Article ST GEORGE'S LODGE, No 1723. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ST GEORGE'S LODGE, No 1723. Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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St George's Lodge, No 1723.
St . John's Lodge , No . 221 . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 17 th inst ., afc fche Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at six o ' clock in the evening . Present—Bros . James Isherwood W . M ., J . Boothroyd I . P . M ., Peter Bradburn J . W ., G . R . Brockbank P . P . S . G . D . Treasnrer , Charles Crompton S . D ., James Walker J . D ., W . Chambers I . G ., J . S . Sngden , Thomas Morris P . M .,
Higson P . M ., Rufcter P . M ., Forrest , Briscoe Organist , and others . Visitors—Bros . J . Goulburn St . George ' s 1723 , Nightingale and Downes 146 , Sngden P . M . Ripon Lodge , Darlington . The minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , Bros . Fletcher and Bradley passed a satisfactory examination , and were entrusted . Lodge was advanced and Bros . Fletcher and Bradley were passed to the degree
of Fellow Craft by tbe W . M . ; the tools of the degree wero explained by Bro . Boothroyd I . P . M . Lodge being closed to the first degree , Mr . John Swarsbriok jun ., of Horwioh , was duly balloted for , approved , and initiated an E . A . by the W . M ., the working tools of the degree being explained by the J . W ., Bro . Bradburn , and the custernary charge delivered by Bro . G . P . Brockbank , senior P . M . A
gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next meeting , and hearty good wishes were expressed by the visiting brethren . A vote of sympathy and condolence with the family of the late Bro . J . L . Aldred , a P . M . of the Lodge , who , --luring his career , had been a very useful and painstaking member , sparing neither time nor pnrse in promoting the interests of the Craft , especially with reference to the
Charities of the Order , was passed , on the motion of Bro . Brockbank , who briefly referred to the labours Bro . Aldred had taken upon himself in relieving the Treasurer of some of the more onerous portions of his duty , and gratefully acknowledging his efficient services . A portion of the Ancient Charge having been read by fche S . W ., Lodge was closed in harmony afc eight p . m .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Afc the Jolly Farmers Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., on Saturday , 20 th inst . Bros . Gush W . M ., Parks S . W ., Giller J . W ., Gribbell S . D ., Robinson J . D ., Jenkins I . G ., Fenner Acting Preceptor , and Galer Sec . ; also Bros . Jones , Lardner , Manger , Darnell , Snook , Powell , and Bullock . After the formal bnsiness Bro . Lardner worked the first section of the third
lecture , assisted by fche brethren . Lodge was resumed to fche second degree , and Bro . Jones offered himself as a candidate , underwent examination , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The Lodge was called off and on . The W . M . worked the second section , and Bro . Lardner the third , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was closed in the third and second degrees . Bro . Bullock , of tbe Walton
Lodge , 1086 , was unanimously elected a member . Bro . Parkes was elected W . M . for the ensuing fortnight . Brethren are cordially invited to attend on this Saturday , the 27 th iust ., when the Fifteen Sections will be worked under fche presidency of Bro . A . W . Fenner P . M . 1693 , assisted by Bros . D . Moss J . W . 1275 , and J . A . Powell 186 .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No 766 . — Held afc the St . Andrew , George-street , Manchester-square , W ., on Friday , 19 th inst . Present—Bros . G . Coop W . M ., Wood S . W ., Tribble J . W ., Cursons S . D ., R . Smith J . D ., Antina I . G ., H . Moore Secretary ; also Bros . Smith , Stevens , Wright , Steng , Cox , Robinson , Halliday , & c . After preliminaries , the W . M . addressed the brethren
in explanation of the science of Freemasonry . After which he called upon Bro . Moore to answer the questions of the firsfc section of the first lecture . After giving the usual charge , the W . M . called upon Bro . Cursons to answer the questions of the second section , which he did with much satisfaction to the brethren . The charge following was responded to by the brethren , and the W . M . called upon Brother
Tribble to answer the questions of the third section . Bro . R . D . Smith answered the questions of the fourth , Bro . Wood the fifth , which he did in a very perfect manner , in the absence of Bro . Cox , who wrote to be excused . This Brother also answered the questions of the sixth section . Bro . F . Smith was then called upon for the answers to the seventh section . The work throughout was done with
great fluency , affording the brethren great pleasure . The Secretary read a letter from Mrs . West , thanking the Lodge for its kind assistance in helping the candidature of her daughter for the Girls ' School ; this has happily been successful . Bro . Halliday was elected a joining member of the Ledge . The Lclge was then closed , after a pleasant evening's meeting .
