Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c . as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
MONDAY , 28 th JUNE . •15—Strong Man , Crown Tavern , Clcrkemvell Green , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 48—Industry , Freemasons' Hall , West-street , Gateshcad-on-Tyne . 388—Prudence , Three Tuns , Halesworth , Suffolk . 999—Robert Burns , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . K . T . St . James of Jerusalem , Freemasons' Hall , Bolton .
TUESDAY , 29 th JUNE . 299—Kmulation , Bull Hotel , Dartforel , Kent . K . T . —Edmund Plantagcnet , Corporation Hotel , Ardwick , Manchester . K . T . —Plains of Tabor , Swan Hotel , Colne .
WEDNESDAY , 30 th JUNE . 103—Confidence , 'White Hart , Abclmrch Lane , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 187—Royal Sussex Lodge of Hospitality , Freemasons' Hall , Bristol . 304—Philanthropic , Masonic Hall , Leeds . 503—Belvidere , Star Hotel , Maidstone . ( Instruction . ) 1083—Townley Parker , Stag Inn , Bradford , near Manchester . R . A . 220—Benevolence , Bed Lion Hotel , Littleborough , near Rochdale .
THURSDAY , 1 st JULY . 24—Newcastle-upon-Tyne , Freemasons' Hall , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . 110—Loyal Cambrian , Bush Hotel , Mevthyr Tydvil . 289—Fidelity , Masonic Hall , Carlton Hill , Leeds . 300—Minerva , Pitt and Nelson Hotel , Ashton-under-Lyne . 317—Affability , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . 362—Doric , Private Rooms , St . Peter-streot , Grantham . 12 StPeterMasonic Hall
J- — . 's , , Boroughbury , Peterborough . 509—Tees , Freemasons' Hall , Wellington-street , Stockton-on-Tees . 637—Portland , Town Hall , Stoke-on-Trent . 1012—Prince of Wales , Derby Hotel , Bury . 1115—Equality , Red Lion Hotel , Accrington . 1304—Olive Union , Masonic Hall , Banks-street , Horncastle . 1501—Red Rose of Lancaster , Swan Hotel , Padiham , near Burnley . R . A . 283—Wisdom , Swan Inn , Haslingdon . R . A . 325—St . John , Freemasons' Hall , Salford .
FRIDAY , 2 nd JULY . 1278—Burdett Coutts , Approach Tavern , Victoria Park , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1507—Metropolitan , 2 ( ii ) Pentonville-road . ( Instruction . ) 41—Friendship , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . 219—Prudence , Masonic Hall , Todmorden . 242—St . Georges , Town Hall , Doncastcr . 30 G—Alfred , 23 Albion-street , Leeds . R . A . 1385—Gladsmuir , Red Lion Hotel , Barnet . 11 , 51 . 159—Starkic , Red Lion Hotel , Accrington .
SATURDAY , 3 rd JULY . General Committee Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 1458—Truth , Royal Archer Inn , Dale-street , Manchester . IRELAND .
THURSDAY—32—Royal Shamrock , Lodge Room , OIiwc ' s Pluco , Watcrford . ,, 111—Harmony , Masonic Hall , Belfast . „ 555—Harmony , Masonic Rooms , Francis-street , Fermoy . FRIDAY—97—Hirams , Masonic Hull , Arthur Square , Belfast . „ 110—Kilrea , Kilrca , co . Deny . ,, 104—Commercial , Masonic Hall , Londonderry . „ 228—Goroy , Gorcy . ,, 891—St . John ' s , Town Hall , Enniskillcn .
EDINBURGH DISTRICT . THURSDAY—07—St . James , St . James Hall , Writer ' s-court . FRIDAY—291—Celtic of Edinburgh andLeith , Ship Hotel , East Register-street .
Notices Of Meetings.
