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Installation Meetings, &C.
SKIDDAW LODGE . No . 1002 .
rpHE tneinbsrs of this Lodge , met in great force , supported by JL many visitors , on Thursday , the Sth instant , at tho Freemasons ' Hall , Cockormouth , for the purpose of installing the W . M . and investing the Officers for the year . The Lodge was opened by Bro . J . Fidler W . M ., at four p . m ., when Brother George Dalrymple was invited to take the chair , and Brother F . A . C roper W . M . elect was
presented and duly installed Master of the Lodge for the ensuing year . He appointed the following brethren as his Officers , viz .: — Brothers Fidler I . P . M ., Smith S . W ., Burn J . W ., Mason Treasurer , Sbawyer Secretary , Atkinson S . D ., Taylor J . D ., Eufcwistle I . G ., Burns and Dr . Forsyth Stewards , and Hewson Tyler . With the
general business disposed of , and tin usual compliments from fche visitjrs , who were from Lodges 119 , 371 , 872 , 962 , 1267 , 1400 , 1660 , 1989 , aud 2217 , the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form , and the newly-installed Master ( Brother Cooper ) invited all to accompany him to the Globe Hotel , where an excellent banquet was
served , and reflected credit npon Brother and Mrs . Peacock , who are " aye ready . " A long t asfc list was gone through , the loyal and patriotic being given from the chair . The Provincial Chief of the Province waa proposed by the Past Grand Chaplain , and the Deputy
Provincial Grand Master by the Past Gr and Director of Ceremonies , and both were heartil y responded to . The Newly-installed Master was proposed by the installing Master , and responded to with musical honours . With other toasts , songs , and recitationa a " nicht" was spent worthy of 1002 .
ST . GEORGE'S LODGE . No . 1098
() N Thursday , the 12 th instant , the annnal meeting was held , when ¦ Bro . Charles C . Phillips was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , the Installing Officers were tbe retiring W . M ., Bros . Sbepard
and Bradley . The W . M . invested his Officers , as follow : —Bros . Captain Sbepard I . P . M ., FowlesS . W ., Jones J . W ., Widdowson Treasurer , Williams Secretary , David Organist , Richards S . D ., Phillips J . D ., Willontte D . C , North Superintendent of Works , Davies and Lewis Stewards , Don Levy Tyler and Barnard Assistant T y ler .
THE annual meeting of this Lodge was held on 12 fch instant , in the Masonic Hall , Bishop Auckland , when Bro . Crawford was installed W . M . ; Ostle I . P . M ., Lloyd S . W ., Edgar J . W ., Rev . G . P . Wilkinson Chapluin , Jennings Treasurer , Wardle Secretary , Barker S . D ., Banks J . D ., Brown Organist , C . E . Brown Dir . of Cers ., Flood I . 6 ., Edmindson Almoner , Craig and Tulley Stewards , Bowman Tyler . A banquet was afterwards held at tho Commercial Hotel .
DEVON LODGE . No . 1138
rliHE annual installs ion ceremony iu connection with this Lodge J- was held on Tuesday , 10-h inat ., at Newton Abbot , when Bro . R . H . Grirnbley was dul y installed W . M . in a most ablo manner by Bro . Vicary , assisted by a large Board of Past Masters . The W . M . invested the following Officers .- —Bros . Dobell S . W ., Lander J . W ., Langly Pope , D . D ., Chaplain , Martin Treasurer , Endacott
Secretary , Rendell S . D ., Reynolds J . D ., Cull D . C , Hearder Organist , Foss I . G ., Uarnbley S . S ., Harvey J . S ., Haywood Tyler . Bro . W . Vicary was re-elected the n-p'csontaiive on the Committee of Petit ons , and Bro . Stfcvens Almoner . The brethren afterwards partook of their annual banquet , tho W . M . presiding . The usual toasts were given .
THE ami'al install ition ceremony in connection with this Lodgo was duly performed at the Rutland Hotel , Ilkeston , on the 18 th inst ., when Bro . Wrn . Galsby was installed as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year in the place of Bro . H . F . Daykin , who has held that honourable position during the past year . In the evening the annual banqiet was held .
