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Provinctal Grand Mark Lodge Of Tunis And Malta.
and the proposed by-laws approved of aud ordered to bo printed Tho P . G . M . ordered that a charitable collection be mado to form tho nucleus of a Charity Fund . Tho collection amouuted to ; £ 2 9 s . Tho P . G . L . was closed in auoieut form . Tho P . G . M . thon rotirod , and the " Keystone " Lodge was closed by W . Bro . Read . A banquet took place afterwards , under the presidency of tho P . G . M ., supported by bis
officers and tho brethren of tho various Lodges in the Province . Tho usual loyal and obligatory toasts haviug been given , tho P . G . Registrar Bro . Roseubusch ( P . D . D . G . M . ) , in laudatory terms proposed tho health of the P . G . Master , who returned thanks . Tho following toasts wero then duly honoured , tho D . P . G . M ., tho Grand Officers , the P . M . M ' s of tho Keystone Lodge , coupled with tho hoalth of W . Bro . Kingston
( D . G . M . Craft ) , at present absent from Malta , and the Grand Organist , whose indefatigable exertions had rendered the ceremonies in G . L . so completely successful . The toasts of tho Grand Chapters of Ireland and Scotland wore enthusiastically received and responded to by Bros . Taylor P . M . aud Toogood . Tho festival was brought to a close by tho parting toast , given by tho P . G . Tyler . Tho banner of
tho P . G . L . ( proscuted to it by tho P . G . M . ) was much admired , as well as the swords used by tho G . Sword Bearer and I . G . They both belonged to former Beys of Tunis , and aro incased in massive chased scabbards of beautiful design and bear the principal emblem of tho R . A . degree . Tho inceuso burner aud receptacle for oil used iu
the Consecration ceremony were also notable spocimens of Tunisian silver work of the 17 th century . Tho brothren separated shortly before midnight , with a very keen appreciation of tho comploto success of tho day's proceedings , the recollection of which will always remain as one of tho pleasautest memories connected with Masonry in Malta
Consecration Of The Shepherd's Bush Lodge, No. 1828.
THIS ceremony took placo on Monday , at tho Richmond Hotol , Shephord ' s Bush-road . The new Lodge is an offshoot of the Ranelagh No . 831 , which has ou its roll sevoral brethrou who are dosirons of obtaining office , but iu consequence of the great number of its members , the chance for young aspirants is very remote , that is if regard be paid to the claim of seniority iu the selection of its
future officers . Accordingly , several brethren of this district determined to apply for a now warrant , which in due course was granted by tho Most Worshipful the Grand Master H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales , on the petition of the following brethren : —Lewis Bryett , Alfred B . Baker , George Harrison , Alfred G . Alais , Richard Josey , Robert W . Blacklin , Peter Burton , William Game , John M .
Pierpoint , Richard Pierpoiut , and William Williams . The privilege of representing the G . M . on this occasion devolved on Bro . Terry , Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden Hertfordshire , Secretary Royal Masouic Benevolent Institution , & c , whose services in tAie cause of Freemasonry are so numerous and varied as to render him , perhaps , tho most popular Consecrating Officer tho Craft has ever known ;
indeed , the lact of his having similarly officiated at over ono hundred such gatherings is an event unparalleled iu the history of the Craft , and is a compliment which proves that his ell ' orts aro appreciated by the Masonic body at large . On Monday ho was assisted by Bro . Clarke Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Suffolk , who displayed his well-known ability as M . C . to the satisfaction of all present ; Bros .
