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assisted by Captain Runner P . M . P . Dist . G . S . W . British B trmah . presented Bro . Charles Get raid S . W . and W . M . elect for the benefit of installation . The first pud . ¦ ' - ' the ceremony being completed , tiio Lodge was opened in the third degree , when tho Installing M-isfer appointed P . M . ' s as Wardens aud Timor Guard . The Mas ^ n- Masms having retired , tho W . M . was entrusted , and withdrew . Pro . Bowes
then opened a Board of Installed Masters iu ample form , being assisted by twelve P . M . ' s . Tho W . M . elect was then readmitted and p laced in the chair of K . S . according to ancient custom . The brethren were afterwards re-admitted in thoir respective degrees , and tho W . M . saluted , proclaimed and greeted in the manner usual amon « Masons . After tho investiture of the OiTicevs for tho ensuing y- 'av ,
tho Installing Master delivered tho addresses to the W . M ., Wardens and Brethren . Bro . Capt . Simner proposed , Bro . Was . ; I . P . M . seconded , aud it was unanimously resolved that the cordial thank i of the Lodge ho given in writing to W . Bro . John Bowes , for the very able unci impressive manner in which ho had discharged the duties of Installing Master that day . Bro . Bowes having acknowledged tho
compliment , and the other business before the Lodge being completed , the Lodge was closed in form with prayer . Tho brethren then left tho Hall in conveyances , accompanied by their wives and sweethearts , to tho Castlo Hotel , Halton , where thoy sat down to a sumptuous banquet , nnder the presidency of tho W . M . Bro . Charles Gerrard , who was supported by nearly scvontv brethren and Indies .
Grace after moat having been said by the Chaplain , Rev . J . Lockwood , tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wore given . Tho presence of the ladies afforded scope for somo divergence from tho usual postprandial proceedings , and many happy allusions wero mado for the especial benefit of tho fairer part of the audience . During the proceedings the W . M ., on behalf of tho members of tho Lodge , presented
Bro . Wass with an elegant Past Master ' s jewel , on which was the following inscription : —Ellesmero Lodge , 753 . Presented to Bro . W . It . Wass P . M ., by the members of tho Ellesmero Lodge , 75 S , as a token of their esteem and appreciation of his services to tho Lodge during tho eighteen months ho held tho Office of Worshipful Master . July 1878 . " Several excellent songs wero sung by Bro . Dnmville
P . M ., tho leading tenor of tho Manchester Cathedral , and Bro . Greenwood , Organist of All Saints' Chnrch , Manchester , tho latter gentleman being " a host in himself . " The party then adjourned to the grounds of tho Castle , where dancing , bowling , and other outdoor amusemements were engaged in until six o ' clock , when thoy proceeded to Halton Church , which , by the kindness of the Rev . J .
Lockwood , the Chaplain of the Lodge , was thrown open to them for their inspection . On entering , tho parly quietly seated themselves , and Brother Greenwood , having taken his place at the organ and played a short voluntary , the Eev . J . Lockwood gave out tho Old Hundredth Psalm , whioh was heartily aud devotionally sung by all present . Bro . Greenwood then sang , most ably and artistically , tho
aria from Mendelssohn ' s Elijah , "Oh , rest in the Lord , accompanying himself on the organ ; after which Bro . Dnmville sang most effectively tho tenor solo from the Messiah , "But Thou did ' st not loavo , " being accompanied on tho organ by Bro . Greenwood . Tho party then returned to tho Castle , where thoy sat down to a
sumptuous tea ; after listening to somo excellent singing by Bt-os . GreonAvood , Dnmville and Wareing , they again repaired to tho grounds , Avhere out-door amusements AA'ero engaged in until half-past nine o'clock , when they returned in conveyances to Runcorn , all well pleased with tho day's proceedings .
Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . — A meeting Avas held on 19 th Jnly at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge . Tho Officers of tho Mother Lodge took their places , viz .: — Bros . Walter Goss W . M ., C . May S . W . / Gomm J . W ., Blasby S . D ., Frauckol ( for Bro . Erwin ) J . D ., Costclow I . G ., Gunner ( Hon . Sec . to Lodgo of Instruction ) Tyler ; Past Master Hoc , and Bros . Kyezor and
Acworth . Lodgo having been duly opened , and the minutes of last meeting read , confirmed , and signed , the W . M . opened up to the third , and , with Bro . Gunner acting as candidate , rehearsed tlie ceremony of raising . Lodge was closed down , and the brethren received the call to refreshment . Upon labour being resumed , Bro . Acworth offered himself as candidate , and the first ceremony was rehearsed .
Bro . May was elected W . M . for 2 nd August , 26 th July being the meeting of tho Mother Lodge . Bro . Secretary read the report of the Audit Committee ; from this it appeared that tho accounts and vouchers tally ; that the receipts during the past season were . El'A 4-3 lOd , and payments £ 10 lis lOd . Tho latter item includes
purchase of regalia , furniture , & c , and explains its large proportion as compared with receipts . The Lodge was then closed in due form , and adjourned till Friday , 2 nd August , at half-past seven p . m . Wc congratulate the members on tho successful result of the first year ' s operations , and feel wo can predict equal prosperity in tho next and following seasons .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday evening last , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Powiiall-road Dalston . Bros . M . Christian W . M ., J . Lorkin S . W ., Forss J . AV ., Weigo S . D ., Slaiter J . D ., Gilham I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Trea : ! ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; Bros . Turquaud , Brasted , Can-, atal
others . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Brasted candidate . Bro . Carr tins we red the questions , the Lodge was opened np , and tho ceremony of passing rehearsed . Bro . Turquaud worked the first section of ihe lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . J . Lorkin was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
Hartington Lodge , No . 1085 , Derby . —The monthly mooting was held at the Masonic Hall , Derby , on Wcclne .-dn . v-. Present — Bros . G . Pipes W . M ., M . IT . Bobart P . P . S . G . W . Treas " . as - ' -. W .. W . B . Hextall J . W ., , T . O . Manton Sec , S . Steele S . D ., W . IJnttcrlicld as J . D ., T . H . Hepworth as I . G ., S . Pipes P . M . and P . P . S . G . D ., J . Worsuop P . M . and P . P . G . P ., and a number of other brethren , including
Bro . 11 . W . Ilollon P . M . 236 P . G . S . B . England , Prov . G . Seo . North and East Yorkshire , & c , & o . The Lodge was opened in tho several degrees , there being tho usual intermediary business , and Bros . If of ford and Arnold wore raised in ancient form by tho W . M . Tho name of a candidate for tho mysteries of Freemasonry was submitted to the Lodge , and other business , of local import only , waa dealt with , and then the Lodgo was closed in perfeet harmony . The brethren afterwards adjourned to a substantial banquet .
Pembroke Lodge , No . 1299 . —A meeting was held on 13 th Jnlv , at West Derby Hotel , near Liverpool . Present—Bros . J . Capolt " W . M ., Wm . Jones P . M . as S . W ., F . B . Bramham J . W ., P . Macmuldrow P . M . P . G . S . D . of W . Lane . Treas ., W . S . Bennett S . D ., Wm . Hiles J . D ., Wm . Avis I . G ., Eobinson Tyler . Past Masters Bros . IU . Bennett , W . S . Vines P . M . P . G . D . C , Joseph
Clegg . Visitor Bro . Evans P . M . The business comprised tho initiation of Mr . Thos . Deano by the W . M . ; after which Bro . Macmuldrow took I ho ohair and passed Bro . T . W . Blaokstono . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation at next meeting , and some private business was transacted ; after whioh tho brethren sat down to refreshment , separating at 10 o ' clock .
