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Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if tho Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour ua with a list of their Days of Meetings , & o , as wo have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of tho several Lodges .
Saturday , 27 th June
1541 Alexandra Palace , Imperial Hotol , Holborn Viaduct 1871 Gosling Murray , Town Hall , Hounslow R . A . 1011 Mid-Snrrey , Surrey Jf . H ., Camberwoli K . A . 1329 Sphinx , Surrey Masonic Hall , S . E . 1162 Wharnclifl * o , Rose and Crown Hot , Ponistono
1461 Erasmus Wilson , l'ier Hotel , tireenhitho 1531 Chiselhurst , Hull ' s Head Hotel , Chiselhurst 1965 Hastes , Parish Rooms , Bromley , Kent 1883 Greenwood , Pablio Hall , Kpsoin . 2309 George Gardner , Village Hall , Dntchett , Bucks M . M . 14 Princo Edward , Station Hoc , Todmorden R . C . Stanhope , Queea ' s Hotel . Chester
Monday , 20 th Juno . 63 Social , Qneen ' s Hotel , Manchester 148 Lights , -Masonic Rooms . Warrington 837 St . John , Masonic Temple , Dowsbury 1177 Tenby , Tenby . Pembroke
iTuesday , 30 th June . 310 Unions , Freemasons' Hall , Carlisle 573 Perseverance , Shenstone Hotel , Halesowen 1338 Torbay . Town Hall , Paignton 1568 Ellington , Town Hall , Maidenhead 1636 St . Cecilia , Royal Pavilion , Brighton K . T . Plains of Tabor , Swan Hotel , Colao
Wednesday , 1 st July
1707 Eleanor , Anderton's Hotol Fleet Streot , E . C . ! 827 ^ Alliance . Guildhall Tavorn , Gresham Stroot 74 'Athol , Masonio Hall , Birmingham 137 Amity , M . H ., Market Placo , Poole 298 . Harmony , Masonic Rooms , Rochdale 326 Moira , Freemasons' HaU , Bristol 327 Wigton St . John , Lion and Lamb , Wigton
406 Northern Counties , Masonic Hall , Newcastle , ( 515 Humphrey Chetham , F . MJL , JIanchester 678 E . Ellesmere , Chnrch Hot . Korsloy , Farnworth 838 Franklin , Peacock and Royal Hotel , Boston 992 St . Thomas , Griffin Hotol . Lower Bronghton 1013 Royal Victoria , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 1085 HartingtonMasonic HallGower St . Derby
, , , 1091 Erme , Erme House , Ivybridgo , Devon 1107 Cornwallis , Lnllingstono Castlo , Swanloy 1107 Alnwick . M . H ., Clavport Streot , Alnwick 1206 Cinque Ports , Hell Hotol . Sandwich 1271 Earl of Durham , F . M . H ., Chcstor-lo-Strcct 1323 Talbot , Masonic Rooms , Wind St ., Swansea 1335 Lindsay , 20 King Street , Wigan
1351 Marquis of Lome , Jlasonic Roomo , Leigh 1363 Tyndnll , Town Hall , Chipping Sodbury , Glos . 1-131 St . Alphcge , Georgo Hotel , Solihull 1620 Marlborough , Derby Hall , Tuo Brook , L'pool 1736 St . John ' s , St . John's Rooms , Halifax 1903 Pr Edward of Saxe Wciranr , M . H .. Portsmouth 2012 Apollo , 22 Hope Streot , Liverpool R . A . 61 Hope , Spread Eagle Inn . Rochdalo
R . A . 200 Old Globo , Masonic Hall , Scarborough K . A . 300 Perseverance , Pitt & Nelson , Ashton-u-Lync R . A . 301 Philanthropic , Jlasonic Hall , Leeds R . A . 312 Roynl Sussex , 79 Commercial Rd ., Portsoa R . A . 778 Bard of Avon . Greyhound , Richmond R . A . 1125 St . Peter ' s , Masonio Hall , Tiverton M . JI . 36 Furness , Hartington , Barrow-in-Furness R . C . Palatine , Palatine Hotel , Manchester
Thursday , 2 nd July . 10 Westminster and Keystone , Freemasons' Hall 1155 Excelsior , Sidney Arms , Lewisham Rind 1288 Finsbury Park , Cock Tavern , Highbury 1361 United Service , Greyhound , Richmond 1 * 15 Prince Lconold , Three Nuns Hotol , Aldgnto 1721 Kaisir-i-HindRegent Jlasonic HallW .
