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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CAOTTON STREET HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . G . Has been thoroughl y renovated ; tho Railway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & C . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & c . THE LARGE HALL IS CAPABLE OF BEATING UPWARDS OP TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITORS AND FAMILIES visiting LONDO . V , for LONG or SHOUT PERIODS , Avill find the APi'Oi . vraKNTs , and ACCOJWODATIO . V UNHIVALT . ED . E H . RAND , MANAGER .
ARTHUR ALLISON & CO . §« s $ Mfe ^ mnkm ( % a « # M § I MW «« MAHTJPACTUEESS , 40 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET , W . Solo London Agents for Dawes < fc Itamsclen ' s Patent Melody and Pedal Substitute Organs , ns supplied to Her Majesty and H . R . H . tlie Princess Louise . "F ' nll Illustrated Price Lists post free on application to USTo . 40 Great Marl'boT'oTic-Ti Street . NOTf'l ADPBUSS—a change having recently hern mado in the same .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKROYBR ~ & GROYEB Ii"RT ON tllRT " , AVITH OPTION OV FOnCHASE , tlmitiM BEAUTIFUL AND PERFET INSTRUMENTS . ' ji ^ HL PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEI R OWN TERMS , | -J j ) = ~ I ' ¦ - ^ F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . U $ § . , I fS Tho Advantages of a Trial , Willi the Convenience of the ¦ C pW ^ in ^ ZIl I ? T ,,, ' Years' System at Cash IVice , i * y Paying- about a Qunrtcr < j- ^ J- ^ jgl _ Zlg = * ' * ' * gj . y of tl « e value iloirn , the ISalauce by Knsy Payuicnts , < rom .. rA ~^ $ r £ r ^ % -y ^ 2 > 15 » l » c «* quarter . GE 0 VER & GSOVEE , 157-9 Kingslaiid Eoad . K * iTAKLISBIKJ > lS . 'iO . z L ..-- — .----,- - »¦¦ - ¦ - " ^—¦* - * - t-- ^ , ^ -. -. ¦ ,,., . .. i ... ' ¦¦ ¦ — ^ . —¦ . 1 i ¦¦ - " ' ¦ -ii- ,.- --- ¦¦ - . - i i ¦ , " 7 ,-1 . ¦ i ¦ ' -
^ FIRST-GLASS PROVISIONS AT WHOLESALE PRICES . MEMBERS OE THE CRA . ET supplied with the very finest qualities of all kinds of PROVISIONS , which are now Delivered Free in all tho Suburban Districts Butters ... Aylesbury , Dorset , Cork , & c . Eggs ... New Laid Country . Bacon ... Finest Mild Cured . Hams ... Fine flavoured York and Irish . Bath . Chaps Finest Wiltshire . Sausages Cheshire , Ham and Tongue , & c . frosh dally Cheese ... American , Chedila Stilton , & c . Tongues Finest Smoked and Tickled Ox . Fresh dvUvcries daily , at Wholesale Prices , of J ^ JVLJUT ZJTGJ ^ ZFZE ^ IESIH : : B : E : E : F \ Pronounced by the Press to bo equal , if not superior , to tho BEST BEEF OF HOME GROWTH . 8 ULT & CO ., 105 UPPER THMiES STREET , LG .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , ! London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name in raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from the Maker , at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian ( Jigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 3 < U HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E _
POSITIONS IN THE CHESS OPENINGS MOST FREQUENTLY PLAYED . Illustrated with copious Diagrams . By T . LONG , B . A ., T . C . D ., Being a supplement to tho "Key to the Chess Openings , " by the same author . LOMDOK : W . "W . MOBOMT , 07 BABBICUS * , E . O .
GLASGOW AND THE HIGHLANDS . ROY AL ROUTE , vi < X Crinan and Galednninn Crtnals by Royal Mail Steamer "IO"NA , " from Glasgow Daily at 7 a . m ., and from Greenock nt 0 a . m ., conveying passengers for the NORTH aud WEST HIGH ' LANDS .-Sec hill , with map nnd tourist faros , i ' ree , at Messrs . OHATTO and WINDUS , Tublishevs , 7-t Piccadilly , London , or by post from DAYID HUTCLtESON and Co ., 119 Hope Street , Glasgow .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of Wight and Sussex County Journal Conservative organ for the district . Largest and most influential circulation . " The Naval Paper of tho Principal Naval Arsenal . " Sec " May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , Ono Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —151 Queen Street , Portsea . Bro . R . HOIBROOK & SONS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in tho district . Advertisements should bo forwarded to reach the Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothhnry , E . O . I General accidents . I Personal injuries . j Railway accidents . | Death by accident . C . HAKDING , Manager .
