Article NEW ZEALAND. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDER OF THE TEMPLE. Page 1 of 1 Article YE FRATERNITIE OF YE RAHERE ALMONERS. Page 1 of 1
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New Zealand.
tion was offered by the D . G . Chaplain , and grand honours were accorded ; after which the Chairman of Trnstees addressed the D . G . M ., and the architeot , Bro . Skinner , presented the plans , which were duly received . The dedication hymn , " 0 First and Sole Foundation , " was sung , and tho D . G . M . addressed the brethren on the duty which they had met to perform . A procession of Grand
Lodge Officers was formed , and halting at the pedestal , the D . G . M . sprinkled salt , and dedicated the hall to Masonry , the choir singing " Genias of Masonry . " Bro . Pierce P . G . M . I . C . scattered corn , and dedicated the hall to Virtue ; and Bro . the Hon . F . Whitaker P . G . M . S . C ., poured the wine , dedicating the hall to Universal
Benevolence ; Bro . Graham D . G . M ., dropping the oil , and dedicating the hall to all the purposes of Masonry . Each act of dedication was recognised by grand honours , and the verses of the consecration hymn were sung in the intervals as the procession abvanced around the hall . Bro . the Hon . F . Whitaker then addressed the brethren . He said
it was now his duty and pleasure on this interesting occasion to offer a few remarks . Many of them would recollect that , a few months ago , they had met to lay the foundation-stone of this structure , and he trusted they were now al ! satisfied with it . It had been an ancient onstom to dedicate and consecrate buildings of this class , but they must not confound conseoration with dedication .
They had met here to consecrate this handsome temple , under the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe , to Masonry . All Lodges must , when practicable , be held in a consecrated building , and they now set this place apart for the rites of Freemasonry , and he hoped it would long remain as a monument of the efforts of the brethren of the present day in . erecting a building worthy of the
Craft to which they belonged . He thought they might well be proud of what they had done . He had told them at the laying of the foundation-stone that , in the earliest days of the colony , Masonry had taken a firm root , but they did not dream then of laying the foundation of such a magnificent building as that in whioh they were assembled . It required great exertion on the part of the brethren to provide such a building as this , but it was an
advantage to wait , for now they had one entirely adequate , and they conld desire no better , —it had no equal in the colony . He hoped that in future the brethren would be more diligent in their attendance , and that their meetings would be worthy of the hall . No donbt many had reasonable objections to meeting in an hotel , but now that objection no loDger existed , for they had the best hall in New Zealand , if not in the Australian Colonies . But this had not been
accomplished without great effort . The cost was £ 3 , 500 . Already subscriptions to the amount of £ 2 , 100 had been received , leaving a debt of £ 1 , 400 . He hoped that debt would be soon wiped out , and felt sure it was not beyond their power to get rid of it . He had been requested to announce that a collection would be raised in the room for the building-fund . They now saw the position in which they
stood . Unity had enabled them to get this building , and he hoped they would live long in unity , and pull with a long pull , and a strong pull , and a pull altogether . Offerings were then received . Bro . Suiter , on behalf of the United Service Lodge , handed in £ 40 , in addition to what had already been subscribed . £ 10 were received from Coromandel
Lodge , and £ 30 from Mercnry Bay , The total received was £ 160 . The D . G . M ., after the chant "O Praise God" had been sung , addressed the brethren , congratulating them on the erection of the building . The closing hymn , " Now the evening shodows , " was sung , after which the District Grrnd Lodge was closed in due form , and the
Grand Lodge Officers retired in procession . The chairs were then resumed by the W . M . and Officers of the Ara Lodge , and the Lodge was closed in peace , love , and harmony . On the following evening , a grand ball was held in the Choral Hall , in honour of the occasion , and was attended by all the beauty , wealth , and fashion of Auckland District . —fleiv Zealand Freemason .
Mark Masonry.
