Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 →
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Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodge . ' throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c . as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
SATURDAY , 26 th AUGUST . R . A . —Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-8 treet , Begent-streot , at 8 . MONDAY , 28 th AUGUST . 68—Royal Clnrence . Freemasons' Hall , Bristol . 1177—Tenby . Eoyal Assembly Rooms , Tenby , Pembroke . M . M . 148—Stamford , Town Hall , Altrincham , Cheshire . TUESDAY , 20 th AUGUST .
65—Constitutional , Wheatsheaf , Hand-court , W . C , at 7 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 86 J—Dalhousie , Royal Kdward , Triangle , Hackney , nt 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 160 *—Metropolitan , 269 Pen'onville-roail . ( Instruction . ) 61—Angel , Three Cups Hotel , Colchester . 310—Union , Freemasons' Hall . Castle Street , Carlisle . 673—Perseverance , Shenstone Hotel . Hales Owen . 1138—Devon , Masonic Hall , Devon-square , Newton Abbot . 1358—Torbay , Town Hall , Paignton .
WEDNESDAY , 30 th AUGUST . 193—Confidence , Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenue , at 7 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 1135—Lewis , King ' s Aims Hotel , Wood Green , nt 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1288—Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park Tav ., Seven Sistcrs ' -rd ., nt 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 1521—Duke of Connaught , Havelock , Albion-rond , Dalston , at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 1625—Tredegar , Royal Hotel , Mile End Road , E . ( Consecration , at 3 o ' clock . ) R . A . 177—Domatic , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-st ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) R . A . 1365—Clapton , White Hart Tavern , Clapton , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 996—Sondes , Eagle Hotel , East Dereham , Norfolk . 1511—Alexandra , Masonic Hall , Hornsea , at 7 . ( Instrnction . )
THURSDAY , 31 st AUGUST . General Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq ., at 7 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C . ( Instruction . ) 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W . at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1260—Hervey , 162 Fulham-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1489—Marquess of Ripon , Albion , Albion-road , Dalston , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 807—Cabbell , Masonic Hall , Theatre-street , Norwich . 966—St . Edward ' s , Literary Institute , Leek , Stafford . R , A . 67—Humber , Freemasons' Hall , Osborn-strect , Hull .
FRIDAY , 1 st SEPTEMBER . 933—Doric , Earl Grey Tavern , Mile End-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1278—Burdett Coutts , Approach Tavern , Victoria Park , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1365—Clapton , White Hart , Clapton , 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1333—Athelstan , Town Hall , Atherstone , Warwick . 1387—Chorlton , Masonic Rooms , Chorlton Cum Hardy . 1561—Morecambe , Ath & 'neum , Lancaster .
SATURDAY , 2 nd SEPTEMBER . General Committee , Boys' School , Freemasons * Hall , nt i . 198—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 453—Chigwell , Castle Hotel , Woodford , Essex . R . A . —Sinni Chapter of Instruction , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W . B . A . 975—Rose of Denmark , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge .
WEST YORKSHIRE . SATURDAY . 1162—Wharnclift ' o , Rose and Crown Hotel , Penistonc . MONDAY . 61—Probity , Freemasons' Hall , St . Jobn ' s-plnce , Halifax . 264—Nelson of the Nile , Freemasons' Hall , New-road , liatloy . 408—Three Graces , Private Room , UaworUi . 1514—ThomhtU . Dean House , IiiroUey , Huddersfield . R . A . 448—Regularity , Masonic Hall ; St . Jolm ' s-place , Halifax .
TUESDAY . 1214—Scarborough , Wilton Arms Hotel , Batley . WEDNESDAY . 258—Amphibious , Freemasons' Hall , Heckmondwike . 804—Philanthropic , Masonic Hall , Great George-street , Leeds . 910—St . Oswald , Masonic Hall , Pontefrnct . 1283—Ryburn , Private Rooms , Town Hall-street , Sowerby-bridge .
