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Malta. District Grand Lodge.
W . Bro . Broadley his D . D . G . M ., aud ho trusted that that Brothor would do his best to discharge the duties of his office , and follow tho example of his predecessor , Bro . Rosenbuscb . W . Bro . Broadloy briefly returned thanks for tho honour , assuring the D . G . M . that every member of 1717 cousiderod it a high privilego to belong to tho District over which ho so well and successfully
presided . Tho D . G . M . then referred to tho stato of tho funds of District Grand Lodge , and montionod that £ 150 had been invested in Consols . There being no further business before the meeting tho D . G . L . was closed in ample form at 10 p . m . The Officors and members , as well as many of tho visitors , thon adjonrned to a banquet under tho presidency of tho D . G . M . R . W . Bro . Kingston proposed
in snecession tho toasts of " Tho Qtieon and the Craft , and " The M . W . G . JI . tho Princo of Wales , " which wero reccivod with enthnsiasm . W . Bro . Broadley proposed in folicitons terms , tho health ot R . W . Bro . Kingston . He said tho D . G . M . had been pleased to refer iu D . G . L . to tlie llonrishing stato of tho various Lodges iu tho District , and the zeal and activity of thoso who ruled over thorn ; but ho
assured tho brethren that the satisfactory condition of these Masonic bodies must bo chiefly attributed to tho individual exertions , Masonic knowledge and popnlarity of thoir chief ruler . He stated that tho present meeting was particularly interesting , ns R . W . Bro . Kiugston now completed the first decade of his rnlo as D . G . M . Tho D . D . G . M . ' s romarks wero receivod with much applause , and the toast was
responded to with tho greatest heartiness . TheTJ . G . M . thanked tho Brothron for the marks of good will with which his namo had been rocoived , and proposod the health of the P . D . D . G . M . Bro . Rosenbusch . He thanked that Bro . warmly for the valuable aid ho had rendered him iu the dischargo of his dnties during his Mvo years of office , and testified to his never failing zeal for tho prosperity of Masonry in tho
District . W . Bro . Rosonbnsch returned thanks in appropriate terms . Tho D . G . M . proposed tho health of his newly appointed Deputy , paying W . Bro . Broadley a very high complimout for his indefatigablo oxortions daring tho two years ho had hold tho hiratn of " Anciont Carthage , " and the manner in which ho had advanced the progress of English Masonry in tho Regency of Tunis . Tho toast was received
with the accustomed honours , and tho D . D . G . M . returned thanks . Ho alluded to tho fratornal conduct of his friend , Bro . Rosenbusch , who had done all ho could to further his appointment ; and he referred at some length to tho exertions of tho R . W . D . G . M . who had braved tho heat of a tropical summer and dono suoh good work in Tunis during his visit to that city last Juno . Ho also gavo a short history of
Masonry in Tunis , and especially of its revival by tho foundation of tho "Ancient Carthago" Lodge , amongst tho hundred members of which were to bo found brethren of seven different nationalities and five different creeds , but who worked togother with the greatest harmony and were all nnited by their willing allegiance to tho G . L . of England . Bro . Broadley alluded to tho R . A . Chapter , No . 1717 , and
tho assistance it had received from tho M . E . Z . Comp . Rothcrham , who had rendered such valuable aid in its foundation . Ho congratulated D . G . L . on the appointment of so worthy a Mason as Bro . Rothorham to tho chair of D . G . S . W ., and concluded by proposing his health , coupled with that of the D . G . Officers . Tho toast having been eutlinsiastically honoured , W . Bro . Rotherham returned thanks . During the banquet a telegram of congratulation from the Italian Lodgo "
Risorgimento , " at Tunis , was received , and this delicate attention ou tho part of its W . M . Dr . Funaro and his ollicurs was highly appreciated . Several other toasts were given and responded to , and tho brethren soparatod after a very enjoyable evening . Wo understand the Tunis Brethren have presented the D . G . M . with a very beautiful album , suitably inscribed , containing views of that city , and this as a souvenir of his visit to Tunis , to consecrato tho R . A . Chapter No . 1717 , alluded to in our columns last July .
