Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 4 of 4 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 4 of 4
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Installation Meetings, &C.
to Bro . Abraham . To give him a jewel might ; be considered somewhat out of place , as he was so well provided in that respect already ; therefore , the brethren had decided to make him a present which he could uso on other than Masonio occasions , and had accordingly selected a biscuit-box , whioh they hoped would be acceptable . The box , whioh was very neat , was suitably engraved , the following boing the wording of the inscription : —
Presented to BROTHER SAMUEL VICTOR ABRAHAM P . M . By the Brethren of The Montefiore Lodgo , 1017 . He was one of its Founders , And twice served tho office of Worshipful Master . January 1882 .
That inscription expressed , the Master said , better than any words of his could possibly do , the sentiments and feelings of the members . In presenting it they one and all offered ifc as a very small token of the respect which they all felt for their I . P . M . Although ho had ceased to be Master of the Lodgo ho would never cease to be one of its brightest ornaments . Bro . Abraham replied . Ho had
had the pleasure on many previous occasions to address the Lodge , and without being egotistical , he thought he had been able to speak to tho subject , but he now felfc that he could nofc express himself as he should do . That he desired to say mnch , all would believe ; that ho was unable to say a small part of what he could wish , ho assured them . Briefly , he thanked them most heartily and honestly ; ho
could but refer to their kind expressions of sympathy in tho past when he had been unable to be with them ; and , feeling that the aympathy was genuine , he considered ifc his duty to acknowledge it . The Master then proposed the toast of the Visitors , to which several of the guests responded . The other toasts were—the Past Masters , the Treasnrer and Secretary ,
the Officers , and "All Poor and Distressed Brethren . " A good musical selection was provided , under the direction of Bro . Lindsay Sloper ; the artistes being Miss Isabella Stone , and Mr . J . AV . Thompson ; Bro . Chas . Brabam also favoured the company with a song . Among the Visitors were Bros . Rev . C . J . Martyn P . G . C . Deputy Prov . G . M . Suffolk , J . Lewis Thomas P . A . G . D . C , W . Clarke G . P ., Thomas C . Corpe I . P . M . 1839 , A . Clifford Eskell P . M ., L . Etheridge P . M . 829 ,
F . Croaker W . M . 185 , W . AVebb P . M . 382 , S . Barnett S . D . 185 , Alexander Pyke , F . J . Foakes-Jacksou P . M . P . P . G . C . Surrey , W . B . Barham 946 , L . Norden P . M . 205 , W . W . Morgan jun . J . AV . 1107 , G . Cbivera 901 , AVilliam Ffennel 829 , S . Vallentine P . M . 9 , Lewis Solomon J . W . 1732 , AV . Guyer J . D . 1281 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , W . S . Lover AV . M . 1668 .
ISRAEL LODGE , No . 205 .
THE installation meeting of the above Lodge , took place at tho Cannon-street Hotel , City , on Tuesday , the 24 th instant . On the brethren assembling it was announced that in consequence of the death of his mother , the W . M . Brother H . J . Phillips would be unable to attend . Under those circumstances Bro . L . Norden opened the the Lodge . The Officers were at their posts , and in addition , the
acting AV . M . was supported by the following Past Masters : —Bros . A . Bassiugton , H . M . Harris , I . P . Cohen , S . H . Harris , F . Buckland . W . Littau , C . F . Hogard Sec , A . M . Cohen Treasnrer . There was a very strong array of Visitors , amongst whom we may mention Bros . J . L . Thomas P . A . G . D . C , W . Clarke G . P ., E . P . Albert P . G . P ., W . Gibson Botfc W . M . 1839 , T . 0 . Corpe I . P . M . 1839 , G . H . Dowsefcfc 79 ,
Asher Myers 185 , J . Bladen 1839 , J . W . Barber W . M . 1767 , D . M Davis Organist 1017 , S . Barnett S . D . 185 , E . Martin 1494 , G . L . Moore Past Master 169 , J . Benjamin Senior Deacon 188 , F . Croaker W . M . 185 , S . M . Lazarus P . M . 188 , J . L . Hickman P . M . 188 , W . Musto 1319 , C . H . AVebb P . M . 174 , G . H . Stephens S . D . 1623 , W . Russell P . M . 77 J . Johnson 1541 H . Massey P . M . 619 W . M . 1928 ,
, , John Moore 548 , Jamea Terry P . M . 228 Secretary R . M . B . I ., J- A . Kenneth Campbell 1523 , Lewis Lazarus Past Master 188 , W . Drewett 1638 , W . Hunter 382 , S . V . Abraham W . M . 1017 , W . J . Vallentine W . S . 1017 , R . Clowes S . W . 630 , Geo . Meads J . D . 1321 , Charles Hunt P . M . 194 , Robert Callingham 1178 , AV . T . Lover AV . M . 1668 , J . Bartlett W . M . 1347 Edgar Bowyer P . P . S . G . W . HertsE , L .
