Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK Page 1 of 2 Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK Page 1 of 2 →
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Diary For The Week
We shall bo obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges hroughout the Kingdom will favour us with , a list of their Days of Meeting , & c , as we have decidod to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
1 » 8—Porcy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1541—Alexander ' Palace , Alexandra Palace , Muswell Hill , N . 1624—Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 170 G—Orpheus , Freemasons' Tavern , W . C . ( Emergency . ) Sinai Chapter of lustructiou , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 149—reace , Private Rooms , Meltham 308—Prince Georgo , Private Rooms , Bottoms , Eastwood 1462—Wharncliffe , Rose and Crown Hotel , Penistouo 1 631—ChisQlhurst , Bull's Head Hotel , Onisclluu'st
45— Strong Man , New Market Hotol , West Smithfield , nt 8 . ( Instruction . ) 174— Sincority , Railway Tavern . London-street , E . G .. at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 180—St . James's Union , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 180—Industry , Bell , Cartor-lanc , Doctors-commons , E . G ., at 6 . 30 . ( Inst . ) 548—Wellington , White Swan , High-street , Deptford , at 8 . ( Instruction . )
704—Camden , Red Cap , Camden Town , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1306—St . John of Wapping . Gun Hotol , High-st ., Wapping , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1425—Hyde Park , Tho Westbom-no , Cvaven-rd ., Paddington , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1489—Marquess of Ripon , Pombnry Tavern , Amhurst-rd ., Hackney , at 7 . 30 . ( In . ) 1623—West Smithfield , Now Market Hotol , King-st ., Snow-hill , at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1625—Tredegar , Royal Hotol , Milo End-road , corner of Burdett-road . ( Inst . )
61—Probity , Freemasons' Hall , St . Johns-place , Halifax 62—Social , Queen ' s Hotol , Manchester . 148—Lights , Masonic Rooms , Warrington 261—Nelson of tho Nile , Freemasons' Hall , Batley 302—Hope , Now Masonic Hall , Darley-strcct , Bradford . 307—Princo Frederick , White Horse Hotel , Hcbden Bridgo 40 R—Threo Graces , Pvivato Booms , Haworth 467—Tudor , Red Lion Hotel , Oldham
613—Unity , Masonic Hall , Southport 820—Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1177—Tenby , Royal Assembly Rooms , Tenby , Pembroko 1449—RQVal Military , Masonic Hall , Canterbury , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1542—Legiolium , Masonic HaU , Carltou-street , Castleford 1575—Clivc , Corbet Arms . Market Drayton R . A . 827—St . John Masonic Temple , Halifax M . M . 146—Moore Masonic Rooms , Athcnioum , Lancaster
65—Constitutional , Bedford Hotel , Sonthampton-bldgs ., Holbovn , nt 7 . ( Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 141—Faith , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street 177—Domatic , Suvvoy Masonic Hall , Camber woll , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 554—Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . ( Instruction . ) 753—Princo Frederick William , Lord's Hotel , St . John's Wood , afc 8 . ( Inst . ) 860—Dalhousie , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , at 8 . ( Instruction . )
1011-Wandsworth , Star and Garter Hotel , St . Ann ' s-hill , Wandsworth . ( Inst . ) 1319—Friars , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1360—Royal Arthur , Prince ' s Head , Battersca Park , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1446—Mount Edgcumbc , 19 Jermyn-strcet , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1471—Islington . Three Bucks , 23 ' Gresham-street , K . C ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1472—Henley , Three Crowns , North Woolwich , at 7 . 30 . ( Inst . ) 1602—Sir Hugh Myddelton , Crown and Woolpack , St . . Tohn's-st .-rd ., at 8 . ( in . ) 1707—Eleanor , Trocadcro , Broad-street-buildings , Liverpool-street , 6 . 30 . ( lust . )
51—Angel , Throe Cups Hotel , Colchester 117—Wyimstny , Raven Hotel , Shrewsbury . at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 126—Silent Temple , Cross Keys Inn , Hnriile . i-241—Merchants , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at ( i . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 299—Emulation , Bull Hotel , Dartford 310—Union , Freemasons' Hall , Castle-sfcrecr , Carlisle 373—Socrates , George Hotel , High-street , Huntingdon . 403—Hertford , Town HaU , Hertford . 573—Perseverance , Shenstone Hotel , Hales Owen