Lodge Of Relief , No . 42 . —A regular meeting of this timehonoured Lodge was held at tho honse of Bro . Lord , tho Albion Hotel , Bury , on tho evening of Thursday , 17 th inst ., when there was a good average attendance . Among those present wero Bros . Edmund Eccles W . M ., Alfred Buckley S . W ., Joseph Skerrett J . W ., Thomas Carter S . D ., Thomas Barker J . D ., Samuel Mosloy I . G ., J . Thorman
Tyler , E . Simpkin Secretary ; Past Masters , Bros . Harry Grundy , Fred . Anderton , and J . W . Kenyon ; Visitors , Bros . Henry Taylor J . W . 28 G , Thomas Nuttall 1012 , John Grimo P . M . 128 , llobert Hall 1392 , and Thomas M . Owen ( Manchester ) 1 , Union of Colorado U . S . The pedestals of Lcdgo wore placed iu mourning , in consideration of tho death of Bro . J . S . lledfern , P . M . 42 , and P . Prov . G . P . East
Lancashire . Tho Lodgo was duly opened , and last meeting ' s minntos approved , after which an advance was made to the second degree for the purpose of crafting Bros . John Kedfcrn ( sou of lato Bro . J . S . Eedfern ) and Wm . Hewitson ( of tho Bury Times ) , who , having acquitted themselves satisfactorily in the preliminary interrogatories , wero approved and invested , and duly raised to tho degree of Follow Craft ,
by Bro . Harry Grundy . The Lodge was afterwards transposed to third degree , when Bro . Andrew Hagerty was advanced from tho intermediate probation to the rank of Master Mason , Bro . John GriuiH raising bim in most efl ' ecl . ivo style . P . iu . Grime ' s working is evidently copied from good patterns , and for so comparatively young a craftsman , ho is certainly entitled to rank well among tho local
expositors of speculative Masonry . He will always Sad himself a " welcome guest" at Lodgo 42 . The Lodge was subsequently closed to the first degree , when some business of a miscellaneous nature was transacted . The Worshipful Master said , that since they last met together , Bro . J . S . Eedfern had most unexpectedly gone to his last resting ploce , and , considering tho long and hononrable connection there had been between him and Masonry , in his association with
Notices Of Meetings.
that Lodge in particular , and the other Lodges in the town generally , he ( Bro . Eccles ) thought it would be only a seemly and a graceful act if they were to open a subscription list , with a view of raising f unda for the erection of a memorial stone over Bro . Eedfern ' s grave . Bro . Eedfern had been connected with that Lodge between 40 and 50 years , for five years he was W . M ., and for many
a long year he was tho Installing Master , and during his connection of nearly half a century with the Lodge thei-e had not been a single present made him in recognition of his valuable services . Seeing that they had not had the pleasure of betokening in a material manner the warmth of their esteem for him during his life , he ( the W . M . ) thought they ought , at leaat , to leave
some mark of their respect for his memory over his grave . ( Hear , hear ) . Bro . Fred . Anderton gave his cordial approbation to the W . M . ' s suggestion , and made some touching allusions to the departed brother , whose son was initiated at last Lodgo meeting . He concluded by moving that a letter of condolence be written , on behalf of the Lodge , to the widow of lato Bro . Eedfern , and that a
subscription list be opened , for the purpose of receiving contributions from the brethren in the town generally , for the purpose of erecting a memorial stone over Bro . Eedfern ' s grave . Bro . J . W . Kenyon seconded the motion , which was unanimously passed . On the motion of Bro . Barker , seconded by Bro . Carter , a committee was appointed , for tho purpose of giving effect to the foregoing resolution . On the
motion of Bro . Mosley , it was resolved that a snm of £ 10 be allowed the widow of Bro . H ,, and that Bros . Anderton and Kenyon make an investigation of the case of the widow and children of Bro . B . ( P . M . ) , with a view of ascertaining -what method of assistance will be most serviceable . Bro . Anderton proposed Mr . Jos . Burrow , outfitter , & c , for initiation at next meeting . The Lodge was duly closed down , and the brethren afterwards edified the inner man by
discussing a substantial repast , the W . M . gracing the seat of honour . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured . Bro . Simpkin gave the toast of the newly raised Bro . Hagerty , and Bro . Kenyon suitably proposed the health of the newly crafted brothers . _ Later on , at Bro . Kenyon ' s call , the brethren observed , in solemn silence , a toast in respect of late Bro . Eedfern . The Tyler's toast and a verse of the National Anthem brought a genial spirited and successful meeting to a close .
