Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 2 →
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Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries oi * the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with , a list of their Days of Meeting , & c , as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
SATURDAY , 26 th . JANUARY . 193-Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) ltti-l—Ecclcston , Grosvenor Club , Ebnry-square , Pimlico , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Resent-street , nt 8 . 1293—Burdett , Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court .
MONDAY , 28 th JANUARY . 1—Royal Somerset House and Inverness , Freemasons' Hall . 15—Strong Man , Old Rodney ' s Head , Vi Okl-st ., near Goswell-nl ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) 171—Sincerity , Railway Tavern , London-street , E . G ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) ISO—St . James's Union , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 130 U—St . John of Wappinij . Gun Hotel , Hujh-st ., Wappinjr , at 8 . ( Instruction . )
1125—Hyde Park , Tlio Wcstbouruc , Cravon-rd ., Paddington , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) HS 9—Marquess ot liipoti , Pembury Tavern , Amhurst-rd ., Hackney , at 7 . ( Inst . ) 1023—West SmithflcUl , New Market Hotel , Kimj-st ., Snow-hill , at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1 H 25—Tredegar , Royal Hotel , Mile End-road , corner of Burdett-road . ( Inst . ) 1632—Stuart , Surrey Masonic Hall , Cambenvell . London Masonic Club Lodgo of Instruction , 101 Queen Victoria-st ,, E . G ., at B , on 2 nd and 1 th Mondays in each month .
48—Industry , Freemasons' Hall , West-street , Gateshead . 1177—Tenby , Royal Assembly Rooms , Tonby , Pembroke . M . M . 146—Moore , Athenaium , Lancaster .
TUESDAY , 29 th JANUARY . Audit Committee , Girls' School , at 4 . Provincial Grand Chapter , Berks and Bucks , Masonic Hall , Windsor , at 12 . 65—Constitutional , Bedford Hotel , Southamptou-bldgs ., Holborn , at 7 . ( Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Loadonhall-itroet , E . G ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1-11—Faith , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . O . 177—Domatic , Surrey Masonio Hall , Cambenvell , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 651—Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . ( Instruction . )
753—Prince Frederick William , Lord s Hotel , St . Johns Wood , at 8 . ( Inst . ) 8 ti 0—Dalhousie , Sisters' Tavern . Povvnall-road , Dalston , at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) M-16—Mount Edgcumbe , 19 Jermyn-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1471—Islington , Three Bucks , Gresham-street , E . G ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1-172—Henley , Railway Tavern , Stratford New Town , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1507—Metropolitan , 2 U 9 Pentonville-road . ( Instruction . ) Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement , Jamaica Coffee House , Cornhill , at 7 ,
310—Union , Freemasons' Hall , Castle-street , Carlisle . 357—Apollo University , Masonic Hall , Oxford . j 673—Pei severance , Shenstono Hotel , Hales Owen . 1358—Torbay , Town Hall , Paignton .
WEDNESDAY , 30 th JANUARY . 193—Confidence , Railway Tavern , London-street , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 201—Jordan , Devonshire Arms , Devonshire-street , W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 638—La Tolerance , Horse and Groom , Wiusloy-strect , W ., at 7 .-15 . ( Inst . ) 781—Merchant Navy , Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , at 7 . 30 . instruction . ) 862— Whittington , Red Lion , Poppin's-court , Fleet-street , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1185—Lewis , King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green , at 7 . ( Instruction . )
1198—Urban , Tin Three Bucks . Gresham-street , at 0 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1288—Finsbury Park , Finsbury Pk . Tav ., Seven Sisters' -rd ., at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 1521- -Duke of Connaught , Havelock , Albion-road , Dalston , at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ] 1732—King ' s Cross , Metropolitan Club , 209 Pentonville Road , at 3 . 30 . ( Con . ) R . A . 177—Domatic , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regont-st ., at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) R . A . 1365—Clapton , White Hart Tavern , Clapton , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . )
098—Sondes , Eagle Hotel , East Dereham , Norfolk . 1-119—Royal Military , Masonic Hall , Canterbury , at 8 p . m . ( Instruction . ) loll—Alexandra , Masonic Hall , Hornsea , at 7 . 0 . ( Instruction . )
THURSDAY , 31 st JANUARY . General Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzroy-sq ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 15—Kent , Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G ., at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) ~ 87—Vitruvian , White Hart , College-street , Lambeth , at 8 . ( Instruction . )
435—Salisburv , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1319—Friars , Cheshire Cheese , Crutehed Friars , E . G ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1-120—The Great City , Masons' Hall , llasons ' -avenue , E . C . at 0 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1612—West Middlesex , Fe thers Hotel , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) R . A . 753—Prince Frederick William , Lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , at 8 . ( Inst . )
Ill—Restoration , Freemason's Hall , Archer-street , Darlington . 807—Cabbell , Masonic Hall , Theatre-street , Norwich . 960—St . Edward , Literary Institute , Leek , Stailbrd .