021—Abbey Masonic Hall , Union-street , Bnrton-on-Trent 779—Ferrers and Ivanhoo , Town Hall , Ashby-de-la-Zouch 897—Loyalty , Fleece Inn , St . Helens , Lancashire 9 S 6—Hosketh , Grapes Inn , Croston 1214—Scarborough , Scarborough Hall , Caledonia-road , Batloy 1358—Torbay , Town Hall , Paignton 1566—Ellington , Bell Hotel , Maidenhead 1587—St . Giles , Royal Oak Hotol , Cheadle R . A . 721—Grosvenor , Masonic-chambers , Eastgatc-row-north , Chestei K . T . —Plains of Tabor , Swan Hotel , Colne , Lancashire
193—Confidence , Railway Tavorn , London-street , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 201—Jordan , Devonshire Arms , Devonshire-street , W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 228—United Strength , Hope and Anchor , Crowndalc-rd ., Camden-totvn , 8 . ( In . ) 638—La Tolerance , Green Dragon , 2 Maddox-strout , W ., at 7 . 15 . ( Inst . ) 781—Merchant Navy , Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , E ., at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 813—New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 862—Whittington , Red Lion , Poppin's-court , Fleet-street , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1185—Lewis , Ring ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green , at 7 . ( Instruction . )
1196—Urban , The Three Bucks , Gresham-street , at 6 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1278—Burdett Coutts , Salmon and Ball , Bethnal Green-road , at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1288—Finsbury Park , Earl Russell , Islodon-road , Holloway , afc 8 . ( Instruction . ) Iu 21—Duke of Connaught , Havelock , Albion Road , Dalston , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1558—Duko of Connaught , Class Room , Sutherland Chapel , Walworth , at 8 . ( In . ) 1585—Royal Commemoration , Star aud Garter Hotel , Putney 1687—Tho Rothesay . Inns of Court Hotel , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields 1766—St . Leonard , Town Hall , Shoreditch R . A . 177—Domatic , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-st ., at 8 . ( Instruction . )
74—Athol , Masonic Hall , Severn-street , Birmingham . 81—Doric , Private Koorn , Woodbridge , Suffolk . 125—Prince Edwin , White Hart Hotel , Hythe , Kent . 128—Princo Edwin , Bndge Inn , Boltou-slreet , Bury , Lancashire 210—Duke of Athol , Bowling Green Hotol , Ueutoii 274—Tranquillity , Boar ' s Head Inu , Nowchurch , near Manchester 290—Huddersfield , Masouic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfield 293—Harmony , Masonic Rooms , Aim-sireet , Rochil .-tlo
326—Moira , Freemasons' Hall , Park-street , Bristol 327—AVigton St . Johu , Lion aud Lamb , Wigtou 363—Keystone , Now Inn , Whitworth . 387—Airedale , . Masonic Hall , Westgnte , Shipley . ^^ ^ (; V '' \ H ? '' -s . fre ^ ll : teo"s' ^ f ;! l > Jtin'lc-stA-cot , Newcastlo-on-Tync 41<—I'aitli and unanimity , Masonic Hall , Dorchester 429— Royal Navy , Uo ; , al Hotel , Katr . sgate
171—Silurian , I-reem -. sons' Uall , Dock-street , Newport , Monmouthshire 594—Downshire , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . ( Instruction ) 606—Segontium , the Castle , Carnarvon 611—Marches , Old Rectory , Ludlow 025—Devonshire , Norfolk Hotel , Glossop Mo-Humphrey Chetham Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchestci 6 / J—St . John , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 . ( lustra-tion ) 678-Earl EUcsmere , Church Hotel , Kerslcy , Farnworth , near Bolton .
Diary For The Week
750—Friendship , Freomasons' Hall , Railway-street , Clcckhcatou 972—St . Augustine , Masonic Hall , Canterbury . ( Instruction . ) 992—St . Thomas , Griffin Hotel , Lower Broughton . 1010— Kingston , Masonic Hall , Worship-street , Hull . 1013—Royal Victoria , Masonio Hall . Liverpool . 1037—Portland , Portland Hall , Portland . ( Instruction . ) 1063—Mailing Abbey , Bear Inn , West Mailing , Kent 1085—Hartington , Masonic Hall , Gower-stroet , Derby
1091—Ermo , Ermo Houso , Ivybridgo , Dovon UK 7—Alnwick , Mivso-nic HaU , GUvypavt-stveet , Alnwick ' 1206—Cinque Ports , Bell Hotol , Sandwich . 1274—Earl of Durham , Freemasons' Hall , Chester- ' e-Strect . 1323—Talbot , Masonic Rooms , Wind-street , Swansea 1335—Lindsay , 20 King-street , Wigan . 1351—Marquis of Lome , Masonic Rooms , Leigh , Lancashire . 1356—Do Grey & Ripon , 140 North Hill St ., Toxtoth Park , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . ( In . )
1363—Tyndall , Town Hall , Chipping Sodbnry , Gloucester 1103—West Lancashire Commercial Hotel , Ormskivk 1131—St . Alphego , George Hotel , Solihull . 1511—Alexandra , Masonic Hall , Hornsea , Hull . ( Inst . ) 1549—Abercorn , Abercorn Hotol , Great Stanmore 1620—Marlborough , Derby Hall , Tue Brook , Liverpool .
