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THE THEATRES , & c . BOYAL ITALIAN OPEBA , COVENT GABDEN .-TWs evening LE NOZZE DT FIGARO . On Monday , LOHENGRIN . On Tuesday ROMEO E GIUL 1 ETTA . On Wednesday , L'AFRICAINE . On Thursday , LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR . On Friday , FRA DIAVOLO . Al 8 . 30 each evening . HEB MAJESTY'S OPEEA , DBTJBY LANE . — This evening , LA TRAVIATA . On Monday , SEMIRAMIDE . On Tuesday , MIGNON . On Thursday . LOHENGRIN , at 8 . 30 each evening , except on Thursday , when tho Opera will commence at . 8 . 0 . Ou Monday morning , at 2 . 30 , and Friday evening , at 8 . 30 , HAMLET . On Wednesday evening , at 8 . 30 , OTHELLO . HAYMAEKET .-At 7 . S 0 , A FAIR ENCOUNTER , DAVID GARRICK , and A REGULAR FIX ( last night of tho season ) . On Monday , BRIGHTON and the ZOO . ADELPHT .-At 6 , 15 . PAINLESS DENTISTRY , NICHOLAS NICKLEBY and FUN IN A FOG . On Monday , BENEFIT of Mr . CLARKE . PBINCESS'S .-At 7 . 15 , HEARTSEASE . At 9 . 15 , ROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS . Last night . LYCEUM—At 0 . 50 , FISH OUT OF WATER . At 7 . 45 , HAMLET . On Saturday , a morning performance at 2 . 30 only . Tuesday next , last time . OLYMPIC—At 7 . 30 , FAMILY JARS , and THE TICKET OF LEAVE MAN . STBAND .-At 7 . 30 , AN EARNEST APPEAL . At 8 . 0 , WEAK WOMAN and PATIENT PENELOPE . PBINCE OP "WALES'S—Afc 8 . 0 , MONEY . GAIETY .-At 8 . 0 , FRENCH OPERA . GLOBE—At 7 . 0 , EAST LYNNE and BLUB BEARD . ( LastNights . ) ST . JAMES'S . —At 7 . 30 , A PRACTICAL MAN . At 8 . 30 , TOM COBB . VAUDEVILLE . —At 7 . 30 , A WHIRLIGIG , OUR BOYS and A FEARFUL FOG . CHASING CBOSS .-At 8 . 0 , A CURE FOR THE FIDGETS . At 8 . 10 OATTARINA . 10 , t 3 , THE MAGILTONS . MlEEOE .-At 7 . 0 , NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS . At 8 . 15 , THE DETEC TIVE . ALHAMBBA .-At 7 . 15 , THE ARTFUL DODGE and CHILPERIC . CEITEBION .-At 8 . 0 , GIROFLE-GIROFLA . CEYSTAL PALACE .-This Day , ROSE SHOW , OLANCARTY , Annual Fete of the German Gymnastic Society . On Tuesday , FIREWORK DISPLAY . NATIONAL MUSIC MEETINGS , July 1 st to 10 th . Open daily . AQUARIUM , PICTURE GALLERY , & c . ALEXANDBA PALACE .-This day , ITALIAN CONCERT . On Monday , TROTTING HANDICAP . On Tuesday , GRAND CONCERT . Open daily . HENGLER'S CIUCUS , & c . POLYTECHNIC—THE MAGICIAN AND THE GENII , with a NEW GHOST Scene—ARCTIC EXPEDITIONS , Past and Present . —THE BESSEMER BOAT . — FOOD from AFAR , and ECONOMICAL COOKING . —JANK CONQUEST . —TILE MECHANICAL LEOTARD . — DIVER imd DIVING BELL , and many other Entertainments . Open twice daily , at 12 . 0 and 7 . 0 . Admission , Is . EGYPTIAN ( LABGE ) HALL .-Dr . Lynn at 3 . 0 . Dr . DE BUATIER , at 8 . 0 . EGYPTIAN IIALL .-MASKELYNE AND COOKE , at 3 . 0 and 8 . 0 . SbT . GEOI-GK'S HALL , Langham Place . —Mr . and Mrs . GERMAN REED , ut a . O . Thursday and Saturday , at 3 . 0 only .
