Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN" STREET . LONDON . "W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establishment for ^ CJLSOliTICJ ZB-A-IN-QTJIETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of tho Masonio Body is directed to tlie many advantages offered . CTJISnSTjr ; OF TITIE HIGHEST CHABACTEE . WINES PERFECT IN CONDITION AND QUALITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 31 : KESTAURANT , WINE , SAfOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence anil support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , PESfJHURCH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH < £ GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Gold Luncheons on . the Ground IT'loor ; This Room will accommodato 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c ., FROM THE GRILL ; Tho Grill Boom will scat 150 iici-sous . REID'S TREBLE STOUT , WORTHINDTON'S ALES , BERLIN TIVOLI BEER . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OP THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED PORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF THE BEST QUALITY . Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . L ; ito of Pimm ' s , and tlio Crystal Palace .
mtSAirnft FROM THK JOINT fmmTWBIiVK to TURKE o ' clock . lllAllHr H \ CHOPS and STKAKS from the GR'LL till FIVE o ' clock . WllllflfcaS & V T . MAIDWKM ,, Hercules Tavern , Leadonhall-st ., City , E . C .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . BRO . ISAAC , who lias for somo timo pastproviiiert for tlio requireincuts of this Lodge , begs to iimionwc th-ifc he hiis obtained permission for tho removal ofhis license to the Helved * ve-rond , and that ho is about to erect commodious premises there . These will comprise . A . SIP-A-CIOTTS ZM ^ SOIETIC ZHZ-A-LID . WITH ANTE ROOMS , LAUGH ISANQTIETTrNG HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . ¦ Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to bo addressed G . ISAAC , " WHITE HART , " C ' ottiKr . SIRETJT , LAMBETH , LOSDOX , S . E .
NOW READY , Price 2 s , Crown Svo , stiff paper covers ; 2 s Cd cloth lettered . ! toita * i ; fn 0 ! gptewwif § ttml ami Mbmrnm , EMBRACING THE CORRESPONDENCE UNDER THE RESPECTIVE HEADINGS OB PAST MASTEBS AS PBECEPTOES , UNIFOEMITY OF WOBKING , and "WHICH IS COEBECT ? With extracts from the Masonic Publications and 3 ISS . letters of distinguished Masons ; Masonic 1 'oents , and other interesting information . By BRO . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z ., & c . Sent by post on receipt of stamps by Bro . JAMES STBVKCS , 11 -J High Street , Clapham , S . W ., or by Bro . W . W . JIoucux , W Barbican , London , E . C .
LONDON MASONIC CHARITY ASSOCIATION . OCTOBER ELECTIONS , 1879 . The Committee have scleeted the following Candidates , and rc'iucst the votes of tho London Brethren on their behalf : — BOYS . GIRLS . No . 15 . W . Tracy No . 17 . C . A . Fellows „ 3 D . C . 0 . Wagstaff „ 27 . M . A . A . Wyatt „ IU . W . H . Bnzlcy „ 15 . A . M . Dawson „ 7 : J . A , A . Geo ,, s . J . S . II . Priestley . „ 77 . J . B . Frost „ !) . E . E . Williams „ CO . J . C . Johnson „ . J . M . Harvey . Proxies to be sent , to Bro . A . TISLT . Y , Hon . Secretary L . M . C . A ., 1 Clifford ' s Inn , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
Published monthly , Demy 8 vo , Trice Od . mllE CHESS PLAYER'S CHRONICLE . A List of Rare and Interesting Works on Chess , Cards , & c . can be had on application to W . W . JIOIIGAN , ( 37 Barbican , E . C . Any Modern Works ( American or Continental ) procured at short notice .
a ^^^^ P ^^ a frfcyg'rerWAw ^ 67 BARBICAN " . E . C .
District Grand Lodge Of Malta.
THE half-yearly Communication of this District Grand Lodge was held on the 16 th September , afc tho Masonic Hall , Valetta . Present-. —Worshipful Bros . A . M . Broadley D . D . G . M . as P . G . M . on tho throne , Thomas Fellowes Reade P . D . D . G . M . of Egypt , and Political Agent and Consul General of H . B . Majesty in the Regency of Tunis , Rotherham D . G . S . W . as D . D . G . M ., Lieut . Coffey , R . A ., D . G . J . W .
