Article METROPOLITAN : INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN : INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Metropolitan : Instruction.
CONFIDENCE LODGE , No . 193 . THIS Lodge , which is under the able Preceptorship of Bro . W . Belchamber P . M ., assembled on Wednesday , at 7 o'clock , at Bro . G . Cooper's , the Globe Tavern , Fish Street Hill , London Bridge . Bro . T . Kington I . P . M . of the Mother Lodge acted as W . M ., with G . F . Bushell S . W ., M . Baillie J . W ., W . Belchambor P . M . Preceptor , J . K . Pitt P . P . G . S . B . Sec , C . H . Ash S . D ., G . Cooper J . D ., C . Foreman I . G ., H . Jones , W . Rose , W . Houghton , E . Ponnock W . M . 193 , J . Wynman , J . Rose , H . S . Woodcock , T . Wiffen .
The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Woodcock candidate . Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bros . Foreman and Jones answered tho questions leading to the third . The W . M . then vacated the chair in favour of Bro . E . Ponnock , who resumed the Lodge to the first degree . Bro . Belchamber , in his usual able manner , proposed Bro . Bushell as ° tho W . M . for next meeting , which was seconded and suitably responded
to . Bro . Kington I . P . M . proposed Bro . W . Houghton as a member , and on his election tho compliment was duly acknowledged .
WOODROW LODGE , No . 1708 . IT is with considerable ploasure we notice the regular attendance o £ members at this Lodge of Instruction , at the very comfortable quarters provided by Bro . W . H . G . Ruddorforth , host of Stone ' s Restaurant , Panton Street , Haymarkec . At the usual meeting at 3 o ' clock on Monday afternoon
the chair was occupied by Bro . J . E . Culverhouse , with Bros . A . Butcher S . W ., A . W . Musk J . W ., C . Woodrow P . M . Prec , J . W . Simeons Sec , J . H . Warwick S . D ., PI . Wood J . D ., A . Espezel I . G ., Rudderforth P . M ., Wavell P . M ., A . Bebronth P . M ., G . Detrez , C . Dyer , A . Menn , C . Antonelli , H . Rose , Firminger , F . Baker , J . Wynman , and others .
Tho Lodge was advanced to tho third degree and resumed to the first . Bro . Dyer offered himself as a . candidate , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed in a most perfect manner . The W . M . kindly vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Warwick , who rehearsed the second ceremony , with Bro . Culverhouse acting as candidate .
The Lodge was resumed to the first degree , and Bro . Woodrow Preceptor proposed that a hearty vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes for the excellent and faultless manner in which Bro . Culverhouse had occupied the chair as W . M . for the first time , which proposition was seconded , and unanimously accepted , the compliment being duly acknowledged . Bro . H . T . Rose , Faith Lodge , No . 141 ; G . Detrez , Finsbury Lodge , No . 861 ; and C . Antonelli , New Cross Lodge , No . 1559 , were elected members , and Bro . A . Butcher was unanimously chosen as W . M . for the next meeting .
* J u u KENSINGTON LODGE , No . 1767 . ON Tuesday , at the Town Hall Tavern , High Street , Kensington , W . ( which establishment is under the able management of Bro . H . Robinson ) , an excellent meeting was held to witness the working of the seven sections of tho first lecture . Tho Lodgo was opened punctually at 8 o'clock , under the able presidency of Bro . W . Hillier P . M . and Preceptor of the Lodge , who had
tho able assistance of the following : —J . Knight S . W ., M . Speigel P . M . J . W ., R . H . Williams P . M . I . P . M ., W . B . Neville P . M . Treasurer , F . Craggs P . M . Secretary , J . H . Neville P . M . S . D ., J . J . Mackay J . D ., Maurice Moss I . G ., F . O . Harke and Albert J . Taylor Stewards , W . R . Flack , H . Robinson , R . Josey P . M ., W . J . Coplestcne P . M ., J . W . Facey , A . Westbury , J . J . Rambal W . M . 1767 , F . Surrey , W . G . Cox , VV . J . Cave , H . J . Cousens , J . Wynmau , and others .
