Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCE OF WE&T YORKSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCE OF WE&T YORKSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article MADAME WORRELL'S ANNUAL CONCERT. Page 1 of 1
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which evoked your criticism , you say there were some dozen toasts , in the intervals between which there were as many songs . In such case , I presume , the toast list must have beeu spread over some three hours , which , as a reasonable being who has duties to attend to , and requires a certain amount of rest between the work of one day and that of the next , is abont twice as long as is compatible with my
sense of comfort . I repeat , I have no objection to a long sitting in Lodge , I am tho reverse of indifferent to a good dinner , and I like to know it is digested by the agency of the genial toast , song , and sentiment , but let all this be done in reason , so that the man of large means and the man of moderation may , so far as outward
appearances go , stand on pretty much the same level before their brother Masons . I fear I must ask you and yonr readers to pardon my seeming egotism , but I am afraid that in the circumstances some slight amount of this obieotionable article cannot be dispensed with
altogether . With this apology , I subscribe myself , Faithfully and fraternally , R . L . X .
Province Of We&T Yorkshire.
We have been requested to publish the following communications : — St . John ' s , Wakefield , 19 th October 1883 . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I desire to remind you thafc Grand Lodge meets on Wednesday , 5 th December , to consider the Report
of the special Building Committee , appointed to consider the question of reinstating , enlarging , or removing the old Masonic Temple , recently seriously damaged by fire . I have the pleasure to enclose , for yonr consideration , copy of
Resolutions adopted by our Provincial Grand Lodge on the 3 rd inst . It would afford us great satisfaction if you would , afc the earliest opportunity , ' lay it before the members of your Province and of your Lodge , with a view to a similar expression of opinion , to be supported by members attending in Grand Lodge on 5 th December .
I am , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , HENRY SMITH , Prov . G . Secretary .
Afc a Provincial Grand Lodge , holden in the Town Hall , Ripon , on Wednesday , 3 rd October 1883 . PROPOSED RE -BUILDING OF GRAND LODGE . The W . Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Thomas William Tew , J . P ., in pursuance of Notice , proposed , and W . Bro . George E .
Webster Provincial G . Registrar , seconded , and it was resolved . 1 . — "That this Prov . G . Lodge of West Yorkshire , whilst fully appreciating the services of the Special Committee appointed to report to Grand Lodge on the subject of the Masonic Temple recently seriously damaged by Fire , regards with surprise and alarm the Report of such
Committee , which contemplates the purchase of the unexpired term of 5 £ years' lease , with furniture , of Bacon ' s Hotel for £ 6 , 000 ( annual rent £ 360 ) , and the granting of an extension of Messrs . Spiers and Pond ' s lease to 50 years . That this Provincial Grand Lodge is of opinion that the leasing of any property of Grand Lodge ,
except for a very limited period , is , under any circumstances , highly objectionable , and may prove , as in the cases of the three leases now existing , extremely inconvenient , and that the question of rent is quite a secondary consideration compared with the retention of full control of tbe premises and the tenants of Grand Lodge . " 2 . — " And this Provincial Grand Lodge would suggest the
desirability of the Temple at Freemasons' Hall being reinstated at a moderate cost , to be provided out of the funds received from the Insurance Offices . And that under the direction of the Grand Superintendent of Works , competent Architects , Masons or Non-Masons , be invited to submit plans for this purpose . " 3 . — " That copies of these Resolutions be transmitted to Grand Lodge and to the Board of General Purposes . " HENRY SMITH , Prov . G . Secretary .
Bro . Peter Forge , of Billingsgate , proposes to give another of his fish suppers to Islington Freemasons , in aid of the Masonic Charities . The last was a bit of a scramble , owing to the great crowd of fisheaters who put in an appearance being too much for the waiters , but this time everything is to be on the best principles . The large room at the Cock at Highbury is to be the scene of operations , and the 9 tb of November is to be the day . Thus all those who do not happen
to be invited to turtle with the Lord Mayor , will have an opportunity of tasting every known fish in season with Peter Forge . Peter generously presents the fish , promising something like thirty courses , and tbe money subscribed for the tickets is to go to the Masonic Charities . As this supper is in connection with the Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , Brother Terry is to preface it with a rehearsal of the ceremony of installation . —Islington Gazette .
The Revised Book of Constitutions ; Critically Considered , and Compared with the Old Edition . London : Simpkin ' Marshall & Co ., 4 Stationers' Hall Court , E . C . Sent on receipt of stamps . One Shilling , by "W . "W . Morgan , Freemason ' s Chronicle Office , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , "London . W . —( ADVI ) .
