Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 2 of 3 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 2 of 3 →
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Installation Meetings, &C.
as to elicit unbounded expressions of admiration amongst the brethren . The W . M . invested his Officors for tho ensuing year as follow :-Bros . H . R . Botting S . W ., J . Carpenter J . W ., Rev . J . B . Harrison Chap ., E . Kirby I . P . M . Treas ., T . J . Usher P . M . Sec , W . Cartorfield S . D ., F . It . England J . D ., Henry Abrams Org ., F . Haslip I . G ., G . Chandler D . C ., G . G . Thomson and G . Rivers
Stewards , S . Holgate Tyler . At tho conclusion of tho ceremony it was proposed by tho W . M . and seconded by Bro . Ayling P . M ., that Bro . Dos Barres act a 3 tho representative of the Lodgo on tho Charity Committco of the Provinco for tho ensuing year . This wa 3 unanimously agreed to , and Bro . Des Barres thanked tho brethren for tho confidence they had again reposed in him . Bro . Ayling thon
proposed a vote of thanks to tho Installing Mastor , for the ablo manner in which ho had performed tho oeremony , and this having been warmly accorded , the W . M . said ho had now great pleasure in presenting , on behalf of the members of tho Lodge , a P . M . 's jewel to his prodoccssor . In doing so he wished to thank Bro . Kirby for his many valuablo sorvices to the Lodge , not only during tho term of
his Mastership , but ever since ho had become a member of the Lodge . Bro . Kirby , in acknowledging tho compliment paid to him , testifiod his pleasuro in again receiving the thanks of the members . Ho would endeavour at all times to do his duty , and if he could in any way help in the management of tke Lodge ho should only bo too happy to do so . A vote of thanks was thon passed to
the P . M . ' s , W . M . ' s , and other Visitors who had attended to assist in the business of the day , which compliment was acknowledged by Bros . Bird and Woodruff . Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren adjourned to tho Royal Hotel , where an oxcellent banquet was provided . The W . M . of course presided , the Wardens ably discharging the dntios of the Vice-chairs . The repast having been done ample
justice to , tho Loyal aud Masonic toasts were honoured , the W . M . spoke of the great interest over evinced in Masonry by the M . W . G . M . tho Princo of Wales , which teuded so vastly to strengthen and extend tho influence of tho Craft . The toast of tho Right Hon . tho Earl of Carnarvon was given by the Chaplain , and received with the utmost enthusiasm . Bro . Bird P . P . G . S . W . in giving the
other Masonic Rulers , said they wero all aware that the Grand Officers had a great deal of work which required their earnest atton . tion and coustaht care . When tho Craft found that the whole system went on without a hitch , thoy should recognise in them the workers of Freemasonry . Bro . Ayling , then iu felicitous terms , gave the health of the R . W . the Prov . G . M . Lord Holmesdalc , M . P ., and in doing so
ho said ho was sure every brother who had met his Lordship must know that ho manifested a deep interest in Freemasonry . Those who were present at the Prov . Grand Lodgo meeting , a few years since , at Deal , must havo seen aud appreciated the way in which ho conducted the affairs of tho Lodgo . Bro . F . Bakor , in proposing the health of the D . P . G . M . Bro . Eastos , and tho Prov . G . Officers Past
and Present , observed that in respect of thoir Deputy Prov . G . Master a vast aiiioiiut of discrimination was needed iu transacting tho various matters of business which came before him in the Province . He expressed a hope that tho state of Bro . Eastes ' s health might permit of his ' long continuing in tho distinguished office he had so . long and worthily filled . Tho toast was received with
' . the , jithibs ' t cordiality , and Bro . Harrison suitably responded on / . behalf of the Prov . Grand Officers . The I . P . M . next proposed J' the " heajtli of tho W . M , of Lodge 1096 , in doing which he „ ., was confident ' it was a toast that would be accepted with v the . utmost Jileasdre by the 'brethren present . It had been his , good fortuno , and it " 'had' afforded him great gratification , to
instal ^ Bro .. "Lajygotfc ; irit 6 tn ' e _ chair 'to-day . He had known their ^ exqeJJpnt ^ W . lfc'for many years , as the Secretary'of their Lodge w pf Jastruction . ^ At the conclusion of his first year of office , they t ^ were *^ o satisfied with his services'that he received ' the hearty and ^ deserved thanks ' of the brethren , H > y whom 'ho was unanimously " re-elected . . Moreover , in thc ' Lodge he had always done every .