NOTICE . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can be ordered of any Bookseller in Town or Country , bub should any difficulty be experienced , it will be forwarded direct from the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 6 To the United States and France , 4 s 3 d per quarter , and to Germany , 4 s 9 d per quarter . Agents , from ivhom Copies can always be had : — Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine Street , Strand . Mr . T . DRISCOLL , 87 Farringdon Street . Mr . G . W . JORDAN , 169 Strand . Mr . A . D . LOEWENSTARK & SONS , 2 C , Great Queen Street , and 210 Strand , W . C . Messrs . MARSHALL and SONS , 125 Fleet Street , E C M . J . PARKINSON , 114 Goswell Road , E . C . Mr . II . SIMPSON , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . SPENCER and Co ., 23 A Great Qneen Street , W . C . Messrs . STEEL and JONES , 4 Spring Gardens , Charm" Cross . Mr . G . TICKERS , Angel Court , 172 Strand . Mr . H . TICKERS , 317 Strand .
SCALE OF CHANGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE an ex ceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . Per Pago £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisement s ° ls per line . Special Terms for a Series of insertion ! i on application . Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line .
NOW READY , NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PEICE 8 s 6 d , VOLUMEI. 01 ? THEFREEMASON'SCHRONICLE. Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in the United Kingdom , on receipt of Cheque or P . O . O . London : W . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C .
MR . RICHARD SPENCER ' S COLLECTION OF WORKSONFREEMASONRY, Wilt DB SOLD BY Ar / CTION BY MESSRS . SOTHEBY , WILKINSON AND HODGE , On Tuesday , 27 th July 1875 , and following day , AT 13 WELLINGTON STREET , STRAND , W . C . THE Collection compiises scarce Lodge Lists of Cole and Pine , early Grand Lodge Calendars and Proceedings , the only extant copy of the Constitutions of 1722 , Spencer ' s M . S . Constitutions , Bituals of the '" Antients , " unique Caricatures , early Summonses . Certificates , & c . from tho Libraries of the late Duko of Sussex , Dr . Oliver , Dr . Movison , aud others •, every work being upon Freemasonry , its symbolism , or history , and was formed for a complete Masonic Library , by that well known Masonic Bookseller . The hooks may be viewed two clays prior , and catalogues had at the auction rooms as above . The sale will commence at 1 p . m . each clay .
THE PORTRAIT OF H . R . H . THE PBINCE OF WALES as Grand Master of Masons in England in full Masonic Costume by E . J . Harty . Framed and Glazed , always , ready , at from 31 s 6 d , of J . BECKETT , 53 New Compton Street , Soho .
67 BAEBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Review.
THE week in Parliament has been ono , for the most part , of sheer hard work . Early and late sittings are the rule noAv , and will be so , we presume , to the end of the Session . But still more might be done if motions that can lead to no legislative action , at all events this Session , were dropped out of the " Orders of the Day . " On Friday ,
in the House of Lords , Lord Oranmore and Browne drew the attention of the House to the subject of Irish Education . After a tolerably long discussion , the subject dropped . The Matrimonial Causes and Marriage Law ( Ireland ) Bill was withdrawn . The Bishopric of St . Albans Bill passed
through Committee , and other measures were advanced a stage . The greater part of Monday ' s sitting was occupied in considering whether Messrs . Moody and Sankey should be allowed to hold a meeting at Eton , for the benefit of Eton scholars , bnt after a solemn debate , this subject also
dropped . On Tuesday there was only a short sitting , at which several measures were read a third time and passed . On Thursday , the second reading of the Canada Copyright Bill was proposed by Lord Carnarvon , and carried .
The Pollution of Rivers Bill , the dimensions of which , as Lord Salisbury pointed out , have been considerably reduced , likewise passed its second reading . Other Bills having been advanced a stage , the House adjourned a little after seven o ' clock .
