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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cheshire.
verse of the 2 nd chapter of the First Epistle to Petor— "Honour all men , love the brotherhood . " A collection was afterwards mado on behalf of the Provincial Fund of Benevolence and the Stockport Infirmary . The brethreu subsequently bauquetted afc tho Volnnteer Armoury ( specially decorated for tho occasion ) , under the presidency of Bro ,
the Right Hon . Lord do Tabley . During dinner the band of tho 4 th C . R . V . played a choice selection of music , conducted by Mr . T . M'Ardle . Tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wore proposed by Bro . Lord de Tabley , tho health of tho Grand Officers hoing acknowledged by Bro . H . Bnlley Past G . S . B . Bro . G . W . Latham , Acting D . P . G . M ., gavo the toast of Lord do
Tabley , and in doing so referred to the great progress which Masonry had mado in that province during his lordship's fourteen years ' Mastership . The toast was received ] with the utmost enthusiasm and tho P . G . M . in response said Bro . Latham had so cordially , so warmly proposed his health , in terms far too flattering to himself and to his personal
merits , but not too flattering to the reception the Provincial Grand Master had met with that day as Provincial Grand Master , a reception of which any ono might well be proud . As he went through tho streets he found a welcome which nothing could exceed . It was not the first timo he had been in Stockport , and ho felt bound to say that in no town did he find warmer hearts or a moro cordial welcome than he
did amongst his fellow-countrymen in Stockport . He had a grateful recollection of their kindness , and ho always looked forward to tho timo when tho visit should recur again . Bro . Latham had reflected that siuce they had last tho pleasure of meeting here a period had elapsed which would givo food , and ample food for reflection . For his own part , ho could only refer with unmixed gratitude to his own
experience . He entered upon his dnties with an anxious desire to do what in him lay for the benefit of Masonry , and now , after tho lapse of so many years , his heart still boat as warm towards Masonry as ifc did in the beginning , and he hoped it would still continue to beat as warm till his dying day . Since that time Masonry had made great progress , and now its members were numbered by hundreds , and
thero wero only two or three provinces before them in the aunals of charity . Masonry , of course , was not without its ups and clowns , its little differences of opinion , which wero to be regretted ; but lie was happy to say , that everything of that kind had passed away , and harmony—ho hoped perpetual harmony—had been restored , which throughout the province there wonld be a determination to support and maintain . Ho thanked them most cordially for the rccoption mot
with that day , and more particularly were his thanks duo to the brethren of Stockport . Every brother wonld recollect that thero was great gratitnde due to the Stockport Lodges for tho way iu which they had boon received . Ho again thanked them for tho way in which they had drunk his health , and ho was sure they would continue to give tho same warm support to Masonry when his own heart had censed to beat .
' I he P . G . M . next gave the least of the " Hon . Wilbraham Egerton , M . P ., lt . W . D . P . G . Master , and the other P . G . Officers . " Uo was sorry that , tin" Deputy L ' roviucial Grand Master was abroad , aud iu his absence lie called upon their excellent brother John Wood to respond . Bro . John Wood P . G . S . W . said it was a matter of great satisfaction
to him , as a . Stockport , Mason , io sec l . h . < magnificent spectacle which had been presented that day in the church , on the road , and at the banquet . Ifc would be a matter of grateful reracbranco to him that Stockport had not come short of what was expected of it . Ho had no doubt that wonld remain a prominent day in the memory of the Eight Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , and of every brother who
had beon present . Bro . F . A . Dickson P . G . J . W . proposed the toast of the " Visiting P . G . Masters and other visiting brethren , " and called upon tho Mayor of Stockport , Bro . J . L . Vaughan P . M . 1 , 030 , and Captain Turner P . P . G . S . W . of Derbyshire . The Mayor of Stockport , in responding , said it gavo him great
pleasure to be present , both as a Past Master of a neighbouring Lodge and as Mayor of this Borough . It would be one of the most pleasing recollections of his life . Captain Turner said ho did not expect his namo to bo coupled with the toast , and he felt somo difficulty in answering it according to its merits . At the same time ho folt that he had not dono himself justice
in living so long in the neighbourhood of Stockport and yet having to respond to the toast of tho visitors . The P . G . M . then proposed the health of the Masters of Lodges 104 , 287 , 322 , and 323 , Stockport . It would be invidious to particularise any of them , and therefore lie wonld only call attention to the noble exertions made by the St . John's Lodge 104 in the cause of charity . The W . M . ' s of tho several Lodges responded to the toast .