"thing he could for the welfare of individual membei' 3 . ' He felt sure that nothing would be wanting on his part to make this a successful year . So far as the W . M . was personally concerned , ho would be most heartily supported by the Officers and brethren by whom he . was surrounded . The toast was received with every demonstration of welcome . Bro . Laggett , in reply , returned his sincere thanks for
the reception which had been given to him on this , to him , auspicious occasion . He trusted they would have no cause to regret having elected him as the W . M . of this important Lodgo . It was his earnest hopo that they might have a prosperous year , and that the harmony and brotherly love for which the Lodge had at all times ' been characterised might continue . Bros . Des Barres then proposed
the Masonic Charities , which 'toast'he' -regarded as 'ono-: of tho most . ' important on the list . Among the gr ' eafand good gifts vouchsafed '" i 8 ' manj '' the greatest of thorn all Was Charity ; This had been impressed upon them ever since'they entered the Craft , and they had had the * claims of the Institutions '" urged ' upon them continually . Let ; theta fiot briTy appreciate those noble Charities ; ' but assist in making
the 'Closing days of tbeifdld bi ' ethren comfortable ; and the future of theii ; children prosperous . EfO . 'J , Terry , Secretary of the Royal " Masonic 'Benevolent Institution , in reply , said this toast was a- ' - very ' comprehensive one , involving as it did tho consideration of" the ' happiness of those who were , from a variety of causes , cast upon the charity of- others . ' Any otic who was in the habit
_ of attending the Prov . Grand Lodgo meetings must know what " was there done for f he Masonic Institutions . Ho was bound to say y 'fhat ' no Province worked moro consistently in behalf of those charities ' thaw-did the Province of Kent—simply becaase its members supplied y ' the means to form a , Benevolent Fnnd , ' from which ' the Prov . Grand
Lcdge " was enabled to"di 3 pense " abo [ it £ 300 a year . It must be , a __ source ot ' prido to belong to a Province which could boast of doing * ' what no other ' Province ( tees .- " 'He saw ' sirbuu ' d him several brethren " who had worked for the Charities , notably "Bros ; Ayling ,- DesBarres , J "' Baker , Emmorson , Laggett , & c . ; all ' of whom' had done noble service'in "" ' the cause . -For ' tlte'tikl ' -people the s ' riui ' ot £ 430 odd wit 3 received from Kent iu February Iiisf— £ 335 " CoTIected by 'tic 'three brethren ( Des
Installation Meetings, &C.
BarreSjEmmerson , and Baker ) who wero present . Among the members and visitors of 1096 were many brethren who really knew what charity meant . They not only maintained their dignity as men but as Masons . He had to thank them for the many gifts received from their Province , and to congratulate them upon the fact that ono of their boys was successful at the recent election , at which they must be
all gratified . Two men and two women from this Province were on tho list for tho May election . He thought from what ho c « uld ascertain that all would be successful . Tbe greatest compliment overpaid to a brother in connection with tho Masonic Charities was that ace "ded bv Kent to Bro . Brazier , whose daughter was elected to the i ' ¦ Is '
School with the largest number of votes ever polled at one of i ... ir elections . It must afford them great pleasure to know that merit was thus appreciated . In the town of Deal they had two annuitants —one an old man who received £ 40 a year , and the other a widow who received £ 32 a year . How pleasing it must be to them to know that so long as they lived they were provided for to that extent . He con .
