Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article DEVON MASONIC EDUCATIONAL FUND. Page 1 of 1 Article DEVON MASONIC EDUCATIONAL FUND. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE DARLINGTON MARK LODGE, 250. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
> NOW READY . THE ATHOLL MASONS , THEIR AUTHENTIC HISTORY , COMI ' ILKD VBOM OFFICIAL SOURCES , DOWS TO " TUB Uxiox oi' Monv . Rir FRIEJIVSONS ix 1813 . An Historical and Discursive Becord of the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of England according to the Old Institutions . BY EGBERT FREKE GOULD . In Cloth , 12 nio , Price us . SPENCER * CO ., Opposite Freemason ' s Hall , 23 a Gt . Queen-st ., London , W . C .
Crown Svo , price 2 s Gil , cloth lettered . f ttftomSlD of gfexroic <§ iim \ mi mmmm . By Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . " May be read with advantage by the whole Craft . "—Sunday Timet . I " Grand Lodge should at once set to work to secure the desired uniformity . " —Sheffield Post . " The subject is ably argued by the author . "—Western Daily Mercury . "Useful and variable in the highest degree . "—Exeter Gazette . "Will have a material effect on the future of Masonic Ritual . "—South Western Shir . f . " The author adduces many variations in the language used by different Preceptors . "—Cox ' s Monthly f , ei / u / Circular . " Ought to bo iu tho hand ' s of every Mason . "—JVoi-Wuiw / rfoH Guardian . " To Freemasons generally it will be found useful and valuable , and we commend it to their notice accordingly . "—Surrey County Observer . "Bro . Stevens' motion for a Committee on the subject of Uniformity of Ritual was carried by a large majority . "— Freemason ' s Chronicle report of Grand Lodge meeting , 3 rd December 1879 . Sent , by post , on receipt of stamps , by the Author , Bro . JAMES STEVENS , 112 High-street , Clapham , S . W . ; by Bro . W . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , London , E . G . ; or by S . D . EWINS & Co ., Paternosterrow , London , E . C .
MASONIC HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS , i NOTTHNTG HILL SQUARE , W . TPHE SCHOOL has been established to provide a High Class JL Education to sons of Freemasons and others , on moderate terms . There are scholarships of the annual value of , C 10 to £ 20 , and Exhibitions of £ 10 . Terms for sons of Freemasons from i to 7 guineas per term , for other pupils from 5 to S guineas per term . For further particulars apply to tho Secretary , or to E . PASSAWER , LL . D . Head Master .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . BKO . ISAAC , who has for some time past provided for the requirements of this Lodge , begs to announce tint he has obtained permission for the removal of his license to the Uelvedn-e-road , and that ho has erected commodious premises there . Theso comprise -A . SIP-iLCIOTTS IVC ^ SOIsriC H-A . IJII . WITH ANTE BOOMS , LARGE BANQLFETTIKG HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to be addressed G . ISAAC , " WiriiK II . uu-, " COLLEGE SWEET , L AMBETH , Loiniorf , S . M .
17 DHNITU 11 E FOR LODGE OF INSTRUOTLON .-Couiploto Set , nearly new , for Sale . Address , J . IV . H ., " FBEEJUSOS- ' Ciuiosicr . s " OHicc , 67 Barbican , London , E . C .
\\ f * m * ¦ ¦ ¦ * ru ¦ M " M J p ^^ ff » ^^ a ^^ aPa" ^ , ^ * MFM"Jfcl H ^^^^ M ^^ a 67 BARBICAN , E . O .
Devon Masonic Educational Fund.
A SPECIAL general meeting of this Fund was held ou Monday , tho 22 nd insfc ., at the Masonic Temple , Plymouth . Tho \ V . Bro . It . TiOSo P . P . G . P ., Vice President of the Institution , was in tho chair ; and amongst thoso present were W . Bros . Rev . E . Whittley P . P . G . C , Y . Bird P . P . G . T ., Treasurer of tho Institution , W . Brodie P . M . 1254 , 1 \ P . G . J . D ., S . Jew P . P . G . T ., G . C . Biimrll P . M . 105 P . P . G . S . Works ,
G . Jackson W . M . ISO , J . It . Harris W . M . 230 , It . Cawsey P . M . 230 , J . Morris P . M . 53 P . P . G . O ., J . It . Lord P . M . and Treasurer 1217 , E . J . Knight P . M . 202 , W . J . Stanbnvy 105 , W . A . Fowler 150 , W . A . Foreman , W . II . Lister , j . II . Trounce , It . Smith , S . Suell , all of 1205 ; It . C . Uglow 1247 , J . R .
