Article Untitled ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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and joining woro handed in to the Secretary , and the Lodge was closed , until the 2 lst March . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . T . Butt , personally superintended by his sons . Bro . J . Smith presided , and proposed the nsual Loyal and Masonio toasts , which wore duly honoured , and au agreeable evening passed . The visitors were Bros . E . Clark 1 586 and W . Morton 1423 .
Earl of Carnarvon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1642 . — A meeting was held on Friday , 18 th Jannary , at the Mitre Hotel , Goulborno-road , Notting Hill . Present—Bros . Smout sen . W . M ., Murlis P . M . S . W ., Penn W . M . J . W ., Smout jun . Sec , Tettenborn S . D ., Poulter J . D ., Spiegel I . G ., Savage P . M . Preceptor ; Bros . Lichtwitz , Hatton , Wood , DeHaye , Bartle jun ., and others . After
preliminaries , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Bavfcle candidate . Tho Secretary read the report of the Committee appointed to arrange tbe Bye-laws , which were approved by the members of the Lodge , aud ordered to be printed . Tho W . M . then banded to tho Socre'ary , for distribution , the announcement circulars for tho Earl
of Carnarvon Lodge Ball . A Committee , to be presided over by Bro . Penn W . M ., was appointed , and the 22 nd February fixed for the Ball to be hold . Tickets can be obtained of tho Stewards , or of Bro . Murlis P . M . Hon . Seo ., 154 Lancaster-road , W . 10 s 6 d for a gentleman ' s , 7 s 6 d for a lady ' s , and lGs for a double ticket ; to include supper .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
A SECOND meeting of the Board of Stewards for the approaching Festival of tbe Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution was held on Thursday last , at Freemasons' Hall . Tho minutes of the previous meeting having been disposed of , it was announced that permission had been received that the Grand Hall might be used for a concert
on the evening of tho Festival . The thanks of the meeting were recorded for such gracious permission . The other business of the meeting comprised tho discussion of musical arrangements , the
appointment of special Stewards , and the ballot for places at tho Festival , & c . The work being completed , the meeting was closed by a vote of thanks to the chairman .
Tho regulations to be observed ou the day of tho Festival are a follows : — 1 . —That each Steward do attend on tho day of the Festival at Five o ' clock , that proper arrangements may be made for the reception aud convenience of the Brethren .
2 . —That each Steward remain at his own table , and endeavour to prevail on the brethren under his banner to cease all conversation during the speeches and singing . 3 . —That during the speeches , each Steward keep his seat , so as not to interrupt the view of the speaker .
4 . —That each ladies Steward do appoint a brother of his own Lodge to act for him at the table during his necessary absence , with a request to conform to the preceding regulations . y . —Tli . 'H no brother be allowed in the Ladies' gallery , except the Inilit's' Stewards .
(> . — - i ! t ; it no lady be permitted to be introduced into the dining hall . 7 . —That for the sake of convenience the Stewards are requested
to prepare thoir ] several lists in the early part of the evening ( if they have not previously sent them in ) , and deliver them to the Secretary or Collector of the Institution . This arrangement will save much confusion .
How TO PROVE A Win . —Now the first step to be taken in " prov ing " is to ascertain who is the executor . There may be two or even more executors ; they will probably be expressly named by the document itself , but not necessarily so , for there is sometimes an " executor according to the tenor " of the will . Let us suppose that two executors have been so appointed , and that both are willing to
undertake the duties . The title of the executors is founded upon their testator ' s written will , and the latter also contains tho specific rules and limits of their conduct in administering the estate ; so that some act obviously requires to be done to give the will a legal stamp aud currency , and to afford evidence of the authority of the executors . This act is called " proving a will . " The executors have to be
sworn to a document called an oath , which identifies the " paper writing" annexed to it as the original will of the testator , and which declares that tho deponents ( or the persons taking tho oath ) are the executors named in such will , that they will well and faithfully administer the estate ; that the testator died at such a place on such a day ; and that the personal estate does not exceed so much . They
also make an alfidavit for the purposes of tbe Inland Revenue Offictas to the amount of tho testator ' s gross personal estate , so that the proper ad valorem stamp-duty may be paid . Tho original will is then deposited in the Court of Probate , and a compared copy of it , written on parchment , with the official seal attached , called the probate copy ,
is given to the executors as their title deed , so to speak . Before probate , however , the executors may perform all the ordinary acts ol administering a will , such as receiving and giving receipts for debts clue to the testator , paying his debts , and selling and assigning anj part of his personal estate . —From " Popular Papers on English Law , " u Cassll ' s Magazine ,
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The drawing ( in connection with Bro . W . W . Morgan jnn . 's ballot ) for Life Governorships of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution will take place on Tuesday , the 12 th February , at Bro . Maidwell ' s , the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street .