THURSDAY . 208—Three Grand Principles , Masonic Hall , Dewsbury . 275—Harmony , Masonic Hall , S uth Parade , Hucldersiield . 337—Candour , Private Rooms , Commercial Inn , Uppermill . 810—Craven , Pevonshire Hotel , Skipton . 804—Phoenix , Ship Hotel , Rotherhain .
DURHAM AND NORTHUMBERLAND . MONDAY , 48—Industry , Freemasons' Hall , West-street , Gateshead . WEDNESDAY .
1119—St . Bede , Mechanics' Institute , Jarrow . THURSDAY . 636—De Ogle , Masonic Hall , Morpeth . 665—Blagdou , Ridley Aims Hotel , Blyth .
FRIDAY . 1230—Barnard , Witham Institute , Barnard Castle . 1567—Albert Edward , White Hart Hotel , Hexham .
EDINBURGH DISTRICT . MONDAY—349—St . Clair , Freemasons' Hall . FRIDAY—29 i-Celtie of Edinburgi and Lsita , Ship Hotel , E . Register-street .
Diary For The Week.
GLASGOW AND THE WEST OP SCOTLAND . All the Meetings are at 8 . 0 p . m ., unless otherwise stated . MONDAY—103—Union nnd Crown , 30 Hope-strect . Glasgow . „ It . A . —122—Thetis , 35 St . James's-street . TUKSDAV—Conclave 114—Red Cross of C- nstantine . 213 Buchanan-street . WEDNESDAY—R . A . 73-Caledonian of Unitv , 213 BnchHnan-street , Glasgow . THURSDAY—290—Blair Dairy , White Hart Hotel , Dairy . 7 p . m . „ 3 . ' 14—St . John , New Cumnock , Ca tie Inn . Cumnock .
„ 570—Kenmnir , Freemasons' Hall , Si > ringbourne , Glasgow . FRIDAY—13 ' —St . James ' s , Crown Inn , Tarbo'ton . ( Bums ' s Lodge . ) „ 156 -St . Barrhan , Masons' Arms Inn , Kilbarchnn . „ 175—St . John's , Old St . John ' s Hall , Cnthcart-street , Greenock . „ 215—St . John . Averdale Inn , Strathaven . „ 217— Cumberland , Oid Town Hall . Port Glasgow . „ 214—St . John ' s Uniof , Black Bull Inn , Stonehousa , at 7 p . m . „ 275—Shamrock and Thist ' e , 21 Struthers-street , Glasgow .
„ 360—Commercial , 30 Hope-street , Glasgow . „ 408-Clyde , 213 Buchanan-stree - , Glasgow . „ 459—Kilbourne , Cumbrace Hotel . Millport . „ 512—Thorntreo , School Room . Thornliebank . „ 651—Clvdesdnle , Royal Hotel , Lark-hall . 7 p . m . R . A . 116—t Id Council Hall , Rutherslen . SATURDAY-2 S—St . John's , Black Bull , Kirkintilloch . „ 458—St . John ' s , Wilson Hall . Busby . 6 p . m . „ 644—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall , Bank-street , Coatbridge . 7 .
Notices Of Meetings.
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting at Bro . Maidwell ' s , the " Hercules , " Leadenhall-street , on Thursday evening last , 24 th August , at 7 . 30 . Present—Bros . Hill W . M ., Grammor S . W ., Maidwell J . W ., Atkins P . M . Treasurer , Webb S . D ., Hewlet J . D ., Hogarth I . G .,
Austin P . M . Preceptor , and several other brethren . Tho W . M . worked the ceremony of the 1 st degree , Bro . Baxter acting as candi . date . Tho 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , and 4 th . Sections were worked by Bro Webb , and the 5 th by Bro . Crawley , assisted by the brethren . Bro Grammer was elected as W . M . for the next meeting . All Masonic business being ended , tho Lodge was closed in ancient form .
