Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
Era Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 176 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Bridge House Hotel , Borough High Street , on Friday , 18 th June . Present—J . T . Moss W . M ., H . A . Dubois S . W ., J . B . Langley J . W ., Eev . P . M . Holden Chaplain , F . Walters P . G . P . ( Middlesex ) P . M . Secretary , J . Horton S . O ., J . Johnson I . G ., F . Walters DC , & c . Bro . J . T . Moss W . M . opened
the Lodge , and the minntes were read and confirmed . Ballot was unanimous in favour of Bro . H . 0 . Levander P . G . D . C . P . M . as a joining member . The W . M . then advanced Bro . J . Allsopp P . M . 879 , J . MoNaughton 871 , E . Seville 1275 , W . Underwood 1423 , J . B . Shackleton 1326 , & o ., and he installed Bro . II . A . Dubois as W . M ., who appointed the following as his officers : —J .
T . Moss I . P . M ., J . B . Langley S . W ., Eev . P . M . Holden J . W . and Chaplain , T . H . Miller Treas , F . Walters P . G . P . P . M . Secretary , T . Horton Eeg . of Marks , W . Hammond M . O ., A . F . Loos S . O ., J . Johnsons J . O ., J . Allsopp S . D ., W . Underwood J . D ., J . B . Shackleton I . G ., J . Wallis W . S ., E . Y . Laing Tyler . A
five guinea P . M . jewel was voted to Bro . J . T . Moss , for the able manner he had fulfilled his duties during his year of office . Visitors : Bros . J . H . Spencer G . I . G ., T . Dand P . G . J . D ., Devon , Secretary 15 , William Sugg P . M . Bon Accord . A banquet followed , provided by Bro . Spencer , after which harmony prevailed , and some very excellent speeches wero given and responded to .
United Lodge , No . 697 . —At the monthly meeting , held at Colchester , on the 11 th inat ., a handsome gold Past Master ' s Jewel was presented to Bro . the Eev . Eustace H . Crate , on his retirement from the chair of K . S . The Jewel is inscribed as follows : — " Presented to Bro . the Eev . E . H . Crate , by the brethren of tho United Lodge , No . 697 , as a token of their appreciation of the zeal and ability displayed by him as W . M . Colchester , June 1875 . "
Crescent Lodge , NO . 788 . —A meeting of this Lodge waa held Tuesday , 22 nd June , at Island Hotel , Twickenham . Present—Bros . P . M . 's F . D . Kennedy , S . Larcomb , J . D . MoDougall , G . Cordwell , W . H . Thompson , J . C . Hester , and J . M . Stedwell ; Bros . F . Lane , H . Mead , E . T . Edwards , F . McDougall . J . T . Messom , G .
Hinchcliffe , J . Bowyer , E . Downs , E . W . South , and S . J . Beoton . Visitors , Bros . Fred . Kent P . M . No . 177 , H . M . Levy P . M . No . 188 . Bros . G . HinchclifFe and J . T . Messom were severally passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Levy gave an amusing entertainment at the banquet which followed .
Unity Chapter , No . 1151 , Tywardreath . —The annual Convocation of this Chapter was held Tuesday , 15 th Jnne , for the installation of officers for the ensuing twelve months , transaction of the usual business and exaltation of candidates for this degree , & o . Comps . Guy M . E . Z ., T . Stephens H ., Dr . Davis J ., & c Two candidates appearing , wore balloted for and exalted . Tho Chapter was then formed for the Installation , when Comp . the Eev . George Eoss P . Z .
proceeded , in his usual impressive manner , to instal Comps . T . Stephens Z ., Dr . Davis H ., W . Polkinghorne J ., A Elford Scr . E ., W . Tonkin P . S ., Collins Scr . N ., J . Polkinghorne Treasurer , J . Martyn S . S ., T . Walton J . S ., and Elliott Janitor . After this tho Companions adjourned to Bro . Cooks , where an excellent banquet was provided , given as a compliment to tho St . Austell Companions , for their valuable services to the Chapter , after which the usual Masonio and Loyal toasts were given and responded to enthusiastically .