Tho Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 , ou Thursday , the 31 st inst ., at the Union Tavern , Air-street , "W . Lodgo will be opened at 7 o ' clock , by Bro . E . Farwig as W . M ., with Bros . Woods S . W ., Belfrage J . W ., and Mander Preceptor .
The banquet of the Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1625 , will be held on Monday , 28 th inst ., at 6 . 30 p . m ., at the Royal Hotel , Mile End-road . Bro . Geo . Huggett , the W . M .
of the Tredegar Lodge , No . 1625 , will preside on the occasion . Tickets , price 4 s each , may be had of Bro . G . Hollington , 87 Mile End-road , R , Hon . Sec , or of any Member of the Lodge .
In future the meetings of the Doric Lodge of Instruction , No . 933 , will be held at the Duke ' s Head , 79 Whitechapel-road , on Friday evenings . The proceedings will commence at 8 o ' clock .
Miss Fanny Albert , a favourite pupil of Sir Julius Benedict , and daughter of Bro . H . Albert P . M . No . 9 , has received from Sir Julius a certificate of merit , which testifies her thorough proficiency . We feel justified in predicting that this talented pianiste will eventually take foremost rank in her profession .
It was rumoured on Thursday evening that the Earls of Derby and Carnarvon had tendered their resignations to the Prime Minister , but nothing confirmatory had been heard up to the time of going to press .
It is reported that the sum for which the Chancellor of the Exchequer will ask the House of Commons to vote for the necessities of Her Majesty ' s Naval and . Military Services will be ten millions .
THE THEATRES , & c . HER MAJESTY'S . - This Evening and Tuesday , THE BOHEMIAN ' GIRL . On Monday , MARITANA . On Wednesday , FAUST . At 7 . 30 , each evening-. COVENT GARDEN .-At 7 . 0 , BREAKING THE SPELL . At 7 .-13 , PUSS IN BOOTS . DRURY LANE . —At 7 . 0 , THE DAY AFTER THE WEDDING , and THE WHITE CAT . HAYMARKET .-At 7 . 30 , HE LIES LIKE TRUTH . At 8 . 15 , ENGAGED . ADELPHI . —At 7 . 0 , SARAH'S YOUNG MAN . At 7 . 15 , FORMOSA . Ab 10 . 15 , PANTOMIME . PRINCESS'S— At 7 . 0 , OUT TO NURSE . At 7 . 45 , JANE SHORE . OLYMPIC—At 7 . 0 , A ROUGH DIAMOND . At 8 . 0 , TURN OF THE TIDE . STRAND—At 7 . 30 , FAMILY TIES . At 9 . 30 , THE RED ROVER . GAIETY .-At 7 . 30 , THE GRASSHOPPER . At 9 . 15 , FAUST . GLOBE ! . —At 7 . 0 , A HOUSEHOLD FAIRY . At 7 . 15 , A FOOL AND HIS MONEY and ICI ON PARLE FRANCAIS . VAUDEVILLE . —At 7 . 30 , A WHIRLIGIG . At 8 . 0 , OUR BOYS , and A FEARFUL FOG . PRINCE OE WALES'S . —At 8 . 0 , DIPLOMACY . LYCEUM—At 7 , THE IRISH TUTOR . This evening and Wednesday , THE BELLS , Monday and Thursday , CHARLES I ., Tuesday aud Friday , THE LYON'S MAIL , & c . OPERA COMIQUE .-At 8 , DORA'S DREAM , THE SORCERER , & c . COURT . —VICTIMS , & c . CRITERION . —At 7 . 30 , THE PORTER'S KNOT . At 8 .-15 , PINK DOMINOES . ST . JAMES'S—At 8 . 0 , THE LADY OF LYONS . DUKE'S .-At 7 . 30 , FARCE , nnd SARDANAPALUS . FOLLY—At 7 . 30 , PEACOCK'S HOLIDAY , aud A NIGHT OF TERROR , s ? , OYM , TY .-At 7 . 30 , LOVE'S ALAi' . MH . At 9 . 13 , LA MARJOLA 1 NE , QUEEN'S . —At 7 . 30 . FARCK . At 8 . 0 . FATHERLAND . AJ . HA . uLui . lA . —At 7 . 20 , FARCE . At a , WILDFIRE . PHILARMONIC—At 7 . 30 , COX AND BOX . At 8 . 