Angel Lodge , No . 51 . —A Lodge of Emergency was held in the Lodge Boom , Cups Hotel , Colchester , on Thursday last , for tha purpose of tho installation of tho W . M . for the ensuing year . The choice of the brethren having unanimously fallen upon the S . W . j Bro . Alfred Welch , he was presented by the W . M ., Bro . Chas . Cobb , and the ceremony of installation was performed in a most impressive
manner by the V . W . Bro . Eev . C . J . Martyn P . M . 1224 , Past Grand Chaplain of England . Tho W . M . appointed the following as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . G . G . Pyo S . W ., S . W . Crookea J . W ., Wm . Slaney Treas ., T . J . Balling Sec , Eev . 0 . L . Acland Chap ., Fred A . Cole I . P . M . D . C , T . S . Holroyd S . D ., I . Harris J . D ., J . Hanly I . G ., W . W . Daniell and T . A . Middleton Stewards , aud 0 . Gunner Tyler . Tho brethren afterwards partook of a sumptuous banquet a fa
Jiusse , under the presidency of tho new W . M ., and the pleasures of tho proceedings wero greatly enhanced by the vocal renderings of Bro . Donald W . King , F . H . Cozens and T . Distin . Letters of regret at their inability to attend were received from Bros . Lord Waveney P . G . M . Suffolk ; Hugh D . Sandeman District Grand Master for Bengal ; E . J . Spiers D . P . G . M . Oxon ; Sir Edward Greathcd K . C . B ., Major-General Commanding Eastern District , & c .
Love and Honour Lodge No . 75 . —Tho regular meeting of this Lodgo was held on 4 th Jnno , at Freemasons' Hall , Eoyal Hotel , Falmouth . Present—Bros . Michael Little I . P . M . W . M . pro tem ., Thomas Webber S . W ., Arthur B . Harris J . W ., Joseph Wallace S . D . pro tem , Wilson L . Fox J . D ., William Johns D . C , Charles H . Williams Steward , Edward May I . G . pro tem , William Eusdin Tyler ,
William D . Eogers Secretary , Walter F . Newman P . M . P . P . G . S . D ., & c . Treasurer . Past Masters , Bros . Francis Dennis P . P . G . S . and John Vivian . Business transacted : The Lodge was opened in due form , minutes of last Lodge read and confirmed . It was unanimously resolved to prepare a memorial , to be signed by the Master , Past Masters , Wardens , Officers and Brethren , asking the E . W . the P . G . Master to appoint Falmonth as the town for holding the P . G . Lodge
in 1876 . Eesolved that the following brethren form a committee to prepare tho memorial , viz : Bros . M . Little I . P . M ., T . Webber S . W ., B . Harris J . W ., VV . F . Newman Treasurer , and Wm . D . Eogers Secretary , Mr . F . D . Broad , of this town , broker , a candidate for initiation , was balloted for and accepted ; ho was initiated in due form , and the Lodge was fully explained by the W . Master , Bro . Little . The Lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren retired .
Prince Edwin Lodge , No . 128 . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the house of Bro . E . Whittam , tho Bridge Inn , Bury , on the evening of Wednesday , the 16 th inst . There was a good attendance , among the brethren being Bros . Warwick Wood W . M ., W . S . Barlow S . W ., J . Senior J . W ., Samuel Wood ( acting for Edward Eobinson S . D . ) , Thomas Kamsbottom inn . J . D ., John Loftns
Chaplain , Jos . Wolstenholm I . G ., Wright Greenhal gh Tyler , Thomas Ramsbottom son . Secretary , Thomas Wood Treasurer ; Past Masters , Bros . John Grimo , Charles Wood , John Holt . Thomas Wood , John Clegg , Samuel Wood , William Halstcnd , Jonathan Davenport , and others j Visitors , Bros . Harry Woodcock 1012 , John Olivo 1392 , Samuel Mosloy I . G . 42 , J . Iiopkinson 1392 , Thomas Sedgwick 42 , and others . Tho
Lodge was opened and sustained throughout in the first degree . Mr . John Pilling and Mr . Thomas Tattei-suil secured a clear ballot , and were duly inducted into the elements of ' prentice Masonry by the W . M ., who acquitted himself in a most impressive and ' masterly manner , while Bro . Senior ' s explanation of the working tools was all that could be desired . Mr . Samuel Wrigley , contractor , waa proposed for initiation , and the Lodge waa closed down , at 9 , 20 i
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c . as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
MONDAY , 28 th JUNE . •15—Strong Man , Crown Tavern , Clcrkemvell Green , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 48—Industry , Freemasons' Hall , West-street , Gateshcad-on-Tyne . 388—Prudence , Three Tuns , Halesworth , Suffolk . 999—Robert Burns , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . K . T . St . James of Jerusalem , Freemasons' Hall , Bolton .
