Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Diary For The Week.
1393—Hamer , Masonic Hall . Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1528—Fort , Masonic Hall , Newquay , Cornwall . 1557—A lbert Edward , Bush Hotel , Hexham . 1561—Morecsimbe . Masonic Hall , "Edward-street , Morecambe , Lancashire . 1648 Prince of Wales . Free masons' Hall , Salem-street , Bradford . 1661— Gosforth , Freemasons' Hall , High-street , Gosforth . General Lodge of Instruction , Masouic Hall , New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . —General Chapter of Improvement , Masonic Hall , Birmingham , at 5 . 30
SATUBDAY , 3 rd JUNE . General Committee Boys' School , Freemasons'Hall , at 4 198—Percy , Jolly Farmers * Tavern , Southgate-road . N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1278—Burdett Coutts , Lamb Tavern , opposite Bethnal G . Junct ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1361—Earl of Zetland , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney ( Instruction ) 1624—Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street . W . at 8 .
149—Peace , Private Rooms , Meltham 1223—Amherst , King ' s Arras Hotel , Westerham , Kent 1458—Truth . Private Rooms , Conservative Club , Newton Heath , Manchester 1567—Elliot , Railway Hotel , Feltham B . A . 975—Rose of Denmark , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge
Notices Of Meetings.
— : o : — CRANBOURNE LODGE , No . 1580 . THIS , which is one of the most successful Lodges in the Province of Hertfordshire , held its Installation Meeting at the Bed Lion Holel . Hatfield . onTuesday last . The members assembled at 3 . 30 , when Lodge waa opened by the W . M . Bro . T . S . Hellier , who was supported by the Officers of the outgoing year ; Past Masters F . H . Wilson lies Depnty Provincial Grand Master Herts , Edgar Bowyer P . P . G . S . W .,
John L . Mather , Eobert H . Halford , William Bausor . Amongst the Visitors present were Bros . Shadwell Gierke G . S ., Captain Bedford Pym 77 , William Poore P . M . 106 , George Briggs P . M . 1572 , 0 . K . Killick P . M . 782 , H . M . Williams Org . 1669 , T . S . Carter P . M . 403 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , H . S . Shillito 25 . After the minutes of the
last meeting had been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . Eiohard Catling , of St . Mark's College , Chelsea , who was proposed by Bro . Page , and seconded by Bro . Webb , the result being unanimously in favour of the candidate . Bro . J . L . Mather P . M . then presented the W . M . elect , Bro . C . K . Killick P . M . 1693 , who had been elected , at the last meeting , to fill the chair of the Cranbonrne
Lodge for the seventh year of its existence . The outgoing Master ably performed the ceremony of installation , and in due course the following Officers were appointed : —G . Ward Terry P . M . 1278 , & o . S . W ., Henry Beadell J . W ., G . F . Cook Treasurer , James Terry Prov . Grand S . W . Norths and Hunts Sec . E . M . B . I . Secretary , W J Thody S . D ., W . J . Cratch P . M . 1278 J . D ., E . C . Bead Organist , A *
Eade I . G ., C . H . Eeed M . of C , W . London Assistant M . of C , J . Gibbs Steward , J . S . Webb Assistant Steward , Thomas Tyler . Bro . Hellier delivered the addresses to Master , Wardens , and brethren , and took his seat amid hearty congratulations . The dut y of initiating Mr . Catling , the candidate named above , was the first event that claimed the attention of the W . M . Bro . Killick
performed the ceremony in a most competent way , and created a deep impression on the aspirant for the privileges of our ancient Order . The Eeport of the Audit Committee having been presented and adopted , the W . M . was elected as the representative of the Lodge on tbe Board of Finance of tho Province . Eoutine work followed , and Lodge was closed . The banquet was capitally served by
Mrs . Ward , the hostess of the Eed Lion Hotel , and justice was done by all present to the good things provided . On the removal of the cloth , Bro . Killick gave the Loyal toasts , whioh were heartily received . In replying for the Grand Officers , Col . Shadwell H . Gierke expressed the gratification he had felt in visiting Hatfield , with its many historical associations . He confessed he had been
somewhat seduced from the allegiance he owed the Lodge by the charming features of Hatfield House and its surroundings , and felt nnder deep obligation to Bro . Shillito , who bad acted as cicerone for the occasion . The Grand Secretary referred to the presence of Bro . C . K . Killick sen ., the father of the W . M ., and to the pleasure it must afford him—an old Master himself—to see his son placed in