ELMS LODGE . No . 1212
AT a regular meeting of this Lodge , held at tho Masonic Hall , Home Park , Stoke , on the 18 th inst ., Bro EJward Cox S . W . waa installed as Worshipful Master for the year ensuing , the ceremony being most ably performed . The Board of Installed Mailers being closed , the Officers were invested , as follows : - Bros . Watts I . P . M ., Wir ?< rnn S . W ., Bassett J . W ., Whiddeu P . M . Trev ' . ^ er , B'rkle
S-creturv , Spear S . D ., Sweet J . D ., Bnrry I . G ., Fergri . tsou DC , Coaze Organist , Guud S . S ., Weare J . S ., Taylor A . S ., and Ra-dibrooke Ty ler . Bre . Cox wm npptinted as the representative on
Committee of Petitions , and Bro . Hooper as Charity Steward . On the propo-dtion of Bro . Hooper , seconded bv Bro . Fowler , the sum of ten guineas was voted to the funds of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . Three candidates were proposed for initiarion .
AT the regular meeting ot this Lilge , Bro . Charles William Ward w . is duly in-talle ! W . M . for the ensuing year . Tue WM . then invested the following brethren as Officers : —Bro . Oldroyd I . P . M ., Hobarfc S . W ., Coates J . W ., Taylor S . D ., Fawcett J . D ., Hemingway I . G ., Cantrill Secretary , Critchley D . C , ContesTreasurer , Ineson Tyler . The festival of St . John ' s was afterwards celebrated tbe banquet being provided by Bro . D . ar * , at the Scarborough Hotel , Bat ' ev .
ST . KEW LODGE , No . 1222
rMHIS Lodge held it * annnal festival on Tuesday , the 3 rd instant , JL when a large number of brethren , including no Idas than 21 P . M . ' s , assembled to witness the installation of Bro . G . H . Perrett the W . M
Installation Meetings, &C.
elect . The ceremony of installation was very impressively and ably performed by Bro . R . C Else . The W . M . then installed the followbrethren as his Officers for the ensuing year , viz : —Bros . Alferd I . P . M ., Farington S . W ., Nunn J . W ., Lewis Treasurer , Perrett Secretary , Wick-steed Chaplain , Perrett sen . S . D ., Sollick J . D ., Glass D . Cer ,,
Board I . G .. Lovell Organist , Cox Almoner , Cross and Butt Stewards . Feeling allusion was made to tho sudden death of the Rev . R . Duckworth , and a vote of sympathy with his family in their bereavement was adopted . Tbe balance sheet , submitted by Bro . Lewis , waa considered to be highly satifactory , showing as it did a balance in
hand of £ 37 6 s 10 . 1 . The business of the day being over the brethren adjourned to St . George ' s Hall , where a sumptuous banquet had been prepared in tho highest style by Mr . F . D . George . About 50 sat down , under the presidency of the nowly-installed W . M ., Bro .
Perrett , and the hall was exquisitely decorated . During fche banquet Bro . Else decided to bestow upon Bro . Sidney Lewis one of the four collars entrusted to him in connection with the Jubilee honours . This collar will give Bro . Lewis tho rank of P . P . G . S . W ., and for hia long and valued services to St . Kew Lodge the honour ia well merited .
ST . JOHN'S LODGE . No . 1247
ON Friday , the 12 th instant , Ibis Lodge held its annual meeting at the Huyshe Temple , Plymouth . Bro . W . H . Hablyn was installed . The W . M . invested tho following Officers : —Wyatt S . W ., Major Tracy J . W ., Lord Treasurer , Pcareo Secretary , Eyre S . D ., Nelson J . D ., Lieutenant Jamieson D . C , Benfield Assist . D . C ,
Parkhouse Organist , Mayne I . G ., Simmons , Gurnoy , Stanbury and Tucker Stewards , Phillips Tyler . A jewel was voted Bro . Pearce for hia valuable services as Secretary of tho Lodge . The banquet ; wab appointed to be held ou 11 th February , at Bro . Roatley ' s , Farley Hotel .