St . MungO Lodge , No . 27 . — This old and influential Lodge met in St . Mark ' s Hall , 17 th August , Bro . Dnguld Ilutler R . W . M . presiding , T . Hastie D . M ., Dr . J . Mclnnes S . W ' ., Garrick McComb J . W . There was a large attendance of visitors , amongst whom we noticed on the dais Bros . W . Bell P . M . 3 £ , Wheeler 73 , G . Fisher J . W .. A . Bain W . M . 103 , R . McLeod S . D . 12 'J , Paisley ,
Angus Nicholson 188 , J . Morgan R . W . M . 219 , D . Gilchrist R . W . M . 465 , and three brethren hailing from American Lodges , viz ., Bros , Mathison of 37 , Ohio , Jas . F . Shaw No . 70 , Connecticut , and the R . W . M . of Mount Zion , Columbia . Que brother was passed to the 2 nd degree , Bro . Bain , P . M . of 103 , performing the work in his usual careful style . The Lodge was then called to refreshment , with Bro .
Bain as Junior Warden ; after the Master had proposed the Queen and the Craft and tho Grand Lodges , he gave the P . G . L ., coupling it with Bro . J . Morgan , whom ho congratulated as the coining Provincial Grand Secretary . Bro . Morgan , in reply , said he had no ambition to fill tho post designated ; true , he had acted at the last meeting as interim secretary , and he had been requested
to call another meeting , but he thought a better qualified person might be found to fill the office , who was older as well as a better Mason . Bros . Bain , Bell and Wheeler , all urged Bro . Morgan to retain the office , he being well qualified ; as , in their opinion , it required a young man possessing energy as well as ability . Bro . Shaw , of Connecticut , returned thanks ou behalf of tho American brethren ,
and D . Gilchrist for tho Visitors . Bro . Morgan gave "The Press , coupling with it the names of Bros . Nicholson of the Gael , and Wheeler of the " FKEKMASON ' S CHRONICLE . " Both brethren suitably acknowledged the compliment , Bro . Nicholson saying he might have replied to that of the visitors hailing from Stornaway , or to the Americans , as he had long resided in Canada ; but perhaps , as editor
of the Gael , they would like him to give them a Gaelic speech , but he would defer that till their next meeting . Bro . Wheeler proposed " Prosperity to St . Mungo ' s , No . 27 , and her Master . " The R . W . M ., in his reply , claimed for his Lodge the honour of being the oldest in Scotland , as well as the most respected . Bro . Bell gave " the
Officebearers , " which was acknowledged by the Wardens , Bros . Mclnnis and McComb . Tho final toast was given from the Chair , all being well satisfied . The pleasure of the eveuing was enhanced by tho vocal abilities of Bros . Sharp , Stewart , Thompson , Butler , Brodio and Bain .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 103 . —Masons ' Hall Tavern , Masons' -avenue , Baainghall-street , E . C . An average number of brethren assembled at the meeting on Wednesday , the 23 rd inst . Bro . Fenner occupied the Master's chair , Bro . Turquand was S . W ., Walker J . W ., E . Gottheil P . M . Preceptor , Pelton acting Secretary , Gomm S . D ., Sayer J . D ., Smith I . G . The first ceremony
was rehearsed , Bro . Hill as candidate . The method of examination , entrusting , opening and closing iu the second and third degrees , were then rehearsed . Bro . Jas . Stevens P . M . begged permission to make a few observations which , he thought , miylit prove instructive , or , at any rate , tend to ventilate a few points in Masonic procedure , which to many , especially of the younger brethren , are always more or less obscure . Amongst other matters , he pointed out a method of
advancing , easy for the Deacon and intelligible to the candidate . He next gave reasons why the three great lights should be placed different to their position in this and most other Lodges . An interesting discussion then ensued respecting matters highly important , bnt which we do not deem advisable to publish . Bro . Turqupnd will preside next Wednesday , when he will work the ceremony of iustallation . Bro . J . Stevens P . M ., the appointed candidate , will after , wards explain the first traciug-board , Bro . Gottheil , in proposing a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodge . ' throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c . as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
SATURDAY , 26 th AUGUST . R . A . —Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-8 treet , Begent-streot , at 8 . MONDAY , 28 th AUGUST . 68—Royal Clnrence . Freemasons' Hall , Bristol . 1177—Tenby . Eoyal Assembly Rooms , Tenby , Pembroke . M . M . 148—Stamford , Town Hall , Altrincham , Cheshire . TUESDAY , 20 th AUGUST .