1615—Colne Valley , Lowisham Hotel , Slaifchwaito . R . A . 86—Lebanon Masouic Hall , Proscofc R . A . 300—Perseverance , Pitt and Nelson Hotel , Ashton-undor-Lyne . R . A . 301—Philanthropic , Masonio Hull , Gt . Geovge-stvoet , Leeds . It . A . 477—Fidelity , 55 Argyle-street . Birkenhead M . M . 36—Furness , Hartington Hotel , Duke-street , Barrow-in-Furness
3—Fidelity , "Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzroy-sq ., at 8 . ( Instruction . 15—Kent , Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow , afc 7 . in . ( Instruction . ) 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavorn , Leadcuhnl I-street . E . G ., at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 87—Vitruvian , White Hart , College-street ., Lambeth , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 211—St . Michaol , Georgo , Australian Avenue , Barbican , E . C , at 8 . ( Inst . ) 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-strcct , Regent-streot , W ; , at 8 . ( last . ) 551—Yarborough , Greon Dragon , Stopnoy
742— Crystal Palaco , Crystal Palace , Sydenham 754—High Cross , Coach , and Horses , Lower Tottenham , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1426-Tho Great City , Masons Hall , Masons Avenue , E . C , at 6 . 30 . ( Inst . ) 1539—Surrey Masonic Hall , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , S . E . 1614—Covent Garden , Ashley ' s Hotel , Henrietta-street , Covent Garden , at 8 . ( In . ) 1677—Crusaders , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s-gato , Clerkenwetl , at 9 . ( In . ) R . A . 753—Princo Frederick William , Lord's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , at 8 . ( Inst . ) M . M . —Duke of Connaught , Havelock , Albion-rd ., Dal-ton , E ., at 8 . 30 . ( Inst .,
24—Newcastle-on-Tyne , Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-st ., Newcastle . 31—United Industrious , Guildhall Concert Room , High-street , Canterbury 38—Union , Council Chamber , Chichester 41—Royal Cumberland , Masonio Hall , Old Orchard-street , Bath 50—Knights of Malta , George Hotel , Hinckley , Leicestershire 123—Lennox , Freemasons' Hall , Richmond , Yorkshiro 215—Commerco , Commercial Hotel , Haslingden
219—Mariners , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 251—Trinity , Craven Arms Hotel , Coventry 266—Naptliali , Masonic Hall , Market-place , Hcywood 269—Fidelity , White Bull Hotel , Blackburn 289—Fidelity , Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , Leeds 291—Constitutional , Assembly Rooms , Beverley , Yorks 295—Combermere Union , Macclesfield Arms , Macclesfield 300—Minerva , Pitt and Nelson , Ashtoii-under-Lyno
300—Harmony , Ito'l Lion , Farcham 317—Affability , Freemasons' Halt , Cooper-street , Manchester . 316—United Brethren , Royal Oak Inn , Clayton-lc-Dale , near Blackburn 330—Charity , Grapes Inn , Stoncclough , nearMancheste .. 360—Pomfrot , Masonic Hall , A . bington-sfcrcct , Norfchamnton . 36 !)—Limestone Rock , Masonic HaU , Church-street , Clitheroo 419—St . Peter , Star and Garter Hotel , Wolverhampton . 425—Cestrian . Grosvenor Hotel . Chc-ter .