! .. New Edition , Enlarged , Crown Svo ., Cloth ;* > s . WAIFS AND STRAYS , CHI ** , V FROM Tii 3 GUESS BOARD , hy Captain Hnjjh A . Kennedy , Vice-President of the British Chess Association . W . W . MosaiK , 67 IliUBtCAjr , LONDOK .
BUPTTTBES . BV ROYAL LETTEH 9 PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS COMPANY LIMITED . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS 1 = 1 allowed by upwnvtls of . 100 Sfetlioal Men to be the 45 **** t most effective invention in the curative troattjjn ment oi Hernia . The use of a steel spring , so . \ jP often hurtful iu itrf effects , is here avoided , a e / Ai * 3 * » soft handnse being worn ronnd the body , while < / vJTlrt fche requisite resisting power U supplied by the * WJWVI MOC-MAIN PAD nnd PATENT LEVER flttlng u it . / ItU wit ' 1 so mucn erls 0 aI 1 d looseness that it cannot O ivf \ 1 be detected , and may bo worn during sleep . < fV ^ Mlv A descriptive circular may bo had , and the £ ; ( SaT / IT Truss , which cannot full to fit , forwarded by A > Sl ( J P ° t on ^' circumference of the hotly two / JW / inches below the loins being sent to the manu-Lff \ \ A facturer , M I I Mr . JOK-f AVHITE , 223 PICCADILLY , LON'DOy , ?§ Jj I | Prico of a single Truss , Ills , 21 s . Sfia Cd & 31 s Cd . t # I / Postasre free . Pilco of n Double Trass . ' ils Gtl , 423 J *! -J & onci 52 s Cd . Postage free . Price of an Umbilical i £ pSSj / JpM Truss , 12 s and 52 s Cd . Postage free . Post Office ==- Orders to bo mado payable to JOII . V WHITE , Post Office , Piecadilly . NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , for VARICOSE VEINS , and all eases of WEAKNESS and SWELLINGS of tho LEOS . SPRAINS , & c . Thoy are porous , light in texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Prico 4 s Cd , " s Cd , 10 s and Kis each , post free . pHEST EXPANDING BRACES ( for both \ J sexes . ) "For Gentlemen they act as a substitute for the ovilinjjry braces . For children thoy are invaluable ; thoy pivveut wtoopincr a nil preserve tho symmetry of the chest . IVu-es fav chUdvcn ;» . - . cd , 7 s UCL aud 10 s Gd ; adults 13 s Cil and i ! I « , po .-tt free . JOHN WRITE , M . VXUF . ICTLTRKII , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON .
F . ADLABB' 3 JEWEL ATTAGHER . ¦ A -S' -i' -i'S ¦ ;?& ! ^ W jSi ^ Sim 9 Q % 5 ' . v ^ i ' iii '; MY- JpBB & i sfls-w-i 22 ° 5 " HIGH "' HOLBORN , W . C .
TAMAR INDIEN . SPIS-CXAli CAUTION . OWING to tho marked success of this medicine , the only patent medicine universally prescribed by the faculty , and the acknowledged cure for constipation , headache , bile , haemorrhoids , & c , HAS * IMITATIONS , containing drastic irritants , are bein <* foisted I ou the public . The frontline preparation bears the iifcla I "Tamar Indlen , " and the signature E . GUILLON , Cole man-St ., London , E . C . Price ti-iUd per liox . Ia a recent case , 1870 , G . No . 2 If , a perpetual injunction to restrain the defendant from applying the name "Tamar" to lite lozenge * waa awarded , with costs , by Yiee-ChanccUor Bacon , on 10 th Janmvy 1377 , and all such piracies will be summarily proceeded against . —¦—N . B . —See that the outer wrapi er ( directions ) aro printed i ; i the English language , and that each box bears tho Government : id stamp .
I W . W . MORGAN , I f 67 BARBICAN , LONDON , E . C , 1 LETTER-PRESS , $ $ i » © ojjptr'PbtciC ' JkU ^ ograjjInc $ I PRINTER , \\ | LEDGER & ACCOUNT BOOK $ MANUFACTURER , j » % B 00 KBINDEK , STATI 0 NEK . . V * y * p DIE SINKER AND ENGRAVER , -j ( P __ .. —* . _ . 30 It ( j * . SPECIAL ATTKXTIOS GIVEN TO IP CI' " 0 J * diaiu-rry Kills anil AjiMrci-s ' is Parliamentary Kills ( J W 1 ' 1-in- - ami H ' ai'tieulai ' . s of Sale j ) JV ArtmjrsOty lMcu'liiif ; . <* j ' j n M ]> t'cif 3 < - »'' uji » fuv Contractors j > ( J , Ai > iienl <• - ¦¦» <•!» or Petition ) - ( , LPrices CuiTci-it , Bepovin , etc . ifc ^^§^ 3 *^ aKr iyJ S ^ gJo C ? t 3 S ^ a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CAOTTON STREET HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . G . Has been thoroughl y renovated ; tho Railway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & C . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & c . THE LARGE HALL IS CAPABLE OF BEATING UPWARDS OP TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITORS AND FAMILIES visiting LONDO . V , for LONG or SHOUT PERIODS , Avill find the APi'Oi . vraKNTs , and ACCOJWODATIO . V UNHIVALT . ED . E H . RAND , MANAGER .