65—Constitutional , Wheatsheaf , Hand-court , W . C , at 7 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 86 J—Dalhousie , Royal Kdward , Triangle , Hackney , nt 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 160 *—Metropolitan , 269 Pen'onville-roail . ( Instruction . ) 61—Angel , Three Cups Hotel , Colchester . 310—Union , Freemasons' Hall . Castle Street , Carlisle . 673—Perseverance , Shenstone Hotel . Hales Owen . 1138—Devon , Masonic Hall , Devon-square , Newton Abbot . 1358—Torbay , Town Hall , Paignton .
WEDNESDAY , 30 th AUGUST . 193—Confidence , Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenue , at 7 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 1135—Lewis , King ' s Aims Hotel , Wood Green , nt 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1288—Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park Tav ., Seven Sistcrs ' -rd ., nt 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 1521—Duke of Connaught , Havelock , Albion-rond , Dalston , at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 1625—Tredegar , Royal Hotel , Mile End Road , E . ( Consecration , at 3 o ' clock . ) R . A . 177—Domatic , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-st ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) R . A . 1365—Clapton , White Hart Tavern , Clapton , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 996—Sondes , Eagle Hotel , East Dereham , Norfolk . 1511—Alexandra , Masonic Hall , Hornsea , at 7 . ( Instrnction . )
THURSDAY , 31 st AUGUST . General Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq ., at 7 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C . ( Instruction . ) 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W . at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1260—Hervey , 162 Fulham-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1489—Marquess of Ripon , Albion , Albion-road , Dalston , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 807—Cabbell , Masonic Hall , Theatre-street , Norwich . 966—St . Edward ' s , Literary Institute , Leek , Stafford . R , A . 67—Humber , Freemasons' Hall , Osborn-strect , Hull .
FRIDAY , 1 st SEPTEMBER . 933—Doric , Earl Grey Tavern , Mile End-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1278—Burdett Coutts , Approach Tavern , Victoria Park , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1365—Clapton , White Hart , Clapton , 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1333—Athelstan , Town Hall , Atherstone , Warwick . 1387—Chorlton , Masonic Rooms , Chorlton Cum Hardy . 1561—Morecambe , Ath & 'neum , Lancaster .
SATURDAY , 2 nd SEPTEMBER . General Committee , Boys' School , Freemasons * Hall , nt i . 198—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 453—Chigwell , Castle Hotel , Woodford , Essex . R . A . —Sinni Chapter of Instruction , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W . B . A . 975—Rose of Denmark , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge .
WEST YORKSHIRE . SATURDAY . 1162—Wharnclift ' o , Rose and Crown Hotel , Penistonc . MONDAY . 61—Probity , Freemasons' Hall , St . Jobn ' s-plnce , Halifax . 264—Nelson of the Nile , Freemasons' Hall , New-road , liatloy . 408—Three Graces , Private Room , UaworUi . 1514—ThomhtU . Dean House , IiiroUey , Huddersfield . R . A . 448—Regularity , Masonic Hall ; St . Jolm ' s-place , Halifax .
TUESDAY . 1214—Scarborough , Wilton Arms Hotel , Batley . WEDNESDAY . 258—Amphibious , Freemasons' Hall , Heckmondwike . 804—Philanthropic , Masonic Hall , Great George-street , Leeds . 910—St . Oswald , Masonic Hall , Pontefrnct . 1283—Ryburn , Private Rooms , Town Hall-street , Sowerby-bridge .