Melita Preceptory Of Knights Templar
THE annual Installation Meeting was held on tho 15 th April . Present—E . Sir Kts . A . M . Broadley E . C , P . E . C . Kingston ( D . G . M . ) as Marshall , P . E . C . Rosenbusch Registrar , Sir Kt 3 . Captain Beechey as Constable , G . Segond Prelate , Schaefer and Grebbell Captains of tho Line , Lieutenant Coffey R . A . Expert , Riechelmann Organist , Watson Herald , Beck Equerry , and others . The
Preceptory being duly opened , tho following candidates for Knighthood wero unanimously electod , viz . : —Companions Surgeon-Major H . W . A . Mackinnon , Captain Charles John Blako , R . A ., aud W . J . Jones . These Companions being in attendance wero introduced , and wore duly made Knights Templar . Tho E . C . 'tLeu proceeded tto instal his successor , Sir Kt . Segond ( Prelate ) , on whom tho choice of the Preceptory had
fallen , a board of installed E . C . ' s being opeued for that purpose . The newly-elected E . C . made tho fol ' owingappointments : —Sir Kts . Rov . G . N . Godwin Prelate , Riechoim . nn Marshall , Lieut . Coffey Constable , Jones Registrar , Watson Exp in . Grebbell and Schaefer Captains of tho Line , Captain Blake , R . A ., ferald , and Dr . Mackinnon Standardbearor . Sir Kts . Schaefer am . Beck wero elected to tho posts of
Treasurer nnd Equerry . Sir . K . W . Kingston announced his appointment as Provincial Prior of thv Mediterranean , on the resignation of Colonel Boldero . Ou the prop > - -, itiou of P . E . C . Broadley , seconded by P . E . C . Ro 3 onbasch , n vote ot henrry congratulation was offered to the Provincial Prior elect , and v- is duly entered on tho minutes . The Precoptory was thou close . 1 , r . nc the Knights adjourned to a banquet , when ; the usual ( . oasts bjioiiLrin ¦ to the Order were honoured . The
Union of Malta Lodgo , flo . 407 . —A regular meeting of this Lodgo was held at the Ma onic Hall , Malta , on tho Kith April , Present—W . Bros . Dahn P . M . a . id William Read I . P . M ., Bros .
Glenappointment of Sir Kt . Vuigst m as Provincial Prior has given flic utmost satisfaction throughout t ic District , and tho brighte .-t hopes aro entertained for tho contini od prosperity of tho Province under his popular and experienced rnlt .
Melita Preceptory Of Knights Templar
day S . W ., Yeoman J . W ., Grebbell Hon . Sec , Segond Treasurer . Abrams S . D ., England J . D ., Turner I . G ., Beck Tyler ; W . P . M . Rotherham D . G . S . W ., and over thirty members and several visitors . After tho minutes had beon read and confirmed , the D . D . G . M . W . Bro , Broadley was announced , and was received with tho customary honours . Aftor several ballots had beon taken , Mr . Penketh , an
accepted candidate , was introduced and initiated by the W . M . into tho mysteries of tho Order . Bros . Baker , Stower , Howard , Dodd , Plnmbly , and Bennett wore then examined and entrusted . Tho Lodgo was raised to the second degree , and these brethren duly passod . Tho D . D . G . M . then assumed the gavel , at tho request of the AV . M ., aud proceeded to examine Bros . Bnnyan , Leonard , and Evans . Their
answers proving satisfactory , thoy wero passed out for preparation , and tho Lodgo was raised to tho third degree Tho threo brethren wero thon introduced , and duly raised by tho D . D . G . M . to tho snblimo degreo of M . M . Tho work of tho Lodgo being resumed in tho first degree , tho D . D . G . M . addressed tho brethren at somo length , and expressed his satisfaction at the prosperous stato of tho Lodgo and tho
admirable working of tho W . M . ( Bro . Dahn ) , whose past experience in the chair so well fitted him to rule over them . A cordial vote of thanks was passod to tho D . D . G . M . for working tho third degree , in such a manner as deeply impressed tho assembled brethren . This vote was ordered to bo recorded on the minutes . Tho Lodgo was closed after nearly five honrs' constant work , and tho W . M ., brethren , and visitors adjonrned to a frugal repast .