Gover P . M . 70 F . P . G . A . D . C . Hon . Secretary . Before tlie general mooting-there waa a committee , who had before thorn three of the children who are already on the fund . Bro . Whittley read tho report of the Educational Cotnmittee , as follows : — " The Committee hare
much pleasure in reporting favourably of the children at present on the fund . One has gone to Xew Zealand , but her progress had been admirable up to time of leaving . One boy has been attending Cheveley Hall School , aud Mr . Slater * a report ns to his conduct and progress iu education is satisfactory . Another boy attends George-street
Devon Masonic Educational Fund.
School , and has just received a certificate for having passed the Government Examination in every requirement . One girl attends tho Public Freo School , and the head mistress reports very favourably respecting her work . Tho mothers of the children , who had beeu previously consulted as to tho school they would choose , > have expressed themselves extremely well satisfied both with tho
schools and the general evidence of tho success of their children , and the Committee have this day had tho pleasure of having the children before them , and have been much pleased with their appearance , manner , and intelligence , and have presented each of them with a book as an encouragement to future effort . " Tho Treasurer reported that £ 487 16 s had beeu received from all sources , £ 100 of which had
been deposited in the Devon and Cornwall Bank , at interest . Six months' allowance had been paid in advance to those who had care of tho children , and he had sufficiont funds to pay nearly every claim upon the fund up to the general meeting in April—thus leaving the £ 400 deposit untouched . The question of a permanent investment of a portion of the funds was then discussed . Bros . Gover and Lord
proposed and seconded that £ 100 bo so invested , they believing that the interest of tho present generation was what ought to be considered . Bros . Whitley and V . Bird proposed and seconded , as an amendment , that the consideration of investment of funds be deferred . The money was already safely invested , and the matter might , therefore , well wait . Bro . Gover gladly withdrew his proposition , and Bro . Whitley ' s
resolution was unanimously carried . The ballot for the election of four candidates was then proceeded with . Bros . R . Cawsey , E . J . Knight and A . Fowler were appointed Scrutineers , and they were assisted by the Hon . Treasurer , Bro . Bird . There were five candidates—No . 1 , a boy from Lodge 156 , Plymouth , mother living , father had been a member for fourteen years . This case was
unsuccessful at last election , but brought forward 47 votes . No . 2 , a girl from Lodge 112 , Exetor , mother living , father had been a member for 10 years ; also unsuccessful at last election , and brought forward 47 votes . No . 3 , a girl from Lodge 202 , Devonport , mother living , father had been a member for 11 years : also nnsncceasfnl at last election , and brought forward 23 votes . No . 4 , a boy from Lodge 797 ,
Dartmouth , mother living , father a member for seven years ; also unsuccessful at last election , and brought forward 36 votes . No . 5 , a boy from Lodge 105 , Plymouth , both parents dead , father had been a member for five years , first application . Bro . E . J . Knight , who had been chosen Chairman of Scrutineers , reported that the numbers ( adding votes
brought forward ) polled were as follows—No . 1 on ballotting paper , 179 votes ; No . 2 , 212 votes ; No . 3 , ( 32 votes ; No . 4 , 114 votes ; and No . 5 , 219 votes . The Chairman ( Bro . Lose ) declared cases Nos . 5 , 2 , 1 , and 4 duly elected . Case No . 3 will carry forward 62 votes for the next election . A cordial vote of thanks was given to tho
Scrutineers for their valuable services . Ifc was resolved that thero bo an election of two children afc the annual meeting in April . Arrangements were made for tho superintendence of the clothing and education of the children just elected . A suggestion was made by Bro . Brodie as to whether it would not bo advisable to hold somo of
tho meetings iu other parts of tho Province . All the Three Towns brethren concurred , nnd it is probable that this will be carried out . In reply to a very cordial vote of thanks lo the Chairman , Bro . Lose said ho had always pleasure in being of assistance , and time nnd money could not bo better occupied than in carrying out the objects of this fund , soothing the silUiotwu "f tho widow , avid clothing and educating tho children of deceased or distressed brethren .