Rev . Ambrose W . Hall P . P . G . Chaplain , P . P . S . G . W . Surrey , who acted as Chaplain , G . W . Dixon P . M . 209 , 8 iJ , "> , P . P . G . D . C . Berks aud Bucks , aud John O . Carter P . M . 2 !> : > , P . P . O . D . C . Berks and Bucks , who respectively filled the chairs of bonier and Junior Watden , while Bro . Samuel 11 . Parkhouse W . M . of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1042 , who had supported the petition , acted as
I . G . Thero was a goodly array of Visitors , amongst whom wo noticed W . J . Murlis P . M . 14 S 9 , 10 ' 12 , J . J . Michael P . M . 1732 , John Tnck 834 , Thos . Kuowles P . M . 831 , Thos . Hancock S . W . 1767 , J . W . Barker J . W . 1707 , G . P . Cook 193 , J . Baker 511 , Robt . King 1042 , C . E . Williams W . M . 1767 , T . F . Knight-Smith W . M . 1411 , J . T . Woodstock P . M . 749 , E . M . Lauder S . W . 1042 , S . Lichtwitz 1612 ,
S . Millis P . M . 157 , C . Cordingley 45 , G . P . Festa 834 , George Read 1767 , G . C . Symons W . M . 45 , A . B . Morgan 1287 , S . Smont jun . J . D . 1642 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , J . B . Churchill P . M . 1017 , Macrae Moir P . M . 66 , J . Ringv / ood 834 , A . Burheld P . M . 511 , George J . Eumes 511 , J . Avery W . M . 511 , H . Shaw S . W . 834 , H . W . Blako 834 , W . Pierpoint I . G . 813 , T . W . Cooper S . W . 538 , Thomas
Handwer 733 , H . Sadler G . Treasurer , J . T . Breitbart 511 . At tho time appointed , Bro . Clarke speedily marshalled tho brethren , aud the Louge-room was entered . Lodgo was opened in the three degrees , and tho Presiding Officer explained tho occasion that fiad brought the brethren together . The Chaplain offered prayer , aud then the acting Secretary read the petition aud warrant . The members having
approved of tbose selected to conduct the new Lodge , the Chaplain was called upon , a ; id ho addressed the brethren as follows : — On such au occasion as this , when the light of Masonry is about to spread its bright beams by the dedication of another Lodge to the glory of the O . A . O . T . L " ., ami , we trust , to the benefit of the brethren iu general ; aud whoa another repository of thosu truths and
mvstci'ics which we , as Melons , aro proud to call ours , is to be added tu the main already existing j aud when tlio Consecrating Chaplain is requested to address ' •> . few words to tho brethren on the nature , principles , aid duties of our Order , he cannot , I think , do better than carry you back in Jioiight to those early days before tho erection of the Temple at Jerusalem , when King David , rising up in a vast assembly of tho Israelites , told thorn what God had communicated to
him as regarded his soi . " Solomon , thy son , he shall build My house and my couits . " Anc , turning to his son , ho added , "Be strong and of good courage , l ' e ir not nor be dismayed , for the Lord God , oven my God will bo with i-hoo , He will not fail thee nor forsake thee nntil thou h ; . st finish jd all thy work . " Brethren , you this day are building a temple likewise , it is true not like the gorgeous one your great prototype erected , but you are building a symbo ' eal temple , and although it does not contain treasures so precious to the ancient
Consecration Of The Shepherd's Bush Lodge, No. 1828.
Israelites , such as the golden candlesticks , the shewbread , tho pot of manna , tho altar of incense , the ark of tho covenant , and the mercyseat overshadowed by angols' wings , yet it does contain raystories and * teachings which it will be yours to preserve and guard when your new Lodge , dedicated and blessed , is handed over to you , its foundors , in the purity of its early Masonio life . Yours will be a
sacred trust , for to you will bo confided truths that good men and Masons havo treasnred up in tho safo repository of their hearts from ages past , and whioh it will bo yours to guard also , that ages to come may benefit by thoso teachings which cheered onr forefathers , and which to tho present day servo to gladden ua . Yon will do this by letting yonr Masonic light shiue through the great principles of the
Order , by tho exercise of brotherly lovo ; that is , by regarding all men , whether in or out of Masonry , as children of an Almighty Father , created for the mutnal help aud support of each other . By Relief , a feeling which as Masons should be more particularly ours , of sympathizing with tho misfortunes of tho unhappy , of compassion for the miserable , and of endeavouring to give peaco to the troubled
heart . Of Truth , that great principle of all by which we may so regulate our lives as to pass through the world without deceit or guile , doing unto others as we would they should do unto us . These , my brethren , are tho great principles of our Society , but in addition to these yon havo work to do in your Lodgo ; to-day yon aro about to bring into lifo a band of brothers , who aro to meot from time to