New Concord Lodge of Instruction , No . 813- —On Wednesday last , at Bro . Langdale's , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate Road . Bro . Trick occupied the chair , supported by Bros . M-irks S . W ., Jones J . W ., P . M . Cusworth Precpptor , Perl Sec , Lone S . D ., Ashton J . D ., Manger I . G . ; P . M . ' s Trewinnard , O'Donnell , Western , Forge . Lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes read , the W . M .
Proceeded to rehearse the ceremony of initiation , Bro . O'Donnell acting as candidate . Bro . O'Donnell then offered himself as a candi . date to be passed , and after answering the necessary questions was duly entrusted . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and the ceremony rehearsed . Lodge was closed in the second degree . The Preceptor proposed that a cordial vote of thanks be re-orded on the minutes for the very able manner in which the W . M . had occupied
and carried out the duties of the chair for the first time in this Lod ge . This was seconded by the J . W ., and unanimously carried . Bro . Marks was elected to the position of W . M . for the ensuing meetln R . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , Lodge w & s closed in perfect harmony , and adjourned until Wednesday next , 31 sfc October , at the hour of eight p . m . precisely , when the Officers for the year ensuing will be elected .
St George's Lodge, No 1723.
Lily of Bichmond Lodge , No . 820 . —A regular meeting of the above Lodge was hold at the Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , on Wednesday , 10 th instant , under the presidency of Bro . Hubbard , the W . M . After opening the Lodge , Brother Hubbard performed the ceremonies of initiation and raising , both of which were rendered most impressively ; Bro . Young P . M . officiating as Organist . After
Lodge was closed , the brethren sat down to a well served banquet The W . M . was particularly terse in giving the toasts , and thereby enabled the brethren to enjoy a long musical evening , songs and recitations being rendered by Bros . Wicks , Snook , Young , Woodman , Phillips , & c , Miss Thomas ably accompanying at the piano . Visitors
—Bros . N . L . Western S . W . 1693 , Snook 1693 , Littlewood P . M . 760 , W . R . Phillips P . M . 975 , Humphreys P . M . St . John ' s , E . Woodman J . W . 1950 , J . Baker 1471 , J . Wicks 813 .
Great Northern Lodge , No . 1287 . —This Lodge opened its winter session on Thursday , the 18 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , when there were as many as sixty-seven members and visitors present . Bro . Thomas Owen the Master of the Lodge presided . There was a full agenda paper , and the whole of the three ceremonies were performed . The members of the Lodge resolved fco increase there initiation fee from seven to ten guineas , and the fee
for joining members from two guineas to four . The Lodge passed a vote of thanks to Brother Sfcaton , the Secretary , and Bro . Henry Cox , a member of the Cranbourne Lodge , for their exertions in securing the election of a daughter of a Past Master of the Lodge to the Girls' School on fche proceeding Saturday . After the dinner , whioh took place at Spiers and Pond ' s , Freemasons' Tavern , a beautiful seletoion of music was given by some of fche brethren .
Lindsay Lodge , No . 1335 . —The usual monthly meeting was held at Wigan , on Wednesday , the 3 rd instant , at 5 o ' clock in the afternoon . Present—Bros . J . D . Murray W . M ., H . T . Byrom S . W ., A . H . Crossley J . W ., Johnson Secretary , R . B . Seddon S . D ., W . Wall J . D ., Boucher I . G ., John Browne and W . M . Wylde Stewards , D . Mortimer P . P . G . O . Berks and Bucks Org . j also Bros . Robert
Halliwell , H . Riddlesworth , Beazar P . M ., and Ralph Betley P . M . Visitors—Bros G . P . Brockbank W . M . 37 P . P . G . S . D . East Lancashire and Grand Steward Scotland , Reginald Young P . P . G . S . D . West Lancashire , John Phillips P . M . 178 , Thomas Millner P . M . 178 , J . W . Ashursfc W . M . 178 , P . Leyland 178 , William Holt 178 , Atherton Ainsworth W . M . 580 . After preliminaries , Bro . W . Rigby waa
raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by the W . M . ( Brother Mnrray ) and was instructed in the working tools of the degree , Lodge was closed to the firsfc degree , when Garnet George Tathani Doctor of Medicine , who had been previously balloted for and elected , was initiated an Entered Apprentice by the W . M ., and fche working tools of the degree were explained fco him , and fche usual charge
delivered . Brother Murray is entitled to great praise for the admirable manner he acquitted himself in the ceremonial , being the only opportunity he has had since his installation into office of proving his efficiency as Master of a Lodge , and certainly the hopes of the brethren were fully realised , fche work was perfect in all its parts . The Lodge was closed in peace and harmony , afc 7 p . m .
New Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1695 . —The weekly meeting was held afc Hornsey Wood Tavern , on Tuesday evening , the 23 rd inst . Present—Bros . Gush W . M ., Russell S . W ., Follitfc J . W ., Fenner Acfcing Preceptor , Berry Sec , Rushton S . D ., Moon J . D ., Haynes I . G ., and Bros . Edmunds , Morris , Smethursfc ,
Flux , Fetch , Amey , Malletfc , Hoare , and Frampfcoa . After preliminaries , the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Hoare candidate . Bro . Morris worked fche firsfc section , and Bro . Fenner the third section of the Lecture . Lodge was then resumed , when Bro . Russell was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
Brixton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1949 . —The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday evening , 23 rd inst ., afc fche Prince Regent Hotel , ( Bro . Monk ' s ) Dulwich-road , East Brixton . Present—C . J . Axford W . M ., S . Richardson S . W ., W . Lucas J . W ., E . A . Francis Preceptor , C . H . Phillips Treasnrer , Hy . M . Williams Secretary , G . W . Knight S . D ., E . A . Albert J . D ., H . Hooper I . G . ; also Bros . C . J . Earney P . M ., Rd . Poore , A . Jones , J . M . Buckley ,
W . E . Farrington , Dore 1949 , Evans 1949 , F . Wootton , H . Martin , F . Hill , Hudspohl , W . Millen . The ceremony of initiation was ably rehearsed , Bro . Martin candidate . Lodge was opened in the second degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , with Bro . Jones as candidate . Lodore was closed in the second degree . Bro . Rioha r dson was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Bros . C . J . Dore 1949 and Hy . Taylor Domatie 177 were elected members . Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned in perfect harmony .
EDUCATION . — HAMBURG . Bro . JOHN A . NEECK , 9 Bundesstrasse , HAMBURG , Is prepared to receive into his Family TWO OR THREE ENGLISH YOUTHS AS BOARDERS , During the time they attend School in this City . CAREFUL SUPERVISION , KIND TREATMENT , BEST BODILY & MENTAL CARE High "References in England and Hamburg . "Fiaosi'EOT'D ' s : F . : R : EJ ZED
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
St George's Lodge, No 1723.
St . John's Lodge , No . 221 . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 17 th inst ., afc fche Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at six o ' clock in the evening . Present—Bros . James Isherwood W . M ., J . Boothroyd I . P . M ., Peter Bradburn J . W ., G . R . Brockbank P . P . S . G . D . Treasnrer , Charles Crompton S . D ., James Walker J . D ., W . Chambers I . G ., J . S . Sngden , Thomas Morris P . M .,
Higson P . M ., Rufcter P . M ., Forrest , Briscoe Organist , and others . Visitors—Bros . J . Goulburn St . George ' s 1723 , Nightingale and Downes 146 , Sngden P . M . Ripon Lodge , Darlington . The minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , Bros . Fletcher and Bradley passed a satisfactory examination , and were entrusted . Lodge was advanced and Bros . Fletcher and Bradley were passed to the degree
of Fellow Craft by tbe W . M . ; the tools of the degree wero explained by Bro . Boothroyd I . P . M . Lodge being closed to the first degree , Mr . John Swarsbriok jun ., of Horwioh , was duly balloted for , approved , and initiated an E . A . by the W . M ., the working tools of the degree being explained by the J . W ., Bro . Bradburn , and the custernary charge delivered by Bro . G . P . Brockbank , senior P . M . A
gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next meeting , and hearty good wishes were expressed by the visiting brethren . A vote of sympathy and condolence with the family of the late Bro . J . L . Aldred , a P . M . of the Lodge , who , --luring his career , had been a very useful and painstaking member , sparing neither time nor pnrse in promoting the interests of the Craft , especially with reference to the
Charities of the Order , was passed , on the motion of Bro . Brockbank , who briefly referred to the labours Bro . Aldred had taken upon himself in relieving the Treasurer of some of the more onerous portions of his duty , and gratefully acknowledging his efficient services . A portion of the Ancient Charge having been read by fche S . W ., Lodge was closed in harmony afc eight p . m .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Afc the Jolly Farmers Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., on Saturday , 20 th inst . Bros . Gush W . M ., Parks S . W ., Giller J . W ., Gribbell S . D ., Robinson J . D ., Jenkins I . G ., Fenner Acting Preceptor , and Galer Sec . ; also Bros . Jones , Lardner , Manger , Darnell , Snook , Powell , and Bullock . After the formal bnsiness Bro . Lardner worked the first section of the third
