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Notices Of Meetings.
Lord Warden Lodge , No . 1098 . —A meeting of this very prosperous Lodge was held on 17 th inst . at the St . George ' s Hall , Deal . Bros . W . Carterfield W . M ., H . B . L . Botting I . P . M ., G . Band S . W ., R . S . Davey J . W ., Rev . J . B . Harrison P . M . Chap . P . P . G . Chap ., E . Kirby P . M . P . G . S . Treas ., T . J . Usher P . M . P . P . G . R . Secretary , H . Chambers S . D ., E . Rea J . D ., G . C . Harding I . G ., F . Leith P . M .
Lord of the Manor M . C ., H . E . J . Webb Steward ; Bros . R . Measham , J . W . Court , S . Willey , I ; E . Laurence , W . J . A . Norris , J . Fawcett , J . B . Brown , R . Duval , S . Holgate Tyler . Visitor—Bro . J . Sheppard Metham Lodge . The Lodge was opened , and tho minutes read and confirmed . The W . M ., whe was unwell , vacated in favour of Bro . H . R . L . Botting I . P . M ., who in a most able and impressive manner
initiated Mr . W . R . Minter , who had been balloted for at a previous meeting . Bro . E . Kirby , in earnest and impressive manner gave the E . A . charge . Bro . G . Band S . W . was unanimously elected W . M . for the year ensuing . Bro . E . Kirby P . M . was with acclamation re-elected Treasurer , the W . M . paying him a high compliment , and in the name of the Lodge thanking him for his past services , and hoped he would
long be spared to them . Bro . E . Kirby thanked the W . M . and brethren for the high honour they had done him ; it was very pleasing to know that bis small servioes were so muoh appreciated ; he could assure them that his services were at their disposal . Bro . Rev . J . B . Harrison announced himself as Steward for the Boys '
School , the Festival to be held in June next . He was sure he should receive the hearty support of the brethren . Ten guineas was at once voted to the Boys ' , the same to be placed on Bro . Harrison ' s list . Lodge was closed with prayer in solemn form , the brethren afterwards spending a very pleasant and aooial hour together .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 .-Held on Thursday , 23 rd inst ., at the Feathers' Hotel , Ealing . Present—Bros . Nicholson W . M ., C . Bellerby S . W ., Cotton J . W ., J . Wells Sec , T . A . Smith J . D ., W . Seward I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . H . Xasner , and A . J . Burr . Visitors—Bros . Webb . Nye , Murch , Gasson , Pitt , and Yeouens . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes
of the previous meeting were read , confirmed , and signed . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Murch candidate . Bro . Gasson answered the questions leading to the second degree . Lodge was opened up to the third , and closed down to first degree . Bro . C . Bellerby was elected W . M . for the next meeting , and Lodge was closed , and adjourned to the 30 th instant .
Trinity Lodge , No . 1734 . —The Installation Festival of this Lodge took place on Wednesday , the 8 th inst ., at the Golden Lion , Rayleigh . Bro . F . J . Wiseman P . M . 160 Prov . J . G . Warden W . M . presided ; and the following brethren were present : —Bros . Edward Jndd P . M . 160 and 1734 P . P . G . R . M . E . Z . elect 1000 I . P . M . and Treasurer , E . E . Phillips P . M . and P . Z . 379 and 1000 P . P . G . D .
Essex P . P . J . G . W . Somorset S . W ., W . J . Belcham jun . J . W ., Wm . Pissey P . M . 160 and 1734 M . E . Z . P . P . J . G . Warden Essex Sec , W . V . Willson S . D ., H . Harper W . M . 160 J . D ., James Syer D . C ., Sidney Smith I . G ., C . T . Witham Tyler , J . Belcham P . P . G . D ., F . D . Grayson , and D . B . Grout P . M . No . 160 ; Visitors—Bros . R . M . Beeson 160 , J . Taylor jun . 1000 160 and J . D . 1817 . The report of
the Audit Committee was received and adopted . The installation of Bro . E . E . Phillips S . W . the W . M . elect , was then proceeded with , the ceremony being ably performed by Bro . William Pissey . At its conclusion the W . M . appointed and invested his Officers for tho ensuing twelve months , as follow : —Bros . Frederick J . Wiseman I . P . M ., Wm . Isaac Belcham jun . S . W ., Wm . V . Willson J . W .,
Edward Judd re-elected Treasurer , Wm . Pissey re-appointed Sec , H . Harper S . W ., Sidney Smith J . W ., Jas . Syer D . C ., John Belcham I . G ., C . T . Witham re-elected Tyler . A vote of thanks having been passed to the installing Master , and duly acknowledged , the Lodge waa closed with solemn prayer . At five o ' clock the brethren , under
the presidency of the W . M ., sat down to a sumptuous banqnet , which was well served by Mr . Hodson , and gave great satisfaction . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The W . M . stated that he had received the following letter from Lord Tenfcerden , the Prov . G . M . : —
4 th March 1882 . Dear Sir and Brother , —I am sorry I am unable to accept your hospitality on the occasion of your installation on the 8 th , but I have a previous engagment for that day , and it is very difficult for me to leave London at this time of year . With best wishes for your Mastership ,
Yours fraternally , TENTERDEN . The W . M ., in proposing "TheI . P . M . "presented Bro . Frederick J . Wiseman , in the name of the Lodge , with a handsome P . M . ' s jewel , for which the I . P . M . returned thanks in a humorous and appropriate
speech . The proceedings , which terminated at abont half-past eleven , were agreeably diversified with songs and recitations , by Bros . Wiseman , Smith , Willson , Taylor , & c , and the general arrangements were excellently carried out under the superintendence of Bro . William Pissey .