Ancient Carthage Lodge , No . 1717 . —A mooting was held on the 1 st inst . at tho Masonic Hall , Tunis , North Africa . Present—Bros . A . M . Broadley , Barrister-at-Law , D . G . S . W . Malta W . M ., J . H . Stevens ( Acting British Consul General ) S . W , Dr . A . Perini J . W ., Maurice Lnmbroso Sec ., D . Silvera as Treas ., G . Pentecost S . D ., P . M . Paleologo J . D ., V . 0 . Clement D . C ., E . Gardollo and V . Finzi Stewards ,
M . LeGallais I . G ., J . Eymon Tyler . Past Masters Bros . P . Snlema and Dr . Q . Mugnaini 32 ° , and about forty members . Visitors—P . M . General Sir Arthur Cnnynghamo , G . C . B ., late Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces at the Capo of Good Hope ; and several Italian brethren . The Lodgo was opened by the W . M . in the first and second degrees , and Bro . Alexander Bya , after due examination , was passed
to the latter . Work being resumed in the first degree , the W . M . expressed tho pleasure felt both by himself and all the officers and members of tho Lodge at the presence amongst them of W . P . M . General Cnnynghamo , and invited the brethren to ronder him the salnto dno to his Masonic rank . This request having been very cordially complied with , Bro . Sir A . Cunynghamc returned thanks at
somo length , and expressed his gratification at the work he had seen in the Lodge , and the fraternal reception it had accorded him . Ho said ho was much impressed with the interesting details as to tho constitution , growth , and progress of the Lodge given him by tho W . M ., as well as tho historical associations connected with it . Ho informed the brethren present tbat ho was initiated , at Gibraltar in
1836 , and became W . M . of a Military Lodgo in 1847 . Ho concluded by paying a very high compliment to tho W . M ., and informed him ho shonld not fail to tell his many Masonic friends in England of all he had witnessed within the walls of Ancient Carthage . IIo said ho considered it to be a legitimate subject of pride to any oue to call himself tho member of a socioty tho antiquity of which was so great ,
the organization so oxteusive , and the principles so good , and ho hoped on his return to England to resume his active connection with tho Brotherhood . Thoso remarks wero greeted with much applause . The charitable collection having been made , the Lodgo was closod in peaco and harmony in ancient form . On the 5 th instant , at tho Masonic Hall , Tunis , North Africa . Present : —Bros . A . M .
Broadley D . G . S . W . Malta W . M ., Dr . Perini S . W ., G . Pentecost J . W ., Dr . Cassanello as Treasurer , M . Lumbroso Secretary P . M ., Paleologo S . D ., A . Bokobsa J . D ., V . C . Clement D . C ., V . Finzi Steward , Captain R . Johnstone ( acting ) Organist , M . Le Gallais I . G ., J . Eymon Tyler ; P . M . Bro . Dr . Q . Mugnaini 32 ° , and a large attend , ance of mombers . Mr . V . Cassuto was approved as a candidate for
initiation . Bros . General Elias Musali ( Director of the Tunisian Foreign Office ) and Amadeus Traverso of the dormant Italian Lodgo " Carthago and TTtica , " at Tnnis , were elected as joining members . After due exatination tho Lodge was raised to the second degree , and Bros . Romian , Lavessiere , and Barracbini passed . Work being resumed in the first degree , it was decided to present an illuminated address to Bro . H . R . H . the Dnke of Connaught 33 ° R . W . P . S . W . of
England , who was expected to arrive at Tunis about the 21 st inst . Tho W . M . informed the brethren ho was about to leave Tnnis on the 8 th inst ., to represent the Lodge at the D . G . L . of Malta , to bo held on the 10 th . An enthusiastic vote of thanks to the W . M . was carried by acclamation " or his energetic administration in the chair of K . S . for two years . The charitable collection having been made , the Lodge was clo (« 1 in ancient form .
A Word To The Craft.
" AMONO the . andidatcs for one of tho annuities in the gift of the Freemasons , u i ier his own obscurer name of Richard Henry Marsh , is Mr . Henry A . "; rstou , so well-l . ' --nm to all Loudon playgoers of a low years ago , = 3 one of the leading actors in the company of Samuel Phelps , during t ie palmy days of Sadler ' s Wells Theatre . In age and poverty , disabbi by rheumatism from following his profession , and
with a wife anc laughter dependent on him , he now seeks the aid of that Masonic clarity which never fails the deserving . Punch has been asked , as Tie of tho perpetual Grand Masters of the Order , to urge the case < n tho attention of the brethren , and does so with hearty good-wil ' , in the name of good work well done , for many a year , in the arise of good Stage-Art , in one of its worthiest and bravest enterprises . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Malta. District Grand Lodge.