HAWTOff LODGE , No . 100 . TIHE yearly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , 8 th ¦ *• instant , at the Masonic Rooms in Ivybridge . After the advancement of three brethren of the Craft Lodge , and the admission ° * a joining member , Bro . W . H . Maekey , the unanimous choice of we Lod ge was duly installed as the W . M . This interesting cere"wny was weli performe ( j by the Secretary , Bro . T . Searle P . M ., *? 7 assisted bv Brother C . Soence-Bate . in a Board of Installed
pasters consisting of Bros . J . B . Gover , E . Aitken Davies , F . J . ¦^ ratt , H . Cole , T . C . Lewarne , W . Boxall , J . Gidley , H . Langmaid . ^ , ote of thnnks was passed in favour of the D . Prov . G . M . and tho sitors . The following brethren were appointed as the Officers for ho
' ensuing year : —F . J . Pratt I . P . M ., Richard Lavers S . W ., T . D , ord J . ^ H . Cole Treasurer , T . Searle Secretary , G . H . Grills M . O ., * 'ohard King jnn . S . O ., W . Crimps J . O ., J . D . Cobbledick M . O ., W . T ?„ I I - -i James Horton I . G ., W . Boxall P . M . M . C ., A . S , « oyte Tyler .
and -wharAT i p f ' ' ~ Ind \ S stion . —How much thought has been bestowed , tressin , r nm ' non 8 treatises have been written upon this universal and dis'o ' apae ht 1 SeaS 0 ' ieh is with certainty and safety dispelled without fear of 'lirectlr nr . ' ti . 0 nr 3 e ° ^ " purifying 1 , soothing and tonic medicine ! It acts effectively M stoma . > liver , and bowels—tunn indirectly , though no less tflr < "i « hon ' i ° fS brain , nerves , vessels , atul glands , introducing such order ^ action * TI entlre system that harmony dwells between each organ and its tav & y ' g pin ybpe P sia ncett n 0 longer be the bugbear of the public , since Holies of imn ? , M'y competent to subduo the most chronic and distressing length o £ S S . "isestion , and to restore the miserable sufferer to health , 6 a > an d cheerfulness .
Order Of The Temple.
Eoyal Veterans Encampment , No . 10 . —The annual convocation of the " United Religious and Military Orders of the Temple" was held at t " he Huyshe Masonio Temple , on Friday , 17 th inst ., when E . Sir Knight Francis Beer Westlake P . P . G . D . C . was dnly installed as the Eminent Commander . The ceremony was by special request most impressively performed by E . Sir Knight C .
F . Matier P . E . C . and K . C . T . of the Order , assisted by E . Sir Knight Col . Fitz Gerald P . E . C . P . 2 nd Cap . Eng . P . P . 1 st C , I , Watts P . E . C . P . P . G . T ., J . Batten Gover P . E . C . P . P . G . T ., L . D . Westcott P . E . C . P . P . G . M ., E . Aitken Davies P . E . C . P . P . G . Y . C ., J . H . Keats P . E . C . P . P . G . H ., and others . The following Officers were appointed for the year : —E . Sir Knight
S . L . R . Templer P . P . G . S . Wks . P . E . C , John James 1 st Captain , George R . Barrett 2 nd Captain , E . Aitken Davies Prelate , Josiah Austin P . E . C . P . P . G . C . Treasurer , I . Watts Registrar , E . Binding Ex ., W . A . Fowler C . of L ., S . Jew P . E . C . P . P . G . T . H ., L . D . Westcott S . B ., J . B . Gover Almoner , W . W . Phillips G . A Priory of Malta was opened and two Fratres were incepted and installed ; after which a Board of Installed Priors was opened , and
herein E . Sir Knight Westlako was installed as E . Prior of the Priory . Sir Knight Matier again officiated , and he was warmly thanked by the assembled Fraters for kindly consenting , at short notice , to undertake such important ceremonies , so ably done . The Fraters adjourned for refection to the hostelry of Bro . Watts , the Globe . E . Sir Knight F . B . Westlake presided , and the nana ! loyal and Masonic toasts were fully honoured .