Eleanor Cross Lodge , No . 1764 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at Northampton , on Tnesday , 21 st instant . Present—Bros . H . Brown W . M ., Atkins I . P . M ., H . Hill S . W ., 1 . J . Hunt J . W . 360 as J . W ., G . Morris S . D ., Rev . T . C . BeasleyJ . D ., Parker P . M . 360 Treasurer , H . Spoor Secretary , G . Ellard P . M . 260 M . C ., G . Butcher Assist . M . C ., 3 Ianningas I . G ., Rev . S . J . W .
SandersP . M ., Rev . S . W . Wigg P . P . G . C ., Emery and Franklin Stewards , Dean and Kirby Tylers ; also Bros . Perceval , Haviland , Abel , Clarke , Manfield , Goldeney , H . Jebbutt , J . A . Hill , A . Jones , Hodges , Johnston , Newman , Cnrrall , Dorman , and others . Bros . W . J . Clarke and Manfield having proved their efficiency , Lodge waa advanced to the third degree , and those brethren were admitted to the sublime
degree respectively by the W . M . and Bros . Sanders P . M ., while Bro . Atkins I . P . M . continned the traditional history . Lodgo being resumed in the first degree , the Worshipfnl Master rose to move " That an address be respectfully presented to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , expressive of the horror and indignation felt by the brethren of this Lodge at the recent atrocious outrage committed on Her
Majesty , and of their deep sense of gratitude at Her Majesty s happy escape , under Divine Providence . " In submitting this resolution , the Worshipfnl Master observed that no further words of his were re . quired to express the feelings which must have arisen in the breast of every Mason , not only in England but in every part of this vast Empire , when we were startled to hear of this diabolical outrage on
the life of one who had always been held up as a pattern of every public as well as private virtue—it seemed incredible that a being in the form of a man , and that an Englishman , could be found bad enough to attempt such a crime . It was the duty of brethren to avail themselves of an opportunity of expressing gratitude to the Great Architect of the Universe , who in His providence had palsied
the arm raised to slay our Queen , but for which intervention they might be mourning the loss of a pre-eminently good and beloved Sovereign . In answer to the probable suggestion that the proposi . tion was superfluous or unnecessary , he would add that , as there was but one Northampton , as there was but one town that had been brought by the light of recent events so notably to the front , the
present was a most fitting opportunity for letting the country know that even in Northampton were many loyal hearts who were true to their Queen and country . The Rev . S . J . W . Sanders P . M ., in seconding the proposition , did so with pleasure , because he felt that it was a good thing to show that Freemasons' Lodges in England
were not what they had in times past been suspected of being , and what he feared they sometimes were in other countries , namely , nests of sedition and conspiracy . He so far applauded the idea of the address to Her Majesty that he would , as Master of De la Pre Lodge , ask the brethren of the Eleanor Cross to allow himself and his
Wardens to sign the address on behalf of the members of that Lodge . The proposition was carried unanimously , and was greeted with Masonic applause . The special verses of the National Anthem were then sung respectively as solo , duet , and trio by Bros . Atkins , Hart , and Brown , the whole of the brethren joining in chorus . Bro . Abel ,
acting Organist , accompanied . After the usual routine business Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquetting room , where the Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and some capital patriotic songs were sung . The Tyler's toast brought a very enthusiastic meeting to a close .
The East End Licensed Victuallers Ball.