W . Bro . Broadley his D . D . G . M ., aud ho trusted that that Brothor would do his best to discharge the duties of his office , and follow tho example of his predecessor , Bro . Rosenbuscb . W . Bro . Broadloy briefly returned thanks for tho honour , assuring the D . G . M . that every member of 1717 cousiderod it a high privilego to belong to tho District over which ho so well and successfully
presided . Tho D . G . M . then referred to tho stato of tho funds of District Grand Lodge , and montionod that £ 150 had been invested in Consols . There being no further business before the meeting tho D . G . L . was closed in ample form at 10 p . m . The Officors and members , as well as many of tho visitors , thon adjonrned to a banquet under tho presidency of tho D . G . M . R . W . Bro . Kingston proposed
in snecession tho toasts of " Tho Qtieon and the Craft , and " The M . W . G . JI . tho Princo of Wales , " which wero reccivod with enthnsiasm . W . Bro . Broadley proposed in folicitons terms , tho health ot R . W . Bro . Kingston . He said tho D . G . M . had been pleased to refer iu D . G . L . to tlie llonrishing stato of tho various Lodges iu tho District , and the zeal and activity of thoso who ruled over thorn ; but ho
assured tho brethren that the satisfactory condition of these Masonic bodies must bo chiefly attributed to tho individual exertions , Masonic knowledge and popnlarity of thoir chief ruler . He stated that tho present meeting was particularly interesting , ns R . W . Bro . Kiugston now completed the first decade of his rnlo as D . G . M . Tho D . D . G . M . ' s romarks wero receivod with much applause , and the toast was
responded to with tho greatest heartiness . TheTJ . G . M . thanked tho Brothron for the marks of good will with which his namo had been rocoived , and proposod the health of the P . D . D . G . M . Bro . Rosenbusch . He thanked that Bro . warmly for the valuable aid ho had rendered him iu the dischargo of his dnties during his Mvo years of office , and testified to his never failing zeal for tho prosperity of Masonry in tho
District . W . Bro . Rosonbnsch returned thanks in appropriate terms . Tho D . G . M . proposed tho health of his newly appointed Deputy , paying W . Bro . Broadley a very high complimout for his indefatigablo oxortions daring tho two years ho had hold tho hiratn of " Anciont Carthage , " and the manner in which ho had advanced the progress of English Masonry in tho Regency of Tunis . Tho toast was received
with the accustomed honours , and tho D . D . G . M . returned thanks . Ho alluded to tho fratornal conduct of his friend , Bro . Rosenbusch , who had done all ho could to further his appointment ; and he referred at some length to tho exertions of tho R . W . D . G . M . who had braved tho heat of a tropical summer and dono suoh good work in Tunis during his visit to that city last Juno . Ho also gavo a short history of
Masonry in Tunis , and especially of its revival by tho foundation of tho "Ancient Carthago" Lodge , amongst tho hundred members of which were to bo found brethren of seven different nationalities and five different creeds , but who worked togother with the greatest harmony and were all nnited by their willing allegiance to tho G . L . of England . Bro . Broadley alluded to tho R . A . Chapter , No . 1717 , and
tho assistance it had received from tho M . E . Z . Comp . Rothcrham , who had rendered such valuable aid in its foundation . Ho congratulated D . G . L . on the appointment of so worthy a Mason as Bro . Rothorham to tho chair of D . G . S . W ., and concluded by proposing his health , coupled with that of the D . G . Officers . Tho toast having been eutlinsiastically honoured , W . Bro . Rotherham returned thanks . During the banquet a telegram of congratulation from the Italian Lodgo "
Risorgimento , " at Tunis , was received , and this delicate attention ou tho part of its W . M . Dr . Funaro and his ollicurs was highly appreciated . Several other toasts were given and responded to , and tho brethren soparatod after a very enjoyable evening . Wo understand the Tunis Brethren have presented the D . G . M . with a very beautiful album , suitably inscribed , containing views of that city , and this as a souvenir of his visit to Tunis , to consecrato tho R . A . Chapter No . 1717 , alluded to in our columns last July .