Felix Lodge , No . 1494 . —This Lodgo held its regular meeting on Saturday , the 20 th of July , at tho Clarence Hotel , Ted . ditiglon . Present—Bros . Edward B . Grabham P . P . S . G . W . W . M ., Archer S . W ., Atkins as J . W ., Francis Bradley Archer P . M . Sec , Knyvett P . M . Treas ., H . R . M . Belward S . D ., A . C . Hunter J . D ., Hunter LG ., W . V . Laing Tyler ; Past Master Bro . W . G . Moore ,
& c . Visitors—Bros . Charles Atkins P . M . 27 , W . W . Morgan 211 , John Grabham IfiO . O , Nicholson , Yeo , & o ., & o . At tho opening of tho Lodgo , the attendance of members was somewhat meagre , but this was accounted for by counter attractions , aud tho engagements of several of the brethren ; moreover , it was tho last day of the Wimbledon Meeting . The Lodge was opened by Bro . Grabham , and
tho minutes uf last meeting wero read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Mr . Evelyn Brookshank Tattcrshall , who was proposed and seconded by Bros . E . B . Grabham and W . G . Moore ; tho result was satisfactory , and Mr . Tattcrshall received his introductory step ,-Bro . Grabham most impressively conducting tho cere « mony . Routine business followed , and then tho Lodgo was closed ,
After a brief interval , most enjoyably spout in the well-ordered gardens of the Clarence Hotel by some , and by others in a ramblo in Bushey Park , tho banquet was given . Tho tables wore tastefully laid out , and the viands capitally served . On tho removal of tho cloth , Bro . Grabham , who presided in right genial fashion , gave the toasts Loyal and Masonic , which wero heartily responded to . In
giving tho health of the Prov . G . Master , Col . Burdett and tho rest of tho Grand Officers past and present , tho W . M . regretted there wero not more present ; on tho last occasion they mot they Avere honoured with the presence of Col Burdett and several other distinguished Craftsmen of the Province ; on tho present occasion ho would associate with the toast tho namo of Bro . Knyvett ,
Avho gracefully acknowledged tho compliment . In giving tho health of the initiate , Bro . Grabham felt ho had introduced a gentleman who would prove to bo a true ancl good Mason , and one every member of the Lodgo would bo pleased to associate with . After the Entered Apprentice Song , by Bro . Hunter , Bro . Tattershall replied : He felt proud at being received into tho Order ; he had formed his
ideas of it from many worthy men with whom he was associated ia daily pursuits . lie assured them his hopes had been fully realised , aud trusted thoy might never regret his having joined the Felix Lodgo . To Brother Moore was entrusted the toast of the Worshipful Master . It was to him a great privilege to perform this act of duty . All the brethren wero acquainted with tho sterling qualities of Bro ,
Grabham , and ho ( Bro . Moore ) felt great pleasure in bringing tho toast under notice . Bro . Grabham felt greatly honoured by the kind expressions of Bro . Moore . He folt gratified at having been selected to fill the chair for the first and fourth years of the existence of the Lodgo , and greatly appreciated the compliment thus paid him by the members . He assured them he should continue to make the success of the
Lodge his first study , and hoped in the way its affairs were conducted it might be second to none in the province of Middlesex . Tho remaining toasts wero then duly honoured and responded to . During tho evening Bros . John Grabham , Hunter and others exerted themselves most successfully to entertain the company by songs and recitations .
Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1602 . Hold at Bro . Wood's , Crown aud Woolpack , 162 St . John-street-road , on Tuesday , tho 23 rd inst . Present—Bros . Hallam sen . W . M ., W . Rawley S . W ., II . P . Isaac J . W ., Hirst S . D ., Summers J . D ., Pearcy Preceptor , Fenner acting Secretary , Hallam jun . LG . ; also Bros . Wood , Trewinnard , F . Goode , T . Goodo , Powell , Morris , & a . Lodge
opoticd , minutes of last meeting wero read and confirmed . Bro . Pearcy worked the first section of tho second lecture , assisted by tlio brethren . Bro . Hirst having given proof of his proficiency , was entrusted . Lodge was opened in tho third degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed by the W . M . in a careful mauner . Bro .
Pearcy worked the second and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodgo being resumed to the first degree , Bro . H . P . Isaac , J . W . of the Kingsland Lodge , No . 1 G 93 , was elected n member . Bro . W . Rawley was elected W . M . for next week , after which Lodge was closed and adjourned .