Warren Lodge , No 1276 . —This Lodge met on loth mst ., at the Stanley Arms Hotel , Seacombe , Cheshire . Present—Bro . W . E , Bainbridge P . M . 721 as W . M ., James Eodehalgh S . W ., John Pemberton P . M . as J . W ., Henry Skinner S . D ., J . C . Lawrence J . D ., R . W . Holt P . M . D . C , D . Gillet Steward , T . M . Pennington as I . G ., J . A . Gamboll Tyler , W . H . Francis Treasurer ; P . M . ' s T . S .
Jones , Holt , Pemberton . Visitors ; Bros . James Harding 1393 , William Beard 477 ; and twenty-eight members . Business transacted : —One initiation , three raisings , £ 3 3 s voted for charity , £ 2 2 a subscribed for a special gift to Chester Cathedral , three propositions for initiation received . Tho Lodge was then closed in perfect harmony .
Stanley Lodge , No . 1325 , Liverpool . —On Tuesday evening , tho 15 th inst , the annual installation meeting of this Iiodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , where there was a large gathering of the brethren of that and other Lodges . Bro . Crosby Leighton W . M . presided at the opening , and tho chair was subsequently taken by Bro . T . Ashmore P . M . 823 , who duly installed Bro .
H . Ashmore as the W . M . for the ensuing year . The following officers were afterwards appointed : —Bros . F . Knight S . W ., James W . Burgess J . W ., C . Heden Sec , T . Leighton P . M ., Treas ., Davis S . D ., T . H . Bradshaw J . D ., G . D . Gilbert I . G ., C . Leighton I . P . M . D . C , Anderson Steward , and P . Larsen Tyler . During the evening an elegant P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . C . Leighton I . P . M . as a mark of tho esteem of the brethren .
Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 . —This rapidly increasing Lodge met on Saturday , 19 th inst , at the Eed Lion Tavern , Hampton . Bro . W . Hammond P . G . P . Middlesex M . W ., Gilbert S . W ., C W . Fox J . W ., F . Walters P . G .. Middlesex Secretary , J . W . Baldwin I . G ., H . Potter P . M . W . S . The W . M . opened the Lodge , and ballots baring been taken for tho admission of Messrs . Adams , Graham and Knight , those gentlemen were initiated . Bro . W . Crush was then pased to the
sreond decree . Bro . F . Walters P . G . P . Middlesex , by the courtosy of tho W . M ., then occupied the chair , and raised Bro . Lncop . Tho following brethren wero recommended for Provincial Grand Honours —Bros . Hammond and E . W . Williams , and E . Gilbert S . W . for Steward fur tho Anniversary Festival of the Girls' School for 1876 , showing that this Lodge , though but young , is not unmindful of the duties required of it . The election of W . M . then took place , and Bro . H , Dubois was elected . Bro . S , Wickens P . M . was re-elected
Notices Of Meetings.
Treasure ! , and J . Gilbert Tyler . The following brethren were elected auditors : W . Stanton , H . Gloster , J . B . Shackleton , and tho audit meeting was announced to take place at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , at 7 o ' clock . Bro . F . Walters P . M . P . G . P . and Hon . Secretary then gave notice of motion that the sum of 10 guineas be given from
the funds of the Lodge , to be expended either in the purchase of a Life Governorship or a P . M . Jewel , for tho manner in which Bro . Hammond had conducted the duties of the Lodge , and tho esteem and regard he is held in by the brethren . It was announced on 8 th July , with deep regret , that Bro . J . W . Jackson , who was present on
the meeting 15 th May , had died suddenly , of conjestion of the lungs , on 15 th June . The Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a very capital banquet , where the usual toasts were given . The visitors were Bros . Hemming 1512 , Kendler , E . H . Thiellay S . W . 425 , 145 , T . E . Walls I . G . 1503 , & o . A very harmonious evening waa passed , and the brethren separated .