as D . G . S . W ., Riochelmann P . D . G . J . W . as D . G . J . W ., Dahn D . G . Registrar , Westrnp and Read P . D . G . Registrars , Segond D . G . Treas . ; Bros . J . W . Starkey D . G . Sec , Jones D . G . S . D ., Crabtreo D . G . J . D ., tho D . G . D . of C Capt . Blako R . A ., Superintendent of Works , Capt . Mortimer D . G . Sword Bearer , the D . G . Standard Bearer , Major Ewing D . G . Organist , King , Stanley , Cummings , Miller Stewards ,
and Beck D . G . Tyler , together with over forty members of tho Lodges 349 , 107 , and 515 , and numerous Visitors belonging both to the Irish and Scotch Constitutions , forming : one of tho most numerously attended D . G . Lodges on record . D . G . Lodge having been opened iu duo form tho usual honours were given to tho D . D . G . M . and Bro . Reade P . D . D . G . M . of Egypt . The minutes of the
communication hold on the 10 th April last , as well as thoso of the Board of General Purposes of tho 15 th of September , were read and confirmed . Tho D . D . G . M . then referred to the presence in D . G . L . of their illustrious visitor , W . Bro . T . F . Reado P . D . D . G . M . for Egypt , who was now on his way from Smyrna to fill tho important post of British Agent and Consul General in the Regencv of Tunis , alluding at tho
same time to the invalnable services he had rendered in the past to English Freemasonry in the East , while acting for two years as W . M . of tho Bulwor Lodge , No . 1008 , at Cairo , and then as D . D . G . M . of Egypt , nnder II . lt . H . R . W . Bro . Ilalim Pasha , the enlightened and talented uncle of tho late Viceroy . An address of congratulation had been prepared for presentation to W . Bro . Reado on his arrival
in the district , and duly signed by tho principal Officers of D . G . Lodge . This address was then read by the D . G . Sec , and presented to Bro . Reade , who expressed in feeling terms his acknowledgments for the fraternal reception accorded him by tho Malta brethren , whom he assured that no exertion would bo wanting on his part to aid tho D . D . G . M . iu his efforts for the welfare of the Craft in tho District ,
and above all for the continued prosperity of the two Lodges in the country to which he was : now journeying ( applause ) . The D . D . G . M . said ho could net hope to discharge his duties in the way they were accustomed to in tho D . G . M . Ho had sent a telegram containing fraternal greetings to R . W . Bro . Kingston , now in England , and who had recently sat as P . G . M . in the Communication of U . G . Lodge .
lie dwelt on the peculiar interest in the District caused by the opening of the " William Kingston " Lodge , No . 1835 , at the Goletta , iu the Regency of Tunis—a Lodge called after their zealous and popular D . G . M ., and working on the site of Ancient Carthage and tho warfare of the Kni g hts of Malta in the Middle Ages . He trusted the general prosperity of Freemasonry , both within and without the
District would continue , and that ono and all of those present would unite with the D . G . M . in upholding tho anciont prestige of the Craft in the island of Malta . Tho P . G . Sec . rose and read congratulatory telegrams from the W . M . elect and Wardens of Lodge No . 1717 , at Tunis , and from the W . M . and Wardens of Lodge No . 1835 , afc the Goletta . These fraternal messages were much appreciated by
tho brethreu present . Letters of apology for non-attendanco were read from P . D . D . G . M . Bro . Roscnbusch aud others . Tho Acting D . G . Chaplain having offered up prayer , D . G . Lodge was duly closed in aucient form . The brethren then withdrew to a banquet , under tho presidency of the D . D . G . M ., supported by the Grand Officers , and having W . Bro . Reade on his right . The usual loyal toasts having
been given , the Acting D . D . G . M . Bro . Rotherham proposed , in most cordial and commendatory terras , the health of the D . D . G . M . Bro . Broadley . The toast having beon enthusiastically received , that brother returned thanks , and proposed the health of the Visitors , coupling with it the name of W . Bro . Reade , their illustrious Visitor .
W . Bro . Reade thanked the brethren at some length , and expressed his earnest wish to promote the interest of pure English Masonry in the conn try where his revered father , Sir Thomas Reade , had laboured for more than a quarter of a century . The T yler ' s toast brought a very agreeable evening to a close shortly before midnight .