the highest position to be obtained in a Masonic Lodge . Personally be congratulated the W . M ., and hoped he might have other opportrinities of visiting the Lodge . In giving the toast of Bro . T . F Holsey , M . P ., P . G . M ., Bro . Killick said the brethren had looked forward with pleasurable anticipation to have the honour on this occasion of a visit from the E . W . the Prov . G . Master . At the last moment ,
however , a telegram had been received stating that important Parliamentary business prevented the attendance of Bro . Halsey . After a nappy rendering of the popular song , " Father Molloy , " by Bro . Bade , Jhc toast of the Deputy Provincial G . Master and other Provincial wand Officers was given , special reference being made to the zeal displayed b y Dr . lies , and to tbe way in which bis services were at all 1 . " J - ' - * . «« , * .-. « " * . « UW .. V . J . . . ,. u . v ... "" J uu . . . uvu ., « . — —w . . . . times
appreciated by the Freemasons of the Province . Dr . lies , in a well considered speech , thanked the brethren for the cordial reception ¦ jey had given him . As for the Provincial Grand Officers , they wero * v 1 ? ' ^ ° knew and fully appreciated their responsibilities , which he was sure they would strive to fulfil . He was gratified at seeing _ e hospitality of thn TrmmlifiT ' . q sn lihornllc- A-vorniapil •viflifcinc * frnm
edge to Lodge was productive oi mnch good—ifc showed what might ° e copied , what ought to be avoided . He referred to the birthday of hp ° n £ dge S be had remarked then that tbey had brought forth a very wealth y child ; he had watched it in its infancy , and could not but be
Plim D 0 W ifc had reached maturity . Bro . lies paid a high comfrnm 5 . the out g ° S Master , Bro . Hellier , and prognosticatedterm P at he had that day seen of the ability of Bro . Killick—a happy in v i ? ffice for tte new Master- He then spoke of the estimation 3 Iaa •T fche Cranb ° unie Lodge was held as a contributor to the ¦•Bwiio Institutions , and urged the brethren at the lower end of the
Notices Of Meetings.
table to emulate the good deeds of the older members . The health of tbe Initiate was the nest toast brought forward , and Bro . Catling modestly but expressively acknowledged the hononr done him . Bro . Hellier proposed the health of the W . M . From what they had seen of the ability of Bro . Killick , it was clear the brethren had acted wisely in entrusting to him the guidance of their Lodge . The reply of
the W . M . was brief , but well to the point . From the first he had taken a deep interest in the Lodge , and nothing on his part shonld be wanting to continue it in its present flourishing condition . The Visitors were next complimented , and Bros . Killick sen ., Capt . Bed . ford Pym , and Shillito replied . Bro . Killick sen . was pleased at the several allusions that had been made . He had had the pleasure of
seeing his son installed Master of another Lodge , wherein he ( the speaker ) had the hononr of acting as the Secretary . He felt assured the Cranbonrne Lodge would sustain its prestige under its present Master . In proposing the health of the Past Masters , the W . M ., in order to save time , would give the toast in its corporate capacity , and would include their Treasnrer and Secretary . He
specially referred to the ability displayed by Bro . Hellier in carrying out the dutiea of the Installation , and in the name of the Lodge presented him with the Past Master ' s jewel . Bro . Hellier after acknowledging the kind remarks of the W . M ., said he scarcely could find words to thank the members for the kindness they had at all times shown him . He felt he had only done his duty , but at the same time he was none the less gratified at the way in which his efforts seemed to
be appreciated . In replying for the Treasurer and Secretary , Bro . Terry regretted Bro . Cook had been compelled to leave ; their Treasurer had laboured zealously for the Lodge , which he ( Brother Terry ) was proud to know was free from all liability . It would at all times be the main effort of the Past Masters to sustain it in a sound financial position . The Officers were then complimented , and the Tyler was summoned to give the parting toast . The proceedings throughout were enlivened by songs and recitations .