Melita Preceptory Of Knights Templar
THE annual Installation Meeting was held on tho 15 th April . Present—E . Sir Kts . A . M . Broadley E . C , P . E . C . Kingston ( D . G . M . ) as Marshall , P . E . C . Rosenbusch Registrar , Sir Kt 3 . Captain Beechey as Constable , G . Segond Prelate , Schaefer and Grebbell Captains of tho Line , Lieutenant Coffey R . A . Expert , Riechelmann Organist , Watson Herald , Beck Equerry , and others . The
Preceptory being duly opened , tho following candidates for Knighthood wero unanimously electod , viz . : —Companions Surgeon-Major H . W . A . Mackinnon , Captain Charles John Blako , R . A ., aud W . J . Jones . These Companions being in attendance wero introduced , and wore duly made Knights Templar . Tho E . C . 'tLeu proceeded tto instal his successor , Sir Kt . Segond ( Prelate ) , on whom tho choice of the Preceptory had
fallen , a board of installed E . C . ' s being opeued for that purpose . The newly-elected E . C . made tho fol ' owingappointments : —Sir Kts . Rov . G . N . Godwin Prelate , Riechoim . nn Marshall , Lieut . Coffey Constable , Jones Registrar , Watson Exp in . Grebbell and Schaefer Captains of tho Line , Captain Blake , R . A ., ferald , and Dr . Mackinnon Standardbearor . Sir Kts . Schaefer am . Beck wero elected to tho posts of
Treasurer nnd Equerry . Sir . K . W . Kingston announced his appointment as Provincial Prior of thv Mediterranean , on the resignation of Colonel Boldero . Ou the prop > - -, itiou of P . E . C . Broadley , seconded by P . E . C . Ro 3 onbasch , n vote ot henrry congratulation was offered to the Provincial Prior elect , and v- is duly entered on tho minutes . The Precoptory was thou close . 1 , r . nc the Knights adjourned to a banquet , when ; the usual ( . oasts bjioiiLrin ¦ to the Order were honoured . The
Union of Malta Lodgo , flo . 407 . —A regular meeting of this Lodgo was held at the Ma onic Hall , Malta , on tho Kith April , Present—W . Bros . Dahn P . M . a . id William Read I . P . M ., Bros .
Glenappointment of Sir Kt . Vuigst m as Provincial Prior has given flic utmost satisfaction throughout t ic District , and tho brighte .-t hopes aro entertained for tho contini od prosperity of tho Province under his popular and experienced rnlt .
Melita Preceptory Of Knights Templar
day S . W ., Yeoman J . W ., Grebbell Hon . Sec , Segond Treasurer . Abrams S . D ., England J . D ., Turner I . G ., Beck Tyler ; W . P . M . Rotherham D . G . S . W ., and over thirty members and several visitors . After tho minutes had beon read and confirmed , the D . D . G . M . W . Bro , Broadley was announced , and was received with tho customary honours . Aftor several ballots had beon taken , Mr . Penketh , an
accepted candidate , was introduced and initiated by the W . M . into tho mysteries of tho Order . Bros . Baker , Stower , Howard , Dodd , Plnmbly , and Bennett wore then examined and entrusted . Tho Lodgo was raised to the second degree , and these brethren duly passod . Tho D . D . G . M . then assumed the gavel , at tho request of the AV . M ., aud proceeded to examine Bros . Bnnyan , Leonard , and Evans . Their
answers proving satisfactory , thoy wero passed out for preparation , and tho Lodgo was raised to tho third degree Tho threo brethren wero thon introduced , and duly raised by tho D . D . G . M . to tho snblimo degreo of M . M . Tho work of tho Lodgo being resumed in tho first degree , tho D . D . G . M . addressed tho brethren at somo length , and expressed his satisfaction at the prosperous stato of tho Lodgo and tho
admirable working of tho W . M . ( Bro . Dahn ) , whose past experience in the chair so well fitted him to rule over them . A cordial vote of thanks was passod to tho D . D . G . M . for working tho third degree , in such a manner as deeply impressed tho assembled brethren . This vote was ordered to bo recorded on the minutes . Tho Lodgo was closed after nearly five honrs' constant work , and tho W . M ., brethren , and visitors adjonrned to a frugal repast .
