Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Meeting Of The Lodge Of Benevolence
THE regular meeting of tho Lodgo of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening at Freomasons' Hall . Bro . Joshua Nunn occupied the President ' s position , while the chairs of Senior and Jnnior Vice Presidents were held respectively by Bros . James Brett and W . T . Howe . Among the brethren prosent wero Bros . H . Garrod , S .
Rawson , T . Cubitt , C . Atkins , Griffiths Smith , W . Mann , J . M . kkuick , C . F . Hogard , W . H . Porryman , Skegers , Adamson , Hnbbuck , Britten , Baker , John Constable , Farnfield , W . R . Marsh , Alfred Withers , W . Stephens , and B . H . Swallow . Thero wero thirty-eiirbt petitions before the Lodge . Of these ono was dismissed and ono withdrawn . Two were postponed . The romaining thirty-four were relieved , with £ 639 .
Committee Meeting Of The Girls' School.
THE general committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls held their monthly meeting on Thursday , at the Freemasons' Hall , when there were present—Bros . E . Letchworth ( in the chair ) , A . H . Tattershall , H » M . Levy , Herbert Dicketts , Francis H . Webb , H . Venn , S . Rosenthal , Edward Cox , H . S . Kingston , R . B . Webster , H . Massey , W . F . C . Moutrie , James E . Peters , Wni . Paas , Thomas Cnbitt ,
H . Mnggeridge , Peter De L . Long , Thos . W . White , W . Hope , Joshua Nunn , Jno . Faulkner , W . Bailey , and F . R . W . Hedges ( Secretary ) . Two children were placed on tho list for the October election , after wKich tho following brethren were nominated for the Committees : —House Committee—E . Cox , H . A . Dubois , E . Letchworth , Joshua Nunn , W . Hope , Col . Peters , Mather , J . A . Racker , A . H .
Tattershall , Thos . W . White , Griffiths Smith , Frank Richardson , Chas . Hammerton , R . Warner Wheeler , John Mason , and Peter Do L . Long . Audit Committee—W . Bailey , J . G . Chancellor , Herbort Dicketts , Thos . Kingston , H . C . Levander , W . Roebnck , R . B . Webster , H . Venn , James Cutbush , H . M . Levy , and Robert Berridge . This concluded the business of the mooting .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of West Yorkshire.
THE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Chapter took place at tho picturesquo village of Uppermill , Saddlewortb , under the auspices of the Confidence Chapter 337 , tho Principals of which opened a preliminary Chapter , when about ninety Companions from various parts of the Province assembled . M . E . Comp . Lieut .-Colonel Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., Provincial Grand Snpcrh tondeut of West
Yorkshire , and the Officers of Provincial Grand Chapter having entered , the usual salutation was heartily accorded 1 im , and iu reply , Sir Henry Edwards said that he had fult necessita cd to call them together sooner than had been customary , iu conseqncncc of his having to leave Yorkshire for London , and as this was his first occupancy of the chair in opening Provincial Grand Chapter since his
installation as Provinci ¦! Grand Superintendent , at Sheffield , on Wednesday , 30 th October 1 S 78 , he had beeu desirous nut to delegate the duties to another . Sir Henry thon added : — " I may hero observe that I havo laid it down as an absolute rule never to recommend an application for a new charter until the draft bye-laws have been submitted for approval , the form of which , without undue interference , I should
desire to indicate . For instance , the first page to contain the founders ' names , dates of charter and consecration , index , tables of fees , and certificates in due order . The chief object is to bring all Chapter bye-laws into harmony and almost uniformity , and I am happy to learn from our Registrar that one-half of the Chapters have already revised their bye-laws in
accordance with this excellent system . In the appointment of Officers in Provincial Grand Chapter in this Province it has been the custom , as you may be aware , to select but Past First Principals ; and at my installation it was my endeavour , as it shall be , to distribute the Offices as widely as possible . Our Registrar , who has so much to do in the revision of Bye-Laws , was induced to accept
