Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH d GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Cold Luncheons on the Ground Floor ; This Room will nccommodato 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL ; The Grill Room wilt stent 150 iicvsous . REID'S TREBLE STOUT . WQRTMNGTON'S ALES , BERLIN TIVOH BEHR . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OF THE 13 EST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED TORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER BINES OF THE BEST QUALITY Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm ' s , and the Crystal Palace .
SAWYER'S ( late Station ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C . BRO . F . J . SAWYER i ( Late of Pimm ' s , Poultry , and of the Crystal Palaco ) begs to inform his friends and members of tho Craft in general , that he lias purchased fclio above business , and trusts , by strict attention and by supplying articles of tho best quality only , at a reasonable figure , to merit a continuance of then- past favours .
UNDER STATE'S GUARANTEE , And within a few months , a sum amounting to MARK 8 , 203 , 600 CASH ( £ 110 , 000 ) WILL BE DRAWN OUT AT HAMBURG . In the most favourable case the largest bonus will be MARK 400 , 000 ( £ 20 , 000 ); Also smaller ones as hereunder : — Mark 250 , 000 = 250 , 000 - | „ 150 , 000 = 150 , 000 „ 1 CO . 00 O = 100 , 000 The prospectus is-„ ( 10 , 1100 = ( 10 , 000 sued by tho Govern-„ 50 , 000 = 50 , 000 ment for this impor-2 of „ 10 , 000 = 80 , 000 J- taut Cash Drawing 2 of „ 30 , 000 = 00 , 000 will bo sent free on ft of „ 25 , 000 = 125 , 000 application to tho 2 of „ 20 , 000 = 10 , 000 undersigned . 12 of „ 15 , 000 = 180 , 000 21 ot „ 10 , 000 = 210 , 000 J 31 of 5 , 000 , 71 of 3 , 000 , 217 of 2 , 000 Marks , & e . The cost , as fixed by the Stato , is for a complete ticket Cs . In order to facilitate every one , tho participation to this cxtensivo Cash Drawing , the Stutc issiuvl also half tickets for 3 a each . All orders directed to tho undersigned Banking House , and enclosing the amount in l' . O . O ., Cheque Bank cheques or bank notes will bo promptly and carefully attended to daily up to tho 6 th May next . Stamps may be sent in payment for small amounts under one pound . Original State Tickets only and Prospectus in English are supplied by tho undersigned , also the official lists and tho amount of the gains directly after the drawing . The drawings will take place publicly , under Government ' s control . Applications please direct to Mr . DAVID KAUFMANN , Banker . Central Offices , Wolckerstrasso 6 , Hamburg ( Germany ) .
Fourth Revised Edition , 12 mo , 5 s . THE BOOK OF THE LODGE , By Rev . GEO . OLIVER , D . D . Most useful to new-made Masons and to Officers . ISIESDED AS A GUIDE TO ALL THE CEEEM 0 NIES , WITH RITUALS OF INSTALLATIONS , FUNERALS , WORKINGS , & c ., & c .
¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ i ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Also , price 10 s , rpiIE FOUR OLD LODGES . By Bro . ROBERT FKKKE GOULD , JL Barrister-at-Law . London : SPESTCEH & Co ., 23 A Great Queen Street , W . C .
X " -- —~ - _ . —_ - " - —_ - - —— II . __ II ^~* -. ^ M-.. mm ;_ £ ! LUJ !;• - ; ¦ . MI - —— ¦ — '^__"¦ Free by Post for 12 Stamps . A FTER THE TURTLE . —Thirty-one Years' Ministerial Policy . JtX . as sot forth at LOUD MATOH ' DAY BANQUETS , from 18 IS to 187 S . Collected by RICHAHD SEVIJ , . F . S . S . London .- Vv . VV . MOBGAJT , 07 Bariiicim , E . C .
KOTICE . —BACK NUMBERS . Brethren who desire to complete their sets of the J 7 KEX :-MAHO . \ ' S CHGOSICLE , should make early application for Back Numhers . At present all aro in print , bnt of some we have only a few copies left . Cases for binding the several vokimcs can be had at the Office , G 7 Barbican .
THE FKEEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , "W . C . Tho admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establishment tor ZMIA-SOlTia B ^ IsTQITETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , 4 c . Is too well known to need comment . Tho entire management lias been changed , and tho Establishment in alllts brunches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonic Body is directed to the many advantages offered . CtTISHNTE OiF THE HIGHEST CHARAC" H 1 R . WINES PERFECT IN CONDITION ANM 0 , UAIiITl . N . B -DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measuro of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
J » - I . ¦ * W , WW ¦ WJW gJM . WJUUW . 'A ^ I H^^^^^^^ W67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Malta. District Grand Lodge.