432—Abbey , Newdcgalo Arms , Nuneaton . 112—St . I ' ctor , Masonic Hall , Peterborough 4 P!—Benevolent . Town Uall . Wells . Somersetshire 156—Foresters , AVhito Hart Hotel , Uttoxotor 162—Dank Terrace , Hargreavcs Arms Hotel , Acwington 509—Tees . Freemasons' Hall , Stockton , 'Durham . 637—Portland , Masonic Rooms Town Hall , Stoko-upou-Treufc . 792—Pellnim Pillar , Masonic Hall , Bullring-lano , Groat Grimsb
971—Trafalgar , Private Room , Commercial-street , Hnfclov 974—Pentalpha , New Masonic , lln . ll , D ivh ' . y-Rfcvoot , Bradford 1012—Prince of Wales , Derby Hotel , Rnrv , Lancashire . 1074—Undorley , Masonic Room , Market-place , Kirkby Lonsdale 1125—St . Peter , Masonic Hall , Tiverton , Dovon . 1182—Duke of Edinburgh , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . ( Inst . ) 1231—Savile , Royal Hotel , Elland . 1282—Ancholmo , Foresters' Hall , Brigg , Lincolnshire .
1234—Brent , Globo Hold , Topsuam , Devonshire . 130 V—Olive Union , Masonic Uall , Ilorncastlo , Lincolnshire . 1367—Beaminster Manor , Whito tlarfc Hotel , Beaminstor 1384—Equity , AlEorde Chambers , Whines . 1473—Bootle , Town HaU , Bottle , Lancashire . 1500—Walpole , Bell Hotel , Norwich . tool—Re I Rose of Lancaster , Starkie ' s Arms Hotel , Padiham , near Burnley 1514—Thornhdl , Ma onic Room Dearn House , Liadley
1515—Friendly , King's Head Hotel , Barnsley . 1612—West Middlesex , Feathers Hotol , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1639-Wathng-stroet , Cock Hotel , Stoney Stratford , Bucks 1807—Loyal Wye , Builth , Breconshiro R . A . 307—Good Intent , White Horse Hotel , Hebden Bridge R . A . 337—Confidence , Commercial Inn . Upnermill °
R . A . 429—Thanct , Royal Hotel , Ramsgatc , U . A . 581—Rectitude , Corporation Hotel , Tipping-st ., Ardwick , Openshaw . Man R . A . 75 S-Bridgowatcr . Masouic Hall . Runcorn , Cheshire R . A . ' 016—Elkington , Mnsonic HaU , Ncw-streot , llirmmt'Uam M . M . 53 -Britannia , Freemasons' Ff . dl , Sheflield . ° M . M . 158—Rose and Thistlo , 20 King-street , Wigan K . T . —Fearnloy , Masonic Temple , Halifax Road , Dewsbury
FEIDAY , 3 rd OCTOBEE . Emulation Lodgo of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , as 7 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-sweet , W ., at S . ( Instruction ) 507—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Ila . ll , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 7 « fi—William Preston , Feathers Tavern , Up . Georgo-st ., EcW-nre-rd 8 ( Inst ) 834— Uanoln . gh , Bell and Anchor , Hammersmith-road . ( Instruction . ) 902—Burgoyne , Rod Cap , Catndon Town , at 8 . ( Instruction ) P 33--l > orie . ' Duke ' s Head , 79 Whifccehapol-road , at S . ( Instruction )
1056— Metropolitan , Portugal ilotnl , 155 Fleet-street , E . fl . at 7 . ( instruction ) 1158— Helgwc , Jermyn-strcet , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 128 S—Fiusbury Park M . M ., Earl Ru-sell , tsledoivroad , N . at 8 . ( Instruction ) li ' . iS — Royal Standard , Alwyno Castlo , St . Fanl ' s-road , Canonburv at 8 ( In ) I 36 " i—f'inptnn , Whito Hart , Lower Clapton , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) ' nsn—Marque .-s of Ripon , Metropolitan Societies Asylum , Balls Pond Road ll
1627— Royal Kensington , Freemasons' H-, W . C . 612— E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Goii ' . boruc-rd . N . Kensington , at 8 0 ( tust ) Loudon M . isonio Club Lodge of Instruction , 101 Queen VictoHa-strcet . ' ri ( J at ' o !{ . A . 79—Pythagorean , Portland Hotel . London-sr . reet . Greenwich , at 8 ( inst j R . A . 1471—North London , Crown and Woolpack , St . . lohit-st .-rd ., at 8 . ( lust ) Metropolitan Masonic Beuevolcut Association , ir , 5 Fleet-street , E . C . at 3 30 "
• It— Friendship , Freemasons thill . Cooper-street , Manchester 127—Union , . Freemasons' Hall , Margate 219—Prudence , Masonic Hall , Todmorden . 242—St . Georgo , Guildhall , Doucaster . 306—Alfred , Masonic Hall , Kelsall-strect , Leeds . 375—Lambton , Lambton Arms , Chestor-lc-street , Durham
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week
We shall bo obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges hroughout the Kingdom will favour us with , a list of their Days of Meeting , & c , as we have decidod to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