Royal Ark Masonry In Malta
A Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners , named tho Saint Elmo Lodge , 1 KI 3 been formed at Malta , under the auspices of tho " Broadley " Mark Lodge . The first meeting was hold at the Masonic Hall , Valetta , ou 9 th September , when tho W . M . M . of the "Broadley " Lodge , Bro . Lieut . Charles Edward Coffey , R . A ., was installed as
W . C . N , of tho now Lodgo by Bro . Cliev . Edward Rosenbnsch and Bro . Capt , Charles John Blake , R . A . Seventeen Mark Masters were afterwards advanced to the degree of Royal Ark Mariners , from among whom the W . C . N , named the officers of tbe Lodge for tbo ensuing year . Lodge was then closed in due and ancient form .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN" STREET . LONDON . "W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establishment for ^ CJLSOliTICJ ZB-A-IN-QTJIETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of tho Masonio Body is directed to tlie many advantages offered . CTJISnSTjr ; OF TITIE HIGHEST CHABACTEE . WINES PERFECT IN CONDITION AND QUALITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 31 : KESTAURANT , WINE , SAfOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence anil support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , PESfJHURCH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH < £ GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Gold Luncheons on . the Ground IT'loor ; This Room will accommodato 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c ., FROM THE GRILL ; Tho Grill Boom will scat 150 iici-sous . REID'S TREBLE STOUT , WORTHINDTON'S ALES , BERLIN TIVOLI BEER . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OP THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED PORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF THE BEST QUALITY . Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . L ; ito of Pimm ' s , and tlio Crystal Palace .
mtSAirnft FROM THK JOINT fmmTWBIiVK to TURKE o ' clock . lllAllHr H \ CHOPS and STKAKS from the GR'LL till FIVE o ' clock . WllllflfcaS & V T . MAIDWKM ,, Hercules Tavern , Leadonhall-st ., City , E . C .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . BRO . ISAAC , who lias for somo timo pastproviiiert for tlio requireincuts of this Lodge , begs to iimionwc th-ifc he hiis obtained permission for tho removal ofhis license to the Helved * ve-rond , and that ho is about to erect commodious premises there . These will comprise . A . SIP-A-CIOTTS ZM ^ SOIETIC ZHZ-A-LID . WITH ANTE ROOMS , LAUGH ISANQTIETTrNG HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . ¦ Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to bo addressed G . ISAAC , " WHITE HART , " C ' ottiKr . SIRETJT , LAMBETH , LOSDOX , S . E .
NOW READY , Price 2 s , Crown Svo , stiff paper covers ; 2 s Cd cloth lettered . ! toita * i ; fn 0 ! gptewwif § ttml ami Mbmrnm , EMBRACING THE CORRESPONDENCE UNDER THE RESPECTIVE HEADINGS OB PAST MASTEBS AS PBECEPTOES , UNIFOEMITY OF WOBKING , and "WHICH IS COEBECT ? With extracts from the Masonic Publications and 3 ISS . letters of distinguished Masons ; Masonic 1 'oents , and other interesting information . By BRO . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z ., & c . Sent by post on receipt of stamps by Bro . JAMES STBVKCS , 11 -J High Street , Clapham , S . W ., or by Bro . W . W . JIoucux , W Barbican , London , E . C .
LONDON MASONIC CHARITY ASSOCIATION . OCTOBER ELECTIONS , 1879 . The Committee have scleeted the following Candidates , and rc'iucst the votes of tho London Brethren on their behalf : — BOYS . GIRLS . No . 15 . W . Tracy No . 17 . C . A . Fellows „ 3 D . C . 0 . Wagstaff „ 27 . M . A . A . Wyatt „ IU . W . H . Bnzlcy „ 15 . A . M . Dawson „ 7 : J . A , A . Geo ,, s . J . S . II . Priestley . „ 77 . J . B . Frost „ !) . E . E . Williams „ CO . J . C . Johnson „ . J . M . Harvey . Proxies to be sent , to Bro . A . TISLT . Y , Hon . Secretary L . M . C . A ., 1 Clifford ' s Inn , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
Published monthly , Demy 8 vo , Trice Od . mllE CHESS PLAYER'S CHRONICLE . A List of Rare and Interesting Works on Chess , Cards , & c . can be had on application to W . W . JIOIIGAN , ( 37 Barbican , E . C . Any Modern Works ( American or Continental ) procured at short notice .
a ^^^^ P ^^ a frfcyg'rerWAw ^ 67 BARBICAN " . E . C .
District Grand Lodge Of Malta.
THE half-yearly Communication of this District Grand Lodge was held on the 16 th September , afc tho Masonic Hall , Valetta . Present-. —Worshipful Bros . A . M . Broadley D . D . G . M . as P . G . M . on tho throne , Thomas Fellowes Reade P . D . D . G . M . of Egypt , and Political Agent and Consul General of H . B . Majesty in the Regency of Tunis , Rotherham D . G . S . W . as D . D . G . M ., Lieut . Coffey , R . A ., D . G . J . W .