West Middlesex Lodge , No . 1612 . —This Lodge hold an emergency meeting on Saturday , the 20 th of July , at the Ealing Institute , Ealing . Present—Bros . A . Beasley W . M ,, Henry Kasner S , W ., A . J . Burr J . W ., J . Chambers Roe P , M , See , . , J . Green S . D .,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
assisted by Captain Runner P . M . P . Dist . G . S . W . British B trmah . presented Bro . Charles Get raid S . W . and W . M . elect for the benefit of installation . The first pud . ¦ ' - ' the ceremony being completed , tiio Lodge was opened in the third degree , when tho Installing M-isfer appointed P . M . ' s as Wardens aud Timor Guard . The Mas ^ n- Masms having retired , tho W . M . was entrusted , and withdrew . Pro . Bowes
then opened a Board of Installed Masters iu ample form , being assisted by twelve P . M . ' s . Tho W . M . elect was then readmitted and p laced in the chair of K . S . according to ancient custom . The brethren were afterwards re-admitted in thoir respective degrees , and tho W . M . saluted , proclaimed and greeted in the manner usual amon « Masons . After tho investiture of the OiTicevs for tho ensuing y- 'av ,
tho Installing Master delivered tho addresses to the W . M ., Wardens and Brethren . Bro . Capt . Simner proposed , Bro . Was . ; I . P . M . seconded , aud it was unanimously resolved that the cordial thank i of the Lodge ho given in writing to W . Bro . John Bowes , for the very able unci impressive manner in which ho had discharged the duties of Installing Master that day . Bro . Bowes having acknowledged tho
compliment , and the other business before the Lodge being completed , the Lodge was closed in form with prayer . Tho brethren then left tho Hall in conveyances , accompanied by their wives and sweethearts , to tho Castlo Hotel , Halton , where thoy sat down to a sumptuous banquet , nnder the presidency of tho W . M . Bro . Charles Gerrard , who was supported by nearly scvontv brethren and Indies .
Grace after moat having been said by the Chaplain , Rev . J . Lockwood , tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wore given . Tho presence of the ladies afforded scope for somo divergence from tho usual postprandial proceedings , and many happy allusions wero mado for the especial benefit of tho fairer part of the audience . During the proceedings the W . M ., on behalf of tho members of tho Lodge , presented
Bro . Wass with an elegant Past Master ' s jewel , on which was the following inscription : —Ellesmero Lodge , 753 . Presented to Bro . W . It . Wass P . M ., by the members of tho Ellesmero Lodge , 75 S , as a token of their esteem and appreciation of his services to tho Lodge during tho eighteen months ho held tho Office of Worshipful Master . July 1878 . " Several excellent songs wero sung by Bro . Dnmville
P . M ., tho leading tenor of tho Manchester Cathedral , and Bro . Greenwood , Organist of All Saints' Chnrch , Manchester , tho latter gentleman being " a host in himself . " The party then adjourned to the grounds of tho Castle , where dancing , bowling , and other outdoor amusemements were engaged in until six o ' clock , when thoy proceeded to Halton Church , which , by the kindness of the Rev . J .
Lockwood , the Chaplain of the Lodge , was thrown open to them for their inspection . On entering , tho parly quietly seated themselves , and Brother Greenwood , having taken his place at the organ and played a short voluntary , the Eev . J . Lockwood gave out tho Old Hundredth Psalm , whioh was heartily aud devotionally sung by all present . Bro . Greenwood then sang , most ably and artistically , tho
aria from Mendelssohn ' s Elijah , "Oh , rest in the Lord , accompanying himself on the organ ; after which Bro . Dnmville sang most effectively tho tenor solo from the Messiah , "But Thou did ' st not loavo , " being accompanied on tho organ by Bro . Greenwood . Tho party then returned to tho Castle , where thoy sat down to a
sumptuous tea ; after listening to somo excellent singing by Bt-os . GreonAvood , Dnmville and Wareing , they again repaired to tho grounds , Avhere out-door amusements AA'ero engaged in until half-past nine o'clock , when they returned in conveyances to Runcorn , all well pleased with tho day's proceedings .
Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . — A meeting Avas held on 19 th Jnly at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge . Tho Officers of tho Mother Lodge took their places , viz .: — Bros . Walter Goss W . M ., C . May S . W . / Gomm J . W ., Blasby S . D ., Frauckol ( for Bro . Erwin ) J . D ., Costclow I . G ., Gunner ( Hon . Sec . to Lodgo of Instruction ) Tyler ; Past Master Hoc , and Bros . Kyezor and
Acworth . Lodgo having been duly opened , and the minutes of last meeting read , confirmed , and signed , the W . M . opened up to the third , and , with Bro . Gunner acting as candidate , rehearsed tlie ceremony of raising . Lodge was closed down , and the brethren received the call to refreshment . Upon labour being resumed , Bro . Acworth offered himself as candidate , and the first ceremony was rehearsed .
Bro . May was elected W . M . for 2 nd August , 26 th July being the meeting of tho Mother Lodge . Bro . Secretary read the report of the Audit Committee ; from this it appeared that tho accounts and vouchers tally ; that the receipts during the past season were . El'A 4-3 lOd , and payments £ 10 lis lOd . Tho latter item includes
purchase of regalia , furniture , & c , and explains its large proportion as compared with receipts . The Lodge was then closed in due form , and adjourned till Friday , 2 nd August , at half-past seven p . m . Wc congratulate the members on tho successful result of the first year ' s operations , and feel wo can predict equal prosperity in tho next and following seasons .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday evening last , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Powiiall-road Dalston . Bros . M . Christian W . M ., J . Lorkin S . W ., Forss J . AV ., Weigo S . D ., Slaiter J . D ., Gilham I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Trea : ! ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; Bros . Turquaud , Brasted , Can-, atal
others . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Brasted candidate . Bro . Carr tins we red the questions , the Lodge was opened np , and tho ceremony of passing rehearsed . Bro . Turquaud worked the first section of ihe lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . J . Lorkin was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
Hartington Lodge , No . 1085 , Derby . —The monthly mooting was held at the Masonic Hall , Derby , on Wcclne .-dn . v-. Present — Bros . G . Pipes W . M ., M . IT . Bobart P . P . S . G . W . Treas " . as - ' -. W .. W . B . Hextall J . W ., , T . O . Manton Sec , S . Steele S . D ., W . IJnttcrlicld as J . D ., T . H . Hepworth as I . G ., S . Pipes P . M . and P . P . S . G . D ., J . Worsuop P . M . and P . P . G . P ., and a number of other brethren , including
Bro . 11 . W . Ilollon P . M . 236 P . G . S . B . England , Prov . G . Seo . North and East Yorkshire , & c , & o . The Lodge was opened in tho several degrees , there being tho usual intermediary business , and Bros . If of ford and Arnold wore raised in ancient form by tho W . M . Tho name of a candidate for tho mysteries of Freemasonry was submitted to the Lodge , and other business , of local import only , waa dealt with , and then the Lodgo was closed in perfeet harmony . The brethren afterwards adjourned to a substantial banquet .
Pembroke Lodge , No . 1299 . —A meeting was held on 13 th Jnlv , at West Derby Hotel , near Liverpool . Present—Bros . J . Capolt " W . M ., Wm . Jones P . M . as S . W ., F . B . Bramham J . W ., P . Macmuldrow P . M . P . G . S . D . of W . Lane . Treas ., W . S . Bennett S . D ., Wm . Hiles J . D ., Wm . Avis I . G ., Eobinson Tyler . Past Masters Bros . IU . Bennett , W . S . Vines P . M . P . G . D . C , Joseph
Clegg . Visitor Bro . Evans P . M . The business comprised tho initiation of Mr . Thos . Deano by the W . M . ; after which Bro . Macmuldrow took I ho ohair and passed Bro . T . W . Blaokstono . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation at next meeting , and some private business was transacted ; after whioh tho brethren sat down to refreshment , separating at 10 o ' clock .