1 » 8—Porcy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1541—Alexander ' Palace , Alexandra Palace , Muswell Hill , N . 1624—Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 170 G—Orpheus , Freemasons' Tavern , W . C . ( Emergency . ) Sinai Chapter of lustructiou , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 149—reace , Private Rooms , Meltham 308—Prince Georgo , Private Rooms , Bottoms , Eastwood 1462—Wharncliffe , Rose and Crown Hotel , Penistouo 1 631—ChisQlhurst , Bull's Head Hotel , Onisclluu'st
45— Strong Man , New Market Hotol , West Smithfield , nt 8 . ( Instruction . ) 174— Sincority , Railway Tavern . London-street , E . G .. at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 180—St . James's Union , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 180—Industry , Bell , Cartor-lanc , Doctors-commons , E . G ., at 6 . 30 . ( Inst . ) 548—Wellington , White Swan , High-street , Deptford , at 8 . ( Instruction . )
704—Camden , Red Cap , Camden Town , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1306—St . John of Wapping . Gun Hotol , High-st ., Wapping , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1425—Hyde Park , Tho Westbom-no , Cvaven-rd ., Paddington , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1489—Marquess of Ripon , Pombnry Tavern , Amhurst-rd ., Hackney , at 7 . 30 . ( In . ) 1623—West Smithfield , Now Market Hotol , King-st ., Snow-hill , at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1625—Tredegar , Royal Hotol , Milo End-road , corner of Burdett-road . ( Inst . )
61—Probity , Freemasons' Hall , St . Johns-place , Halifax 62—Social , Queen ' s Hotol , Manchester . 148—Lights , Masonic Rooms , Warrington 261—Nelson of tho Nile , Freemasons' Hall , Batley 302—Hope , Now Masonic Hall , Darley-strcct , Bradford . 307—Princo Frederick , White Horse Hotel , Hcbden Bridgo 40 R—Threo Graces , Pvivato Booms , Haworth 467—Tudor , Red Lion Hotel , Oldham
613—Unity , Masonic Hall , Southport 820—Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1177—Tenby , Royal Assembly Rooms , Tenby , Pembroko 1449—RQVal Military , Masonic Hall , Canterbury , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1542—Legiolium , Masonic HaU , Carltou-street , Castleford 1575—Clivc , Corbet Arms . Market Drayton R . A . 827—St . John Masonic Temple , Halifax M . M . 146—Moore Masonic Rooms , Athcnioum , Lancaster
65—Constitutional , Bedford Hotel , Sonthampton-bldgs ., Holbovn , nt 7 . ( Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 141—Faith , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street 177—Domatic , Suvvoy Masonic Hall , Camber woll , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 554—Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . ( Instruction . ) 753—Princo Frederick William , Lord's Hotel , St . John's Wood , afc 8 . ( Inst . ) 860—Dalhousie , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , at 8 . ( Instruction . )
1011-Wandsworth , Star and Garter Hotel , St . Ann ' s-hill , Wandsworth . ( Inst . ) 1319—Friars , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1360—Royal Arthur , Prince ' s Head , Battersca Park , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1446—Mount Edgcumbc , 19 Jermyn-strcet , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1471—Islington . Three Bucks , 23 ' Gresham-street , K . C ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1472—Henley , Three Crowns , North Woolwich , at 7 . 30 . ( Inst . ) 1602—Sir Hugh Myddelton , Crown and Woolpack , St . . Tohn's-st .-rd ., at 8 . ( in . ) 1707—Eleanor , Trocadcro , Broad-street-buildings , Liverpool-street , 6 . 30 . ( lust . )
51—Angel , Throe Cups Hotel , Colchester 117—Wyimstny , Raven Hotel , Shrewsbury . at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 126—Silent Temple , Cross Keys Inn , Hnriile . i-241—Merchants , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at ( i . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 299—Emulation , Bull Hotel , Dartford 310—Union , Freemasons' Hall , Castle-sfcrecr , Carlisle 373—Socrates , George Hotel , High-street , Huntingdon . 403—Hertford , Town HaU , Hertford . 573—Perseverance , Shenstone Hotel , Hales Owen
021—Abbey Masonic Hall , Union-street , Bnrton-on-Trent 779—Ferrers and Ivanhoo , Town Hall , Ashby-de-la-Zouch 897—Loyalty , Fleece Inn , St . Helens , Lancashire 9 S 6—Hosketh , Grapes Inn , Croston 1214—Scarborough , Scarborough Hall , Caledonia-road , Batloy 1358—Torbay , Town Hall , Paignton 1566—Ellington , Bell Hotel , Maidenhead 1587—St . Giles , Royal Oak Hotol , Cheadle R . A . 721—Grosvenor , Masonic-chambers , Eastgatc-row-north , Chestei K . T . —Plains of Tabor , Swan Hotel , Colne , Lancashire