tho office once more , and I hope it will be your pleasure to fc rward his endeavours in tho matter of the complete revision of Bye-Laws . On referring to tho annual returns , I find we havo on onr rolls 884 Royal Arch Masons ; and of that number there aro upwards of 249 Principals and Past Principals . It is with every feeling of thankfulness I am thus able to speak of the prosperity of Royal Arch Masonry
in this gi oat Province of West Yorkshire ; and whilst w ) should be grate - ful for the position we have already attained , let us each and all endeavour faithfully to discharge our duty ; and may peaco and happiness , health and prosperity , love and unity . , ever attend us . Excellent Comps ., I thank you for your kind attention , and , in conclusion , ask you to join with me in passing a cordial vote of thanks
to onr Companions in this part of the Province for cntertaiuing us , and in wishing this Chapter every possible measuro of prosperity . " Tbe Officers for the ensuing year were appointed as follow : — Comps . C . L . Mason 20 A Leeds P . G . H ., J . D . Kay 2 S 9 Leeds P . G . J ., H . Smith 302 Wakefield P . G . S . E ., Roddiwig 139 Sheffield P . G . S . N ., J . F . Moss 139 Sheffield P . G . Prin . Soj ., E . Woodhoasc 521
Huddcrsfield P . G . 1 st Assist . Soj ., J . Beauland COO Bradford P . G . 2 nd Assist . Soj ., J . Fisher Gl Halifax P . G . Treas . ( re-elected ) , W . B . Aldcrson 154 Wakefield P . G . Reg ., Powolny 301 Leeds P . G . Sw . B ., Kendal ! 1283 Soworby Bridge P . G . St . 13 ., -J . R . Doro 275 Haddersfiold P . G . D . C . W . Glover 289 Leeds P . G . Org ., Schofield 290
Hiiddcrsfield , Slack 495 , Austin Roberts 61 Halifax , and France 20 S Dewsbury , P . G . Stewards , J . Leo P . G . Janitor . After other routine business , an invitation for tho next meeti . ig to be hold in Leeds was accepted , after which the Companions partook of an excellent repast .
Dedication Of A New Hall At Ipswich.
ON Friday the 10 th inst ., the ceremony of consecrating the new Hall erected in Sloane-street , Ipswich , took place , in tho presence of a very large gathering of the Craft . The now building is a plain red brick erection , 52 feet long , including an alcove of four feet , with a height of 43 ft . It is entered by a portico of box ground Bath stone , opening into a capacious vestibule with the door of the banqueting hall directly opposite . This room is of largo dimensions , lofty ,
and with excellent lighting , warmin ' , and ventilating arrangements . Tho Lodge room over tho dining hall is reached by a fine staircase of pitch pine , springing from the left-hand sido of the vestibule . This room is of corresponding size to tho banqueting room , except being 41 feet loftier . The walls are boarded to a height of about s' -ven ft . Adjoiuiug are a comfortable ante-room on the one side , aud a cloak
room on tho other . On tho ground floor are spacious kitchens , butler ' s pantry , and the usual offices . Tho stoves in the larger rooms are faced with white enamelled tiles , on which are beautifully paintedwe understand by a local lady artist—Masonio emblems . The total cost of the building-land , and furnishing will bo about £ 1 , 300 . Tho proceedings commonced at two o ' clock by the Depnty Prov . Grand
Master Rev . C . J . Martyn being conducted into the Lodge room by the past and present Prov . Grand Officers . The Lodge having been opened , prayer was offered by the P . G . Chaplain Bro . the Rev . W . W . Bird and the D . P . G . M . oxpressed his pleasure in meeting the brethreu in their now hall , congratulating thom upon erecting such a building . The plans of the hall were then handed in by the architect ,
Bro . H . Luff , who was congratulated upon the result obtained , and the Chairman of tho Committee of Management , Bro . N . Tracy , detailed the various steps taken by tho Craft to obtain a building as their home . The facts connected with tho erection of the present hall were then referred to at length . Tho anthem , " Behold , how good and joyful , " was then rendered by Bros . Abbott , Grayston , and Steele ,
Bro . C . Cooke presiding at the organ . After the dedication prayer and invocation , a procession was formed , and the ceremony of dedication performed by the D . P . G . M ., and tho proclamation made by the Director of Ceremonies . The Prov . Grand Chaplain then delivered an oration , and after the singing of the hymn , " Lift the strain of high thanksgiving , " the Lodgo was closed in the usual form . A Grand