In the Commons , on Friday , the Committee on the Merchant Shipping Acts Amendment Bill was resumed at the morning sitting . Bnt slow progress was made , the discussion being renewed on clause 9 , and clause 12 had not been agreed to when the Chairman reported progress , and
the House resumed . In the evening Mr . R . Yorke , in a lung and able speech , drew the attention of the House to the present condition of Turkey , and moved for certain correspondence relative to certain conditions agreed to
between the English and Turkish Governments in 1856 . The debate occupied the whole sitting , and was , in the end , negatived , Mr . Under-Secretary Bourke , on behalf of the Government , resisting the motion . Further , and , indeed , considerable progress was made in Committee , on Monday , with , the Merchant Shipping Acts Amendment Bill , various
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE THEATRES , & c . BOYAL ITALIAN OPEBA , COVENT GABDEN .-TWs evening LE NOZZE DT FIGARO . On Monday , LOHENGRIN . On Tuesday ROMEO E GIUL 1 ETTA . On Wednesday , L'AFRICAINE . On Thursday , LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR . On Friday , FRA DIAVOLO . Al 8 . 30 each evening . HEB MAJESTY'S OPEEA , DBTJBY LANE . — This evening , LA TRAVIATA . On Monday , SEMIRAMIDE . On Tuesday , MIGNON . On Thursday . LOHENGRIN , at 8 . 30 each evening , except on Thursday , when tho Opera will commence at . 8 . 0 . Ou Monday morning , at 2 . 30 , and Friday evening , at 8 . 30 , HAMLET . On Wednesday evening , at 8 . 30 , OTHELLO . HAYMAEKET .-At 7 . S 0 , A FAIR ENCOUNTER , DAVID GARRICK , and A REGULAR FIX ( last night of tho season ) . On Monday , BRIGHTON and the ZOO . ADELPHT .-At 6 , 15 . PAINLESS DENTISTRY , NICHOLAS NICKLEBY and FUN IN A FOG . On Monday , BENEFIT of Mr . CLARKE . PBINCESS'S .-At 7 . 15 , HEARTSEASE . At 9 . 15 , ROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS . Last night . LYCEUM—At 0 . 50 , FISH OUT OF WATER . At 7 . 45 , HAMLET . On Saturday , a morning performance at 2 . 30 only . Tuesday next , last time . OLYMPIC—At 7 . 30 , FAMILY JARS , and THE TICKET OF LEAVE MAN . STBAND .-At 7 . 30 , AN EARNEST APPEAL . At 8 . 0 , WEAK WOMAN and PATIENT PENELOPE . PBINCE OP "WALES'S—Afc 8 . 0 , MONEY . GAIETY .-At 8 . 0 , FRENCH OPERA . GLOBE—At 7 . 0 , EAST LYNNE and BLUB BEARD . ( LastNights . ) ST . JAMES'S . —At 7 . 30 , A PRACTICAL MAN . At 8 . 30 , TOM COBB . VAUDEVILLE . —At 7 . 30 , A WHIRLIGIG , OUR BOYS and A FEARFUL FOG . CHASING CBOSS .-At 8 . 0 , A CURE FOR THE FIDGETS . At 8 . 10 OATTARINA . 10 , t 3 , THE MAGILTONS . MlEEOE .-At 7 . 0 , NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS . At 8 . 15 , THE DETEC TIVE . ALHAMBBA .-At 7 . 15 , THE ARTFUL DODGE and CHILPERIC . CEITEBION .-At 8 . 0 , GIROFLE-GIROFLA . CEYSTAL PALACE .-This Day , ROSE SHOW , OLANCARTY , Annual Fete of the German Gymnastic Society . On Tuesday , FIREWORK DISPLAY . NATIONAL MUSIC MEETINGS , July 1 st to 10 th . Open daily . AQUARIUM , PICTURE GALLERY , & c . ALEXANDBA PALACE .-This day , ITALIAN CONCERT . On Monday , TROTTING HANDICAP . On Tuesday , GRAND CONCERT . Open daily . HENGLER'S CIUCUS , & c . POLYTECHNIC—THE MAGICIAN AND THE GENII , with a NEW GHOST Scene—ARCTIC EXPEDITIONS , Past and Present . —THE BESSEMER BOAT . — FOOD from AFAR , and ECONOMICAL COOKING . —JANK CONQUEST . —TILE MECHANICAL LEOTARD . — DIVER imd DIVING BELL , and many other Entertainments . Open twice daily , at 12 . 0 and 7 . 0 . Admission , Is . EGYPTIAN ( LABGE ) HALL .-Dr . Lynn at 3 . 0 . Dr . DE BUATIER , at 8 . 0 . EGYPTIAN IIALL .-MASKELYNE AND COOKE , at 3 . 0 and 8 . 0 . SbT . GEOI-GK'S HALL , Langham Place . —Mr . and Mrs . GERMAN REED , ut a . O . Thursday and Saturday , at 3 . 0 only .