Bro . tho Rev . It . Hodgson P . G . C . proposed the toast , " Prosperity to the Masonic Charities . " Every brother present would agree with him that if Masonry was not charity , ifc was nothing at all . If it was not a reality , Masonry was simply humbug , aud nothing more . He was not of those who discouraged the good things of this life , for he thought it was a grand thing for the brethren to come together
in pleasant social intercourse , but the principal object of Masonry was its Masonic Charities , and he was happy to say they wero amongst the largest in England . Brother Piatt P . P . G . J . VV ., Treasnrer for tho Masonic Educational Institution in Cheshire , responded . For tho first time , during a period of 10 years , thoy had been able to meet all their p ; iyments ° by the interest on their investments .
The P . G . M . next proposed the P . G . Stewards , who had so well discharged their dnties . Bro . Wm . Booth S . D . 101 , responding for the Stewards , said , although the duties might be arduous , there was an amount of pleasure in assisting in the success of the Provincial Grand Lodgo meetiii " which was its own reward . The decorations of the room were the Work of one of tho P . G . . Stewards , Bro . Hill P . M ., to whom they would agree great credit was duo .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cheshire.
The P . G . Tyler then gave tho last toast , " To all poor and distressed Masons throughout tho world . " The P . G . M . then brought the happy meeting to a close , after thanking them once again for the hearty welcome he had received in tho good old town of Stockport .
A very choice selection of musio was performed during the toasts , under the direction of the P . G . Organist , Bro . Cuzuer . Tho proceedings at the banquet were ably directed by Bro . Finch tho Prov . G . D . C , who with tho aid of a " herald " announced tho toasts and led tho " honours " with telling effect .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of North And East Yorkshire.
THE annual meeting of this Grand Lodgo was held on Wednesday , tho 17 th inst ., in the Guildhall , York , under the presidency of tho lt . W . the Provincial Grand Master tho Earl of Zetland . He was supported by Bro . Dr . Pearson Bell , M . D ., J . P ., P . S . G . D . Deputy Prov . Grand Master , the various Officers of tho year , and a numerous gathering of Past Prov . Grand Officers , Masters , and members of the Lodges of the Province , tho moetiug being ono of tho largest
ever known in this district . Prov . Grand Lodge having been oponed in due form , the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The Prov . Grand Secretary then announced that several letters of apology had been rccoived from brothren unable to attend , aud then proceeded to read tho report of the Board of Benevolence which had beon held that day . This report contained ,
among other items , the announcement that the Treasurer ' s balance sheet had been adopted ; and that tho proposed bye-laws for tho Charity Committeo had been received , aud , on motion , referred back to tho brethren in whose hands tho matter had been placed at last meeting . The Board recommended four grants respectively of £ 20 , £ 10 , £ 15 , and £ 10 , to relieve cases of distress brought under their
notice , and discussed various matters of interest to the brethren as regards tho voting of tho Province at the London Charities . The report was received and tho grants confirmed . The Prov . G . Treas . then read the balance sheet for tho past year , by which it appears that tho sum of £ 13 Is was given to charitable institutions , and u balance of £ 22 19 s 2 d remained in hand above the
amount of the invested funds . A motion was then brought under the notice of Grand Lodge by Prov . G . Treasnrer , to devote tho sum of £ 123 to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freomasons , in order to qualify tho Province as Vice President of each Fund of that Institution ; and , being seconded by tho D . Prov . G . Master , was carried unanimously . The Prov . G . Treasurer
was authorised to pay the amount afc once . The various Lodges then presented their returns , and a sum of £ 107 4 s for dues was handed in . The Committeo appointed to framo laws for a Provincial Charity Committee were re-elected , with the addition to their number of Bro . Marwood . The following brethren were appointed by the Prov . Grand Master as Officers for tho year : —
J . W . Tavlor P . M . 200 Scnrborongh Prov . G . S . W ., W . H . Rose P . M . COO J . W , V ,. M . Taylor 0 : 13 Chaplain , Henry Green P . M . 030 Registrar , M . C I ' eck P . M . 10-1-0 Secretary , Thomas Thompson P . M . 57 S . D ., G . Ayro P . M . 1410 J . D ., W . F . Falkingbridgo 312 S . of W ., F . Foster P . M . 1248 D . of C , J . Field P . M . G 43 S . W . B ., C . W . Cheesman W . M . 1005 Organist , J . Walls 23 G Pursuivant , F . J .
