Article ST. JOHN'S LODGE, No. 221, BOLTON. Page 1 of 2 Article ST. JOHN'S LODGE, No. 221, BOLTON. Page 1 of 2 →
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St. John's Lodge, No. 221, Bolton.
ST . JOHN'S LODGE , No . 221 , BOLTON .
THE Installation Meeting of this Lodgo waa held on Wednesday , the 2 lat January , at the Commercial Hotel , Bolton , when thero •were present—Bros . Thomas Whitaker W . M ., James Eiohardson I P . M ., Henry Stead S . W ., John L . Aldred J . W ., G . P . Brockbank p . Prov . S . G . D . Treasurer , J . Boothroyd J . D ., J . W . Taylor P . Prov . G . Org . M . C ., Peter Staton Organist , Edwin Melrose Steward , James
Smith I . G ., T . Hyson Tyler , P . M . ' s J . M . Eutter , T . Morris , Thomas Entwislo P . Prov . G . S . W . ; and Bros . J . W . Eoiley , Joseph Seel , John Isherwood , W . Broughton . H . Hammond , J . S . Sugden , E . Halliwell , A . Cosgrave , P . Bradbourn , W . Court , Charles Stanley . Visitors —Edward Barber W . M . 113 , Preston , W . W . Cottam P . M ., Preston , J . W . DoveryW . M . 146 , Bolton , Eichard Duxbury S . D . 146 , Bolton ,
Nath . Nicholson W . M . 1723 , St . George , Bolton , James Heywood J . W . St . Georgo 1723 , John Priestley St . George 1723 . Tho Lodge was opened at four o'clock , and the minutes of the meeting held on 17 th December 1879 were read and confirmed . Forthwith a Board of Installed Masters was constituted , under the presidency of Bro . Nathaniel Nicholson W . M . St . George ' s Lodgo 1723 , and the W . M .
elect , Bro . Henry Stead , was duly presented by Bro . Brockbank , and in duo form installed , proclaimed and saluted , according to ancient usage . The following brethren were appointed to the oQifles named , and invested with the collar and jewel of office : —Bros . J . L . Aldred S . W ., J . Boothroyd J . W ., G . B . Brockbank ( re-electod ) Treasurer ,
Thos . Mitchell Secretary , Jas . Smith S . D ., E . Melroso J . D ., J . W . Taylor M . C ., P . Staton Organiat , Joseph Seel I . G ., John Isherwood and J . W . Eoiley Stewards . Bro . Entwislo presented the report of the auditors on tho state of the Lodge funds , which was accepted as very satisfactory . Hearty congratulations were givon from tho visiting brethren , and Lodge closed at six o ' clock .
On Wednesday , 18 th February , at tho Commercial Hotol , Bolton . Present—Bros . Henry Stead W . M ., John L . Aldred S . W ., Jabez Boothroyd J . W ., G . P . Brockbank P . Prov . S . G . D . Treas ., John Isherwood Steward as S . D ., Edwin Melrose J . D ., Joseph Seel I . G ., J . W . Eoiley Steward , T . Higson Tyler ; P . M . 's Bros . J . M . Eutter ,
Cosgrave , & c . Lodge opened at six p . m . After confirmation of minutes of preceding meeting , Bro . Charles Crompton passed exatni . nation as an E . A ., and was passed to second degree by the W . M ., the working tools being explained by the Senior Warden . Lodge closed at 7 . 30 , and the brethren proceeded to refreshment .