NOTICE . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can be ordered of any Bookseller in Town or Country , bub should any difficulty be experienced , it will be forwarded direct from the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 6 To the United States and France , 4 s 3 d per quarter , and to Germany , 4 s 9 d per quarter . Agents , from ivhom Copies can always be had : — Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine Street , Strand . Mr . T . DRISCOLL , 87 Farringdon Street . Mr . G . W . JORDAN , 169 Strand . Mr . A . D . LOEWENSTARK & SONS , 2 C , Great Queen Street , and 210 Strand , W . C . Messrs . MARSHALL and SONS , 125 Fleet Street , E C M . J . PARKINSON , 114 Goswell Road , E . C . Mr . II . SIMPSON , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . SPENCER and Co ., 23 A Great Qneen Street , W . C . Messrs . STEEL and JONES , 4 Spring Gardens , Charm" Cross . Mr . G . TICKERS , Angel Court , 172 Strand . Mr . H . TICKERS , 317 Strand .
SCALE OF CHANGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE an ex ceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . Per Pago £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisement s ° ls per line . Special Terms for a Series of insertion ! i on application . Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line .
NOW READY , NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PEICE 8 s 6 d , VOLUMEI. 01 ? THEFREEMASON'SCHRONICLE. Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in the United Kingdom , on receipt of Cheque or P . O . O . London : W . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C .
MR . RICHARD SPENCER ' S COLLECTION OF WORKSONFREEMASONRY, Wilt DB SOLD BY Ar / CTION BY MESSRS . SOTHEBY , WILKINSON AND HODGE , On Tuesday , 27 th July 1875 , and following day , AT 13 WELLINGTON STREET , STRAND , W . C . THE Collection compiises scarce Lodge Lists of Cole and Pine , early Grand Lodge Calendars and Proceedings , the only extant copy of the Constitutions of 1722 , Spencer ' s M . S . Constitutions , Bituals of the '" Antients , " unique Caricatures , early Summonses . Certificates , & c . from tho Libraries of the late Duko of Sussex , Dr . Oliver , Dr . Movison , aud others •, every work being upon Freemasonry , its symbolism , or history , and was formed for a complete Masonic Library , by that well known Masonic Bookseller . The hooks may be viewed two clays prior , and catalogues had at the auction rooms as above . The sale will commence at 1 p . m . each clay .
THE PORTRAIT OF H . R . H . THE PBINCE OF WALES as Grand Master of Masons in England in full Masonic Costume by E . J . Harty . Framed and Glazed , always , ready , at from 31 s 6 d , of J . BECKETT , 53 New Compton Street , Soho .
67 BAEBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Review.
THE week in Parliament has been ono , for the most part , of sheer hard work . Early and late sittings are the rule noAv , and will be so , we presume , to the end of the Session . But still more might be done if motions that can lead to no legislative action , at all events this Session , were dropped out of the " Orders of the Day . " On Friday ,
in the House of Lords , Lord Oranmore and Browne drew the attention of the House to the subject of Irish Education . After a tolerably long discussion , the subject dropped . The Matrimonial Causes and Marriage Law ( Ireland ) Bill was withdrawn . The Bishopric of St . Albans Bill passed
through Committee , and other measures were advanced a stage . The greater part of Monday ' s sitting was occupied in considering whether Messrs . Moody and Sankey should be allowed to hold a meeting at Eton , for the benefit of Eton scholars , bnt after a solemn debate , this subject also
dropped . On Tuesday there was only a short sitting , at which several measures were read a third time and passed . On Thursday , the second reading of the Canada Copyright Bill was proposed by Lord Carnarvon , and carried .
The Pollution of Rivers Bill , the dimensions of which , as Lord Salisbury pointed out , have been considerably reduced , likewise passed its second reading . Other Bills having been advanced a stage , the House adjourned a little after seven o ' clock .
In the Commons , on Friday , the Committee on the Merchant Shipping Acts Amendment Bill was resumed at the morning sitting . Bnt slow progress was made , the discussion being renewed on clause 9 , and clause 12 had not been agreed to when the Chairman reported progress , and
the House resumed . In the evening Mr . R . Yorke , in a lung and able speech , drew the attention of the House to the present condition of Turkey , and moved for certain correspondence relative to certain conditions agreed to
between the English and Turkish Governments in 1856 . The debate occupied the whole sitting , and was , in the end , negatived , Mr . Under-Secretary Bourke , on behalf of the Government , resisting the motion . Further , and , indeed , considerable progress was made in Committee , on Monday , with , the Merchant Shipping Acts Amendment Bill , various