lecture , assisted by fche brethren . Lodge was resumed to fche second degree , and Bro . Jones offered himself as a candidate , underwent examination , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The Lodge was called off and on . The W . M . worked the second section , and Bro . Lardner the third , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was closed in the third and second degrees . Bro . Bullock , of tbe Walton
Lodge , 1086 , was unanimously elected a member . Bro . Parkes was elected W . M . for the ensuing fortnight . Brethren are cordially invited to attend on this Saturday , the 27 th iust ., when the Fifteen Sections will be worked under fche presidency of Bro . A . W . Fenner P . M . 1693 , assisted by Bros . D . Moss J . W . 1275 , and J . A . Powell 186 .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No 766 . — Held afc the St . Andrew , George-street , Manchester-square , W ., on Friday , 19 th inst . Present—Bros . G . Coop W . M ., Wood S . W ., Tribble J . W ., Cursons S . D ., R . Smith J . D ., Antina I . G ., H . Moore Secretary ; also Bros . Smith , Stevens , Wright , Steng , Cox , Robinson , Halliday , & c . After preliminaries , the W . M . addressed the brethren
in explanation of the science of Freemasonry . After which he called upon Bro . Moore to answer the questions of the firsfc section of the first lecture . After giving the usual charge , the W . M . called upon Bro . Cursons to answer the questions of the second section , which he did with much satisfaction to the brethren . The charge following was responded to by the brethren , and the W . M . called upon Brother
Tribble to answer the questions of the third section . Bro . R . D . Smith answered the questions of the fourth , Bro . Wood the fifth , which he did in a very perfect manner , in the absence of Bro . Cox , who wrote to be excused . This Brother also answered the questions of the sixth section . Bro . F . Smith was then called upon for the answers to the seventh section . The work throughout was done with
great fluency , affording the brethren great pleasure . The Secretary read a letter from Mrs . West , thanking the Lodge for its kind assistance in helping the candidature of her daughter for the Girls ' School ; this has happily been successful . Bro . Halliday was elected a joining member of the Ledge . The Lclge was then closed , after a pleasant evening's meeting .
New Concord Lodge of Instruction , No . 813- —On Wednesday last , at Bro . Langdale's , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate Road . Bro . Trick occupied the chair , supported by Bros . M-irks S . W ., Jones J . W ., P . M . Cusworth Precpptor , Perl Sec , Lone S . D ., Ashton J . D ., Manger I . G . ; P . M . ' s Trewinnard , O'Donnell , Western , Forge . Lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes read , the W . M .
Proceeded to rehearse the ceremony of initiation , Bro . O'Donnell acting as candidate . Bro . O'Donnell then offered himself as a candi . date to be passed , and after answering the necessary questions was duly entrusted . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and the ceremony rehearsed . Lodge was closed in the second degree . The Preceptor proposed that a cordial vote of thanks be re-orded on the minutes for the very able manner in which the W . M . had occupied
and carried out the duties of the chair for the first time in this Lod ge . This was seconded by the J . W ., and unanimously carried . Bro . Marks was elected to the position of W . M . for the ensuing meetln R . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , Lodge w & s closed in perfect harmony , and adjourned until Wednesday next , 31 sfc October , at the hour of eight p . m . precisely , when the Officers for the year ensuing will be elected .
St George's Lodge, No 1723.
Lily of Bichmond Lodge , No . 820 . —A regular meeting of the above Lodge was hold at the Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , on Wednesday , 10 th instant , under the presidency of Bro . Hubbard , the W . M . After opening the Lodge , Brother Hubbard performed the ceremonies of initiation and raising , both of which were rendered most impressively ; Bro . Young P . M . officiating as Organist . After
Lodge was closed , the brethren sat down to a well served banquet The W . M . was particularly terse in giving the toasts , and thereby enabled the brethren to enjoy a long musical evening , songs and recitations being rendered by Bros . Wicks , Snook , Young , Woodman , Phillips , & c , Miss Thomas ably accompanying at the piano . Visitors
—Bros . N . L . Western S . W . 1693 , Snook 1693 , Littlewood P . M . 760 , W . R . Phillips P . M . 975 , Humphreys P . M . St . John ' s , E . Woodman J . W . 1950 , J . Baker 1471 , J . Wicks 813 .