THURSDAY . 208—Three Grand Principles , Masonic Hall , Dewsbury . 275—Harmony , Masonic Hall , S uth Parade , Hucldersiield . 337—Candour , Private Rooms , Commercial Inn , Uppermill . 810—Craven , Pevonshire Hotel , Skipton . 804—Phoenix , Ship Hotel , Rotherhain .
DURHAM AND NORTHUMBERLAND . MONDAY , 48—Industry , Freemasons' Hall , West-street , Gateshead . WEDNESDAY .
1119—St . Bede , Mechanics' Institute , Jarrow . THURSDAY . 636—De Ogle , Masonic Hall , Morpeth . 665—Blagdou , Ridley Aims Hotel , Blyth .
FRIDAY . 1230—Barnard , Witham Institute , Barnard Castle . 1567—Albert Edward , White Hart Hotel , Hexham .
EDINBURGH DISTRICT . MONDAY—349—St . Clair , Freemasons' Hall . FRIDAY—29 i-Celtie of Edinburgi and Lsita , Ship Hotel , E . Register-street .
Diary For The Week.
GLASGOW AND THE WEST OP SCOTLAND . All the Meetings are at 8 . 0 p . m ., unless otherwise stated . MONDAY—103—Union nnd Crown , 30 Hope-strect . Glasgow . „ It . A . —122—Thetis , 35 St . James's-street . TUKSDAV—Conclave 114—Red Cross of C- nstantine . 213 Buchanan-street . WEDNESDAY—R . A . 73-Caledonian of Unitv , 213 BnchHnan-street , Glasgow . THURSDAY—290—Blair Dairy , White Hart Hotel , Dairy . 7 p . m . „ 3 . ' 14—St . John , New Cumnock , Ca tie Inn . Cumnock .
„ 570—Kenmnir , Freemasons' Hall , Si > ringbourne , Glasgow . FRIDAY—13 ' —St . James ' s , Crown Inn , Tarbo'ton . ( Bums ' s Lodge . ) „ 156 -St . Barrhan , Masons' Arms Inn , Kilbarchnn . „ 175—St . John's , Old St . John ' s Hall , Cnthcart-street , Greenock . „ 215—St . John . Averdale Inn , Strathaven . „ 217— Cumberland , Oid Town Hall . Port Glasgow . „ 214—St . John ' s Uniof , Black Bull Inn , Stonehousa , at 7 p . m . „ 275—Shamrock and Thist ' e , 21 Struthers-street , Glasgow .
„ 360—Commercial , 30 Hope-street , Glasgow . „ 408-Clyde , 213 Buchanan-stree - , Glasgow . „ 459—Kilbourne , Cumbrace Hotel . Millport . „ 512—Thorntreo , School Room . Thornliebank . „ 651—Clvdesdnle , Royal Hotel , Lark-hall . 7 p . m . R . A . 116—t Id Council Hall , Rutherslen . SATURDAY-2 S—St . John's , Black Bull , Kirkintilloch . „ 458—St . John ' s , Wilson Hall . Busby . 6 p . m . „ 644—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall , Bank-street , Coatbridge . 7 .
Notices Of Meetings.
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting at Bro . Maidwell ' s , the " Hercules , " Leadenhall-street , on Thursday evening last , 24 th August , at 7 . 30 . Present—Bros . Hill W . M ., Grammor S . W ., Maidwell J . W ., Atkins P . M . Treasurer , Webb S . D ., Hewlet J . D ., Hogarth I . G .,
Austin P . M . Preceptor , and several other brethren . Tho W . M . worked the ceremony of the 1 st degree , Bro . Baxter acting as candi . date . Tho 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , and 4 th . Sections were worked by Bro Webb , and the 5 th by Bro . Crawley , assisted by the brethren . Bro Grammer was elected as W . M . for the next meeting . All Masonic business being ended , tho Lodge was closed in ancient form .