ANCHOR LODGE , No . 1337
* T HE members of thia Lodge celebrated their annual festival on Tuesday , 10 th instant . Bro . John Shepard Winn was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year . The installation ceremony waa conducted by Bro . Knowles . The newly . installed W . M . appointed and invested the following Officers : —Bros . Warrior I . P . M ., Russell
S . W ., Bell J . W ., Waisfcell Treasurer , Bobinson Secretary , Syree S . D ., Ward J . D ., Robinson D . C , Boddy Organist , Tweedy I . G , Russell and Alexander Stewards , Wilkinson Tyler . Bro . Sootheran presented the Lodge with nn antique nnd handsomel y carved oak chair , which was used when the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master of
the North and East Ridings held a Provincial Lodge at Northallerton . The chair , which bears the date of 1037 , would , ho hoped , be used for the W . M . to sit iu when ho conducted the business of tho Lodge . Bro . Winn , on behalf of the Officers and members of the Anchor
Lodge , accepted tho handsome " . 'iff , aud proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Bro . Sootheran , which was most heartily accorded . Numerous visitors wero present from neighbouring Lodges . Afterwards the annual banquet was held at tho Golden Lion Hotel .
ANNUAL Meeting of this Lodgo was held at tho Masonic Hall , Newport , on Thnrsd-iy evening , the 12 th inst . Thero was a large gathering , including representatives from the Provincial and District Lodges * . Colonel Lyno P . G . M ., and Captain Homfray D . P . G M . After tho routine business had been transacted , the W . M . Bro . Dix installed his successor , Bro . Cullum . As a token of
the manner in which Brother Dix hud performed tho duties of W . M ., he wns presented with a Past Master ' s jewel . Brother Dix returned thanks . The newly-elected Master then proceeded to invest his Officers : —Bros . Dix I . P . M ., Brooke S . W ., Allen J . W ., Saundera
Treasurer , Rev . D . Wilks Chaplain , Holiingdale Secretary , Richards D . C , Davies I . G , Graham Driver and Williams Stewards , Fietcher Tyler . After tho business of the Lodge had bsen concluded the brethren repaired to tho Westgate Hotel , where a banquet had baen laid by Bro . Dean ; nearly 100 mr . mbers sat down .
HPHE annual installation banquet of thij Lodgo wa * held en the - * - 11 th instant , at Bro . R * utly ' d Farley Hotel , Plymouth . Ora * seventy sat down to a splendid repast , which waa served up iu Bro . Routly ' s best style , under the direction of Bro . Wesfclake . The W . M ., Bro . II . Williams , preside : ) , and was numerously supported .
The usual loyal toasts having beeu honoured , the W . M . mentioned ttiat he had received letters of apology witb good wishes from Viscount Ebrington , Bros . Barrett , Bond , and others . In proposing the t < ast of the P . G . M . of Devon , D-puty P . G . M ., and the Prov . Graud Officers present ami past , the W . M . alluded to the excellent
manner in which the Province was carried on under the rule of the P . G . M ., and said the recent Masonic demonstra'ion at the laying of tho foundation . tone of the new Masouic Hall and Club would be a red letter day iu the history of th ** Masonio Fraternity in the Three Towns . Bro . D .-rry , in reply , expressed the belief that the new Masouic Hall and Club would be a trraat success . Bro . II . J .
Frethewy s ^ 'id that while he was pleased to receive the jubilee collar which tha P . G . M . presented him , ho valued still more highly the reception accorded him by tho brethren when he went up to receive tho collar-. As a Mason of twenty-six years ' standing , and who had been in harness almrst , from tho first , he could say without
fear of contradiction that the . ro had been a good deal of heartbnrniug at tbe way in which tho Prov . collars had been distributed in Devonshire fur many years ¦ so much so that of late the honour had beeu regared more as a sham than a reality . He laid no blame on the
P . G . M ., who bad a very difficult dnty to perform , bnt ho trusted ia future woro attention would bj paid iu giving collars to deservirg brethren , and tlrna make the collars more prized by the recioients aud appreciated by the brethren generally . The toast of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
SKIDDAW LODGE . No . 1002 .
