Article BRECKNOCK LODGE, No. 651 Page 1 of 1 Article FIDELITY LODGE, No. 230. Page 1 of 1 Article FIDELITY LODGE, No. 230. Page 1 of 1 Article THE OWL CLUB. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Brecknock Lodge, No. 651
THE brethren of fche above Lodge assembled on Tuesday , 17 ih January , at the Freemasons' Hall , Brecon , at ¦ I-. ; iO p . in . fur rim purpose of installing the W . M . elect , and also totransaet order duti's associated with the Lodge . Tho chair having hen taken l > v the W . M ., Bro . Johu Alfred Whittle P . G . D ., tho niinuh-s of il . o la ^ t meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . John Evans was thou pissed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Lo . lgo having been raised to the
Third Degree , Bro . Marmaduke Tennant tho Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Eastern Division of South Wales , was aunounced and admitted in dne form . Bro . John Morgan S . W . and W . M . elect was introduced by Bro . J . A . Whittle W . M . for installation in tho customary manner . All brethren below the rank ' of Installed Master having withdrawn , a board of Installed Masters was formed
consisting of P . M . 's H . C . Rich , E . C . Phillips , R . W-bb , T . Butcher , F . Grundy , J . A . Whittle , Hunter , William William ? , and the W . M . elect duly placed in the chair of K . S . Tho brethren on thoir admittance , saluted the newly installed W . M . in tho manner usual nni' -ngst Masons . The W . M . then appointed as his Officers for the ensuing year , the following brethren : —Bros . Thomas Lawrence Lewis S . W .,
Rhys Davis J . W ., Morgan Powell Williams Chaplain , 11 . 0 . Avoline Maybery Almoner , Ernest Henry Teale Secretary , II . 0 . Rich jun . S . D ., Thomas Howel Price J . D . and Treasurer , Itecs Thomas fleins Organist , Adam Orlopp D . C , Edward Thomas Edwards I . G ., Robert Owen Sen . Steward , Edwin A . Wright Jun . Steward J . Evans Tyler . ; The Worshipful I . Past Master , Brother Tennant having delivered tho ; — * — > — — ^ - - - — .
B ancient charges to the Wardens and brethren , the Lodge was lowered to the second and first degrees . On the motion of Bro . Whittle , j seconded by Bro . Rich , and supported by Bros . Grundy and Webb , j it was unanimously agreed that Bro . Tennant be made an honorary member of the Lodge . Bro . Tennant having thanked tho brethren , j the Lodge was closed in harmony . The brethren then repaired I
to the Castle Hotel , where a sumptuous repast awaited them . Tho W . M . Bro . John Morgan presided . On the removal of the cloth , tho Queen and Craft , His Royal Highness the Prince o Wales Most Worshipful Grand Master , the Pro Grand Master and Officers of Grand Lodge were eiven from the chair as Loyal and Masonic toasts , and duly honoured with all fealty . The Wor . Master in
proposing the health of the Provincial Grand Master , Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and the Provincial Grand Lodge , said that he felt personally indebted to Bro . Tennant for his presence there that evening , and hoped that the brethren would hnve the honour of his company on many future occasions . The toasfc was received with acclamation . Bro . Tennant , in reply , said that ho was only too happv to j
visit the Brecknock Lodgo . aud he regretted that Sir Goorge Elliot , through pressure of bnsiness , was not able to visit the different Lodges , but was certain that , if he did so , he would bo even more popular , if possible , than ho was now . Bro . Tennant then proposed the toast of the W . M ., and trusted that ho wonld have a prosperous year of office . One thing he ( Bro . Tennant ) must compliment the
W . M . upon having such an efficient band of Past Masters . To this toast the brethren responded heartily . Bro . Morgan , in reply , said that ho felt great diffidence in following such a- talented predecessor , but trusted thafc his own shortcomings wonld be overlooked , and thought that , with the assistance of the Immediate Past Master and his own staff of Officers , he would manage to perform the d ities
of Master during his year of office . Bro . Phillips P . M ., in giving the Masonio Charities , said that the Lodge on glib to feel grateful to the Deputy Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Tennant , for the successful manner in which he had supported the candidature of their applicaufc , Millicent Flora Wotton , and that Charity was the backbone of Masonry . With the toast he would couple the namo of Bro . Tennant , who waa
the Charity Commissioner for the Eastern Division of South Wales . Bro . Tennant responded , and impressed upon the brethren tlie duty of supporting the Charities . The next toast—the I . P . M . and Past Masters—was proposed by Bro . T . L . Lewis S . W ., and suitably acknowledged by Bro . J . A . Whittle I . P . M . The toast of the Visit . ing Brethren was proposed by the W . M ., and responded to by Bros .