concluded by expressing a hope that the brethren of this Province might do all they could for the Masonio Charities " in the future , as they had done in tho past . The box wa 3 here passed round , and the W . M . announced that the sum of -42 s had been collected in behalf of tho Benevolent Fund . Tho W . M . in proposing tho health of tho Installing Master , said it was with feelings of great pleasure
that he rose to discharge that duty . They owed to him in a very great measure the prosperity and efficiency of this Lodge . Glancing over their attendance book he found that Bro . Kirby had only been absent on ono ocoasion since his joining the Lodge . His efforts had been over zealously devoted to the advancement and pleasure of the brethren , and they hoped ho
might bo spared for many years to come amongst them , and to give them the benefit of his experience and counsel . He asked the brethren to join with him in drinking to Bro . Kirby's health , wishing him a long career of future prosperity . The toast was received with Masonic honours , and Bro . Kirby , in reply , returned hia heartfelt thanks for the manner in which he had been greeted on this happy
occasion . Ho assured them that the kind way in which Bro . Terry and the W . M . had spoken of him would urge him to do all he possibly could for tho good of the Lodge . During his term of office he had had the assistance , not only of his Officers and brethren , but also of the neighbouring Lodges . As Installing Master he had endeavoured to do his best , and ho was amply rewarded if ho had discharged the
duties to their satisfaction . Bro . Botting S . W . then gave the health of the Past Masters of the Lodge . They were very fortunate in having so many good P . M . 's to assist them on every occasion their aid was needed . They never appealed but they found the P . M . ' s ready to assist in every possiblo way . In acknowledging tho complimont , Bro . Usher said it afforded him great pleasure to return thanks for tho
P . M . s . It was a source of satisfaction to them to see so many present to do honour to the Lodge . But it seemed to him that they wero almost a nonentity , for tho Officers were so well up in their duties ; if , however , they were at auy time appealed to , they would do all they could for the welfare of the Lodge . Bro . Harrison , in proposing tho health of tho Visitors , said it was a toast which he was sure they
would join iu drinking with the greatest enthusiasm . They had been hononred by many members of the neighbouring Lodges , to whom , on behalf of the Lord Warden Lodge , he begged to tender their hearty thanks . The toast was suitably acknowledged by Bro . Emmer 3 on , who expressed his warmest thanks for the reception they had accorded the visitors , and the pleasure they had in assisting at the installation of
their new W . M . The toast of the Masonic Press was proposed by Bro . Ayling , and acknowledged by Bro . W . W . Morgan jun . Tho W . M ., in proposing the health of tho Officers of tho Lodge , said he had great cause to congratulate himself upon having so many efficient brethren to choose from . He felt confident that he should have the hearty co-operation of all during the ensuing year . The S . W ., in
responding , thanked the W . M . for the kindly terms in which the toast had been couched , and said the officers intended to show by their work that the high opinion the W . M . had expressed of them should be justified . The official list closed with the Tyler ' s toast , and the brethren soon afterwards separated . During the evening some excellent vocal selections were given , by a choir of boys under the direction of the S . W ., whilst some capital songs were sung at intervals
by the brethren , the following programme being most effectively rendered : — "The Mariner , " "The Sleighing Song , " "The Three Fishers , " " O , who will o ' er the Downs ? " " The Blue Alsatian Mountains , " "Children ' s Voices , " "The Goodwin Sands , " "The Village Choristers , " "The Four Jolly Smiths , " "Tho Scout . " In addition to these' Mr . Forster , of the Royal Hotel , sang in excellent style "The Red Cross Banner , " which being encored he sang " Sweethearts , " with equal success .
In consequence of the Grand Festival falling on the night arranged for the Fifteen Sections at La Tolerance Lodge of Instruction , the brethren havo decided to postpone their working . till the 7 th of May .
Bro . James Terry , Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons , has succeeded in obtaining tho Earl of Zetland , Prov . CM . for North and East Yorkshire , as Chairman of the Festival of the Institution for 3880 .