Strong Man Lodge , No . 45 . —A meeting was held on Thursday , 5 th Peb ., at Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons' Avenue , Basinghall Street , City . Present : —Bros . Geo . G . Symons W . M ., S . B . Halle S . W ., C . Cordingley J . W ., H . Pollett Treas , A . A . Wing Sec , C . H . Homo S . D ., H . J . Dean J . D ., W . Ball D . C ., J . Smith Steward , W . A . S . Humphries'I . G ., E . Steed Tyler . Past Masters Bros . F . Driver ,
G . H . T . Dyer , J . Vass . Visitors—Bros . Lombardi , n . A . Watson 1707 , T . Vino 511 , W . W . Cooper Crediton 1641 , Pelikan 1602 , Harvey 100 , and Thos . F . Lee 862 . Business : —This being the 147 th Anniversary , a goodly array of the brethren were present . At 5 p . m . the Lodge was opened in due form , according to ancient custom ; the minutes of last Lodge wero read and confirmed , and Messrs Luck
and Thomas were initiated . The Lodgo was opened in tho 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , and Bro . Allen was raised . Lodge was resumed in the 1 st degree ; two gentlemen wero proposed and seconded , to bo initiated at the next Lodgo meeting . Tho Secretary announced the sudden death of Bro . William Sims Stewart , a worthy and respected member of this Lodge , who was at his nsual place of business on the previous
Monday , and expired on Wednesday , the 4 th inst ., leaving a widow and four children to deploro his loss , it was unanimously resolved that the Secretary should forward a letter of condolence to his bereaved wife , expressing the sympathy of the brethren . Other business was transacted , and the Lodge waa closed in duo form and adjourned till the first Thursday in March . Tho brethren then sat down to an excellent banquet prepared by tho worthy host .
Lodge of Prudent Brethren , No , 145 . —The first regular meeting since tho installation waa held on Tuesday , 24 th February , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , Bros . W . E . Lister W . M ., Dr . Wilkinson S . W ., Wood J . W ., T . Bull P . M . Treas ., E . H . Thiellay P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex Sec , Kerrell J . D . I . G ., J . EeidD . C , Hall A . D . C ., J . H . Leggott I . P . M . Bros . Detraz , Lambe , Walter , Newson , & o
Visitors : —Bros . Lloyd 1287 and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Names of several candidates were on agenda paper , but they were unavoidably absent . The resignation of a brother was accepted , with regret . Bro . T . Bull P . M . and Treaa . proposed , and Bro . Haslitt P . M .. seconded , that in consideration of tho I . P . M . Bro . J . H . Leggott , having rendered so many valuable services to the Lodge , and also
m recognition of the largo amounts he bad collected in aid of the Masonic Charities , that he be presented with a Past Master ' s square , with a suitable inscription engraved thereon ; this was carried unanimously . Bro . J . H . Leggott , in feeling terms , thanked the brethren for their appreciation of hia services , which ho said were always at their command . He felt it a great pride and pleasure to work for the noble Institutions connected with tho Order . He had
already collected over £ 900 , he would now rest awhile , but hoped before ho had finished to mako np £ 1000 . Bro . W . E . Lister tho W . M ., having announced that he was a Steward for tho next Anniversary Festival for the Boys' School , it was hoped the brethren would liberally subscriba to his list to enable him in some measnro to try and emulate his predecessor . The Lodgo was then closed and the brethren separated , thero being no banquet .
Lodge Of Joppa , No . 188 . —Tho regular meeting was held on Monday , tho 2 nd inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , City . Bros . H . Hymana W . M ., W . Baker S . W ., M . Alexander P . M . as •J . W ., J . S , Lyoa Treas ., E , P . Albert P . G . P . Sec , BlwkaJ . D .,
St. John's Lodge, No. 221, Bolton.