THE last meeting of this Lodge , previous to the summer recess , took place at the Athenaeum , Shepherd ' s Bush , on Monday , 22 nd inst . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . G . Harrison , the Lodge was opened by the I . P . M . Bro . A . B . Baker , who was supported by the following Officers : —Bros . Pierpoint S . W ., Josey J . W ., Game P . M . Treasnrer , Alais P . M . Secretary , P . Burton S . D ., Williams J . D ., Breitbart I . G ., Schofield Tyler . After the
reading and confirmation of the minutes of last meeting , Lodge was advanced a step , and Bro . White , candidate for the sublime degree , was examined as to the knowledge he possessed of the science . This proving satisfactory , he was entrusted . In due course , after Lodge had been opened in the third degree , Bro . White was re-admitted and the ceremony was worked , mnch to his edification . Bro . Whitaker , a
candidate for passing , was next introduced , and after the for . malities had been complied with , the acting Worshipful Master conducted the ceremony of the second degree . Bro . Lewis Bryett , the first Master of this Lodge , then took the chair in order to initiate into Freemasonry his friend Mr . Edward F . Crowe , who had been regularly proposed , and for whom the ballot was taken
at the last meeting of the Lodge . Bro . Bryett performed the ceremony most ably , and created a deep impression on the candidate , who seemed fully to realise the solemnity of the occasion . After this some matters of importance regarding home affairs were brought nnder consideration , hearty good wishes were tendered , and Lodge was closed . A capital banquet was served by Bro . Ward , who is the
caterer appointed by this Lodge , and under whose personal superintendence the repast was served . On the removal of tho cloth , the acting W . M . gave the loyal toasts , Bro . Bryett in proposing the health of the W . M . regretted the enforced absence , through illness , of Bro . Harrison . Their W . M . took a lively interest in the work of the Lodn * e , and all felt it was much against his inclination he was
compolled to absent himself . Bro . Bryett then suggested that the Secretary should send a telegram in reply to the one sent by the W . M . to the brethren , regretting his non-attendance , and expressing a hope that he might speedily be restored to his normal state of health . With tbe toast he ( Bro . Bryett ) would associate the name of Bro . Baker , who , in the emergency , had ably conducted the
proceedings . In acknowledging the compliment , Bro . Baker said he was at all times pleased if he conld render any assistance to the Lodge . With regard to Brother Harrison , he was most enthusiastic in the fulfilment of his duties , and this was the first time since the Lodge was inaugurated that he had been absent . The health of the Initiate camo next , and after this toast had been responded
to , the Visitors were complimented . The brethren present in this capacity were Brothers W . W . Morgan Secretary 211 , R . H . Eogers 1791 , Sage late G 10 , and Gastrell Senior Deacon 246 . Brother W . W . Morgan was tho first to respond . Ho was present at the consecration of the Lodge , and had had tho privilege of beinw the guest of the members ou several occasions since . It was
gratify ing to the Visitors to see the Lodge in so prosperous a condition , while the quarters in which they were assembled met every requirement . The cause of this prosperity could readily be understood by those who were acquainted with the founders . He ( Brother Morgan ) had met Bros . Bryett ancl Baker at tho Anniversary Festival of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Girls , where , in their capacity of
Stewards , they had handed in a goodly sum as the contribution of the Lodge and its members . This was not the first Institution the Lodgo bad assisted , and the brethren realised this when , at the election on Friday of last week , for the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent , the candidato they were supporting secured the benefits of that admirable
Institution . Bro . Morgan concluded his remarks by thanking the acting W . M . and members for the hearty reception they at all times gave him . The other Visitors severally offered a few remarks , and then other toasts followed in qnick succession , the parting ono bringing a successful aud agreeable meeting to a , close .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
1393—Hamer , Masonic Hall . Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1528—Fort , Masonic Hall , Newquay , Cornwall . 1557—A lbert Edward , Bush Hotel , Hexham . 1561—Morecsimbe . Masonic Hall , "Edward-street , Morecambe , Lancashire . 1648 Prince of Wales . Free masons' Hall , Salem-street , Bradford . 1661— Gosforth , Freemasons' Hall , High-street , Gosforth . General Lodge of Instruction , Masouic Hall , New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . —General Chapter of Improvement , Masonic Hall , Birmingham , at 5 . 30
SATUBDAY , 3 rd JUNE . General Committee Boys' School , Freemasons'Hall , at 4 198—Percy , Jolly Farmers * Tavern , Southgate-road . N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1278—Burdett Coutts , Lamb Tavern , opposite Bethnal G . Junct ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1361—Earl of Zetland , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney ( Instruction ) 1624—Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street . W . at 8 .