, , Watford 905 , A . A . Marks 185 , L . Alexander P . M . 188 , J . AV . Dewsnap 188 , Alfred Stokes J . AV . 1839 , G . F . Smith I . G . 1839 , C . H . Cox 188 , L . M . Myer W . M . 188 , G . F . Smith jun . S . AV . 1839 , G . F . Busbrige P . M . 1068 , J . Da Silva 1839 , AV . Musto P . M . 1349 , AV . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , & c . Lodge having been opened with the accustomed preliminaries , the minutes of tho last meeting were rend and
confirmed . The minutes of the Audit Committee and the report of the Committee of the Benevolent Fund having been adopted , Messrs . E - A . Pridden and Geo . Cox were initiated into the mysteries of the first degree , the eeremouy being most ably and impressively rendered by tho acting W . M . Bro . L . Norden . Bro . Da Silva S . AV . and AV . M . elect , was then presented in due conrse to Bro . L . Norden , to
receive at his hands the benefit of installation , and a Board of Installed Masters having been formed , was duly inducted into the chair ot K . S ., the ceremony being most ably carried ont by the Installing Master . Having received tho customary congratulations Bro . Da Silva appointed the following brethren as his Officers for the ensuing year , i > ame ! y '—Bros . H . M . Harris S . W ., A . Abrahams J . W ., A . M . Coheu \ -M . Treasurer . C . F . Hoo-nrd P . M . Snoretarv . L . A . Gartlfiv S . D
A . W ard J . D ., E . TI . Norden I . G ., I . P . Cohen P . M . M . C , It . J . Paxton U'gamst , S . 11 . Philcox W . S . and J . Rawles Tyler . A voto of condolence with Bro . Phillips I . P . M . on tho bereavement ho had lately sustained having been unanimously passed and ordered to be enecl ou the minutes , and the sum of five guineas having beeu voted , ta , motiou of Bro - tfama S . AV ., seconded by Bro . Gartley S . D ., tbe -Mansion House Fund , now in course of being raised for tbe
Installation Meetings, &C.
persecuted Jews and Russia , Lodgo was closed , and the brethren sat down to the banquet . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and honoured , Bro . J . Lewis Thomas P . G . Assistant Director of Ceremonies , responding in hearty terms for that of tho Pro Grand Master and tho rest of tho Grand Officers Present and Past . Bro . Norden proposed tho health of tho W . M ., and expressed his
regret that the absence of Bro . Phillips I . P . M . had necessitated tho transfer of tho task to him . At the same time , ho experienced great ; pleasure in being called upon to fulfil so agreeable a duty , and ho felfc confident thafc under the presidency of Bro . Da Silva , the Israel Lodge would enjoy a further year ' s prosperity . He had well fulfilled the duties of tho several offices he had already held , and that was in
his ( Bro . Nordon's ) opinion a guarantee thafc his year of office as W . M . would be a most successful one . The AV . M . having acknowledged tho compliment in most appropriate terms , the toast of tho Masonic Charities and the Lodge of Israel Bonovolonfc Fund was given with due eclat , special reference being made to tho appronching Festival of the Benevolont Institution , which he trusted would meet
with that measure of support it so richly deserved , and so groatly needed . Bro . Terry , on behalf of the Benevolent Institution , expressed hia thauks for tho manner in which tho toast had been proposed and received , laying especial stress on the fact thafc tho Institntion waa paying a yearly sum of £ 11 , 600 in tho shapo of annuities , whilo Bro . Cohen retnrned thanks for the Lodge Benevolont Fund . Tho toasts
of the I . P . M . and Visitors wero likewise honoured , the latter being acknowledged by Bros . Clarke and Croaker . Tho Masonic Press waa responded to by Bros . Stephens and AV . AV . Morgan , and the Tyler ' s toasfc closed the proceedings . Ifc is gratifying to know thafc the W . M . 'a list as Steward for the Benevolent Festival has already reached tho sum of £ 78 , and wo trust- this amount will be increased between now and the 21 st February , fche dav fixed for fche Anniversary .