as D . G . S . W ., Riochelmann P . D . G . J . W . as D . G . J . W ., Dahn D . G . Registrar , Westrnp and Read P . D . G . Registrars , Segond D . G . Treas . ; Bros . J . W . Starkey D . G . Sec , Jones D . G . S . D ., Crabtreo D . G . J . D ., tho D . G . D . of C Capt . Blako R . A ., Superintendent of Works , Capt . Mortimer D . G . Sword Bearer , the D . G . Standard Bearer , Major Ewing D . G . Organist , King , Stanley , Cummings , Miller Stewards ,
and Beck D . G . Tyler , together with over forty members of tho Lodges 349 , 107 , and 515 , and numerous Visitors belonging both to the Irish and Scotch Constitutions , forming : one of tho most numerously attended D . G . Lodges on record . D . G . Lodge having been opened iu duo form tho usual honours were given to tho D . D . G . M . and Bro . Reade P . D . D . G . M . of Egypt . The minutes of the
communication hold on the 10 th April last , as well as thoso of the Board of General Purposes of tho 15 th of September , were read and confirmed . Tho D . D . G . M . then referred to the presence in D . G . L . of their illustrious visitor , W . Bro . T . F . Reado P . D . D . G . M . for Egypt , who was now on his way from Smyrna to fill tho important post of British Agent and Consul General in the Regencv of Tunis , alluding at tho
same time to the invalnable services he had rendered in the past to English Freemasonry in the East , while acting for two years as W . M . of tho Bulwor Lodge , No . 1008 , at Cairo , and then as D . D . G . M . of Egypt , nnder II . lt . H . R . W . Bro . Ilalim Pasha , the enlightened and talented uncle of tho late Viceroy . An address of congratulation had been prepared for presentation to W . Bro . Reado on his arrival
in the district , and duly signed by tho principal Officers of D . G . Lodge . This address was then read by the D . G . Sec , and presented to Bro . Reade , who expressed in feeling terms his acknowledgments for the fraternal reception accorded him by tho Malta brethren , whom he assured that no exertion would bo wanting on his part to aid tho D . D . G . M . iu his efforts for the welfare of the Craft in tho District ,
and above all for the continued prosperity of the two Lodges in the country to which he was : now journeying ( applause ) . The D . D . G . M . said ho could net hope to discharge his duties in the way they were accustomed to in tho D . G . M . Ho had sent a telegram containing fraternal greetings to R . W . Bro . Kingston , now in England , and who had recently sat as P . G . M . in the Communication of U . G . Lodge .
lie dwelt on the peculiar interest in the District caused by the opening of the " William Kingston " Lodge , No . 1835 , at the Goletta , iu the Regency of Tunis—a Lodge called after their zealous and popular D . G . M ., and working on the site of Ancient Carthage and tho warfare of the Kni g hts of Malta in the Middle Ages . He trusted the general prosperity of Freemasonry , both within and without the
District would continue , and that ono and all of those present would unite with the D . G . M . in upholding tho anciont prestige of the Craft in the island of Malta . Tho P . G . Sec . rose and read congratulatory telegrams from the W . M . elect and Wardens of Lodge No . 1717 , at Tunis , and from the W . M . and Wardens of Lodge No . 1835 , afc the Goletta . These fraternal messages were much appreciated by
tho brethreu present . Letters of apology for non-attendanco were read from P . D . D . G . M . Bro . Roscnbusch aud others . Tho Acting D . G . Chaplain having offered up prayer , D . G . Lodge was duly closed in aucient form . The brethren then withdrew to a banquet , under tho presidency of the D . D . G . M ., supported by the Grand Officers , and having W . Bro . Reade on his right . The usual loyal toasts having
been given , the Acting D . D . G . M . Bro . Rotherham proposed , in most cordial and commendatory terras , the health of the D . D . G . M . Bro . Broadley . The toast having beon enthusiastically received , that brother returned thanks , and proposed the health of the Visitors , coupling with it the name of W . Bro . Reade , their illustrious Visitor .
W . Bro . Reade thanked the brethren at some length , and expressed his earnest wish to promote the interest of pure English Masonry in the conn try where his revered father , Sir Thomas Reade , had laboured for more than a quarter of a century . The T yler ' s toast brought a very agreeable evening to a close shortly before midnight .
Royal Ark Masonry In Malta
A Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners , named tho Saint Elmo Lodge , 1 KI 3 been formed at Malta , under the auspices of tho " Broadley " Mark Lodge . The first meeting was hold at the Masonic Hall , Valetta , ou 9 th September , when tho W . M . M . of the "Broadley " Lodge , Bro . Lieut . Charles Edward Coffey , R . A ., was installed as
W . C . N , of tho now Lodgo by Bro . Cliev . Edward Rosenbnsch and Bro . Capt , Charles John Blake , R . A . Seventeen Mark Masters were afterwards advanced to the degree of Royal Ark Mariners , from among whom the W . C . N , named the officers of tbe Lodge for tbo ensuing year . Lodge was then closed in due and ancient form .