rpHE tneinbsrs of this Lodge , met in great force , supported by JL many visitors , on Thursday , the Sth instant , at tho Freemasons ' Hall , Cockormouth , for the purpose of installing the W . M . and investing the Officers for the year . The Lodge was opened by Bro . J . Fidler W . M ., at four p . m ., when Brother George Dalrymple was invited to take the chair , and Brother F . A . C roper W . M . elect was
presented and duly installed Master of the Lodge for the ensuing year . He appointed the following brethren as his Officers , viz .: — Brothers Fidler I . P . M ., Smith S . W ., Burn J . W ., Mason Treasurer , Sbawyer Secretary , Atkinson S . D ., Taylor J . D ., Eufcwistle I . G ., Burns and Dr . Forsyth Stewards , and Hewson Tyler . With the
general business disposed of , and tin usual compliments from fche visitjrs , who were from Lodges 119 , 371 , 872 , 962 , 1267 , 1400 , 1660 , 1989 , aud 2217 , the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form , and the newly-installed Master ( Brother Cooper ) invited all to accompany him to the Globe Hotel , where an excellent banquet was
served , and reflected credit npon Brother and Mrs . Peacock , who are " aye ready . " A long t asfc list was gone through , the loyal and patriotic being given from the chair . The Provincial Chief of the Province waa proposed by the Past Grand Chaplain , and the Deputy
Provincial Grand Master by the Past Gr and Director of Ceremonies , and both were heartil y responded to . The Newly-installed Master was proposed by the installing Master , and responded to with musical honours . With other toasts , songs , and recitationa a " nicht" was spent worthy of 1002 .
ST . GEORGE'S LODGE . No . 1098
() N Thursday , the 12 th instant , the annnal meeting was held , when ¦ Bro . Charles C . Phillips was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , the Installing Officers were tbe retiring W . M ., Bros . Sbepard
and Bradley . The W . M . invested his Officers , as follow : —Bros . Captain Sbepard I . P . M ., FowlesS . W ., Jones J . W ., Widdowson Treasurer , Williams Secretary , David Organist , Richards S . D ., Phillips J . D ., Willontte D . C , North Superintendent of Works , Davies and Lewis Stewards , Don Levy Tyler and Barnard Assistant T y ler .
THE annual meeting of this Lodge was held on 12 fch instant , in the Masonic Hall , Bishop Auckland , when Bro . Crawford was installed W . M . ; Ostle I . P . M ., Lloyd S . W ., Edgar J . W ., Rev . G . P . Wilkinson Chapluin , Jennings Treasurer , Wardle Secretary , Barker S . D ., Banks J . D ., Brown Organist , C . E . Brown Dir . of Cers ., Flood I . 6 ., Edmindson Almoner , Craig and Tulley Stewards , Bowman Tyler . A banquet was afterwards held at tho Commercial Hotel .
DEVON LODGE . No . 1138
rliHE annual installs ion ceremony iu connection with this Lodge J- was held on Tuesday , 10-h inat ., at Newton Abbot , when Bro . R . H . Grirnbley was dul y installed W . M . in a most ablo manner by Bro . Vicary , assisted by a large Board of Past Masters . The W . M . invested the following Officers .- —Bros . Dobell S . W ., Lander J . W ., Langly Pope , D . D ., Chaplain , Martin Treasurer , Endacott
Secretary , Rendell S . D ., Reynolds J . D ., Cull D . C , Hearder Organist , Foss I . G ., Uarnbley S . S ., Harvey J . S ., Haywood Tyler . Bro . W . Vicary was re-elected the n-p'csontaiive on the Committee of Petit ons , and Bro . Stfcvens Almoner . The brethren afterwards partook of their annual banquet , tho W . M . presiding . The usual toasts were given .
THE ami'al install ition ceremony in connection with this Lodgo was duly performed at the Rutland Hotel , Ilkeston , on the 18 th inst ., when Bro . Wrn . Galsby was installed as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year in the place of Bro . H . F . Daykin , who has held that honourable position during the past year . In the evening the annual banqiet was held .