THERE was a large gathering of members and Visitors to thia Lodge on Wednesday , the 25 fch instant , to hear a reading by Bro . James Stevens , a Past Master of the mother Lodge , explanatory of the entire ceremony of tho first degree . Tho Lodge was opened by Bro . W . S . Dnnkley as AV . M ., Bros . Moody and Graham officiating respectively as Senior and Junior Wardens . Amongst others present were Bros . P . M . 's Poore , Sheadd , Allen , Sawyer ; Dr . Goffiu
( Head Master of the United AVestminster Schools ) , Lilley , AVcekes , Hudson , AVarren , Standing , AVingfield , Arnold , Everisfc , Culpin , Mnlley , Barfco * n , Lambert , Kerr , Bain , Brand , Tichmans , Laird , Elliott , & c . & c . Bro . Stevens at once commenced his expositions and explanations , nnd for upwards of two hours kept his listeners thoroughly interested . His work had evidently
received much skill and labour in preparing , and his several arguments were fully appreciated and cordially endorsed . Afc its conclnsion Bro . Sawyer P . M . of East Grinstead Lodge , proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Stevens for his able , instructive , and interest , ing lecture , and expressed the hope thafc he would confcinno his labours in liko manner in the following dogroes . Bro . Dr . Goffin , who saidheheartily agreed with thesound and common sense interpretation
giw _ n in respect cf varions points of ceremonial , seconded the motion , which was supported by numerous brethren , and unanimously carried Bro . Stevens was invited to deliver his read ' i . g in several other Lodges , and , in replying to the thanks accorded to him , expressed his willingness to repeat his evening's work whenever ho might bo solicited to do so . Lodge was then closed , and i-ho brethren separated with a general expression of satisfaction at the information and instruction which the " reading " had afforded them .
Lodge Of Fortitude , No . 105 . —The me .-tiii - ' of this Lodge , whose Warrant dates from 1759 , was held on Thursday , the 19 fch instant , to celebrate tho Festival of St . John the Ilvangelist . The banquet was afc Bro . C Walter ' s , Farley Hotel , Plymouth , and tho worthy host surpassed his previous successful catering in honour of the occasion . The AV . M ., Bro . Henry J . Kitto , presided , and he was supported by a largo number of brethren . The usual Loyal ,
Patriotic , and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . V . AV . Bro . S . Jew conducted the musical portion of the programme , aud during tho evening Bros . Hearder , Rendle , W . H . Pike , R . B . Tvvose , J . K . Bond , Dyke , and others did good service in the entertainment of fche brethren . A special appeal ou behalf of the Devon Masonic Educational Fund was made by Bro . Jew , and will doubtless be well responded to .
Mount Sinai Lodge , No . 121 . —Afc tho usual monthly meeting W . Bro . Boa ? e was called upon by tho AV . M . ( Bro . Small ) to present tho I . P . M . ( AV . Bro . James Lovell jun . ) with a very valuable Past Master ' s jewel . It was engraved with an inscription recording the recipient ' s services for some years a 3 Secretary , and last year as Worshipful Master of the Lodge . AV . Bro . Boase , in appropriate
terms , dilated upon Bro . Lovell s qualities as a Mason , and , on behalf of the Lodge , asked him to accept the jewel as presented with all the good wishes of tho members . Bro . Lovell , in reply , thanked the brethren for the worthy token of their esteem , adding that it gave him particular pleasure to receive tho jewel from the hands of Bro . Boase , who was one of tho oldest Past Masters of tho Lodge , and an excellent Mason .
TJOLLOW . VY ' S Or VIM K XT i > a > PILLS . —As winter advances and tbe weather becomes more and more inclement and tryinsr , the earliest , evidence J of ill health must he immediately chcckc I , and removed , or a slight illness may result in a sorions malady . Relaxed and sure throat . i | iiiusey , iulhiorrza , chronic condi , bronchitis , anil most , other pulmonary affections , nil ! bo relieved by vubbin . i
this coolitiff Ointment int . ! the skin as nearly as practu'ivilo to the seat of mischief . This treatment , simple yet . etl'octive . is admirably adapted for the removal of these diseases during infancy and youth . Old asthmatic invalids will derive marvellous relief from the uso of Holloway's remedies , which have wonderfully relieved many such sufferers , and re-established health after every other means had signally failed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
to Bro . Abraham . To give him a jewel might ; be considered somewhat out of place , as he was so well provided in that respect already ; therefore , the brethren had decided to make him a present which he could uso on other than Masonio occasions , and had accordingly selected a biscuit-box , whioh they hoped would be acceptable . The box , whioh was very neat , was suitably engraved , the following boing the wording of the inscription : —
Presented to BROTHER SAMUEL VICTOR ABRAHAM P . M . By the Brethren of The Montefiore Lodgo , 1017 . He was one of its Founders , And twice served tho office of Worshipful Master . January 1882 .