Skelmersdale Lodge , No . 1380 , Liverpool . —The first annual picnic of the members of this Lodge took place on Wednesday the 16 th inst ., and although the weather waa not of tho most pleasant kind , the largo party which started on tho excursion enjoyed the " out "very greatly . The brethren and their lady friends started by 'bus from the Queen's Hotel , Waterloo , where the meetings of the
Lodge are held , and driving through Crosby , Sef ton , Ormskirk , & c , arrived in due course at Lathom House , the seat of Bro . Lord Skelmersdale ., D . G . M ., E . W . P . G . M . of West Lancashire , who had kindly given the privilege of allowing his house and grounds to be visited . His lordship , besides consenting to allow his name to be given to tha Lodge , at its consecration , also acted as the first W . M ., and under his
distinguished auspices it has had a career of prosperity . After an excellent dinner on arrival , provided by Bro . H . Brown , of the Commercial Hotel , Ormskirk , the party inspected the house and grounds , and then dancing waa kept up with zest until tea was served , the return journey being made shortly afterwards . The rain on the way to Lathom Honse somewhat marred tho complete pleasure of the
picnic , but the weather cleared up during tho afternoon , and tho return by moonlight was greatly enjoyed . As a pleasant preliminary to the day ' s proceedings , tho W . M . presented Bro . George Broadbridge with a very handsome dining-room timepiece and ornaments en suite , which wore furnished by Messrs . Elkington and Co ., of Church Street . The clock bore the following inscription : — "
Presented to Bro . George Broadbridge , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C W . L ., by the members of tho Skelmersdale Lodge , No . 1380 , as a mark of their esteem , and appreciation of his valuable services in promoting tho prosperity of the Lodge since its formation . " Tho presentation was suitably acknowledged by Bro . Broadbridge . Tho whole of the day ' s proceedings passed off very pleasantly , and ovory ono present seemed to enjoy what is likely to bo the first of a series of similar festivals
Halsey Lodge , No . 1479 , St . Albans . —An emergency meeting of this Lodgo was held on Friday , the 18 th inst ., at tho Town Hall , St . Albans , to appoint a committee to make the necessary arrangements for tho meeting of the Provincial Grand Lod go , and to invest tho Secretary . Present—G . Askew W . M ., A . Godson S . W ., I . Edwards J . W ., Kent , Venablos , Marks , and P . M . ' s Webster ,
Catbush , Terry , Lowthin , Wingham , and several brethren . The following gentlemen were appointed on tho committee , to act as above : —The W . M ., S . W . and J . W ., Secretary and Treasurer , P . M . Lowthin , Bros . Marks , Purrott and Harding , with power to add to their number . The following brethren were recommended to receive
Prov . honours , Bros . P . M . 's Lowthin , Harding , Webster ; Bros . Godson and I . Edwards . Tho Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the "Peahen , " where the usual toasts were proposed The health of the W . M ., proposed by Bro . Carter , was briefly and wittily responded to .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . —A meeting was held at the Metropolitan Club , 269 Pentonville Eoad , N ., on Friday , 18 th inst . Present—Bros . Michael W . M ., Kingham S . W ., Side J . W ., Adams P . G . P . Preceptor , Shand S . D ., Willing J . D ., Sainsbnry I . G ., Stiles Sec , and Bros . Eapkin , Bead , Ormiston , Berrie , Carter , Eeepe , Scales and Dawkins . The Lod ge was opened ,
and the minutes of previous meeting wero read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation rehearsed ; Bro . Stiles candidate . Bro . Berrio offered himself as candidate for passing , was examined , entrusted , and withdrew . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Berrio passed to the degree of F . C . Bro . Shand offered himself
as a candidate for raising , and having duly qualified himself , was was entrusted and withdrew . The Lod ge was opened in tho third degree , and Bro . Shand raised to the degree of M . M . Lodge resumed to tho first degree . Bro . Kingham S . W . was unanimously elected W . M . at ensuing meeting . The Lod ge was then closed in due form and perfect harmony .
Answers To Correspondents.
Tho Title Pago and Index to our First Volume will be issued with the next number . Subscribers can have Cases for Binding , on application to the Publisher , 67 Barbican . Price Is 6 d each .