30 , GENEVIEVE DB BRABANT . CRYSTAL PALACE .-CHRISTMAS ATTRACTIONS , PANTOMIME , & c . Open daily , Aijuarium , & c . ALEXANDRA PALACE . —CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT , PANTOMIME & c . Open daily , HIPt'ODRoAIE , A 1 ARAZ , & c . ROYAL AQUARIUM . —PANTOMIME , & c . EGYPTIAN ( LARUE HA Ti ^ J .-MASKELYNE AND COOKE . Daily at 3 and 8 o ' clock . lENGLER ' S CIRQUE .-Diuly at 2 . 30 and 7 . 30 . SANGEli'S AMPHITHEATRE .-PAN rOMIME Daily , at 2 and 7 . AGRICULTURAL HALL . —CHHJ'iTMAS AND NEW YEAR CAR . NIVAL Daily , at 2 and 7 . ROYAL POLYTEC > NIX- CHI- ' 3 TM IS HOLIDAY PROGRAMME . THE ROSB AND THE i ! lN tl WAR ; its History and Progress . TORPEDO WARPARK . UI ' CU-CXJIAS IN THK OLDE . X 1 'IiIE , Merry Shadows , & c . Admission t-j tlu ; whole , Is ; Reserve l stalls , 2 s Hd . Tickets can ho sent by post . Annual Tickets , available till 31 . st December im , 103 Cd ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and joining woro handed in to the Secretary , and the Lodge was closed , until the 2 lst March . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . T . Butt , personally superintended by his sons . Bro . J . Smith presided , and proposed the nsual Loyal and Masonio toasts , which wore duly honoured , and au agreeable evening passed . The visitors were Bros . E . Clark 1 586 and W . Morton 1423 .
Earl of Carnarvon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1642 . — A meeting was held on Friday , 18 th Jannary , at the Mitre Hotel , Goulborno-road , Notting Hill . Present—Bros . Smout sen . W . M ., Murlis P . M . S . W ., Penn W . M . J . W ., Smout jun . Sec , Tettenborn S . D ., Poulter J . D ., Spiegel I . G ., Savage P . M . Preceptor ; Bros . Lichtwitz , Hatton , Wood , DeHaye , Bartle jun ., and others . After
preliminaries , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Bavfcle candidate . Tho Secretary read the report of the Committee appointed to arrange tbe Bye-laws , which were approved by the members of the Lodge , aud ordered to be printed . Tho W . M . then banded to tho Socre'ary , for distribution , the announcement circulars for tho Earl
of Carnarvon Lodge Ball . A Committee , to be presided over by Bro . Penn W . M ., was appointed , and the 22 nd February fixed for the Ball to be hold . Tickets can be obtained of tho Stewards , or of Bro . Murlis P . M . Hon . Seo ., 154 Lancaster-road , W . 10 s 6 d for a gentleman ' s , 7 s 6 d for a lady ' s , and lGs for a double ticket ; to include supper .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
A SECOND meeting of the Board of Stewards for the approaching Festival of tbe Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution was held on Thursday last , at Freemasons' Hall . Tho minutes of the previous meeting having been disposed of , it was announced that permission had been received that the Grand Hall might be used for a concert
on the evening of tho Festival . The thanks of the meeting were recorded for such gracious permission . The other business of the meeting comprised tho discussion of musical arrangements , the
appointment of special Stewards , and the ballot for places at tho Festival , & c . The work being completed , the meeting was closed by a vote of thanks to the chairman .