After preliminaries Bro . J . H . Neville P . M . 1767 worked the first section , and was followed by Bros . Maurice Moss , A . J . Taylor , R . H . Williams P . M . P . P . G . J . D . ( Preceptor of the Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction ) , R . Josey P . M . ( Secretary of the Chlswick Lodge of Instruction ) , W . J . Coplestone , and M . Speigel P . M . P . P . G . S . B . respectively .
Bros . W . H . Cave and W . G . Cave , members of the Mother Lodge , and Bro . John Knight J . W . 861 were elected members , which compliment was duly acknowledged . The ballot for the Charity Association was now taken , and resulted in
favour of tho host Bro . H . Robinson . Bro . Craggs strongly recommended the case of the boy Walter Wright , son of tho late Brother Wright a lato member of the Lodge , who is a candidate for the Boys School , and we hope that Bro . Craggs ' s endeavours to get the lad elected will be crowned with success .
We compliment Bro . W . Hillier on . his most perfect and faultless working , whilo praise is also duo to those Brethren who assisted in giving the different sections in such an admirable manner . The second and third lecture will be worked on Tuesday next , 1 st March , at 8 o ' clock .
Brethren wishing to join a Lodge of Instruction could not do better than visit this one .. They will find the working , under the Preceptorship of Bro . W . Hillier P . M ., very satisfactory .
DUKE OF CORNWALL LODGE , No . 1839 . ON Monday , at Bro . Stevenson's , Whittington Restaurant , Moor Lane , Moorgato Street , Bro . W . Vincent Jull W . M ., J . G . Meyers S . W ., J . Almond J . W ., Walter Martin A . G . Purs . Preceptor , Percy Gray Assist . Sec , C . Frolieh S . D ., T . Chandler J . D ., Alex . Jones I . G ., H . Saqui , J . Wynman , G . Stevenson , H . E . Frances P . M ., W . Sabine , and several others .
The W . M . opened the Lodge to the second degree , and Bro . Saqui offered himself as a candidate . Having proved himself proficient he was entrusted , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The W . M . resumed the Lodge to the first degree , and Bro . Meyers was elected W . M . for B'londay , 7 tk March .
' Next Monday being Preceptor ' s night , Bro . Walter Martin will occupy the chair of K . S ., and tho excellence of his working being well known we expect to see a large gathering . Bro . Percy Gray Assistant Secretary of the Lodge had very much
pleasure in informing the W . M . that there was sufficient money in hand to take a ballot for the Masonic Charities Association , which announcement was received with acclamation . We may mention that tho Association started about the second week in January last . 'Bro . Alexander Jones became the happy possessor of the first ballot .
Metropolitan : Instruction.
CHISWICK LODGE , No . 2012 . ON Saturday , 19 th inst ., at the Windsor Castle Hotel , Hammersmith , Bro H . J . Cousens W . M ., J . H . Cumming P . M . S . W ., K . Ross J . W ., A Williams P . M . Preceptor , F . Craggs P . M . Treas ., R . Josey P . M . Sec , P , Cronin S . D ., W . H . Handover J . D ., R . H . Williams P . M . Preceptor of the Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction I . G ., M . Spiegel P . M . P . G . S . B . Surrey , E , Fox P . M ., W . Hillier P . M ., J . Knight , J . Francis , L . Walsh , J . Wynman , E . Hiscox , and others .
The Lodge was advanced to the third degree , and resumed to the first . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Walsh acting as candidate . After this ceremony Bro . A . Williams Preceptor , with the assistance of the Brethren , worked the second section of the lecture . Bro . J . H . Cumming P . M . and Secretary of the Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 , was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting .
It was proposed by Bro . A . Williams , and seconded by Bro . Spiegel that a hearty vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes for the excellent working of Bro . Cousens as W . M . for the first time , which was carried and suitably responded to . The Lodgo meets every Saturday , at 7-15 , and Brethren wishing to improve their knowledge in Masonry cannot do better than join . We confidently recommend Bro . A . Williams as an excellent Preceptor .
Royal Arch.