Lambert 1010 Tyler , R . W . Hollon P . M . 230 and 1611 re-elected Treasurer . The following Lodges were named as entitled to each nominate a Steward for the year , viz .: —Minerva 250 , Constitutional 294 , Lion 312 , Cleveland 543 , Zetland 561 , and St . Germain 566 . Tho Provincial G . Master stated that he had received an invitation for next year ' s meeting from tho Old Globe Lodge , Scarborough , and
he had great pleasure in accepting it . The next year's meeting would therefore bo held afc Scarborough . He offered thanks to the Lord Mayor of York , for the cordial manner in which he had received them , and placed the Guildhall and Mansion House at their disposal . He likewise thanked the Worshipfnl Master ( Bro . J . S . Cumberland ) and the brethren of the Eboracum Lodge , York , 1611 , for their
hospitable reception , and for the very excellent arrangements which had been made for the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge . As to the position of the Craft in the Province , the Provincial Grand Master added that they had cause for congratulation , in the large assemblage on that occasion . He likewise congratulated them on tho prosperity and perfect harmony that prevailed throughout tho
Province . He had just received an application for the formation of a new Lodge in Middlesbrough , which spoke for itself , notwithstanding the great depression which existed throughout the country , and perhaps more so in that particular district than in any other part of the kingdom , of tho prosperity of Freemasonry . It was a cause for congratulation also that ; they had passed the grant to the Royal
Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons , for it was one from which they had on several occasions received no small share of benefit . This concluding the business of Provincial Graud Lodge tho brethren were formed iu procession and proceeded , headed by tho band of the 4 th iloyal Irish Dragoon Guards , to the Cathedral , where divine service was held . Tho sermon was preached by Bro . the Rev . L . W . Heath ,
M . A ., who founded his discourse on Ephesians 4—16— " From whom the whole body fitly joined together , and compacted by that which every joint supplioth , according to tho effectual working in the measure of every part , maketb increase of tho body into the edifying of itself in love . " In the course of an appropriate sermon , he observed that St . Paul , in another place , spoke of having laid the foundation of
his work as a wise builder , and now he spoke of how the building should be completed and joined together . The text was a just representation of the Church of Christ , and was at the same time an admirable illustration of the principles of Modern Masonry as they kmvv it , and the only end aud object of their practice . He would not attempt to review any of the various theories concerning the origm or organisation of Masonry , its usages , practices , or colebratious m
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cheshire.
verse of the 2 nd chapter of the First Epistle to Petor— "Honour all men , love the brotherhood . " A collection was afterwards mado on behalf of the Provincial Fund of Benevolence and the Stockport Infirmary . The brethreu subsequently bauquetted afc tho Volnnteer Armoury ( specially decorated for tho occasion ) , under the presidency of Bro ,
the Right Hon . Lord do Tabley . During dinner the band of tho 4 th C . R . V . played a choice selection of music , conducted by Mr . T . M'Ardle . Tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wore proposed by Bro . Lord de Tabley , tho health of tho Grand Officers hoing acknowledged by Bro . H . Bnlley Past G . S . B . Bro . G . W . Latham , Acting D . P . G . M ., gavo the toast of Lord do
Tabley , and in doing so referred to the great progress which Masonry had mado in that province during his lordship's fourteen years ' Mastership . The toast was received ] with the utmost enthusiasm and tho P . G . M . in response said Bro . Latham had so cordially , so warmly proposed his health , in terms far too flattering to himself and to his personal
merits , but not too flattering to the reception the Provincial Grand Master had met with that day as Provincial Grand Master , a reception of which any ono might well be proud . As he went through tho streets he found a welcome which nothing could exceed . It was not the first timo he had been in Stockport , and ho felt bound to say that in no town did he find warmer hearts or a moro cordial welcome than he
did amongst his fellow-countrymen in Stockport . He had a grateful recollection of their kindness , and ho always looked forward to tho timo when tho visit should recur again . Bro . Latham had reflected that siuce they had last tho pleasure of meeting here a period had elapsed which would givo food , and ample food for reflection . For his own part , ho could only refer with unmixed gratitude to his own
experience . He entered upon his dnties with an anxious desire to do what in him lay for the benefit of Masonry , and now , after tho lapse of so many years , his heart still boat as warm towards Masonry as ifc did in the beginning , and he hoped it would still continue to beat as warm till his dying day . Since that time Masonry had made great progress , and now its members were numbered by hundreds , and
thero wero only two or three provinces before them in the aunals of charity . Masonry , of course , was not without its ups and clowns , its little differences of opinion , which wero to be regretted ; but lie was happy to say , that everything of that kind had passed away , and harmony—ho hoped perpetual harmony—had been restored , which throughout the province there wonld be a determination to support and maintain . Ho thanked them most cordially for the rccoption mot
with that day , and more particularly were his thanks duo to the brethren of Stockport . Every brother wonld recollect that thero was great gratitnde due to the Stockport Lodges for tho way iu which they had boon received . Ho again thanked them for tho way in which they had drunk his health , and ho was sure they would continue to give tho same warm support to Masonry when his own heart had censed to beat .