THE usual half-yearly meeting of this District Grand Lodge was held ou Thursday , the 10 th April , at the Masonic Hall , Valletta . The Grand Ledge was opened in ample form at 8 . 30 p . m ., R . W . Bro . William Kingston D . G . M . on tho throne . Present—W . Bro . the Chevalier Edward Rosenbusch D . D . G . M ., W . Bros . A . M . Broadley D . G . S . W ., W . Watson D . G . J . W ., G . Segond D . G . Treasurer , Capt . F . W . Beechey P . D . G . J . W ., C . Riecholmann P . D . G . J . W . and W .
Rothorham P . D . G . Registrar , Bro . Starkoy as D . G . Secretary , and many other Grand Officors , together with tho Masters , Past Masters , and Wardons of tho various Lodges in tho District , and many visiting brethren . Tho minutes of tho last half-yearl y meeting of tho 21-th Septombor 1878 , as well as those of tho Committee of tho Board of Gonoral Purposes , held on tho 3 rd April 1879 , wore read aud
confirmed . The R . W . D . G . M . thon proceeded to nominate aud invest his Officers for tho ensuing year . lie stated that after mature consideration ho had determined to appoint tho present D . G . S . W . Bro . Broadley W . M . of Lodge Ancient Carthage No . 1787 , at Tnnis , to tho office of D . D . G . M ., and that snch appointment was made with tho full concurrence of tho present D . D . G . M ., Bro . Ro 3 onbusch , who had so
ably and zealously discharged tho duties of his office . W . Bro . Broadley was then duly obligated and invested as D . D G . M . by tho D . G . M ., who availed himself of the presence of the W . M . ' s of tho different Lodges in tho District to read the patent by which W . Bro . Broadley was nominated . The following Deputy Grand Officers wero then appointed , and duly invested , with appropriate remarks by the D . G . M ., viz . . —
W . Bro . W . Rotherham P . M . 407 D . G . S . W . W . Bro . C . E . Coffey W . M . 319 D . G . J . W . W . Bro . W . Dahn W . M . 407 D . G . Registrar Bro . Rov . G . N . Godwin J . D . 3-19 D . G . Chaplain Bro . J . W . Starkoy Sec . 349 D . G . Secretary Bro . W . 'J . Jones S . W . 349 D . G . S . D . Bro . G . Crabtroe S . W . 515 D . G . J . D . Bro . Professor S . Souiller 1717 D . G . Supt . of Works Bro . Professor H . Stilon J . W . 515 D . G . Dir . of Cer . Bro . E . Grebbell Sec . 407 D . G . Sword Bearer . Bro . A . B . Tagliaferro 319 D . G . Standard Bearer . Bro . J . A . Matthews 407 D . G . Organist Bro . G . Westrup 515 D . G . Pursuivant
W . Bro . Segond ( W . M . 51 o ) was unanimously re-elected D . G Treasurer , aud Bro . Beck D . G . Tyler . These Officers were duly invested . The D . G . M . then referred to several lettors of apology for non-attondanco received from various members , and read in estenso those of Bro . J . H . Stevens , acting British Consul General at Tunis , S . W . 1717 , and Bro . the Chevalier Tnlin do la Tunisie , Imperial
German Consul at Tunis , also of 1717 . The D . D . G . M ., at the request of the D . G . M ., translated a letter in Italian containing fraternal o-roetinr's and good wishes from the W . M . of tho Italian Lodge Risorgimento , at Tunis . Tho D . G . M . then requested tho W . M . ' s present to nominate D . G . Stewards for thr- enduing year . W . Bro . Coffey nominated Bro . R . F . King for No . ?> 1-9 , W . Bto . Dahn named Bro 3 .
Birch and Stanley No . 107 , W . Bros . Broadley and Segond reserving their appointments . Tho D . G . M . referred to the prosperous condition of Masonry in his district , alluding in turn to each Lodge in p . irLicnlar . Ife especially mentioned the praiseworthy exertions of Bros . Watson and Coffey in the old Lodgo of St . John and St . Paul ; the exceptionally nourishing state of tho Union Lodge , which was on the point of investing a portion of its available funds in Consols ; the
satisfactory condition of affairs in the Zetland , and the extraordinary and rapid progress made by the Lodgo of Ancient Carthago , which numbered moro than one hundred members . Ho had visited that Lodge in tho mouth of Juno 1878 , and found their books , & c , in most exemplary order . He also was greatly pleased with the harmony aud good feeling- that pervaded the Lodge . Tunis h . iviug become so importaut a part of his district , ho had appointed
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH d GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Cold Luncheons on the Ground Floor ; This Room will nccommodato 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL ; The Grill Room wilt stent 150 iicvsous . REID'S TREBLE STOUT . WQRTMNGTON'S ALES , BERLIN TIVOH BEHR . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OF THE 13 EST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED TORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER BINES OF THE BEST QUALITY Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm ' s , and the Crystal Palace .