CHAPTER OF SYMPATHY , No . 483 . A CONVOCATION was held at the Clarendon Hotel , Gravesend , on Tuesday , 22 nd inst ., under the presidency of Comp . Henry Forss M . E . Z . The Chapter was duly opened by the Principals , . after which the Companions were admitted , and the minutes of the last regular convocation were read . Bro . Edward Barford Wilks , of the Lodge of Freedom , having been balloted for was introduced and regularly exalted to the supreme degree . The ceremony was ably conducted by the M . E . Z ., assisted by the Principals , and Comp . Hawkey P . S .
This being election night according to the Bye-laws , the Companions then proceeded to ballot for the Principals and Officers for the ensuing year , with the following result : —Comps ! J . P . White Z ., Orlton Cooper H ., R . J . Beamish J ., A . Ronaldson S . E ., W . Hawker S . N ., T . T . Hogg Treasurer , E . Ingman P . S ., F . Hitchens 1 st A . S ., J . Gillett 2 nd A . S ., Spencer Bowen and Mummery Stewards , Geo . Martin Janitor .
A P . Z . s jewel was voted to Comp . Forss , in recognition of his services as First Principal , and a notice of motion was given by Comp . W . Russell P . Z ., to apply a portion of the Chapter funds as a donation to the Boys School Festival . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions adjourned to enjoy a pleasant evening .
A Feature of the Metropolis . SPIERS & POND'S Criterion Restaurant , PICCADILLY CIRCUS , LONDON , W . EAST ROOM . Finest Cuisine , unsurpassed by the most renowned Parisian Eestaurants . Luncheons , Dinners , . and Suppers , a la carte and prix . fixe . Viennese Band . GRAND HALL . Musical Dinner 3 / 6 per head . Accompanied by the Imperial Austrian Band . WEST ROOM . Academy Luncheon 2 / 6 , Diner Parisien 5 / -, during both , of which ; . - the renowned Mandolin Quartette performs . BUFFET and Quick service a la carte and GRILL ROOM . moderate prices . Joints in each room fresh from the Spit every half-hour . AMERICAN BAR . Service of special American Dishes ^ Grills , & c . Splendid Suites of Rooms for Military and other Dinners
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan : Instruction.
CONFIDENCE LODGE , No . 193 . THIS Lodge , which is under the able Preceptorship of Bro . W . Belchamber P . M ., assembled on Wednesday , at 7 o'clock , at Bro . G . Cooper's , the Globe Tavern , Fish Street Hill , London Bridge . Bro . T . Kington I . P . M . of the Mother Lodge acted as W . M ., with G . F . Bushell S . W ., M . Baillie J . W ., W . Belchambor P . M . Preceptor , J . K . Pitt P . P . G . S . B . Sec , C . H . Ash S . D ., G . Cooper J . D ., C . Foreman I . G ., H . Jones , W . Rose , W . Houghton , E . Ponnock W . M . 193 , J . Wynman , J . Rose , H . S . Woodcock , T . Wiffen .
The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Woodcock candidate . Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bros . Foreman and Jones answered tho questions leading to the third . The W . M . then vacated the chair in favour of Bro . E . Ponnock , who resumed the Lodge to the first degree . Bro . Belchamber , in his usual able manner , proposed Bro . Bushell as ° tho W . M . for next meeting , which was seconded and suitably responded
to . Bro . Kington I . P . M . proposed Bro . W . Houghton as a member , and on his election tho compliment was duly acknowledged .
WOODROW LODGE , No . 1708 . IT is with considerable ploasure we notice the regular attendance o £ members at this Lodge of Instruction , at the very comfortable quarters provided by Bro . W . H . G . Ruddorforth , host of Stone ' s Restaurant , Panton Street , Haymarkec . At the usual meeting at 3 o ' clock on Monday afternoon
the chair was occupied by Bro . J . E . Culverhouse , with Bros . A . Butcher S . W ., A . W . Musk J . W ., C . Woodrow P . M . Prec , J . W . Simeons Sec , J . H . Warwick S . D ., PI . Wood J . D ., A . Espezel I . G ., Rudderforth P . M ., Wavell P . M ., A . Bebronth P . M ., G . Detrez , C . Dyer , A . Menn , C . Antonelli , H . Rose , Firminger , F . Baker , J . Wynman , and others .
