Article Old Warrants. Page 1 of 1 Article Old Warrants. Page 1 of 1 Article THE FIRST LODGE IN AMERICA. Page 1 of 1
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Old Warrants.
Old Warrants .
No . 19 . No . 53 , "Ancientsj" No . 73 at the Uniou ; No . 65 A . D . 1832 , and No . 57 from A . D . 1863 . ATHOL , Grand Master . The WM . TINDALL , S . G . W . LAW . DERMOTT , D . G . M . Athol No . 53 . THOS . CARTER , J . G . W . Seul
< Eo all fohom it nutg totwern . WE , the GRAND L ODGE of the most Ancient and Honourable Frater Dity of FKEE and ACCEPTED MASONS , according to the Old Constitu tions , granted by his Royal Highness PRINCE EDWIN , at YORK , A . D 926 aud iu the year of Masoury 4926 , in ample Form assembled , viz
, The Eight Worshipful and Most ; Noble PRINCE JOHN , Duke , Marquis , and Earl of Athol ; Marquis of Tullibardine ; Earl of Strathsay and Sti atbardale j Viscount of Ballquiden , Glenalmond , and Glenlyon ; Lord Murray , Belveny , and Gaskj Heritable Captain and Constable of the Castle of Kincleavin ; Hereditary Keeper of tho Palace of
Falkland ; and iu that part of GREAT BRITAIN called ENGLAND , and MASONICAL J URISDICTION thereto belonging , GRAND MASTER OK MASONS : The R . W . Lawrtnce Dermott , Esq . D . G . M . the E . W . William Tindall , Esq . S . G . W . and tho E . W . Thomas Carter , Esq . J . G . W . with the approbation and consent of tho Warranted Lodges held within
the Cities of London and Westminster , do hereby authorise aud empower our trusty and well-beloved Brother the Worshipful Patrick Vaughan , one of our Master Masons ; the Worshipful Edward Led . word , his Senior Warden ; and the Worshipful Thomas Grijjitlis , his Junior Warden , to form and hold a LODGE of FitEU aud ACCEI-TED
MASONS aforesaid , at the Buck § ' Dog , in Strand Street , ( or elsewhere ) in tho Town of Liverpool , in the County of Lancaster , upon the first and third Monday of each Calendar Month , and upon all seasonable times and lawful occasions ; aud in the said Lodge , when duly con . gregated , to admit and make Free Masons , according to tho most
ancient and honourable customs of the Eoyal Craft , iu all Ages aud Nations throughout the known World : And we do hereby further authorise and empower our said trusty and well-beloved Brethren , Patrick Vaughan , Edward Ltdward , and Thomas Griffiths , with the consent of the Members of their Lodge , to nominate to whom they
shall deliver this Warraut , and invest them with their Power and Dignities , as Freemasons , & c . and such Successors shall in like manner nominate , choose , and instal their Successors , & o . & c . such
Installation to be upon or near every St . John's day during the continuance of this Lodgo for ever , provided the above-named , and all their Successors , always pay due respect to this Eight Worshipful Grand Lodge : otherwise this Warraut to be of no force and virtue .
Given under our Hands and tho Seal of our Grand Lodge , in LONDON , this seventeenth Day of April , in jf ™ gc the Year of our- Lord , 1775 , and in the Year of seal Masonry , 5775 . WILLIAM DICKEY , Grand . Secretary
Note . —This Warraut is Eegistered iu the Graud Lodge , Vol . 2 , Letter B ., and bears date May 19 , 1756—5756 .
gnWstmtnt . Let the within Lodgo and Warrant , ' No . 53 , all and every the Members tbereot being first duly returned to and registered with the Clerk of the Peace , pursuant to tho Statute in that casso made aud provided , be transferred to and held at a House known by the sign of
tho FLEECE INN , Market-Place , HULL , the Master aud Wardens , and all and every the Members thereof , at ail times paying duo respect to the Grand Lodge , and tho Eules andllegulations thereof , by whom the within Warrant and these Presents are granted : otherwise the tame to be of no force or effect whatever . THOMAS HAEPER , D . G . M .
Entered , EOBEET LESLIE , G . S . K . fol . 46-7 . The present number , title , & o . are , 57 , Humber Lodge , Freemasons Hall , Hull .