FRIDAY , 1 st FEBRUARY . Emulation Lodgo of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 607—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Hall , Cambenvell , at 7 . 30 . ( Instrnction . ) 760—William Preston , Feathers Tavern , Up . George-st ., Edgware-rd . ( Inst . ) 83-1—RiiiieUigh , Bell and Anchor , Hammersmith-road . ( Instruction . ) 002—Burgoyne , Grafton Arms , Prince of Wales-road , Kentish Town . ( Inst . ) 933—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 Whitcclwpel-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . )
1050—Metropolitan , Portugal Hotel , 155 Fleet-street , E . C . at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1227—Upton , Kmg and Queen , Norton Folgate , & . U ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 12 ( H )—Hervey , Punch ' s Tavern . 99 Fleet-street , B . C ., at , 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1278—Burdett Coutts , Approach Tavern , Victoria Psirk , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) I 2 » 8—Royal Standard , Alwyuo Castle , St . Paul ' s-road , Cauonbury , at 8 . ( in . ) 1305—Clapton , White Hurt , Lower Clapton , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ; . «! ' »—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Goulborne-rd . N . Kensington , at 7 . 30 . ( Inst . )
12 "—Union , Freemasons' Hull , Margate . ?> : «•—St . . Matthew , Dragon Hotel , W ' iilsall . ii . ' i—1 ,-iyul Berkshire of Hope , White Hart Hotel , Newbury . ( nil—St . John ' s , Wrekin Hotel , Uelliugtuii , Salop . li ' -iO—iifcft-. n , Adclphi Hotel , Liverpool . 709—luvicla , Corn Exchange , Queen-street , Ashford .
780—Royal Alned , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 830—Royal Gloucestershire , Bell Hotel , Gloucester . . 333—Atlielstau , Town Hall , Atherstone , Warwick . . 'JS 7—Chorlton , Miisouic Rooms , Chorlton Cum Hardy , 528—Frit , Red Lion Hotel , Newquay , Cornwall . 557—albert . Luward , Bush Hotel , Hexham , Northumberland . 501—Murcc . iiubu , Masonic Hall , Edward-street , Morecambe , Lancashire .
SATURDAY , 2 nd FEBRUARY . 198—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 572—Caruiirvou , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , E . C . 022—Rose , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camborwell . 021—Eecie-ton , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 . ( Instruction ) iinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at a . 1-h—Truth , rrivulc Rooms , Conservative Club , Newton Heath . Manchester .
Diary For The Week.
WEST YORKSHIRE . SATURDAY . 1462 —• lVharncliffo , Rose and Crown Hotel , Penistone . MONDAY . R . A . 302—Charity , New Masonic Hall , Darley-street , Bradford .
WEDNESDAY . 301—Philanthropic , Masonic Hall , Gt . George-street , Leeds . 439— Scientific , Private Room , Bingley . 1283—Ryburn , Private Rooms , Town Hall-street , Sowcrby Bridge . R . A . 258—Amphibious , Freemasons' Hall , Heckmondwike .
XHUKSDAY . 90-1—Phcenix , Ship Hotel , Rotherham . R . A . 275—Perseverance , Masonic Hall , South-parade , Huddersfield . R . A . 1214—Scarborough , Scarborough Hall , Caledonia-road , Botley . FRIDAY .