193—Confidence , Railway Tavorn , London-street , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 201—Jordan , Devonshire Arms , Devonshire-street , W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 228—United Strength , Hope and Anchor , Crowndalc-rd ., Camden-totvn , 8 . ( In . ) 638—La Tolerance , Green Dragon , 2 Maddox-strout , W ., at 7 . 15 . ( Inst . ) 781—Merchant Navy , Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , E ., at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 813—New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 862—Whittington , Red Lion , Poppin's-court , Fleet-street , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1185—Lewis , Ring ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green , at 7 . ( Instruction . )
1196—Urban , The Three Bucks , Gresham-street , at 6 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1278—Burdett Coutts , Salmon and Ball , Bethnal Green-road , at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1288—Finsbury Park , Earl Russell , Islodon-road , Holloway , afc 8 . ( Instruction . ) Iu 21—Duke of Connaught , Havelock , Albion Road , Dalston , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1558—Duko of Connaught , Class Room , Sutherland Chapel , Walworth , at 8 . ( In . ) 1585—Royal Commemoration , Star aud Garter Hotel , Putney 1687—Tho Rothesay . Inns of Court Hotel , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields 1766—St . Leonard , Town Hall , Shoreditch R . A . 177—Domatic , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-st ., at 8 . ( Instruction . )
74—Athol , Masonic Hall , Severn-street , Birmingham . 81—Doric , Private Koorn , Woodbridge , Suffolk . 125—Prince Edwin , White Hart Hotel , Hythe , Kent . 128—Princo Edwin , Bndge Inn , Boltou-slreet , Bury , Lancashire 210—Duke of Athol , Bowling Green Hotol , Ueutoii 274—Tranquillity , Boar ' s Head Inu , Nowchurch , near Manchester 290—Huddersfield , Masouic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfield 293—Harmony , Masonic Rooms , Aim-sireet , Rochil .-tlo
326—Moira , Freemasons' Hall , Park-street , Bristol 327—AVigton St . Johu , Lion aud Lamb , Wigtou 363—Keystone , Now Inn , Whitworth . 387—Airedale , . Masonic Hall , Westgnte , Shipley . ^^ ^ (; V '' \ H ? '' -s . fre ^ ll : teo"s' ^ f ;! l > Jtin'lc-stA-cot , Newcastlo-on-Tync 41<—I'aitli and unanimity , Masonic Hall , Dorchester 429— Royal Navy , Uo ; , al Hotel , Katr . sgate
171—Silurian , I-reem -. sons' Uall , Dock-street , Newport , Monmouthshire 594—Downshire , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . ( Instruction ) 606—Segontium , the Castle , Carnarvon 611—Marches , Old Rectory , Ludlow 025—Devonshire , Norfolk Hotel , Glossop Mo-Humphrey Chetham Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchestci 6 / J—St . John , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 . ( lustra-tion ) 678-Earl EUcsmere , Church Hotel , Kerslcy , Farnworth , near Bolton .
Diary For The Week
750—Friendship , Freomasons' Hall , Railway-street , Clcckhcatou 972—St . Augustine , Masonic Hall , Canterbury . ( Instruction . ) 992—St . Thomas , Griffin Hotel , Lower Broughton . 1010— Kingston , Masonic Hall , Worship-street , Hull . 1013—Royal Victoria , Masonio Hall . Liverpool . 1037—Portland , Portland Hall , Portland . ( Instruction . ) 1063—Mailing Abbey , Bear Inn , West Mailing , Kent 1085—Hartington , Masonic Hall , Gower-stroet , Derby
1091—Ermo , Ermo Houso , Ivybridgo , Dovon UK 7—Alnwick , Mivso-nic HaU , GUvypavt-stveet , Alnwick ' 1206—Cinque Ports , Bell Hotol , Sandwich . 1274—Earl of Durham , Freemasons' Hall , Chester- ' e-Strect . 1323—Talbot , Masonic Rooms , Wind-street , Swansea 1335—Lindsay , 20 King-street , Wigan . 1351—Marquis of Lome , Masonic Rooms , Leigh , Lancashire . 1356—Do Grey & Ripon , 140 North Hill St ., Toxtoth Park , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . ( In . )
1363—Tyndall , Town Hall , Chipping Sodbnry , Gloucester 1103—West Lancashire Commercial Hotel , Ormskivk 1131—St . Alphego , George Hotel , Solihull . 1511—Alexandra , Masonic Hall , Hornsea , Hull . ( Inst . ) 1549—Abercorn , Abercorn Hotol , Great Stanmore 1620—Marlborough , Derby Hall , Tue Brook , Liverpool .