Province Of We&T Yorkshire.
The monthly meeting of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls was held on Thursday afternoon at Freemasons ' Hall , Col . Creaton , Past Grand Treasurer , in the chair . There were also present Bros . J . H . Matthews , John A . Rucker , Prank Richardson , James Peters , E . H . Finney ,
Samuel H . Parkhonse , H . Massey , J . J . Caney , A . B . Tattershall , and F . R . W . Hedges Secretary . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes of the former meeting , and the reading of the minutes of the Quarterly Court , and of the House Committee , and of the Audit
Committee for information , Bro . Frank Richardson P . G . D ., said that at the last meeting of the House Committee it was the unanimous feeling of the Committee that Misa Redgrave's salary was not commensurate with her attainments , and therefore on behalf of the House Committee he
gave notice that at the next meeting of the General Committee he should move that Miss Redgrave ' s salary be increased from £ 75 to £ 95 per annum . Cheques in payment of the quarterly accounts were authorised to be
signed by the Chairman . One petition was received and examined , and the candidate ordered to be placed on the list for the next April election . The Committee adjourned after passing a vote of thanks to the Chairman .
The October meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday last . The President and Vice-Presidents were Bros . James Brett , William Stevens , and W . H . Ferryman . The number of brethren who attended was large , and so was the number
of cases applying for relief . After confirming recommendations made at the September meeting , the Lodge considered the new list , which contained the names of thirty-four applicants , of whom sixteen were widows of Masons , one the daughter of a Mason , and the other seventeen were distressed brethren . The cases were
nearly equally divided between London and the Provinces . In the course of a three hours' sitting , two of the cases were deferred through informality ; but the remaining
thirty-two were relieved , with a total sum of £ 850 . At the opening of the proceedings Bro . J . H . Matthews informed the Lodge of the death of Bro . Henry Murray Past District Grand Master of China .
A meeting of the North London Chapter of Improvement was held on the 25 th instant , at the Alywne Castle , St . Paul ' s Road , Canonbury . Comps . Gregory sustained
the office of Z ., Holness H ., Killick J ., George S . N ., Edmonds P . S . This Chapter of Improvement will open on Thursday next , 1 st November , at 7 o ' clock , instead of 8 , as the Installation of Principals will be rehearsed on that evening .
Madame Worrell's Annual Concert.
T HAT popular artiste Madame Worrell , wife of our esteemed Bro . William Worrell , scored a well-deserved success at Brixton Hall , on Thursday evening , the 11 th inst ., the occasion of her annual concert . Every seat was occupied , while many visitors were compelled to stand . The company was select and fashionable , as well as numerous , and gave Madame Worrell a very hearty reception . The programme opened with " The Lass of Richmond Hill" ( part song ) ,
Miss M . Roby , Miss A . Butfcerworfch , Bro . F . H . Cozens and Mr . Bndd . " "Very nearly" ( Lohr ) , by Miss Maud Cameron followed . " Gold " was given in very good style by Bro . Frederick Bevan , who was also very successful in his second contribution , " Trafalgar . " Madame Worrell was in excellent voice , and sang with her usual ability . Her songs were " O that we two were Maying " ( Gounod ) . " Meanwhile "
( A . H . Behrend ) , a composition that deserves to become popular ( accompanied by the composer ) j and "I did not know " ( Frank L . Moir ) . She also took the soprano part in the duet , " Qui est Homo , ' with Madame Osborne Williams , which was very successful . Madame Worrell was in each instance recalled , and by force of applause induced to sing again . Madame Osborne Williams gave in good voice
" Fanciulle che et core ; ( Dinorah ) and " Daddy , " Behrend . " Vio one sapeta" ( Figaro ) was given with much grace and feeling by Miss Matilda Roby , who also sang " Just as Well , " for whioh she had a spirited encore . Bro . Henry Guy gave with his wonted charm " O 'tis a glorious sight" ( Weber ) , also " Days gone by . " Two songs were pleasingly rendered by Miss Annie Butterworth" Gentle
, Faces , " and "A . Song and a Rose . " Bro . Budd was highly successful in tbe new song "Allegiance , " a very taking musical composition of Distin ' s , with words by Oxenford , brisk and fall of ring . Violoncello solos , including Caprice de Concert and Nocturne ( Piatti ) , were also skilfully performed by Mons . Albert ; and Bro . Cozens gave some
admirable comic songs , which were received with immense app lause . The pieces were accompanied throughout by Bro . Turle Lee with his usual care and ability . Indeed the Concert was an entire success , and Madame Worrell , together with her friends , cannot fail to be satisfied with the result .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
which evoked your criticism , you say there were some dozen toasts , in the intervals between which there were as many songs . In such case , I presume , the toast list must have beeu spread over some three hours , which , as a reasonable being who has duties to attend to , and requires a certain amount of rest between the work of one day and that of the next , is abont twice as long as is compatible with my
sense of comfort . I repeat , I have no objection to a long sitting in Lodge , I am tho reverse of indifferent to a good dinner , and I like to know it is digested by the agency of the genial toast , song , and sentiment , but let all this be done in reason , so that the man of large means and the man of moderation may , so far as outward
appearances go , stand on pretty much the same level before their brother Masons . I fear I must ask you and yonr readers to pardon my seeming egotism , but I am afraid that in the circumstances some slight amount of this obieotionable article cannot be dispensed with
altogether . With this apology , I subscribe myself , Faithfully and fraternally , R . L . X .