212—St . George , Guildhall , Doncaster . 300—Alfred , Masonic Hall , Kolsall-strcct , Leeds . 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliam-streot , Huddersfield . 837—Do Grey and Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon . 16-13—Prince of Wales , 09 Little Horton-lane , Bradford . SATURDAY . R . A . 308—Affability , Station Hotel , Bottoms , Eastwood .
EDINBURGH DISTRICT . MONDAY—319—St . Clair , Freemasons' Hall . FRIDAY—291—Celtic of Edinburgh and Leith , Ship Hotel , E . Register-street .
St . John ofWapping Lodge of Instruction , No . 1306 . The members met at the Gun Hotel , High-street , Wapping , oa Monday evening , at 8 o ' clock . Present—Bros . Mortlock P . M . W . M ., Baldwin S . W ., Jameison J . W ., Bratne Secretary , Cox S . D ., Bigg I . G ., and several others . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last
meeting were read aud confirmed . Bro . Wilson , a candidate for passing , answered the usual questions and withdrew . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Wilson candidate . Bro . Baldwin was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week .
Ivy Lodge , No . 1441 . —This Lodge held its nsnal meeting on Tuesday last , the 22 nd iust ,, at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road . The brethren present were—Bros . C . Poupard W . M ., } L . Cornellissen S . W ., W . Ashvvell J . W ., J . J . Cantle P . M ., 0 . S . Jolly i Secretary , G . Mattock P . M . Treasurer , Knig ht Smith S . D ., Forster J . D ., G . Skegg I . G ., aud about thirty of the brethren . Bros . Powell ,
Wyan , and Morley were raised to the sublime degree by the W . M ., in a most perfect manner , his working being excellent . The next business ( there being no passings or initiations ) was to elect a W . M . for the ensuing year , when the choice of the brethren was unanimous in favour of Bro . L . Cornellissen , a choice which redounds great credit npon the brethren , as he is a Mason in every way , both by act
and word ; both Treasurer and Secretary were re-elected . The names of several gentlemen were given in as anxious to join this young and prosperous Lodge . The Lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet room , where they sat down to a very plain , bat well cooked and substantial , supper , for this Lodge is very careful not to spend too much of its receipts on the fourth degree , as was shown
in the course of the evening , when Bro . P . M . Cantle responded to the toast of the Charities . As Steward of that Lodge next month , he would take up to the Festival of the Aged Masons a sum exceed , ing one hundred aud thirty pouuds , which for so young a Lodge speaks volumes . The brethren were much entertained by the excellent singing of Bro . J . John Cantle , and Bro . Knight Smith ; also the readings of Bro . Reynolds . This closed a most pleasent evening .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1524 . —At the Havelock Hotel , Albion-road , Dalston , on Wednesday evening , tho 23 rd inst . Present—Bros . E . Dignam W . M ., C . Lorkin S . W ., W . Robinson J . W ., G . Ferrar Treas ., E . Dietrich Sec , Woolley S . D ., J . Lorkin J . D ., Jameson I . G ., Fieldwick Preceptor , and Bros . J . B . Shackleton , Jones , Brasted , McMillan , C . Olley , McClean , li . Olley , Maples , Lee , Somers , Streeton . The Lodge having been
duiy opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and con firmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . McMillan candidate . The first four sections of the Lecture were worked by Bro . J . li . Shackleton , assisted by the brethren . Bro . C . Lorkin was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting . The Fifteen Sections will be worked in this Lodge on the first Wednesday in February .
West Smithfiold Lodge , No . 1623 . —The regular meeting was held on the 17 th inat ; ., at the JSew Market Hotel , West dmithrield . In tho unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . T . W . Adams , tho chair was occupied by Bro . J . SmiUi i ' . G . P . ; G . S . Elliot S . W ., J . J . Howes P . M . J . W ., F . Walters P . P . G . D . Middlesex
oec , J . Johnson S . JD ., E . Mallett W . M . 141 us J . L ) ., A . Black ... M . ISO I . G ., W . Pennefather P . M . D . C , W . Malthouse Steward , T . McButt W . S ., & c . The Lodgo was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . The acting W . M . then initiated Mr . Samuel Hume , passed Bro , J . Howard , and raised Bros . W . McCluer Butt , C . Goodwin , W . Morton and J . Chapman . Several pro positions for initiatio n
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries oi * the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with , a list of their Days of Meeting , & c , as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
SATURDAY , 26 th . JANUARY . 193-Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) ltti-l—Ecclcston , Grosvenor Club , Ebnry-square , Pimlico , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Resent-street , nt 8 . 1293—Burdett , Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court .