, , 1705 Trinity Collego , Cl Wevmouth Stroot 1700 Old England , JI . H ., New Thornton Heath 1950 Southgato , Railway Hotel , Now Southgato M . JI . 197 Studholmo , 33 Golden Square , W . 21 Newcastle-on-Tyne , F . JI . H ., Newcastle , 7 * 30 123 Lennox , F . M . H ., Richmond , Yorkshire 219 'Mariners , Masonic Hall , Livccnool
2 . ; . ; Napthali , Jlasonic Hall , Heywood 2 .. !) Fidelity , Whito Bull Hotel , Blackburn 289 Fidelity , Jlasonic Hall , Leeds 294 Constitutional , Assembly Room ;! , IJovcrley 295 Combermere , Union Arms , JIaccIeslield 30 !) Jlinorva , Pitt and Nelson , Ashton-under-Lyne 317 Affability , Freemasons' Hall , . Manchester
410 St . Peter , Star and Garter , Wolvcrhatnpt > n AM Benevolent , Town Hall , Wells , Somersetshire 509 Tees , Freemasons' Hall , Stockton , Durham 539 St . JIatthew , Dragon Hotel , Walsall 637 Portland , Town Hail , Sfcokx-upon-Trent 792 Pelham Pillar , Masonic Hall , Great Grimsby 913 I'attisou , Lord Raglan Tavern , Plurastoad
970 Royal Carence , Blue Ball , IJrutou , Somerset 1088 Royal Edward , Commercial Inn , Staiybridge 1231 Savile , Royal Hotel , Klland 1282 Ancholmo , Foresters Hall , Urigg 1367 JJeamiiistor Manor , Whito Hart ' , J . 'oamu . otor 13 H 4 Equity , Alforde Chambers , Wkmes 1500 Walnole , Bell Hotel , Norwich
1501 Red Rose of Lane , Starkio ' s Arms , I'udiluiiu 1513 Friendly , King ' s Head Hotel , Uarnsluy JS 07 Loyal Wye , Builth , Brecoush re 1829 Burrell , George ilotci , Shoreham 2050 St . Trinians , M . H ., Loch i ' ari lj , Douglas 2350 Corinthian . liird-in-tho-Hand Hotel , Hindley R . A . 302 Chiirity , No . v . Masonic Hall , Gradfoid [ I . A , 323 St , John , Freemasons' HaU , SuU ' urd
Diary For The Week.
R . A . 758 Bridgwater , Freemasons' Hall , Runcorn U . A . 1071 Rective , Jlasonic Rooms , Kirkby U . A . 1393 Hamer , Masonic Hall , Liverpool M . M . 10 Cheltenham and Keystone , JI . H ., ( "holt . M . M . 53 liritminia . Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield IHI 5 Petv . 'c , Thicket Hotel , Auorlnv 2213 011 AVestminstcrs , 68 Regent Street , W .
Friday , 3 rd July . 14 Friendship , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester 81 Doric , Private Rooms , Woodbridgo , Suffolk 219 Prndence , Masonic Hall , To Imorden 212 St . George , Guildhall , Doncaster 306 Alfred , Jlasonic Hall , K ' .-lsall Streot , Loods 375 Lambton , Lambton Arms , Chester-le-street 521 Truth , Freemasons' Hall , Huddorsuold H 37 Do Grev and Ripon . Town Hall , Rinon
109 H Lord Warden , Wellington Hall , Deal j ; is 7 Chorlton . XIasouic Rooms , Chorltou-oira-Hardy 1528 Fort , JI . H ., Nowqnay , Cornwall 1557 Albert Edward , Bash Hotel , Hexham lotil . Morecambo , . Masonio Hall , . Morecambo 1618 Prince of Wale .-, Freemasons'Hall , Bradford 1004 Gosforth , Freemasons' Hall , Gosforth R . A . 170 All Souls ' , Jlasonic Hall , Weymouth R A . 271 Lennox , Royal Pavilion , Brighton
Saturday , 4 th June . General Com . Boys' School , F . JI . H ., 3 1223 Amherst , Amherst Arms Hotol , Rivorhead 1507 Elliot , Railway Hotol , Foltham 1929 Mozart , Greyhound Hotel , Croydon 2118 Walsingham , JUL , Walsingham , Kent 2205 Pegasus , Clarendon Hotel , Gravesend , Kent 2331 Uavenscrot ' t , Rod Liou Hotel , High Barnet ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ! T i
Saturday , 27 th Juno . 87 Vitruvian , Duko of Albany , St . Catherine ' s Park , near Nunhead Junction , 7 * 30 179 Manchester , 8 Tottenham Court Road , AV . C 8 198 Percy . Jolly Farmers' Tav , Southgato Rd ., N . 8 1275 Star , Dover Castlo , Deptford Causeway , S . E . 7 1288 Finsbury Park , Cock Tavorn , Highbury , 8 1361 Karl of Zetland , Royal Edward , Haeknoy , 7 1524 Duko of Connaught , Lord Stanley , Hackney , 8 1621 Kccleston , 13 Cambridge Street , Pimlico , 7 2012 Chiswick , Windsor Castlo , Hammersmith , 7 * 38 K . A . Sinai . Rod Lion , King Street . Regont St .. W . 8
Monday , 29 th June . 22 Loughborough , Gauden Hotel , Clapham , 7 * 30 27 Egyptian , Atlantic Tavorn , Brixton , S . W ., 8