Hunter W . M . 1578 , W . Williams W . M . 1807 , David Price , and John Benjamin . The hour being late , tho Worshipful Master said that time would tot permit him to give the Wardens and Officers of the Lodge . The meeting was brought to a closo by tho Tyler ' s toast , and the brethren separated after spending a most onjoyable evening . " Happy to meet , sorry to part , and happy to meet again . "
Fidelity Lodge, No. 230.
fTIHE annual Festival of thi 3 Lodge was hold on Thursday , 19 th J- inst ., at the Royal Hotel , Devonport , and thero waa a very large atteudanco of mornbers and visitors . As on former occasions , the wives and sweethearts of the brethron were invited to participate in the evening ' s enjoyment , and the admirable catering of Mrs . and Rro . Parker were much appreciated by all . The W . Master Br .-. R- W . Pitcher , who presided , was well supported by hia Officers-
—V . W . Bro . J . Lyon P . M . P . P . G . S . B as I . P . M . ( Lo being the oldest P . M . of and in tho Lodge ) , II . Cawaoy P . M . Secretary , W . Wlutl ' or 1 S . W ., Border J . W ., R . H . Bntt P . M ., J . H . R . Harris P . M ., II , Pi !; . P . M ., W . B . Lynn P . M ., A . Rowe P . M ., W . M . Ridlaud Se .-ih-i Deacon , E . Littleton Junior Deacon , W . Rattcnbury Inner Cluir i and very much better supported by a largo gathering of h-. dic •' .
It is needless to say that the anniversary was a perfect . succc-: ? . The order of the evening was short speeches , and beimr short they were sensible—and tlier . earno tho dancin ; --with a provision in two other room ; . ' , first ; for Lho ladi ' .-.-for a concert , and there Bros . Ronrlle , Greenlaw , Orchard , J . Kinion Bonn , by request of Bro . Pitcher ( who really seemed to bo ubirpi ; . tous ) , entertained those who did nofc dance , and iu another room a
Fidelity Lodge, No. 230.
few bachelors congregated . All were so well pleased as to wish , as Bro . ( lover said , that all other Lodges would copy the Lodge of Fidelity , and invito tho ladies at their annual Festivals . Mention must be made of tho admirable arrangements of Bro . Watson , of 95-1 , who was M . C . of tho ball , and whose band gavo universal satisfaction . The almost infant son of tlie W . M . Master Pitcher very much pleased thoso present by his musical entertainment .
The Owl Club.
fpHIS well known Clnb gave its regnlar coucort at the Cannon-- * - stroet Hotel , ou Monday . An excellent programme was provided , and the audience which had assembled with the intention of boing pleased , had their intention gratified and dispersed to their homes after having spent a most enjoyable evening . The opening number Esto ' s trio " How merrily we live " was rendered capitally . Bro . A . Hnbbard sang " The King ' s Ambassador , " aa usualmost
, effectively , whilo Bro . Edwin Moss gave Sullivan ' s song " From Rock to Rock " with requisite force . Bro . F . H . Cozens , who presided afc the pianoforte , playod Beethoven ' s "Andante , Op . 35 " in a manner that evoked genoral applause . Bro . H . Asliton sang" Tell me Mary , " well . What wo must describe as the gem of the evening waa undoubtedly Walmkley ' s Glee , " I wish to tnne , " which went admirably ,
thanks in an especial degreo to Mr . James who took the tenor part . We regret to say that owing to indisposition Bro . Arthur Thompson was compelled to bo absent , but his place was ably filled at the last moment b y Bro . Collins whoso readiness to snpply his brother ' s placo was fully recognised ; indeed , tho weather was unfavourable to all the artists , and it is the more gratifying , therefore , to record how successful the evening was as a whole .
