form in perfect harmony , aud adjourned till Friday , the 21 th inst .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , 3 STo . 860 . —At Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 21 st inst . Present—Bros . T . Clark W . M ., Edwards S . W ., Glass J . W ., Corbie S . D ., Baker J . D ., Smyth I . G ., F . Carr Secretary , Wallington P . M . Preceptor ,- also Bros . Bunker , Nash , Greenwood , Brasted , Oily . After preliminaries , Bro . Bunker offered himself as candidate for
raising , and was interrogated . Lodge opened in the third degree , and Bro . Banker was raised , the W . M . giving the traditional history . Tbe Lodge was called from labour to refreshment . On resuming its Masonic duties , Bro . Brasted worked the third seofcion of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was regularly dosed to the first degree . Bro . Edwards was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
Monteiiore Lodge , No . 1017 . —A regular meeting was held on the 22 nd instant , at tbe Masonic Rooms , Air-street , Regent-street , Bro . J . Lazarus P . M . occupied the chair , in the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Syer , through indisposition . Bros . G . T . Mann S . W ., Benjamin J . W ., L . Jacobs Treasnrer , E . P . Albert P . G . P . Sec , N . Vallentin S . D ., D . M . Davies J . D ., W . B . Gulliford I . G ., Lindsay Sloper Organist
A . Solomons Steward , S . Pollitzer P . M ., Grnnebaum P . M . Visitors —J . Smith 742 , E . H . Norden 205 , L . Bloomfield 185 , J . Levy 188 , E . Joseph , Ronohlin , Pzorzheim , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bro . Manger was passed to the second degree , and Bros . L . Walters and Ri ' ooj were raised to the third degree by the acting W . M ., who performed the
work in a most impressive manner . Each Officer was perfeofc in his working . A letter of apology was read from the W . M , stating his inability to attend , owing to severe indisposition , and the acting W . M , and the brethren expressed a hope that he might speedily be restored to health , and be with them at the next meeting . Lodge was then closed until April , and the brethren sat down to a very excellent and
substantial supper , provided by Bro . Nicols . The Acting W . M ., Bro . J . Lazarus , ably presided , and proposed the Loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . E . P . Albert responding for the Grand Officers . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Visitors , who they were pleased to see on every occasion tbe Lodge met . Bro . S . Pollitzer said he had great pleasure in proposing the toast of the aoting W . M ., Bro .
J . Lazarus ; he was pleased to echo the words of the visiting brethren , who bad all paid Bro . Lazarus a just compliment for his excellent working . The acting W . M ., in reply , said , what he had dono had been done with pleasure , and he hoped to their satisfaction . He regretted the absence of the W . M ., who he was sure would have rendered the oaremonies to their gratification . Bro . Lazarus exhorted the junior members to work diligently , so that they might in after
years occupy the chair with pride and pleasnre ; he urged them to visit Lodges of Instruction ; it was only by so doing they could qualify themselves . The toast of the Past Masters came next , Bros . Albert and Pollitzer replying . The Officers were each severally com . plimented . In dne course the T yler gave his toast , and the brethren separated . Bros . Dr . Chandler and D . M . Davis contributed some excellent harmony , Bro . Lindsay Sloper efficiently accompanying on the piano .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1825 . —On Mon . day , 20 tb iust ., at the Royal Hotel , Mile End-road . Present—Bros . Brittain 1278 W . M ., Hammond 1278 S . W ., Clark 1178 J . W ., T . J . Barnes Treasurer , B . Stewart 1278 Secretary , Barnes S . D ., Clements Sec . 1306 J . D ., Maud W . M . 1625 I . G . ; Past Masters Bros . Myers 820 and 1445 , M . Isaacs 511 , and Job 1076 . After preliminaries , tbe Lodge opened in the second , and Bro . Hubbert , a candidate for
raising to the third degree , answered the questions , and was entrusted . Lodge opened in the third , and Bro . Hubbert was raised to the sablime degree of Master Mason . Bro . Myers worked the first and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge closed in the third and second degrees . Bro . Hammond was unanimously elected W . M . for the next Lodge meeting , when the ceremony of Installation will be rehearsed .
FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE . Tbe Original and only trne . ^^ , « TJUNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify U > £ 0 $ & lPI § l j /( nc U ^ RK ey or cause , soothes and strengthens the system under ex-* hausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing 1 sleep . Lord Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice James . Lord Justice Hellish decided in favour of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHXORODYNE , and against BrowD and Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in the suits . See Times of July 24 th , 1873 . Bottles Is lid , 2 s 9 d , 4 s 6 d , lis , and 20 s . Sold by all Chemists . TESTIMONIALS . —Head Quarter Staff , Cabnl , May 31 st , 1 S 80 . Mr . R . Freeman , Dear Sir , —It is with mu . h pleasure I am able to state that your Ohlorodyne has been of special service to me in alleviating the wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is here existent in an aggravated form . Many of my patients now come and beg me to give them that medicine whioh always rolieves them , and which I need hardly say is your Chlorodyne . Yours faithfully , CHARLES W . OWEK , L . R . C . P . Lon ., M . R . C . S . Eng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Surgeon , Cabul . The Times , August 13 th , 1877 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian Army . Okoura , July 25 th , 1877 . Tiie want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and had wo remained there a few weekpi onger , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired au unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottle of CHLOBODYNE , with which I effected miraculous cures .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
ing , thought Bro . Bayley had spoken of him in terms he did not deserve . ( No , no . ) no would certainly endeavour to do his best to uphold the prestige of the Lodge . Ever since his initiation , by Bro . Past Master Ross , ho had experienced nothing but kindness , and trusted that his conduct during his year of office would be such as to merit the continued sympathy and approbation of the brethren .
He concluded by mentioning the fact that he would represent the Lodge at the next Boys' Festival , and hoped his list would bo worthy of this warranted and worshipfnl Lodge . The health of tho Treasurer and Secretary was cordially received . After some remarks by the Treasnrer , Bro . Phil Levy Secretary said . He was glad to have tbe opportunity of stating how gratifying it was to the Jewish brethrou that the vote of £ 25 to the Mansion House Fund for the
relief of the Russian Jews was so unanimously passed ; that fact would brighten the page of any future history of the Lodge , whoever the historian might be . He trusted Bro . Constable might be spared to write that history . On behalf of the Officers , Bro . Staley S . W . responded in suitable terms , and the Tyler ' s toast terminated a most
enjoyable evening . Bros . Bayley , Constable , Ross , Tipper , and J . D . Barnett exerted themselves to contribute to the pleasures of the evening by their vocal efforts , whilst the latter ) brother played the accompaniments on the pianoforte . Bro . Geo . Mitchell , of 490 New York , U . S ., was reoeired as a joining member .
Panmure Lodge , No . 720 . —The March regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Balham Hotel , Balham , on Monday , 20 th inst . Bro . William Gunner W . M . opened the Lod ge at the appointed hour , and there were present during the evening Bros . G . Lilley as S . W ., J . Laird as J . W ., James Stevens P . M ., C . P . McKay P . M ., D . Truster P . M ., T . Poore ¥ M . and Secretary , C . Everist S . D ., A . J .
Barton J . D ., G . Allen FiM . as I . G ., C . A . Blogg Organist , S . Ash M . C ., C . Thomas Tyler , W . H . Collier , G . R . Smith , G . Mulley , J . Hall , A . Leonard , & o . and Visitor Bro , J . Archer , The Great City , No . 1426 . The business comprised the raising of Bro . Smith b y Bro . Poore P . M . and the initiation of Mr . Herbert Marsh by Bro . McKay P . M ., to whom the W . M . courteously resigned the chair of K . S ., to enable him