time in tones of social intercourse , and who will havo to do Masonic work , to instruct the younger members through our symbolic rites aud coremouies , and as you do this well or ill , so will your Lodge rise or fall , so will it flourish or decay ; but when I look around upon tho eminent and energetic Masons , who are its founders and upholders , its bulwarks and battlements , I feel snro that there is good
timo before tho " Shepherd's Bush Lodge —that their sound working and teaching will in due course give it a foremost placo iu the Masonic world , and this is saying a good deal , when wo consider that on the consecration of this Lodgo thero will bo no less than 1828 on the roll of tho Graud Lodge of England . But , brethren , I do not forgot that to-day thero is much
to do , and that time presses . I feel , therefore , I should detain you no longer , but draw my address to its close , assuring yon that if good wishes avail aught you have mine in their heartiest and stoutest sonso for tho success of your new undertaking . May the mantle of King Solomon rest ( so to speak ) upon you , that yon too may mako known tho great trnths which he promulgated , and
which form tho fundamental teachings of Masonry . And at any time when good , kind thoughts spring np in your hearts , do not let them lio thero hidden , but think them , or , I shonld moro properly say , —speak them aloud for tho benefit of others . And , above all , in the working of your Lodge , never forget the presence of the G . A . O . T . U . ; for , believe me , brethren , Ho
is always with you , and His All-seeing Eye is upon you , whether you ask His blessing , or seek His aid ; and for this remember what David said to Solomon : — " My son , know thou tho God of thy fathers , and servo him with a perfect heart , and a willing mind , for tho Lord searchcth all hearts , aud understandeth every imagination of the thoughts . If thou seek him , he will bo found of thee , but if thou forsake him , he . will cast thee off for
ever . With these words I will conclude , first , by thanking you heartily for the attention you have beeu good enough to pay to my brief address ; and thou by assuring you that if only one word of in no has half the good effect I wish it , my visit here to-day will bo another bright spot upon my already long Masonio lifo . Go then , brothers , to your respective duties , and show to Masons , and to tho outer world as well , that
you" Serve your God by doing good , Be your benevolenco understood By good deeds . " Bo it your life ' s toil carea to smother , And to brighten eyes now dim , Kindness done to one another God accepts as done , my brother , unto Him . "
Tho order of the ceremouy of Consecration , from the frequency of its repetition of lato , is woll known to most London brethren ; ou this occasion it was carefully carried out , tho musical portion being under the direction of Bro . Knight-Smith W . M . 1441 , and in duo course the W . M . elect was presented for the benefit of installation . Bro . Terry having duly obligated Bro . Lewis Bryett , who had
beju selected for tho position , placed him iu tho chair with accustomed ceremony . The Officers for tho coming year wero then appointed , as follows . —Bvoa . A . B . Baker T . M . 834 S . W ., George H ; , nison J . W ., W . Game I'M . Treas ., Alfred C . Alais P . M . Sec , Richard Pierpoint S . D ., Richard Josey J . D ., Peter Burton I . G ., John M . Pierpoint D . C , Robert W . Blacklin and William Williams
( stewards . The charge to tho Master was given by Bro . Terry , Bro . Clarke gave that to the Wardens , aud Bro . Terry then concluded by addressing the members . The first act of the now Lodge was to thank the Consecrating Officer and those brethren who had assisted him in the labours of tho day , and . on tho proposition of tho W . M .,
Bros , lorry , Clarke , Ambrose Hall , Dixon , Carter , and Parkhouse wtro elected honorary members . This compliment was acknowledged by Bro . Tony , and alter tbe expression of good wishes from the Visitors , Lodgo was closed . A banquet followed , and duo honour wts done to the toasts customary on these occasions . We regret pressure on onr space prevents our recording the speeches .
Hoi . r . oH'AY s OINTMENT A . VD PILLS . —A certain remedy for diseases of the skin . Rii . gwoim , scurvy , scrntula m : kind ' s evil , sore heads ' , and the most inveterate sk'ii diseases to which the human race is subject , cannot be treated with a moro sain and speedy remedy than Jbillowuy ' s Ointment and Pills , which act so pc'iiliatly on t . he constitution , and so purify the blood that those diseases aro oiT . dicided ( rum tho system , and a lastingeuro is obtained . They lire efficacious in the cure of tumours , burns , scalds , glnndular swellings , ulcerous wounds , rheumatism , contracted and stiff joints . These medicines operate mildly and sivx'ly . The cure effected by them is not temporary or apparent only , but complete and permanent .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provinctal Grand Mark Lodge Of Tunis And Malta.