That inscription expressed , the Master said , better than any words of his could possibly do , the sentiments and feelings of the members . In presenting it they one and all offered ifc as a very small token of the respect which they all felt for their I . P . M . Although ho had ceased to be Master of the Lodgo ho would never cease to be one of its brightest ornaments . Bro . Abraham replied . Ho had
had the pleasure on many previous occasions to address the Lodge , and without being egotistical , he thought he had been able to speak to tho subject , but he now felfc that he could nofc express himself as he should do . That he desired to say mnch , all would believe ; that ho was unable to say a small part of what he could wish , ho assured them . Briefly , he thanked them most heartily and honestly ; ho
could but refer to their kind expressions of sympathy in tho past when he had been unable to be with them ; and , feeling that the aympathy was genuine , he considered ifc his duty to acknowledge it . The Master then proposed the toast of the Visitors , to which several of the guests responded . The other toasts were—the Past Masters , the Treasnrer and Secretary ,
the Officers , and "All Poor and Distressed Brethren . " A good musical selection was provided , under the direction of Bro . Lindsay Sloper ; the artistes being Miss Isabella Stone , and Mr . J . AV . Thompson ; Bro . Chas . Brabam also favoured the company with a song . Among the Visitors were Bros . Rev . C . J . Martyn P . G . C . Deputy Prov . G . M . Suffolk , J . Lewis Thomas P . A . G . D . C , W . Clarke G . P ., Thomas C . Corpe I . P . M . 1839 , A . Clifford Eskell P . M ., L . Etheridge P . M . 829 ,
F . Croaker W . M . 185 , W . AVebb P . M . 382 , S . Barnett S . D . 185 , Alexander Pyke , F . J . Foakes-Jacksou P . M . P . P . G . C . Surrey , W . B . Barham 946 , L . Norden P . M . 205 , W . W . Morgan jun . J . AV . 1107 , G . Cbivera 901 , AVilliam Ffennel 829 , S . Vallentine P . M . 9 , Lewis Solomon J . W . 1732 , AV . Guyer J . D . 1281 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , W . S . Lover AV . M . 1668 .
ISRAEL LODGE , No . 205 .
THE installation meeting of the above Lodge , took place at tho Cannon-street Hotel , City , on Tuesday , the 24 th instant . On the brethren assembling it was announced that in consequence of the death of his mother , the W . M . Brother H . J . Phillips would be unable to attend . Under those circumstances Bro . L . Norden opened the the Lodge . The Officers were at their posts , and in addition , the
acting AV . M . was supported by the following Past Masters : —Bros . A . Bassiugton , H . M . Harris , I . P . Cohen , S . H . Harris , F . Buckland . W . Littau , C . F . Hogard Sec , A . M . Cohen Treasnrer . There was a very strong array of Visitors , amongst whom we may mention Bros . J . L . Thomas P . A . G . D . C , W . Clarke G . P ., E . P . Albert P . G . P ., W . Gibson Botfc W . M . 1839 , T . 0 . Corpe I . P . M . 1839 , G . H . Dowsefcfc 79 ,
Asher Myers 185 , J . Bladen 1839 , J . W . Barber W . M . 1767 , D . M Davis Organist 1017 , S . Barnett S . D . 185 , E . Martin 1494 , G . L . Moore Past Master 169 , J . Benjamin Senior Deacon 188 , F . Croaker W . M . 185 , S . M . Lazarus P . M . 188 , J . L . Hickman P . M . 188 , W . Musto 1319 , C . H . AVebb P . M . 174 , G . H . Stephens S . D . 1623 , W . Russell P . M . 77 J . Johnson 1541 H . Massey P . M . 619 W . M . 1928 ,
, , John Moore 548 , Jamea Terry P . M . 228 Secretary R . M . B . I ., J- A . Kenneth Campbell 1523 , Lewis Lazarus Past Master 188 , W . Drewett 1638 , W . Hunter 382 , S . V . Abraham W . M . 1017 , W . J . Vallentine W . S . 1017 , R . Clowes S . W . 630 , Geo . Meads J . D . 1321 , Charles Hunt P . M . 194 , Robert Callingham 1178 , AV . T . Lover AV . M . 1668 , J . Bartlett W . M . 1347 Edgar Bowyer P . P . S . G . W . HertsE , L .