N . Baum I . G , ; P . M . ' s S . Hickman , A . Dodson , J . Abrahams and L . Lazarus . Tho Lodge was opened and tho minute 3 confirmed . Messrs . L . Wall and G . B . Howard wero balloted for and duly initiated into tho Order by tho W . M . A letter of condolence was sent to Bro . L . Alexander P . M . on hia recent bereavement . This being an " off night , " the brethren sat down to light refreshments ; the W . M . ably
presided and gave the usual Loyal and Masonio Toasts . Bro . E . P . Albert I ' . G . P . returned thanka for the Grand Officers . Tho toasts of tho W . M ., P . M . ' s , Wardens , Visitors and others were given and responded to , and tho brethren after passing an agreeable evening separated . Tho Visitors wero Bro . J . Lewi 3 1261 , Albert Hall 427 , Jennings , C . Daniel P . M . 65 , and W . H . Bailey 65 , 1201 and 1779 .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —Afc Bro . Soaton ' s , the Eailway Tavorn , Fenchurch-streefc Station , on Wednesday , 24 th inst . Bro . James Smith occupied the chair ; Bro 3 . John E . Fells S . W ., W . Saint J . W ., Walker D ., W . J . Ramsay I . G ., J . Bonner , Ellis , & o . Tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Pitt candidate . The chair was vacated in favonr of
Bro . Thos . B . Biddle , who opened tho Lodgo in tho second degree , aud after instructing Brothor Smith , opened in tho third and raised Bro . Smith . A vote of thanks wero recorded to Bro . Smith for his first efforts as W . M . in this Lodgo . Bro . S . W . Fella was duly elected W . M . for noxt Wednesday . All labour ended , the Lodge was closed in duo form and with solomn prayer .
Hanelagh Lodge , No . 835 . —This flourishing Lodge , established 20 years at tho Bell and Anchor , at Hammersmith , has now so increased in numbers that it was unanimously resolved , at a former meeting , that it should bo removed to tho Criterion . Excellent accommodation having been given by Bros . Spiers and Pond , tho first meeting was held thero on Tuesday , the 3 rd Februaey , under tha
presidency of the \ V . M . Bros . Watson Shaw S . W ., Warner J . W ., Lines P . M . Treas ., W . Alais P . M . Sec , G . Festa as S . D ., Helmingford J . D ., Webb I . G ., P . M . 's Bryett , Butt ; Visitors—Bros . B . Swallow P . P . G . D . Middlesex , Barfield P . M . 35 and 511 , Scott P . M . 749 , Dairey P . M . 141 , Docker S . W . 1687 , Stonor P . M . 180 , Farwig P . M . 180 , and Maxted 180 . Lodge waa opened and tho minntes wero confirmed .
Bro . Archer Smith was passed to tho second degroe . The election for W . M . then took place , and Bro . Shaw S . W . was unanimously elected . Bro . Lines P . M . was re-olected Treas ., Church Tyler . Bros . Blake , Lucas , Hicks and Purdue , were elected Auditors . A proposition was handed in for initiation and one for joining . Tho nsual P . M . ' s
jewel was unanimously voted to Bro . Watson W . M . on his retiring from tho chair , for the ablo and efficient manner ho had discharged his duties during his year of office . Lodge was then closed in peace and harmony . There was no banquet , but a very excellent supper was provided by Bros . Spiers and Pond , tho brethren on this occasion being tho guests of Bro . G . Festa .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Hold at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on 24 th February . Bro . Coll W . M ., Davis S . W ., Dickinson J . W ., Wallington Preceptor , J . Lorkin Sec , Clark I . G ., Smyth Treasurer ; also Bros . Dallas , Fraser , E . Williams , Marsh , Baker , Clark , Allen , Finch , Fenner , C . Lorkin , Polak , Lardner , Brasted , Carr and Byng . Visitors—T . S .