THE first annual Ball took place on Tuesday last at the Limebouse Town Hall , the whole of the proceedings passing off with much eclat . Over 150 ladies and gentlemen availed themselves of the opportunity of combining assistance to the very excellent Sohools of the Licensed Victuallers with an evening's pleasure . Brother Louis Honig supplied a highly efficient band , and under his spirited direction a capital selection of dance music was discoursed to the
delight of the followers of Terpsichore . Supper was served shortly after 12 o ' clock , Bro . W . Davies , Cape of Good Hope , and Governor of the Licensed Victuallers School , presiding , Brothers Lamb and H . Chown acting as Vice-president . The Supper ( which was elegantly served , reflected great credit upon the proprietor of the Cape of Good Hope Tavern ) being ended , Bro . W . Davies toasted the " Queen
and the Royal Family" which was heartily received . The chair , man next gave the " Visitors , " many of whom , he said , had come long distances , from all parts of London , to support him in the present undertaking . He could not sufficiently thank them , but hoped that , as the Ball had been so successful , he , or perhaps his successor , Mr . Deacon , would have the pleasure of asking them to come again upon another occasion . He would call upon Mr . Deacon to respond , being
the Governor elect for next year . Mr . Deacon suitably replied , and gave the health of Mr . W . Davies , the worthy Chairman , and the promoter of the Ball , and Mrs . Davies , which was received with honours . In acknowledging the compliment , Mr . Davies expressed himself grateful for the cordial reception of the toast , and for the hearty support of the undertaking . As he had said , he hoped to have a second Ball in connection with the Licensed Victuallers' School .
The Ladies were next toasted , in brief terms , coupled with the name of Mr . G . H . Stephens , who responded in felicitous terms . Subsequently dancing was resumed , and was much enjoyed until four o'clock in the morning . The duties of M . C . were most ably performed by Mr . T . Butler .
Colonies was held on Thursday afternoon , at Marlboroug h House , under the presidency of his Royal Hig hness the Prince of Wales , the object being to promote the
establish-We are requested to state that the Lecture , by Bro . Jame 3 Stevens P . M . P . Z ., announced for delivery at the Domatic Lodge of Instruction , on Tuesday evening next , the 28 fch insfc ., is postponed for a few weeks . A very strong meeting of gentlemen connected with our
ment of the Royal College of Music . Among those present were the Earl of Kimberley , the Duke of Manchester , Sir Cunliffe P . Owen , K . C . M . G . The meeting was in all respects a successful one .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Lord Warden Lodge , No . 1098 . —A meeting of this very prosperous Lodge was held on 17 th inst . at the St . George ' s Hall , Deal . Bros . W . Carterfield W . M ., H . B . L . Botting I . P . M ., G . Band S . W ., R . S . Davey J . W ., Rev . J . B . Harrison P . M . Chap . P . P . G . Chap ., E . Kirby P . M . P . G . S . Treas ., T . J . Usher P . M . P . P . G . R . Secretary , H . Chambers S . D ., E . Rea J . D ., G . C . Harding I . G ., F . Leith P . M .
Lord of the Manor M . C ., H . E . J . Webb Steward ; Bros . R . Measham , J . W . Court , S . Willey , I ; E . Laurence , W . J . A . Norris , J . Fawcett , J . B . Brown , R . Duval , S . Holgate Tyler . Visitor—Bro . J . Sheppard Metham Lodge . The Lodge was opened , and tho minutes read and confirmed . The W . M ., whe was unwell , vacated in favour of Bro . H . R . L . Botting I . P . M ., who in a most able and impressive manner
initiated Mr . W . R . Minter , who had been balloted for at a previous meeting . Bro . E . Kirby , in earnest and impressive manner gave the E . A . charge . Bro . G . Band S . W . was unanimously elected W . M . for the year ensuing . Bro . E . Kirby P . M . was with acclamation re-elected Treasurer , the W . M . paying him a high compliment , and in the name of the Lodge thanking him for his past services , and hoped he would
long be spared to them . Bro . E . Kirby thanked the W . M . and brethren for the high honour they had done him ; it was very pleasing to know that bis small servioes were so muoh appreciated ; he could assure them that his services were at their disposal . Bro . Rev . J . B . Harrison announced himself as Steward for the Boys '
School , the Festival to be held in June next . He was sure he should receive the hearty support of the brethren . Ten guineas was at once voted to the Boys ' , the same to be placed on Bro . Harrison ' s list . Lodge was closed with prayer in solemn form , the brethren afterwards spending a very pleasant and aooial hour together .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 .-Held on Thursday , 23 rd inst ., at the Feathers' Hotel , Ealing . Present—Bros . Nicholson W . M ., C . Bellerby S . W ., Cotton J . W ., J . Wells Sec , T . A . Smith J . D ., W . Seward I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . H . Xasner , and A . J . Burr . Visitors—Bros . Webb . Nye , Murch , Gasson , Pitt , and Yeouens . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes
of the previous meeting were read , confirmed , and signed . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Murch candidate . Bro . Gasson answered the questions leading to the second degree . Lodge was opened up to the third , and closed down to first degree . Bro . C . Bellerby was elected W . M . for the next meeting , and Lodge was closed , and adjourned to the 30 th instant .