149—Peace , Private Rooms , Meltham 1223—Amherst , King ' s Arras Hotel , Westerham , Kent 1458—Truth . Private Rooms , Conservative Club , Newton Heath , Manchester 1567—Elliot , Railway Hotel , Feltham B . A . 975—Rose of Denmark , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge
Notices Of Meetings.
— : o : — CRANBOURNE LODGE , No . 1580 . THIS , which is one of the most successful Lodges in the Province of Hertfordshire , held its Installation Meeting at the Bed Lion Holel . Hatfield . onTuesday last . The members assembled at 3 . 30 , when Lodge waa opened by the W . M . Bro . T . S . Hellier , who was supported by the Officers of the outgoing year ; Past Masters F . H . Wilson lies Depnty Provincial Grand Master Herts , Edgar Bowyer P . P . G . S . W .,
John L . Mather , Eobert H . Halford , William Bausor . Amongst the Visitors present were Bros . Shadwell Gierke G . S ., Captain Bedford Pym 77 , William Poore P . M . 106 , George Briggs P . M . 1572 , 0 . K . Killick P . M . 782 , H . M . Williams Org . 1669 , T . S . Carter P . M . 403 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , H . S . Shillito 25 . After the minutes of the
last meeting had been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . Eiohard Catling , of St . Mark's College , Chelsea , who was proposed by Bro . Page , and seconded by Bro . Webb , the result being unanimously in favour of the candidate . Bro . J . L . Mather P . M . then presented the W . M . elect , Bro . C . K . Killick P . M . 1693 , who had been elected , at the last meeting , to fill the chair of the Cranbonrne
Lodge for the seventh year of its existence . The outgoing Master ably performed the ceremony of installation , and in due course the following Officers were appointed : —G . Ward Terry P . M . 1278 , & o . S . W ., Henry Beadell J . W ., G . F . Cook Treasurer , James Terry Prov . Grand S . W . Norths and Hunts Sec . E . M . B . I . Secretary , W J Thody S . D ., W . J . Cratch P . M . 1278 J . D ., E . C . Bead Organist , A *
Eade I . G ., C . H . Eeed M . of C , W . London Assistant M . of C , J . Gibbs Steward , J . S . Webb Assistant Steward , Thomas Tyler . Bro . Hellier delivered the addresses to Master , Wardens , and brethren , and took his seat amid hearty congratulations . The dut y of initiating Mr . Catling , the candidate named above , was the first event that claimed the attention of the W . M . Bro . Killick
performed the ceremony in a most competent way , and created a deep impression on the aspirant for the privileges of our ancient Order . The Eeport of the Audit Committee having been presented and adopted , the W . M . was elected as the representative of the Lodge on tbe Board of Finance of tho Province . Eoutine work followed , and Lodge was closed . The banquet was capitally served by
Mrs . Ward , the hostess of the Eed Lion Hotel , and justice was done by all present to the good things provided . On the removal of the cloth , Bro . Killick gave the Loyal toasts , whioh were heartily received . In replying for the Grand Officers , Col . Shadwell H . Gierke expressed the gratification he had felt in visiting Hatfield , with its many historical associations . He confessed he had been
somewhat seduced from the allegiance he owed the Lodge by the charming features of Hatfield House and its surroundings , and felt nnder deep obligation to Bro . Shillito , who bad acted as cicerone for the occasion . The Grand Secretary referred to the presence of Bro . C . K . Killick sen ., the father of the W . M ., and to the pleasure it must afford him—an old Master himself—to see his son placed in
the highest position to be obtained in a Masonic Lodge . Personally be congratulated the W . M ., and hoped he might have other opportrinities of visiting the Lodge . In giving the toast of Bro . T . F Holsey , M . P ., P . G . M ., Bro . Killick said the brethren had looked forward with pleasurable anticipation to have the honour on this occasion of a visit from the E . W . the Prov . G . Master . At the last moment ,