TUESDAY , 29 th JUNE . 299—Kmulation , Bull Hotel , Dartforel , Kent . K . T . —Edmund Plantagcnet , Corporation Hotel , Ardwick , Manchester . K . T . —Plains of Tabor , Swan Hotel , Colne .
WEDNESDAY , 30 th JUNE . 103—Confidence , 'White Hart , Abclmrch Lane , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 187—Royal Sussex Lodge of Hospitality , Freemasons' Hall , Bristol . 304—Philanthropic , Masonic Hall , Leeds . 503—Belvidere , Star Hotel , Maidstone . ( Instruction . ) 1083—Townley Parker , Stag Inn , Bradford , near Manchester . R . A . 220—Benevolence , Bed Lion Hotel , Littleborough , near Rochdale .
THURSDAY , 1 st JULY . 24—Newcastle-upon-Tyne , Freemasons' Hall , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . 110—Loyal Cambrian , Bush Hotel , Mevthyr Tydvil . 289—Fidelity , Masonic Hall , Carlton Hill , Leeds . 300—Minerva , Pitt and Nelson Hotel , Ashton-under-Lyne . 317—Affability , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . 362—Doric , Private Rooms , St . Peter-streot , Grantham . 12 StPeterMasonic Hall
J- — . 's , , Boroughbury , Peterborough . 509—Tees , Freemasons' Hall , Wellington-street , Stockton-on-Tees . 637—Portland , Town Hall , Stoke-on-Trent . 1012—Prince of Wales , Derby Hotel , Bury . 1115—Equality , Red Lion Hotel , Accrington . 1304—Olive Union , Masonic Hall , Banks-street , Horncastle . 1501—Red Rose of Lancaster , Swan Hotel , Padiham , near Burnley . R . A . 283—Wisdom , Swan Inn , Haslingdon . R . A . 325—St . John , Freemasons' Hall , Salford .
FRIDAY , 2 nd JULY . 1278—Burdett Coutts , Approach Tavern , Victoria Park , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1507—Metropolitan , 2 ( ii ) Pentonville-road . ( Instruction . ) 41—Friendship , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . 219—Prudence , Masonic Hall , Todmorden . 242—St . Georges , Town Hall , Doncastcr . 30 G—Alfred , 23 Albion-street , Leeds . R . A . 1385—Gladsmuir , Red Lion Hotel , Barnet . 11 , 51 . 159—Starkic , Red Lion Hotel , Accrington .
SATURDAY , 3 rd JULY . General Committee Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 1458—Truth , Royal Archer Inn , Dale-street , Manchester . IRELAND .
THURSDAY—32—Royal Shamrock , Lodge Room , OIiwc ' s Pluco , Watcrford . ,, 111—Harmony , Masonic Hall , Belfast . „ 555—Harmony , Masonic Rooms , Francis-street , Fermoy . FRIDAY—97—Hirams , Masonic Hull , Arthur Square , Belfast . „ 110—Kilrea , Kilrca , co . Deny . ,, 104—Commercial , Masonic Hall , Londonderry . „ 228—Goroy , Gorcy . ,, 891—St . John ' s , Town Hall , Enniskillcn .
EDINBURGH DISTRICT . THURSDAY—07—St . James , St . James Hall , Writer ' s-court . FRIDAY—291—Celtic of Edinburgh andLeith , Ship Hotel , East Register-street .
Notices Of Meetings.