Consecration Of The Darlington Mark Lodge, 250.
In our re p ort of those proceedings , last Saturday , we should have stated that the ablo and eloquent oration on the connection between the Mark and Arch was delivered b y the R . W . Prov . G . M . M . M . Canon Tristram .
On Monday next , 29 th December , Bro . Charles E . Hindley S . W ., of the Lodge of Li ghts , No . 148 , Warrington , will be installed "W . M . of the Lodge . Bra . John Bowes P . M .
P . P . G . J . W . Cumberland and Westmoreland will officiate as Installing Master . We hope to g ive a full report of tho proceedings in our next issue .
The ceremony of dedicating the new Masonic Hall , in Albicn-place , Southampton , takes p lace on Monday next , when the principal part will be taken by tho Provincial Grand Master , Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P .
Tho Rev . O . W . Taucock , M . A ., Senior Assistant Master of Sherborne School , has been elected to the Head Mastershi p of Norwich Grammar School . Bro . Tancock lias been an Assistant Master al ; Sherborne since 1862 , he will resign his present post at the end of tbe Easter term , and will begin work at Norwich in May .
The members of the Old Concord Lodgo , No . 172 , will hold their Forty-first Annual Masonic Ball at the New Graud Hall , Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen Street , on Wednesday , 28 th January 1880 , on which occasion the whole suite of elegantly decorated rooms will be
i thrown open . Tlio following brethren constitute the Board of Stewards : —Rros . Iloadley W . M . President , Gladwell S . AV . V . P ., Gut-ton , (» . Watson , J . S . Ward , Gallant , Garnar , Ganberfc , A . J . Dottridge , J . Hancock , Bennett , W . P . Goosey , Geo . King P . M . Hon . Sec . We trust our brethren and their friends will have a pleasant evening .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
> NOW READY . THE ATHOLL MASONS , THEIR AUTHENTIC HISTORY , COMI ' ILKD VBOM OFFICIAL SOURCES , DOWS TO " TUB Uxiox oi' Monv . Rir FRIEJIVSONS ix 1813 . An Historical and Discursive Becord of the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of England according to the Old Institutions . BY EGBERT FREKE GOULD . In Cloth , 12 nio , Price us . SPENCER * CO ., Opposite Freemason ' s Hall , 23 a Gt . Queen-st ., London , W . C .
Crown Svo , price 2 s Gil , cloth lettered . f ttftomSlD of gfexroic <§ iim \ mi mmmm . By Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . " May be read with advantage by the whole Craft . "—Sunday Timet . I " Grand Lodge should at once set to work to secure the desired uniformity . " —Sheffield Post . " The subject is ably argued by the author . "—Western Daily Mercury . "Useful and variable in the highest degree . "—Exeter Gazette . "Will have a material effect on the future of Masonic Ritual . "—South Western Shir . f . " The author adduces many variations in the language used by different Preceptors . "—Cox ' s Monthly f , ei / u / Circular . " Ought to bo iu tho hand ' s of every Mason . "—JVoi-Wuiw / rfoH Guardian . " To Freemasons generally it will be found useful and valuable , and we commend it to their notice accordingly . "—Surrey County Observer . "Bro . Stevens' motion for a Committee on the subject of Uniformity of Ritual was carried by a large majority . "— Freemason ' s Chronicle report of Grand Lodge meeting , 3 rd December 1879 . Sent , by post , on receipt of stamps , by the Author , Bro . JAMES STEVENS , 112 High-street , Clapham , S . W . ; by Bro . W . W . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , London , E . G . ; or by S . D . EWINS & Co ., Paternosterrow , London , E . C .
