Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 3 of 3 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 3 of 3 Article DEATH. Page 1 of 1
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Installation Meetings, &C.
Egyptian Lodgo of Instruction , No . 27 . —At Bro . Maidwcll ' s , tbo Hercules Tavern , 119 Leadenhali-street , E . G ., on Thnrsclay , 24 th April . Bros . Webb W . M ., Woodward S . W ., Bedell J . W ., Forss S . D ., Cuthbertson J . D ., Lake I . G ., Crammer Hon . Sec , Webb Preceptor , and other brethren . The ceremony of installation was rehearsed by Bro . Webb , Bro . Chapman , S . W . of tho Egyptian Lodge , ' acting as
candidate . Tho second and third sections of the first lecture wero worked by Bro . Webb , assisted by thr brethren . Dro . Norden dictated the answer 3 . After other bnsin s * the Lodge was closed . The annual dinner of this Lodge of InstiM-. ¦ ¦; i <> n will take place on the second Thursday in May , at seven p . m . Early application for tickets is necessary , as the number is limited to twentv .
Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 780 . —At the Star and Garter , 18 th April . Bros . Tncker W . M ., Gomm S . W ., Costelow J . W ., Kyezor S . D ., Franckel J . D ., Talbot I . G ., Gunner Hon . Sec , Hogg P . M . 1339 , Owen 671 , Bloomfield 1612 , Roo P . M . Preceptor , Blasby , Skinner , & c . After Bro . Owen had offered himself as candidate , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . P . M . Hogg
worked the first section of the third lecture . Lodge was resumed , when Bros . Hogg aud Roe worked the first and second sections of the first lecture . Bros . Hogg and Tucker announced their willingness to obtain the aid of visiting brethren to work tbe Fifteen Sections on one evening . Tho brethren of this Lodge of Instruction trust that they may soon have an evening periodically sot apart for that
purpose . Bro . Gomm was elected W . M . for next meeting . Bro . Hogg P . M . was unanimonsly elected an honorary member of this Lodgo of Instruction , in recognition of his willingness at all times to impart his largo storo of Masonic lore to tho brethren . Bro . Hogg acknowledged the compliment i n a few trite sentences , and Lodge was then closed and adjonrned till 25 th April at half . past seven p . m .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1439 . —The weekly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday evening last , at tho Liverpool Arms , Canning-towu . Bro . W . J . Smith presided as W . M ., and was supported by Bros . Johnson S . W ., Roberts J . W ., Pavitt S . D ., Worsley J . D ., Spencer I . G ., Buttorficld Candidate . P . M . ' s Musto Preceptor and B . Cnndick ; Bros . Windas , Dunsmore , Rawe , Watkins ,
White and W . W . Morgan FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . Groat admiration was expressed with the pretty appearance of the useful aud commodious room which tho brethren have secured for Lodge purposes , the miniature furniture being in kcepiug with the ordinary appointments of a Masonic Lodge , and giving to the apartment a very pleasing and unique aspect . That tho brethren could have
secured so excellent a meetiug place in the midst of a busy hive of toilers , could hardly have beeu expected by tho casual visitor ; yet , by tho iudufatigablo exertions of the promoters , they have obtained for themselves such a " local habitation" as id well worth } ' a visit . The locale is nearly adjoining the railway station , and is , then-fore , easy of access ; and though at tho first blush tho name of C .
iuuingtown might give rise to slight apprehension , yet it id evident that this Lodge has taken firm root aud bids fair to attract to itself a largo amount of attention from the brethren of the Craft . The motto which is carried into practical effect seems to be " early to bed and early to rise ; " and , following the spirit of tho old proverb , business is made to closo at the very seasonable hour of half-past nino .