and the proposed by-laws approved of aud ordered to bo printed Tho P . G . M . ordered that a charitable collection be mado to form tho nucleus of a Charity Fund . Tho collection amouuted to ; £ 2 9 s . Tho P . G . L . was closed in auoieut form . Tho P . G . M . thon rotirod , and the " Keystone " Lodge was closed by W . Bro . Read . A banquet took place afterwards , under the presidency of tho P . G . M ., supported by bis
officers and tho brethren of tho various Lodges in the Province . Tho usual loyal and obligatory toasts haviug been given , tho P . G . Registrar Bro . Roseubusch ( P . D . D . G . M . ) , in laudatory terms proposed tho health of the P . G . Master , who returned thanks . Tho following toasts wero then duly honoured , tho D . P . G . M ., tho Grand Officers , the P . M . M ' s of tho Keystone Lodge , coupled with tho hoalth of W . Bro . Kingston
( D . G . M . Craft ) , at present absent from Malta , and the Grand Organist , whose indefatigable exertions had rendered the ceremonies in G . L . so completely successful . The toasts of tho Grand Chapters of Ireland and Scotland wore enthusiastically received and responded to by Bros . Taylor P . M . aud Toogood . Tho festival was brought to a close by tho parting toast , given by tho P . G . Tyler . Tho banner of
tho P . G . L . ( proscuted to it by tho P . G . M . ) was much admired , as well as the swords used by tho G . Sword Bearer and I . G . They both belonged to former Beys of Tunis , and aro incased in massive chased scabbards of beautiful design and bear the principal emblem of tho R . A . degree . Tho inceuso burner aud receptacle for oil used iu
the Consecration ceremony were also notable spocimens of Tunisian silver work of the 17 th century . Tho brothren separated shortly before midnight , with a very keen appreciation of tho comploto success of tho day's proceedings , the recollection of which will always remain as one of tho pleasautest memories connected with Masonry in Malta
Consecration Of The Shepherd's Bush Lodge, No. 1828.
THIS ceremony took placo on Monday , at tho Richmond Hotol , Shephord ' s Bush-road . The new Lodge is an offshoot of the Ranelagh No . 831 , which has ou its roll sevoral brethrou who are dosirons of obtaining office , but iu consequence of the great number of its members , the chance for young aspirants is very remote , that is if regard be paid to the claim of seniority iu the selection of its
future officers . Accordingly , several brethren of this district determined to apply for a now warrant , which in due course was granted by tho Most Worshipful the Grand Master H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales , on the petition of the following brethren : —Lewis Bryett , Alfred B . Baker , George Harrison , Alfred G . Alais , Richard Josey , Robert W . Blacklin , Peter Burton , William Game , John M .
Pierpoint , Richard Pierpoiut , and William Williams . The privilege of representing the G . M . on this occasion devolved on Bro . Terry , Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden Hertfordshire , Secretary Royal Masouic Benevolent Institution , & c , whose services in tAie cause of Freemasonry are so numerous and varied as to render him , perhaps , tho most popular Consecrating Officer tho Craft has ever known ;
indeed , the lact of his having similarly officiated at over ono hundred such gatherings is an event unparalleled iu the history of the Craft , and is a compliment which proves that his ell ' orts aro appreciated by the Masonic body at large . On Monday ho was assisted by Bro . Clarke Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Suffolk , who displayed his well-known ability as M . C . to the satisfaction of all present ; Bros .