, , Watford 905 , A . A . Marks 185 , L . Alexander P . M . 188 , J . AV . Dewsnap 188 , Alfred Stokes J . AV . 1839 , G . F . Smith I . G . 1839 , C . H . Cox 188 , L . M . Myer W . M . 188 , G . F . Smith jun . S . AV . 1839 , G . F . Busbrige P . M . 1068 , J . Da Silva 1839 , AV . Musto P . M . 1349 , AV . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , & c . Lodge having been opened with the accustomed preliminaries , the minutes of tho last meeting were rend and
confirmed . The minutes of the Audit Committee and the report of the Committee of the Benevolent Fund having been adopted , Messrs . E - A . Pridden and Geo . Cox were initiated into the mysteries of the first degree , the eeremouy being most ably and impressively rendered by tho acting W . M . Bro . L . Norden . Bro . Da Silva S . AV . and AV . M . elect , was then presented in due conrse to Bro . L . Norden , to
receive at his hands the benefit of installation , and a Board of Installed Masters having been formed , was duly inducted into the chair ot K . S ., the ceremony being most ably carried ont by the Installing Master . Having received tho customary congratulations Bro . Da Silva appointed the following brethren as his Officers for the ensuing year , i > ame ! y '—Bros . H . M . Harris S . W ., A . Abrahams J . W ., A . M . Coheu \ -M . Treasurer . C . F . Hoo-nrd P . M . Snoretarv . L . A . Gartlfiv S . D
A . W ard J . D ., E . TI . Norden I . G ., I . P . Cohen P . M . M . C , It . J . Paxton U'gamst , S . 11 . Philcox W . S . and J . Rawles Tyler . A voto of condolence with Bro . Phillips I . P . M . on tho bereavement ho had lately sustained having been unanimously passed and ordered to be enecl ou the minutes , and the sum of five guineas having beeu voted , ta , motiou of Bro - tfama S . AV ., seconded by Bro . Gartley S . D ., tbe -Mansion House Fund , now in course of being raised for tbe
Installation Meetings, &C.
persecuted Jews and Russia , Lodgo was closed , and the brethren sat down to the banquet . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and honoured , Bro . J . Lewis Thomas P . G . Assistant Director of Ceremonies , responding in hearty terms for that of tho Pro Grand Master and tho rest of tho Grand Officers Present and Past . Bro . Norden proposed tho health of tho W . M ., and expressed his
regret that the absence of Bro . Phillips I . P . M . had necessitated tho transfer of tho task to him . At the same time , ho experienced great ; pleasure in being called upon to fulfil so agreeable a duty , and ho felfc confident thafc under the presidency of Bro . Da Silva , the Israel Lodge would enjoy a further year ' s prosperity . He had well fulfilled the duties of tho several offices he had already held , and that was in
his ( Bro . Nordon's ) opinion a guarantee thafc his year of office as W . M . would be a most successful one . The AV . M . having acknowledged tho compliment in most appropriate terms , the toast of tho Masonic Charities and the Lodge of Israel Bonovolonfc Fund was given with due eclat , special reference being made to tho appronching Festival of the Benevolont Institution , which he trusted would meet
with that measure of support it so richly deserved , and so groatly needed . Bro . Terry , on behalf of the Benevolent Institution , expressed hia thauks for tho manner in which tho toast had been proposed and received , laying especial stress on the fact thafc tho Institntion waa paying a yearly sum of £ 11 , 600 in tho shapo of annuities , whilo Bro . Cohen retnrned thanks for the Lodge Benevolont Fund . Tho toasts
of the I . P . M . and Visitors wero likewise honoured , the latter being acknowledged by Bros . Clarke and Croaker . Tho Masonic Press waa responded to by Bros . Stephens and AV . AV . Morgan , and the Tyler ' s toasfc closed the proceedings . Ifc is gratifying to know thafc the W . M . 'a list as Steward for the Benevolent Festival has already reached tho sum of £ 78 , and wo trust- this amount will be increased between now and the 21 st February , fche dav fixed for fche Anniversary .