There was n goodly muster on Tnssday evening , and tho instruction was of tho most useful and edifying description . The Lodge was opened in accordance with ancient formalities , and the minutes of the last meeting having been read aud confirmed , Bro . Bntterfield , the candidate for passing , was exaroiued and entrusted . Lodge was then advanced , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed by the
W . M . in excellent style . Bro . Barker , assisted by the brethren , worked the first four sections of the lecture , after which tho Lodge was lowered , and it was then proposed by Bro . Musto , and seconded by Bro . S . W . that Bro . W . W . Morgan be elected an hon . member of this Lodgo of Instruction . The resolution was carried amidst acclamation . It was then unanimously decided , on tho motion of
Bro . Musto , seconded by Bro . S . W . that Bros . P . M . Cnndick 1421 , Windas 8 G 0 , Bntterfield 1083 , Rawe 781 , and Rob 3 on 158 , become members of the Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Roberts having been appointed W . M . for the ensuing meeting , and nothing further being offered , the Lodge was adjourned until Tuesday next . Wo were
much p leased with the excellent working of the answers by Bros . Worsley , Smith , Andrews , aud Pavitt , mombers of the Lodge ; Bro . Cttndick expressed himself as most delighted with tho work performed ; it reflected tho highest credit on tho worthy Preceptor . Bro . Cundick , whose working is scarcely to be excelled , kindly consented to rehearse the installation ceremony on Tuesday evening next .
North London Chapter of Improvement , 1471 . —The weokly meeting was held on Friday last week , at the Crown and Woolpack , St . Johu-street-road . Comp . J . L . Mather M . E . Z ., Sparrow H ., Halford J ., C . K . Killiek S . E ., Lake P . S ., and others . The ceremony of Exaltation was rehearsed . Comp . John Gibbs candidate . The work was very ably done throughout , the address of H . being given by Comp . Griggs ( the office he holds in the United Strength Chapter ) in a very eloquent manner .
Eleanor Cross Lodge . —The regular meeting of thi 3 Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Northampton , on Tuesday , the 15 th inst ., when , in consequence of the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., the Lodge was opened under the presidency of Bro . Hamilton Parker
W . M . 3 ti 0 . The Officers present were—Bros . H . J . Atkins J . W ., 4 J . W . Wigg Chaplain , Parker Treas ., If . Brown Sec , C . H . Frank Assist . Sec , Hill S . D . Orgauist , H . Spoor J . D ., G . Ellard D . C ., E . Morris f . G ., Kirby and Dean Tylers . Also Bros . Rev . T . C . Beasley , R . Croft , W . H . Linnell , J . Manning , T . V . do Denne , R . Taylor , W . 11 . Marsh W . M . 1805 ,
Installation Meetings, &C.
P . M . 9 , 933 , and 1672 , Green P . M . 360 , Williams 360 . The first business was to ballot for the admission of Mr . James Cnrrall and Mr . Samuel Newman , which was declared to be unanimous in each case . Mr . J . C . Franklin , Mr . George Butcher , and Mr . Alfred Jonos were then initiated , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Parker in a very impressive manner , P . M . Green of Pomfret Lodge very kindly
assisted the acting W . M . An additional sum of £ 2 19 s was voted to tho R . M . B . I ., and in response to the D . P . G . M . ' s letter , Bro . Wigg was elected for presentation al the forthcoming Provincial Grand Lodgo MS Assistant Chaplain , and Bro . H . Brown was requested to act as Prov . Grand Steward . Tho Brethren then adjonrnod to tho Lower Hall , and sat down to a very substantial banquot . Alter tho usual
Loyal and Masonic toasts had been given from the chair , Bro . tho Rev . T . C . Beasley go . ve the toast of the evening , namely , tho newlyinitiated brethren , in doing which ho trusted they wonld bring honour and dignity to tho ancient Order . Ho reminded them that if they would do this , they must cultivate , among other virtues , those of reverence and humility , remembering that , altrougUthcy had already