Rev . Ambrose W . Hall P . P . G . Chaplain , P . P . S . G . W . Surrey , who acted as Chaplain , G . W . Dixon P . M . 209 , 8 iJ , "> , P . P . G . D . C . Berks aud Bucks , aud John O . Carter P . M . 2 !> : > , P . P . O . D . C . Berks and Bucks , who respectively filled the chairs of bonier and Junior Watden , while Bro . Samuel 11 . Parkhouse W . M . of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1042 , who had supported the petition , acted as
I . G . Thero was a goodly array of Visitors , amongst whom wo noticed W . J . Murlis P . M . 14 S 9 , 10 ' 12 , J . J . Michael P . M . 1732 , John Tnck 834 , Thos . Kuowles P . M . 831 , Thos . Hancock S . W . 1767 , J . W . Barker J . W . 1707 , G . P . Cook 193 , J . Baker 511 , Robt . King 1042 , C . E . Williams W . M . 1767 , T . F . Knight-Smith W . M . 1411 , J . T . Woodstock P . M . 749 , E . M . Lauder S . W . 1042 , S . Lichtwitz 1612 ,
S . Millis P . M . 157 , C . Cordingley 45 , G . P . Festa 834 , George Read 1767 , G . C . Symons W . M . 45 , A . B . Morgan 1287 , S . Smont jun . J . D . 1642 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , J . B . Churchill P . M . 1017 , Macrae Moir P . M . 66 , J . Ringv / ood 834 , A . Burheld P . M . 511 , George J . Eumes 511 , J . Avery W . M . 511 , H . Shaw S . W . 834 , H . W . Blako 834 , W . Pierpoint I . G . 813 , T . W . Cooper S . W . 538 , Thomas
Handwer 733 , H . Sadler G . Treasurer , J . T . Breitbart 511 . At tho time appointed , Bro . Clarke speedily marshalled tho brethren , aud the Louge-room was entered . Lodgo was opened in the three degrees , and tho Presiding Officer explained tho occasion that fiad brought the brethren together . The Chaplain offered prayer , aud then the acting Secretary read the petition aud warrant . The members having
approved of tbose selected to conduct the new Lodge , the Chaplain was called upon , a ; id ho addressed the brethren as follows : — On such au occasion as this , when the light of Masonry is about to spread its bright beams by the dedication of another Lodge to the glory of the O . A . O . T . L " ., ami , we trust , to the benefit of the brethren iu general ; aud whoa another repository of thosu truths and
mvstci'ics which we , as Melons , aro proud to call ours , is to be added tu the main already existing j aud when tlio Consecrating Chaplain is requested to address ' •> . few words to tho brethren on the nature , principles , aid duties of our Order , he cannot , I think , do better than carry you back in Jioiight to those early days before tho erection of the Temple at Jerusalem , when King David , rising up in a vast assembly of tho Israelites , told thorn what God had communicated to
him as regarded his soi . " Solomon , thy son , he shall build My house and my couits . " Anc , turning to his son , ho added , "Be strong and of good courage , l ' e ir not nor be dismayed , for the Lord God , oven my God will bo with i-hoo , He will not fail thee nor forsake thee nntil thou h ; . st finish jd all thy work . " Brethren , you this day are building a temple likewise , it is true not like the gorgeous one your great prototype erected , but you are building a symbo ' eal temple , and although it does not contain treasures so precious to the ancient
Consecration Of The Shepherd's Bush Lodge, No. 1828.
Israelites , such as the golden candlesticks , the shewbread , tho pot of manna , tho altar of incense , the ark of tho covenant , and the mercyseat overshadowed by angols' wings , yet it does contain raystories and * teachings which it will be yours to preserve and guard when your new Lodge , dedicated and blessed , is handed over to you , its foundors , in the purity of its early Masonio life . Yours will be a
sacred trust , for to you will bo confided truths that good men and Masons havo treasnred up in tho safo repository of their hearts from ages past , and whioh it will bo yours to guard also , that ages to come may benefit by thoso teachings which cheered onr forefathers , and which to tho present day servo to gladden ua . Yon will do this by letting yonr Masonic light shiue through the great principles of the
Order , by tho exercise of brotherly lovo ; that is , by regarding all men , whether in or out of Masonry , as children of an Almighty Father , created for the mutnal help aud support of each other . By Relief , a feeling which as Masons should be more particularly ours , of sympathizing with tho misfortunes of tho unhappy , of compassion for the miserable , and of endeavouring to give peaco to the troubled
heart . Of Truth , that great principle of all by which we may so regulate our lives as to pass through the world without deceit or guile , doing unto others as we would they should do unto us . These , my brethren , are tho great principles of our Society , but in addition to these yon havo work to do in your Lodgo ; to-day yon aro about to bring into lifo a band of brothers , who aro to meot from time to