The Installation of Ex-Companions Mark Samuel Larl-1 mm as Z ., Thomas Poore as H ., and R . Noakes Field as J . of the Paumure R . A . Chapter No . 270 , will take place
at Hie Horns Tavern , Kennington , S . E ., on Monday , the 1-th of May , at o p . m . Ex-Companion James Stevens P . Z . and Scribe E . of the Chapter will officiate as Installing Principal .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
as to elicit unbounded expressions of admiration amongst the brethren . The W . M . invested his Officors for tho ensuing year as follow :-Bros . H . R . Botting S . W ., J . Carpenter J . W ., Rev . J . B . Harrison Chap ., E . Kirby I . P . M . Treas ., T . J . Usher P . M . Sec , W . Cartorfield S . D ., F . It . England J . D ., Henry Abrams Org ., F . Haslip I . G ., G . Chandler D . C ., G . G . Thomson and G . Rivers
Stewards , S . Holgate Tyler . At tho conclusion of tho ceremony it was proposed by tho W . M . and seconded by Bro . Ayling P . M ., that Bro . Dos Barres act a 3 tho representative of the Lodgo on tho Charity Committco of the Provinco for tho ensuing year . This wa 3 unanimously agreed to , and Bro . Des Barres thanked tho brethren for tho confidence they had again reposed in him . Bro . Ayling thon
proposed a vote of thanks to tho Installing Mastor , for the ablo manner in which ho had performed tho oeremony , and this having been warmly accorded , the W . M . said ho had now great pleasure in presenting , on behalf of the members of tho Lodge , a P . M . 's jewel to his prodoccssor . In doing so he wished to thank Bro . Kirby for his many valuablo sorvices to the Lodge , not only during tho term of
his Mastership , but ever since ho had become a member of the Lodge . Bro . Kirby , in acknowledging tho compliment paid to him , testifiod his pleasuro in again receiving the thanks of the members . Ho would endeavour at all times to do his duty , and if he could in any way help in the management of tke Lodge ho should only bo too happy to do so . A vote of thanks was thon passed to
the P . M . ' s , W . M . ' s , and other Visitors who had attended to assist in the business of the day , which compliment was acknowledged by Bros . Bird and Woodruff . Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren adjourned to tho Royal Hotel , where an oxcellent banquet was provided . The W . M . of course presided , the Wardens ably discharging the dntios of the Vice-chairs . The repast having been done ample
justice to , tho Loyal aud Masonic toasts were honoured , the W . M . spoke of the great interest over evinced in Masonry by the M . W . G . M . tho Princo of Wales , which teuded so vastly to strengthen and extend tho influence of tho Craft . The toast of tho Right Hon . tho Earl of Carnarvon was given by the Chaplain , and received with the utmost enthusiasm . Bro . Bird P . P . G . S . W . in giving the
other Masonic Rulers , said they wero all aware that the Grand Officers had a great deal of work which required their earnest atton . tion and coustaht care . When tho Craft found that the whole system went on without a hitch , thoy should recognise in them the workers of Freemasonry . Bro . Ayling , then iu felicitous terms , gave the health of the R . W . the Prov . G . M . Lord Holmesdalc , M . P ., and in doing so
ho said ho was sure every brother who had met his Lordship must know that ho manifested a deep interest in Freemasonry . Those who were present at the Prov . Grand Lodgo meeting , a few years since , at Deal , must havo seen aud appreciated the way in which ho conducted the affairs of tho Lodgo . Bro . F . Bakor , in proposing the health of the D . P . G . M . Bro . Eastos , and tho Prov . G . Officers Past
and Present , observed that in respect of thoir Deputy Prov . G . Master a vast aiiioiiut of discrimination was needed iu transacting tho various matters of business which came before him in the Province . He expressed a hope that tho state of Bro . Eastes ' s health might permit of his ' long continuing in tho distinguished office he had so . long and worthily filled . Tho toast was received with
' . the , jithibs ' t cordiality , and Bro . Harrison suitably responded on / . behalf of the Prov . Grand Officers . The I . P . M . next proposed J' the " heajtli of tho W . M , of Lodge 1096 , in doing which he „ ., was confident ' it was a toast that would be accepted with v the . utmost Jileasdre by the 'brethren present . It had been his , good fortuno , and it " 'had' afforded him great gratification , to
instal ^ Bro .. "Lajygotfc ; irit 6 tn ' e _ chair 'to-day . He had known their ^ exqeJJpnt ^ W . lfc'for many years , as the Secretary'of their Lodge w pf Jastruction . ^ At the conclusion of his first year of office , they t ^ were *^ o satisfied with his services'that he received ' the hearty and ^ deserved thanks ' of the brethren , H > y whom 'ho was unanimously " re-elected . . Moreover , in thc ' Lodge he had always done every .