Tho regulations to be observed ou the day of tho Festival are a follows : — 1 . —That each Steward do attend on tho day of the Festival at Five o ' clock , that proper arrangements may be made for the reception aud convenience of the Brethren .
2 . —That each Steward remain at his own table , and endeavour to prevail on the brethren under his banner to cease all conversation during the speeches and singing . 3 . —That during the speeches , each Steward keep his seat , so as not to interrupt the view of the speaker .
4 . —That each ladies Steward do appoint a brother of his own Lodge to act for him at the table during his necessary absence , with a request to conform to the preceding regulations . y . —Tli . 'H no brother be allowed in the Ladies' gallery , except the Inilit's' Stewards .
(> . — - i ! t ; it no lady be permitted to be introduced into the dining hall . 7 . —That for the sake of convenience the Stewards are requested
to prepare thoir ] several lists in the early part of the evening ( if they have not previously sent them in ) , and deliver them to the Secretary or Collector of the Institution . This arrangement will save much confusion .
How TO PROVE A Win . —Now the first step to be taken in " prov ing " is to ascertain who is the executor . There may be two or even more executors ; they will probably be expressly named by the document itself , but not necessarily so , for there is sometimes an " executor according to the tenor " of the will . Let us suppose that two executors have been so appointed , and that both are willing to
undertake the duties . The title of the executors is founded upon their testator ' s written will , and the latter also contains tho specific rules and limits of their conduct in administering the estate ; so that some act obviously requires to be done to give the will a legal stamp aud currency , and to afford evidence of the authority of the executors . This act is called " proving a will . " The executors have to be
sworn to a document called an oath , which identifies the " paper writing" annexed to it as the original will of the testator , and which declares that tho deponents ( or the persons taking tho oath ) are the executors named in such will , that they will well and faithfully administer the estate ; that the testator died at such a place on such a day ; and that the personal estate does not exceed so much . They
also make an alfidavit for the purposes of tbe Inland Revenue Offictas to the amount of tho testator ' s gross personal estate , so that the proper ad valorem stamp-duty may be paid . Tho original will is then deposited in the Court of Probate , and a compared copy of it , written on parchment , with the official seal attached , called the probate copy ,
is given to the executors as their title deed , so to speak . Before probate , however , the executors may perform all the ordinary acts ol administering a will , such as receiving and giving receipts for debts clue to the testator , paying his debts , and selling and assigning anj part of his personal estate . —From " Popular Papers on English Law , " u Cassll ' s Magazine ,
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The drawing ( in connection with Bro . W . W . Morgan jnn . 's ballot ) for Life Governorships of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution will take place on Tuesday , the 12 th February , at Bro . Maidwell ' s , the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street .
Tho Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 , ou Thursday , the 31 st inst ., at the Union Tavern , Air-street , "W . Lodgo will be opened at 7 o ' clock , by Bro . E . Farwig as W . M ., with Bros . Woods S . W ., Belfrage J . W ., and Mander Preceptor .
The banquet of the Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1625 , will be held on Monday , 28 th inst ., at 6 . 30 p . m ., at the Royal Hotel , Mile End-road . Bro . Geo . Huggett , the W . M .
of the Tredegar Lodge , No . 1625 , will preside on the occasion . Tickets , price 4 s each , may be had of Bro . G . Hollington , 87 Mile End-road , R , Hon . Sec , or of any Member of the Lodge .
In future the meetings of the Doric Lodge of Instruction , No . 933 , will be held at the Duke ' s Head , 79 Whitechapel-road , on Friday evenings . The proceedings will commence at 8 o ' clock .
Miss Fanny Albert , a favourite pupil of Sir Julius Benedict , and daughter of Bro . H . Albert P . M . No . 9 , has received from Sir Julius a certificate of merit , which testifies her thorough proficiency . We feel justified in predicting that this talented pianiste will eventually take foremost rank in her profession .
It was rumoured on Thursday evening that the Earls of Derby and Carnarvon had tendered their resignations to the Prime Minister , but nothing confirmatory had been heard up to the time of going to press .
It is reported that the sum for which the Chancellor of the Exchequer will ask the House of Commons to vote for the necessities of Her Majesty ' s Naval and . Military Services will be ten millions .