Clarke 429 , E . Forgo 619 , Hardrodfc 1679 , W . Goodyoar 1708 , 0 . Plowman 1708 , J . Negaw 1298 . The Fifteen Sections wero worked by tho brethren of tho Eoyal Standard Lodge of Instruction . First Lecture—Bros . Sidney Boaz , Rowley , Hunter , Davis , W . S . Lee , Cull and Davis . Second Lecture—Bros . W . Williams , Dickinson , Lardner , Byng , Lardner . Third Lecture—Bros . F . Brasted , J . Wright ,
T . Gardner . Bro . E . A . Beckett 1364 and Bro . John G . Hopkins 1100 were elected members . A cordial vote of thanks , also honorary membership , wa 3 ordered to bo recorded on the minutes , to Bro . Cull for tho very ablo manner in which ho had carried out tho duties of tha chair . There was also a cordial vote of thanks to tho brethren who had assisted in working the Fifteen Sectiong . Bro , Christian was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —At the King and Queen , Norton Folgato , 19 th February . Bros . Hino W . M ., Lane S . W ., Wilson J . W ., Thorpe S . D ., Fenner Preceptor , Wallbrechfc Sec ; also Bros . Legg and Bronkhurst . Tho Lodge wa 3 opened in the second degree . Bro . Fenner as candidate answered tho usual questions . The Lodge was opened in tho second degree , and tho ceremony
of raising waa rehearsed . Tho third section of tho lecture waa worked by Bro . Fenuer , assisted by the brethren . Tho Lodgo waa resumed to the firat degree , and the same brother worked the first and fourth sections of that lectnre , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Lane was appointed to preside at next meeting . Tho Lodge was closed and adjourned .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —Held at Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arm 3 , Canning Town , on 25 th February . P . M . Cundick W . M ., P . M . Myers S . W ., Smith S . D . 860 J . W . The Lodgo waa opened in due form with prayer , and tho minutes read ; afterwards the following brethren assisted in working the sections . First Spencer , second Watkins , third Rawe , fourth West , fifth Andrews , sixth
Pavitt , seventh Cundick , eighth Watkins , ninth Johnson . The Lodge was resumed to the first degreo , when Bro . P . M . Myer 3 was again unanimously elected to fill the chair on Tuesday next . This little Lodge room was filled on this occasion—a fact wo are not surprised at , as any ono who wishes to get on in Masonry cannot do better than attend and receive instruction afc tho hands of its members .
Bro . R . Johnson , tho efficient and courteous M . C ., announces hia 23 rd annual ball at tho Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on Wednesday , 3 rd March , where a numerous attendance of the brethren aud private friends are expected to assemble . 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
St. John's Lodge, No. 221, Bolton.
ST . JOHN'S LODGE , No . 221 , BOLTON .
THE Installation Meeting of this Lodgo waa held on Wednesday , the 2 lat January , at the Commercial Hotel , Bolton , when thero •were present—Bros . Thomas Whitaker W . M ., James Eiohardson I P . M ., Henry Stead S . W ., John L . Aldred J . W ., G . P . Brockbank p . Prov . S . G . D . Treasurer , J . Boothroyd J . D ., J . W . Taylor P . Prov . G . Org . M . C ., Peter Staton Organist , Edwin Melrose Steward , James
Smith I . G ., T . Hyson Tyler , P . M . ' s J . M . Eutter , T . Morris , Thomas Entwislo P . Prov . G . S . W . ; and Bros . J . W . Eoiley , Joseph Seel , John Isherwood , W . Broughton . H . Hammond , J . S . Sugden , E . Halliwell , A . Cosgrave , P . Bradbourn , W . Court , Charles Stanley . Visitors —Edward Barber W . M . 113 , Preston , W . W . Cottam P . M ., Preston , J . W . DoveryW . M . 146 , Bolton , Eichard Duxbury S . D . 146 , Bolton ,
Nath . Nicholson W . M . 1723 , St . George , Bolton , James Heywood J . W . St . Georgo 1723 , John Priestley St . George 1723 . Tho Lodge was opened at four o'clock , and the minutes of the meeting held on 17 th December 1879 were read and confirmed . Forthwith a Board of Installed Masters was constituted , under the presidency of Bro . Nathaniel Nicholson W . M . St . George ' s Lodgo 1723 , and the W . M .