' I he P . G . M . next gave the least of the " Hon . Wilbraham Egerton , M . P ., lt . W . D . P . G . Master , and the other P . G . Officers . " Uo was sorry that , tin" Deputy L ' roviucial Grand Master was abroad , aud iu his absence lie called upon their excellent brother John Wood to respond . Bro . John Wood P . G . S . W . said it was a matter of great satisfaction
to him , as a . Stockport , Mason , io sec l . h . < magnificent spectacle which had been presented that day in the church , on the road , and at the banquet . Ifc would be a matter of grateful reracbranco to him that Stockport had not come short of what was expected of it . Ho had no doubt that wonld remain a prominent day in the memory of the Eight Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , and of every brother who
had beon present . Bro . F . A . Dickson P . G . J . W . proposed the toast of the " Visiting P . G . Masters and other visiting brethren , " and called upon tho Mayor of Stockport , Bro . J . L . Vaughan P . M . 1 , 030 , and Captain Turner P . P . G . S . W . of Derbyshire . The Mayor of Stockport , in responding , said it gavo him great
pleasure to be present , both as a Past Master of a neighbouring Lodge and as Mayor of this Borough . It would be one of the most pleasing recollections of his life . Captain Turner said ho did not expect his namo to bo coupled with the toast , and he felt somo difficulty in answering it according to its merits . At the same time ho folt that he had not dono himself justice
in living so long in the neighbourhood of Stockport and yet having to respond to the toast of tho visitors . The P . G . M . then proposed the health of the Masters of Lodges 104 , 287 , 322 , and 323 , Stockport . It would be invidious to particularise any of them , and therefore lie wonld only call attention to the noble exertions made by the St . John's Lodge 104 in the cause of charity . The W . M . ' s of tho several Lodges responded to the toast .
Bro . tho Rev . It . Hodgson P . G . C . proposed the toast , " Prosperity to the Masonic Charities . " Every brother present would agree with him that if Masonry was not charity , ifc was nothing at all . If it was not a reality , Masonry was simply humbug , aud nothing more . He was not of those who discouraged the good things of this life , for he thought it was a grand thing for the brethren to come together
in pleasant social intercourse , but the principal object of Masonry was its Masonic Charities , and he was happy to say they wero amongst the largest in England . Brother Piatt P . P . G . J . VV ., Treasnrer for tho Masonic Educational Institution in Cheshire , responded . For tho first time , during a period of 10 years , thoy had been able to meet all their p ; iyments ° by the interest on their investments .
The P . G . M . next proposed the P . G . Stewards , who had so well discharged their dnties . Bro . Wm . Booth S . D . 101 , responding for the Stewards , said , although the duties might be arduous , there was an amount of pleasure in assisting in the success of the Provincial Grand Lodgo meetiii " which was its own reward . The decorations of the room were the Work of one of tho P . G . . Stewards , Bro . Hill P . M ., to whom they would agree great credit was duo .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cheshire.
The P . G . Tyler then gave tho last toast , " To all poor and distressed Masons throughout tho world . " The P . G . M . then brought the happy meeting to a close , after thanking them once again for the hearty welcome he had received in tho good old town of Stockport .
A very choice selection of musio was performed during the toasts , under the direction of the P . G . Organist , Bro . Cuzuer . Tho proceedings at the banquet were ably directed by Bro . Finch tho Prov . G . D . C , who with tho aid of a " herald " announced tho toasts and led tho " honours " with telling effect .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of North And East Yorkshire.