Province Of We&T Yorkshire.
We have been requested to publish the following communications : — St . John ' s , Wakefield , 19 th October 1883 . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I desire to remind you thafc Grand Lodge meets on Wednesday , 5 th December , to consider the Report
of the special Building Committee , appointed to consider the question of reinstating , enlarging , or removing the old Masonic Temple , recently seriously damaged by fire . I have the pleasure to enclose , for yonr consideration , copy of
Resolutions adopted by our Provincial Grand Lodge on the 3 rd inst . It would afford us great satisfaction if you would , afc the earliest opportunity , ' lay it before the members of your Province and of your Lodge , with a view to a similar expression of opinion , to be supported by members attending in Grand Lodge on 5 th December .
I am , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , HENRY SMITH , Prov . G . Secretary .
Afc a Provincial Grand Lodge , holden in the Town Hall , Ripon , on Wednesday , 3 rd October 1883 . PROPOSED RE -BUILDING OF GRAND LODGE . The W . Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Thomas William Tew , J . P ., in pursuance of Notice , proposed , and W . Bro . George E .
Webster Provincial G . Registrar , seconded , and it was resolved . 1 . — "That this Prov . G . Lodge of West Yorkshire , whilst fully appreciating the services of the Special Committee appointed to report to Grand Lodge on the subject of the Masonic Temple recently seriously damaged by Fire , regards with surprise and alarm the Report of such
Committee , which contemplates the purchase of the unexpired term of 5 £ years' lease , with furniture , of Bacon ' s Hotel for £ 6 , 000 ( annual rent £ 360 ) , and the granting of an extension of Messrs . Spiers and Pond ' s lease to 50 years . That this Provincial Grand Lodge is of opinion that the leasing of any property of Grand Lodge ,
except for a very limited period , is , under any circumstances , highly objectionable , and may prove , as in the cases of the three leases now existing , extremely inconvenient , and that the question of rent is quite a secondary consideration compared with the retention of full control of tbe premises and the tenants of Grand Lodge . " 2 . — " And this Provincial Grand Lodge would suggest the
desirability of the Temple at Freemasons' Hall being reinstated at a moderate cost , to be provided out of the funds received from the Insurance Offices . And that under the direction of the Grand Superintendent of Works , competent Architects , Masons or Non-Masons , be invited to submit plans for this purpose . " 3 . — " That copies of these Resolutions be transmitted to Grand Lodge and to the Board of General Purposes . " HENRY SMITH , Prov . G . Secretary .
Bro . Peter Forge , of Billingsgate , proposes to give another of his fish suppers to Islington Freemasons , in aid of the Masonic Charities . The last was a bit of a scramble , owing to the great crowd of fisheaters who put in an appearance being too much for the waiters , but this time everything is to be on the best principles . The large room at the Cock at Highbury is to be the scene of operations , and the 9 tb of November is to be the day . Thus all those who do not happen
to be invited to turtle with the Lord Mayor , will have an opportunity of tasting every known fish in season with Peter Forge . Peter generously presents the fish , promising something like thirty courses , and tbe money subscribed for the tickets is to go to the Masonic Charities . As this supper is in connection with the Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , Brother Terry is to preface it with a rehearsal of the ceremony of installation . —Islington Gazette .
The Revised Book of Constitutions ; Critically Considered , and Compared with the Old Edition . London : Simpkin ' Marshall & Co ., 4 Stationers' Hall Court , E . C . Sent on receipt of stamps . One Shilling , by "W . "W . Morgan , Freemason ' s Chronicle Office , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , "London . W . —( ADVI ) .
Province Of We&T Yorkshire.