THERE was a large gathering of members and Visitors to thia Lodge on Wednesday , the 25 fch instant , to hear a reading by Bro . James Stevens , a Past Master of the mother Lodge , explanatory of the entire ceremony of tho first degree . Tho Lodge was opened by Bro . W . S . Dnnkley as AV . M ., Bros . Moody and Graham officiating respectively as Senior and Junior Wardens . Amongst others present were Bros . P . M . 's Poore , Sheadd , Allen , Sawyer ; Dr . Goffiu
( Head Master of the United AVestminster Schools ) , Lilley , AVcekes , Hudson , AVarren , Standing , AVingfield , Arnold , Everisfc , Culpin , Mnlley , Barfco * n , Lambert , Kerr , Bain , Brand , Tichmans , Laird , Elliott , & c . & c . Bro . Stevens at once commenced his expositions and explanations , nnd for upwards of two hours kept his listeners thoroughly interested . His work had evidently
received much skill and labour in preparing , and his several arguments were fully appreciated and cordially endorsed . Afc its conclnsion Bro . Sawyer P . M . of East Grinstead Lodge , proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Stevens for his able , instructive , and interest , ing lecture , and expressed the hope thafc he would confcinno his labours in liko manner in the following dogroes . Bro . Dr . Goffin , who saidheheartily agreed with thesound and common sense interpretation
giw _ n in respect cf varions points of ceremonial , seconded the motion , which was supported by numerous brethren , and unanimously carried Bro . Stevens was invited to deliver his read ' i . g in several other Lodges , and , in replying to the thanks accorded to him , expressed his willingness to repeat his evening's work whenever ho might bo solicited to do so . Lodge was then closed , and i-ho brethren separated with a general expression of satisfaction at the information and instruction which the " reading " had afforded them .
Lodge Of Fortitude , No . 105 . —The me .-tiii - ' of this Lodge , whose Warrant dates from 1759 , was held on Thursday , the 19 fch instant , to celebrate tho Festival of St . John the Ilvangelist . The banquet was afc Bro . C Walter ' s , Farley Hotel , Plymouth , and tho worthy host surpassed his previous successful catering in honour of the occasion . The AV . M ., Bro . Henry J . Kitto , presided , and he was supported by a largo number of brethren . The usual Loyal ,
Patriotic , and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . V . AV . Bro . S . Jew conducted the musical portion of the programme , aud during tho evening Bros . Hearder , Rendle , W . H . Pike , R . B . Tvvose , J . K . Bond , Dyke , and others did good service in the entertainment of fche brethren . A special appeal ou behalf of the Devon Masonic Educational Fund was made by Bro . Jew , and will doubtless be well responded to .
Mount Sinai Lodge , No . 121 . —Afc tho usual monthly meeting W . Bro . Boa ? e was called upon by tho AV . M . ( Bro . Small ) to present tho I . P . M . ( AV . Bro . James Lovell jun . ) with a very valuable Past Master ' s jewel . It was engraved with an inscription recording the recipient ' s services for some years a 3 Secretary , and last year as Worshipful Master of the Lodge . AV . Bro . Boase , in appropriate
terms , dilated upon Bro . Lovell s qualities as a Mason , and , on behalf of the Lodge , asked him to accept the jewel as presented with all the good wishes of tho members . Bro . Lovell , in reply , thanked the brethren for the worthy token of their esteem , adding that it gave him particular pleasure to receive tho jewel from the hands of Bro . Boase , who was one of tho oldest Past Masters of tho Lodge , and an excellent Mason .
TJOLLOW . VY ' S Or VIM K XT i > a > PILLS . —As winter advances and tbe weather becomes more and more inclement and tryinsr , the earliest , evidence J of ill health must he immediately chcckc I , and removed , or a slight illness may result in a sorions malady . Relaxed and sure throat . i | iiiusey , iulhiorrza , chronic condi , bronchitis , anil most , other pulmonary affections , nil ! bo relieved by vubbin . i
this coolitiff Ointment int . ! the skin as nearly as practu'ivilo to the seat of mischief . This treatment , simple yet . etl'octive . is admirably adapted for the removal of these diseases during infancy and youth . Old asthmatic invalids will derive marvellous relief from the uso of Holloway's remedies , which have wonderfully relieved many such sufferers , and re-established health after every other means had signally failed .