MONDAY , 28 th JANUARY . 1—Royal Somerset House and Inverness , Freemasons' Hall . 15—Strong Man , Old Rodney ' s Head , Vi Okl-st ., near Goswell-nl ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) 171—Sincerity , Railway Tavern , London-street , E . G ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) ISO—St . James's Union , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 130 U—St . John of Wappinij . Gun Hotel , Hujh-st ., Wappinjr , at 8 . ( Instruction . )
1125—Hyde Park , Tlio Wcstbouruc , Cravon-rd ., Paddington , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) HS 9—Marquess ot liipoti , Pembury Tavern , Amhurst-rd ., Hackney , at 7 . ( Inst . ) 1023—West SmithflcUl , New Market Hotel , Kimj-st ., Snow-hill , at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1 H 25—Tredegar , Royal Hotel , Mile End-road , corner of Burdett-road . ( Inst . ) 1632—Stuart , Surrey Masonic Hall , Cambenvell . London Masonic Club Lodgo of Instruction , 101 Queen Victoria-st ,, E . G ., at B , on 2 nd and 1 th Mondays in each month .
48—Industry , Freemasons' Hall , West-street , Gateshead . 1177—Tenby , Royal Assembly Rooms , Tonby , Pembroke . M . M . 146—Moore , Athenaium , Lancaster .
TUESDAY , 29 th JANUARY . Audit Committee , Girls' School , at 4 . Provincial Grand Chapter , Berks and Bucks , Masonic Hall , Windsor , at 12 . 65—Constitutional , Bedford Hotel , Southamptou-bldgs ., Holborn , at 7 . ( Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Loadonhall-itroet , E . G ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1-11—Faith , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . O . 177—Domatic , Surrey Masonio Hall , Cambenvell , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 651—Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . ( Instruction . )
753—Prince Frederick William , Lord s Hotel , St . Johns Wood , at 8 . ( Inst . ) 8 ti 0—Dalhousie , Sisters' Tavern . Povvnall-road , Dalston , at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) M-16—Mount Edgcumbe , 19 Jermyn-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1471—Islington , Three Bucks , Gresham-street , E . G ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1-172—Henley , Railway Tavern , Stratford New Town , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1507—Metropolitan , 2 U 9 Pentonville-road . ( Instruction . ) Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement , Jamaica Coffee House , Cornhill , at 7 ,
310—Union , Freemasons' Hall , Castle-street , Carlisle . 357—Apollo University , Masonic Hall , Oxford . j 673—Pei severance , Shenstono Hotel , Hales Owen . 1358—Torbay , Town Hall , Paignton .
WEDNESDAY , 30 th JANUARY . 193—Confidence , Railway Tavern , London-street , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 201—Jordan , Devonshire Arms , Devonshire-street , W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 638—La Tolerance , Horse and Groom , Wiusloy-strect , W ., at 7 .-15 . ( Inst . ) 781—Merchant Navy , Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , at 7 . 30 . instruction . ) 862— Whittington , Red Lion , Poppin's-court , Fleet-street , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1185—Lewis , King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green , at 7 . ( Instruction . )
1198—Urban , Tin Three Bucks . Gresham-street , at 0 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1288—Finsbury Park , Finsbury Pk . Tav ., Seven Sisters' -rd ., at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 1521- -Duke of Connaught , Havelock , Albion-road , Dalston , at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ] 1732—King ' s Cross , Metropolitan Club , 209 Pentonville Road , at 3 . 30 . ( Con . ) R . A . 177—Domatic , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regont-st ., at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) R . A . 1365—Clapton , White Hart Tavern , Clapton , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . )
098—Sondes , Eagle Hotel , East Dereham , Norfolk . 1-119—Royal Military , Masonic Hall , Canterbury , at 8 p . m . ( Instruction . ) loll—Alexandra , Masonic Hall , Hornsea , at 7 . 0 . ( Instruction . )
THURSDAY , 31 st JANUARY . General Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzroy-sq ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 15—Kent , Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G ., at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) ~ 87—Vitruvian , White Hart , College-street , Lambeth , at 8 . ( Instruction . )
435—Salisburv , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1319—Friars , Cheshire Cheese , Crutehed Friars , E . G ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1-120—The Great City , Masons' Hall , llasons ' -avenue , E . C . at 0 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1612—West Middlesex , Fe thers Hotel , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) R . A . 753—Prince Frederick William , Lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , at 8 . ( Inst . )
Ill—Restoration , Freemason's Hall , Archer-street , Darlington . 807—Cabbell , Masonic Hall , Theatre-street , Norwich . 960—St . Edward , Literary Institute , Leek , Stailbrd .
