Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS. Page 1 of 1 Article BEDFORD CHAPTER, No. 282. Page 1 of 1 Article BEDFORD CHAPTER, No. 282. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LATE PRESIDENT GARFIELD. Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article CLIQUISM. Page 1 of 1
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Supreme Grand Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons.
A QUARTERLY Convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter will be held at Freemasons' Hall , London , on "Wednesday , the 1 st of February next , at six o ' clock in tbe evening .
The Minutes of the last Quarterly Convocation to be read for confirmation , and the report of the Committeo of General Purposes ( as follows ) will be submitted to the Supreme Grand Chapter of Eoyal Arch Masons of England .
The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 20 th October 1881 , to the 17 th Jannary 1882 , both inclusive , which they find to be aa follows : — £ s d £ s d
Balance Grand Chap- Disbursements during ter . . 1440 12 7 the quarter - 181 15 5 „ Unappropriated Balance . - 1620 3 1 Account . 197 8 5 „ in Unappropriated Subsequent Eecoipts- 347 3 11 Account - 183 6 5 £ 1985 4 11 £ 1985 4 11
which balances are in the Bank of England , Western Branch . The Committee have likewise to report that they have received the following Petitions : — 1 st . From Companions William Henry Maybury as Z ., William
Lambert as H ., Charles Michael Walsh Cropper as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Gonlburn Lodge of Australia , No . 1762 , Goulburu , N . S . W ., to be called " The Goulburn Chap , ter of Australia , " and to msefc afc Freemasons' Hall , Goulburn , New South Wales .
2 nd . From Companions Georgo Septimus Phillips as Z ., John Collins as H ., William Treaddell as J ., and six others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Lodge of Rectitude , No . 502 , Rugby , to be called "The Chapter of Bectitude , " and to . meet at the Town Hall , Eugby Warwickshire .
3 rd . From Companions William Vincent as Z ., Henry James Johnson as H ., John Gait Fisher as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Eccleston Lodge , No . 1624 , London , to be called "The Eccleston Chapter , " and to meet at Freemasons' Hall , London .
The Committee have also received a petition from the Principals and members of " The Stanhope Chapter , " No . 1269 , Anerley , praying for a Charter of Confirmation , the original Charter being lost . The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively grantee ? .
The Committee also recommend that the Eules and Eegulations relative to Centenary Warrants aud Jewels now in force in the United Grand Lodge of England be adopted by the Supreme Grand Chapter ; and that Chapters who can prove their uninterrupted existence for on 9 hundred years , be granted Centenary Charters , with
permission to wear a distinctive jewel of uniform design , and that the fees payable by Chapters for such Charter be five guineas . The Grand Lodge having recently resolved that three additional Offices should be created therein : —The Committee recommend that
in conformity with this arrangement , —and as the Offices in Grand Chapter have hitherto numbered somewhat less than in Grand Lodge , —four additional Offices be now created in Grand Chapter , to be named : —
Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies . 2 nd . Grand Standnrd Bearer . 3 rd . Do . Do . 4 th . Do . Do . ( Signed ) JOHN CREATON , P . G . Vr . Soj .
Grand Treasurer , President . FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . 18 th January 1882 .
Bedford Chapter, No. 282.
¦ T 1 HE annual convocation was holilen at Tavistock , on Wednesday , - - _ tbo 18 th instant . After the exaltation of a candidate and transaction of usual business , E . Comp . Samuel D . Nicholls was duly "" stalled asZ ., B . B . S . Eicliards as H ., and Thomas Knight as J . lhe highly interesting ceremony was ably performed by E . Comps , J- Gidloy P . Z ., and J . Russell Lord Z . of Chapter 70 , in a Board of Installed Principals , amongst whom wero E . Comps . J . H . Wostlako
Bedford Chapter, No. 282.
Z , P . Z . ' s Captain Joseph Matthews , George Merrifield , J . II . Tonkin , T . B . Richards . The following Companions were appointed and in . vested as the Officers for the ensuing year : —J . H . Westlake I . P . Z ., H . Down S . E ., J . J . Dawo S . N ., W . R . Northway P . S ., Thomas Bennett 1 st A . S ., Isaac Eoskilly 2 nd A . S ., B . B . S . Richards Treas .,
N . Coward Reg ., W . L . Sampson P . P . S . S . B ., R . Bjunett D . C , E . Handy Janitor . On tho completion of the business , the Companions adjourned to the Bedford Hotel , where they were entertained by Companion Northway , and , as is usnal at this fa'iioua hostelry , a very enjoyable evening was spent , the Companions separating at an early hour .
The Late President Garfield.