HOLLOW AY ' S PILLS AXD OrxTMEitT . —If these remedies lie tnken and used regularly during the summer months , the liver will act regularly , and so tho chance of fevers and complaints of that character occurring- will ho much diminished , and very likely altogether averted These valuable remedies promote skin action , and so preserve the delicato internal structures from congestion and inflammation , by carrying from the system in this manner , and also by the towels , any noxious matters which may havo found thoir way into tho bloml ; this is aiding nature in her efforts , anil so is consonant with reason and common > cns ; , for if nature ' s efforts to throw off disease be interfered with by injudicious treatment , mischief instead of good will ensue .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Era Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 176 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Bridge House Hotel , Borough High Street , on Friday , 18 th June . Present—J . T . Moss W . M ., H . A . Dubois S . W ., J . B . Langley J . W ., Eev . P . M . Holden Chaplain , F . Walters P . G . P . ( Middlesex ) P . M . Secretary , J . Horton S . O ., J . Johnson I . G ., F . Walters DC , & c . Bro . J . T . Moss W . M . opened
the Lodge , and the minntes were read and confirmed . Ballot was unanimous in favour of Bro . H . 0 . Levander P . G . D . C . P . M . as a joining member . The W . M . then advanced Bro . J . Allsopp P . M . 879 , J . MoNaughton 871 , E . Seville 1275 , W . Underwood 1423 , J . B . Shackleton 1326 , & o ., and he installed Bro . II . A . Dubois as W . M ., who appointed the following as his officers : —J .
T . Moss I . P . M ., J . B . Langley S . W ., Eev . P . M . Holden J . W . and Chaplain , T . H . Miller Treas , F . Walters P . G . P . P . M . Secretary , T . Horton Eeg . of Marks , W . Hammond M . O ., A . F . Loos S . O ., J . Johnsons J . O ., J . Allsopp S . D ., W . Underwood J . D ., J . B . Shackleton I . G ., J . Wallis W . S ., E . Y . Laing Tyler . A
five guinea P . M . jewel was voted to Bro . J . T . Moss , for the able manner he had fulfilled his duties during his year of office . Visitors : Bros . J . H . Spencer G . I . G ., T . Dand P . G . J . D ., Devon , Secretary 15 , William Sugg P . M . Bon Accord . A banquet followed , provided by Bro . Spencer , after which harmony prevailed , and some very excellent speeches wero given and responded to .
United Lodge , No . 697 . —At the monthly meeting , held at Colchester , on the 11 th inat ., a handsome gold Past Master ' s Jewel was presented to Bro . the Eev . Eustace H . Crate , on his retirement from the chair of K . S . The Jewel is inscribed as follows : — " Presented to Bro . the Eev . E . H . Crate , by the brethren of tho United Lodge , No . 697 , as a token of their appreciation of the zeal and ability displayed by him as W . M . Colchester , June 1875 . "
Crescent Lodge , NO . 788 . —A meeting of this Lodge waa held Tuesday , 22 nd June , at Island Hotel , Twickenham . Present—Bros . P . M . 's F . D . Kennedy , S . Larcomb , J . D . MoDougall , G . Cordwell , W . H . Thompson , J . C . Hester , and J . M . Stedwell ; Bros . F . Lane , H . Mead , E . T . Edwards , F . McDougall . J . T . Messom , G .
Hinchcliffe , J . Bowyer , E . Downs , E . W . South , and S . J . Beoton . Visitors , Bros . Fred . Kent P . M . No . 177 , H . M . Levy P . M . No . 188 . Bros . G . HinchclifFe and J . T . Messom were severally passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Levy gave an amusing entertainment at the banquet which followed .
Unity Chapter , No . 1151 , Tywardreath . —The annual Convocation of this Chapter was held Tuesday , 15 th Jnne , for the installation of officers for the ensuing twelve months , transaction of the usual business and exaltation of candidates for this degree , & o . Comps . Guy M . E . Z ., T . Stephens H ., Dr . Davis J ., & c Two candidates appearing , wore balloted for and exalted . Tho Chapter was then formed for the Installation , when Comp . the Eev . George Eoss P . Z .
proceeded , in his usual impressive manner , to instal Comps . T . Stephens Z ., Dr . Davis H ., W . Polkinghorne J ., A Elford Scr . E ., W . Tonkin P . S ., Collins Scr . N ., J . Polkinghorne Treasurer , J . Martyn S . S ., T . Walton J . S ., and Elliott Janitor . After this tho Companions adjourned to Bro . Cooks , where an excellent banquet was provided , given as a compliment to tho St . Austell Companions , for their valuable services to the Chapter , after which the usual Masonio and Loyal toasts were given and responded to enthusiastically .