45 Strong JIan , Boll and Bush , Ropomakor St ., 174 Sincerity , Railway Tavorn , Fenchurch St ., 7 180 St . James's Union , St . James ' s Restaurant , 8 2 IS True Lovo & Unity , F . JI . H ., Brixham , Devon , 3 H 2 Rnvul Union , Chequers' Hotel , Uxbridgo 518 Wellington , White Swan , High St ., Deptford , 823 Everton ,. Masonic Hall , Liverpool , 7 * 30 933 Doric , Duke's Head , 79 Whitechapel Road , 8 I 975 Rose of Denmark . Gauden Hotel . Clanham . 7 * 3
1227 Upton , Throe Nuns , Aldgate , K ., 8 1339 Stockwell , Whito Hart , Abchurch Lane , 6 * 30 1125 Hyde Park , Princo of Wales's Hotel , corner of Eastbourne Terrace , and Bishop's Road , W . ii 1115 Prince Leopold , 2 > 2 Whitechapel Road , E ., 7 1419 Royal . Military , Jlasonic Hall Canterbury , 8 1489 Jt . of Ripon , Queen's Hot , Victoria Park , 7 ' 30 1507 Motronolitan . Tho Jloorgato . E . C . 730
15 S 5 Royal Commemoration , Railway Ho , Putney 1608 Kilburn , 46 South Molton Streot , W .. 8 1623 West Smithfleld , JIanchester Hotel , K . C , 7 1693 Kingsland , Cock Tavern , Highbury , N „ 8 * 30 1707 Eleanor , Rose and Crown , Tottenham , 8 1743 Perseverance , Deacon's Tavern , Walbrook , 7 1891 St . Ambrose , Baron's Ct . Hot , W . Kensington , 8 1901 Selwyn , Kast Dulwich Hotel , Kast Dulwich , 8 2192 Warner , Bridgo Chambers , Hoe Street , Walthamstow , 8
Tuesday , 30 th June . 25 Robert Burns , 8 Tottenham Court Road , 8 55 Constitutional , Bedford Hotel . Holborn , 7 IU Faith , Victoria . Mansions Restaurant , S . W . 177 Domatic , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell , 7 * 30 isa lancucstcr trcoi
. loppu , .. IIOLOI , Aiuorsgate » , a 212 Euphrates , Jtother Rail dp , Camdou Town , 8 2 U . Merchants , Jlasonic HaU , Liverpool 551 Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney , H 700 Nelson , Star and Garter , Woolwich , 7 ' 30 753 Prince Fred . William , Eagle Tav ., Jtuida Hill , 820 Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , 730 829 Sydney , Black Horso Hotel , Sidcup , 7 809 D . ilhousie . Middleton Arms . Dalstou . 8
861 Finsbury , King's Head , Threadneeillo St .. 7 10 H Wandsworth , Kast Hill Hotel , Wandsworth , 8 1 : 121 Emblematic , St . James's Restaurant , W ., 6 1313 St . John , Jlasonic Hall , Grays , Es < ox 1319 Friars , Liverpool Anns , Canning Town , 7 * 30 1410 Jlouut Edgcumbo , Three Slugs , Lambeth Rd ., 8 1471 Islington , Cock Tavern , Highb . u-y , N ., 7 - 30 , 3 1172 Henley , Three Crowns , North Woolwich 1173 Bootio . 116 Berry Street . Bootle , 6 1510 Chancer . Old White Han ., Birou ;; .. High St . II'IS l ! . " . m'iii . iL . r' A Irtvinf ! IVL [ Lit . f-l \ . ir'hil i . n X
1095 XewKirisbury I'ark , Hornsey Woo 1 Tav , . H ., 8 IS 19 l _ ) ,, k . i of Cornwall , Queen ' s Arms , K . C , 7 1919 iJrixt ., 11 , Princo Regent Kast Brixton , 8 2116 S ii'b . tou . Jlnplc Hall , Surbiton M-.-tropolitan Chapter , Wh'to Hart , Cannon St ., O'J ' J R . A . 701 Cinder ., 15 Finsbury Pavement , E . C , 8 R . A . 136 . 5 Clapton , White Hart , Clapton , 8 U . A . 1612 K . of Carnarvon , Ladbroke Hall , Notting Hill , S
Wednesday , 1 st July . 3 Fidelity , Alfred , Roman Road , Barnsbury , 8 30 United Mariners' , Lugard , Peckham , 7 * 30 65 Prosperity , 2 St . Mary Axe , B . C ., 7 73 Royal Jubilee , Mitro , Chancery Lane , W . C , 8 73 Mount Lebanon , George Inn , ISorongh , 8
193 Confidence , Hercules Tavern , Loadonhall St ., 228 United Strength , Hopo , Regent ' s Park , 8 533 La Tolerance , Portland Hot , Gt . Portland St ., 8 591 Downshire , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , 7 073 St . John , Jlasonic Hall , Liverpool , 8 720 Panmure , Balham Hotel , Balham , 7 7 HI Mornhnnh Nivv Milvni-Tmj- ri . _ i-ilnt . __ IM 7-311 W' - ^
• . . . w . v . . . .. . . . . . . , , . . . _ . . . . , . . . . . . . . .. . . _ ..,., . ~ v 813 New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southgato Rd . 862 Whittington , Red Lion , Fleet Streot , 8 003 Burgoyne , Essex Arms , Strand , 8 972 St . Augustine , Mnsinie HaU , Canterbury , 8 ' 30 1037 Portland , Portland Hall , Portland 1269 Stanhope , Fox and Hounds , Putney 1356 Toxteth , 110 North Hill Streot , Liverpool , 7 * 30 1175 Pockham , 51 s Old Kent Road , 8 1511 Alexandra , Hornsea , Hull 1601 Ri . vousbouruo , Rising Sun , Rusby Green , C atford , 8 1601 Wanderers , Victoria Jlansions Restaurant , « w n . 'tn