SAWYER'S ( late Station ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C . BRO . F . J . SAWYER i ( Late of Pimm ' s , Poultry , and of the Crystal Palaco ) begs to inform his friends and members of tho Craft in general , that he lias purchased fclio above business , and trusts , by strict attention and by supplying articles of tho best quality only , at a reasonable figure , to merit a continuance of then- past favours .
UNDER STATE'S GUARANTEE , And within a few months , a sum amounting to MARK 8 , 203 , 600 CASH ( £ 110 , 000 ) WILL BE DRAWN OUT AT HAMBURG . In the most favourable case the largest bonus will be MARK 400 , 000 ( £ 20 , 000 ); Also smaller ones as hereunder : — Mark 250 , 000 = 250 , 000 - | „ 150 , 000 = 150 , 000 „ 1 CO . 00 O = 100 , 000 The prospectus is-„ ( 10 , 1100 = ( 10 , 000 sued by tho Govern-„ 50 , 000 = 50 , 000 ment for this impor-2 of „ 10 , 000 = 80 , 000 J- taut Cash Drawing 2 of „ 30 , 000 = 00 , 000 will bo sent free on ft of „ 25 , 000 = 125 , 000 application to tho 2 of „ 20 , 000 = 10 , 000 undersigned . 12 of „ 15 , 000 = 180 , 000 21 ot „ 10 , 000 = 210 , 000 J 31 of 5 , 000 , 71 of 3 , 000 , 217 of 2 , 000 Marks , & e . The cost , as fixed by the Stato , is for a complete ticket Cs . In order to facilitate every one , tho participation to this cxtensivo Cash Drawing , the Stutc issiuvl also half tickets for 3 a each . All orders directed to tho undersigned Banking House , and enclosing the amount in l' . O . O ., Cheque Bank cheques or bank notes will bo promptly and carefully attended to daily up to tho 6 th May next . Stamps may be sent in payment for small amounts under one pound . Original State Tickets only and Prospectus in English are supplied by tho undersigned , also the official lists and tho amount of the gains directly after the drawing . The drawings will take place publicly , under Government ' s control . Applications please direct to Mr . DAVID KAUFMANN , Banker . Central Offices , Wolckerstrasso 6 , Hamburg ( Germany ) .
Fourth Revised Edition , 12 mo , 5 s . THE BOOK OF THE LODGE , By Rev . GEO . OLIVER , D . D . Most useful to new-made Masons and to Officers . ISIESDED AS A GUIDE TO ALL THE CEEEM 0 NIES , WITH RITUALS OF INSTALLATIONS , FUNERALS , WORKINGS , & c ., & c .
¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ i ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Also , price 10 s , rpiIE FOUR OLD LODGES . By Bro . ROBERT FKKKE GOULD , JL Barrister-at-Law . London : SPESTCEH & Co ., 23 A Great Queen Street , W . C .
X " -- —~ - _ . —_ - " - —_ - - —— II . __ II ^~* -. ^ M-.. mm ;_ £ ! LUJ !;• - ; ¦ . MI - —— ¦ — '^__"¦ Free by Post for 12 Stamps . A FTER THE TURTLE . —Thirty-one Years' Ministerial Policy . JtX . as sot forth at LOUD MATOH ' DAY BANQUETS , from 18 IS to 187 S . Collected by RICHAHD SEVIJ , . F . S . S . London .- Vv . VV . MOBGAJT , 07 Bariiicim , E . C .
KOTICE . —BACK NUMBERS . Brethren who desire to complete their sets of the J 7 KEX :-MAHO . \ ' S CHGOSICLE , should make early application for Back Numhers . At present all aro in print , bnt of some we have only a few copies left . Cases for binding the several vokimcs can be had at the Office , G 7 Barbican .
THE FKEEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , "W . C . Tho admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establishment tor ZMIA-SOlTia B ^ IsTQITETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , 4 c . Is too well known to need comment . Tho entire management lias been changed , and tho Establishment in alllts brunches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonic Body is directed to the many advantages offered . CtTISHNTE OiF THE HIGHEST CHARAC" H 1 R . WINES PERFECT IN CONDITION ANM 0 , UAIiITl . N . B -DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measuro of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
J » - I . ¦ * W , WW ¦ WJW gJM . WJUUW . 'A ^ I H^^^^^^^ W67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Malta. District Grand Lodge.