1615—Colne Valley , Lowisham Hotel , Slaifchwaito . R . A . 86—Lebanon Masouic Hall , Proscofc R . A . 300—Perseverance , Pitt and Nelson Hotel , Ashton-undor-Lyne . R . A . 301—Philanthropic , Masonio Hull , Gt . Geovge-stvoet , Leeds . It . A . 477—Fidelity , 55 Argyle-street . Birkenhead M . M . 36—Furness , Hartington Hotel , Duke-street , Barrow-in-Furness
3—Fidelity , "Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzroy-sq ., at 8 . ( Instruction . 15—Kent , Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow , afc 7 . in . ( Instruction . ) 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavorn , Leadcuhnl I-street . E . G ., at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 87—Vitruvian , White Hart , College-street ., Lambeth , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 211—St . Michaol , Georgo , Australian Avenue , Barbican , E . C , at 8 . ( Inst . ) 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-strcct , Regent-streot , W ; , at 8 . ( last . ) 551—Yarborough , Greon Dragon , Stopnoy
742— Crystal Palaco , Crystal Palace , Sydenham 754—High Cross , Coach , and Horses , Lower Tottenham , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1426-Tho Great City , Masons Hall , Masons Avenue , E . C , at 6 . 30 . ( Inst . ) 1539—Surrey Masonic Hall , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , S . E . 1614—Covent Garden , Ashley ' s Hotel , Henrietta-street , Covent Garden , at 8 . ( In . ) 1677—Crusaders , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s-gato , Clerkenwetl , at 9 . ( In . ) R . A . 753—Princo Frederick William , Lord's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , at 8 . ( Inst . ) M . M . —Duke of Connaught , Havelock , Albion-rd ., Dal-ton , E ., at 8 . 30 . ( Inst .,
24—Newcastle-on-Tyne , Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-st ., Newcastle . 31—United Industrious , Guildhall Concert Room , High-street , Canterbury 38—Union , Council Chamber , Chichester 41—Royal Cumberland , Masonio Hall , Old Orchard-street , Bath 50—Knights of Malta , George Hotel , Hinckley , Leicestershire 123—Lennox , Freemasons' Hall , Richmond , Yorkshiro 215—Commerco , Commercial Hotel , Haslingden
219—Mariners , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 251—Trinity , Craven Arms Hotel , Coventry 266—Naptliali , Masonic Hall , Market-place , Hcywood 269—Fidelity , White Bull Hotel , Blackburn 289—Fidelity , Masonic Hall , Carlton-hill , Leeds 291—Constitutional , Assembly Rooms , Beverley , Yorks 295—Combermere Union , Macclesfield Arms , Macclesfield 300—Minerva , Pitt and Nelson , Ashtoii-under-Lyno
300—Harmony , Ito'l Lion , Farcham 317—Affability , Freemasons' Halt , Cooper-street , Manchester . 316—United Brethren , Royal Oak Inn , Clayton-lc-Dale , near Blackburn 330—Charity , Grapes Inn , Stoncclough , nearMancheste .. 360—Pomfrot , Masonic Hall , A . bington-sfcrcct , Norfchamnton . 36 !)—Limestone Rock , Masonic HaU , Church-street , Clitheroo 419—St . Peter , Star and Garter Hotel , Wolverhampton . 425—Cestrian . Grosvenor Hotel . Chc-ter .