FRIDAY , 1 st FEBRUARY . Emulation Lodgo of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 607—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Hall , Cambenvell , at 7 . 30 . ( Instrnction . ) 760—William Preston , Feathers Tavern , Up . George-st ., Edgware-rd . ( Inst . ) 83-1—RiiiieUigh , Bell and Anchor , Hammersmith-road . ( Instruction . ) 002—Burgoyne , Grafton Arms , Prince of Wales-road , Kentish Town . ( Inst . ) 933—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 Whitcclwpel-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . )
1050—Metropolitan , Portugal Hotel , 155 Fleet-street , E . C . at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1227—Upton , Kmg and Queen , Norton Folgate , & . U ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 12 ( H )—Hervey , Punch ' s Tavern . 99 Fleet-street , B . C ., at , 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1278—Burdett Coutts , Approach Tavern , Victoria Psirk , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) I 2 » 8—Royal Standard , Alwyuo Castle , St . Paul ' s-road , Cauonbury , at 8 . ( in . ) 1305—Clapton , White Hurt , Lower Clapton , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ; . «! ' »—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Goulborne-rd . N . Kensington , at 7 . 30 . ( Inst . )
12 "—Union , Freemasons' Hull , Margate . ?> : «•—St . . Matthew , Dragon Hotel , W ' iilsall . ii . ' i—1 ,-iyul Berkshire of Hope , White Hart Hotel , Newbury . ( nil—St . John ' s , Wrekin Hotel , Uelliugtuii , Salop . li ' -iO—iifcft-. n , Adclphi Hotel , Liverpool . 709—luvicla , Corn Exchange , Queen-street , Ashford .
780—Royal Alned , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 830—Royal Gloucestershire , Bell Hotel , Gloucester . . 333—Atlielstau , Town Hall , Atherstone , Warwick . . 'JS 7—Chorlton , Miisouic Rooms , Chorlton Cum Hardy , 528—Frit , Red Lion Hotel , Newquay , Cornwall . 557—albert . Luward , Bush Hotel , Hexham , Northumberland . 501—Murcc . iiubu , Masonic Hall , Edward-street , Morecambe , Lancashire .
SATURDAY , 2 nd FEBRUARY . 198—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 572—Caruiirvou , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , E . C . 022—Rose , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camborwell . 021—Eecie-ton , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 . ( Instruction ) iinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at a . 1-h—Truth , rrivulc Rooms , Conservative Club , Newton Heath . Manchester .
Diary For The Week.
WEST YORKSHIRE . SATURDAY . 1462 —• lVharncliffo , Rose and Crown Hotel , Penistone . MONDAY . R . A . 302—Charity , New Masonic Hall , Darley-street , Bradford .
WEDNESDAY . 301—Philanthropic , Masonic Hall , Gt . George-street , Leeds . 439— Scientific , Private Room , Bingley . 1283—Ryburn , Private Rooms , Town Hall-street , Sowcrby Bridge . R . A . 258—Amphibious , Freemasons' Hall , Heckmondwike .
XHUKSDAY . 90-1—Phcenix , Ship Hotel , Rotherham . R . A . 275—Perseverance , Masonic Hall , South-parade , Huddersfield . R . A . 1214—Scarborough , Scarborough Hall , Caledonia-road , Botley . FRIDAY .