Warren Lodge , No 1276 . —This Lodge met on loth mst ., at the Stanley Arms Hotel , Seacombe , Cheshire . Present—Bro . W . E , Bainbridge P . M . 721 as W . M ., James Eodehalgh S . W ., John Pemberton P . M . as J . W ., Henry Skinner S . D ., J . C . Lawrence J . D ., R . W . Holt P . M . D . C , D . Gillet Steward , T . M . Pennington as I . G ., J . A . Gamboll Tyler , W . H . Francis Treasurer ; P . M . ' s T . S .
Jones , Holt , Pemberton . Visitors ; Bros . James Harding 1393 , William Beard 477 ; and twenty-eight members . Business transacted : —One initiation , three raisings , £ 3 3 s voted for charity , £ 2 2 a subscribed for a special gift to Chester Cathedral , three propositions for initiation received . Tho Lodge was then closed in perfect harmony .
Stanley Lodge , No . 1325 , Liverpool . —On Tuesday evening , tho 15 th inst , the annual installation meeting of this Iiodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , where there was a large gathering of the brethren of that and other Lodges . Bro . Crosby Leighton W . M . presided at the opening , and tho chair was subsequently taken by Bro . T . Ashmore P . M . 823 , who duly installed Bro .
H . Ashmore as the W . M . for the ensuing year . The following officers were afterwards appointed : —Bros . F . Knight S . W ., James W . Burgess J . W ., C . Heden Sec , T . Leighton P . M ., Treas ., Davis S . D ., T . H . Bradshaw J . D ., G . D . Gilbert I . G ., C . Leighton I . P . M . D . C , Anderson Steward , and P . Larsen Tyler . During the evening an elegant P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . C . Leighton I . P . M . as a mark of tho esteem of the brethren .
Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 . —This rapidly increasing Lodge met on Saturday , 19 th inst , at the Eed Lion Tavern , Hampton . Bro . W . Hammond P . G . P . Middlesex M . W ., Gilbert S . W ., C W . Fox J . W ., F . Walters P . G .. Middlesex Secretary , J . W . Baldwin I . G ., H . Potter P . M . W . S . The W . M . opened the Lodge , and ballots baring been taken for tho admission of Messrs . Adams , Graham and Knight , those gentlemen were initiated . Bro . W . Crush was then pased to the
sreond decree . Bro . F . Walters P . G . P . Middlesex , by the courtosy of tho W . M ., then occupied the chair , and raised Bro . Lncop . Tho following brethren wero recommended for Provincial Grand Honours —Bros . Hammond and E . W . Williams , and E . Gilbert S . W . for Steward fur tho Anniversary Festival of the Girls' School for 1876 , showing that this Lodge , though but young , is not unmindful of the duties required of it . The election of W . M . then took place , and Bro . H , Dubois was elected . Bro . S , Wickens P . M . was re-elected
Notices Of Meetings.
Treasure ! , and J . Gilbert Tyler . The following brethren were elected auditors : W . Stanton , H . Gloster , J . B . Shackleton , and tho audit meeting was announced to take place at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , at 7 o ' clock . Bro . F . Walters P . M . P . G . P . and Hon . Secretary then gave notice of motion that the sum of 10 guineas be given from
the funds of the Lodge , to be expended either in the purchase of a Life Governorship or a P . M . Jewel , for tho manner in which Bro . Hammond had conducted the duties of the Lodge , and tho esteem and regard he is held in by the brethren . It was announced on 8 th July , with deep regret , that Bro . J . W . Jackson , who was present on
the meeting 15 th May , had died suddenly , of conjestion of the lungs , on 15 th June . The Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a very capital banquet , where the usual toasts were given . The visitors were Bros . Hemming 1512 , Kendler , E . H . Thiellay S . W . 425 , 145 , T . E . Walls I . G . 1503 , & o . A very harmonious evening waa passed , and the brethren separated .