learnt somothing , thoy had yet a very great deal more to acquire . In conclnding , he expressed his confidenco that they wonld be true to the great principles involved in the words on which thoir eyes rested , " Brotherly lovo , relief , aud truth . " Ho pointed out how thoso who had been that evening initiated might be regarded as representatives of these three most excellent principles . Tho real welfare of tho
Lodge depended to a very great extent upou those who from timo to time wore welcomed amongst them as brethren . This would of course be true of a socioty of any kind , but it waa especially so of such a one as that into which the initiates had just been admitted , because every trne-bearted Mason in the Lodge would desire to hail them as brothers . A little boy , having on oue occasion been asked
whether ho would like to have a little sister , replied , with adnrrablo caution , " I should like to see her first . " This was a feeling which could not be but shared by every member of a Masouie Lodge , in which true union always prevailed . They would like to see their brethren before they acknowledged them as such , eo that the open hand and cordial grasp with which thoy welcomed thom might be
tho expression of a sincere regard . This , of course , was not possiblo in every case , and so they did the next best thing , if indeed it wero not a hotter ono , by reposing a generous confidence in thoso brethren who from time to time accepted the responsibility of introducing new mombers . They might rely ou a hearty welcome . Tho Initiates each replied , thanking the brethren for tlio honour
thoy had conferred npon thorn by receiving them into tho Lodge . Bro . Marsh responded on behalf of tho Visitors , and expressed his pleasure at being ablo to witness the ini'ia ' ion of his old friend and now Brother Jones , complimenting the OiRcora on the very admirable manner in which the ceremonies had boon performed , aud the Lodgo
on the possession of such a perfect and well-appointed lodge room . After st ) vend other eloqu-nt speeches , and suine capital harmony , aided by Bro . Croft as acewnpanyist , tho Tyler ' s to--ist brought to a close one of tho happiest gatherings this flourishing yoing Lodge has experienced .
Charterhouse Club of Instruction . —A meeting of the members of this Clnb was convened for 15 ih inst . ( Mas'or Tuesday ) , at Bro . Thos . Butt ' s , New . Market FI-. itel , King-street , West Smithliold , but , no doubt iu consequence of tho number of brethren who have been out of town during the holiday season , tho attendance was very scanty . Lodge was opened at 8 . 30 under tho presidency of Bro .
G . M . Taylor P . M . 917 , who was supported by a visitor in the S . W . ' s ohair , aud Bro . T . B . Humphrey 1509 Sec . a 3 J . W . The initiation ceremony was first rehearsed , the whole of the working being gono through in praiseworthy manner by Bro . Taylor . The Lodge waa then advanced , and the ceremony of pissing rehearsed ; and after the usual congratulations had been passed , tho proceedings were
closed in peace aud harmouy . Great regret was expressod at the unavoidable absence , through indisposition , of Bro . James Stevens , who we understand had an important proposal to lay before the Club , and the hope was expressed that ho might be enabled to attend on tho following Tuesday evening and be met by a much larger attendauce of the members . This hope was verified , for on the 22 nd
there was a considerable master , Bro . Stcveus presiding as W . M . Bros . Good us J . W . and W . C . Hale as J . W . After the ceremonies of initiation and raising had been rehwirsed , the proposal above referred to was submitted to the brethren present , who nnanimnnsly agreed to carry out the same . If the promised support is afforded , there can be no doubt that we shall be enabled presently to lay before
our readers the details of a scheme which will be of considerable importance to many brethren resident in the city and within easy reach thereof . For tho present it appears to be thought desirable not to give too much publicity to the proposal , although at each successive Tuesday evening for the next month or two the details will be worked out by those who associate themselves with the present working of tue Club .
On 19 th April 1870 , at his residence , Tuoorook , near Liverpool , Bro . WIULIAM BHOW . V , of Pembroke Lodge , So . 1299 .