elect , Bro . Henry Stead , was duly presented by Bro . Brockbank , and in duo form installed , proclaimed and saluted , according to ancient usage . The following brethren were appointed to the oQifles named , and invested with the collar and jewel of office : —Bros . J . L . Aldred S . W ., J . Boothroyd J . W ., G . B . Brockbank ( re-electod ) Treasurer ,
Thos . Mitchell Secretary , Jas . Smith S . D ., E . Melroso J . D ., J . W . Taylor M . C ., P . Staton Organiat , Joseph Seel I . G ., John Isherwood and J . W . Eoiley Stewards . Bro . Entwislo presented the report of the auditors on tho state of the Lodge funds , which was accepted as very satisfactory . Hearty congratulations were givon from tho visiting brethren , and Lodge closed at six o ' clock .
On Wednesday , 18 th February , at tho Commercial Hotol , Bolton . Present—Bros . Henry Stead W . M ., John L . Aldred S . W ., Jabez Boothroyd J . W ., G . P . Brockbank P . Prov . S . G . D . Treas ., John Isherwood Steward as S . D ., Edwin Melrose J . D ., Joseph Seel I . G ., J . W . Eoiley Steward , T . Higson Tyler ; P . M . 's Bros . J . M . Eutter ,
Cosgrave , & c . Lodge opened at six p . m . After confirmation of minutes of preceding meeting , Bro . Charles Crompton passed exatni . nation as an E . A ., and was passed to second degree by the W . M ., the working tools being explained by the Senior Warden . Lodge closed at 7 . 30 , and the brethren proceeded to refreshment .
Strong Man Lodge , No . 45 . —A meeting was held on Thursday , 5 th Peb ., at Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons' Avenue , Basinghall Street , City . Present : —Bros . Geo . G . Symons W . M ., S . B . Halle S . W ., C . Cordingley J . W ., H . Pollett Treas , A . A . Wing Sec , C . H . Homo S . D ., H . J . Dean J . D ., W . Ball D . C ., J . Smith Steward , W . A . S . Humphries'I . G ., E . Steed Tyler . Past Masters Bros . F . Driver ,
G . H . T . Dyer , J . Vass . Visitors—Bros . Lombardi , n . A . Watson 1707 , T . Vino 511 , W . W . Cooper Crediton 1641 , Pelikan 1602 , Harvey 100 , and Thos . F . Lee 862 . Business : —This being the 147 th Anniversary , a goodly array of the brethren were present . At 5 p . m . the Lodge was opened in due form , according to ancient custom ; the minutes of last Lodge wero read and confirmed , and Messrs Luck
and Thomas were initiated . The Lodgo was opened in tho 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , and Bro . Allen was raised . Lodge was resumed in the 1 st degree ; two gentlemen wero proposed and seconded , to bo initiated at the next Lodgo meeting . Tho Secretary announced the sudden death of Bro . William Sims Stewart , a worthy and respected member of this Lodge , who was at his nsual place of business on the previous
Monday , and expired on Wednesday , the 4 th inst ., leaving a widow and four children to deploro his loss , it was unanimously resolved that the Secretary should forward a letter of condolence to his bereaved wife , expressing the sympathy of the brethren . Other business was transacted , and the Lodge waa closed in duo form and adjourned till the first Thursday in March . Tho brethren then sat down to an excellent banquet prepared by tho worthy host .