I . Watts , Colonel Fitz Gerald , J . J . Daw , J . H . Keats , L . D . Westcott . The usual business having been done , the following Officers were appointed : —J . Harris Square 1 st Capt ., W . M . St . Aubyn 2 nd Capt ,, Rev . T . W . Lemon Prelate , I . Watts Treasurer , T . S . Bayly Secretary , J . Jarrard Daw Expert , Colonel Fitz Gerald C . of L ., J . Rogers G .
Loyal Brunswick Preceptory . —The annual meeting of this Preceptory , was held at the Masonic Chaptor Room , St . George ' s Hall , East Stonehonse . The principal business was the installation of the V . E . Sir Knight J . Edward Curteis P . E . C . and Arch Treasurer of England . Sir Knight the Rev . T . W . Lemon performed the instal . lation , and he was assisted by Sir Knights C . F . Matier , J . B . Gover ,
Apologies from many Knights were received . Business finished , the Fraters adjoined to the Globe Hotel for the banquet —the banquet of the season . Sir Knight Curteis presided , and it goes without saying that a very pleasant evening was spent . The speciality was the " Health of the Queen " ( who is tho patroness of the Order ) , and the Prince of Wales , " who is the Grand Master .
Ye Fraternitie Of Ye Rahere Almoners.
UNDER the patronage of the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor , the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex , Alderman Figgins , Deputies and Members of the Court of Common Council , for the Ward Farringdon Without , a Grand Concert was given in the Memorial Hall , E . C ., on Wednesday , the 22 nd inst ., in aid of the funds . Thia Society has been established for the purpose of affording assistance
and relief to deserving and necessitous persons ; and in memory of the pious Founder of the ancient Priory of St . Bartholomew . It has been decided that its operations shall not , at any time , interfere with any existing lay or clerical institution for the furtherance of charity , but shall be an adjunct to or co-operator with them when circumstances permit .
On Wednesday , PART I . comprised—Part Songs , "Village Choristers" ( Moschelles ) , " May Day" ( Mnller ) , Choir ; Song , " Laura " ( Rastrelli ) , Miss Florence Cater ; Solo Yiolin ( Mendelssohn , Hauser ) , Aliss M . Schumann ; Song , " The Old and the Young Marie " ( Cowen ) , Miss Ellen Marchant ; Song , "The Raft ( H . Leslie ) ,
Mr . Bantock Pierpoint ; Duet Pianoforte , " Die Schone Galathe " ( F . von Snppe ) , Miss Alma Sanders and Mr . Humphrey J . Stark ; Song , " Love Knots" ( Barri ) , Mr . Harper Keartou : Songs , " When the Heart is Young , " "Twickenham Ferry , " Miss Docking ; Song , "Distant Shore , " Mr . Wakefield Reeves .
PART II . —Solo Pianoforte , " Olivette" ( B . Smith ) , Madlle . Fienrella ; Solo and Chorus , " Gipsies'Tent" ( T . Cooke ) , Choir ; Song , " The Miller and the Maid " ( Marzials ) , Miss Florence Cater ; Solo Pianoforte , "Bonree" ( Alma Sanders ) , Miss Alma Saunders ; Song , "O mio Fernando" ( Donizetti ) , Miss Ellen Marchant ; Song ,
"I Fear no Foe" ( Pmsuti ) , Mr . Bantock Pierpoint ; Chorus of Soldiers in Faust" ( Gounod ) , Choir ; Song , " Ehren on the Rhine " ( Hutchinson ) , Mr . Harper Kearton , The Entertainment throughout was of a very satisfactory character , the applause in many instances being enthusiastic . The National Anthem brought the proceedings to a close .
The monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Joshua Nunn , President , presided , Bro . James Brett , Junior Vice-President , occupied the Senior Vice-President ' s chair , and Bro . J . H . Matthews was placed in the Junior
Vice-President s chair . There was a large attendance of brethren . Grants recommended at last meeting of the Lodge , to the amount of £ 195 , were first confirmed . There were
thirty-nine cases on the new list . Of these , one was dismissed , and six were deferred . The remainder were relieved , with a total of £ 900 . The Lodge sat more than four hours .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Zealand.
tion was offered by the D . G . Chaplain , and grand honours were accorded ; after which the Chairman of Trnstees addressed the D . G . M ., and the architeot , Bro . Skinner , presented the plans , which were duly received . The dedication hymn , " 0 First and Sole Foundation , " was sung , and tho D . G . M . addressed the brethren on the duty which they had met to perform . A procession of Grand
Lodge Officers was formed , and halting at the pedestal , the D . G . M . sprinkled salt , and dedicated the hall to Masonry , the choir singing " Genias of Masonry . " Bro . Pierce P . G . M . I . C . scattered corn , and dedicated the hall to Virtue ; and Bro . the Hon . F . Whitaker P . G . M . S . C ., poured the wine , dedicating the hall to Universal
Benevolence ; Bro . Graham D . G . M ., dropping the oil , and dedicating the hall to all the purposes of Masonry . Each act of dedication was recognised by grand honours , and the verses of the consecration hymn were sung in the intervals as the procession abvanced around the hall . Bro . the Hon . F . Whitaker then addressed the brethren . He said
it was now his duty and pleasure on this interesting occasion to offer a few remarks . Many of them would recollect that , a few months ago , they had met to lay the foundation-stone of this structure , and he trusted they were now al ! satisfied with it . It had been an ancient onstom to dedicate and consecrate buildings of this class , but they must not confound conseoration with dedication .
They had met here to consecrate this handsome temple , under the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe , to Masonry . All Lodges must , when practicable , be held in a consecrated building , and they now set this place apart for the rites of Freemasonry , and he hoped it would long remain as a monument of the efforts of the brethren of the present day in . erecting a building worthy of the
Craft to which they belonged . He thought they might well be proud of what they had done . He had told them at the laying of the foundation-stone that , in the earliest days of the colony , Masonry had taken a firm root , but they did not dream then of laying the foundation of such a magnificent building as that in whioh they were assembled . It required great exertion on the part of the brethren to provide such a building as this , but it was an
advantage to wait , for now they had one entirely adequate , and they conld desire no better , —it had no equal in the colony . He hoped that in future the brethren would be more diligent in their attendance , and that their meetings would be worthy of the hall . No donbt many had reasonable objections to meeting in an hotel , but now that objection no loDger existed , for they had the best hall in New Zealand , if not in the Australian Colonies . But this had not been
accomplished without great effort . The cost was £ 3 , 500 . Already subscriptions to the amount of £ 2 , 100 had been received , leaving a debt of £ 1 , 400 . He hoped that debt would be soon wiped out , and felt sure it was not beyond their power to get rid of it . He had been requested to announce that a collection would be raised in the room for the building-fund . They now saw the position in which they
stood . Unity had enabled them to get this building , and he hoped they would live long in unity , and pull with a long pull , and a strong pull , and a pull altogether . Offerings were then received . Bro . Suiter , on behalf of the United Service Lodge , handed in £ 40 , in addition to what had already been subscribed . £ 10 were received from Coromandel
Lodge , and £ 30 from Mercnry Bay , The total received was £ 160 . The D . G . M ., after the chant "O Praise God" had been sung , addressed the brethren , congratulating them on the erection of the building . The closing hymn , " Now the evening shodows , " was sung , after which the District Grrnd Lodge was closed in due form , and the
Grand Lodge Officers retired in procession . The chairs were then resumed by the W . M . and Officers of the Ara Lodge , and the Lodge was closed in peace , love , and harmony . On the following evening , a grand ball was held in the Choral Hall , in honour of the occasion , and was attended by all the beauty , wealth , and fashion of Auckland District . —fleiv Zealand Freemason .
Mark Masonry.