time in tones of social intercourse , and who will havo to do Masonic work , to instruct the younger members through our symbolic rites aud coremouies , and as you do this well or ill , so will your Lodge rise or fall , so will it flourish or decay ; but when I look around upon tho eminent and energetic Masons , who are its founders and upholders , its bulwarks and battlements , I feel snro that there is good
timo before tho " Shepherd's Bush Lodge —that their sound working and teaching will in due course give it a foremost placo iu the Masonic world , and this is saying a good deal , when wo consider that on the consecration of this Lodgo thero will bo no less than 1828 on the roll of tho Graud Lodge of England . But , brethren , I do not forgot that to-day thero is much
to do , and that time presses . I feel , therefore , I should detain you no longer , but draw my address to its close , assuring yon that if good wishes avail aught you have mine in their heartiest and stoutest sonso for tho success of your new undertaking . May the mantle of King Solomon rest ( so to speak ) upon you , that yon too may mako known tho great trnths which he promulgated , and
which form tho fundamental teachings of Masonry . And at any time when good , kind thoughts spring np in your hearts , do not let them lio thero hidden , but think them , or , I shonld moro properly say , —speak them aloud for tho benefit of others . And , above all , in the working of your Lodge , never forget the presence of the G . A . O . T . U . ; for , believe me , brethren , Ho
is always with you , and His All-seeing Eye is upon you , whether you ask His blessing , or seek His aid ; and for this remember what David said to Solomon : — " My son , know thou tho God of thy fathers , and servo him with a perfect heart , and a willing mind , for tho Lord searchcth all hearts , aud understandeth every imagination of the thoughts . If thou seek him , he will bo found of thee , but if thou forsake him , he . will cast thee off for
ever . With these words I will conclude , first , by thanking you heartily for the attention you have beeu good enough to pay to my brief address ; and thou by assuring you that if only one word of in no has half the good effect I wish it , my visit here to-day will bo another bright spot upon my already long Masonio lifo . Go then , brothers , to your respective duties , and show to Masons , and to tho outer world as well , that
you" Serve your God by doing good , Be your benevolenco understood By good deeds . " Bo it your life ' s toil carea to smother , And to brighten eyes now dim , Kindness done to one another God accepts as done , my brother , unto Him . "
Tho order of the ceremouy of Consecration , from the frequency of its repetition of lato , is woll known to most London brethren ; ou this occasion it was carefully carried out , tho musical portion being under the direction of Bro . Knight-Smith W . M . 1441 , and in duo course the W . M . elect was presented for the benefit of installation . Bro . Terry having duly obligated Bro . Lewis Bryett , who had
beju selected for tho position , placed him iu tho chair with accustomed ceremony . The Officers for tho coming year wero then appointed , as follows . —Bvoa . A . B . Baker T . M . 834 S . W ., George H ; , nison J . W ., W . Game I'M . Treas ., Alfred C . Alais P . M . Sec , Richard Pierpoint S . D ., Richard Josey J . D ., Peter Burton I . G ., John M . Pierpoint D . C , Robert W . Blacklin and William Williams
( stewards . The charge to tho Master was given by Bro . Terry , Bro . Clarke gave that to the Wardens , aud Bro . Terry then concluded by addressing the members . The first act of the now Lodge was to thank the Consecrating Officer and those brethren who had assisted him in the labours of tho day , and . on tho proposition of tho W . M .,
Bros , lorry , Clarke , Ambrose Hall , Dixon , Carter , and Parkhouse wtro elected honorary members . This compliment was acknowledged by Bro . Tony , and alter tbe expression of good wishes from the Visitors , Lodgo was closed . A banquet followed , and duo honour wts done to the toasts customary on these occasions . We regret pressure on onr space prevents our recording the speeches .
Hoi . r . oH'AY s OINTMENT A . VD PILLS . —A certain remedy for diseases of the skin . Rii . gwoim , scurvy , scrntula m : kind ' s evil , sore heads ' , and the most inveterate sk'ii diseases to which the human race is subject , cannot be treated with a moro sain and speedy remedy than Jbillowuy ' s Ointment and Pills , which act so pc'iiliatly on t . he constitution , and so purify the blood that those diseases aro oiT . dicided ( rum tho system , and a lastingeuro is obtained . They lire efficacious in the cure of tumours , burns , scalds , glnndular swellings , ulcerous wounds , rheumatism , contracted and stiff joints . These medicines operate mildly and sivx'ly . The cure effected by them is not temporary or apparent only , but complete and permanent .