St . George ' s Lodge of Instruction , No . 140 , has been removed from the Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich , where ifc has been held for many years past , to the Public Hall at New Cross . The evening , in future , will be Tuesdays at 8 o ' clock , instead of Mondays at half-past 7 .
The meetings of the Islington Lodge of Instruction , No 1471 , will in future be held at the Crown and Cushion , 73 London Wall , where the Lodge was originally established
The members meet at seven p . m ., under the direction of Bro . J . L . Mather P . P . G . D . C . Herts . The attendance of Craftsmen is particularly requested .
The Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 , has been removed to the Swan Tavern , New Bethrial Green . Road , forty yards from Shoreditch . The first meeting in the new quarters took place on Thursday , 26 th inst ., at eight oclock .
Bro . Fenner , P . M . of the mother Lodge , is the Preceptor . The Charities Association in connection with this Lodge of Instruction will meet every fourth Thursday , at Nine o ' clock .
Bros . Boord and Baron De Worms addressed their constituents at New Cross , on Tuesday . Bro . J . D . Allcroffc has given £ 10 towards the erection of a new Primitive Methodist chapel at Worcester .
Bro . Sir John Bennett presided at the annual meeting of the City Waiters' Provident and Pension Society , held on Friday , at the Guildhall Tavern . Bro . the Right Honourable Sir Michael E . Hicks-Beach ,
Bart ., M . P ., Prov . Grand Master Gloucestershire , has signified his intention to visit the Zetland Lodge , No . 1005 , at the Masonic Hall , Gloucester , on Wednesday , 12 th April .
BRO . R . HIRST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient Hand for Annual Banquets , Dinners , Excnrsions and Quadrille Parties . For terms apply to " R . Hirst , The Three Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "
m.miMksffl'SCHHONICLEi A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence , Sanctioned by the Grand Lodgo of England . Price " 133 Gd por annum , post free . HpHE FllEEMASONM' CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct " - from the Office , ' - ' 3 Great Queen Street , W . C , ( opposite Freemasons' Hall ) , ou receipt of Post Office Order for tho amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent : iii . stakes . Pos t ; . Ofltiec Orders to bo made payable to W . W . MORGAN , . ifc High IL'lborn Office . Cheques crossed " Loudon and County . " Advertisers will find TUB FUEEMASOX ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionall y good modiani for Advertisements of every class .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Brecknock Lodge, No. 651
THE brethren of fche above Lodge assembled on Tuesday , 17 ih January , at the Freemasons' Hall , Brecon , at ¦ I-. ; iO p . in . fur rim purpose of installing the W . M . elect , and also totransaet order duti's associated with the Lodge . Tho chair having hen taken l > v the W . M ., Bro . Johu Alfred Whittle P . G . D ., tho niinuh-s of il . o la ^ t meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . John Evans was thou pissed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Lo . lgo having been raised to the
Third Degree , Bro . Marmaduke Tennant tho Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Eastern Division of South Wales , was aunounced and admitted in dne form . Bro . John Morgan S . W . and W . M . elect was introduced by Bro . J . A . Whittle W . M . for installation in tho customary manner . All brethren below the rank ' of Installed Master having withdrawn , a board of Installed Masters was formed
consisting of P . M . 's H . C . Rich , E . C . Phillips , R . W-bb , T . Butcher , F . Grundy , J . A . Whittle , Hunter , William William ? , and the W . M . elect duly placed in the chair of K . S . Tho brethren on thoir admittance , saluted the newly installed W . M . in tho manner usual nni' -ngst Masons . The W . M . then appointed as his Officers for the ensuing year , the following brethren : —Bros . Thomas Lawrence Lewis S . W .,
Rhys Davis J . W ., Morgan Powell Williams Chaplain , 11 . 0 . Avoline Maybery Almoner , Ernest Henry Teale Secretary , II . 0 . Rich jun . S . D ., Thomas Howel Price J . D . and Treasurer , Itecs Thomas fleins Organist , Adam Orlopp D . C , Edward Thomas Edwards I . G ., Robert Owen Sen . Steward , Edwin A . Wright Jun . Steward J . Evans Tyler . ; The Worshipful I . Past Master , Brother Tennant having delivered tho ; — * — > — — ^ - - - — .