212—St . George , Guildhall , Doncaster . 300—Alfred , Masonic Hall , Kolsall-strcct , Leeds . 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliam-streot , Huddersfield . 837—Do Grey and Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon . 16-13—Prince of Wales , 09 Little Horton-lane , Bradford . SATURDAY . R . A . 308—Affability , Station Hotel , Bottoms , Eastwood .
EDINBURGH DISTRICT . MONDAY—319—St . Clair , Freemasons' Hall . FRIDAY—291—Celtic of Edinburgh and Leith , Ship Hotel , E . Register-street .
St . John ofWapping Lodge of Instruction , No . 1306 . The members met at the Gun Hotel , High-street , Wapping , oa Monday evening , at 8 o ' clock . Present—Bros . Mortlock P . M . W . M ., Baldwin S . W ., Jameison J . W ., Bratne Secretary , Cox S . D ., Bigg I . G ., and several others . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last
meeting were read aud confirmed . Bro . Wilson , a candidate for passing , answered the usual questions and withdrew . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Wilson candidate . Bro . Baldwin was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week .
Ivy Lodge , No . 1441 . —This Lodge held its nsnal meeting on Tuesday last , the 22 nd iust ,, at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road . The brethren present were—Bros . C . Poupard W . M ., } L . Cornellissen S . W ., W . Ashvvell J . W ., J . J . Cantle P . M ., 0 . S . Jolly i Secretary , G . Mattock P . M . Treasurer , Knig ht Smith S . D ., Forster J . D ., G . Skegg I . G ., aud about thirty of the brethren . Bros . Powell ,
Wyan , and Morley were raised to the sublime degree by the W . M ., in a most perfect manner , his working being excellent . The next business ( there being no passings or initiations ) was to elect a W . M . for the ensuing year , when the choice of the brethren was unanimous in favour of Bro . L . Cornellissen , a choice which redounds great credit npon the brethren , as he is a Mason in every way , both by act
and word ; both Treasurer and Secretary were re-elected . The names of several gentlemen were given in as anxious to join this young and prosperous Lodge . The Lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet room , where they sat down to a very plain , bat well cooked and substantial , supper , for this Lodge is very careful not to spend too much of its receipts on the fourth degree , as was shown
in the course of the evening , when Bro . P . M . Cantle responded to the toast of the Charities . As Steward of that Lodge next month , he would take up to the Festival of the Aged Masons a sum exceed , ing one hundred aud thirty pouuds , which for so young a Lodge speaks volumes . The brethren were much entertained by the excellent singing of Bro . J . John Cantle , and Bro . Knight Smith ; also the readings of Bro . Reynolds . This closed a most pleasent evening .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1524 . —At the Havelock Hotel , Albion-road , Dalston , on Wednesday evening , tho 23 rd inst . Present—Bros . E . Dignam W . M ., C . Lorkin S . W ., W . Robinson J . W ., G . Ferrar Treas ., E . Dietrich Sec , Woolley S . D ., J . Lorkin J . D ., Jameson I . G ., Fieldwick Preceptor , and Bros . J . B . Shackleton , Jones , Brasted , McMillan , C . Olley , McClean , li . Olley , Maples , Lee , Somers , Streeton . The Lodge having been
duiy opened , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and con firmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . McMillan candidate . The first four sections of the Lecture were worked by Bro . J . li . Shackleton , assisted by the brethren . Bro . C . Lorkin was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting . The Fifteen Sections will be worked in this Lodge on the first Wednesday in February .
West Smithfiold Lodge , No . 1623 . —The regular meeting was held on the 17 th inat ; ., at the JSew Market Hotel , West dmithrield . In tho unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . T . W . Adams , tho chair was occupied by Bro . J . SmiUi i ' . G . P . ; G . S . Elliot S . W ., J . J . Howes P . M . J . W ., F . Walters P . P . G . D . Middlesex
oec , J . Johnson S . JD ., E . Mallett W . M . 141 us J . L ) ., A . Black ... M . ISO I . G ., W . Pennefather P . M . D . C , W . Malthouse Steward , T . McButt W . S ., & c . The Lodgo was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . The acting W . M . then initiated Mr . Samuel Hume , passed Bro , J . Howard , and raised Bros . W . McCluer Butt , C . Goodwin , W . Morton and J . Chapman . Several pro positions for initiatio n