Tho Lodge was advanced to tho third degree and resumed to the first . Bro . Dyer offered himself as a . candidate , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed in a most perfect manner . The W . M . kindly vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Warwick , who rehearsed the second ceremony , with Bro . Culverhouse acting as candidate .
The Lodge was resumed to the first degree , and Bro . Woodrow Preceptor proposed that a hearty vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes for the excellent and faultless manner in which Bro . Culverhouse had occupied the chair as W . M . for the first time , which proposition was seconded , and unanimously accepted , the compliment being duly acknowledged . Bro . H . T . Rose , Faith Lodge , No . 141 ; G . Detrez , Finsbury Lodge , No . 861 ; and C . Antonelli , New Cross Lodge , No . 1559 , were elected members , and Bro . A . Butcher was unanimously chosen as W . M . for the next meeting .
* J u u KENSINGTON LODGE , No . 1767 . ON Tuesday , at the Town Hall Tavern , High Street , Kensington , W . ( which establishment is under the able management of Bro . H . Robinson ) , an excellent meeting was held to witness the working of the seven sections of tho first lecture . Tho Lodgo was opened punctually at 8 o'clock , under the able presidency of Bro . W . Hillier P . M . and Preceptor of the Lodge , who had
tho able assistance of the following : —J . Knight S . W ., M . Speigel P . M . J . W ., R . H . Williams P . M . I . P . M ., W . B . Neville P . M . Treasurer , F . Craggs P . M . Secretary , J . H . Neville P . M . S . D ., J . J . Mackay J . D ., Maurice Moss I . G ., F . O . Harke and Albert J . Taylor Stewards , W . R . Flack , H . Robinson , R . Josey P . M ., W . J . Coplestcne P . M ., J . W . Facey , A . Westbury , J . J . Rambal W . M . 1767 , F . Surrey , W . G . Cox , VV . J . Cave , H . J . Cousens , J . Wynmau , and others .
After preliminaries Bro . J . H . Neville P . M . 1767 worked the first section , and was followed by Bros . Maurice Moss , A . J . Taylor , R . H . Williams P . M . P . P . G . J . D . ( Preceptor of the Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction ) , R . Josey P . M . ( Secretary of the Chlswick Lodge of Instruction ) , W . J . Coplestone , and M . Speigel P . M . P . P . G . S . B . respectively .
Bros . W . H . Cave and W . G . Cave , members of the Mother Lodge , and Bro . John Knight J . W . 861 were elected members , which compliment was duly acknowledged . The ballot for the Charity Association was now taken , and resulted in
favour of tho host Bro . H . Robinson . Bro . Craggs strongly recommended the case of the boy Walter Wright , son of tho late Brother Wright a lato member of the Lodge , who is a candidate for the Boys School , and we hope that Bro . Craggs ' s endeavours to get the lad elected will be crowned with success .
We compliment Bro . W . Hillier on . his most perfect and faultless working , whilo praise is also duo to those Brethren who assisted in giving the different sections in such an admirable manner . The second and third lecture will be worked on Tuesday next , 1 st March , at 8 o ' clock .
Brethren wishing to join a Lodge of Instruction could not do better than visit this one .. They will find the working , under the Preceptorship of Bro . W . Hillier P . M ., very satisfactory .
DUKE OF CORNWALL LODGE , No . 1839 . ON Monday , at Bro . Stevenson's , Whittington Restaurant , Moor Lane , Moorgato Street , Bro . W . Vincent Jull W . M ., J . G . Meyers S . W ., J . Almond J . W ., Walter Martin A . G . Purs . Preceptor , Percy Gray Assist . Sec , C . Frolieh S . D ., T . Chandler J . D ., Alex . Jones I . G ., H . Saqui , J . Wynman , G . Stevenson , H . E . Frances P . M ., W . Sabine , and several others .
The W . M . opened the Lodge to the second degree , and Bro . Saqui offered himself as a candidate . Having proved himself proficient he was entrusted , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The W . M . resumed the Lodge to the first degree , and Bro . Meyers was elected W . M . for B'londay , 7 tk March .