HAWTOff LODGE , No . 100 . TIHE yearly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , 8 th ¦ *• instant , at the Masonic Rooms in Ivybridge . After the advancement of three brethren of the Craft Lodge , and the admission ° * a joining member , Bro . W . H . Maekey , the unanimous choice of we Lod ge was duly installed as the W . M . This interesting cere"wny was weli performe ( j by the Secretary , Bro . T . Searle P . M ., *? 7 assisted bv Brother C . Soence-Bate . in a Board of Installed
pasters consisting of Bros . J . B . Gover , E . Aitken Davies , F . J . ¦^ ratt , H . Cole , T . C . Lewarne , W . Boxall , J . Gidley , H . Langmaid . ^ , ote of thnnks was passed in favour of the D . Prov . G . M . and tho sitors . The following brethren were appointed as the Officers for ho
' ensuing year : —F . J . Pratt I . P . M ., Richard Lavers S . W ., T . D , ord J . ^ H . Cole Treasurer , T . Searle Secretary , G . H . Grills M . O ., * 'ohard King jnn . S . O ., W . Crimps J . O ., J . D . Cobbledick M . O ., W . T ?„ I I - -i James Horton I . G ., W . Boxall P . M . M . C ., A . S , « oyte Tyler .
and -wharAT i p f ' ' ~ Ind \ S stion . —How much thought has been bestowed , tressin , r nm ' non 8 treatises have been written upon this universal and dis'o ' apae ht 1 SeaS 0 ' ieh is with certainty and safety dispelled without fear of 'lirectlr nr . ' ti . 0 nr 3 e ° ^ " purifying 1 , soothing and tonic medicine ! It acts effectively M stoma . > liver , and bowels—tunn indirectly , though no less tflr < "i « hon ' i ° fS brain , nerves , vessels , atul glands , introducing such order ^ action * TI entlre system that harmony dwells between each organ and its tav & y ' g pin ybpe P sia ncett n 0 longer be the bugbear of the public , since Holies of imn ? , M'y competent to subduo the most chronic and distressing length o £ S S . "isestion , and to restore the miserable sufferer to health , 6 a > an d cheerfulness .
Order Of The Temple.
Eoyal Veterans Encampment , No . 10 . —The annual convocation of the " United Religious and Military Orders of the Temple" was held at t " he Huyshe Masonio Temple , on Friday , 17 th inst ., when E . Sir Knight Francis Beer Westlake P . P . G . D . C . was dnly installed as the Eminent Commander . The ceremony was by special request most impressively performed by E . Sir Knight C .
F . Matier P . E . C . and K . C . T . of the Order , assisted by E . Sir Knight Col . Fitz Gerald P . E . C . P . 2 nd Cap . Eng . P . P . 1 st C , I , Watts P . E . C . P . P . G . T ., J . Batten Gover P . E . C . P . P . G . T ., L . D . Westcott P . E . C . P . P . G . M ., E . Aitken Davies P . E . C . P . P . G . Y . C ., J . H . Keats P . E . C . P . P . G . H ., and others . The following Officers were appointed for the year : —E . Sir Knight
S . L . R . Templer P . P . G . S . Wks . P . E . C , John James 1 st Captain , George R . Barrett 2 nd Captain , E . Aitken Davies Prelate , Josiah Austin P . E . C . P . P . G . C . Treasurer , I . Watts Registrar , E . Binding Ex ., W . A . Fowler C . of L ., S . Jew P . E . C . P . P . G . T . H ., L . D . Westcott S . B ., J . B . Gover Almoner , W . W . Phillips G . A Priory of Malta was opened and two Fratres were incepted and installed ; after which a Board of Installed Priors was opened , and
herein E . Sir Knight Westlako was installed as E . Prior of the Priory . Sir Knight Matier again officiated , and he was warmly thanked by the assembled Fraters for kindly consenting , at short notice , to undertake such important ceremonies , so ably done . The Fraters adjourned for refection to the hostelry of Bro . Watts , the Globe . E . Sir Knight F . B . Westlake presided , and the nana ! loyal and Masonic toasts were fully honoured .