Great Northern Lodge , No . 1287 . —This Lodge opened its winter session on Thursday , the 18 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , when there were as many as sixty-seven members and visitors present . Bro . Thomas Owen the Master of the Lodge presided . There was a full agenda paper , and the whole of the three ceremonies were performed . The members of the Lodge resolved fco increase there initiation fee from seven to ten guineas , and the fee
for joining members from two guineas to four . The Lodge passed a vote of thanks to Brother Sfcaton , the Secretary , and Bro . Henry Cox , a member of the Cranbourne Lodge , for their exertions in securing the election of a daughter of a Past Master of the Lodge to the Girls' School on fche proceeding Saturday . After the dinner , whioh took place at Spiers and Pond ' s , Freemasons' Tavern , a beautiful seletoion of music was given by some of fche brethren .
Lindsay Lodge , No . 1335 . —The usual monthly meeting was held at Wigan , on Wednesday , the 3 rd instant , at 5 o ' clock in the afternoon . Present—Bros . J . D . Murray W . M ., H . T . Byrom S . W ., A . H . Crossley J . W ., Johnson Secretary , R . B . Seddon S . D ., W . Wall J . D ., Boucher I . G ., John Browne and W . M . Wylde Stewards , D . Mortimer P . P . G . O . Berks and Bucks Org . j also Bros . Robert
Halliwell , H . Riddlesworth , Beazar P . M ., and Ralph Betley P . M . Visitors—Bros G . P . Brockbank W . M . 37 P . P . G . S . D . East Lancashire and Grand Steward Scotland , Reginald Young P . P . G . S . D . West Lancashire , John Phillips P . M . 178 , Thomas Millner P . M . 178 , J . W . Ashursfc W . M . 178 , P . Leyland 178 , William Holt 178 , Atherton Ainsworth W . M . 580 . After preliminaries , Bro . W . Rigby waa
raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by the W . M . ( Brother Mnrray ) and was instructed in the working tools of the degree , Lodge was closed to the firsfc degree , when Garnet George Tathani Doctor of Medicine , who had been previously balloted for and elected , was initiated an Entered Apprentice by the W . M ., and fche working tools of the degree were explained fco him , and fche usual charge
delivered . Brother Murray is entitled to great praise for the admirable manner he acquitted himself in the ceremonial , being the only opportunity he has had since his installation into office of proving his efficiency as Master of a Lodge , and certainly the hopes of the brethren were fully realised , fche work was perfect in all its parts . The Lodge was closed in peace and harmony , afc 7 p . m .
New Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1695 . —The weekly meeting was held afc Hornsey Wood Tavern , on Tuesday evening , the 23 rd inst . Present—Bros . Gush W . M ., Russell S . W ., Follitfc J . W ., Fenner Acfcing Preceptor , Berry Sec , Rushton S . D ., Moon J . D ., Haynes I . G ., and Bros . Edmunds , Morris , Smethursfc ,
Flux , Fetch , Amey , Malletfc , Hoare , and Frampfcoa . After preliminaries , the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Hoare candidate . Bro . Morris worked fche firsfc section , and Bro . Fenner the third section of the Lecture . Lodge was then resumed , when Bro . Russell was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
Brixton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1949 . —The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday evening , 23 rd inst ., afc fche Prince Regent Hotel , ( Bro . Monk ' s ) Dulwich-road , East Brixton . Present—C . J . Axford W . M ., S . Richardson S . W ., W . Lucas J . W ., E . A . Francis Preceptor , C . H . Phillips Treasnrer , Hy . M . Williams Secretary , G . W . Knight S . D ., E . A . Albert J . D ., H . Hooper I . G . ; also Bros . C . J . Earney P . M ., Rd . Poore , A . Jones , J . M . Buckley ,
W . E . Farrington , Dore 1949 , Evans 1949 , F . Wootton , H . Martin , F . Hill , Hudspohl , W . Millen . The ceremony of initiation was ably rehearsed , Bro . Martin candidate . Lodge was opened in the second degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , with Bro . Jones as candidate . Lodore was closed in the second degree . Bro . Rioha r dson was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Bros . C . J . Dore 1949 and Hy . Taylor Domatie 177 were elected members . Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned in perfect harmony .
EDUCATION . — HAMBURG . Bro . JOHN A . NEECK , 9 Bundesstrasse , HAMBURG , Is prepared to receive into his Family TWO OR THREE ENGLISH YOUTHS AS BOARDERS , During the time they attend School in this City . CAREFUL SUPERVISION , KIND TREATMENT , BEST BODILY & MENTAL CARE High "References in England and Hamburg . "Fiaosi'EOT'D ' s : F . : R : EJ ZED