Felix Lodge , No . 1494 . —This Lodgo held its regular meeting on Saturday , the 20 th of July , at tho Clarence Hotel , Ted . ditiglon . Present—Bros . Edward B . Grabham P . P . S . G . W . W . M ., Archer S . W ., Atkins as J . W ., Francis Bradley Archer P . M . Sec , Knyvett P . M . Treas ., H . R . M . Belward S . D ., A . C . Hunter J . D ., Hunter LG ., W . V . Laing Tyler ; Past Master Bro . W . G . Moore ,
& c . Visitors—Bros . Charles Atkins P . M . 27 , W . W . Morgan 211 , John Grabham IfiO . O , Nicholson , Yeo , & o ., & o . At tho opening of tho Lodgo , the attendance of members was somewhat meagre , but this was accounted for by counter attractions , aud tho engagements of several of the brethren ; moreover , it was tho last day of the Wimbledon Meeting . The Lodge was opened by Bro . Grabham , and
tho minutes uf last meeting wero read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Mr . Evelyn Brookshank Tattcrshall , who was proposed and seconded by Bros . E . B . Grabham and W . G . Moore ; tho result was satisfactory , and Mr . Tattcrshall received his introductory step ,-Bro . Grabham most impressively conducting tho cere « mony . Routine business followed , and then tho Lodgo was closed ,
After a brief interval , most enjoyably spout in the well-ordered gardens of the Clarence Hotel by some , and by others in a ramblo in Bushey Park , tho banquet was given . Tho tables wore tastefully laid out , and the viands capitally served . On tho removal of tho cloth , Bro . Grabham , who presided in right genial fashion , gave the toasts Loyal and Masonic , which wero heartily responded to . In
giving tho health of the Prov . G . Master , Col . Burdett and tho rest of tho Grand Officers past and present , tho W . M . regretted there wero not more present ; on tho last occasion they mot they Avere honoured with the presence of Col Burdett and several other distinguished Craftsmen of the Province ; on tho present occasion ho would associate with the toast tho namo of Bro . Knyvett ,
Avho gracefully acknowledged tho compliment . In giving tho health of the initiate , Bro . Grabham felt ho had introduced a gentleman who would prove to bo a true ancl good Mason , and one every member of the Lodgo would bo pleased to associate with . After the Entered Apprentice Song , by Bro . Hunter , Bro . Tattershall replied : He felt proud at being received into tho Order ; he had formed his
ideas of it from many worthy men with whom he was associated ia daily pursuits . lie assured them his hopes had been fully realised , aud trusted thoy might never regret his having joined the Felix Lodgo . To Brother Moore was entrusted the toast of the Worshipful Master . It was to him a great privilege to perform this act of duty . All the brethren wero acquainted with tho sterling qualities of Bro ,
Grabham , and ho ( Bro . Moore ) felt great pleasure in bringing tho toast under notice . Bro . Grabham felt greatly honoured by the kind expressions of Bro . Moore . He folt gratified at having been selected to fill the chair for the first and fourth years of the existence of the Lodgo , and greatly appreciated the compliment thus paid him by the members . He assured them he should continue to make the success of the
Lodge his first study , and hoped in the way its affairs were conducted it might be second to none in the province of Middlesex . Tho remaining toasts wero then duly honoured and responded to . During tho evening Bros . John Grabham , Hunter and others exerted themselves most successfully to entertain the company by songs and recitations .
Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1602 . Hold at Bro . Wood's , Crown aud Woolpack , 162 St . John-street-road , on Tuesday , tho 23 rd inst . Present—Bros . Hallam sen . W . M ., W . Rawley S . W ., II . P . Isaac J . W ., Hirst S . D ., Summers J . D ., Pearcy Preceptor , Fenner acting Secretary , Hallam jun . LG . ; also Bros . Wood , Trewinnard , F . Goode , T . Goodo , Powell , Morris , & a . Lodge
opoticd , minutes of last meeting wero read and confirmed . Bro . Pearcy worked the first section of tho second lecture , assisted by tlio brethren . Bro . Hirst having given proof of his proficiency , was entrusted . Lodge was opened in tho third degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed by the W . M . in a careful mauner . Bro .
Pearcy worked the second and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodgo being resumed to the first degree , Bro . H . P . Isaac , J . W . of the Kingsland Lodge , No . 1 G 93 , was elected n member . Bro . W . Rawley was elected W . M . for next week , after which Lodge was closed and adjourned .
West Middlesex Lodge , No . 1612 . —This Lodge hold an emergency meeting on Saturday , the 20 th of July , at the Ealing Institute , Ealing . Present—Bros . A . Beasley W . M ,, Henry Kasner S , W ., A . J . Burr J . W ., J . Chambers Roe P , M , See , . , J . Green S . D .,