banquet followed , over which the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Martyn , presided , to which about 70 brethren sat down . The usual Loyal aud Masonic toasts were given . Tho Chairman , in proposing the health of tho R . W . P . G . M ., Lord Waveney remarked that he took the greatest inter . est in everything connected with Freemasonry , and greatly regretted his inability to attend . Bro . P . de L . Long , P . G . D ., and Vice President
of tho Board of General Purposes , proposed the health of tho Deputy Prov . G . M . Bro . Martyu . A better man and a better Mason it was impossible to moot , and no man stood higher in the Craft in tho Grand Lodgo . Bro . Martyn , in responding , trusted that the hall would be a groat snecess . Freemasonry in this provinco was going on snccessfnly and well , and a petition had inst gone up for the signatnre of tho
M . W . G . M . the Prince of Wales for the consecration of a new Lodge at Clare , which would make 20 in all . JIc concluded by giving tho " Provincial Grand Officers , past and present . " Bro . W . II . Lucia G . S . W . and Prov . G . Sec , Bro . W . P . Mills P . P . G . S . W ., and Bro . J . B . Eraser P . P . G . S . W ., responded to tbe toast . Bro . R . N . Sanderson P . P . G . C . proposed " The Visitors , " to which Bro . Browne S . W . " Good Fellow .
ship Lodge , " Chelmsford , responded , stating that he should take homo with him such a report of what he had seen and hoard as would , ho hoped , inspire the brethren at Chelmsford to rear up a similar hall , though not on so noble a scale . Bro . Brice , " Star of tho East , " Harwich , also responded . Bro . the Rev . J . J . Burton P . P . G . S . W . Cambs ., gave " The Masters of Lodges in tho Province , " to which the
Chairman respouded ; and proposed " Success to the Freemasons' Hall , and prosperity to tho four Ipswich Lodges—its founders . " It was a very great source of pride to all Suffolk Masons to feel that in the town of Ipswich there was a hall in which thoy could not only carry out tho oeremonials of the Craft , but where they could offer visitors thab hospitality which was so doar to every Freemason ' s hoart . He hoped
and trusted that from the dedication to-day , and from the commencement of the Masonic life of this house , there might grow a great structure which should not only bo perfect in all its part 3 but honour , able to the builders . Bro . Casloy W . M . 114 replied , stating that there was never so much life in Ipswich Freemasonry as now . The build , ing in which they met had been erected in a period of something like six months . It was already in a position of financial safety , and ho
hoped it would soon bo in a still better position—free from debt . Bro . Clarke , W . M . 959 ; Bro . We . ntworth , 225 j and Bro . S . R . Anness , S . W . 376 , in absence of Bro . W . B . Jeffries W . M ., also responded to the toast . The other toasts were , "The Preliminary Committees , " coupled with the name of Bro . Tracy , Chairman j" Tho Architect and the Builder , " coupled with the name 3 of Bro . H . Luff P . M . 376 , and Bro . O . T . Gibbons ; and " The Masonic Charities . "
It is not ouv custom , prior to tho oleefcion , to urge tlie claim of individual candidates who appear upon the lists for the Masonic Charities ; bat at the request of many of onr subscribers we briefly call attention to the case of Mrs . King , No . 2 G on the list , which is an especially
deserving one . Mrs . King , who is 63 years of age , lost her husband nearly six years ago , and for some time obtained employment as housekeeper at au hotel in Brighton , but is now incapacitated by old age and infirmity , and is without
any means of support , Tho London brethren who are exerting themselves in Mrs . King ' s behalf will be glad of any assistance that can be afforded them b y those who have votes they can conveniently spare .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Meeting Of The Lodge Of Benevolence
THE regular meeting of tho Lodgo of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening at Freomasons' Hall . Bro . Joshua Nunn occupied the President ' s position , while the chairs of Senior and Jnnior Vice Presidents were held respectively by Bros . James Brett and W . T . Howe . Among the brethren prosent wero Bros . H . Garrod , S .