1062 Beaeonstlold , Chequers , Walthamstow , 7 * 30 1681 Londesborough , Berkeley Anns , May Fair 8 1692 Hervey , Whito Hart Hotel , liromloy , Kent , 8 * 30 1791 Creaton , Wheatsheaf , Shepherd ' s Bush , 8 1922 Earl of Lathom , Station Hotel , Camborwol Now Road , 8 1903 Duko of Albany , 153 Battersea Park Road , 7 * 30 2206 Hendon , Welsh Harp , Hendon , 8 R . A . 177 Domatic , St . James ' s Restaurant , W „ 8 R . A . 720 Panmure , Gooso and Gridiron , E . C , 7 R . A . 933 Dorjc , 202 Whitechapel Road . K ., 7 * 30 M . M . Grand Musters , 8 A Red Lion Square , 7
Thursday , 2 nd July . Ill St . Lnko , Whito Hart , Chelsea , 7 * 30 117 Justice , Brown Bear , Deptford . 8 263 Clarence , 8 Tottenham Court Road , W . C 751 High Cross , Coach and Horses , Tottenham , 8 879 Southwark , Sir Garnet Wolseley , Rotherhithe New Road 890 Camden , Masonic Room , Lewisham , at 8
1017 Jlontetiore . -St . James's Restaurant , W ., 8 1158 Southern Star , Sir Syd . Smith , Kennington , 8 1182 Duko of Edinburgh , M . H ., Liverpool , 7 * 30 1278 Burdett Coutts , Swan , Bothudl Green Itoad , 8 1306 St . John , Threo Crowns , Jlilo End Road , 8 1741 Royal Savoy , Blue Posts , Charlotte Stroet , 8 1950 Southgate , Railway Hot , New Southgato , 7 * 30 1096 Priory , Constitutional Club , Acton R . A . 753 Prince Frederick William' Lord's Hotol , St . John ' s Wood , 8 R . A . 1471 North London , Northampton House , Canonburv . 8
1360 Royal Arthur , Prince of Wales , Wimbledon , 7 * 30 1126 Tho Great City , Masons' Hall Avenuo , 0 * 30 1558 D . Connaught , Palmerston Arms , Camberwoll , 8 1571 Leopold , City Arms Tavorn , E . G ., 7 1580 Cranbourne , Rod Lion , Hattlold , 8 1602 Sir Hugh Jlyddolton , Whito Horso , Liverpool Road , N ., 8 1612 West Middlesex , Boll , Ealing Doau , 7 * 15 Kill Covent Garden , Criterion , W ., 8 1025 Tredegar , Wellington , Bow , E ., 7 * 30 1677 Crusaders , Old Jerusalem , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , 9
Friday , 3 rd July . Emulation , Freemasons' Hall , 6 General Lodge . Jlasonic H > dl , Birmingham , 8 167 St . John ' s , York and Albany , Regent ' s Park , 8 507 United Pilgrims , Surrey JI . H .. Camberwell , 7 * 39 733 Westbourne , Swiss Cottage Tavern , Finchley Ttnml M W . H
705 St . James , Princess Victoria , Rotherhithe , H R . A . 820 Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , 8 R . A . 890 Hornsoy , Princo of Wales ' s Hotol , corner of K-istborno Terrace , and Ushop's Road W . 8 780 Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , 8 831 Ranolagh , Six Bells , Hammersmith 10 . 16 Metropolitan , Portugal Hotel , Fleet Stroet , 7 1183 Lewis , Fishmongers' Arms , Wood Green , 7 * 30 1228 Boacontreo , Green Man , Leytonstone , 8
129 S Royal Standard , Builders' Arms , Canonbury , 1305 Clapton , White Hart , Lower Clapton , 7 30 1381 Kennington , Tho Horns , Kennington , 8 1457 liagsbaw , Public HaU , Loughton , E .-sox , 7 * 30 1612 E . Carnarvon , Ladbroko Hall , Notting Hill , 8 1901 Selwyn , Montpelicr . Chonmont . lid ., Peckham , ' ) 2021 Queen ' s ( Westminster ) aud JIaryloboue , Tliu Criterion . W .. 8
2030 Abbey Westminster , King ' s Arms , S . W ., 7 ' 30 R . A . 93 Eastern Star , Hercules Tavern , B . C . R . A . 1275 Star , Stirling Castle , Caiubarwoli , 0
Saturday , 4 th July . 87 Vitruvian , Duko of Albany , St . Catherine rf Park , near Nunhoad Junction , 7 * 30 179 JIanchester , 8 Tottenham Court Road , W . C , 8 198 Percy , Jolly Farmers ' , Southgato Road , N ., 8
1275 Star , Dover Castlo , Deptford Causeway , S . fc ., !* __ !* _; Finsbury I'ark , Cock Tavern , Highbury , 8 1361 Karl of Zetland , Royal Kdward , Hackney , 7 1321 Duko of Lorinaught , Lord Stanley , Hackney , 'J 1621 Ei ' . clcston , 13 Cambridge Street , Pimlico 7 2 » 12 Chiswick , Windsor Castle , Hammm / smth , U . A . Sinai , Rod Lion , King Strect . RogentSt ., W , ' < __ - — . I I I I ¦ ¦ — " ¦
A , A . MATHER , GAS EGINEER , GAS FITTER , BELL HANGER , 278 SALEDGHlAft R 3 AU , Barnsbury , N . Kvery ili : scrip : i . n of GIL / . A | p > lnl ! -us fol ! UookiuK and iJ ' . a lug Supp . wd .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if tho Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour ua with a list of their Days of Meetings , & o , as wo have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of tho several Lodges .