Skelmersdale Lodge , No . 1380 , Liverpool . —The first annual picnic of the members of this Lodge took place on Wednesday the 16 th inst ., and although the weather waa not of tho most pleasant kind , the largo party which started on tho excursion enjoyed the " out "very greatly . The brethren and their lady friends started by 'bus from the Queen's Hotel , Waterloo , where the meetings of the
Lodge are held , and driving through Crosby , Sef ton , Ormskirk , & c , arrived in due course at Lathom House , the seat of Bro . Lord Skelmersdale ., D . G . M ., E . W . P . G . M . of West Lancashire , who had kindly given the privilege of allowing his house and grounds to be visited . His lordship , besides consenting to allow his name to be given to tha Lodge , at its consecration , also acted as the first W . M ., and under his
distinguished auspices it has had a career of prosperity . After an excellent dinner on arrival , provided by Bro . H . Brown , of the Commercial Hotel , Ormskirk , the party inspected the house and grounds , and then dancing waa kept up with zest until tea was served , the return journey being made shortly afterwards . The rain on the way to Lathom Honse somewhat marred tho complete pleasure of the
picnic , but the weather cleared up during tho afternoon , and tho return by moonlight was greatly enjoyed . As a pleasant preliminary to the day ' s proceedings , tho W . M . presented Bro . George Broadbridge with a very handsome dining-room timepiece and ornaments en suite , which wore furnished by Messrs . Elkington and Co ., of Church Street . The clock bore the following inscription : — "
Presented to Bro . George Broadbridge , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C W . L ., by the members of tho Skelmersdale Lodge , No . 1380 , as a mark of their esteem , and appreciation of his valuable services in promoting tho prosperity of the Lodge since its formation . " Tho presentation was suitably acknowledged by Bro . Broadbridge . Tho whole of the day ' s proceedings passed off very pleasantly , and ovory ono present seemed to enjoy what is likely to bo the first of a series of similar festivals
Halsey Lodge , No . 1479 , St . Albans . —An emergency meeting of this Lodgo was held on Friday , the 18 th inst ., at tho Town Hall , St . Albans , to appoint a committee to make the necessary arrangements for tho meeting of the Provincial Grand Lod go , and to invest tho Secretary . Present—G . Askew W . M ., A . Godson S . W ., I . Edwards J . W ., Kent , Venablos , Marks , and P . M . ' s Webster ,
Catbush , Terry , Lowthin , Wingham , and several brethren . The following gentlemen were appointed on tho committee , to act as above : —The W . M ., S . W . and J . W ., Secretary and Treasurer , P . M . Lowthin , Bros . Marks , Purrott and Harding , with power to add to their number . The following brethren were recommended to receive
Prov . honours , Bros . P . M . 's Lowthin , Harding , Webster ; Bros . Godson and I . Edwards . Tho Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the "Peahen , " where the usual toasts were proposed The health of the W . M ., proposed by Bro . Carter , was briefly and wittily responded to .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . —A meeting was held at the Metropolitan Club , 269 Pentonville Eoad , N ., on Friday , 18 th inst . Present—Bros . Michael W . M ., Kingham S . W ., Side J . W ., Adams P . G . P . Preceptor , Shand S . D ., Willing J . D ., Sainsbnry I . G ., Stiles Sec , and Bros . Eapkin , Bead , Ormiston , Berrie , Carter , Eeepe , Scales and Dawkins . The Lod ge was opened ,
and the minutes of previous meeting wero read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation rehearsed ; Bro . Stiles candidate . Bro . Berrio offered himself as candidate for passing , was examined , entrusted , and withdrew . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Berrio passed to the degree of F . C . Bro . Shand offered himself
as a candidate for raising , and having duly qualified himself , was was entrusted and withdrew . The Lod ge was opened in tho third degree , and Bro . Shand raised to the degree of M . M . Lodge resumed to tho first degree . Bro . Kingham S . W . was unanimously elected W . M . at ensuing meeting . The Lod ge was then closed in due form and perfect harmony .
Answers To Correspondents.
Tho Title Pago and Index to our First Volume will be issued with the next number . Subscribers can have Cases for Binding , on application to the Publisher , 67 Barbican . Price Is 6 d each .
HOLLOW AY ' S PILLS AXD OrxTMEitT . —If these remedies lie tnken and used regularly during the summer months , the liver will act regularly , and so tho chance of fevers and complaints of that character occurring- will ho much diminished , and very likely altogether averted These valuable remedies promote skin action , and so preserve the delicato internal structures from congestion and inflammation , by carrying from the system in this manner , and also by the towels , any noxious matters which may havo found thoir way into tho bloml ; this is aiding nature in her efforts , anil so is consonant with reason and common > cns ; , for if nature ' s efforts to throw off disease be interfered with by injudicious treatment , mischief instead of good will ensue .