Rawson , T . Cubitt , C . Atkins , Griffiths Smith , W . Mann , J . M . kkuick , C . F . Hogard , W . H . Porryman , Skegers , Adamson , Hnbbuck , Britten , Baker , John Constable , Farnfield , W . R . Marsh , Alfred Withers , W . Stephens , and B . H . Swallow . Thero wero thirty-eiirbt petitions before the Lodge . Of these ono was dismissed and ono withdrawn . Two were postponed . The romaining thirty-four were relieved , with £ 639 .
Committee Meeting Of The Girls' School.
THE general committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls held their monthly meeting on Thursday , at the Freemasons' Hall , when there were present—Bros . E . Letchworth ( in the chair ) , A . H . Tattershall , H » M . Levy , Herbert Dicketts , Francis H . Webb , H . Venn , S . Rosenthal , Edward Cox , H . S . Kingston , R . B . Webster , H . Massey , W . F . C . Moutrie , James E . Peters , Wni . Paas , Thomas Cnbitt ,
H . Mnggeridge , Peter De L . Long , Thos . W . White , W . Hope , Joshua Nunn , Jno . Faulkner , W . Bailey , and F . R . W . Hedges ( Secretary ) . Two children were placed on tho list for the October election , after wKich tho following brethren were nominated for the Committees : —House Committee—E . Cox , H . A . Dubois , E . Letchworth , Joshua Nunn , W . Hope , Col . Peters , Mather , J . A . Racker , A . H .
Tattershall , Thos . W . White , Griffiths Smith , Frank Richardson , Chas . Hammerton , R . Warner Wheeler , John Mason , and Peter Do L . Long . Audit Committee—W . Bailey , J . G . Chancellor , Herbort Dicketts , Thos . Kingston , H . C . Levander , W . Roebnck , R . B . Webster , H . Venn , James Cutbush , H . M . Levy , and Robert Berridge . This concluded the business of the mooting .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of West Yorkshire.
THE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Chapter took place at tho picturesquo village of Uppermill , Saddlewortb , under the auspices of the Confidence Chapter 337 , tho Principals of which opened a preliminary Chapter , when about ninety Companions from various parts of the Province assembled . M . E . Comp . Lieut .-Colonel Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., Provincial Grand Snpcrh tondeut of West
Yorkshire , and the Officers of Provincial Grand Chapter having entered , the usual salutation was heartily accorded 1 im , and iu reply , Sir Henry Edwards said that he had fult necessita cd to call them together sooner than had been customary , iu conseqncncc of his having to leave Yorkshire for London , and as this was his first occupancy of the chair in opening Provincial Grand Chapter since his
installation as Provinci ¦! Grand Superintendent , at Sheffield , on Wednesday , 30 th October 1 S 78 , he had beeu desirous nut to delegate the duties to another . Sir Henry thon added : — " I may hero observe that I havo laid it down as an absolute rule never to recommend an application for a new charter until the draft bye-laws have been submitted for approval , the form of which , without undue interference , I should
desire to indicate . For instance , the first page to contain the founders ' names , dates of charter and consecration , index , tables of fees , and certificates in due order . The chief object is to bring all Chapter bye-laws into harmony and almost uniformity , and I am happy to learn from our Registrar that one-half of the Chapters have already revised their bye-laws in
accordance with this excellent system . In the appointment of Officers in Provincial Grand Chapter in this Province it has been the custom , as you may be aware , to select but Past First Principals ; and at my installation it was my endeavour , as it shall be , to distribute the Offices as widely as possible . Our Registrar , who has so much to do in the revision of Bye-Laws , was induced to accept
tho office once more , and I hope it will be your pleasure to fc rward his endeavours in tho matter of the complete revision of Bye-Laws . On referring to tho annual returns , I find we havo on onr rolls 884 Royal Arch Masons ; and of that number there aro upwards of 249 Principals and Past Principals . It is with every feeling of thankfulness I am thus able to speak of the prosperity of Royal Arch Masonry