HoiitowAv's rn . i . 3 . —These celebrated Pills nrc essentiaUy useful in purifying the Wood , cleansing the stomach , gently stimulating tho kidneys , and acting as mild aperients . A few doses of this purifying medicine set the foulest stomach right , remove all bilious symptoms , steady the circulation , give stsctigth to tho muscles and composure to the hrain and nerves . The I'ilia arc so innoxious that they may 1 ) 0 taken by persons in the most delicate state of health , and with marvellous effect . When . the system has been enervated by over-indulgi-nce , or exhausted by mercurial preparations , these Tills arc oxcu ' hent restoratives , they expel the poison and enrich tho Mood .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
Egyptian Lodgo of Instruction , No . 27 . —At Bro . Maidwcll ' s , tbo Hercules Tavern , 119 Leadenhali-street , E . G ., on Thnrsclay , 24 th April . Bros . Webb W . M ., Woodward S . W ., Bedell J . W ., Forss S . D ., Cuthbertson J . D ., Lake I . G ., Crammer Hon . Sec , Webb Preceptor , and other brethren . The ceremony of installation was rehearsed by Bro . Webb , Bro . Chapman , S . W . of tho Egyptian Lodge , ' acting as
candidate . Tho second and third sections of the first lecture wero worked by Bro . Webb , assisted by thr brethren . Dro . Norden dictated the answer 3 . After other bnsin s * the Lodge was closed . The annual dinner of this Lodge of InstiM-. ¦ ¦; i <> n will take place on the second Thursday in May , at seven p . m . Early application for tickets is necessary , as the number is limited to twentv .
Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 780 . —At the Star and Garter , 18 th April . Bros . Tncker W . M ., Gomm S . W ., Costelow J . W ., Kyezor S . D ., Franckel J . D ., Talbot I . G ., Gunner Hon . Sec , Hogg P . M . 1339 , Owen 671 , Bloomfield 1612 , Roo P . M . Preceptor , Blasby , Skinner , & c . After Bro . Owen had offered himself as candidate , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . P . M . Hogg
worked the first section of the third lecture . Lodge was resumed , when Bros . Hogg aud Roe worked the first and second sections of the first lecture . Bros . Hogg and Tucker announced their willingness to obtain the aid of visiting brethren to work tbe Fifteen Sections on one evening . Tho brethren of this Lodge of Instruction trust that they may soon have an evening periodically sot apart for that
purpose . Bro . Gomm was elected W . M . for next meeting . Bro . Hogg P . M . was unanimonsly elected an honorary member of this Lodgo of Instruction , in recognition of his willingness at all times to impart his largo storo of Masonic lore to tho brethren . Bro . Hogg acknowledged the compliment i n a few trite sentences , and Lodge was then closed and adjonrned till 25 th April at half . past seven p . m .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1439 . —The weekly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday evening last , at tho Liverpool Arms , Canning-towu . Bro . W . J . Smith presided as W . M ., and was supported by Bros . Johnson S . W ., Roberts J . W ., Pavitt S . D ., Worsley J . D ., Spencer I . G ., Buttorficld Candidate . P . M . ' s Musto Preceptor and B . Cnndick ; Bros . Windas , Dunsmore , Rawe , Watkins ,
White and W . W . Morgan FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . Groat admiration was expressed with the pretty appearance of the useful aud commodious room which tho brethren have secured for Lodge purposes , the miniature furniture being in kcepiug with the ordinary appointments of a Masonic Lodge , and giving to the apartment a very pleasing and unique aspect . That tho brethren could have
secured so excellent a meetiug place in the midst of a busy hive of toilers , could hardly have beeu expected by tho casual visitor ; yet , by tho iudufatigablo exertions of the promoters , they have obtained for themselves such a " local habitation" as id well worth } ' a visit . The locale is nearly adjoining the railway station , and is , then-fore , easy of access ; and though at tho first blush tho name of C .
iuuingtown might give rise to slight apprehension , yet it id evident that this Lodge has taken firm root aud bids fair to attract to itself a largo amount of attention from the brethren of the Craft . The motto which is carried into practical effect seems to be " early to bed and early to rise ; " and , following the spirit of tho old proverb , business is made to closo at the very seasonable hour of half-past nino .