Saturday , 27 th June
1541 Alexandra Palace , Imperial Hotol , Holborn Viaduct 1871 Gosling Murray , Town Hall , Hounslow R . A . 1011 Mid-Snrrey , Surrey Jf . H ., Camberwoli K . A . 1329 Sphinx , Surrey Masonic Hall , S . E . 1162 Wharnclifl * o , Rose and Crown Hot , Ponistono
1461 Erasmus Wilson , l'ier Hotel , tireenhitho 1531 Chiselhurst , Hull ' s Head Hotel , Chiselhurst 1965 Hastes , Parish Rooms , Bromley , Kent 1883 Greenwood , Pablio Hall , Kpsoin . 2309 George Gardner , Village Hall , Dntchett , Bucks M . M . 14 Princo Edward , Station Hoc , Todmorden R . C . Stanhope , Queea ' s Hotel . Chester
Monday , 20 th Juno . 63 Social , Qneen ' s Hotel , Manchester 148 Lights , -Masonic Rooms . Warrington 837 St . John , Masonic Temple , Dowsbury 1177 Tenby , Tenby . Pembroke
iTuesday , 30 th June . 310 Unions , Freemasons' Hall , Carlisle 573 Perseverance , Shenstone Hotel , Halesowen 1338 Torbay . Town Hall , Paignton 1568 Ellington , Town Hall , Maidenhead 1636 St . Cecilia , Royal Pavilion , Brighton K . T . Plains of Tabor , Swan Hotel , Colao
Wednesday , 1 st July
1707 Eleanor , Anderton's Hotol Fleet Streot , E . C . ! 827 ^ Alliance . Guildhall Tavorn , Gresham Stroot 74 'Athol , Masonio Hall , Birmingham 137 Amity , M . H ., Market Placo , Poole 298 . Harmony , Masonic Rooms , Rochdale 326 Moira , Freemasons' HaU , Bristol 327 Wigton St . John , Lion and Lamb , Wigton
406 Northern Counties , Masonic Hall , Newcastle , ( 515 Humphrey Chetham , F . MJL , JIanchester 678 E . Ellesmere , Chnrch Hot . Korsloy , Farnworth 838 Franklin , Peacock and Royal Hotel , Boston 992 St . Thomas , Griffin Hotol . Lower Bronghton 1013 Royal Victoria , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 1085 HartingtonMasonic HallGower St . Derby
, , , 1091 Erme , Erme House , Ivybridgo , Devon 1107 Cornwallis , Lnllingstono Castlo , Swanloy 1107 Alnwick . M . H ., Clavport Streot , Alnwick 1206 Cinque Ports , Hell Hotol . Sandwich 1271 Earl of Durham , F . M . H ., Chcstor-lo-Strcct 1323 Talbot , Masonic Rooms , Wind St ., Swansea 1335 Lindsay , 20 King Street , Wigan
1351 Marquis of Lome , Jlasonic Roomo , Leigh 1363 Tyndnll , Town Hall , Chipping Sodbury , Glos . 1-131 St . Alphcge , Georgo Hotel , Solihull 1620 Marlborough , Derby Hall , Tuo Brook , L'pool 1736 St . John ' s , St . John's Rooms , Halifax 1903 Pr Edward of Saxe Wciranr , M . H .. Portsmouth 2012 Apollo , 22 Hope Streot , Liverpool R . A . 61 Hope , Spread Eagle Inn . Rochdalo
R . A . 200 Old Globo , Masonic Hall , Scarborough K . A . 300 Perseverance , Pitt & Nelson , Ashton-u-Lync R . A . 301 Philanthropic , Jlasonic Hall , Leeds R . A . 312 Roynl Sussex , 79 Commercial Rd ., Portsoa R . A . 778 Bard of Avon . Greyhound , Richmond R . A . 1125 St . Peter ' s , Masonio Hall , Tiverton M . JI . 36 Furness , Hartington , Barrow-in-Furness R . C . Palatine , Palatine Hotel , Manchester
Thursday , 2 nd July . 10 Westminster and Keystone , Freemasons' Hall 1155 Excelsior , Sidney Arms , Lewisham Rind 1288 Finsbury Park , Cock Tavern , Highbury 1361 United Service , Greyhound , Richmond 1 * 15 Prince Lconold , Three Nuns Hotol , Aldgnto 1721 Kaisir-i-HindRegent Jlasonic HallW .