ELMS LODGE . No . 1212
AT a regular meeting of this Lodge , held at tho Masonic Hall , Home Park , Stoke , on the 18 th inst ., Bro EJward Cox S . W . waa installed as Worshipful Master for the year ensuing , the ceremony being most ably performed . The Board of Installed Mailers being closed , the Officers were invested , as follows : - Bros . Watts I . P . M ., Wir ?< rnn S . W ., Bassett J . W ., Whiddeu P . M . Trev ' . ^ er , B'rkle
S-creturv , Spear S . D ., Sweet J . D ., Bnrry I . G ., Fergri . tsou DC , Coaze Organist , Guud S . S ., Weare J . S ., Taylor A . S ., and Ra-dibrooke Ty ler . Bre . Cox wm npptinted as the representative on
Committee of Petitions , and Bro . Hooper as Charity Steward . On the propo-dtion of Bro . Hooper , seconded bv Bro . Fowler , the sum of ten guineas was voted to the funds of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . Three candidates were proposed for initiarion .
AT the regular meeting ot this Lilge , Bro . Charles William Ward w . is duly in-talle ! W . M . for the ensuing year . Tue WM . then invested the following brethren as Officers : —Bro . Oldroyd I . P . M ., Hobarfc S . W ., Coates J . W ., Taylor S . D ., Fawcett J . D ., Hemingway I . G ., Cantrill Secretary , Critchley D . C , ContesTreasurer , Ineson Tyler . The festival of St . John ' s was afterwards celebrated tbe banquet being provided by Bro . D . ar * , at the Scarborough Hotel , Bat ' ev .
ST . KEW LODGE , No . 1222
rMHIS Lodge held it * annnal festival on Tuesday , the 3 rd instant , JL when a large number of brethren , including no Idas than 21 P . M . ' s , assembled to witness the installation of Bro . G . H . Perrett the W . M
Installation Meetings, &C.
elect . The ceremony of installation was very impressively and ably performed by Bro . R . C Else . The W . M . then installed the followbrethren as his Officers for the ensuing year , viz : —Bros . Alferd I . P . M ., Farington S . W ., Nunn J . W ., Lewis Treasurer , Perrett Secretary , Wick-steed Chaplain , Perrett sen . S . D ., Sollick J . D ., Glass D . Cer ,,
Board I . G .. Lovell Organist , Cox Almoner , Cross and Butt Stewards . Feeling allusion was made to tho sudden death of the Rev . R . Duckworth , and a vote of sympathy with his family in their bereavement was adopted . Tbe balance sheet , submitted by Bro . Lewis , waa considered to be highly satifactory , showing as it did a balance in
hand of £ 37 6 s 10 . 1 . The business of the day being over the brethren adjourned to St . George ' s Hall , where a sumptuous banquet had been prepared in tho highest style by Mr . F . D . George . About 50 sat down , under the presidency of the nowly-installed W . M ., Bro .
Perrett , and the hall was exquisitely decorated . During fche banquet Bro . Else decided to bestow upon Bro . Sidney Lewis one of the four collars entrusted to him in connection with the Jubilee honours . This collar will give Bro . Lewis tho rank of P . P . G . S . W ., and for hia long and valued services to St . Kew Lodge the honour ia well merited .
ST . JOHN'S LODGE . No . 1247
ON Friday , the 12 th instant , Ibis Lodge held its annual meeting at the Huyshe Temple , Plymouth . Bro . W . H . Hablyn was installed . The W . M . invested tho following Officers : —Wyatt S . W ., Major Tracy J . W ., Lord Treasurer , Pcareo Secretary , Eyre S . D ., Nelson J . D ., Lieutenant Jamieson D . C , Benfield Assist . D . C ,
Parkhouse Organist , Mayne I . G ., Simmons , Gurnoy , Stanbury and Tucker Stewards , Phillips Tyler . A jewel was voted Bro . Pearce for hia valuable services as Secretary of tho Lodge . The banquet ; wab appointed to be held ou 11 th February , at Bro . Roatley ' s , Farley Hotel .