432—Abbey , Newdcgalo Arms , Nuneaton . 112—St . I ' ctor , Masonic Hall , Peterborough 4 P!—Benevolent . Town Uall . Wells . Somersetshire 156—Foresters , AVhito Hart Hotel , Uttoxotor 162—Dank Terrace , Hargreavcs Arms Hotel , Acwington 509—Tees . Freemasons' Hall , Stockton , 'Durham . 637—Portland , Masonic Rooms Town Hall , Stoko-upou-Treufc . 792—Pellnim Pillar , Masonic Hall , Bullring-lano , Groat Grimsb
971—Trafalgar , Private Room , Commercial-street , Hnfclov 974—Pentalpha , New Masonic , lln . ll , D ivh ' . y-Rfcvoot , Bradford 1012—Prince of Wales , Derby Hotel , Rnrv , Lancashire . 1074—Undorley , Masonic Room , Market-place , Kirkby Lonsdale 1125—St . Peter , Masonic Hall , Tiverton , Dovon . 1182—Duke of Edinburgh , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . ( Inst . ) 1231—Savile , Royal Hotel , Elland . 1282—Ancholmo , Foresters' Hall , Brigg , Lincolnshire .
1234—Brent , Globo Hold , Topsuam , Devonshire . 130 V—Olive Union , Masonic Uall , Ilorncastlo , Lincolnshire . 1367—Beaminster Manor , Whito tlarfc Hotel , Beaminstor 1384—Equity , AlEorde Chambers , Whines . 1473—Bootle , Town HaU , Bottle , Lancashire . 1500—Walpole , Bell Hotel , Norwich . tool—Re I Rose of Lancaster , Starkie ' s Arms Hotel , Padiham , near Burnley 1514—Thornhdl , Ma onic Room Dearn House , Liadley
1515—Friendly , King's Head Hotel , Barnsley . 1612—West Middlesex , Feathers Hotol , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1639-Wathng-stroet , Cock Hotel , Stoney Stratford , Bucks 1807—Loyal Wye , Builth , Breconshiro R . A . 307—Good Intent , White Horse Hotel , Hebden Bridge R . A . 337—Confidence , Commercial Inn . Upnermill °
R . A . 429—Thanct , Royal Hotel , Ramsgatc , U . A . 581—Rectitude , Corporation Hotel , Tipping-st ., Ardwick , Openshaw . Man R . A . 75 S-Bridgowatcr . Masouic Hall . Runcorn , Cheshire R . A . ' 016—Elkington , Mnsonic HaU , Ncw-streot , llirmmt'Uam M . M . 53 -Britannia , Freemasons' Ff . dl , Sheflield . ° M . M . 158—Rose and Thistlo , 20 King-street , Wigan K . T . —Fearnloy , Masonic Temple , Halifax Road , Dewsbury
FEIDAY , 3 rd OCTOBEE . Emulation Lodgo of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , as 7 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-sweet , W ., at S . ( Instruction ) 507—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Ila . ll , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 7 « fi—William Preston , Feathers Tavern , Up . Georgo-st ., EcW-nre-rd 8 ( Inst ) 834— Uanoln . gh , Bell and Anchor , Hammersmith-road . ( Instruction . ) 902—Burgoyne , Rod Cap , Catndon Town , at 8 . ( Instruction ) P 33--l > orie . ' Duke ' s Head , 79 Whifccehapol-road , at S . ( Instruction )
1056— Metropolitan , Portugal ilotnl , 155 Fleet-street , E . fl . at 7 . ( instruction ) 1158— Helgwc , Jermyn-strcet , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 128 S—Fiusbury Park M . M ., Earl Ru-sell , tsledoivroad , N . at 8 . ( Instruction ) li ' . iS — Royal Standard , Alwyno Castlo , St . Fanl ' s-road , Canonburv at 8 ( In ) I 36 " i—f'inptnn , Whito Hart , Lower Clapton , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) ' nsn—Marque .-s of Ripon , Metropolitan Societies Asylum , Balls Pond Road ll
1627— Royal Kensington , Freemasons' H-, W . C . 612— E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Goii ' . boruc-rd . N . Kensington , at 8 0 ( tust ) Loudon M . isonio Club Lodge of Instruction , 101 Queen VictoHa-strcet . ' ri ( J at ' o !{ . A . 79—Pythagorean , Portland Hotel . London-sr . reet . Greenwich , at 8 ( inst j R . A . 1471—North London , Crown and Woolpack , St . . lohit-st .-rd ., at 8 . ( lust ) Metropolitan Masonic Beuevolcut Association , ir , 5 Fleet-street , E . C . at 3 30 "
• It— Friendship , Freemasons thill . Cooper-street , Manchester 127—Union , . Freemasons' Hall , Margate 219—Prudence , Masonic Hall , Todmorden . 242—St . Georgo , Guildhall , Doucaster . 306—Alfred , Masonic Hall , Kelsall-strect , Leeds . 375—Lambton , Lambton Arms , Chestor-lc-street , Durham