, , 1705 Trinity Collego , Cl Wevmouth Stroot 1700 Old England , JI . H ., New Thornton Heath 1950 Southgato , Railway Hotel , Now Southgato M . JI . 197 Studholmo , 33 Golden Square , W . 21 Newcastle-on-Tyne , F . JI . H ., Newcastle , 7 * 30 123 Lennox , F . M . H ., Richmond , Yorkshire 219 'Mariners , Masonic Hall , Livccnool
2 . ; . ; Napthali , Jlasonic Hall , Heywood 2 .. !) Fidelity , Whito Bull Hotel , Blackburn 289 Fidelity , Jlasonic Hall , Leeds 294 Constitutional , Assembly Room ;! , IJovcrley 295 Combermere , Union Arms , JIaccIeslield 30 !) Jlinorva , Pitt and Nelson , Ashton-under-Lyne 317 Affability , Freemasons' Hall , . Manchester
410 St . Peter , Star and Garter , Wolvcrhatnpt > n AM Benevolent , Town Hall , Wells , Somersetshire 509 Tees , Freemasons' Hall , Stockton , Durham 539 St . JIatthew , Dragon Hotel , Walsall 637 Portland , Town Hail , Sfcokx-upon-Trent 792 Pelham Pillar , Masonic Hall , Great Grimsby 913 I'attisou , Lord Raglan Tavern , Plurastoad
970 Royal Carence , Blue Ball , IJrutou , Somerset 1088 Royal Edward , Commercial Inn , Staiybridge 1231 Savile , Royal Hotel , Klland 1282 Ancholmo , Foresters Hall , Urigg 1367 JJeamiiistor Manor , Whito Hart ' , J . 'oamu . otor 13 H 4 Equity , Alforde Chambers , Wkmes 1500 Walnole , Bell Hotel , Norwich
1501 Red Rose of Lane , Starkio ' s Arms , I'udiluiiu 1513 Friendly , King ' s Head Hotel , Uarnsluy JS 07 Loyal Wye , Builth , Brecoush re 1829 Burrell , George ilotci , Shoreham 2050 St . Trinians , M . H ., Loch i ' ari lj , Douglas 2350 Corinthian . liird-in-tho-Hand Hotel , Hindley R . A . 302 Chiirity , No . v . Masonic Hall , Gradfoid [ I . A , 323 St , John , Freemasons' HaU , SuU ' urd
Diary For The Week.
R . A . 758 Bridgwater , Freemasons' Hall , Runcorn U . A . 1071 Rective , Jlasonic Rooms , Kirkby U . A . 1393 Hamer , Masonic Hall , Liverpool M . M . 10 Cheltenham and Keystone , JI . H ., ( "holt . M . M . 53 liritminia . Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield IHI 5 Petv . 'c , Thicket Hotel , Auorlnv 2213 011 AVestminstcrs , 68 Regent Street , W .
Friday , 3 rd July . 14 Friendship , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester 81 Doric , Private Rooms , Woodbridgo , Suffolk 219 Prndence , Masonic Hall , To Imorden 212 St . George , Guildhall , Doncaster 306 Alfred , Jlasonic Hall , K ' .-lsall Streot , Loods 375 Lambton , Lambton Arms , Chester-le-street 521 Truth , Freemasons' Hall , Huddorsuold H 37 Do Grev and Ripon . Town Hall , Rinon
109 H Lord Warden , Wellington Hall , Deal j ; is 7 Chorlton . XIasouic Rooms , Chorltou-oira-Hardy 1528 Fort , JI . H ., Nowqnay , Cornwall 1557 Albert Edward , Bash Hotel , Hexham lotil . Morecambo , . Masonio Hall , . Morecambo 1618 Prince of Wale .-, Freemasons'Hall , Bradford 1004 Gosforth , Freemasons' Hall , Gosforth R . A . 170 All Souls ' , Jlasonic Hall , Weymouth R A . 271 Lennox , Royal Pavilion , Brighton
Saturday , 4 th June . General Com . Boys' School , F . JI . H ., 3 1223 Amherst , Amherst Arms Hotol , Rivorhead 1507 Elliot , Railway Hotol , Foltham 1929 Mozart , Greyhound Hotel , Croydon 2118 Walsingham , JUL , Walsingham , Kent 2205 Pegasus , Clarendon Hotel , Gravesend , Kent 2331 Uavenscrot ' t , Rod Liou Hotel , High Barnet ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ! T i
Saturday , 27 th Juno . 87 Vitruvian , Duko of Albany , St . Catherine ' s Park , near Nunhead Junction , 7 * 30 179 Manchester , 8 Tottenham Court Road , AV . C 8 198 Percy . Jolly Farmers' Tav , Southgato Rd ., N . 8 1275 Star , Dover Castlo , Deptford Causeway , S . E . 7 1288 Finsbury Park , Cock Tavorn , Highbury , 8 1361 Karl of Zetland , Royal Edward , Haeknoy , 7 1524 Duko of Connaught , Lord Stanley , Hackney , 8 1621 Kccleston , 13 Cambridge Street , Pimlico , 7 2012 Chiswick , Windsor Castlo , Hammersmith , 7 * 38 K . A . Sinai . Rod Lion , King Street . Regont St .. W . 8
Monday , 29 th June . 22 Loughborough , Gauden Hotel , Clapham , 7 * 30 27 Egyptian , Atlantic Tavorn , Brixton , S . W ., 8