"thing he could for the welfare of individual membei' 3 . ' He felt sure that nothing would be wanting on his part to make this a successful year . So far as the W . M . was personally concerned , ho would be most heartily supported by the Officers and brethren by whom he . was surrounded . The toast was received with every demonstration of welcome . Bro . Laggett , in reply , returned his sincere thanks for
the reception which had been given to him on this , to him , auspicious occasion . He trusted they would have no cause to regret having elected him as the W . M . of this important Lodgo . It was his earnest hopo that they might have a prosperous year , and that the harmony and brotherly love for which the Lodge had at all times ' been characterised might continue . Bros . Des Barres then proposed
the Masonic Charities , which 'toast'he' -regarded as 'ono-: of tho most . ' important on the list . Among the gr ' eafand good gifts vouchsafed '" i 8 ' manj '' the greatest of thorn all Was Charity ; This had been impressed upon them ever since'they entered the Craft , and they had had the * claims of the Institutions '" urged ' upon them continually . Let ; theta fiot briTy appreciate those noble Charities ; ' but assist in making
the 'Closing days of tbeifdld bi ' ethren comfortable ; and the future of theii ; children prosperous . EfO . 'J , Terry , Secretary of the Royal " Masonic 'Benevolent Institution , in reply , said this toast was a- ' - very ' comprehensive one , involving as it did tho consideration of" the ' happiness of those who were , from a variety of causes , cast upon the charity of- others . ' Any otic who was in the habit
_ of attending the Prov . Grand Lodgo meetings must know what " was there done for f he Masonic Institutions . Ho was bound to say y 'fhat ' no Province worked moro consistently in behalf of those charities ' thaw-did the Province of Kent—simply becaase its members supplied y ' the means to form a , Benevolent Fnnd , ' from which ' the Prov . Grand
Lcdge " was enabled to"di 3 pense " abo [ it £ 300 a year . It must be , a __ source ot ' prido to belong to a Province which could boast of doing * ' what no other ' Province ( tees .- " 'He saw ' sirbuu ' d him several brethren " who had worked for the Charities , notably "Bros ; Ayling ,- DesBarres , J "' Baker , Emmorson , Laggett , & c . ; all ' of whom' had done noble service'in "" ' the cause . -For ' tlte'tikl ' -people the s ' riui ' ot £ 430 odd wit 3 received from Kent iu February Iiisf— £ 335 " CoTIected by 'tic 'three brethren ( Des
Installation Meetings, &C.
BarreSjEmmerson , and Baker ) who wero present . Among the members and visitors of 1096 were many brethren who really knew what charity meant . They not only maintained their dignity as men but as Masons . He had to thank them for the many gifts received from their Province , and to congratulate them upon the fact that ono of their boys was successful at the recent election , at which they must be
all gratified . Two men and two women from this Province were on tho list for tho May election . He thought from what ho c « uld ascertain that all would be successful . Tbe greatest compliment overpaid to a brother in connection with tho Masonic Charities was that ace "ded bv Kent to Bro . Brazier , whose daughter was elected to the i ' ¦ Is '
School with the largest number of votes ever polled at one of i ... ir elections . It must afford them great pleasure to know that merit was thus appreciated . In the town of Deal they had two annuitants —one an old man who received £ 40 a year , and the other a widow who received £ 32 a year . How pleasing it must be to them to know that so long as they lived they were provided for to that extent . He con .