Ancient Carthage Lodge , No . 1717 . —A mooting was held on the 1 st inst . at tho Masonic Hall , Tunis , North Africa . Present—Bros . A . M . Broadley , Barrister-at-Law , D . G . S . W . Malta W . M ., J . H . Stevens ( Acting British Consul General ) S . W , Dr . A . Perini J . W ., Maurice Lnmbroso Sec ., D . Silvera as Treas ., G . Pentecost S . D ., P . M . Paleologo J . D ., V . 0 . Clement D . C ., E . Gardollo and V . Finzi Stewards ,
M . LeGallais I . G ., J . Eymon Tyler . Past Masters Bros . P . Snlema and Dr . Q . Mugnaini 32 ° , and about forty members . Visitors—P . M . General Sir Arthur Cnnynghamo , G . C . B ., late Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces at the Capo of Good Hope ; and several Italian brethren . The Lodgo was opened by the W . M . in the first and second degrees , and Bro . Alexander Bya , after due examination , was passed
to the latter . Work being resumed in the first degree , the W . M . expressed tho pleasure felt both by himself and all the officers and members of tho Lodge at the presence amongst them of W . P . M . General Cnnynghamo , and invited the brethren to ronder him the salnto dno to his Masonic rank . This request having been very cordially complied with , Bro . Sir A . Cunynghamc returned thanks at
somo length , and expressed his gratification at the work he had seen in the Lodge , and the fraternal reception it had accorded him . Ho said ho was much impressed with the interesting details as to tho constitution , growth , and progress of the Lodge given him by tho W . M ., as well as tho historical associations connected with it . Ho informed the brethren present tbat ho was initiated , at Gibraltar in
1836 , and became W . M . of a Military Lodgo in 1847 . Ho concluded by paying a very high compliment to tho W . M ., and informed him ho shonld not fail to tell his many Masonic friends in England of all he had witnessed within the walls of Ancient Carthage . IIo said ho considered it to be a legitimate subject of pride to any oue to call himself tho member of a socioty tho antiquity of which was so great ,
the organization so oxteusive , and the principles so good , and ho hoped on his return to England to resume his active connection with tho Brotherhood . Thoso remarks wero greeted with much applause . The charitable collection having been made , the Lodgo was closod in peaco and harmony in ancient form . On the 5 th instant , at tho Masonic Hall , Tunis , North Africa . Present : —Bros . A . M .
Broadley D . G . S . W . Malta W . M ., Dr . Perini S . W ., G . Pentecost J . W ., Dr . Cassanello as Treasurer , M . Lumbroso Secretary P . M ., Paleologo S . D ., A . Bokobsa J . D ., V . C . Clement D . C ., V . Finzi Steward , Captain R . Johnstone ( acting ) Organist , M . Le Gallais I . G ., J . Eymon Tyler ; P . M . Bro . Dr . Q . Mugnaini 32 ° , and a large attend , ance of mombers . Mr . V . Cassuto was approved as a candidate for
initiation . Bros . General Elias Musali ( Director of the Tunisian Foreign Office ) and Amadeus Traverso of the dormant Italian Lodgo " Carthago and TTtica , " at Tnnis , were elected as joining members . After due exatination tho Lodge was raised to the second degree , and Bros . Romian , Lavessiere , and Barracbini passed . Work being resumed in the first degree , it was decided to present an illuminated address to Bro . H . R . H . the Dnke of Connaught 33 ° R . W . P . S . W . of
England , who was expected to arrive at Tunis about the 21 st inst . Tho W . M . informed the brethren ho was about to leave Tnnis on the 8 th inst ., to represent the Lodge at the D . G . L . of Malta , to bo held on the 10 th . An enthusiastic vote of thanks to the W . M . was carried by acclamation " or his energetic administration in the chair of K . S . for two years . The charitable collection having been made , the Lodge was clo (« 1 in ancient form .
A Word To The Craft.
" AMONO the . andidatcs for one of tho annuities in the gift of the Freemasons , u i ier his own obscurer name of Richard Henry Marsh , is Mr . Henry A . "; rstou , so well-l . ' --nm to all Loudon playgoers of a low years ago , = 3 one of the leading actors in the company of Samuel Phelps , during t ie palmy days of Sadler ' s Wells Theatre . In age and poverty , disabbi by rheumatism from following his profession , and
with a wife anc laughter dependent on him , he now seeks the aid of that Masonic clarity which never fails the deserving . Punch has been asked , as Tie of tho perpetual Grand Masters of the Order , to urge the case < n tho attention of the brethren , and does so with hearty good-wil ' , in the name of good work well done , for many a year , in the arise of good Stage-Art , in one of its worthiest and bravest enterprises . "