THE usual half-yearly meeting of this District Grand Lodge was held ou Thursday , the 10 th April , at the Masonic Hall , Valletta . The Grand Ledge was opened in ample form at 8 . 30 p . m ., R . W . Bro . William Kingston D . G . M . on tho throne . Present—W . Bro . the Chevalier Edward Rosenbusch D . D . G . M ., W . Bros . A . M . Broadley D . G . S . W ., W . Watson D . G . J . W ., G . Segond D . G . Treasurer , Capt . F . W . Beechey P . D . G . J . W ., C . Riecholmann P . D . G . J . W . and W .
Rothorham P . D . G . Registrar , Bro . Starkoy as D . G . Secretary , and many other Grand Officors , together with tho Masters , Past Masters , and Wardons of tho various Lodges in tho District , and many visiting brethren . Tho minutes of tho last half-yearl y meeting of tho 21-th Septombor 1878 , as well as those of tho Committee of tho Board of Gonoral Purposes , held on tho 3 rd April 1879 , wore read aud
confirmed . The R . W . D . G . M . thon proceeded to nominate aud invest his Officers for tho ensuing year . lie stated that after mature consideration ho had determined to appoint tho present D . G . S . W . Bro . Broadley W . M . of Lodge Ancient Carthage No . 1787 , at Tnnis , to tho office of D . D . G . M ., and that snch appointment was made with tho full concurrence of tho present D . D . G . M ., Bro . Ro 3 onbusch , who had so
ably and zealously discharged tho duties of his office . W . Bro . Broadley was then duly obligated and invested as D . D G . M . by tho D . G . M ., who availed himself of the presence of the W . M . ' s of tho different Lodges in tho District to read the patent by which W . Bro . Broadley was nominated . The following Deputy Grand Officers wero then appointed , and duly invested , with appropriate remarks by the D . G . M ., viz . . —
W . Bro . W . Rotherham P . M . 407 D . G . S . W . W . Bro . C . E . Coffey W . M . 319 D . G . J . W . W . Bro . W . Dahn W . M . 407 D . G . Registrar Bro . Rov . G . N . Godwin J . D . 3-19 D . G . Chaplain Bro . J . W . Starkoy Sec . 349 D . G . Secretary Bro . W . 'J . Jones S . W . 349 D . G . S . D . Bro . G . Crabtroe S . W . 515 D . G . J . D . Bro . Professor S . Souiller 1717 D . G . Supt . of Works Bro . Professor H . Stilon J . W . 515 D . G . Dir . of Cer . Bro . E . Grebbell Sec . 407 D . G . Sword Bearer . Bro . A . B . Tagliaferro 319 D . G . Standard Bearer . Bro . J . A . Matthews 407 D . G . Organist Bro . G . Westrup 515 D . G . Pursuivant
W . Bro . Segond ( W . M . 51 o ) was unanimously re-elected D . G Treasurer , aud Bro . Beck D . G . Tyler . These Officers were duly invested . The D . G . M . then referred to several lettors of apology for non-attondanco received from various members , and read in estenso those of Bro . J . H . Stevens , acting British Consul General at Tunis , S . W . 1717 , and Bro . the Chevalier Tnlin do la Tunisie , Imperial
German Consul at Tunis , also of 1717 . The D . D . G . M ., at the request of the D . G . M ., translated a letter in Italian containing fraternal o-roetinr's and good wishes from the W . M . of tho Italian Lodge Risorgimento , at Tunis . Tho D . G . M . then requested tho W . M . ' s present to nominate D . G . Stewards for thr- enduing year . W . Bro . Coffey nominated Bro . R . F . King for No . ?> 1-9 , W . Bto . Dahn named Bro 3 .
Birch and Stanley No . 107 , W . Bros . Broadley and Segond reserving their appointments . Tho D . G . M . referred to the prosperous condition of Masonry in his district , alluding in turn to each Lodge in p . irLicnlar . Ife especially mentioned the praiseworthy exertions of Bros . Watson and Coffey in the old Lodgo of St . John and St . Paul ; the exceptionally nourishing state of tho Union Lodge , which was on the point of investing a portion of its available funds in Consols ; the
satisfactory condition of affairs in the Zetland , and the extraordinary and rapid progress made by the Lodgo of Ancient Carthago , which numbered moro than one hundred members . Ho had visited that Lodge in tho mouth of Juno 1878 , and found their books , & c , in most exemplary order . He also was greatly pleased with the harmony aud good feeling- that pervaded the Lodge . Tunis h . iviug become so importaut a part of his district , ho had appointed