No . 20 .
No . 201 , " Ancients ; " No . 250 at the Union ; No . 177 A . D . 1832 , and No . 152 from A . D . 1863 . No . 201 . ATHOLL , GHAND MASTER , JOSH . BROWNE , S . G . W . WM . DICKEV , D . G . M . GEO . BOTYEN , J . G . W .
To ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN , 251 e the Cranb Jfobqc of the most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons ( iwtorbing to the ol & Constitutions grmttcb im bis Jlojial 28 tg hiuBg Jlrince EDWIN , ; it JJork , Anno Domini mnt bnnbrti ) iunntjj nnb sti , antr in the Dear of Jllasonru four tbousanb
tunc bunortii Ifocnti ) anb siv ) , in ample Form assembled , viz ., the Eight Worshipful the Most Noble and Puissant Prince JOHN , Duke Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis and Earl of Tullibardiue , Earl of
Struthtay and btrathardle , Viscount Balquidcr , Glenalmond aud Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belveny and Gask , Heritable Constable of the Castle of Kinclavcn , Lord of Man and the Isles , and Earl Strange and Baron Hurray , of Stanley , in the county of Gloucester , & c . & o ., Grand
Old Warrants.
Master of Masons ; the Right Worshipful WILLIAM DICKEY , Esquire , Deputy Grand Master ; tho Right Worshipful JOSEPH BROWNE , Esquire , Senior Grand Warden ; nnd the Right Worshipful GEORGE BOWEN , Esquire , Junior Grand Warden ( with the approbation nnd consent of the Warranted Lodges held Within the cities and suburbs
of London and Westminster ) , do hereby authorise and impower our trusty and well beloved Brethren , viz ., the Worshipful JAMES IRWIN , one of our Master Masons , the Worshi pful LEONARD SEDGEWICK , his Senior Warden , and the Worshipful MOSES MITCHELL , his Junior Warden , to form and hold a Lodge of Free aud Accepted Masona
aforesaid , at the Mosley Arms , Shude Hill , Manchester , or elsewhere , in the County of Lancaster , upon the first and third Monday in every month , and on all seasonable times and lawful occasions ; and in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons , according to the most ancient and honourable custom of the Royal
Craft in all ages and nations throughout the known world . And we do hereby farther authorise and empower our said trusty and well beloved Brethren JAMES IRWIN , LEONARD SEDGEWICK , and MOSES MITCHELL ( with the consent of tho Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chiise , and install their Successors , to whom they shall
deliver this Warrant , and invest them with their powers and dignities , as Free Masons , & c . And such Successor shall in like manner nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , & c , & o ., & c ; such
Installations to bo upon ( or near ) every St . John ' s Day during the continuance of this Lodgo for over ; providing the above named Brethren and all their Successors always pay due respect to this Right Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to be of no force nor virtue .
Given under our Hands and tlie Seal of our Grand Lodge , in London , this thirtieth day of December , iu the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred ninety and six , and in the year of Masonry five thousand seven hundred ninety and six . EOBT . LESLIE , 6 nutb Sttttlwn .
Note . —This Warraut is registered in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 8 , Letter H . A similar Warrant , united with this , called the UNITY , granted to be held at the Plumb aud Feathers , Cock Gate ; Thos . Overton W . M ., Nicholas Thomason S . W ., John McGivern J . W . April 17 th 1793 . The present number , title , 4 c . are , 152 , Lodge of Virtue , Munch ester .
No . 21 . No . 39 , "Ancients ; " No . 59 at the Union ; No . 52 A . D . 1832 , and No . 44 from 1863 . A Wan-ant was issued 18 th June 1755 , of a similar cbaracter to those already published , the original of which is lost , but a Warrant of Confirmation was granted by H . R . H . the Dnke of Sussex M . W . G . M ., by which the " Friendship " Lodge , No . 44 , Manchester , still works .
The First Lodge In America.