however , a telegram had been received stating that important Parliamentary business prevented the attendance of Bro . Halsey . After a nappy rendering of the popular song , " Father Molloy , " by Bro . Bade , Jhc toast of the Deputy Provincial G . Master and other Provincial wand Officers was given , special reference being made to the zeal displayed b y Dr . lies , and to tbe way in which bis services were at all 1 . " J - ' - * . «« , * .-. « " * . « UW .. V . J . . . ,. u . v ... "" J uu . . . uvu ., « . — —w . . . . times
appreciated by the Freemasons of the Province . Dr . lies , in a well considered speech , thanked the brethren for the cordial reception ¦ jey had given him . As for the Provincial Grand Officers , they wero * v 1 ? ' ^ ° knew and fully appreciated their responsibilities , which he was sure they would strive to fulfil . He was gratified at seeing _ e hospitality of thn TrmmlifiT ' . q sn lihornllc- A-vorniapil •viflifcinc * frnm
edge to Lodge was productive oi mnch good—ifc showed what might ° e copied , what ought to be avoided . He referred to the birthday of hp ° n £ dge S be had remarked then that tbey had brought forth a very wealth y child ; he had watched it in its infancy , and could not but be
Plim D 0 W ifc had reached maturity . Bro . lies paid a high comfrnm 5 . the out g ° S Master , Bro . Hellier , and prognosticatedterm P at he had that day seen of the ability of Bro . Killick—a happy in v i ? ffice for tte new Master- He then spoke of the estimation 3 Iaa •T fche Cranb ° unie Lodge was held as a contributor to the ¦•Bwiio Institutions , and urged the brethren at the lower end of the
Notices Of Meetings.
table to emulate the good deeds of the older members . The health of tbe Initiate was the nest toast brought forward , and Bro . Catling modestly but expressively acknowledged the hononr done him . Bro . Hellier proposed the health of the W . M . From what they had seen of the ability of Bro . Killick , it was clear the brethren had acted wisely in entrusting to him the guidance of their Lodge . The reply of
the W . M . was brief , but well to the point . From the first he had taken a deep interest in the Lodge , and nothing on his part shonld be wanting to continue it in its present flourishing condition . The Visitors were next complimented , and Bros . Killick sen ., Capt . Bed . ford Pym , and Shillito replied . Bro . Killick sen . was pleased at the several allusions that had been made . He had had the pleasure of
seeing his son installed Master of another Lodge , wherein he ( the speaker ) had the hononr of acting as the Secretary . He felt assured the Cranbonrne Lodge would sustain its prestige under its present Master . In proposing the health of the Past Masters , the W . M ., in order to save time , would give the toast in its corporate capacity , and would include their Treasnrer and Secretary . He
specially referred to the ability displayed by Bro . Hellier in carrying out the dutiea of the Installation , and in the name of the Lodge presented him with the Past Master ' s jewel . Bro . Hellier after acknowledging the kind remarks of the W . M ., said he scarcely could find words to thank the members for the kindness they had at all times shown him . He felt he had only done his duty , but at the same time he was none the less gratified at the way in which his efforts seemed to
be appreciated . In replying for the Treasurer and Secretary , Bro . Terry regretted Bro . Cook had been compelled to leave ; their Treasurer had laboured zealously for the Lodge , which he ( Brother Terry ) was proud to know was free from all liability . It would at all times be the main effort of the Past Masters to sustain it in a sound financial position . The Officers were then complimented , and the Tyler was summoned to give the parting toast . The proceedings throughout were enlivened by songs and recitations .