Lodge Of Relief , No . 42 . —A regular meeting of this timehonoured Lodge was held at tho honse of Bro . Lord , tho Albion Hotel , Bury , on tho evening of Thursday , 17 th inst ., when there was a good average attendance . Among those present wero Bros . Edmund Eccles W . M ., Alfred Buckley S . W ., Joseph Skerrett J . W ., Thomas Carter S . D ., Thomas Barker J . D ., Samuel Mosloy I . G ., J . Thorman
Tyler , E . Simpkin Secretary ; Past Masters , Bros . Harry Grundy , Fred . Anderton , and J . W . Kenyon ; Visitors , Bros . Henry Taylor J . W . 28 G , Thomas Nuttall 1012 , John Grimo P . M . 128 , llobert Hall 1392 , and Thomas M . Owen ( Manchester ) 1 , Union of Colorado U . S . The pedestals of Lcdgo wore placed iu mourning , in consideration of tho death of Bro . J . S . lledfern , P . M . 42 , and P . Prov . G . P . East
Lancashire . Tho Lodgo was duly opened , and last meeting ' s minntos approved , after which an advance was made to the second degree for the purpose of crafting Bros . John Kedfcrn ( sou of lato Bro . J . S . Eedfern ) and Wm . Hewitson ( of tho Bury Times ) , who , having acquitted themselves satisfactorily in the preliminary interrogatories , wero approved and invested , and duly raised to tho degree of Follow Craft ,
by Bro . Harry Grundy . The Lodge was afterwards transposed to third degree , when Bro . Andrew Hagerty was advanced from tho intermediate probation to the rank of Master Mason , Bro . John GriuiH raising bim in most efl ' ecl . ivo style . P . iu . Grime ' s working is evidently copied from good patterns , and for so comparatively young a craftsman , ho is certainly entitled to rank well among tho local
expositors of speculative Masonry . He will always Sad himself a " welcome guest" at Lodgo 42 . The Lodge was subsequently closed to the first degree , when some business of a miscellaneous nature was transacted . The Worshipful Master said , that since they last met together , Bro . J . S . Eedfern had most unexpectedly gone to his last resting ploce , and , considering tho long and hononrable connection there had been between him and Masonry , in his association with
Notices Of Meetings.
that Lodge in particular , and the other Lodges in the town generally , he ( Bro . Eccles ) thought it would be only a seemly and a graceful act if they were to open a subscription list , with a view of raising f unda for the erection of a memorial stone over Bro . Eedfern ' s grave . Bro . Eedfern had been connected with that Lodge between 40 and 50 years , for five years he was W . M ., and for many
a long year he was tho Installing Master , and during his connection of nearly half a century with the Lodge thei-e had not been a single present made him in recognition of his valuable services . Seeing that they had not had the pleasure of betokening in a material manner the warmth of their esteem for him during his life , he ( the W . M . ) thought they ought , at leaat , to leave
some mark of their respect for his memory over his grave . ( Hear , hear ) . Bro . Fred . Anderton gave his cordial approbation to the W . M . ' s suggestion , and made some touching allusions to the departed brother , whose son was initiated at last Lodgo meeting . He concluded by moving that a letter of condolence be written , on behalf of the Lodge , to the widow of lato Bro . Eedfern , and that a
subscription list be opened , for the purpose of receiving contributions from the brethren in the town generally , for the purpose of erecting a memorial stone over Bro . Eedfern ' s grave . Bro . J . W . Kenyon seconded the motion , which was unanimously passed . On the motion of Bro . Barker , seconded by Bro . Carter , a committee was appointed , for tho purpose of giving effect to the foregoing resolution . On the
motion of Bro . Mosley , it was resolved that a snm of £ 10 be allowed the widow of Bro . H ,, and that Bros . Anderton and Kenyon make an investigation of the case of the widow and children of Bro . B . ( P . M . ) , with a view of ascertaining -what method of assistance will be most serviceable . Bro . Anderton proposed Mr . Jos . Burrow , outfitter , & c , for initiation at next meeting . The Lodge was duly closed down , and the brethren afterwards edified the inner man by
discussing a substantial repast , the W . M . gracing the seat of honour . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured . Bro . Simpkin gave the toast of the newly raised Bro . Hagerty , and Bro . Kenyon suitably proposed the health of the newly crafted brothers . _ Later on , at Bro . Kenyon ' s call , the brethren observed , in solemn silence , a toast in respect of late Bro . Eedfern . The Tyler's toast and a verse of the National Anthem brought a genial spirited and successful meeting to a close .