BROTHER William James Hughan has dashed the hopes of we hyperboreau Masons , in deciding against the New York Square and Bro . Tisdnle , who claimed to have made the remarkable discovery that the oldest Lodge iu America was Albion Lodge , No . 17 , of Quebec . Bro . Macalla had so persistently urged through the columns of the Keystone that Philadelphia had the honour of being the mother city of Masonry , that it was deemed worth while by our New York
Brother to set out on a voyage of discovery in hope of finding that the Quaker city was uot tho Mecca of Masonry after all . To the surprise of Bros . Macalla and Norton , the latter being more likely to support Boston ' s claim if there were anything in it , the search was productive of something more than they had anticipated , for it was boldly stated through the Square that the Albion Lodge of Quebec
had been constituted in 1721 . This was nine or ten years farther back than Philadelphia could go , and , as a matter of course , as the Masonic lanrel was likely to be ruthlessly torn from her brow , Bros . Macalla and Norton sprang to the rescue , coming down upon Bro . Tisdale with a perfect swoop , and almost annihilating him . As if doubtful , however , of the position they had taken , the aid of Bro .
Hughan waa invoked all the way from Englaud ; and right heartily he entered upon the task . Bro . Hughan begins by gently flattering Bro . Norton , and supplies the information that was not at hand . Bro . Tisdale claimed , and we have no doubt , rightly too , that he had soon a Masonic Calendar , iu which Albion Lodge , No . 17 , Quebec , was printed as having been
constituted in 1721 . Bros . Hughan , Macalla aud Norton , admit that there is a possibility of such a list of Lodges as Bro . Tisdale claims to have seen , but they say that , although tho year 1721 may be given after the Albion Lodge , it does not follow that it is correct , for the i eason that in the genuine Calendars a blank follows the name of the Lodge .
It is somewhat strange that no year should be given , and it ia equally strange that any publisher or compiler should have taken upon himself to give the year without authority , for that is tho natural inference to be drawn from tbe denial of Bro . Tisdale ' s state , ment . As Bro . Hughan remarks , the Warrant of the Lodge should testify , and it is to be hoped it will be forthcoming . Tho question is
one in which Canadian Masons feel an interest , and it should be set at rest , for no one can have any object in misleading the Craft in reference thereto . As it should bo the aim of all true Masons to elicit the truth and expose error , we trust the real facts will bo civen no matter whether Canada or the United States should ha' •the honour of possessing the premier Masonic Lodge of America . —Crafts , man Canada ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Warrants.
Old Warrants .
No . 19 . No . 53 , "Ancientsj" No . 73 at the Uniou ; No . 65 A . D . 1832 , and No . 57 from A . D . 1863 . ATHOL , Grand Master . The WM . TINDALL , S . G . W . LAW . DERMOTT , D . G . M . Athol No . 53 . THOS . CARTER , J . G . W . Seul
< Eo all fohom it nutg totwern . WE , the GRAND L ODGE of the most Ancient and Honourable Frater Dity of FKEE and ACCEPTED MASONS , according to the Old Constitu tions , granted by his Royal Highness PRINCE EDWIN , at YORK , A . D 926 aud iu the year of Masoury 4926 , in ample Form assembled , viz
, The Eight Worshipful and Most ; Noble PRINCE JOHN , Duke , Marquis , and Earl of Athol ; Marquis of Tullibardine ; Earl of Strathsay and Sti atbardale j Viscount of Ballquiden , Glenalmond , and Glenlyon ; Lord Murray , Belveny , and Gaskj Heritable Captain and Constable of the Castle of Kincleavin ; Hereditary Keeper of tho Palace of
Falkland ; and iu that part of GREAT BRITAIN called ENGLAND , and MASONICAL J URISDICTION thereto belonging , GRAND MASTER OK MASONS : The R . W . Lawrtnce Dermott , Esq . D . G . M . the E . W . William Tindall , Esq . S . G . W . and tho E . W . Thomas Carter , Esq . J . G . W . with the approbation and consent of tho Warranted Lodges held within
the Cities of London and Westminster , do hereby authorise aud empower our trusty and well-beloved Brother the Worshipful Patrick Vaughan , one of our Master Masons ; the Worshipful Edward Led . word , his Senior Warden ; and the Worshipful Thomas Grijjitlis , his Junior Warden , to form and hold a LODGE of FitEU aud ACCEI-TED
MASONS aforesaid , at the Buck § ' Dog , in Strand Street , ( or elsewhere ) in tho Town of Liverpool , in the County of Lancaster , upon the first and third Monday of each Calendar Month , and upon all seasonable times and lawful occasions ; aud in the said Lodge , when duly con . gregated , to admit and make Free Masons , according to tho most
ancient and honourable customs of the Eoyal Craft , iu all Ages aud Nations throughout the known World : And we do hereby further authorise and empower our said trusty and well-beloved Brethren , Patrick Vaughan , Edward Ltdward , and Thomas Griffiths , with the consent of the Members of their Lodge , to nominate to whom they
shall deliver this Warraut , and invest them with their Power and Dignities , as Freemasons , & c . and such Successors shall in like manner nominate , choose , and instal their Successors , & o . & c . such
Installation to be upon or near every St . John's day during the continuance of this Lodgo for ever , provided the above-named , and all their Successors , always pay due respect to this Eight Worshipful Grand Lodge : otherwise this Warraut to be of no force and virtue .