ANCHOR LODGE , No . 1337
* T HE members of thia Lodge celebrated their annual festival on Tuesday , 10 th instant . Bro . John Shepard Winn was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year . The installation ceremony waa conducted by Bro . Knowles . The newly . installed W . M . appointed and invested the following Officers : —Bros . Warrior I . P . M ., Russell
S . W ., Bell J . W ., Waisfcell Treasurer , Bobinson Secretary , Syree S . D ., Ward J . D ., Robinson D . C , Boddy Organist , Tweedy I . G , Russell and Alexander Stewards , Wilkinson Tyler . Bro . Sootheran presented the Lodge with nn antique nnd handsomel y carved oak chair , which was used when the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master of
the North and East Ridings held a Provincial Lodge at Northallerton . The chair , which bears the date of 1037 , would , ho hoped , be used for the W . M . to sit iu when ho conducted the business of tho Lodge . Bro . Winn , on behalf of the Officers and members of the Anchor
Lodge , accepted tho handsome " . 'iff , aud proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Bro . Sootheran , which was most heartily accorded . Numerous visitors wero present from neighbouring Lodges . Afterwards the annual banquet was held at tho Golden Lion Hotel .
ANNUAL Meeting of this Lodgo was held at tho Masonic Hall , Newport , on Thnrsd-iy evening , the 12 th inst . Thero was a large gathering , including representatives from the Provincial and District Lodges * . Colonel Lyno P . G . M ., and Captain Homfray D . P . G M . After tho routine business had been transacted , the W . M . Bro . Dix installed his successor , Bro . Cullum . As a token of
the manner in which Brother Dix hud performed tho duties of W . M ., he wns presented with a Past Master ' s jewel . Brother Dix returned thanks . The newly-elected Master then proceeded to invest his Officers : —Bros . Dix I . P . M ., Brooke S . W ., Allen J . W ., Saundera
Treasurer , Rev . D . Wilks Chaplain , Holiingdale Secretary , Richards D . C , Davies I . G , Graham Driver and Williams Stewards , Fietcher Tyler . After tho business of the Lodge had bsen concluded the brethren repaired to tho Westgate Hotel , where a banquet had baen laid by Bro . Dean ; nearly 100 mr . mbers sat down .
HPHE annual installation banquet of thij Lodgo wa * held en the - * - 11 th instant , at Bro . R * utly ' d Farley Hotel , Plymouth . Ora * seventy sat down to a splendid repast , which waa served up iu Bro . Routly ' s best style , under the direction of Bro . Wesfclake . The W . M ., Bro . II . Williams , preside : ) , and was numerously supported .
The usual loyal toasts having beeu honoured , the W . M . mentioned ttiat he had received letters of apology witb good wishes from Viscount Ebrington , Bros . Barrett , Bond , and others . In proposing the t < ast of the P . G . M . of Devon , D-puty P . G . M ., and the Prov . Graud Officers present ami past , the W . M . alluded to the excellent
manner in which the Province was carried on under the rule of the P . G . M ., and said the recent Masonic demonstra'ion at the laying of tho foundation . tone of the new Masouic Hall and Club would be a red letter day iu the history of th ** Masonio Fraternity in the Three Towns . Bro . D .-rry , in reply , expressed the belief that the new Masouic Hall and Club would be a trraat success . Bro . II . J .
Frethewy s ^ 'id that while he was pleased to receive the jubilee collar which tha P . G . M . presented him , ho valued still more highly the reception accorded him by tho brethren when he went up to receive tho collar-. As a Mason of twenty-six years ' standing , and who had been in harness almrst , from tho first , he could say without
fear of contradiction that the . ro had been a good deal of heartbnrniug at tbe way in which tho Prov . collars had been distributed in Devonshire fur many years ¦ so much so that of late the honour had beeu regared more as a sham than a reality . He laid no blame on the
P . G . M ., who bad a very difficult dnty to perform , bnt ho trusted ia future woro attention would bj paid iu giving collars to deservirg brethren , and tlrna make the collars more prized by the recioients aud appreciated by the brethren generally . The toast of