THE THEATRES , & c . HER MAJESTY'S . - This Evening and Tuesday , THE BOHEMIAN ' GIRL . On Monday , MARITANA . On Wednesday , FAUST . At 7 . 30 , each evening-. COVENT GARDEN .-At 7 . 0 , BREAKING THE SPELL . At 7 .-13 , PUSS IN BOOTS . DRURY LANE . —At 7 . 0 , THE DAY AFTER THE WEDDING , and THE WHITE CAT . HAYMARKET .-At 7 . 30 , HE LIES LIKE TRUTH . At 8 . 15 , ENGAGED . ADELPHI . —At 7 . 0 , SARAH'S YOUNG MAN . At 7 . 15 , FORMOSA . Ab 10 . 15 , PANTOMIME . PRINCESS'S— At 7 . 0 , OUT TO NURSE . At 7 . 45 , JANE SHORE . OLYMPIC—At 7 . 0 , A ROUGH DIAMOND . At 8 . 0 , TURN OF THE TIDE . STRAND—At 7 . 30 , FAMILY TIES . At 9 . 30 , THE RED ROVER . GAIETY .-At 7 . 30 , THE GRASSHOPPER . At 9 . 15 , FAUST . GLOBE ! . —At 7 . 0 , A HOUSEHOLD FAIRY . At 7 . 15 , A FOOL AND HIS MONEY and ICI ON PARLE FRANCAIS . VAUDEVILLE . —At 7 . 30 , A WHIRLIGIG . At 8 . 0 , OUR BOYS , and A FEARFUL FOG . PRINCE OE WALES'S . —At 8 . 0 , DIPLOMACY . LYCEUM—At 7 , THE IRISH TUTOR . This evening and Wednesday , THE BELLS , Monday and Thursday , CHARLES I ., Tuesday aud Friday , THE LYON'S MAIL , & c . OPERA COMIQUE .-At 8 , DORA'S DREAM , THE SORCERER , & c . COURT . —VICTIMS , & c . CRITERION . —At 7 . 30 , THE PORTER'S KNOT . At 8 .-15 , PINK DOMINOES . ST . JAMES'S—At 8 . 0 , THE LADY OF LYONS . DUKE'S .-At 7 . 30 , FARCE , nnd SARDANAPALUS . FOLLY—At 7 . 30 , PEACOCK'S HOLIDAY , aud A NIGHT OF TERROR , s ? , OYM , TY .-At 7 . 30 , LOVE'S ALAi' . MH . At 9 . 13 , LA MARJOLA 1 NE , QUEEN'S . —At 7 . 30 . FARCK . At 8 . 0 . FATHERLAND . AJ . HA . uLui . lA . —At 7 . 20 , FARCE . At a , WILDFIRE . PHILARMONIC—At 7 . 30 , COX AND BOX . At 8 . 30 , GENEVIEVE DB BRABANT . CRYSTAL PALACE .-CHRISTMAS ATTRACTIONS , PANTOMIME , & c . Open daily , Aijuarium , & c . ALEXANDRA PALACE . —CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT , PANTOMIME & c . Open daily , HIPt'ODRoAIE , A 1 ARAZ , & c . ROYAL AQUARIUM . —PANTOMIME , & c . EGYPTIAN ( LARUE HA Ti ^ J .-MASKELYNE AND COOKE . Daily at 3 and 8 o ' clock . lENGLER ' S CIRQUE .-Diuly at 2 . 30 and 7 . 30 . SANGEli'S AMPHITHEATRE .-PAN rOMIME Daily , at 2 and 7 . AGRICULTURAL HALL . —CHHJ'iTMAS AND NEW YEAR CAR . NIVAL Daily , at 2 and 7 . ROYAL POLYTEC > NIX- CHI- ' 3 TM IS HOLIDAY PROGRAMME . THE ROSB AND THE i ! lN tl WAR ; its History and Progress . TORPEDO WARPARK . UI ' CU-CXJIAS IN THK OLDE . X 1 'IiIE , Merry Shadows , & c . Admission t-j tlu ; whole , Is ; Reserve l stalls , 2 s Hd . Tickets can ho sent by post . Annual Tickets , available till 31 . st December im , 103 Cd ,