Given under our Hands and tho Seal of our Grand Lodge , in LONDON , this seventeenth Day of April , in jf ™ gc the Year of our- Lord , 1775 , and in the Year of seal Masonry , 5775 . WILLIAM DICKEY , Grand . Secretary
Note . —This Warraut is Eegistered iu the Graud Lodge , Vol . 2 , Letter B ., and bears date May 19 , 1756—5756 .
gnWstmtnt . Let the within Lodgo and Warrant , ' No . 53 , all and every the Members tbereot being first duly returned to and registered with the Clerk of the Peace , pursuant to tho Statute in that casso made aud provided , be transferred to and held at a House known by the sign of
tho FLEECE INN , Market-Place , HULL , the Master aud Wardens , and all and every the Members thereof , at ail times paying duo respect to the Grand Lodge , and tho Eules andllegulations thereof , by whom the within Warrant and these Presents are granted : otherwise the tame to be of no force or effect whatever . THOMAS HAEPER , D . G . M .
Entered , EOBEET LESLIE , G . S . K . fol . 46-7 . The present number , title , & o . are , 57 , Humber Lodge , Freemasons Hall , Hull .
No . 20 .
No . 201 , " Ancients ; " No . 250 at the Union ; No . 177 A . D . 1832 , and No . 152 from A . D . 1863 . No . 201 . ATHOLL , GHAND MASTER , JOSH . BROWNE , S . G . W . WM . DICKEV , D . G . M . GEO . BOTYEN , J . G . W .
To ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN , 251 e the Cranb Jfobqc of the most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons ( iwtorbing to the ol & Constitutions grmttcb im bis Jlojial 28 tg hiuBg Jlrince EDWIN , ; it JJork , Anno Domini mnt bnnbrti ) iunntjj nnb sti , antr in the Dear of Jllasonru four tbousanb
tunc bunortii Ifocnti ) anb siv ) , in ample Form assembled , viz ., the Eight Worshipful the Most Noble and Puissant Prince JOHN , Duke Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis and Earl of Tullibardiue , Earl of
Struthtay and btrathardle , Viscount Balquidcr , Glenalmond aud Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belveny and Gask , Heritable Constable of the Castle of Kinclavcn , Lord of Man and the Isles , and Earl Strange and Baron Hurray , of Stanley , in the county of Gloucester , & c . & o ., Grand
Old Warrants.
Master of Masons ; the Right Worshipful WILLIAM DICKEY , Esquire , Deputy Grand Master ; tho Right Worshipful JOSEPH BROWNE , Esquire , Senior Grand Warden ; nnd the Right Worshipful GEORGE BOWEN , Esquire , Junior Grand Warden ( with the approbation nnd consent of the Warranted Lodges held Within the cities and suburbs
of London and Westminster ) , do hereby authorise and impower our trusty and well beloved Brethren , viz ., the Worshipful JAMES IRWIN , one of our Master Masons , the Worshi pful LEONARD SEDGEWICK , his Senior Warden , and the Worshipful MOSES MITCHELL , his Junior Warden , to form and hold a Lodge of Free aud Accepted Masona
aforesaid , at the Mosley Arms , Shude Hill , Manchester , or elsewhere , in the County of Lancaster , upon the first and third Monday in every month , and on all seasonable times and lawful occasions ; and in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons , according to the most ancient and honourable custom of the Royal
Craft in all ages and nations throughout the known world . And we do hereby farther authorise and empower our said trusty and well beloved Brethren JAMES IRWIN , LEONARD SEDGEWICK , and MOSES MITCHELL ( with the consent of tho Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chiise , and install their Successors , to whom they shall
deliver this Warrant , and invest them with their powers and dignities , as Free Masons , & c . And such Successor shall in like manner nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , & c , & o ., & c ; such
Installations to bo upon ( or near ) every St . John ' s Day during the continuance of this Lodgo for over ; providing the above named Brethren and all their Successors always pay due respect to this Right Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to be of no force nor virtue .