45 Strong JIan , Boll and Bush , Ropomakor St ., 174 Sincerity , Railway Tavorn , Fenchurch St ., 7 180 St . James's Union , St . James ' s Restaurant , 8 2 IS True Lovo & Unity , F . JI . H ., Brixham , Devon , 3 H 2 Rnvul Union , Chequers' Hotel , Uxbridgo 518 Wellington , White Swan , High St ., Deptford , 823 Everton ,. Masonic Hall , Liverpool , 7 * 30 933 Doric , Duke's Head , 79 Whitechapel Road , 8 I 975 Rose of Denmark . Gauden Hotel . Clanham . 7 * 3
1227 Upton , Throe Nuns , Aldgate , K ., 8 1339 Stockwell , Whito Hart , Abchurch Lane , 6 * 30 1125 Hyde Park , Princo of Wales's Hotel , corner of Eastbourne Terrace , and Bishop's Road , W . ii 1115 Prince Leopold , 2 > 2 Whitechapel Road , E ., 7 1419 Royal . Military , Jlasonic Hall Canterbury , 8 1489 Jt . of Ripon , Queen's Hot , Victoria Park , 7 ' 30 1507 Motronolitan . Tho Jloorgato . E . C . 730
15 S 5 Royal Commemoration , Railway Ho , Putney 1608 Kilburn , 46 South Molton Streot , W .. 8 1623 West Smithfleld , JIanchester Hotel , K . C , 7 1693 Kingsland , Cock Tavern , Highbury , N „ 8 * 30 1707 Eleanor , Rose and Crown , Tottenham , 8 1743 Perseverance , Deacon's Tavern , Walbrook , 7 1891 St . Ambrose , Baron's Ct . Hot , W . Kensington , 8 1901 Selwyn , Kast Dulwich Hotel , Kast Dulwich , 8 2192 Warner , Bridgo Chambers , Hoe Street , Walthamstow , 8
Tuesday , 30 th June . 25 Robert Burns , 8 Tottenham Court Road , 8 55 Constitutional , Bedford Hotel . Holborn , 7 IU Faith , Victoria . Mansions Restaurant , S . W . 177 Domatic , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell , 7 * 30 isa lancucstcr trcoi
. loppu , .. IIOLOI , Aiuorsgate » , a 212 Euphrates , Jtother Rail dp , Camdou Town , 8 2 U . Merchants , Jlasonic HaU , Liverpool 551 Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney , H 700 Nelson , Star and Garter , Woolwich , 7 ' 30 753 Prince Fred . William , Eagle Tav ., Jtuida Hill , 820 Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , 730 829 Sydney , Black Horso Hotel , Sidcup , 7 809 D . ilhousie . Middleton Arms . Dalstou . 8
861 Finsbury , King's Head , Threadneeillo St .. 7 10 H Wandsworth , Kast Hill Hotel , Wandsworth , 8 1 : 121 Emblematic , St . James's Restaurant , W ., 6 1313 St . John , Jlasonic Hall , Grays , Es < ox 1319 Friars , Liverpool Anns , Canning Town , 7 * 30 1410 Jlouut Edgcumbo , Three Slugs , Lambeth Rd ., 8 1471 Islington , Cock Tavern , Highb . u-y , N ., 7 - 30 , 3 1172 Henley , Three Crowns , North Woolwich 1173 Bootio . 116 Berry Street . Bootle , 6 1510 Chancer . Old White Han ., Birou ;; .. High St . II'IS l ! . " . m'iii . iL . r' A Irtvinf ! IVL [ Lit . f-l \ . ir'hil i . n X
1095 XewKirisbury I'ark , Hornsey Woo 1 Tav , . H ., 8 IS 19 l _ ) ,, k . i of Cornwall , Queen ' s Arms , K . C , 7 1919 iJrixt ., 11 , Princo Regent Kast Brixton , 8 2116 S ii'b . tou . Jlnplc Hall , Surbiton M-.-tropolitan Chapter , Wh'to Hart , Cannon St ., O'J ' J R . A . 701 Cinder ., 15 Finsbury Pavement , E . C , 8 R . A . 136 . 5 Clapton , White Hart , Clapton , 8 U . A . 1612 K . of Carnarvon , Ladbroke Hall , Notting Hill , S
Wednesday , 1 st July . 3 Fidelity , Alfred , Roman Road , Barnsbury , 8 30 United Mariners' , Lugard , Peckham , 7 * 30 65 Prosperity , 2 St . Mary Axe , B . C ., 7 73 Royal Jubilee , Mitro , Chancery Lane , W . C , 8 73 Mount Lebanon , George Inn , ISorongh , 8
193 Confidence , Hercules Tavern , Loadonhall St ., 228 United Strength , Hopo , Regent ' s Park , 8 533 La Tolerance , Portland Hot , Gt . Portland St ., 8 591 Downshire , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , 7 073 St . John , Jlasonic Hall , Liverpool , 8 720 Panmure , Balham Hotel , Balham , 7 7 HI Mornhnnh Nivv Milvni-Tmj- ri . _ i-ilnt . __ IM 7-311 W' - ^
• . . . w . v . . . .. . . . . . . , , . . . _ . . . . , . . . . . . . . .. . . _ ..,., . ~ v 813 New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southgato Rd . 862 Whittington , Red Lion , Fleet Streot , 8 003 Burgoyne , Essex Arms , Strand , 8 972 St . Augustine , Mnsinie HaU , Canterbury , 8 ' 30 1037 Portland , Portland Hall , Portland 1269 Stanhope , Fox and Hounds , Putney 1356 Toxteth , 110 North Hill Streot , Liverpool , 7 * 30 1175 Pockham , 51 s Old Kent Road , 8 1511 Alexandra , Hornsea , Hull 1601 Ri . vousbouruo , Rising Sun , Rusby Green , C atford , 8 1601 Wanderers , Victoria Jlansions Restaurant , « w n . 'tn