THE last meeting of this Lodge , previous to the summer recess , took place at the Athenaeum , Shepherd ' s Bush , on Monday , 22 nd inst . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . G . Harrison , the Lodge was opened by the I . P . M . Bro . A . B . Baker , who was supported by the following Officers : —Bros . Pierpoint S . W ., Josey J . W ., Game P . M . Treasnrer , Alais P . M . Secretary , P . Burton S . D ., Williams J . D ., Breitbart I . G ., Schofield Tyler . After the
reading and confirmation of the minutes of last meeting , Lodge was advanced a step , and Bro . White , candidate for the sublime degree , was examined as to the knowledge he possessed of the science . This proving satisfactory , he was entrusted . In due course , after Lodge had been opened in the third degree , Bro . White was re-admitted and the ceremony was worked , mnch to his edification . Bro . Whitaker , a
candidate for passing , was next introduced , and after the for . malities had been complied with , the acting Worshipful Master conducted the ceremony of the second degree . Bro . Lewis Bryett , the first Master of this Lodge , then took the chair in order to initiate into Freemasonry his friend Mr . Edward F . Crowe , who had been regularly proposed , and for whom the ballot was taken
at the last meeting of the Lodge . Bro . Bryett performed the ceremony most ably , and created a deep impression on the candidate , who seemed fully to realise the solemnity of the occasion . After this some matters of importance regarding home affairs were brought nnder consideration , hearty good wishes were tendered , and Lodge was closed . A capital banquet was served by Bro . Ward , who is the
caterer appointed by this Lodge , and under whose personal superintendence the repast was served . On the removal of tho cloth , the acting W . M . gave the loyal toasts , Bro . Bryett in proposing the health of the W . M . regretted the enforced absence , through illness , of Bro . Harrison . Their W . M . took a lively interest in the work of the Lodn * e , and all felt it was much against his inclination he was
compolled to absent himself . Bro . Bryett then suggested that the Secretary should send a telegram in reply to the one sent by the W . M . to the brethren , regretting his non-attendance , and expressing a hope that he might speedily be restored to his normal state of health . With tbe toast he ( Bro . Bryett ) would associate the name of Bro . Baker , who , in the emergency , had ably conducted the
proceedings . In acknowledging the compliment , Bro . Baker said he was at all times pleased if he conld render any assistance to the Lodge . With regard to Brother Harrison , he was most enthusiastic in the fulfilment of his duties , and this was the first time since the Lodge was inaugurated that he had been absent . The health of the Initiate camo next , and after this toast had been responded
to , the Visitors were complimented . The brethren present in this capacity were Brothers W . W . Morgan Secretary 211 , R . H . Eogers 1791 , Sage late G 10 , and Gastrell Senior Deacon 246 . Brother W . W . Morgan was tho first to respond . Ho was present at the consecration of the Lodge , and had had tho privilege of beinw the guest of the members ou several occasions since . It was
gratify ing to the Visitors to see the Lodge in so prosperous a condition , while the quarters in which they were assembled met every requirement . The cause of this prosperity could readily be understood by those who were acquainted with the founders . He ( Brother Morgan ) had met Bros . Bryett ancl Baker at tho Anniversary Festival of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Girls , where , in their capacity of
Stewards , they had handed in a goodly sum as the contribution of the Lodge and its members . This was not the first Institution the Lodgo bad assisted , and the brethren realised this when , at the election on Friday of last week , for the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent , the candidato they were supporting secured the benefits of that admirable
Institution . Bro . Morgan concluded his remarks by thanking the acting W . M . and members for the hearty reception they at all times gave him . The other Visitors severally offered a few remarks , and then other toasts followed in qnick succession , the parting ono bringing a successful aud agreeable meeting to a , close .