Given under our Hands and tlie Seal of our Grand Lodge , in London , this thirtieth day of December , iu the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred ninety and six , and in the year of Masonry five thousand seven hundred ninety and six . EOBT . LESLIE , 6 nutb Sttttlwn .
Note . —This Warraut is registered in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 8 , Letter H . A similar Warrant , united with this , called the UNITY , granted to be held at the Plumb aud Feathers , Cock Gate ; Thos . Overton W . M ., Nicholas Thomason S . W ., John McGivern J . W . April 17 th 1793 . The present number , title , 4 c . are , 152 , Lodge of Virtue , Munch ester .
No . 21 . No . 39 , "Ancients ; " No . 59 at the Union ; No . 52 A . D . 1832 , and No . 44 from 1863 . A Wan-ant was issued 18 th June 1755 , of a similar cbaracter to those already published , the original of which is lost , but a Warrant of Confirmation was granted by H . R . H . the Dnke of Sussex M . W . G . M ., by which the " Friendship " Lodge , No . 44 , Manchester , still works .
The First Lodge In America.
BROTHER William James Hughan has dashed the hopes of we hyperboreau Masons , in deciding against the New York Square and Bro . Tisdnle , who claimed to have made the remarkable discovery that the oldest Lodge iu America was Albion Lodge , No . 17 , of Quebec . Bro . Macalla had so persistently urged through the columns of the Keystone that Philadelphia had the honour of being the mother city of Masonry , that it was deemed worth while by our New York
Brother to set out on a voyage of discovery in hope of finding that the Quaker city was uot tho Mecca of Masonry after all . To the surprise of Bros . Macalla and Norton , the latter being more likely to support Boston ' s claim if there were anything in it , the search was productive of something more than they had anticipated , for it was boldly stated through the Square that the Albion Lodge of Quebec
had been constituted in 1721 . This was nine or ten years farther back than Philadelphia could go , and , as a matter of course , as the Masonic lanrel was likely to be ruthlessly torn from her brow , Bros . Macalla and Norton sprang to the rescue , coming down upon Bro . Tisdale with a perfect swoop , and almost annihilating him . As if doubtful , however , of the position they had taken , the aid of Bro .
Hughan waa invoked all the way from Englaud ; and right heartily he entered upon the task . Bro . Hughan begins by gently flattering Bro . Norton , and supplies the information that was not at hand . Bro . Tisdale claimed , and we have no doubt , rightly too , that he had soon a Masonic Calendar , iu which Albion Lodge , No . 17 , Quebec , was printed as having been
constituted in 1721 . Bros . Hughan , Macalla aud Norton , admit that there is a possibility of such a list of Lodges as Bro . Tisdale claims to have seen , but they say that , although tho year 1721 may be given after the Albion Lodge , it does not follow that it is correct , for the i eason that in the genuine Calendars a blank follows the name of the Lodge .
It is somewhat strange that no year should be given , and it ia equally strange that any publisher or compiler should have taken upon himself to give the year without authority , for that is tho natural inference to be drawn from tbe denial of Bro . Tisdale ' s state , ment . As Bro . Hughan remarks , the Warrant of the Lodge should testify , and it is to be hoped it will be forthcoming . Tho question is
one in which Canadian Masons feel an interest , and it should be set at rest , for no one can have any object in misleading the Craft in reference thereto . As it should bo the aim of all true Masons to elicit the truth and expose error , we trust the real facts will bo civen no matter whether Canada or the United States should ha' •the honour of possessing the premier Masonic Lodge of America . —Crafts , man Canada ,