1062 Beaeonstlold , Chequers , Walthamstow , 7 * 30 1681 Londesborough , Berkeley Anns , May Fair 8 1692 Hervey , Whito Hart Hotel , liromloy , Kent , 8 * 30 1791 Creaton , Wheatsheaf , Shepherd ' s Bush , 8 1922 Earl of Lathom , Station Hotel , Camborwol Now Road , 8 1903 Duko of Albany , 153 Battersea Park Road , 7 * 30 2206 Hendon , Welsh Harp , Hendon , 8 R . A . 177 Domatic , St . James ' s Restaurant , W „ 8 R . A . 720 Panmure , Gooso and Gridiron , E . C , 7 R . A . 933 Dorjc , 202 Whitechapel Road . K ., 7 * 30 M . M . Grand Musters , 8 A Red Lion Square , 7
Thursday , 2 nd July . Ill St . Lnko , Whito Hart , Chelsea , 7 * 30 117 Justice , Brown Bear , Deptford . 8 263 Clarence , 8 Tottenham Court Road , W . C 751 High Cross , Coach and Horses , Tottenham , 8 879 Southwark , Sir Garnet Wolseley , Rotherhithe New Road 890 Camden , Masonic Room , Lewisham , at 8
1017 Jlontetiore . -St . James's Restaurant , W ., 8 1158 Southern Star , Sir Syd . Smith , Kennington , 8 1182 Duko of Edinburgh , M . H ., Liverpool , 7 * 30 1278 Burdett Coutts , Swan , Bothudl Green Itoad , 8 1306 St . John , Threo Crowns , Jlilo End Road , 8 1741 Royal Savoy , Blue Posts , Charlotte Stroet , 8 1950 Southgate , Railway Hot , New Southgato , 7 * 30 1096 Priory , Constitutional Club , Acton R . A . 753 Prince Frederick William' Lord's Hotol , St . John ' s Wood , 8 R . A . 1471 North London , Northampton House , Canonburv . 8
1360 Royal Arthur , Prince of Wales , Wimbledon , 7 * 30 1126 Tho Great City , Masons' Hall Avenuo , 0 * 30 1558 D . Connaught , Palmerston Arms , Camberwoll , 8 1571 Leopold , City Arms Tavorn , E . G ., 7 1580 Cranbourne , Rod Lion , Hattlold , 8 1602 Sir Hugh Jlyddolton , Whito Horso , Liverpool Road , N ., 8 1612 West Middlesex , Boll , Ealing Doau , 7 * 15 Kill Covent Garden , Criterion , W ., 8 1025 Tredegar , Wellington , Bow , E ., 7 * 30 1677 Crusaders , Old Jerusalem , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , 9
Friday , 3 rd July . Emulation , Freemasons' Hall , 6 General Lodge . Jlasonic H > dl , Birmingham , 8 167 St . John ' s , York and Albany , Regent ' s Park , 8 507 United Pilgrims , Surrey JI . H .. Camberwell , 7 * 39 733 Westbourne , Swiss Cottage Tavern , Finchley Ttnml M W . H
705 St . James , Princess Victoria , Rotherhithe , H R . A . 820 Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , 8 R . A . 890 Hornsoy , Princo of Wales ' s Hotol , corner of K-istborno Terrace , and Ushop's Road W . 8 780 Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , 8 831 Ranolagh , Six Bells , Hammersmith 10 . 16 Metropolitan , Portugal Hotel , Fleet Stroet , 7 1183 Lewis , Fishmongers' Arms , Wood Green , 7 * 30 1228 Boacontreo , Green Man , Leytonstone , 8
129 S Royal Standard , Builders' Arms , Canonbury , 1305 Clapton , White Hart , Lower Clapton , 7 30 1381 Kennington , Tho Horns , Kennington , 8 1457 liagsbaw , Public HaU , Loughton , E .-sox , 7 * 30 1612 E . Carnarvon , Ladbroko Hall , Notting Hill , 8 1901 Selwyn , Montpelicr . Chonmont . lid ., Peckham , ' ) 2021 Queen ' s ( Westminster ) aud JIaryloboue , Tliu Criterion . W .. 8
2030 Abbey Westminster , King ' s Arms , S . W ., 7 ' 30 R . A . 93 Eastern Star , Hercules Tavern , B . C . R . A . 1275 Star , Stirling Castle , Caiubarwoli , 0
Saturday , 4 th July . 87 Vitruvian , Duko of Albany , St . Catherine rf Park , near Nunhoad Junction , 7 * 30 179 JIanchester , 8 Tottenham Court Road , W . C , 8 198 Percy , Jolly Farmers ' , Southgato Road , N ., 8
1275 Star , Dover Castlo , Deptford Causeway , S . fc ., !* __ !* _; Finsbury I'ark , Cock Tavern , Highbury , 8 1361 Karl of Zetland , Royal Kdward , Hackney , 7 1321 Duko of Lorinaught , Lord Stanley , Hackney , 'J 1621 Ei ' . clcston , 13 Cambridge Street , Pimlico 7 2 » 12 Chiswick , Windsor Castle , Hammm / smth , U . A . Sinai , Rod Lion , King Strect . RogentSt ., W , ' < __ - — . I I I I ¦ ¦ — " ¦
A , A . MATHER , GAS EGINEER , GAS FITTER , BELL HANGER , 278 SALEDGHlAft R 3 AU , Barnsbury , N . Kvery ili : scrip : i . n of GIL / . A | p > lnl ! -us fol ! UookiuK and iJ ' . a lug Supp . wd .