THE annual meeting of this Grand Lodgo was held on Wednesday , tho 17 th inst ., in the Guildhall , York , under the presidency of tho lt . W . the Provincial Grand Master tho Earl of Zetland . He was supported by Bro . Dr . Pearson Bell , M . D ., J . P ., P . S . G . D . Deputy Prov . Grand Master , the various Officers of tho year , and a numerous gathering of Past Prov . Grand Officers , Masters , and members of the Lodges of the Province , tho moetiug being ono of tho largest
ever known in this district . Prov . Grand Lodge having been oponed in due form , the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The Prov . Grand Secretary then announced that several letters of apology had been rccoived from brothren unable to attend , aud then proceeded to read tho report of the Board of Benevolence which had beon held that day . This report contained ,
among other items , the announcement that the Treasurer ' s balance sheet had been adopted ; and that tho proposed bye-laws for tho Charity Committeo had been received , aud , on motion , referred back to tho brethren in whose hands tho matter had been placed at last meeting . The Board recommended four grants respectively of £ 20 , £ 10 , £ 15 , and £ 10 , to relieve cases of distress brought under their
notice , and discussed various matters of interest to the brethren as regards tho voting of tho Province at the London Charities . The report was received and tho grants confirmed . The Prov . G . Treas . then read the balance sheet for tho past year , by which it appears that tho sum of £ 13 Is was given to charitable institutions , and u balance of £ 22 19 s 2 d remained in hand above the
amount of the invested funds . A motion was then brought under the notice of Grand Lodge by Prov . G . Treasnrer , to devote tho sum of £ 123 to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freomasons , in order to qualify tho Province as Vice President of each Fund of that Institution ; and , being seconded by tho D . Prov . G . Master , was carried unanimously . The Prov . G . Treasurer
was authorised to pay the amount afc once . The various Lodges then presented their returns , and a sum of £ 107 4 s for dues was handed in . The Committeo appointed to framo laws for a Provincial Charity Committee were re-elected , with the addition to their number of Bro . Marwood . The following brethren were appointed by the Prov . Grand Master as Officers for tho year : —
J . W . Tavlor P . M . 200 Scnrborongh Prov . G . S . W ., W . H . Rose P . M . COO J . W , V ,. M . Taylor 0 : 13 Chaplain , Henry Green P . M . 030 Registrar , M . C I ' eck P . M . 10-1-0 Secretary , Thomas Thompson P . M . 57 S . D ., G . Ayro P . M . 1410 J . D ., W . F . Falkingbridgo 312 S . of W ., F . Foster P . M . 1248 D . of C , J . Field P . M . G 43 S . W . B ., C . W . Cheesman W . M . 1005 Organist , J . Walls 23 G Pursuivant , F . J .
Lambert 1010 Tyler , R . W . Hollon P . M . 230 and 1611 re-elected Treasurer . The following Lodges were named as entitled to each nominate a Steward for the year , viz .: —Minerva 250 , Constitutional 294 , Lion 312 , Cleveland 543 , Zetland 561 , and St . Germain 566 . Tho Provincial G . Master stated that he had received an invitation for next year ' s meeting from tho Old Globe Lodge , Scarborough , and
he had great pleasure in accepting it . The next year's meeting would therefore bo held afc Scarborough . He offered thanks to the Lord Mayor of York , for the cordial manner in which he had received them , and placed the Guildhall and Mansion House at their disposal . He likewise thanked the Worshipfnl Master ( Bro . J . S . Cumberland ) and the brethren of the Eboracum Lodge , York , 1611 , for their
hospitable reception , and for the very excellent arrangements which had been made for the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge . As to the position of the Craft in the Province , the Provincial Grand Master added that they had cause for congratulation , in the large assemblage on that occasion . He likewise congratulated them on tho prosperity and perfect harmony that prevailed throughout tho
Province . He had just received an application for the formation of a new Lodge in Middlesbrough , which spoke for itself , notwithstanding the great depression which existed throughout the country , and perhaps more so in that particular district than in any other part of the kingdom , of tho prosperity of Freemasonry . It was a cause for congratulation also that ; they had passed the grant to the Royal
Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons , for it was one from which they had on several occasions received no small share of benefit . This concluding the business of Provincial Graud Lodge tho brethren were formed iu procession and proceeded , headed by tho band of the 4 th iloyal Irish Dragoon Guards , to the Cathedral , where divine service was held . Tho sermon was preached by Bro . the Rev . L . W . Heath ,
M . A ., who founded his discourse on Ephesians 4—16— " From whom the whole body fitly joined together , and compacted by that which every joint supplioth , according to tho effectual working in the measure of every part , maketb increase of tho body into the edifying of itself in love . " In the course of an appropriate sermon , he observed that St . Paul , in another place , spoke of having laid the foundation of
his work as a wise builder , and now he spoke of how the building should be completed and joined together . The text was a just representation of the Church of Christ , and was at the same time an admirable illustration of the principles of Modern Masonry as they kmvv it , and the only end aud object of their practice . He would not attempt to review any of the various theories concerning the origm or organisation of Masonry , its usages , practices , or colebratious m