St . MungO Lodge , No . 27 . — This old and influential Lodge met in St . Mark ' s Hall , 17 th August , Bro . Dnguld Ilutler R . W . M . presiding , T . Hastie D . M ., Dr . J . Mclnnes S . W ' ., Garrick McComb J . W . There was a large attendance of visitors , amongst whom we noticed on the dais Bros . W . Bell P . M . 3 £ , Wheeler 73 , G . Fisher J . W .. A . Bain W . M . 103 , R . McLeod S . D . 12 'J , Paisley ,
Angus Nicholson 188 , J . Morgan R . W . M . 219 , D . Gilchrist R . W . M . 465 , and three brethren hailing from American Lodges , viz ., Bros , Mathison of 37 , Ohio , Jas . F . Shaw No . 70 , Connecticut , and the R . W . M . of Mount Zion , Columbia . Que brother was passed to the 2 nd degree , Bro . Bain , P . M . of 103 , performing the work in his usual careful style . The Lodge was then called to refreshment , with Bro .
Bain as Junior Warden ; after the Master had proposed the Queen and the Craft and tho Grand Lodges , he gave the P . G . L ., coupling it with Bro . J . Morgan , whom ho congratulated as the coining Provincial Grand Secretary . Bro . Morgan , in reply , said he had no ambition to fill tho post designated ; true , he had acted at the last meeting as interim secretary , and he had been requested
to call another meeting , but he thought a better qualified person might be found to fill the office , who was older as well as a better Mason . Bros . Bain , Bell and Wheeler , all urged Bro . Morgan to retain the office , he being well qualified ; as , in their opinion , it required a young man possessing energy as well as ability . Bro . Shaw , of Connecticut , returned thanks ou behalf of tho American brethren ,
and D . Gilchrist for tho Visitors . Bro . Morgan gave "The Press , coupling with it the names of Bros . Nicholson of the Gael , and Wheeler of the " FKEKMASON ' S CHRONICLE . " Both brethren suitably acknowledged the compliment , Bro . Nicholson saying he might have replied to that of the visitors hailing from Stornaway , or to the Americans , as he had long resided in Canada ; but perhaps , as editor
of the Gael , they would like him to give them a Gaelic speech , but he would defer that till their next meeting . Bro . Wheeler proposed " Prosperity to St . Mungo ' s , No . 27 , and her Master . " The R . W . M ., in his reply , claimed for his Lodge the honour of being the oldest in Scotland , as well as the most respected . Bro . Bell gave " the
Officebearers , " which was acknowledged by the Wardens , Bros . Mclnnis and McComb . Tho final toast was given from the Chair , all being well satisfied . The pleasure of the eveuing was enhanced by tho vocal abilities of Bros . Sharp , Stewart , Thompson , Butler , Brodio and Bain .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 103 . —Masons ' Hall Tavern , Masons' -avenue , Baainghall-street , E . C . An average number of brethren assembled at the meeting on Wednesday , the 23 rd inst . Bro . Fenner occupied the Master's chair , Bro . Turquand was S . W ., Walker J . W ., E . Gottheil P . M . Preceptor , Pelton acting Secretary , Gomm S . D ., Sayer J . D ., Smith I . G . The first ceremony
was rehearsed , Bro . Hill as candidate . The method of examination , entrusting , opening and closing iu the second and third degrees , were then rehearsed . Bro . Jas . Stevens P . M . begged permission to make a few observations which , he thought , miylit prove instructive , or , at any rate , tend to ventilate a few points in Masonic procedure , which to many , especially of the younger brethren , are always more or less obscure . Amongst other matters , he pointed out a method of
advancing , easy for the Deacon and intelligible to the candidate . He next gave reasons why the three great lights should be placed different to their position in this and most other Lodges . An interesting discussion then ensued respecting matters highly important , bnt which we do not deem advisable to publish . Bro . Turqupnd will preside next Wednesday , when he will work the ceremony of iustallation . Bro . J . Stevens P . M ., the appointed candidate , will after , wards explain the first traciug-board , Bro . Gottheil , in proposing a