Cleveland , Ohio . December 28 th , 1881 . Mrs . Garfield has received from the Freemasons of tho
West Riding of Yorkshire , through their Grand Master , Lieut .-Colonel Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., C . B ., D . L ., & c , & c , their letter of sympathy with her in her great bereavement .
The sincere and respectful condolence tendered her by so large a body of sympathising friends in a foreign land , have filled her heart with gratitude and thankfulness , of which this note of acknowledgment must be accepted as an inadequate expression .
Lieut-Colonel Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., C . B ., D , L ., & c Pyenest , Halifax , England . Received 20 th January 1882 .
All Letters must bear the name anl address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith . We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Cor . respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications .
DEAR SIR AND BROTHKR , —Permit me to point out to you thafc our I . P . M ., Bro . Stephens , was presented with TWO jewels ; one by myself , on behalf of the Lodge , for efficiency in Lodge work ; and the second—a Prov . Grand Treasurer ' s jewel—by Bro . Moxbay , our senior P . M . —being a special presentation ( for which twonfcy . four guineas were subscribed by the members ) to commemorate Brother Stephens' great munificence in refurnishing our Masonic Hall at his
UNION LODGE , No . 414 . To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . Manorside Earley , Reading . 22 nd January 1882 .
own expense . I am rather sorry this point was missed in your excellent report of the proceedings , as ifc was the incident of the evening . Yours fraternally , R . C . MOUNT W . M .
[ We equally regret with onr correspondent Bro . Mount the omission to which he draws attention in the above letter , and apologise sincerely for the oversight . We can only imagine that it arose from onr being somewhat closely
occupied in elaborating our notice of what was a more than usually interesting meeting . We oifer Bro . Stephens onr hearty congratulations on the well deserved testimonials of which he was made the recipient at the meeting on the 17 th inst . of the Union Lodge , No . 414 , Reading . —ED . F . C ]
To the Editor of the FREEMASONS CIIRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —II . J . 's description of the way in which things are managed in his Lodge , is far from satisfactory , but the members , ifc seems to me , havo the remedy in their own hands . If a firm stand is made against the practices complained of , it strikes me they will soon coase , especially if those who indulge in them , are ¦ 'iven to understand that , if their "little games" are not stopped ,
there will be a large secession from tho Lodge . He says thafc similar practices wero in force at a former epoch in the Lodge's history , but were put down by the "Masonic spirit" of fche members . The exhibition of a like spirit now will , doubtless , havo a like effect . At all events , it strikes mo as being worth while to make the experimeut . Fraternally aud faithfully Yours SYMPATHISER ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Supreme Grand Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons.
A QUARTERLY Convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter will be held at Freemasons' Hall , London , on "Wednesday , the 1 st of February next , at six o ' clock in tbe evening .
The Minutes of the last Quarterly Convocation to be read for confirmation , and the report of the Committeo of General Purposes ( as follows ) will be submitted to the Supreme Grand Chapter of Eoyal Arch Masons of England .
The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they have examined the accounts from the 20 th October 1881 , to the 17 th Jannary 1882 , both inclusive , which they find to be aa follows : — £ s d £ s d
Balance Grand Chap- Disbursements during ter . . 1440 12 7 the quarter - 181 15 5 „ Unappropriated Balance . - 1620 3 1 Account . 197 8 5 „ in Unappropriated Subsequent Eecoipts- 347 3 11 Account - 183 6 5 £ 1985 4 11 £ 1985 4 11
which balances are in the Bank of England , Western Branch . The Committee have likewise to report that they have received the following Petitions : — 1 st . From Companions William Henry Maybury as Z ., William
Lambert as H ., Charles Michael Walsh Cropper as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Gonlburn Lodge of Australia , No . 1762 , Goulburu , N . S . W ., to be called " The Goulburn Chap , ter of Australia , " and to msefc afc Freemasons' Hall , Goulburn , New South Wales .
2 nd . From Companions Georgo Septimus Phillips as Z ., John Collins as H ., William Treaddell as J ., and six others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Lodge of Rectitude , No . 502 , Rugby , to be called "The Chapter of Bectitude , " and to . meet at the Town Hall , Eugby Warwickshire .
3 rd . From Companions William Vincent as Z ., Henry James Johnson as H ., John Gait Fisher as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Eccleston Lodge , No . 1624 , London , to be called "The Eccleston Chapter , " and to meet at Freemasons' Hall , London .
The Committee have also received a petition from the Principals and members of " The Stanhope Chapter , " No . 1269 , Anerley , praying for a Charter of Confirmation , the original Charter being lost . The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively grantee ? .