There was n goodly muster on Tnssday evening , and tho instruction was of tho most useful and edifying description . The Lodge was opened in accordance with ancient formalities , and the minutes of the last meeting having been read aud confirmed , Bro . Bntterfield , the candidate for passing , was exaroiued and entrusted . Lodge was then advanced , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed by the
W . M . in excellent style . Bro . Barker , assisted by the brethren , worked the first four sections of the lecture , after which tho Lodge was lowered , and it was then proposed by Bro . Musto , and seconded by Bro . S . W . that Bro . W . W . Morgan be elected an hon . member of this Lodgo of Instruction . The resolution was carried amidst acclamation . It was then unanimously decided , on tho motion of
Bro . Musto , seconded by Bro . S . W . that Bros . P . M . Cnndick 1421 , Windas 8 G 0 , Bntterfield 1083 , Rawe 781 , and Rob 3 on 158 , become members of the Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Roberts having been appointed W . M . for the ensuing meeting , and nothing further being offered , the Lodge was adjourned until Tuesday next . Wo were
much p leased with the excellent working of the answers by Bros . Worsley , Smith , Andrews , aud Pavitt , mombers of the Lodge ; Bro . Cttndick expressed himself as most delighted with tho work performed ; it reflected tho highest credit on tho worthy Preceptor . Bro . Cundick , whose working is scarcely to be excelled , kindly consented to rehearse the installation ceremony on Tuesday evening next .
North London Chapter of Improvement , 1471 . —The weokly meeting was held on Friday last week , at the Crown and Woolpack , St . Johu-street-road . Comp . J . L . Mather M . E . Z ., Sparrow H ., Halford J ., C . K . Killiek S . E ., Lake P . S ., and others . The ceremony of Exaltation was rehearsed . Comp . John Gibbs candidate . The work was very ably done throughout , the address of H . being given by Comp . Griggs ( the office he holds in the United Strength Chapter ) in a very eloquent manner .
Eleanor Cross Lodge . —The regular meeting of thi 3 Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Northampton , on Tuesday , the 15 th inst ., when , in consequence of the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., the Lodge was opened under the presidency of Bro . Hamilton Parker
W . M . 3 ti 0 . The Officers present were—Bros . H . J . Atkins J . W ., 4 J . W . Wigg Chaplain , Parker Treas ., If . Brown Sec , C . H . Frank Assist . Sec , Hill S . D . Orgauist , H . Spoor J . D ., G . Ellard D . C ., E . Morris f . G ., Kirby and Dean Tylers . Also Bros . Rev . T . C . Beasley , R . Croft , W . H . Linnell , J . Manning , T . V . do Denne , R . Taylor , W . 11 . Marsh W . M . 1805 ,
Installation Meetings, &C.
P . M . 9 , 933 , and 1672 , Green P . M . 360 , Williams 360 . The first business was to ballot for the admission of Mr . James Cnrrall and Mr . Samuel Newman , which was declared to be unanimous in each case . Mr . J . C . Franklin , Mr . George Butcher , and Mr . Alfred Jonos were then initiated , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Parker in a very impressive manner , P . M . Green of Pomfret Lodge very kindly
assisted the acting W . M . An additional sum of £ 2 19 s was voted to tho R . M . B . I ., and in response to the D . P . G . M . ' s letter , Bro . Wigg was elected for presentation al the forthcoming Provincial Grand Lodgo MS Assistant Chaplain , and Bro . H . Brown was requested to act as Prov . Grand Steward . Tho Brethren then adjonrnod to tho Lower Hall , and sat down to a very substantial banquot . Alter tho usual
Loyal and Masonic toasts had been given from the chair , Bro . tho Rev . T . C . Beasley go . ve the toast of the evening , namely , tho newlyinitiated brethren , in doing which ho trusted they wonld bring honour and dignity to tho ancient Order . Ho reminded them that if they would do this , they must cultivate , among other virtues , those of reverence and humility , remembering that , altrougUthcy had already
learnt somothing , thoy had yet a very great deal more to acquire . In conclnding , he expressed his confidenco that they wonld be true to the great principles involved in the words on which thoir eyes rested , " Brotherly lovo , relief , aud truth . " Ho pointed out how thoso who had been that evening initiated might be regarded as representatives of these three most excellent principles . Tho real welfare of tho