Trinity Lodge , No . 1734 . —The Installation Festival of this Lodge took place on Wednesday , the 8 th inst ., at the Golden Lion , Rayleigh . Bro . F . J . Wiseman P . M . 160 Prov . J . G . Warden W . M . presided ; and the following brethren were present : —Bros . Edward Jndd P . M . 160 and 1734 P . P . G . R . M . E . Z . elect 1000 I . P . M . and Treasurer , E . E . Phillips P . M . and P . Z . 379 and 1000 P . P . G . D .
Essex P . P . J . G . W . Somorset S . W ., W . J . Belcham jun . J . W ., Wm . Pissey P . M . 160 and 1734 M . E . Z . P . P . J . G . Warden Essex Sec , W . V . Willson S . D ., H . Harper W . M . 160 J . D ., James Syer D . C ., Sidney Smith I . G ., C . T . Witham Tyler , J . Belcham P . P . G . D ., F . D . Grayson , and D . B . Grout P . M . No . 160 ; Visitors—Bros . R . M . Beeson 160 , J . Taylor jun . 1000 160 and J . D . 1817 . The report of
the Audit Committee was received and adopted . The installation of Bro . E . E . Phillips S . W . the W . M . elect , was then proceeded with , the ceremony being ably performed by Bro . William Pissey . At its conclusion the W . M . appointed and invested his Officers for tho ensuing twelve months , as follow : —Bros . Frederick J . Wiseman I . P . M ., Wm . Isaac Belcham jun . S . W ., Wm . V . Willson J . W .,
Edward Judd re-elected Treasurer , Wm . Pissey re-appointed Sec , H . Harper S . W ., Sidney Smith J . W ., Jas . Syer D . C ., John Belcham I . G ., C . T . Witham re-elected Tyler . A vote of thanks having been passed to the installing Master , and duly acknowledged , the Lodge waa closed with solemn prayer . At five o ' clock the brethren , under
the presidency of the W . M ., sat down to a sumptuous banqnet , which was well served by Mr . Hodson , and gave great satisfaction . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The W . M . stated that he had received the following letter from Lord Tenfcerden , the Prov . G . M . : —
4 th March 1882 . Dear Sir and Brother , —I am sorry I am unable to accept your hospitality on the occasion of your installation on the 8 th , but I have a previous engagment for that day , and it is very difficult for me to leave London at this time of year . With best wishes for your Mastership ,
Yours fraternally , TENTERDEN . The W . M ., in proposing "TheI . P . M . "presented Bro . Frederick J . Wiseman , in the name of the Lodge , with a handsome P . M . ' s jewel , for which the I . P . M . returned thanks in a humorous and appropriate
speech . The proceedings , which terminated at abont half-past eleven , were agreeably diversified with songs and recitations , by Bros . Wiseman , Smith , Willson , Taylor , & c , and the general arrangements were excellently carried out under the superintendence of Bro . William Pissey .
Eleanor Cross Lodge , No . 1764 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at Northampton , on Tnesday , 21 st instant . Present—Bros . H . Brown W . M ., Atkins I . P . M ., H . Hill S . W ., 1 . J . Hunt J . W . 360 as J . W ., G . Morris S . D ., Rev . T . C . BeasleyJ . D ., Parker P . M . 360 Treasurer , H . Spoor Secretary , G . Ellard P . M . 260 M . C ., G . Butcher Assist . M . C ., 3 Ianningas I . G ., Rev . S . J . W .