B ancient charges to the Wardens and brethren , the Lodge was lowered to the second and first degrees . On the motion of Bro . Whittle , j seconded by Bro . Rich , and supported by Bros . Grundy and Webb , j it was unanimously agreed that Bro . Tennant be made an honorary member of the Lodge . Bro . Tennant having thanked tho brethren , j the Lodge was closed in harmony . The brethren then repaired I
to the Castle Hotel , where a sumptuous repast awaited them . Tho W . M . Bro . John Morgan presided . On the removal of the cloth , tho Queen and Craft , His Royal Highness the Prince o Wales Most Worshipful Grand Master , the Pro Grand Master and Officers of Grand Lodge were eiven from the chair as Loyal and Masonic toasts , and duly honoured with all fealty . The Wor . Master in
proposing the health of the Provincial Grand Master , Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and the Provincial Grand Lodge , said that he felt personally indebted to Bro . Tennant for his presence there that evening , and hoped that the brethren would hnve the honour of his company on many future occasions . The toasfc was received with acclamation . Bro . Tennant , in reply , said that ho was only too happv to j
visit the Brecknock Lodgo . aud he regretted that Sir Goorge Elliot , through pressure of bnsiness , was not able to visit the different Lodges , but was certain that , if he did so , he would bo even more popular , if possible , than ho was now . Bro . Tennant then proposed the toast of the W . M ., and trusted that ho wonld have a prosperous year of office . One thing he ( Bro . Tennant ) must compliment the
W . M . upon having such an efficient band of Past Masters . To this toast the brethren responded heartily . Bro . Morgan , in reply , said that ho felt great diffidence in following such a- talented predecessor , but trusted thafc his own shortcomings wonld be overlooked , and thought that , with the assistance of the Immediate Past Master and his own staff of Officers , he would manage to perform the d ities
of Master during his year of office . Bro . Phillips P . M ., in giving the Masonio Charities , said that the Lodge on glib to feel grateful to the Deputy Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Tennant , for the successful manner in which he had supported the candidature of their applicaufc , Millicent Flora Wotton , and that Charity was the backbone of Masonry . With the toast he would couple the namo of Bro . Tennant , who waa
the Charity Commissioner for the Eastern Division of South Wales . Bro . Tennant responded , and impressed upon the brethren tlie duty of supporting the Charities . The next toast—the I . P . M . and Past Masters—was proposed by Bro . T . L . Lewis S . W ., and suitably acknowledged by Bro . J . A . Whittle I . P . M . The toast of the Visit . ing Brethren was proposed by the W . M ., and responded to by Bros .
Hunter W . M . 1578 , W . Williams W . M . 1807 , David Price , and John Benjamin . The hour being late , tho Worshipful Master said that time would tot permit him to give the Wardens and Officers of the Lodge . The meeting was brought to a closo by tho Tyler ' s toast , and the brethren separated after spending a most onjoyable evening . " Happy to meet , sorry to part , and happy to meet again . "
Fidelity Lodge, No. 230.
fTIHE annual Festival of thi 3 Lodge was hold on Thursday , 19 th J- inst ., at the Royal Hotel , Devonport , and thero waa a very large atteudanco of mornbers and visitors . As on former occasions , the wives and sweethearts of the brethron were invited to participate in the evening ' s enjoyment , and the admirable catering of Mrs . and Rro . Parker were much appreciated by all . The W . Master Br .-. R- W . Pitcher , who presided , was well supported by hia Officers-
—V . W . Bro . J . Lyon P . M . P . P . G . S . B as I . P . M . ( Lo being the oldest P . M . of and in tho Lodge ) , II . Cawaoy P . M . Secretary , W . Wlutl ' or 1 S . W ., Border J . W ., R . H . Bntt P . M ., J . H . R . Harris P . M ., II , Pi !; . P . M ., W . B . Lynn P . M ., A . Rowe P . M ., W . M . Ridlaud Se .-ih-i Deacon , E . Littleton Junior Deacon , W . Rattcnbury Inner Cluir i and very much better supported by a largo gathering of h-. dic •' .