The monthly meeting of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls was held on Thursday afternoon at Freemasons ' Hall , Col . Creaton , Past Grand Treasurer , in the chair . There were also present Bros . J . H . Matthews , John A . Rucker , Prank Richardson , James Peters , E . H . Finney ,
Samuel H . Parkhonse , H . Massey , J . J . Caney , A . B . Tattershall , and F . R . W . Hedges Secretary . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes of the former meeting , and the reading of the minutes of the Quarterly Court , and of the House Committee , and of the Audit
Committee for information , Bro . Frank Richardson P . G . D ., said that at the last meeting of the House Committee it was the unanimous feeling of the Committee that Misa Redgrave's salary was not commensurate with her attainments , and therefore on behalf of the House Committee he
gave notice that at the next meeting of the General Committee he should move that Miss Redgrave ' s salary be increased from £ 75 to £ 95 per annum . Cheques in payment of the quarterly accounts were authorised to be
signed by the Chairman . One petition was received and examined , and the candidate ordered to be placed on the list for the next April election . The Committee adjourned after passing a vote of thanks to the Chairman .
The October meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday last . The President and Vice-Presidents were Bros . James Brett , William Stevens , and W . H . Ferryman . The number of brethren who attended was large , and so was the number
of cases applying for relief . After confirming recommendations made at the September meeting , the Lodge considered the new list , which contained the names of thirty-four applicants , of whom sixteen were widows of Masons , one the daughter of a Mason , and the other seventeen were distressed brethren . The cases were
nearly equally divided between London and the Provinces . In the course of a three hours' sitting , two of the cases were deferred through informality ; but the remaining
thirty-two were relieved , with a total sum of £ 850 . At the opening of the proceedings Bro . J . H . Matthews informed the Lodge of the death of Bro . Henry Murray Past District Grand Master of China .
A meeting of the North London Chapter of Improvement was held on the 25 th instant , at the Alywne Castle , St . Paul ' s Road , Canonbury . Comps . Gregory sustained
the office of Z ., Holness H ., Killick J ., George S . N ., Edmonds P . S . This Chapter of Improvement will open on Thursday next , 1 st November , at 7 o ' clock , instead of 8 , as the Installation of Principals will be rehearsed on that evening .
Madame Worrell's Annual Concert.
T HAT popular artiste Madame Worrell , wife of our esteemed Bro . William Worrell , scored a well-deserved success at Brixton Hall , on Thursday evening , the 11 th inst ., the occasion of her annual concert . Every seat was occupied , while many visitors were compelled to stand . The company was select and fashionable , as well as numerous , and gave Madame Worrell a very hearty reception . The programme opened with " The Lass of Richmond Hill" ( part song ) ,
Miss M . Roby , Miss A . Butfcerworfch , Bro . F . H . Cozens and Mr . Bndd . " "Very nearly" ( Lohr ) , by Miss Maud Cameron followed . " Gold " was given in very good style by Bro . Frederick Bevan , who was also very successful in his second contribution , " Trafalgar . " Madame Worrell was in excellent voice , and sang with her usual ability . Her songs were " O that we two were Maying " ( Gounod ) . " Meanwhile "
( A . H . Behrend ) , a composition that deserves to become popular ( accompanied by the composer ) j and "I did not know " ( Frank L . Moir ) . She also took the soprano part in the duet , " Qui est Homo , ' with Madame Osborne Williams , which was very successful . Madame Worrell was in each instance recalled , and by force of applause induced to sing again . Madame Osborne Williams gave in good voice
" Fanciulle che et core ; ( Dinorah ) and " Daddy , " Behrend . " Vio one sapeta" ( Figaro ) was given with much grace and feeling by Miss Matilda Roby , who also sang " Just as Well , " for whioh she had a spirited encore . Bro . Henry Guy gave with his wonted charm " O 'tis a glorious sight" ( Weber ) , also " Days gone by . " Two songs were pleasingly rendered by Miss Annie Butterworth" Gentle
, Faces , " and "A . Song and a Rose . " Bro . Budd was highly successful in tbe new song "Allegiance , " a very taking musical composition of Distin ' s , with words by Oxenford , brisk and fall of ring . Violoncello solos , including Caprice de Concert and Nocturne ( Piatti ) , were also skilfully performed by Mons . Albert ; and Bro . Cozens gave some
admirable comic songs , which were received with immense app lause . The pieces were accompanied throughout by Bro . Turle Lee with his usual care and ability . Indeed the Concert was an entire success , and Madame Worrell , together with her friends , cannot fail to be satisfied with the result .