The Committee also recommend that the Eules and Eegulations relative to Centenary Warrants aud Jewels now in force in the United Grand Lodge of England be adopted by the Supreme Grand Chapter ; and that Chapters who can prove their uninterrupted existence for on 9 hundred years , be granted Centenary Charters , with
permission to wear a distinctive jewel of uniform design , and that the fees payable by Chapters for such Charter be five guineas . The Grand Lodge having recently resolved that three additional Offices should be created therein : —The Committee recommend that
in conformity with this arrangement , —and as the Offices in Grand Chapter have hitherto numbered somewhat less than in Grand Lodge , —four additional Offices be now created in Grand Chapter , to be named : —
Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies . 2 nd . Grand Standnrd Bearer . 3 rd . Do . Do . 4 th . Do . Do . ( Signed ) JOHN CREATON , P . G . Vr . Soj .
Grand Treasurer , President . FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . 18 th January 1882 .
Bedford Chapter, No. 282.
¦ T 1 HE annual convocation was holilen at Tavistock , on Wednesday , - - _ tbo 18 th instant . After the exaltation of a candidate and transaction of usual business , E . Comp . Samuel D . Nicholls was duly "" stalled asZ ., B . B . S . Eicliards as H ., and Thomas Knight as J . lhe highly interesting ceremony was ably performed by E . Comps , J- Gidloy P . Z ., and J . Russell Lord Z . of Chapter 70 , in a Board of Installed Principals , amongst whom wero E . Comps . J . H . Wostlako
Bedford Chapter, No. 282.
Z , P . Z . ' s Captain Joseph Matthews , George Merrifield , J . II . Tonkin , T . B . Richards . The following Companions were appointed and in . vested as the Officers for the ensuing year : —J . H . Westlake I . P . Z ., H . Down S . E ., J . J . Dawo S . N ., W . R . Northway P . S ., Thomas Bennett 1 st A . S ., Isaac Eoskilly 2 nd A . S ., B . B . S . Richards Treas .,
N . Coward Reg ., W . L . Sampson P . P . S . S . B ., R . Bjunett D . C , E . Handy Janitor . On tho completion of the business , the Companions adjourned to the Bedford Hotel , where they were entertained by Companion Northway , and , as is usnal at this fa'iioua hostelry , a very enjoyable evening was spent , the Companions separating at an early hour .
The Late President Garfield.
Cleveland , Ohio . December 28 th , 1881 . Mrs . Garfield has received from the Freemasons of tho
West Riding of Yorkshire , through their Grand Master , Lieut .-Colonel Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., C . B ., D . L ., & c , & c , their letter of sympathy with her in her great bereavement .
The sincere and respectful condolence tendered her by so large a body of sympathising friends in a foreign land , have filled her heart with gratitude and thankfulness , of which this note of acknowledgment must be accepted as an inadequate expression .
Lieut-Colonel Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., C . B ., D , L ., & c Pyenest , Halifax , England . Received 20 th January 1882 .
All Letters must bear the name anl address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith . We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Cor . respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications .
DEAR SIR AND BROTHKR , —Permit me to point out to you thafc our I . P . M ., Bro . Stephens , was presented with TWO jewels ; one by myself , on behalf of the Lodge , for efficiency in Lodge work ; and the second—a Prov . Grand Treasurer ' s jewel—by Bro . Moxbay , our senior P . M . —being a special presentation ( for which twonfcy . four guineas were subscribed by the members ) to commemorate Brother Stephens' great munificence in refurnishing our Masonic Hall at his
UNION LODGE , No . 414 . To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . Manorside Earley , Reading . 22 nd January 1882 .
own expense . I am rather sorry this point was missed in your excellent report of the proceedings , as ifc was the incident of the evening . Yours fraternally , R . C . MOUNT W . M .
[ We equally regret with onr correspondent Bro . Mount the omission to which he draws attention in the above letter , and apologise sincerely for the oversight . We can only imagine that it arose from onr being somewhat closely
occupied in elaborating our notice of what was a more than usually interesting meeting . We oifer Bro . Stephens onr hearty congratulations on the well deserved testimonials of which he was made the recipient at the meeting on the 17 th inst . of the Union Lodge , No . 414 , Reading . —ED . F . C ]
To the Editor of the FREEMASONS CIIRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —II . J . 's description of the way in which things are managed in his Lodge , is far from satisfactory , but the members , ifc seems to me , havo the remedy in their own hands . If a firm stand is made against the practices complained of , it strikes me they will soon coase , especially if those who indulge in them , are ¦ 'iven to understand that , if their "little games" are not stopped ,
there will be a large secession from tho Lodge . He says thafc similar practices wero in force at a former epoch in the Lodge's history , but were put down by the "Masonic spirit" of fche members . The exhibition of a like spirit now will , doubtless , havo a like effect . At all events , it strikes mo as being worth while to make the experimeut . Fraternally aud faithfully Yours SYMPATHISER ,