in this gi oat Province of West Yorkshire ; and whilst w ) should be grate - ful for the position we have already attained , let us each and all endeavour faithfully to discharge our duty ; and may peaco and happiness , health and prosperity , love and unity . , ever attend us . Excellent Comps ., I thank you for your kind attention , and , in conclusion , ask you to join with me in passing a cordial vote of thanks
to onr Companions in this part of the Province for cntertaiuing us , and in wishing this Chapter every possible measuro of prosperity . " Tbe Officers for the ensuing year were appointed as follow : — Comps . C . L . Mason 20 A Leeds P . G . H ., J . D . Kay 2 S 9 Leeds P . G . J ., H . Smith 302 Wakefield P . G . S . E ., Roddiwig 139 Sheffield P . G . S . N ., J . F . Moss 139 Sheffield P . G . Prin . Soj ., E . Woodhoasc 521
Huddcrsfield P . G . 1 st Assist . Soj ., J . Beauland COO Bradford P . G . 2 nd Assist . Soj ., J . Fisher Gl Halifax P . G . Treas . ( re-elected ) , W . B . Aldcrson 154 Wakefield P . G . Reg ., Powolny 301 Leeds P . G . Sw . B ., Kendal ! 1283 Soworby Bridge P . G . St . 13 ., -J . R . Doro 275 Haddersfiold P . G . D . C . W . Glover 289 Leeds P . G . Org ., Schofield 290
Hiiddcrsfield , Slack 495 , Austin Roberts 61 Halifax , and France 20 S Dewsbury , P . G . Stewards , J . Leo P . G . Janitor . After other routine business , an invitation for tho next meeti . ig to be hold in Leeds was accepted , after which the Companions partook of an excellent repast .
Dedication Of A New Hall At Ipswich.
ON Friday the 10 th inst ., the ceremony of consecrating the new Hall erected in Sloane-street , Ipswich , took place , in tho presence of a very large gathering of the Craft . The now building is a plain red brick erection , 52 feet long , including an alcove of four feet , with a height of 43 ft . It is entered by a portico of box ground Bath stone , opening into a capacious vestibule with the door of the banqueting hall directly opposite . This room is of largo dimensions , lofty ,
and with excellent lighting , warmin ' , and ventilating arrangements . Tho Lodge room over tho dining hall is reached by a fine staircase of pitch pine , springing from the left-hand sido of the vestibule . This room is of corresponding size to tho banqueting room , except being 41 feet loftier . The walls are boarded to a height of about s' -ven ft . Adjoiuiug are a comfortable ante-room on the one side , aud a cloak
room on tho other . On tho ground floor are spacious kitchens , butler ' s pantry , and the usual offices . Tho stoves in the larger rooms are faced with white enamelled tiles , on which are beautifully paintedwe understand by a local lady artist—Masonio emblems . The total cost of the building-land , and furnishing will bo about £ 1 , 300 . Tho proceedings commonced at two o ' clock by the Depnty Prov . Grand
Master Rev . C . J . Martyn being conducted into the Lodge room by the past and present Prov . Grand Officers . The Lodge having been opened , prayer was offered by the P . G . Chaplain Bro . the Rev . W . W . Bird and the D . P . G . M . oxpressed his pleasure in meeting the brethreu in their now hall , congratulating thom upon erecting such a building . The plans of the hall were then handed in by the architect ,
Bro . H . Luff , who was congratulated upon the result obtained , and the Chairman of tho Committee of Management , Bro . N . Tracy , detailed the various steps taken by tho Craft to obtain a building as their home . The facts connected with tho erection of the present hall were then referred to at length . Tho anthem , " Behold , how good and joyful , " was then rendered by Bros . Abbott , Grayston , and Steele ,
Bro . C . Cooke presiding at the organ . After the dedication prayer and invocation , a procession was formed , and the ceremony of dedication performed by the D . P . G . M ., and tho proclamation made by the Director of Ceremonies . The Prov . Grand Chaplain then delivered an oration , and after the singing of the hymn , " Lift the strain of high thanksgiving , " the Lodgo was closed in the usual form . A Grand