Lodge of Prudent Brethren , No , 145 . —The first regular meeting since tho installation waa held on Tuesday , 24 th February , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , Bros . W . E . Lister W . M ., Dr . Wilkinson S . W ., Wood J . W ., T . Bull P . M . Treas ., E . H . Thiellay P . P . G . S . B . Middlesex Sec , Kerrell J . D . I . G ., J . EeidD . C , Hall A . D . C ., J . H . Leggott I . P . M . Bros . Detraz , Lambe , Walter , Newson , & o
Visitors : —Bros . Lloyd 1287 and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Names of several candidates were on agenda paper , but they were unavoidably absent . The resignation of a brother was accepted , with regret . Bro . T . Bull P . M . and Treaa . proposed , and Bro . Haslitt P . M .. seconded , that in consideration of tho I . P . M . Bro . J . H . Leggott , having rendered so many valuable services to the Lodge , and also
m recognition of the largo amounts he bad collected in aid of the Masonic Charities , that he be presented with a Past Master ' s square , with a suitable inscription engraved thereon ; this was carried unanimously . Bro . J . H . Leggott , in feeling terms , thanked the brethren for their appreciation of hia services , which ho said were always at their command . He felt it a great pride and pleasure to work for the noble Institutions connected with tho Order . He had
already collected over £ 900 , he would now rest awhile , but hoped before ho had finished to mako np £ 1000 . Bro . W . E . Lister tho W . M ., having announced that he was a Steward for tho next Anniversary Festival for the Boys' School , it was hoped the brethren would liberally subscriba to his list to enable him in some measnro to try and emulate his predecessor . The Lodgo was then closed and the brethren separated , thero being no banquet .
Lodge Of Joppa , No . 188 . —Tho regular meeting was held on Monday , tho 2 nd inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , City . Bros . H . Hymana W . M ., W . Baker S . W ., M . Alexander P . M . as •J . W ., J . S , Lyoa Treas ., E , P . Albert P . G . P . Sec , BlwkaJ . D .,
St. John's Lodge, No. 221, Bolton.
N . Baum I . G , ; P . M . ' s S . Hickman , A . Dodson , J . Abrahams and L . Lazarus . Tho Lodge was opened and tho minute 3 confirmed . Messrs . L . Wall and G . B . Howard wero balloted for and duly initiated into tho Order by tho W . M . A letter of condolence was sent to Bro . L . Alexander P . M . on hia recent bereavement . This being an " off night , " the brethren sat down to light refreshments ; the W . M . ably
presided and gave the usual Loyal and Masonio Toasts . Bro . E . P . Albert I ' . G . P . returned thanka for the Grand Officers . Tho toasts of tho W . M ., P . M . ' s , Wardens , Visitors and others were given and responded to , and tho brethren after passing an agreeable evening separated . Tho Visitors wero Bro . J . Lewi 3 1261 , Albert Hall 427 , Jennings , C . Daniel P . M . 65 , and W . H . Bailey 65 , 1201 and 1779 .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —Afc Bro . Soaton ' s , the Eailway Tavorn , Fenchurch-streefc Station , on Wednesday , 24 th inst . Bro . James Smith occupied the chair ; Bro 3 . John E . Fells S . W ., W . Saint J . W ., Walker D ., W . J . Ramsay I . G ., J . Bonner , Ellis , & o . Tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Pitt candidate . The chair was vacated in favonr of
Bro . Thos . B . Biddle , who opened tho Lodgo in tho second degree , aud after instructing Brothor Smith , opened in tho third and raised Bro . Smith . A vote of thanks wero recorded to Bro . Smith for his first efforts as W . M . in this Lodgo . Bro . S . W . Fella was duly elected W . M . for noxt Wednesday . All labour ended , the Lodge was closed in duo form and with solomn prayer .
Hanelagh Lodge , No . 835 . —This flourishing Lodge , established 20 years at tho Bell and Anchor , at Hammersmith , has now so increased in numbers that it was unanimously resolved , at a former meeting , that it should bo removed to tho Criterion . Excellent accommodation having been given by Bros . Spiers and Pond , tho first meeting was held thero on Tuesday , the 3 rd Februaey , under tha
presidency of the \ V . M . Bros . Watson Shaw S . W ., Warner J . W ., Lines P . M . Treas ., W . Alais P . M . Sec , G . Festa as S . D ., Helmingford J . D ., Webb I . G ., P . M . 's Bryett , Butt ; Visitors—Bros . B . Swallow P . P . G . D . Middlesex , Barfield P . M . 35 and 511 , Scott P . M . 749 , Dairey P . M . 141 , Docker S . W . 1687 , Stonor P . M . 180 , Farwig P . M . 180 , and Maxted 180 . Lodge waa opened and tho minntes wero confirmed .