It is needless to say that the anniversary was a perfect . succc-: ? . The order of the evening was short speeches , and beimr short they were sensible—and tlier . earno tho dancin ; --with a provision in two other room ; . ' , first ; for Lho ladi ' .-.-for a concert , and there Bros . Ronrlle , Greenlaw , Orchard , J . Kinion Bonn , by request of Bro . Pitcher ( who really seemed to bo ubirpi ; . tous ) , entertained those who did nofc dance , and iu another room a
Fidelity Lodge, No. 230.
few bachelors congregated . All were so well pleased as to wish , as Bro . ( lover said , that all other Lodges would copy the Lodge of Fidelity , and invito tho ladies at their annual Festivals . Mention must be made of tho admirable arrangements of Bro . Watson , of 95-1 , who was M . C . of tho ball , and whose band gavo universal satisfaction . The almost infant son of tlie W . M . Master Pitcher very much pleased thoso present by his musical entertainment .
The Owl Club.
fpHIS well known Clnb gave its regnlar coucort at the Cannon-- * - stroet Hotel , ou Monday . An excellent programme was provided , and the audience which had assembled with the intention of boing pleased , had their intention gratified and dispersed to their homes after having spent a most enjoyable evening . The opening number Esto ' s trio " How merrily we live " was rendered capitally . Bro . A . Hnbbard sang " The King ' s Ambassador , " aa usualmost
, effectively , whilo Bro . Edwin Moss gave Sullivan ' s song " From Rock to Rock " with requisite force . Bro . F . H . Cozens , who presided afc the pianoforte , playod Beethoven ' s "Andante , Op . 35 " in a manner that evoked genoral applause . Bro . H . Asliton sang" Tell me Mary , " well . What wo must describe as the gem of the evening waa undoubtedly Walmkley ' s Glee , " I wish to tnne , " which went admirably ,
thanks in an especial degreo to Mr . James who took the tenor part . We regret to say that owing to indisposition Bro . Arthur Thompson was compelled to bo absent , but his place was ably filled at the last moment b y Bro . Collins whoso readiness to snpply his brother ' s placo was fully recognised ; indeed , tho weather was unfavourable to all the artists , and it is the more gratifying , therefore , to record how successful the evening was as a whole .
St . George ' s Lodge of Instruction , No . 140 , has been removed from the Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich , where ifc has been held for many years past , to the Public Hall at New Cross . The evening , in future , will be Tuesdays at 8 o ' clock , instead of Mondays at half-past 7 .
The meetings of the Islington Lodge of Instruction , No 1471 , will in future be held at the Crown and Cushion , 73 London Wall , where the Lodge was originally established
The members meet at seven p . m ., under the direction of Bro . J . L . Mather P . P . G . D . C . Herts . The attendance of Craftsmen is particularly requested .
The Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 , has been removed to the Swan Tavern , New Bethrial Green . Road , forty yards from Shoreditch . The first meeting in the new quarters took place on Thursday , 26 th inst ., at eight oclock .
Bro . Fenner , P . M . of the mother Lodge , is the Preceptor . The Charities Association in connection with this Lodge of Instruction will meet every fourth Thursday , at Nine o ' clock .
Bros . Boord and Baron De Worms addressed their constituents at New Cross , on Tuesday . Bro . J . D . Allcroffc has given £ 10 towards the erection of a new Primitive Methodist chapel at Worcester .
Bro . Sir John Bennett presided at the annual meeting of the City Waiters' Provident and Pension Society , held on Friday , at the Guildhall Tavern . Bro . the Right Honourable Sir Michael E . Hicks-Beach ,
Bart ., M . P ., Prov . Grand Master Gloucestershire , has signified his intention to visit the Zetland Lodge , No . 1005 , at the Masonic Hall , Gloucester , on Wednesday , 12 th April .
BRO . R . HIRST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient Hand for Annual Banquets , Dinners , Excnrsions and Quadrille Parties . For terms apply to " R . Hirst , The Three Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "
m.miMksffl'SCHHONICLEi A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence , Sanctioned by the Grand Lodgo of England . Price " 133 Gd por annum , post free . HpHE FllEEMASONM' CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct " - from the Office , ' - ' 3 Great Queen Street , W . C , ( opposite Freemasons' Hall ) , ou receipt of Post Office Order for tho amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent : iii . stakes . Pos t ; . Ofltiec Orders to bo made payable to W . W . MORGAN , . ifc High IL'lborn Office . Cheques crossed " Loudon and County . " Advertisers will find TUB FUEEMASOX ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionall y good modiani for Advertisements of every class .