MASONIC HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS , i NOTTHNTG HILL SQUARE , W . TPHE SCHOOL has been established to provide a High Class JL Education to sons of Freemasons and others , on moderate terms . There are scholarships of the annual value of , C 10 to £ 20 , and Exhibitions of £ 10 . Terms for sons of Freemasons from i to 7 guineas per term , for other pupils from 5 to S guineas per term . For further particulars apply to tho Secretary , or to E . PASSAWER , LL . D . Head Master .
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . BKO . ISAAC , who has for some time past provided for the requirements of this Lodge , begs to announce tint he has obtained permission for the removal of his license to the Uelvedn-e-road , and that ho has erected commodious premises there . Theso comprise -A . SIP-iLCIOTTS IVC ^ SOIsriC H-A . IJII . WITH ANTE BOOMS , LARGE BANQLFETTIKG HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to be addressed G . ISAAC , " WiriiK II . uu-, " COLLEGE SWEET , L AMBETH , Loiniorf , S . M .
17 DHNITU 11 E FOR LODGE OF INSTRUOTLON .-Couiploto Set , nearly new , for Sale . Address , J . IV . H ., " FBEEJUSOS- ' Ciuiosicr . s " OHicc , 67 Barbican , London , E . C .
\\ f * m * ¦ ¦ ¦ * ru ¦ M " M J p ^^ ff » ^^ a ^^ aPa" ^ , ^ * MFM"Jfcl H ^^^^ M ^^ a 67 BARBICAN , E . O .
Devon Masonic Educational Fund.
A SPECIAL general meeting of this Fund was held ou Monday , tho 22 nd insfc ., at the Masonic Temple , Plymouth . Tho \ V . Bro . It . TiOSo P . P . G . P ., Vice President of the Institution , was in tho chair ; and amongst thoso present were W . Bros . Rev . E . Whittley P . P . G . C , Y . Bird P . P . G . T ., Treasurer of tho Institution , W . Brodie P . M . 1254 , 1 \ P . G . J . D ., S . Jew P . P . G . T ., G . C . Biimrll P . M . 105 P . P . G . S . Works ,
G . Jackson W . M . ISO , J . It . Harris W . M . 230 , It . Cawsey P . M . 230 , J . Morris P . M . 53 P . P . G . O ., J . It . Lord P . M . and Treasurer 1217 , E . J . Knight P . M . 202 , W . J . Stanbnvy 105 , W . A . Fowler 150 , W . A . Foreman , W . II . Lister , j . II . Trounce , It . Smith , S . Suell , all of 1205 ; It . C . Uglow 1247 , J . R .
Gover P . M . 70 F . P . G . A . D . C . Hon . Secretary . Before tlie general mooting-there waa a committee , who had before thorn three of the children who are already on the fund . Bro . Whittley read tho report of the Educational Cotnmittee , as follows : — " The Committee hare
much pleasure in reporting favourably of the children at present on the fund . One has gone to Xew Zealand , but her progress had been admirable up to time of leaving . One boy has been attending Cheveley Hall School , aud Mr . Slater * a report ns to his conduct and progress iu education is satisfactory . Another boy attends George-street
Devon Masonic Educational Fund.