to introduce a personal friend into Freemasonry . Tbe Secretary read a letter which had been received from Col . Shadwell Clerke Grand Secretary , stating that Bro . Sheadd had informed him officially that the respective offioes of Treasurer and Secretary were filled by the same Brother j and requesting the Lodge to alter that arrangement , the same not being in accordance with the Constitutions
of tbe Order . The W . M . explained that whilst , of course , the require , mcnts of Grand Secretary should be observed , it was only right it should be understood that the best interests of tbe Lodge had been promoted in this particular instance by the connection of the two offices in the person of Bro . Poore ; and that the arrangements whioh had been made , at the request of the Lodge , by Brother Sbeadd
P . M ., who was at that time W . M ., but had since resigued , and who now called the attention of the Grand Secretary to the fact , had , although inconsistent with the regulations , worked greatly to the financial prosperity and general good position of the Lodge . Bro . Poore at once tendered his resignation as Treasurer , and the same was accepted with expressions of great regret . Bro . Trnsler P . M . was nnanimously elected to fill the vacant office . Several members
expressed themselves very warmly m respect of the originator of the interference with hitherto existing arrangements ; but all agreed that the laws of the Grand Lodge must be specifically observed . Letters of apology from absent members were read , and a petition of a distressed Brother was granted . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to an early supper and a couple of hours social intercourse in harmony and good fellowship .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . — At the Jacob's Well , George-street , Manchester-square , W ., on the 10 th inst . Present—Bro . G . Coop Preceptor , G . W . West P . M . 1287 W . M ., A . Braun P . M . P . Z . 766 S . W ., G . J . K . Tribbel P . M . 1287 J . W ., W . Dunham Treasnrer , H . Moore Secretary , Weatherilt S . D ., Miller P . M . 766 J . D ., W . Heath I . G . ; also Bros . Kidman P . M . 766 ,
Cleghorn W . M . 1287 , Hart , Bellerby , Chambers , Hemmings , Wilmore , Rowley , Lister , Saunders , J . Owen , G . H . Smith , T . A . Smith , Sedgwick , & c . Lodge was opened and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The Preceptor , assisted by the brethren , worked the first section of tbe lecture . Lodge was then opened in the second and third degrees , and the installation ceremony was rehearsed in a most able manner by the W . M ., Bro . Miller P . M . 766
presenting Bro . Coop as his qualified successor . Tbe addresses were given by the W . M . in a very impressive manner , and a section of the brethren saluting tbe newly-elected W . M . in tbe three degrees in the customary form . Tho W . M . then proceeded to appoint his Officers , sayiDg a few sympathetic and appropriate words to each . The Secretary then read a copy of the Bye-Laws as had been proposed
and these were discussed . Bro . Bellerby proposed , that one night a-montb be set apart as an Officer ' s night , and tbe members of tbe mother Lodge be invited to attend on those occasions , to assist the members of the Lodge of Instruction . A vote of thanks was passed to the W . M . for the able manner in which he had filled the chair of K . S . for the first time under the roof of the Jacob's Well .
On Friday , 17 th inst ., present Bros . A . Braun P . M . 766 W . M ., "• J . K . Tribbel S . W ., A . Jones J . W ., C . Bellerby S . D ., M . J . Rowley " ¦) W . Heath I . G ., G . Coop Preceptor , H . Moore Secretary ; also Bros . Miller P . M . 766 , Kidman P . M . 766 , Greenslade 766 , Fromholz , Saunders , T . H . Smith , Chambers , R . H . Smith , Ross , & c . After Preliminaries
, the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . ' - 'nambera being the candidate . Bro . Greenslade , a candidate for F ^ " ^' the William Preston mother Lodge , was interrogated by » e , 'Worshi pfnl Master , and answered the usual questions in a satiss ' e ° a rnanner - The Preceptor , assiated by the brethren , worked the cond section of the lecture . The proposed Bye-Laws were further "" cussed and amended ; a proposition that they be adopted and
Installation Meetings, &C.