Angel Lodge , No . 51 . —A Lodge of Emergency was held in the Lodge Boom , Cups Hotel , Colchester , on Thursday last , for tha purpose of tho installation of tho W . M . for the ensuing year . The choice of the brethren having unanimously fallen upon the S . W . j Bro . Alfred Welch , he was presented by the W . M ., Bro . Chas . Cobb , and the ceremony of installation was performed in a most impressive
manner by the V . W . Bro . Eev . C . J . Martyn P . M . 1224 , Past Grand Chaplain of England . Tho W . M . appointed the following as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . G . G . Pyo S . W ., S . W . Crookea J . W ., Wm . Slaney Treas ., T . J . Balling Sec , Eev . 0 . L . Acland Chap ., Fred A . Cole I . P . M . D . C , T . S . Holroyd S . D ., I . Harris J . D ., J . Hanly I . G ., W . W . Daniell and T . A . Middleton Stewards , aud 0 . Gunner Tyler . Tho brethren afterwards partook of a sumptuous banquet a fa
Jiusse , under the presidency of tho new W . M ., and the pleasures of tho proceedings wero greatly enhanced by the vocal renderings of Bro . Donald W . King , F . H . Cozens and T . Distin . Letters of regret at their inability to attend were received from Bros . Lord Waveney P . G . M . Suffolk ; Hugh D . Sandeman District Grand Master for Bengal ; E . J . Spiers D . P . G . M . Oxon ; Sir Edward Greathcd K . C . B ., Major-General Commanding Eastern District , & c .
Love and Honour Lodge No . 75 . —Tho regular meeting of this Lodgo was held on 4 th Jnno , at Freemasons' Hall , Eoyal Hotel , Falmouth . Present—Bros . Michael Little I . P . M . W . M . pro tem ., Thomas Webber S . W ., Arthur B . Harris J . W ., Joseph Wallace S . D . pro tem , Wilson L . Fox J . D ., William Johns D . C , Charles H . Williams Steward , Edward May I . G . pro tem , William Eusdin Tyler ,
William D . Eogers Secretary , Walter F . Newman P . M . P . P . G . S . D ., & c . Treasurer . Past Masters , Bros . Francis Dennis P . P . G . S . and John Vivian . Business transacted : The Lodge was opened in due form , minutes of last Lodge read and confirmed . It was unanimously resolved to prepare a memorial , to be signed by the Master , Past Masters , Wardens , Officers and Brethren , asking the E . W . the P . G . Master to appoint Falmonth as the town for holding the P . G . Lodge
in 1876 . Eesolved that the following brethren form a committee to prepare tho memorial , viz : Bros . M . Little I . P . M ., T . Webber S . W ., B . Harris J . W ., VV . F . Newman Treasurer , and Wm . D . Eogers Secretary , Mr . F . D . Broad , of this town , broker , a candidate for initiation , was balloted for and accepted ; ho was initiated in due form , and the Lodge was fully explained by the W . Master , Bro . Little . The Lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren retired .
Prince Edwin Lodge , No . 128 . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the house of Bro . E . Whittam , tho Bridge Inn , Bury , on the evening of Wednesday , the 16 th inst . There was a good attendance , among the brethren being Bros . Warwick Wood W . M ., W . S . Barlow S . W ., J . Senior J . W ., Samuel Wood ( acting for Edward Eobinson S . D . ) , Thomas Kamsbottom inn . J . D ., John Loftns
Chaplain , Jos . Wolstenholm I . G ., Wright Greenhal gh Tyler , Thomas Ramsbottom son . Secretary , Thomas Wood Treasurer ; Past Masters , Bros . John Grimo , Charles Wood , John Holt . Thomas Wood , John Clegg , Samuel Wood , William Halstcnd , Jonathan Davenport , and others j Visitors , Bros . Harry Woodcock 1012 , John Olivo 1392 , Samuel Mosloy I . G . 42 , J . Iiopkinson 1392 , Thomas Sedgwick 42 , and others . Tho
Lodge was opened and sustained throughout in the first degree . Mr . John Pilling and Mr . Thomas Tattei-suil secured a clear ballot , and were duly inducted into the elements of ' prentice Masonry by the W . M ., who acquitted himself in a most impressive and ' masterly manner , while Bro . Senior ' s explanation of the working tools was all that could be desired . Mr . Samuel Wrigley , contractor , waa proposed for initiation , and the Lodge waa closed down , at 9 , 20 i