Bro . Archer Smith was passed to tho second degroe . The election for W . M . then took place , and Bro . Shaw S . W . was unanimously elected . Bro . Lines P . M . was re-olected Treas ., Church Tyler . Bros . Blake , Lucas , Hicks and Purdue , were elected Auditors . A proposition was handed in for initiation and one for joining . Tho nsual P . M . ' s
jewel was unanimously voted to Bro . Watson W . M . on his retiring from tho chair , for the ablo and efficient manner ho had discharged his duties during his year of office . Lodge was then closed in peace and harmony . There was no banquet , but a very excellent supper was provided by Bros . Spiers and Pond , tho brethren on this occasion being tho guests of Bro . G . Festa .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Hold at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on 24 th February . Bro . Coll W . M ., Davis S . W ., Dickinson J . W ., Wallington Preceptor , J . Lorkin Sec , Clark I . G ., Smyth Treasurer ; also Bros . Dallas , Fraser , E . Williams , Marsh , Baker , Clark , Allen , Finch , Fenner , C . Lorkin , Polak , Lardner , Brasted , Carr and Byng . Visitors—T . S .
Clarke 429 , E . Forgo 619 , Hardrodfc 1679 , W . Goodyoar 1708 , 0 . Plowman 1708 , J . Negaw 1298 . The Fifteen Sections wero worked by tho brethren of tho Eoyal Standard Lodge of Instruction . First Lecture—Bros . Sidney Boaz , Rowley , Hunter , Davis , W . S . Lee , Cull and Davis . Second Lecture—Bros . W . Williams , Dickinson , Lardner , Byng , Lardner . Third Lecture—Bros . F . Brasted , J . Wright ,
T . Gardner . Bro . E . A . Beckett 1364 and Bro . John G . Hopkins 1100 were elected members . A cordial vote of thanks , also honorary membership , wa 3 ordered to bo recorded on the minutes , to Bro . Cull for tho very ablo manner in which ho had carried out tho duties of tha chair . There was also a cordial vote of thanks to tho brethren who had assisted in working the Fifteen Sectiong . Bro , Christian was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —At the King and Queen , Norton Folgato , 19 th February . Bros . Hino W . M ., Lane S . W ., Wilson J . W ., Thorpe S . D ., Fenner Preceptor , Wallbrechfc Sec ; also Bros . Legg and Bronkhurst . Tho Lodge wa 3 opened in the second degree . Bro . Fenner as candidate answered tho usual questions . The Lodge was opened in tho second degree , and tho ceremony
of raising waa rehearsed . Tho third section of tho lecture waa worked by Bro . Fenuer , assisted by the brethren . Tho Lodgo waa resumed to the firat degree , and the same brother worked the first and fourth sections of that lectnre , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Lane was appointed to preside at next meeting . Tho Lodge was closed and adjourned .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —Held at Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arm 3 , Canning Town , on 25 th February . P . M . Cundick W . M ., P . M . Myers S . W ., Smith S . D . 860 J . W . The Lodgo waa opened in due form with prayer , and tho minutes read ; afterwards the following brethren assisted in working the sections . First Spencer , second Watkins , third Rawe , fourth West , fifth Andrews , sixth
Pavitt , seventh Cundick , eighth Watkins , ninth Johnson . The Lodge was resumed to the first degreo , when Bro . P . M . Myer 3 was again unanimously elected to fill the chair on Tuesday next . This little Lodge room was filled on this occasion—a fact wo are not surprised at , as any ono who wishes to get on in Masonry cannot do better than attend and receive instruction afc tho hands of its members .
Bro . R . Johnson , tho efficient and courteous M . C ., announces hia 23 rd annual ball at tho Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on Wednesday , 3 rd March , where a numerous attendance of the brethren aud private friends are expected to assemble . 1