SandersP . M ., Rev . S . W . Wigg P . P . G . C ., Emery and Franklin Stewards , Dean and Kirby Tylers ; also Bros . Perceval , Haviland , Abel , Clarke , Manfield , Goldeney , H . Jebbutt , J . A . Hill , A . Jones , Hodges , Johnston , Newman , Cnrrall , Dorman , and others . Bros . W . J . Clarke and Manfield having proved their efficiency , Lodge waa advanced to the third degree , and those brethren were admitted to the sublime
degree respectively by the W . M . and Bros . Sanders P . M ., while Bro . Atkins I . P . M . continned the traditional history . Lodgo being resumed in the first degree , the Worshipfnl Master rose to move " That an address be respectfully presented to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , expressive of the horror and indignation felt by the brethren of this Lodge at the recent atrocious outrage committed on Her
Majesty , and of their deep sense of gratitude at Her Majesty s happy escape , under Divine Providence . " In submitting this resolution , the Worshipfnl Master observed that no further words of his were re . quired to express the feelings which must have arisen in the breast of every Mason , not only in England but in every part of this vast Empire , when we were startled to hear of this diabolical outrage on
the life of one who had always been held up as a pattern of every public as well as private virtue—it seemed incredible that a being in the form of a man , and that an Englishman , could be found bad enough to attempt such a crime . It was the duty of brethren to avail themselves of an opportunity of expressing gratitude to the Great Architect of the Universe , who in His providence had palsied
the arm raised to slay our Queen , but for which intervention they might be mourning the loss of a pre-eminently good and beloved Sovereign . In answer to the probable suggestion that the proposi . tion was superfluous or unnecessary , he would add that , as there was but one Northampton , as there was but one town that had been brought by the light of recent events so notably to the front , the
present was a most fitting opportunity for letting the country know that even in Northampton were many loyal hearts who were true to their Queen and country . The Rev . S . J . W . Sanders P . M ., in seconding the proposition , did so with pleasure , because he felt that it was a good thing to show that Freemasons' Lodges in England
were not what they had in times past been suspected of being , and what he feared they sometimes were in other countries , namely , nests of sedition and conspiracy . He so far applauded the idea of the address to Her Majesty that he would , as Master of De la Pre Lodge , ask the brethren of the Eleanor Cross to allow himself and his
Wardens to sign the address on behalf of the members of that Lodge . The proposition was carried unanimously , and was greeted with Masonic applause . The special verses of the National Anthem were then sung respectively as solo , duet , and trio by Bros . Atkins , Hart , and Brown , the whole of the brethren joining in chorus . Bro . Abel ,
acting Organist , accompanied . After the usual routine business Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquetting room , where the Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and some capital patriotic songs were sung . The Tyler's toast brought a very enthusiastic meeting to a close .
The East End Licensed Victuallers Ball.
THE first annual Ball took place on Tuesday last at the Limebouse Town Hall , the whole of the proceedings passing off with much eclat . Over 150 ladies and gentlemen availed themselves of the opportunity of combining assistance to the very excellent Sohools of the Licensed Victuallers with an evening's pleasure . Brother Louis Honig supplied a highly efficient band , and under his spirited direction a capital selection of dance music was discoursed to the
delight of the followers of Terpsichore . Supper was served shortly after 12 o ' clock , Bro . W . Davies , Cape of Good Hope , and Governor of the Licensed Victuallers School , presiding , Brothers Lamb and H . Chown acting as Vice-president . The Supper ( which was elegantly served , reflected great credit upon the proprietor of the Cape of Good Hope Tavern ) being ended , Bro . W . Davies toasted the " Queen
and the Royal Family" which was heartily received . The chair , man next gave the " Visitors , " many of whom , he said , had come long distances , from all parts of London , to support him in the present undertaking . He could not sufficiently thank them , but hoped that , as the Ball had been so successful , he , or perhaps his successor , Mr . Deacon , would have the pleasure of asking them to come again upon another occasion . He would call upon Mr . Deacon to respond , being
the Governor elect for next year . Mr . Deacon suitably replied , and gave the health of Mr . W . Davies , the worthy Chairman , and the promoter of the Ball , and Mrs . Davies , which was received with honours . In acknowledging the compliment , Mr . Davies expressed himself grateful for the cordial reception of the toast , and for the hearty support of the undertaking . As he had said , he hoped to have a second Ball in connection with the Licensed Victuallers' School .
The Ladies were next toasted , in brief terms , coupled with the name of Mr . G . H . Stephens , who responded in felicitous terms . Subsequently dancing was resumed , and was much enjoyed until four o'clock in the morning . The duties of M . C . were most ably performed by Mr . T . Butler .
Colonies was held on Thursday afternoon , at Marlboroug h House , under the presidency of his Royal Hig hness the Prince of Wales , the object being to promote the
establish-We are requested to state that the Lecture , by Bro . Jame 3 Stevens P . M . P . Z ., announced for delivery at the Domatic Lodge of Instruction , on Tuesday evening next , the 28 fch insfc ., is postponed for a few weeks . A very strong meeting of gentlemen connected with our
ment of the Royal College of Music . Among those present were the Earl of Kimberley , the Duke of Manchester , Sir Cunliffe P . Owen , K . C . M . G . The meeting was in all respects a successful one .