School , and has just received a certificate for having passed the Government Examination in every requirement . One girl attends tho Public Freo School , and the head mistress reports very favourably respecting her work . Tho mothers of the children , who had beeu previously consulted as to tho school they would choose , > have expressed themselves extremely well satisfied both with tho
schools and the general evidence of tho success of their children , and the Committee have this day had tho pleasure of having the children before them , and have been much pleased with their appearance , manner , and intelligence , and have presented each of them with a book as an encouragement to future effort . " Tho Treasurer reported that £ 487 16 s had beeu received from all sources , £ 100 of which had
been deposited in the Devon and Cornwall Bank , at interest . Six months' allowance had been paid in advance to those who had care of tho children , and he had sufficiont funds to pay nearly every claim upon the fund up to the general meeting in April—thus leaving the £ 400 deposit untouched . The question of a permanent investment of a portion of the funds was then discussed . Bros . Gover and Lord
proposed and seconded that £ 100 bo so invested , they believing that the interest of tho present generation was what ought to be considered . Bros . Whitley and V . Bird proposed and seconded , as an amendment , that the consideration of investment of funds be deferred . The money was already safely invested , and the matter might , therefore , well wait . Bro . Gover gladly withdrew his proposition , and Bro . Whitley ' s
resolution was unanimously carried . The ballot for the election of four candidates was then proceeded with . Bros . R . Cawsey , E . J . Knight and A . Fowler were appointed Scrutineers , and they were assisted by the Hon . Treasurer , Bro . Bird . There were five candidates—No . 1 , a boy from Lodge 156 , Plymouth , mother living , father had been a member for fourteen years . This case was
unsuccessful at last election , but brought forward 47 votes . No . 2 , a girl from Lodge 112 , Exetor , mother living , father had been a member for 10 years ; also unsuccessful at last election , and brought forward 47 votes . No . 3 , a girl from Lodge 202 , Devonport , mother living , father had been a member for 11 years : also nnsncceasfnl at last election , and brought forward 23 votes . No . 4 , a boy from Lodge 797 ,
Dartmouth , mother living , father a member for seven years ; also unsuccessful at last election , and brought forward 36 votes . No . 5 , a boy from Lodge 105 , Plymouth , both parents dead , father had been a member for five years , first application . Bro . E . J . Knight , who had been chosen Chairman of Scrutineers , reported that the numbers ( adding votes
brought forward ) polled were as follows—No . 1 on ballotting paper , 179 votes ; No . 2 , 212 votes ; No . 3 , ( 32 votes ; No . 4 , 114 votes ; and No . 5 , 219 votes . The Chairman ( Bro . Lose ) declared cases Nos . 5 , 2 , 1 , and 4 duly elected . Case No . 3 will carry forward 62 votes for the next election . A cordial vote of thanks was given to tho
Scrutineers for their valuable services . Ifc was resolved that thero bo an election of two children afc the annual meeting in April . Arrangements were made for tho superintendence of the clothing and education of the children just elected . A suggestion was made by Bro . Brodie as to whether it would not bo advisable to hold somo of
tho meetings iu other parts of tho Province . All the Three Towns brethren concurred , nnd it is probable that this will be carried out . In reply to a very cordial vote of thanks lo the Chairman , Bro . Lose said ho had always pleasure in being of assistance , and time nnd money could not bo better occupied than in carrying out the objects of this fund , soothing the silUiotwu "f tho widow , avid clothing and educating tho children of deceased or distressed brethren .
Consecration Of The Darlington Mark Lodge, 250.
In our re p ort of those proceedings , last Saturday , we should have stated that the ablo and eloquent oration on the connection between the Mark and Arch was delivered b y the R . W . Prov . G . M . M . M . Canon Tristram .
On Monday next , 29 th December , Bro . Charles E . Hindley S . W ., of the Lodge of Li ghts , No . 148 , Warrington , will be installed "W . M . of the Lodge . Bra . John Bowes P . M .
P . P . G . J . W . Cumberland and Westmoreland will officiate as Installing Master . We hope to g ive a full report of tho proceedings in our next issue .
The ceremony of dedicating the new Masonic Hall , in Albicn-place , Southampton , takes p lace on Monday next , when the principal part will be taken by tho Provincial Grand Master , Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P .
Tho Rev . O . W . Taucock , M . A ., Senior Assistant Master of Sherborne School , has been elected to the Head Mastershi p of Norwich Grammar School . Bro . Tancock lias been an Assistant Master al ; Sherborne since 1862 , he will resign his present post at the end of tbe Easter term , and will begin work at Norwich in May .
The members of the Old Concord Lodgo , No . 172 , will hold their Forty-first Annual Masonic Ball at the New Graud Hall , Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen Street , on Wednesday , 28 th January 1880 , on which occasion the whole suite of elegantly decorated rooms will be
i thrown open . Tlio following brethren constitute the Board of Stewards : —Rros . Iloadley W . M . President , Gladwell S . AV . V . P ., Gut-ton , (» . Watson , J . S . Ward , Gallant , Garnar , Ganberfc , A . J . Dottridge , J . Hancock , Bennett , W . P . Goosey , Geo . King P . M . Hon . Sec . We trust our brethren and their friends will have a pleasant evening .