ARTHUR ALLISON & CO . §« s $ Mfe ^ mnkm ( % a « # M § I MW «« MAHTJPACTUEESS , 40 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET , W . Solo London Agents for Dawes < fc Itamsclen ' s Patent Melody and Pedal Substitute Organs , ns supplied to Her Majesty and H . R . H . tlie Princess Louise . "F ' nll Illustrated Price Lists post free on application to USTo . 40 Great Marl'boT'oTic-Ti Street . NOTf'l ADPBUSS—a change having recently hern mado in the same .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKROYBR ~ & GROYEB Ii"RT ON tllRT " , AVITH OPTION OV FOnCHASE , tlmitiM BEAUTIFUL AND PERFET INSTRUMENTS . ' ji ^ HL PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEI R OWN TERMS , | -J j ) = ~ I ' ¦ - ^ F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . U $ § . , I fS Tho Advantages of a Trial , Willi the Convenience of the ¦ C pW ^ in ^ ZIl I ? T ,,, ' Years' System at Cash IVice , i * y Paying- about a Qunrtcr < j- ^ J- ^ jgl _ Zlg = * ' * ' * gj . y of tl « e value iloirn , the ISalauce by Knsy Payuicnts , < rom .. rA ~^ $ r £ r ^ % -y ^ 2 > 15 » l » c «* quarter . GE 0 VER & GSOVEE , 157-9 Kingslaiid Eoad . K * iTAKLISBIKJ > lS . 'iO . z L ..-- — .----,- - »¦¦ - ¦ - " ^—¦* - * - t-- ^ , ^ -. -. ¦ ,,., . .. i ... ' ¦¦ ¦ — ^ . —¦ . 1 i ¦¦ - " ' ¦ -ii- ,.- --- ¦¦ - . - i i ¦ , " 7 ,-1 . ¦ i ¦ ' -
^ FIRST-GLASS PROVISIONS AT WHOLESALE PRICES . MEMBERS OE THE CRA . ET supplied with the very finest qualities of all kinds of PROVISIONS , which are now Delivered Free in all tho Suburban Districts Butters ... Aylesbury , Dorset , Cork , & c . Eggs ... New Laid Country . Bacon ... Finest Mild Cured . Hams ... Fine flavoured York and Irish . Bath . Chaps Finest Wiltshire . Sausages Cheshire , Ham and Tongue , & c . frosh dally Cheese ... American , Chedila Stilton , & c . Tongues Finest Smoked and Tickled Ox . Fresh dvUvcries daily , at Wholesale Prices , of J ^ JVLJUT ZJTGJ ^ ZFZE ^ IESIH : : B : E : E : F \ Pronounced by the Press to bo equal , if not superior , to tho BEST BEEF OF HOME GROWTH . 8 ULT & CO ., 105 UPPER THMiES STREET , LG .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , ! London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name in raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from the Maker , at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian ( Jigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 3 < U HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E _
POSITIONS IN THE CHESS OPENINGS MOST FREQUENTLY PLAYED . Illustrated with copious Diagrams . By T . LONG , B . A ., T . C . D ., Being a supplement to tho "Key to the Chess Openings , " by the same author . LOMDOK : W . "W . MOBOMT , 07 BABBICUS * , E . O .
GLASGOW AND THE HIGHLANDS . ROY AL ROUTE , vi < X Crinan and Galednninn Crtnals by Royal Mail Steamer "IO"NA , " from Glasgow Daily at 7 a . m ., and from Greenock nt 0 a . m ., conveying passengers for the NORTH aud WEST HIGH ' LANDS .-Sec hill , with map nnd tourist faros , i ' ree , at Messrs . OHATTO and WINDUS , Tublishevs , 7-t Piccadilly , London , or by post from DAYID HUTCLtESON and Co ., 119 Hope Street , Glasgow .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of Wight and Sussex County Journal Conservative organ for the district . Largest and most influential circulation . " The Naval Paper of tho Principal Naval Arsenal . " Sec " May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , Ono Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —151 Queen Street , Portsea . Bro . R . HOIBROOK & SONS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in tho district . Advertisements should bo forwarded to reach the Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothhnry , E . O . I General accidents . I Personal injuries . j Railway accidents . | Death by accident . C . HAKDING , Manager .