printed was moved by Bro . Coop , seconded by Bro . Miller , and agreed to . Several new mombers were proposed and elected , dues were collected , and tho Lodgo closed in due form in perfect harmony , aud adjourned till Friday , the 21 th inst .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , 3 STo . 860 . —At Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 21 st inst . Present—Bros . T . Clark W . M ., Edwards S . W ., Glass J . W ., Corbie S . D ., Baker J . D ., Smyth I . G ., F . Carr Secretary , Wallington P . M . Preceptor ,- also Bros . Bunker , Nash , Greenwood , Brasted , Oily . After preliminaries , Bro . Bunker offered himself as candidate for
raising , and was interrogated . Lodge opened in the third degree , and Bro . Banker was raised , the W . M . giving the traditional history . Tbe Lodge was called from labour to refreshment . On resuming its Masonic duties , Bro . Brasted worked the third seofcion of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was regularly dosed to the first degree . Bro . Edwards was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
Monteiiore Lodge , No . 1017 . —A regular meeting was held on the 22 nd instant , at tbe Masonic Rooms , Air-street , Regent-street , Bro . J . Lazarus P . M . occupied the chair , in the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Syer , through indisposition . Bros . G . T . Mann S . W ., Benjamin J . W ., L . Jacobs Treasnrer , E . P . Albert P . G . P . Sec , N . Vallentin S . D ., D . M . Davies J . D ., W . B . Gulliford I . G ., Lindsay Sloper Organist
A . Solomons Steward , S . Pollitzer P . M ., Grnnebaum P . M . Visitors —J . Smith 742 , E . H . Norden 205 , L . Bloomfield 185 , J . Levy 188 , E . Joseph , Ronohlin , Pzorzheim , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bro . Manger was passed to the second degree , and Bros . L . Walters and Ri ' ooj were raised to the third degree by the acting W . M ., who performed the
work in a most impressive manner . Each Officer was perfeofc in his working . A letter of apology was read from the W . M , stating his inability to attend , owing to severe indisposition , and the acting W . M , and the brethren expressed a hope that he might speedily be restored to health , and be with them at the next meeting . Lodge was then closed until April , and the brethren sat down to a very excellent and
substantial supper , provided by Bro . Nicols . The Acting W . M ., Bro . J . Lazarus , ably presided , and proposed the Loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . E . P . Albert responding for the Grand Officers . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Visitors , who they were pleased to see on every occasion tbe Lodge met . Bro . S . Pollitzer said he had great pleasure in proposing the toast of the aoting W . M ., Bro .
J . Lazarus ; he was pleased to echo the words of the visiting brethren , who bad all paid Bro . Lazarus a just compliment for his excellent working . The acting W . M ., in reply , said , what he had dono had been done with pleasure , and he hoped to their satisfaction . He regretted the absence of the W . M ., who he was sure would have rendered the oaremonies to their gratification . Bro . Lazarus exhorted the junior members to work diligently , so that they might in after
years occupy the chair with pride and pleasnre ; he urged them to visit Lodges of Instruction ; it was only by so doing they could qualify themselves . The toast of the Past Masters came next , Bros . Albert and Pollitzer replying . The Officers were each severally com . plimented . In dne course the T yler gave his toast , and the brethren separated . Bros . Dr . Chandler and D . M . Davis contributed some excellent harmony , Bro . Lindsay Sloper efficiently accompanying on the piano .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1825 . —On Mon . day , 20 tb iust ., at the Royal Hotel , Mile End-road . Present—Bros . Brittain 1278 W . M ., Hammond 1278 S . W ., Clark 1178 J . W ., T . J . Barnes Treasurer , B . Stewart 1278 Secretary , Barnes S . D ., Clements Sec . 1306 J . D ., Maud W . M . 1625 I . G . ; Past Masters Bros . Myers 820 and 1445 , M . Isaacs 511 , and Job 1076 . After preliminaries , tbe Lodge opened in the second , and Bro . Hubbert , a candidate for
raising to the third degree , answered the questions , and was entrusted . Lodge opened in the third , and Bro . Hubbert was raised to the sablime degree of Master Mason . Bro . Myers worked the first and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge closed in the third and second degrees . Bro . Hammond was unanimously elected W . M . for the next Lodge meeting , when the ceremony of Installation will be rehearsed .
FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE . Tbe Original and only trne . ^^ , « TJUNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify U > £ 0 $ & lPI § l j /( nc U ^ RK ey or cause , soothes and strengthens the system under ex-* hausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing 1 sleep . Lord Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice James . Lord Justice Hellish decided in favour of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHXORODYNE , and against BrowD and Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in the suits . See Times of July 24 th , 1873 . Bottles Is lid , 2 s 9 d , 4 s 6 d , lis , and 20 s . Sold by all Chemists . TESTIMONIALS . —Head Quarter Staff , Cabnl , May 31 st , 1 S 80 . Mr . R . Freeman , Dear Sir , —It is with mu . h pleasure I am able to state that your Ohlorodyne has been of special service to me in alleviating the wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is here existent in an aggravated form . Many of my patients now come and beg me to give them that medicine whioh always rolieves them , and which I need hardly say is your Chlorodyne . Yours faithfully , CHARLES W . OWEK , L . R . C . P . Lon ., M . R . C . S . Eng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Surgeon , Cabul . The Times , August 13 th , 1877 . From our own Correspondent with the Russian Army . Okoura , July 25 th , 1877 . Tiie want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and had wo remained there a few weekpi onger , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired au unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottle of CHLOBODYNE , with which I effected miraculous cures .