' Next Monday being Preceptor ' s night , Bro . Walter Martin will occupy the chair of K . S ., and tho excellence of his working being well known we expect to see a large gathering . Bro . Percy Gray Assistant Secretary of the Lodge had very much
pleasure in informing the W . M . that there was sufficient money in hand to take a ballot for the Masonic Charities Association , which announcement was received with acclamation . We may mention that tho Association started about the second week in January last . 'Bro . Alexander Jones became the happy possessor of the first ballot .
Metropolitan : Instruction.
CHISWICK LODGE , No . 2012 . ON Saturday , 19 th inst ., at the Windsor Castle Hotel , Hammersmith , Bro H . J . Cousens W . M ., J . H . Cumming P . M . S . W ., K . Ross J . W ., A Williams P . M . Preceptor , F . Craggs P . M . Treas ., R . Josey P . M . Sec , P , Cronin S . D ., W . H . Handover J . D ., R . H . Williams P . M . Preceptor of the Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction I . G ., M . Spiegel P . M . P . G . S . B . Surrey , E , Fox P . M ., W . Hillier P . M ., J . Knight , J . Francis , L . Walsh , J . Wynman , E . Hiscox , and others .
The Lodge was advanced to the third degree , and resumed to the first . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Walsh acting as candidate . After this ceremony Bro . A . Williams Preceptor , with the assistance of the Brethren , worked the second section of the lecture . Bro . J . H . Cumming P . M . and Secretary of the Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 , was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting .
It was proposed by Bro . A . Williams , and seconded by Bro . Spiegel that a hearty vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes for the excellent working of Bro . Cousens as W . M . for the first time , which was carried and suitably responded to . The Lodgo meets every Saturday , at 7-15 , and Brethren wishing to improve their knowledge in Masonry cannot do better than join . We confidently recommend Bro . A . Williams as an excellent Preceptor .
Royal Arch.
CHAPTER OF SYMPATHY , No . 483 . A CONVOCATION was held at the Clarendon Hotel , Gravesend , on Tuesday , 22 nd inst ., under the presidency of Comp . Henry Forss M . E . Z . The Chapter was duly opened by the Principals , . after which the Companions were admitted , and the minutes of the last regular convocation were read . Bro . Edward Barford Wilks , of the Lodge of Freedom , having been balloted for was introduced and regularly exalted to the supreme degree . The ceremony was ably conducted by the M . E . Z ., assisted by the Principals , and Comp . Hawkey P . S .
This being election night according to the Bye-laws , the Companions then proceeded to ballot for the Principals and Officers for the ensuing year , with the following result : —Comps ! J . P . White Z ., Orlton Cooper H ., R . J . Beamish J ., A . Ronaldson S . E ., W . Hawker S . N ., T . T . Hogg Treasurer , E . Ingman P . S ., F . Hitchens 1 st A . S ., J . Gillett 2 nd A . S ., Spencer Bowen and Mummery Stewards , Geo . Martin Janitor .
A P . Z . s jewel was voted to Comp . Forss , in recognition of his services as First Principal , and a notice of motion was given by Comp . W . Russell P . Z ., to apply a portion of the Chapter funds as a donation to the Boys School Festival . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions adjourned to enjoy a pleasant evening .
A Feature of the Metropolis . SPIERS & POND'S Criterion Restaurant , PICCADILLY CIRCUS , LONDON , W . EAST ROOM . Finest Cuisine , unsurpassed by the most renowned Parisian Eestaurants . Luncheons , Dinners , . and Suppers , a la carte and prix . fixe . Viennese Band . GRAND HALL . Musical Dinner 3 / 6 per head . Accompanied by the Imperial Austrian Band . WEST ROOM . Academy Luncheon 2 / 6 , Diner Parisien 5 / -, during both , of which ; . - the renowned Mandolin Quartette performs . BUFFET and Quick service a la carte and GRILL ROOM . moderate prices . Joints in each room fresh from the Spit every half-hour . AMERICAN BAR . Service of special American Dishes ^ Grills , & c . Splendid Suites of Rooms for Military and other Dinners