! .. New Edition , Enlarged , Crown Svo ., Cloth ;* > s . WAIFS AND STRAYS , CHI ** , V FROM Tii 3 GUESS BOARD , hy Captain Hnjjh A . Kennedy , Vice-President of the British Chess Association . W . W . MosaiK , 67 IliUBtCAjr , LONDOK .
BUPTTTBES . BV ROYAL LETTEH 9 PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS COMPANY LIMITED . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS 1 = 1 allowed by upwnvtls of . 100 Sfetlioal Men to be the 45 **** t most effective invention in the curative troattjjn ment oi Hernia . The use of a steel spring , so . \ jP often hurtful iu itrf effects , is here avoided , a e / Ai * 3 * » soft handnse being worn ronnd the body , while < / vJTlrt fche requisite resisting power U supplied by the * WJWVI MOC-MAIN PAD nnd PATENT LEVER flttlng u it . / ItU wit ' 1 so mucn erls 0 aI 1 d looseness that it cannot O ivf \ 1 be detected , and may bo worn during sleep . < fV ^ Mlv A descriptive circular may bo had , and the £ ; ( SaT / IT Truss , which cannot full to fit , forwarded by A > Sl ( J P ° t on ^' circumference of the hotly two / JW / inches below the loins being sent to the manu-Lff \ \ A facturer , M I I Mr . JOK-f AVHITE , 223 PICCADILLY , LON'DOy , ?§ Jj I | Prico of a single Truss , Ills , 21 s . Sfia Cd & 31 s Cd . t # I / Postasre free . Pilco of n Double Trass . ' ils Gtl , 423 J *! -J & onci 52 s Cd . Postage free . Price of an Umbilical i £ pSSj / JpM Truss , 12 s and 52 s Cd . Postage free . Post Office ==- Orders to bo mado payable to JOII . V WHITE , Post Office , Piecadilly . NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , for VARICOSE VEINS , and all eases of WEAKNESS and SWELLINGS of tho LEOS . SPRAINS , & c . Thoy are porous , light in texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Prico 4 s Cd , " s Cd , 10 s and Kis each , post free . pHEST EXPANDING BRACES ( for both \ J sexes . ) "For Gentlemen they act as a substitute for the ovilinjjry braces . For children thoy are invaluable ; thoy pivveut wtoopincr a nil preserve tho symmetry of the chest . IVu-es fav chUdvcn ;» . - . cd , 7 s UCL aud 10 s Gd ; adults 13 s Cil and i ! I « , po .-tt free . JOHN WRITE , M . VXUF . ICTLTRKII , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON .
F . ADLABB' 3 JEWEL ATTAGHER . ¦ A -S' -i' -i'S ¦ ;?& ! ^ W jSi ^ Sim 9 Q % 5 ' . v ^ i ' iii '; MY- JpBB & i sfls-w-i 22 ° 5 " HIGH "' HOLBORN , W . C .
TAMAR INDIEN . SPIS-CXAli CAUTION . OWING to tho marked success of this medicine , the only patent medicine universally prescribed by the faculty , and the acknowledged cure for constipation , headache , bile , haemorrhoids , & c , HAS * IMITATIONS , containing drastic irritants , are bein <* foisted I ou the public . The frontline preparation bears the iifcla I "Tamar Indlen , " and the signature E . GUILLON , Cole man-St ., London , E . C . Price ti-iUd per liox . Ia a recent case , 1870 , G . No . 2 If , a perpetual injunction to restrain the defendant from applying the name "Tamar" to lite lozenge * waa awarded , with costs , by Yiee-ChanccUor Bacon , on 10 th Janmvy 1377 , and all such piracies will be summarily proceeded against . —¦—N . B . —See that the outer wrapi er ( directions ) aro printed i ; i the English language , and that each box bears tho Government : id stamp .
I W . W . MORGAN , I f 67 BARBICAN , LONDON , E . C , 1 LETTER-PRESS , $ $ i » © ojjptr'PbtciC ' JkU ^ ograjjInc $ I PRINTER , \\ | LEDGER & ACCOUNT BOOK $ MANUFACTURER , j » % B 00 KBINDEK , STATI 0 NEK . . V * y * p DIE SINKER AND ENGRAVER , -j ( P __ .. —* . _ . 30 It ( j * . SPECIAL ATTKXTIOS GIVEN TO IP CI' " 0 J * diaiu-rry Kills anil AjiMrci-s ' is Parliamentary Kills ( J W 1 ' 1-in- - ami H ' ai'tieulai ' . s of Sale j ) JV ArtmjrsOty lMcu'liiif ; . <* j ' j n M ]> t'cif 3 < - »'' uji » fuv Contractors j > ( J , Ai > iienl <• - ¦¦» <•!» or Petition ) - ( , LPrices CuiTci-it , Bepovin , etc . ifc ^^§^ 3 *^ aKr iyJ S ^ gJo C ? t 3 S ^ a