banquet followed , over which the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Martyn , presided , to which about 70 brethren sat down . The usual Loyal aud Masonic toasts were given . Tho Chairman , in proposing the health of tho R . W . P . G . M ., Lord Waveney remarked that he took the greatest inter . est in everything connected with Freemasonry , and greatly regretted his inability to attend . Bro . P . de L . Long , P . G . D ., and Vice President
of tho Board of General Purposes , proposed the health of tho Deputy Prov . G . M . Bro . Martyu . A better man and a better Mason it was impossible to moot , and no man stood higher in the Craft in tho Grand Lodgo . Bro . Martyn , in responding , trusted that the hall would be a groat snecess . Freemasonry in this provinco was going on snccessfnly and well , and a petition had inst gone up for the signatnre of tho
M . W . G . M . the Prince of Wales for the consecration of a new Lodge at Clare , which would make 20 in all . JIc concluded by giving tho " Provincial Grand Officers , past and present . " Bro . W . II . Lucia G . S . W . and Prov . G . Sec , Bro . W . P . Mills P . P . G . S . W ., and Bro . J . B . Eraser P . P . G . S . W ., responded to tbe toast . Bro . R . N . Sanderson P . P . G . C . proposed " The Visitors , " to which Bro . Browne S . W . " Good Fellow .
ship Lodge , " Chelmsford , responded , stating that he should take homo with him such a report of what he had seen and hoard as would , ho hoped , inspire the brethren at Chelmsford to rear up a similar hall , though not on so noble a scale . Bro . Brice , " Star of tho East , " Harwich , also responded . Bro . the Rev . J . J . Burton P . P . G . S . W . Cambs ., gave " The Masters of Lodges in tho Province , " to which the
Chairman respouded ; and proposed " Success to the Freemasons' Hall , and prosperity to tho four Ipswich Lodges—its founders . " It was a very great source of pride to all Suffolk Masons to feel that in the town of Ipswich there was a hall in which thoy could not only carry out tho oeremonials of the Craft , but where they could offer visitors thab hospitality which was so doar to every Freemason ' s hoart . He hoped
and trusted that from the dedication to-day , and from the commencement of the Masonic life of this house , there might grow a great structure which should not only bo perfect in all its part 3 but honour , able to the builders . Bro . Casloy W . M . 114 replied , stating that there was never so much life in Ipswich Freemasonry as now . The build , ing in which they met had been erected in a period of something like six months . It was already in a position of financial safety , and ho
hoped it would soon bo in a still better position—free from debt . Bro . Clarke , W . M . 959 ; Bro . We . ntworth , 225 j and Bro . S . R . Anness , S . W . 376 , in absence of Bro . W . B . Jeffries W . M ., also responded to the toast . The other toasts were , "The Preliminary Committees , " coupled with the name of Bro . Tracy , Chairman j" Tho Architect and the Builder , " coupled with the name 3 of Bro . H . Luff P . M . 376 , and Bro . O . T . Gibbons ; and " The Masonic Charities . "
It is not ouv custom , prior to tho oleefcion , to urge tlie claim of individual candidates who appear upon the lists for the Masonic Charities ; bat at the request of many of onr subscribers we briefly call attention to the case of Mrs . King , No . 2 G on the list , which is an especially
deserving one . Mrs . King , who is 63 years of age , lost her husband nearly six years ago , and for some time obtained employment as housekeeper at au hotel in Brighton , but is now incapacitated by old age and infirmity , and is without
any means of support , Tho London brethren who are exerting themselves in Mrs . King ' s behalf will be glad of any assistance that can be afforded them b y those who have votes they can conveniently spare .