Lodge depended to a very great extent upou those who from timo to time wore welcomed amongst them as brethren . This would of course be true of a socioty of any kind , but it waa especially so of such a one as that into which the initiates had just been admitted , because every trne-bearted Mason in the Lodge would desire to hail them as brothers . A little boy , having on oue occasion been asked
whether ho would like to have a little sister , replied , with adnrrablo caution , " I should like to see her first . " This was a feeling which could not be but shared by every member of a Masouie Lodge , in which true union always prevailed . They would like to see their brethren before they acknowledged them as such , eo that the open hand and cordial grasp with which thoy welcomed thom might be
tho expression of a sincere regard . This , of course , was not possiblo in every case , and so they did the next best thing , if indeed it wero not a hotter ono , by reposing a generous confidence in thoso brethren who from time to time accepted the responsibility of introducing new mombers . They might rely ou a hearty welcome . Tho Initiates each replied , thanking the brethren for tlio honour
thoy had conferred npon thorn by receiving them into tho Lodge . Bro . Marsh responded on behalf of tho Visitors , and expressed his pleasure at being ablo to witness the ini'ia ' ion of his old friend and now Brother Jones , complimenting the OiRcora on the very admirable manner in which the ceremonies had boon performed , aud the Lodgo
on the possession of such a perfect and well-appointed lodge room . After st ) vend other eloqu-nt speeches , and suine capital harmony , aided by Bro . Croft as acewnpanyist , tho Tyler ' s to--ist brought to a close one of tho happiest gatherings this flourishing yoing Lodge has experienced .
Charterhouse Club of Instruction . —A meeting of the members of this Clnb was convened for 15 ih inst . ( Mas'or Tuesday ) , at Bro . Thos . Butt ' s , New . Market FI-. itel , King-street , West Smithliold , but , no doubt iu consequence of tho number of brethren who have been out of town during the holiday season , tho attendance was very scanty . Lodge was opened at 8 . 30 under tho presidency of Bro .
G . M . Taylor P . M . 917 , who was supported by a visitor in the S . W . ' s ohair , aud Bro . T . B . Humphrey 1509 Sec . a 3 J . W . The initiation ceremony was first rehearsed , the whole of the working being gono through in praiseworthy manner by Bro . Taylor . The Lodge waa then advanced , and the ceremony of pissing rehearsed ; and after the usual congratulations had been passed , tho proceedings were
closed in peace aud harmouy . Great regret was expressod at the unavoidable absence , through indisposition , of Bro . James Stevens , who we understand had an important proposal to lay before the Club , and the hope was expressed that ho might be enabled to attend on tho following Tuesday evening and be met by a much larger attendauce of the members . This hope was verified , for on the 22 nd
there was a considerable master , Bro . Stcveus presiding as W . M . Bros . Good us J . W . and W . C . Hale as J . W . After the ceremonies of initiation and raising had been rehwirsed , the proposal above referred to was submitted to the brethren present , who nnanimnnsly agreed to carry out the same . If the promised support is afforded , there can be no doubt that we shall be enabled presently to lay before
our readers the details of a scheme which will be of considerable importance to many brethren resident in the city and within easy reach thereof . For tho present it appears to be thought desirable not to give too much publicity to the proposal , although at each successive Tuesday evening for the next month or two the details will be worked out by those who associate themselves with the present working of tue Club .
On 19 th April 1870 , at his residence , Tuoorook , near Liverpool , Bro . WIULIAM BHOW . V , of Pembroke Lodge , So . 1299 .
HoiitowAv's rn . i . 3 . —These celebrated Pills nrc essentiaUy useful in purifying the Wood , cleansing the stomach , gently stimulating tho kidneys , and acting as mild aperients . A few doses of this purifying medicine set the foulest stomach right , remove all bilious symptoms , steady the circulation , give stsctigth to tho muscles and composure to the hrain and nerves . The I'ilia arc so innoxious that they may 1 ) 0 taken by persons in the most delicate state of health , and with marvellous effect . When . the system has been enervated by over-indulgi-nce , or exhausted by mercurial preparations , these Tills arc oxcu ' hent restoratives , they expel the poison and enrich tho Mood .