concluded by expressing a hope that the brethren of this Province might do all they could for the Masonio Charities " in the future , as they had done in tho past . The box wa 3 here passed round , and the W . M . announced that the sum of -42 s had been collected in behalf of tho Benevolent Fund . Tho W . M . in proposing tho health of tho Installing Master , said it was with feelings of great pleasure
that he rose to discharge that duty . They owed to him in a very great measure the prosperity and efficiency of this Lodge . Glancing over their attendance book he found that Bro . Kirby had only been absent on ono ocoasion since his joining the Lodge . His efforts had been over zealously devoted to the advancement and pleasure of the brethren , and they hoped ho
might bo spared for many years to come amongst them , and to give them the benefit of his experience and counsel . He asked the brethren to join with him in drinking to Bro . Kirby's health , wishing him a long career of future prosperity . The toast was received with Masonic honours , and Bro . Kirby , in reply , returned hia heartfelt thanks for the manner in which he had been greeted on this happy
occasion . Ho assured them that the kind way in which Bro . Terry and the W . M . had spoken of him would urge him to do all he possibly could for tho good of the Lodge . During his term of office he had had the assistance , not only of his Officers and brethren , but also of the neighbouring Lodges . As Installing Master he had endeavoured to do his best , and ho was amply rewarded if ho had discharged the
duties to their satisfaction . Bro . Botting S . W . then gave the health of the Past Masters of the Lodge . They were very fortunate in having so many good P . M . 's to assist them on every occasion their aid was needed . They never appealed but they found the P . M . ' s ready to assist in every possiblo way . In acknowledging tho complimont , Bro . Usher said it afforded him great pleasure to return thanks for tho
P . M . s . It was a source of satisfaction to them to see so many present to do honour to the Lodge . But it seemed to him that they wero almost a nonentity , for tho Officers were so well up in their duties ; if , however , they were at auy time appealed to , they would do all they could for the welfare of the Lodge . Bro . Harrison , in proposing tho health of tho Visitors , said it was a toast which he was sure they
would join iu drinking with the greatest enthusiasm . They had been hononred by many members of the neighbouring Lodges , to whom , on behalf of the Lord Warden Lodge , he begged to tender their hearty thanks . The toast was suitably acknowledged by Bro . Emmer 3 on , who expressed his warmest thanks for the reception they had accorded the visitors , and the pleasure they had in assisting at the installation of
their new W . M . The toast of the Masonic Press was proposed by Bro . Ayling , and acknowledged by Bro . W . W . Morgan jun . Tho W . M ., in proposing the health of tho Officers of tho Lodge , said he had great cause to congratulate himself upon having so many efficient brethren to choose from . He felt confident that he should have the hearty co-operation of all during the ensuing year . The S . W ., in
responding , thanked the W . M . for the kindly terms in which the toast had been couched , and said the officers intended to show by their work that the high opinion the W . M . had expressed of them should be justified . The official list closed with the Tyler ' s toast , and the brethren soon afterwards separated . During the evening some excellent vocal selections were given , by a choir of boys under the direction of the S . W ., whilst some capital songs were sung at intervals
by the brethren , the following programme being most effectively rendered : — "The Mariner , " "The Sleighing Song , " "The Three Fishers , " " O , who will o ' er the Downs ? " " The Blue Alsatian Mountains , " "Children ' s Voices , " "The Goodwin Sands , " "The Village Choristers , " "The Four Jolly Smiths , " "Tho Scout . " In addition to these' Mr . Forster , of the Royal Hotel , sang in excellent style "The Red Cross Banner , " which being encored he sang " Sweethearts , " with equal success .
In consequence of the Grand Festival falling on the night arranged for the Fifteen Sections at La Tolerance Lodge of Instruction , the brethren havo decided to postpone their working . till the 7 th of May .
Bro . James Terry , Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons , has succeeded in obtaining tho Earl of Zetland , Prov . CM . for North and East Yorkshire , as Chairman of the Festival of the Institution for 3880 .
The Installation of Ex-Companions Mark Samuel Larl-1 mm as Z ., Thomas Poore as H ., and R . Noakes Field as J . of the Paumure R . A . Chapter No . 270 , will take place
at Hie Horns Tavern , Kennington , S . E ., on Monday , the 1-th of May , at o p . m . Ex-Companion James Stevens P . Z . and Scribe E . of the Chapter will officiate as Installing Principal .