I . Watts , Colonel Fitz Gerald , J . J . Daw , J . H . Keats , L . D . Westcott . The usual business having been done , the following Officers were appointed : —J . Harris Square 1 st Capt ., W . M . St . Aubyn 2 nd Capt ,, Rev . T . W . Lemon Prelate , I . Watts Treasurer , T . S . Bayly Secretary , J . Jarrard Daw Expert , Colonel Fitz Gerald C . of L ., J . Rogers G .
Loyal Brunswick Preceptory . —The annual meeting of this Preceptory , was held at the Masonic Chaptor Room , St . George ' s Hall , East Stonehonse . The principal business was the installation of the V . E . Sir Knight J . Edward Curteis P . E . C . and Arch Treasurer of England . Sir Knight the Rev . T . W . Lemon performed the instal . lation , and he was assisted by Sir Knights C . F . Matier , J . B . Gover ,
Apologies from many Knights were received . Business finished , the Fraters adjoined to the Globe Hotel for the banquet —the banquet of the season . Sir Knight Curteis presided , and it goes without saying that a very pleasant evening was spent . The speciality was the " Health of the Queen " ( who is tho patroness of the Order ) , and the Prince of Wales , " who is the Grand Master .
Ye Fraternitie Of Ye Rahere Almoners.
UNDER the patronage of the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor , the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex , Alderman Figgins , Deputies and Members of the Court of Common Council , for the Ward Farringdon Without , a Grand Concert was given in the Memorial Hall , E . C ., on Wednesday , the 22 nd inst ., in aid of the funds . Thia Society has been established for the purpose of affording assistance
and relief to deserving and necessitous persons ; and in memory of the pious Founder of the ancient Priory of St . Bartholomew . It has been decided that its operations shall not , at any time , interfere with any existing lay or clerical institution for the furtherance of charity , but shall be an adjunct to or co-operator with them when circumstances permit .
On Wednesday , PART I . comprised—Part Songs , "Village Choristers" ( Moschelles ) , " May Day" ( Mnller ) , Choir ; Song , " Laura " ( Rastrelli ) , Miss Florence Cater ; Solo Yiolin ( Mendelssohn , Hauser ) , Aliss M . Schumann ; Song , " The Old and the Young Marie " ( Cowen ) , Miss Ellen Marchant ; Song , "The Raft ( H . Leslie ) ,
Mr . Bantock Pierpoint ; Duet Pianoforte , " Die Schone Galathe " ( F . von Snppe ) , Miss Alma Sanders and Mr . Humphrey J . Stark ; Song , " Love Knots" ( Barri ) , Mr . Harper Keartou : Songs , " When the Heart is Young , " "Twickenham Ferry , " Miss Docking ; Song , "Distant Shore , " Mr . Wakefield Reeves .
PART II . —Solo Pianoforte , " Olivette" ( B . Smith ) , Madlle . Fienrella ; Solo and Chorus , " Gipsies'Tent" ( T . Cooke ) , Choir ; Song , " The Miller and the Maid " ( Marzials ) , Miss Florence Cater ; Solo Pianoforte , "Bonree" ( Alma Sanders ) , Miss Alma Saunders ; Song , "O mio Fernando" ( Donizetti ) , Miss Ellen Marchant ; Song ,
"I Fear no Foe" ( Pmsuti ) , Mr . Bantock Pierpoint ; Chorus of Soldiers in Faust" ( Gounod ) , Choir ; Song , " Ehren on the Rhine " ( Hutchinson ) , Mr . Harper Kearton , The Entertainment throughout was of a very satisfactory character , the applause in many instances being enthusiastic . The National Anthem brought the proceedings to a close .
The monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Joshua Nunn , President , presided , Bro . James Brett , Junior Vice-President , occupied the Senior Vice-President ' s chair , and Bro . J . H . Matthews was placed in the Junior
Vice-President s chair . There was a large attendance of brethren . Grants recommended at last meeting of the Lodge , to the amount of £ 195 , were first confirmed . There were
thirty-nine cases on the new list . Of these , one was dismissed , and six were deferred . The remainder were relieved , with a total of £ 900 . The Lodge sat more than four hours .